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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1952, p. 7

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SSOCIAL AND PERSONAL lboue 9663 Ur. ansi Mrs. Alsien Hoar, Beth- esda, were Sunday guests of Mrs. M. Silver. Mrs. Elmar Banting joines iber husbansi at the Canadjan Nur- serYmnen's Convention Fiday night for the banquet halsi in the Royal York Hotel. Dr. ansi Mrs. W. H. Birks have returnesi fromn an enjoyable twa >eeks' holiday in Miami, Florida, jt Bermuda as The S:tatesman 4éeviOusly raportasi. Rushing down King St. ln orsi- er ta keep warmn, Tuesday, Mrs. Fred Cate was bearsi remark: "We don't neesi artificial ice in this kinsi o1 waatber." First place in the Lakeshore Intermediate Hockey League wull ba decidesi at Memnoial Arena, Saturday nigbt, wben Boxvman- ville Barons clash with Lindsay. The colsi wave (bat bit Bow- manville early tbis week shovesi (i1e thermometer at McGregor's Drug Store down ta 13 degrees balow zero at fine o'clock Tues- day momning. Mm. andi Mrs. W. S. Staplos with ber father, Mmr J. A. Walk- ar ansi Miss Florence Trussier of Meaforsi left by mnotor this week (o spensi a mnonth at West Palm Beach, Florida. BowmanViîîa residents are lna- vitesi ta attend a Momorial Ser- vice for the late Canon C. R. Spen- cer ta be halsi in St. John's Angli- can Cburch, bis former parisb, at la.m., Sunday, Feb. 3rd. Mrs. Harolsi DeMille, Burke- ton, In mnewing ber subscription ta The Statesman writes: I get great anîoymnent out of raading your paper as it is the only papar wa get. I wait for it aagerly every week. At the annual meeting of the Ontario Crop Improvemant As- sociation helsi in Toronto, Gar- net B. Riekard was elactesi ta the board of directors ansi also1 electesi secratary of the Seesi Growars' Section. If you are in the habit of park- ing your car on the street beforet yaur home, you better dovelop a naw habit. Any car (bat clelayst snow removal la future will ha 1 towad away. The car owner 1 will pay (awing costs.r Newtonville subscriber writas:r I certainly woulcl not want ta, miss a single copy of The States-v man-my favorite paper. Esi. t Youngman's column is super. Wec would like ta sea more of Book t. Review by Alice Rowe-Sleaman. r The cast is well-rebearsed; tha scenary is in the pmocess of con- struction, ansi tickets for the Ro- tary Club prosentation of "The Man Who Came To Dinnar" are h selling like hot cakes. Btter t. irake sure you get a seat by buy- ci "'in'g your ticket (oday. D Thir(y-thrae members of Bow- w manville Rotary Club attendasi e an inter-club meeting at Wbitby, OJ Tuesday evening. Ajax andi Pick- rE ering besides the Bowmanville bý ansi Whîtby Rotary Clubs were th representesi. Local Rotarians ir made the trip by chartaresi Gar- it ton's bus. Pl The Annual Meeting of the ar L'ibrary Board, wbich was ta si h ave takan place on Tuesday ir night, Jan. 22, was postponed due ta unfavorable weatber. ansi wihl di be helsi insteasi on Toesday night, l Feb. 5th, at 7 p.m. in the Libmary hi Reading Room. The public is hi invitesi ta attend, ni, At the Canadian Nurserymen's wa Convention bels inlaToronto last o week, Norman Scott, manager of 0f, Brookdale - Kingsway Nurserieýs, mr was again electesi a Director. El- gr mer Banting, manager of Down-W ham Nurseries, was appointasi ta tbe cammittea in charge of Nur- ig sery Summer Short Courses. Ca] ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Rex' Warren Turner, BA, B.D. 8 ar.- HOLY COMMUII ON 11 arn - MEMORIAL COMMU'NION for the late Canon C. R. Spencer 7 p.m.