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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1952, p. 1

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"Durham County's Gjreat Family Journal" BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAYe JANUARY 31st. 1952 7c PER COPY NTTMTW.P ~ Residents of Durham County feit hieghly honored this week when it was announced that Rt. Han. Vincent Massey had been appointed by His Majesty the King as the f irst Canadian Governor-General of Canada in history. He will replace Viscount Alexander who, with his charming wife, visited Port Hope recently and stayed at the Massey residence north of Canton. Durham County and the inter- nationally esteemed Massey family have been part of each other for a great many years and our citizens will watch with interest the new Governor-General in the conduet of this high office. Miarions Time ai Lions Club On Father, Daughter and Son Night Chuckling children played a leading raie in the Lions Club *ther, daughter and son nigbt .,d la St. John's Parish Hall, ""onday evening, aithough proud Iathers did most of the beam- lxxg. Feature of the affair was a aeries of three movies which were screened as a wind-up ta pro- ceedings. Previously, youngsters were given favors by thrce- months-late Santa Clauses -: J.qons Andy Thompson, Lamne 1Rn Driel and Jack McNulty. 7'e'The program was under the direction of Lion Gien Lander, Chairman of the Boys' and Girls' Committee; Lion Jack Ross op- erated.the mavie prajector. The first picture introduced youngsters toalal types of sports, from mountain cimbîng ta bi- cyciing; from rouler skating ta fake wrestling. The second took them on a trip ta the zoo whcre jungle creatures as well as other wild animais performed as big as life. Final move. and the anc that received the most applause, was Chimp the Fireman. Al kids are intrigucd by monçys,, but this chimpanzec was out ta make himseif a full-fiedgcd fire- man and the.laughter he encour- aged in bis attempt was some- thing ta hear. Plaque Changes Hands The Lions Club "Daddy Plaque" cbangcd hands at the Monday (Continued on Page Seven) Rotarians Hear Unique Address On "BHard Water - Household Swindler" Grandrna couid dip loto the oown Plumbing Supplies, Toron- Tain barrel whcn she xanted sof t ta, at the Friday luncheon of the water. But the ramn ba rrel, likeBowmanville Rotary Club. the horse. had disappeared froai Water bas a tremendous effect thîs push-button age and modemns on aur lives and offers a fascinat- must rely on bard wator for iog study, accarding ta the guest washing, cooking and drinking. speaker who was introduced by And bard watcr is harmful ta ýRotarian Blain Elliott. Before the washable fabrics. It detracts mavie, Mr. Clifton expiained the from the taste of food; ]ncreases cycle of water ta Rotarians and soap purchases by as much as 75 foilowing the picture cooducted per cent, and wreaks havoc with an experiment which proved, be- the plumbiog in a home.1 yood a doubt, that it takes tbree These are not random thoughts times as much soap ta produce of an unemployed water diviner. sudsy watcr in Bowmanvillc as These are stientifîc facts given it does in Toronto. out in a movie titled: '"Hard Wat-Th aeCyl er-Tbe Household Swindler."TeWarCyl The pictture was screened by In the bcginning, water is at- Jack Clifton, President of Re- (Continued on Page Seven) At Annual Masonic "At Home" One Person Killed Two Others Injured Car -'Truck Collision One persan was kilied and two others injured in a car-truck col- lision at Joncs' Hill about three miles east of Newtonvilic, Sun- day morning. George H. Ouids, 37, of Bewd- iey. a passenger in a car driven by Donald James Smith, Coaks- ville, was killcd outright in the accident. Smith was rushed ta Mem- anial Hospital, Bowmanville, af- ter the accident. He sustained a broken arm and bead injuries. Driver of the miik truck in- volved, James Haltby of Maple Grave, suffered a iacerated lip and severe sbock. The milk truck, apparently wcstbound down the ill, swerv- cd ta the south lane. In an at- tcmpt ta avoid a crack-up Don- ald Smith swerved north, but the transport pulcd back ta its own side of the road at approximateiy the same time and the accident occurred. Anather matanist, Mr. Flavelie of Oshawa, rendercd first aid at the seene of the collision. Ho expertly put a spiot on Donald Smith's broken arm and tended ta cuts and abraisions. Video-Ettes Highlight Masonic Ladies Night On Friday night, about one hundred couples gatbcred at the tBowmanviiic High Sehool on the occasion of the anuai "Ladies' sNight" of Jerusalcm Lodgc, A.F.