DUJWJNÂILIN VJ.LJ..,L, UNJ.A±UU THURSDAY, JANUAR? ONTA195 BRING YOUR S~~à MESSAGE BEFORE I~~ff~ AEMNMM 12,000 READERS I UCOT5cPRA BIBTHS Articles For k McINTYRE-Mr. and Mrs. Raiph SOFT wood slabs, pri McIntyre are happy to announce full cord, 1 ft. lengths, the arrivai of Jane Elizabeth at Phone 3132 or 3548. Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville, January 26th, 1952. 5-1* LLOYD baby carniage, condition, color wine,i WRIGHT - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Phone 418. Wright wish to announce the ICE refrigerator, 611½ birth of their son at Memorial 100 lbs. ice capacity, Hospital, Bowmanville, on Satur- $50. Phone 3396. day, January 26th, 1952. 5-1 RUST satin brocade d excellent condition; cus DEATHS for rug 7 x 9. Phone 23 PERCY - In Bowmanvilleon1OTROptoe,3. Tuesday, January 29th, 1952, An- lb. bag, delivere din Bow niie Clemens, xidow of John Ph one 2473. Percy and dear mother of Howard, ONE coal and wood ann, of Hamilton; Beryl, Bowmanviile; kitchen suite; 1 kitchen1 Kate (Mrs. <Dr.) Cauficîd), Day- in excellent condition. ton, Ohio, and Clem, of Ottawa; gog St., Phone 2006. and dear grandi-other of Helen Perey, of Hamilton. Resting at COMBINATION stove, the family residence, 14 Silver St., coal or wood: cream w for service on Friday, February trim: ith shelf. 5,1 Libe Ist, at 2 p.m. Interment Bow- Phone 2697. manville Cemeiery. Funerai Private. 5-i CRESS CORN SALVE ________relief. Your Druggist se 1Callous Salve too, relieve. STAINTON-At ber laie resid- ence ini Darlingtoan on Tues day, January 29th, 1952, Annie Eliz- OI Brooder, 500 size, abeth Lander, wife of the late conidition; also water hop James Stainton, in hiecltya feed traughs, wili selý Funeral from the Armstrong Phone 2292. Funeral Parlours, Oshawa, onl HARDWOOD-1 and 4 ft Thursday, January 31, at 3:30 p.mi. mixed sas od o Interment Zion Cemetery. 5-1 c sddlab, erds fao any 18r33. STEPHENS-in Oshawa Generai ASLIE riench Hospital, on Saturday, Janu ary impor ters' samples, cie, 26th, 1.952, Upton Stephens, be- cast. Ideal for farmers' u loved husband of Verna Found, Britlman Limited, Phone aged 44 years. Funeral fram the 3-3441. Funeral Chapel of Narthcutt & - ___________ Smith on Monday, January 28th, SOFTWOOD slabs, $6 coi at 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanviiie bush at Burketon. mIn Cemetery. 5-1 Burketon Garage or H.1 Blackstock, Phone Pori CABDS 0F THANKS 116r4. CONGOLEUMi Gold Seo Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, of yard goads and hall runne Enfield, wish f0, thank and to oleumn Deluxe 2 and 3 yar show their appreciation ta the yard goods at budget many friends and relatives who Phone 451, Walker Stores bave been so kind and heiped inON stetrccml so many ways during the re-ON ste rcoml covery of bis accident. 5_1 hangers and trucks. imately 25' long, suitable The family of the late R. H. age. Price reasonable. Wood wish to thank their re- 2292. latives, friends and neighbours OLIVER 66 and 77 tractors for kindness, sympathy and floral ýtractor spreaders, offset tributes received during their re- furrow plows, Smailey1 cent bereavement in the loss of milîs, rubber tired wagon. a loving father. 