- EVENSONG L_ Manufacturing metbods usesi to 3. produce farm equipment rival thase for building airplane andi rfine automobiles, bath in modern efficiency and quality of work, accarding ta Mary andsiBll Allen of F. S. Allan & Sons, wbo re- turned Sunday aftcr a week's tour of John Deere farmn implement jfac'tnries in Illinois ansi Iowa. Tbey visited six of (he 16 John Deere factories. They also in- spectesi the Jobn Deere centrail1 materials research laboratories, where (bey saw some of the ex- haustive tests of the many kinss of materials-everytbing from steel ta paint-usesi in manufac- turing John Deere farmn impie-j The first of the series of auchres for Artificial Ice was bels inlatbe Union Hall Wednesday evening. Seventy-five tickets were saIsi by Muriel Dunn. amounting ta $18.- 75, plus 80c taken in for the 'freeze-out' game which nets the Funsi $19.55. Ahl interastesi in the ice praject turn out ta these auchres ansi win excellent prizes. By s0 doing you will be donating 25e each week ta (ha funsi. Wbe(her' you go ta the auchre or nat. if you buy a ticket you s(ill bave a chance an an exception- ally goosi draw prize weakly. Tbe winners lastweek were: Lila Graham. (lucky draw), Irane Gorbam, Madaline Slaght, Mrs. Dan King, Mrs. Lee, W. Cochrane, Vi Coole, Lila Graham, Irene Candiar. Tickets may be secur- esi from Muriel Dunn or at the cloor each Wednesday nigbt. Burns" Night Supp (Continuesi from Page One esi Grace. ansi (ha toast ta King was givan by Harmy noms, prasîdant of (ha Legion1 Bansi, wbile Jack Knigbt, actesi as chaimman, propasesi toast (a (ha Bard, Robant Bur William G. Jpmes introdi- tha speaker of (ha evaaing,1 John W. Foote, V.C., ansi fo tbat tha latter hasi an almostE lass array of accamplishmenti hus name. Hawevar, daspita rnany talents Bill saisi, hç cc not finsi any (race of Scottish cestry la John Foote's past, .vonderad if (bat antitles iri be guest speaker on such an casiaa. Bill endesi bis introd tion with a couplet from Bui read, as ha saisi, in English. The prasent boum is in power Andsi 5 I would anjay it.' Mm. Foota (han explainasi t ris ances(ry was Irish, but tha applause 0f (ha gathering, cidesi (o risk speaking anryw )rawing on bis many associati( with Scats, ha gave a freeai casy (alk. Duriag bis prison )f-war days in Germany, ha coi .emembar (ha importanca of1 :agpipes ansi (aid bis beamers (I rey wara actually classesi nstrumants af wam, vbich ma t difficoît for (ha prisoners )rcure (hem. As time want rîsi a pipa bansi began (o ta ;ape, tha value of a plaidr ncroasesi by leaps ansi boun ýis a chaering tbough( (bat ex lring tha blackest boums of ii risonmen t, part of Scotiani leitaga lassanasi (ha dreasi )mredom ansi passasi (ha (ime- it pleasantly toalal-at lee itb soma interest. Major Foi ais (ribote (o (ha Scottisb w f paying raveranca (o Gos ia an. andi (a (ha fact (bat t. rea( preachers, wri(ems and POE are still so bighly bonoresi. Mrs. W. Lawria gava (wa c thtful sangs, daspite (ha hani p of beiag withaut an accom nist ansi (han (ha gatharii iado way for (ha Pipe Bandi. incredibla (a (bink (bat ti ne bansi bas only bean form( )r oaa year. The boundlass ei iusiasm of (ha players carri, re away ansi makas ana want courage (hem more. Folloxving (ha banquet (ha ri ainsier of the evening was spai Ldancifng tt ha music of GIE irtua ansi bis Bansi. T'he idea of a Highland Gamý Bowmanvilla has been put fa: ard ansi witb support coulci t icia a neality in (ha vary ne. ure. It would ha an inspirir ng ta see 15 ta 20 bansis in fu ess, parade through (ha streal wBoxymanville ansi (ha con ditiva aspect of (ha garni ulsi attract people from nea i far andi put aur home (0w ,t on the map. It coulsi mea great deal ta Bawmanville an, eBandi bava provesi tbenîselve me tban wiiling ta make ever: frt. Let's ail support our loca deavours first sa (bat (ogethe mnay' march on (o better thing Bowmanv 111e. j an mk is finr fai ang a in Vil la xva ma fut (hii dre of pet woi and rigl a g the moi offc end wa for er Con Pipi wbc thi 'ns. ucec Hon. ts (c bis ould an- andi n tu oc- mrs, My bhat de- ay. ans and ier- the ;hat as p-rjor stonie social hou-r, Mr. A. to making stu-dios-shortly after their rich and resonant voice, but was R ousneprsdthgou% on Newcastle wedding, Saturday af- not able ta show to advantage on aiRecitina r. Jam tes.ou* ake ternoon, be was confronted witîh Wednesday night, since hie was A timeîy historical sketch of rug the first problemn in his blissful suffering from a heavy cold. This teMsse. ai, a gvnb ds. (one hour) married life. The was a disappointment to the aud- we]l-known Durham historiaîi en problem: How ta ferry his new ience, who would have enjoye James P. Lovekin, dealing with im- bride from the car across King St. hearing more from Mr. Foster. teeryatvte ftefmu d'ssluh t th siewak.Marjorie Hays, who replaced Durhamites. [fui Unlike Sir Walter Raleigh who Fionia Skakun, originally sehe- Mrs. J. H. Fair's group of ladies -if tbrew his coat ln the mud for duled for this concert, was a served coffee and sandwiches andi ýast Queen Victoria, Bill Alîdreasi vivaciaus young soprano singer, a pleasant bour was spent visit- Mte was overcoatless. He rose to the who used costumes, dramaties and ing and wvelcoming many new IEY occasion, however, by sweeping dance steps in hier performance. members and guests. Tbanks wvas ind his blusbing bride, arrayesi in She pleased the audience in her given to Reg. Lovekin for don- he fluffy white. up in his arms ansi second group of sangs, which con- ating a bushel of lusclous Dur- .ts boldly slosbing tbrougb the slush sistesi of four Irish ballads, and bam County apples. in the manner of first-tbresbold- responded with two sprigbtly At the Club's next meeting on le- crossings. ** little n u ni b e r s, "Watermelon Feb. 28,' Mr. Owen Davies, world- di- Man" and "~Little French Clock." traveller, is to speak on "Germ- p- SONNY'S UP FRONT Miss Hays' first appearance, in any-Past and Present." He will ing Sanny Hoaper is stiîl leadîng a scene and aria tram "Faust" present native sangs af the Anti- It the paint-getting pack in Toron- which included The King of podes as well. his to's Major Hockey Series. Play- Thule and Jewel Sang, displayed ied ing with Peoples, the homebrew hier lave of drama, but her voice >n- puck-cbaser bas scared 16 goals perhaps lacked maturity and re-EoayCu .eS and assisted on 10 mare for a sanance for works of this demand- ]oayCu ta point total of 26. Teammates ing nature. Wilson andi Wycherley place sec- James MacDonald, pianist, op- (Continuesi from Page One) re- andi and third with 24 and 23 ened the programme with two tractesi to the sun tbrough a pro- nt points. Bowmanville boy sure Chopin numbers, "Polonaise in A cess of evaporation, but when it en makes good! ** Major" and "Ballade in G Minor," reaches cooler temperatures in which were played witb skill, but the stratosphere it condenses and Uý ROUND-ABOUT WAY lacked feeling andi expression. His becomes draps of moisture whicbj )r- Our Editar-in-Chief bas an second number, which followed eventuaîîy returns ta eartb in the be annual habit of writing a cheerful the intermission, was Liszt's "Sec- form af ramn or snow. As this ar Christmassy letter ta aur mare andi Hungarian Rhapsody." Mr. water makes its way