- & A.M. The weather failed ta dima the eothusiasm of those wbo attend- cd and grcatly enjoycd the bell- ringing of the Videa-ettes. These clever entertainers aiso dciight- cd the audience with the melod- les on the bottles, musical saw, as xvcll as the tunes thcy derived from a bailoon and a miniature pump. During the evening, two local members, Chanlie Warren and Ray Diiling, reccived some free tuition on the bouls, and aftcr anc lesson were able ta participate in a quartette with the Videa- ettes. This exhibition was given much appiause. Successful Dance At the conclusion of the enter- tainment Bnice Browin's orches- tra from Oshawa furnished the musie fan the dance, which, judg- ing from tbe comments of aIl con- cerned, was a great success. Aften a buffet lunch servcd at 1 1 o'ciock by the Ontario Street group of Trinity W.A. and vcry tastefuily preparcd, the dance continucd until 1 a.m.' Duning the evcning the foilow- ing ladies were winners of the lucky prizes: Mrs. R. Richards, Miss N. Parker, Mrs. J. Parkcr, Mrs. Ray Dilling, Mrs. George Crowther. Mrs. Rance Diiiing and Mrs. R. Decae. The rPceiving lino which. wei- comed the guests included Mm. and Mrs. A. B. Lobb, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dilling and Mm. and Mrs. H. Freeman. Errors Again Prove How Thoroughly Statesman Is Read In the rush that cames with a press deadline, giaring errors cao be cumpletciy overlooked by1 even the mast hawk-eyed editor. i We must confess ta two unforgiv- able mistakes in aur last issue. 5 Front page cutlinc below the 1 picture of the C.O.F. executive for 1952 includcd ail but anc name. Glen Prout was the first man (sitting) at left. And wbiie on the samne picturc, Past Chief t Ranger Blackbumn's Christian1 name is Farewell.c Another glaring error occurrcd la the cutlincs below the picture of Darlington Township Council. Deputy-Recve Harold Skinner (third from left front row) was not mcotioned. tbrough an aven-r sight. t We are indeed somry these cm- t rors cropped up, but like every- t cyed readers. Promoted to Supt. Cobourg Canners Associated with the local Cao- adian Canners plant for the past four years, J. T. Patterson af Bowmanville, bas been promoted ta the position of plant superin- tendent in the company's Ca- bourg factomy. The retirernent of A. E. "Bert" Naylor as Cobourg plant man- ager entailed promotions down the line. Lloyd Stinson, son of a former manager, Harry Stinson, will relieve Mr. Naylor. The new manager bas spent al] l)ut ane of bis 10 years with the t- company at Cobourg. At one time lie xas foreman of the cao- oing factomv in Bowmanville. Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pat- terson. Qucen St., Jim Patterson was assistant manager of th2 Bowmanville plant. He wil as- sume bis duties in Cobourg, Feb). Worshipful Master of Jerusalem Lodge, AF. & A.MV., The Canidian Statesman joins No. 31, Arnold Lobb, poses for a picture with his wife atI with bis maoy friends in Bow- the highly successful Masonic "At Home" held in the aud- manville in wishing Jim Patter- Bowmnvile Hgh chol, Fida evning Reortson every success in bis new job itorium of omnil ihShoFia vnn.Rpr as superint.endent of the Cobourg appears in another columnn. factory. Durham's Nember of Parliament And Dowmanville Boys' Guartet Provided Programn ai Durham Club Feeling for home was strong at last Thursday's meeting of the Durham Club of Toronto in I.O.D. E. Headquarters. Entertainment and the guest speaker were froni in Bowmanville and, during the cvening, it was -announced that the ncwly appointed Governor- Gencral of Canada was Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey whose home is ini Durham County. This year, under the Presidency of Orville J. Henderson, the club has broken from custom, featur- ing Durham County speakers at two of its five anoual meetings. On Thursday, the largest turnout of the year made it quite evident that this procedure was proving papular. Entertainmcnt was provided by the Bowmanville Boys' Quartet, Ted Ott, Roland Coombes, Ivan Woaley and Ken Hockin with Ross Metcalfe at the piano. Sa acceptable werc their numbers that Don Linden, wcll knowil Toronto vocalist wbo has been instrumental in sponsoring Bar- ber Shop quartet work in To- onta, in thanking them, said that he would see that they re- ceived worthwhile and heipful material ta enlarge their reper- taire. They were called upon ta do several additional numbers during the