5-l' Garage, Tyrone, Phone 21 We wishta express ta aur many relatives, friends and neighbours VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 d aur appreciatian for the many colours of tapes, 15 siat acts of kindness, messages of Flexalum, Aiuminum ar sympathy and beautiful floral measured and instalied tributes during the recent be- charge. Phone 3121. reavement, in a loss af a dear Fabric Centre. husband and father; also thanks ta Rev. Hendersan for bis kind EXPER T assistance wit. wards.i drapery and decorating pr Mrs. Upton Stephens Beautiful materials ta, and family. 5_1* from, tracks and rods in Phone 122 Brooklin or wr IN EM RI M 230, Broklin. DONT miss these bargair CULLY-In loving memory of a al] steel wagons; 3 water s: dear wife and mother, Martha 3 cellar drainers, 16" rur Cully, who passed axvay January cow bowls. At ynur Otaco 301h, 195 1: Harvey Pantner, Tyrane, We are sad -,vthin aui- memorY, 2240. Lonely are aur hearts today, Fror the onc we loved su deariy PLUMBING. Heating an Has farever been cailed away. Burners installed anywhi We think afIlher in silence Durham County. Reasanab: No eye can sce us weep and highest quality. Fc. But many sulent tears are shcd estimates cal] S. Blain \Vheni others are asîeep. Hleating, Plumbing & Tinsn -Sadly missed by hiusband and Phone 3348. family. 51 FIVE tons cab corn fors $40 per ton. Please have CULLY-In 7iv in mmorv of shawing weight of truck a dear Maiher and Granýdma, sales made on Saturday :Martha Cully,, whn hlft us su sud- A. Blahavich, Newcastle, denly Janxîary 301h, 1951: Con. crossroad norih and ai Though vour smiile lias gane east af Orono road). fareVer, And vour hand 1 cannai touch,FVEtrs50-1;to Still I have so mianv memaries 100U- 21, ike nexv; 1938 Ply 0f the anc 1 loved so miuch, Coupe: '35 Fard; '33 Oldsr Thau"h 1ioui af sigtlitses cver '30 WillYs; '34 and '37 Plym 1 iea, all wrecked. E. D. Knapp, Still mlissled, sti loved. stili mine,' Wrecker, Middle Rd., Phone She ýwili live vith ils in memany lJntil the end of limie. -Laviniglvý remenibercd by Elsie' SEE THE NEW Fairbanks- Hugh and Karl.vn. s.î: Hammermiil, designed and _______ta fit yaour tractai; swinging PAEDEN-In lovimniniory cf nmers, less hanse power rec mx- ieu paents Jon TomaFree demonstration ai your Paedn nd Iu Forece aedn tvenience. J. W. Ogden, Ne whopaseI aaý, I llePhone Carke 2222. whapased xva. \llhI-, Dec. -Sa ,iearlv loved and alwa',, R DU T rceebercd biw Mother. Dadlai famivy. 51 SALES & SERvKCp; eceptionfor Prompt Attention MîýI. andMINrs .A. F. Cox. 1,1 Electrolux Lid. Elgin St.E. Oshawa, 'will ea honie ta their ficnds on Feb. (CANADA) 5tb, from 3 ta 5 and 7 ta l0. on 26 Thomas Street, the occasion of their 5th w-edding OSHA1I'A - PHo.NE 3-41 anniversanv. -l Sale Articles For Sale utoSae ice $12.50 USED Cockshutt spreader; used The Canadian Statesman The Anese uction e - m U deiivered Ford tractor with plow and cul- ~* will seli by public auction, inTh e a ii .5-1 tivator; used Case VA tractor: 14 t'tifiniI Adveivtising R2ae Enniskillen, Saturday, February Martaret Ash Telepi used pressure