ta the sea it n g than 30 rural carrespondents a MacDonald also acted as accom- Picks up minerai content and it .11 few days before Christmas. Our panist for the other artists. The is tbis addition that turns it into ts Maple Grave correspondent, Mrs. piano accompaniment for the the bard water we get from taps n- Harry Freeman, who bolsis the delicate passages of Mr. Pach's here in Bowmianville. es long time record of over 40 vialin numbers, and the light There are only two soft water ar years as reporter, lives just four voice of Miss Hays, scemesi at areas on the North American n doors west of The Statesman of- times a littie too pronounced. continent. The first runs from n fice. Mr. Pach's f irst number was a southern &èIberta north to Alaska;j id On December 20, ve editor took serious and demanding work, the the second, from Florida north ta s bis quili in hand and settlesi down first movement of Sibelius' "Con- the Maritimes. The balance of the Yv in bis sanctum ta the pleasant certo in D Minor," wbich he per- continent, or three-quarters of the al duty of xriting ta each carres- farmed witb admirable abilîty. land mass, is composed of bard cr pondent, personally. The letters In the second haîf af the pro- water areas. s were mailesi Dec. 20. Mrs. Free- gramme hie played a group of "Next ta the air we breathe, man's letter~, alang with three three numbers, "Meditation" by Water is man's greatest passes- others mailed the saine day ar- Glazounov, "Prophetic Bird" by sion," Mr. Clifton told Rotarians. rived more than a month later. ta Schuom a nn, and "Tambourin Based on scientific fact, the be exact-Jan. 25. It seems the Chinois" by Kreisler, ail of which movie points ont that it takes six envelopes (due ta the Christmas requiresi accomplished technique times as mucb soap ta produce rush, andi pressure) were sent ta of bow and fingering. Mr. Pach foamy suds in bard water as it LAPRARIE, P.Q., a suburb Of was at ail times master of bis does in soft. Even then, the soap- 1Montreal, as thcY eacb bore that instrument, and played with a ed-up bard water is a dirty brown pastmark. depth of feeling wbich denotes the in color wbile the soft water is * ** rue artist. As an encore, he clear. Potatoes and other vege- STOMACII STATISTICS plaved the lively "Banjo and tables take longer ta coak in bard The Baroans packed a record Fiddle."1 water; xvater pipes are ruined. craxx-d inta the Arena Saturda\- Robert Foster's ricb baritone Soft Water Benefits evening ( 1,379) and local bocke.' vorce was severly bandicappesi by Washcd 'in soft water fabries fans, including a few fram Part a tbroat coisi. ln bis first group remain soft and their use is ex- Hope, brouglit their buniger With lhe sang "Alma del core" by tended as much as 25 ta 50 per them. The rcfresbmcnt booll, Caldara and "'Il Lacerato Spirito" cent. Diapers washed in bard (behinsi the glass) sold 480 bot from -Simon Bocanegra" by Verdi. water tend ta encourage diaper dogs; mare than that number Of He omitted the second number rasb because, after numerous soft drinks. and ran ouf of ccv listed in this group, perbaps sav- wvasbings, the fabric bas barden- tbing but elhncolate bars mrid- ing bis voice for the remainder esi. Similarly, silk or nylon stock- wav in the third pcrmndi. of the programme. He was en- ings last much longer Wbhen wash-j One w.oman bouncesi up bi he tireîl' at home in bis second group ed soft water. And for tbe men, bar andi asked for coffec Thev of songs, andi in spite of bis cold a microscopic view of two razor dont soli it. Hav.en't Pdo(t 1blc wýas able ta show (bat be pass- blades-one used ta