social hour and Ross Metcaifc surprised the group by enacting one of his specialty ar- rangements, "Life Gets Tediaus." Great praise was given ta The Canadian Statesman by Presi- dent O. J. Henderson in intro-j ducing guest speaker John M.1 James, M.P.. co-publisher of Bow-j manville's weekly newspapem.i Mr. James brought back mem- aries of former days by giving a( quick review of the progress be-E ing made in the larger towxis and1 villages of Durham. He told of 5 the expanded population, the in- 1 1dustrialization, the better living conditions and well-paved roads throughout the urban and rural areas. Being the local Member of Parliament, Mr. James took as his subject I"Those Terrible Politic- iafls," although the theme of his (Continued on Page Seven) Two Motor Accidents Happened Friday Due to Snow Storm A blinding snowstorm late Fni- day night is held responsible for two accidents on No. 2 Highway between Bowmanviile and Cour- tice. Travelling east on the high- way, a car driven by John Coni- ery, Toronto, 'coilided with a sand truck, driven by Wesley Stephen- son, Bowmanville, just east of Courtice. Ronald Brown, 20, Vancouver native and passenger in the car, was rushed ta Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, suffening cuts and abraisions. Another passenger, T. Farthing of St. John's, Quebec, was rushcd ta Oshawa Generai Hospital along with the driver of the car. Bath were in an un- consciaus state. The second accident occurred at the overhead railway bridge immediateiy west of Bowman- ville. Transport driver Eric Tar- wood, 32, Hamilton, leaped from the cab of bis truck seconds be- fore it went over the embank- ment. The eastbound truck appar- ently skidded through the wood- en fence at the south end of the bridge. "Everything happened so fast, I don't know how it hap- pened," the driver said. Third Concert Sponsored by Lions Below Standard of Previous Concerts The audienÏce at the third con-'e cert in the Department of Educa- I evc tion Series, sponsored by teI pressiveSevc Bowmanville Lions Club, wýasC nd c dbyWA considerably less than capacity o d ce byW A on Wednesday nîght, Jan. 23rd. 0f Trinity Church Afair portion of those who were ____ present feit that this concert was The Woman's Association of below the standard Bowmanvifle Trinity United Church held its audiences expect in musical en- first evening service, Jan. 27, tertainment and that if these con- which was weil attended. Fol- certs are ta maintain the popular- lowing the usual song service the ity they have enjoyed in past Intermediate Choir sang effec- years, Dept. of Education author- tively III Got A Robe." Mrs. L. ities will have to se.nd more good, W Dippeil, Past President of the or at least promising, artists ta W* . edfo t on hp this usicl cetre.ter 15, and led in prayer. The young violinist, Joseph "Let Us Break Bread Togeth- Pach, is an extremely talented er" was sung by the Intermediate young artist who gave a profess- Choir and the ladies of the Senior ional performance at Wednesday Choir. night's concert. Robert Foster, Mrs. Stewart James, President, baritone, also is an artist of. more in ber charming manner intro- than average ability, having a duced the guest speaker, Mrs. A. (Continued on Page Seven) A. Crowle, Past President of the Oshawa Presbytery W.A., lst Vice-President of the Bay of rake Warning- Quinte Conference W.A. and Sec- retary of the W. A. Dominion Lest Your Car Board of the United Church. Becomes Impounded wihtethuh-rooigques- tion, "What are you going to do Automobiles blocking the pro- in 1952?" She stated that you gress of snow removai on Bow- can accomplish anything you de- xianville streets will have their sire if you put forth the necessary cars towed away and will be re- effort. Happiness cames from sponsible for ail charges involved, your attitude toward others. M4ayor Sidney Little told The In making New Year's Resolu- Statesman yesterday. tions she suggested we include For the past several weeks resolutions ta read aur Bibles ['own Counicil has advertised such every day and ta pray mare often. action on the classified page of Endeavor ta deveiop well round- this newspaper but Foreman Ai- cd personalities. bert Ruiter reports car owners Mrs. Crawle concluded ber most are not hccding the warning. interesting ta]k with Minnie Hos- Parking cars eiscwhere than kin's quotation uscd by His Mu- on the street is necessary if town jesty the King, in 1939: employces are ta furnish a good "And I said ta the man who snow removai job. They have stood