system. Fanm fencea~A A. mv mwmn *IPÉE 9, a quantity of household effects. in good and barbed wire. Quaker Heaters. i List will appean in this paper next price $20. Set 600 x 16 tire chains. W. H. Effective June 21, 1951 week. Clifford Pethîck, auction- Cnrtltost r n 5-1 Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. ARTICLES FORSAE LIVESTOCK FOR SAE en. 5 CngrsBilatulins a Mn. nd ubic feet, 51 FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, Auction Sale af Farm Stock and married in St. George's Anglican like new, DE LAVAL magnetic miiker, one LOST, FOUND, ETC. mlens th prety o Church on Saturday. Mrs. Ahl- 5-1*lyear aId, campicte with mator, Cs ae3 erwr Ihamiiu f50. memeyntsr, Lte8prCpnty7, ofr-dread was the former Louisa Cash Raieliead l acssres t b~p wo dt aminrimum of 5Ow.,1/-mlenothofMary Bond, youngest daughter of fae,mi DeLavai milk coalen, 6 - 8 can, Mutb pi y aeofisrto.lnon Tw., sa-mileborthofMn. and Mrs. Fred Bond. shion mat autamatie, used ane yean; used If charged, an additional 25é will be added. 6Tyroeona de sday1, F. eruany, iiiss Venna Milligan is spend- g,3 5-6thCae Saler.S.at ortn &1.m. fTerms ith cash i :4-5*DCs rco.S .Mro A charge of 25e~ wilI be made for ail replies directed no reserve. E. White, Clerk; Ted igafwdy ihfinsi 75 per 75 Son, Massey-Harris Dealer, Phone MakoAcine.42Trnt.ad vimanville. 781. 5- to this office. JakoAMine.'42Tr n Mrs. Bruce Terwilli- 4-tf AGRICULTURISTS1-Naw is the NTCS O IGEET N Used Farm Machinery Auction dgue d o, r.sHawa . wereSun- NTCS O IGEET AN)Sale ta be held in Apnil; approx-da gutsoMrH.F Mne cx; 6-pce. time ta think af the Ciaming CARDS OF THAN'imtly 30 tacor an ,, ohe and family and Mn. and Mns. buffet, ail seasan's necessities ta do a faster, typJ. A~A~. mey of acar ns acneryotie Ross Embley and Sandra. 147 Sou- casier and more profitable chore 30~ a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or Iess types andfrmm achineny, ailin Mrs. D. R. Bennett bas receiv- of raising that which is rightfullv _______mksan oes U-pm d word, via the mail, that ber yours, fram this fertile soil of DAHS EGAE ETS M RRAES*s Limited, International Han- daughten Joan, wbo is at present ýelet,'us We, of the huge John Deene BIRTIS ETHS, ENA M NT, ARIGS vse Dealers, corner 12 and 47 ecigshoinE ladspt 'h blackijfa mily, arc here te assisi you $1.00 per insertion Highways, Phone Uxbridge or Christmas week in Paris, France. rty St. N. 1 with your requirements, wiih a _______ Port Penny. 3-4Jenwsalte tedth « 5-1 campîcte lune of the besi quality IN MEMORIAMNS - - $1.00 plus 100t a line for verse t Christmas Eve service at the that can be put ia fanm impie- .IJe.lp vafteu Notre Dame Cathedral. for sure mnents ai the lowcsi possible-- CogautinteM.Hrl ells Cressiprice, and stili mainiain their COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- WANTED -Desk clenk, female; Hoan of Toronto, wha bas cam- ýs quickly. 1palicy af quaiity. Mr. John Deere tising for persons or fiinms selling services, ideas bours 4 p.m. ta 10 p.m. Apply pîeted successfuliy bis course in 5-1 said aven 100 years ago: "I wil or goods of any description) 30 per word; minimum Balmoral Hotel in persan. 5-I Cbartered Accountancy. Harold excellent neerput my name on a impie- charge 750~ cash with order. To regular advertisers WOMAN ta do smaîî amount ai is the eldest son of Mrs. E. C. ppers and ment that hýasn't in it the best lgtbueoki eunfrHoan. that is in me." Thai slogan bas payable monthly. lMrs. RobI. Duckin Toronto, Il cheap. r____and boad pl r.Rb.D ,Trno been buili inta eveny John Deene croom andmaardOfAppey Box 704, pnth wekda erom traciar and implement since. If Display Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum c/5ttsa fie -i* sente ween tbe o E t.lngt $3400 in paiing orvesoti tso f one inch STENOGRAPHER fan Law Office, Since aur Memonial Arena ne $34.0- weg, painoS. Alle&Saingts, l AdditionaI insertion at the saine rates shorthand, typing, etc., ta com- came int being, we are begin- ýne eth- we, at F S. lle & S ns, illmence M anch 3rd, 1952. Apply ning ta wander just wbo was in t i-n*adoou sects orehan83. AiplasfidAd.mutbeii hdrficootpte lin in wniting only ta L. C. Mason, favor of ils construction! It's a i in inws anF s.lenc&s, ohneere. lCasiidAs ns b nti fie o ae hn Banister, Bowmanvillc, with quai- shame ta bave ta operate thej anin saisFSAln&SnJh Dealrse5 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. ifications, etc. Replies tneatcd arena for the meagre crowd thatr àie $29.-SnDcshèsapsoreoesode adsa5-1ny canfidcntially. 5.*attends the hockey games. Wc sawa9 * Forsh, thes r Latestrer Papersmony-bave a town league, midget team, I (Clip ThisFOt For Handyfleference)WANTED-Reliable mac as Deal- bantam team, and the Onono On-e 5-2 * For the Finest Paints _________________________________ en in Bowmanville. Expenience phans cansiden the anena as theirC ,rd at he 1:_net neccssary. A fine oppontunity home ice and yet the folks. will1 qudr at * For the Best Workmanship Eta'~ta stcp ia aiod profitable business cat came out ta sec the games. i nur tCOMING EVENTS Rneal stt For Sale wbcrc Rawicigh Products bave You wanted this anena at anc M. Kyte, S. G. PRESTON & SON ____________ been sold fan years. Big profits. time-wby cal support it now!F 'Penry PHONE Dance ai Bradley's Schaol, 8ih CHOICE lot with sewage and Produets furnisbcd on cnedit. The games are usually adventised 1 49tf 2417 - 912 February. Sauina Orchestra. waier front, an Liberty St. Phone Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-B-140- but even if they arn'l the news E ai Rugs, 49-tf 5-1 3557 an caîl 85 Liberty St. S. 163, Montreal. 5-1 gets anound by word ai mouth. i ers; Rex- 5-1* Tb ae od gmsad wl ds w]de, The Goodyear Recreaion Club WANTED-Salcs & Service man cy rthte go gesfanmssone r 'yA TU uclire Friday, Febnuany 1s, ai-ATTRACTIVE 5-naam, siorcy and for Ibis district. Car necessany.wot th pnc ai dmso.i s.3te wih ,R N H S 8 p.m., in Goodyear Recreation haîf new brick home, oak iloons Mannicd prefercd. You are paid se0oea o ocle Hall. -1 throughoui, large living-room with commission and bonus On ail sparts Ecthusiasts at the Memon- ete ith RONC ITIpieture window, firepiace, dining- sales and a profit on supplies and ial Anena on hockey nights. If its Approx- INHAL - IT