at the gate of the year: :urmounted such difficuity ad- Give me a light that I may tread nirably s0 far this ycar and have safeiy ino the uokoown. And urned in a creditable job. It is he repiied: Go out into the dark- he duty of cvery citizen ta hclp ness and put yaur hand ino the hem in their work by off-street Hand of God. That shall be ta parking whcn a snow storin you better than the light and saf- treatens. er than the known way." Iuick Service at Nemorial Hospital Due Io Modern X-Ray Equipment ;ift of the late Mrs. Geo. McLaughlin I j While playing in Central Pub- lic Schooi yard at recess. Jan. 23, 8-year-oid Gary MacDougal, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. MacDougal. 77 Church St., feli on the ice and iojured bis right shouider. First examioed by Public Health Nurse Lena Taylor, the boy was refercd ta Dr. Keitri Slemon, who, in turn, sent him ta Memorial Hospital for an X-ray. A few years back it took con- siderable time for the resuits of x-rays ta be known, but nat ta- day. Gary xvas in the bospitai rio langer than 15 minutes when lie xvas on bis way back ta the doc- tom's -office., Wheo bie entered the x-ray mooîn. Mms. Lillian Allison, x-ray techoician who bas had consider- able experience at St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago, took aven. She took the x-ray of Gamy's shouider and within 10 minutes had it de- veloped (like a camera negative) and ready for perusal by the doc- tWr. Broken Collar Bone The x-ray showed that Gary bad fracturcd bis rigbt collar banc in his fail. He will be taped up for at least two wceks until the banc mcnds, But the point of the story is the advanced methods used la x-ray- ing. Mrs. Allison toid The States- man an x-ray plate cao be taken and deveiopcd and ready for a doctor's viewing in as littie as a maximum 10 minutes. She now bas veny modern equipment to wonk with at the new Memorial Hospital. The late Mrs. George W. Mc- Laughlin of Oshawa, donated $3,000 towand the x-nay equip- ment at Memorial Hospital. Or- iginally, it was believed that amount wouid caver the cast of equipment and installation. Sub-1 sequcntly. equipmcnt vaiued at1 more than $4,000 was installed.. The Bawmanville Lions Club do-1 nated $1,000 toward this increased1 cost from praceeds of 'ileir Car-1 nival car draw. Scots Celebrate At First Annual Burns' Night Amid the squeals of the bagpipes and the "hoot Mons" of the natives our staff photographer wvas able to obtain the above pictures at the Burns' Night Supper spon- sored by the Legion Pipe Band in the Badminton Club Friday night. The top picture shows, from lef t ta right, Mrs. Jim Coyle, Mrs. George Wiseman and Mrs. 1ili Tordiff serving the Haggis to Rev. Warren Turner, llon. John Foote and Drum Major Jack Knight. In the lower picture are the pipers who piped in the Haggis, from lef t to right, they are Pipe Major Douglas Blore, Dave Pollack, Roy MeNabb, and carrying theHa4- gis Ab. Mavin and Don Brooks. In the background Andrew Orr may be seen prior ta bis proposing the toast ta the Haggis. Durham Central Agric'l. Society Re-elects Of ficers The annual meeting af the Dur- bamn Central Agnicuitural Society was heid ini the Orange Hall, Orono, Jan. 28. President John Cnuicksbank presided aven tho meeting wbich rc-elected 1951 officens and Board of Directors ta serve still an- othen tern in 1952. Last yoan's faim at Orono re- ceived considemabie discussion and tentative plans fan the 1952 faim wene considered. Last year. prizos totalling $2,451.80, wene awarded ta winnoms la 19 classi- fications in compotition. The Socioty's financial state- ment for the year ending Dec. 31, 1951, indicates that grants and donations rocoivod amounted ta $4,945.63. Total expenditune in 1951 was $4,705.68, loaving a cred- it balance of $239.95 with whicb ta begin 1952. Secrotamy is Lieut-Col. J. C. Gamey, Onono. Demnolishing Top Storey of Factory Workmon bave heen busy the past weeks demolishing the top stomey of the burned-out eyesorn' immediately east of the Special- ty Paper Products building on Wellington St. The job will ho compILted on Monday, according ta N. C. Geer,' Bowmanville, wbo is ia cbargdý of the job. The company contrac- ting for the demolition is the John Alldmead Towing Service, Newcastle. A new noof wîilbe added ta the firo-gutted building in the near future. Other plans are ln- definite. It is not known at this time wbat use the ownors of Specialty Paper intend ta make of the building. [4ons Hockey Draw- Announce Winners F'or Entire Month Winning tickets on