has given permanent No. 9 Annuai Valentine Dance, room, modern kitchen, 2 bcd- service onders. This is a perman- an instance ai goad hockey for gar- relief to thousands whio have Newcastle Commuciiy Hall wiîh roomns, 4-piece tilcd bath, laundry ent business with excellent future games you want, well, take lasi Phone pursucd this trcatment. Ruth Wilson Varieiy Band, Feb- tubs. Phone 538, 113 Scugog Si., and high incme. Do nal appîy Monday, fan example, Wc saw > 5-i Ask your druggist today for ruany 151h. Admission 50c. Bawmanville. 5-i* unless you can stant wark in à wChnieBacaan's eCO.ta btt5 ~,Olve IHA -IT5-31r days. Write Sales & Service itb Bsowmlasvie .O.F.t a 5-5 s;_Oive____L -£T IXON REAL LSTATE Manager, 466 Bolivar St., Peter- ' a ela ik oet' diatcei3 4-3 Resenve Saturday, Febnuany 16, New 5-room brick bungalow, borough. - c ai utheteeoth 4-3 Wha the G Hacet- for Valentine Tea and Sale of furnace, 4 piece bath, hardwaod 5 2 juft et Cuti4-3 by the e 882. T s Homebaking af the Salvaiion floors, extras. Immediate possess- MAN wacted for this district ta Memonial Anena needs is YOUR A82 Army League ta be heid in the ion $8500. compîcte aur 1952 Sales & Ser- support! o 3-* PLASTIC GLAZED CLAY Union Hall 3 ta 6 p.m. 5-1iic Sf. OrCopnyi' nte huc Nw i-f-fenent WALL TILE WALL TILE 9-noom bungalow, in excellent Paminion -widc. aet inbus- Ou Sunday .Sciool parlons werc a ~~TL ~Reserve Wednesday, Februany condition, new hot waîen sysîem, mess for yourself. Become cx- the locale ai the ancual congre- W colours, W"6hAaLrorsieLucr nSelydcrtd mdm kthn clusive authorizcd dealer for the gational meeting on Friday even- b( freelo, Rubber - Mastic - Marboleum Losi Hein party. in the Enniskillen ilarge loi. $9,800.' Famous Filter Qucen Bagless ing, Jan. 25. a Wcbr' Qurre Ceame lay Comuniyhal, ndr uspce t James Nixon, Broken Vacuum Cleaner. Not sold in A pot luck suppen sponsoned by t 17-tf Flooie- CraTue, la aoirtechir. Pl ned sp icsO)Lbet i NBwanii'stores. This is a permanent busi- the Woman's Asaciation was nes- rearfn.Phone 682 ncss with good future and bigh ponded ta by about 100 ai the B' h.your Materials Only bing lunch and cards. Admission .5-1 incarne on dealers' profit com- church family. 1 'oblems. .lissonconu bsis Mut'bve The Bnass Quantel from Ornoo, yE chos o 3e.______GILL REAL ESTATE good car, A-i characten refen- cocsisting ai R. Fonnesten, G. AI- la nstalled. ...IsaldCmlt A Valeint'ne Dance xviii be held $6500. Lovely, 6 raom, frame , ce. Marnicd pneferred. Hene lin. E. Brown and C. Tamblyn in 'ite Box REPAIES in Oroco Town H-aIl on Fniday, home, 3 Pc. bath, bard and sait is anc exampie ai a former bnead-nerpsd th dien ou 5-4* - Go Anywhere - bnuary 8ih, by Heather Social xvaien on tap, full cellan, beavy route mac wbo joiced aur staff with splendid instrumental rnc- lb ns - H. G. HEAL - Bowmanvillc 2902 Club. A wonderful evening is wining, good ganden. Immediate hree eaed $3657 he00, secn yean ladia" s Sbeigsupemmrbl Fn- su ýysiems; 2-tf arranged. There will be a draw possession, i and$670,scn erlni"bigsprl rsn-o ns nd anthnc ran pnze, sot$3953.00, tbind year $4480.00. We cd. PC PhealeTIRES dance pnizes, fax'ouns anrd a iavelv, $6500. Nice, 7 raom, frame home have dozens like him ail across Guesi speaker was Rev, R. M.s: DealTIRnluccl, along with the excellentIjfuli cellar, heavy wiring, etc' Canada. For personal interview Seymour, ministen ai Ecniskilcn de P-h 67on1eaby So Ted musie of Paul Minicola's Orches- lange loi. Immediate possession.