the Lions Hocey Draw wome dmawn on .Vednesday moraing for the ea- lmre montb of Fehnuary ta give ho luckv winnems a chance ',o nake plans for attending the games. It is tbouglht this systcmn wili be more satisfactony than th weekly dmaw bithento made. Winnoms are: Fo.b. 2-Tom Can-i ter, Jim Allia: Feb. 6-Blain El-1 iott. Keith MvcGill; Feb. 9-- Jack Colville, George Perfect; 'eh. 13-L. V. Walkem, Bill Beg- i ley; Feb. 16-Ed. Leslie. Larry i )ewell: Feb. 23-Jack Everson. Percy Luxton.i Steaming "Haggis"ý Piped In At Legion Band's Burns Supper Attended by Over 150 Citizens One of Bowmanviile's youngest foot biade, almost decapitated his but most active groups again pon wife. stops ino the limelight-tbe Le- Rev. Warren Turner pronaune- gion Pipe Band. Thoy were hasts (Continucd on Page Seven) ta wel aven anc bundred and fifty citizens at a Buýrns' Supper in traditionai style in the Bow - Legion Chairmen manville Badminton Club on Are Announced Friday, Jan. 25. The ome's uxiiar ofthe Canadian Legion Committee Legion bad donc a great deai af Chaînînen for 1952 bave been an- bard work well in advance of the nouooed by the rocontly instaled evoning and again served a de- executive of Bmanuh 178. Chair- ligbtful meai witb commendable mon are as follows: good cheer. The evening stamted Carnival - Presidont Lloyd witb the customany "piping in of Preston; Special Events-Cuth- the haggis." That is always the bort MacDonald; Poppy Day-Rae piece de resistance at any Seat- Abernetby; Advertising and Pub- tish dinner. Mrs. Wm. Tordîff îicity-Don Morris; Sports-jim and Mrs. Thos. Wrigbt were ne- Faim, Entertainment-Jim Wood- sponsible for the prepanation of ward; Finance-Gea. Mitchell; this delicacy. Canteen-Jack Emerson; Mem- Andrew Omm, manager of Wall- bership-Monty Goslett; Property on Stores, bad the honon of ad- --Alex Mains. Co-chairmnan of dressing the haggis and while Speciai Events with lst Vice-Pros. taking a swish at t with a trce- MacDonald is Lmne MQuarrie. The Plot 5h11l Thickens About ""The Man Who Came Io Dinner" See the Mystery Solved on Feb. 6 - 7 A.D. 2000. Bert singing in a quavering banitone "Wboo You andi I Were Young Maggie." But wby look sa far ahoad. Our Mag- gie, young, pretty, vemy capabku, a bit bamdboiled aftor secretary- ing for ton years for Whitesides, xviii he re in persan next week. She falîs for Bert. the young playwmight while "The Man" def- initely perturbed, scatters ridi- cule and rocks along the path of young love until with the arrivai of -Glamour Girl" Lorraine.,' whips up an ùternal tmiangle sit- uation wbîch bas Maggie gnash- ing ber pretty toetb. -By the way. wbat would be yaur reaction if a guest brouglit a self-containcd colon v of ten tbousand living creatumes, corn- pîcte with microphone aod bcad- phones, into your borne. Thbe irrespansibie, irrepressibie Banjo plays a part, along with a repentant Wbitesides. and the Kbodive of Egypt, in eliminating one side of the triangle and bhings seem. headed for a happy endiog but that pesky patch of ice on the front step is still Ne- nesis for--whomn do you tlîink. Don't try ta guess. Watch plot and counterpiot unfold an tho stage of Town Hall. Februar- 6th and 7th. Prcsented by the Bw nanville Rotary Club-the csto The Man Who Camre To ELJ!n nC- are members of the club and1 their familles, and proceods go ta finance club activities for Crippied Cbildmon. Orono Ladies Raise $81.00 for Hospital by Holding Card Party Proving that surounding com- murlities bave their bospital and its neods aiways in their minds, a group of enthusiastic Orono ladies, led by Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, oganized a card pamty in Orona Town Hall on Friday, Jan. 18, and realized $81.00 which bas been banded ta the Wornen's Hospital Auxiliary of Memoriai. Hospital. Bowm anvi île. Prizes were donated by the ladies wbo sponsored the party, and Orono citizens didi their part by patmanizing the affair in gaodly numbers. A tborougbly good time was enjoyed by ahl present and they bad the satisfaction, ai well, of koowing that they were belping their bospital financialiy. This type of active interest and assistance by residents of outly- ing cammunities is very giratify-. ing and mouch appmeciated 'by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary, who themselves are tireiess ln their efforts ta raise needed funds for the hospital. Yffl )T.TTKET, bvJUJ.YIL98 7c PER COPY NUMBER 5 p ;l v u il y a ti p p E ri E 0 ti ej ic ry D a: st a) rr, .1 ai

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