* write Sales Manager, Filter Qucen United Churcb. He confronted NE 5-1* 670l5 obby Snw Tead tra Peerbrouh. A] tis orýSales & Service, 386 Water St bis hearers witb the fundamen- (C nd Ol whle hey astjusi $2,00 pen couple. Dress S8500. 7 room, solid brick home, Pceeborough, Ont. 5-2 tals of the Christian Faith, ai ere inaopaira. 5-13 Pc. bath, heavy wiring, furnace. L t k or bae the fellowship and service J $ 3 5 Q a p i o c l . A P s s e s i o n a r r c g e . i e s o b u s i n e s s s e s s i o n , w i t h R e v . f u i 'r free Aiso extra whcels and tubes Chicks For Sale $30.Na'ycmltd4-omHRE frsle Pon 26. Lawrence H. Turner as chair- iar ElliOti, for snow tires: $30 erycmltd -omHRE o ae hn 61 mac, and Mn. Herbent Hancock fol uihng, HVOE 1949- 1951 13A Chicks foi' 1952. Goodn glw heavy wiring. Immed -_5-1_as'_______________________in-_C 9-t FORD 1949 - 1951 n'chicks, Ask agent for paticulars.aipesil. A NUMBER ai Yorkshire an Tamn- troducd by a vocal rendiion, savaledrs othr IF. ________________' $00. 8rono patl fiis5dwonth pigs, six weeks aid. W. C. "Belîs ai St. Many's" by bbe local M8 receipvewhdelslsok. S.. WHITLe$hn0s0.B 6ed ome evywn, acre lacnshd Evans, Orono, Phone 84r8. 5-1* ladies quartette with Mns. L. H. Wi recip v eel i sock S C TE eg or s, ared1 h me he v w ri g,1 a rela d.Turner aI the piano. m a :s. No NEW TUBES _ ------ S4.50 eaeh Rocks, New Hamp. X Baî'red Possession ayrranged. S okS atdM.A .Pnetesrr please. USD iwhile they last) Rocks chicks. Gov't. Inspected and ______________Mr._A.__0._Prkealhyuer M Odrevcaled a elh state af ai- er ile D TUBES - S------- 2.50 each Blood Testerl. Write or Phone $500 lange lot with cellar excav- DRIGO btor ap ar ihalolgtosmtadf 5-e S 66 .J rokBwavle a-te ton, for custom kiîîing. Phone a respectable surplus with wbich l 51 Sissons' Garagje Fan Ren-Office witli store ront, 3243. 32-tf ta begin the new yar. M. James Ge: tires, o igS. 0 q t lo pc Porter bad a similar report ta mouth PHONE ORONO 1031 Nursing Service an-n t,80s.f.forsae EXPERIENCED salcslady desires offer relative te the Missiocary Mn =obile; 2-tf ______- _________ _IImmediate possession, position, fu or part time. Phone and Maintenance Fucd, canti- hor nauths, ________________ Middle Green Villa Rest Home 1 amsi esltn-ra 691. 5-1* butions bcing in excess ai the dre ý,Auto Cas (ourtice 'Wanted-Frsi eteo ra rcdn er f e21. C r For Sale iQOe or two vucancies, inien oan . G. (Hap) GilI, Realtor RprcccdiMr.yCarlsn. aiclr o h 5-1 ,wairien, iray service, every kind- I8 Second Si. Phono 3514 JthepaessiMn.,ha es Geniey, herk ai-ch ' 39 FORD Coach, $195. Apply ness given. Approved by doctons. 5- REPAIRS tealal makes af nefrig- tical repart reveaiing 17 "In Bo% Morse 107 King Si. W. 5-1 Phono Oshawa 5-4943 for reser- enators, domestic and commercial: Memoriam," 7 baptisms and an len. 1 bim 13 HERLTSea, g aod ans, so-ti e Available milkinîg coalens. Higgon Elec- equal number of marriages. The Bla îuired. condition. Phone 2882. 5-1" IT is limne ta ihink ai Farm ti, 2Kicý St. E., Phone 438. mcmbcrsbip stands ai 360. de] r___con-_______NOTICE ___ Help now. Get experienced and 25-tf Reports by the Woman's As- sPel cwo 1948 FARGO anc-taxi truck, xiih _________________cehable immigrants irom Hollacd. A pisociation, Waman's Missional,'y bea *hîgh racks, gooni conition. Mang- AFTER the firsi day of Feb. S BmA.Rpplisltocations \Vanted Society, Evening Auxiliary, C.G.- pIcz 5- will Fur Farm, Phno 279 ,-lthrewi_ e-1 afo.buny a'PoP ort PeBm.ry22R24. o . pliaioswilbercevd adCoiJuir agrg- i Picked U- ro - - olc C mnita..175.-«- . * --- 1 nolh UORS S, oWS Hi FERSPoieCor ortion ott c -21-j5.HENRY THO1MIPSON, IE are nw prepared ta dlean Mr HORSS, cwsHEIFRS, orpratin oftheClerk-Treasurer, ýacd treai your sced fan Spring. Mon:. SHEFPJs ad ALESTôwn oh Bowinanvîlc SMALL. funiished hedroomn. Ap- I Township of Cartwrigbt,,Camne early and avoid the hale Mns. (We ppay for box ses aind cows) 51pv7 uo t 5-i Bx17 laktok rush. Garnet Riekard, Phone Osha, AL1SCOLC - - ROOM1\ or room with board, in 3-3'2813. 4-2 Mrs. Register 'Bowmanvmlle. Write Box 705. Personal irt fLIV OSE -Custom 51ev, "e or ORSppE S ndflor let.Tnpon TWO ufunished rooms (up- HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - rubbe F Rr abrated 2 ~to ciplc adaI ,- coch- ninHall, Imeatpossin goods) mailed postpaid in in es hne.IRENTE HARVÉ*Y Brownî St., Bawnîanville. 5-1' sealcd envelope wiih price list.i macune loader; also orders taken Ser Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. 1fan plowing and discing fan Canac Margwill Fur Farm IDA.C.C.M., R.M.T. FOR RENT--brouse wo talOdrDp.T28 o-u-srn.Cntc1et aeRn 63 TYRNE îhis vtsîofailer a. Box91,aiT, Oct. ' Phone 27 tc KihDae, a 5-1*. Phone Bowmanville 2679 2-tf hi.,hway. Phone 2582. à-1 2-511 3 o5282 TroeOt ucs MfRS. JANE (JENNIE) BURTON4 The dcath occurrcd Jan. 17 ai hen home in Nestîcion, af Jennie G~ordon. belovcd wiie ai Kitch- ener Burton in ber 62nd year. The dccascd was a daughter of the hate James Gardon Agnes Cutbbert. She was and lived ail her hile in vnight Towng:iip and was a mcm- ber ai bbc Presbytcnian Church cnd a life-long member ai Nesîle. ton Womec's Insbitute. She was marricd ta Kitchener Burton ai Brockviile, Nav. 26, 1935. For bbc pasi cumber ai cears she was in a wheclcbair anti laben caciincd ta a bcd ai suifer. ýg from arbbnitis. Leil ta maurn ber loss is.>hP .usband, Kitchener Burton. Also ;urviving are the ather membens )f ber family, Cuihbcrt Gardon, Portreeve, Sask.; Mrs. J. W. Wii. n (Annie), Cadmus; Alan Gar- aon, Oshawa; Douglas Gordon, lestîcton; Mrs. Gea. Johnstoià ýNellie), Cadmus; Harold Gord- n, Uxbridge, and Mrs. R. W. lackson (Grace), Nestietan, Rev. McComb canduclcd the unenai service aI the Prcsbytcr- an Cburcb, Nesilcion, Jan. 19, illowed by interment in Cadmus 'emetery. The palîbearers wcne old sehool aIes and neigbbors: Wilfrid 'iliiams, Clarke Williams, Rer- ian Samelîs, Cccil Wilson, Ray lalcohm, Don Thompsoc. Flow- rbearers were nephcws: Clii- mrd Jackson, Harvey Johnson, llan Jackson, Leslie Johnson, 7rald Jackson, Donald Johnson. The magnetie iricndship ai rs. Burton, bath in hon ownr me and in ber parents' home, rew people ta hem irom aIl walks life, a findship that, warmed, iercd and gave courage. and ýfmom Bmockville, Toronto, *wmacviilc, Oshawa, Ecciskil- n, Oakwoad, Cadmus, and lackstock came friands of the ýpamtcd, ta pay thein lasi ne- icis, cach bneasuring in thein irIs happy memanies of their easant association with Ihese ir people, alacg the journey ai MAPLE GROVE NIrs. H. C. Hurîbert, Torontm, -and Mrs. N. W. Gnose, Wing- c, spent Suriday with tht-jr anIs, Mm. and Mrs. A. F. Spcn- .il being their 48th wedding ivensary. Ur. and Mrs. Lloyd Beech, Mr. 'aid Becch, Mn. and Mrs. Don- [Carn and iamiiy, Sauina; Mn. 1Mrs. Ehmcr Herring, Oshawia, ted Mn. and Mrs. Aylmer ých. Jr. and Mns. C. I-. Snowdan ,nl the wcek ccd with Mn. andi sAlbert Bowen, Hamiltan. 4r. anid Mrs. Ross Stevens anj ýd-daughter, litîle Miss Kg- ton Were suppen guesîs ;Carrne Martyn, Town. iss Eiheec Douti, Oshawa, nt Sunday with Miss Mildned ýwden. rs. H. Horion, Mrs. William 7rîsan andi son Harny, Mr. wd ýBert Martin and sacon1 awa, spent Jan. 23rd .L. C. Snowden. his cammuniîy extends coni- ulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Fred ýens who, an Satunday, cele- ed their 25th wcdding anni- Iry. ýrvice on Sunday will feature adian youth, C.G.I.T., Trail gens, wibh Stan Snowden as ýspeaker. Hope ta sec a good out of younger one# PAGE FOURTEEN le Independent ùone !51 castle Rev. John and "Mrs. Kitche Orono for a short tirre after which they will proceed to Sas- katchewan there to labor under the banner of the United Church of Canada. Mr. Hoieson preached the ser4& mon in English that was virtual1ip flawless. At the close of the ser.- vice the visitors were individu. ally welcomed by the congrega. tion-lovely littie Anne Sylvi be- ing the cynozure of ail eyes. They were regaled with best wishes for their future work in Canada. [t was the expressed feeling that Canada would be richer because of their coming to these shores. Rev. and Mrs. O. B. Hoieson and daughter were dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Turner and daughter Grace Marie. As a tribute of welcomne the organjst, Mr. Neil Stewart play- ed as the offertory a compos- ition by the Norwegian composer, Greig, entitled "Psaume Patriot- que."ý Evening Auxiliary Evening Auxiliary of the Unit. ed Church met at the home of Mrs. Charlotte Rickard, Jan. 16, with 18 members and seven visi- tors present. President Mrs. Mur. iel Allen conducted the business period during which the annual reports were given. Worship period and program, directed by Mrs. Rena Megits' group, consist- ed of hymns, prayers by Mrs. Charlotte Riekard and Mrs. Reta Flintoff; scripture by Mrs. Mar- ion Jose. Study book was taken by Mrs. Rena Megit, Mrs. Kay Powell, Mrs. June McMullen and M~rs. Lena Graham. Mrs. Percy Elare gave a talk on their motor trip to Florida and Cuba. T-he group in charge served refresh- ments. = CANADTAM qTArrQ%,tàu 'MrIXMA%"rTTTlP OBITUARY