shave in equiprrent. But Clarence Oký' essed a round, resonant quality bard water and the other in soft, tells us theYsoli darn fine 11ot and considerable range. He also were pictured an the screen. The chocolate. had good stage presence andi a bard ,vater blade was jagged, in- plaigpesnlt. hsgoP iaiga og hvigcoe COEAGAIN, THANK YOU'! rneluded. *'Four Jolly Sailor- wbile the blade usesi in soft water If yau*re in the imar-kc*t for an men" b:' Edward German: "The was as smootb andi keen as new. -exceptional afre r-dunner zVak:Little Ir sh Girl- by Herman Lobr; Hard water is also bard on the whois lsopar psia'hrpms, Glorious Dev-on" by Edward Gem- skin, according ta the movre. It we suegest 'sou nC-rteî. man. -Homing" b.\ Teresa del makes bansis unsigbtly and un- possibiit\1 of zC!î~:! xem- iego. and the vigorous ansi pow- safe. Rashes, broken skin anld 1busy Major the Re,,. John W '.1 erful 'Invictus' by Brunoa Huhn. b ard. brittie cuticle are commun le 1- )e LO le ýd 1. d 1- : 0 LS d L- d 0 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvffLE, oNTAIO 'A E Vi -~ j MUSIC FESTIVAL ADJUDICATORS lor the 1952 Peterborough Music Competition Festival (o be held in the Liftlock City May 14 - 21 shown above: are Alex Red-- shaw and Ronald Biggs, both well-known English musicians and Miss Irene Fair- clough, L .R.C.T., of the Hamilton donservatory. The festival is sponsored by the Peterborough Kiwanis Club and this year has an expanded programn which is to include the Central Ontario area wes( to Toronto and east to Kingston. Now.. 'DUCKY" DUCKS DUCKING Saturday night the music-mak.- ing cage tacked ta tbe soutb wai] of the Memorial Arena ttrrned in, o a sballow swir-nming pool during the Pc-rt Hope-Bowmanvilîe hoc- key game. The roof of the wooden gon- dola usually inhabitesi by Ducky Neads (eminent Bawmanville radio technician) and a local Member of Parliament wbo spar- adically exercises bis speech- making chords before the mike, developesi giant bales tbroughi whicb littie Niagaras gushed.. On tbe suggestion af two unof- ficial officials-Murray Tighe andi Paul Chant-the cage roof was sbingled, Monday. No more floods? Ducky's big problemn now seems ta be: "How can I maya tbis cage across the rink ta the north wall?" Tbe cage is too fàr from tbe cokes. THE NEW LOOK This is a true story! An attractive second-former waltzed into class at B.H.S., Mon- day. wearing an out-of-this world coiffure; the kind witb the bun in the back. Saisi a classmale of the opposite sex, scornfully: "Humpb! My mother puts ber hair up like that when sbe's domn' the washin'." SIR WALTER RETURNS When Bill Alîsidreasi ansi bis new bride (the former Miss Bond) Foate, V.C., Minister of Reform -Institutions. Guast-speaking at (ha Robert 3 Boras Dinnar (spansomesi by the Canadian Lagion Pipa Bansi in t ha Badminton Hall, Friday) the genial M.L.A. for Durham rafusasi an offeresi 10 bocks expensa 7manay. Insteasilha donatasi $50 (o (ha Lagian Pipa Bansi. That Haggis must ha powerful stuff! Trinity Y.P.U. Hear Talk on Missions By Dr. Geo. Miller Traîty Y.P.U. meeting Monclay evanîng openasi with Margaret Stacey in charge. Jane Maguime lad in a periasi of racreation. Missions convaners Helen Maguira andi Bob Leask hasi charge of (ha pmogrami ansi wamship service. Bah Leask intrasiocas Dr. Geo. W. Millar wha spoka on (ha out- look of (ha future of missionarias la (ha cauntrias (bat have heen dominatesi by Resi aggmassion. Lunch was servesi. Meeting closasi with friandsbip circla ansi Taps. LIONS CONCERT (Continuasi from page one) talk was (bat Canada's politician were, in the main, very sincere iî their efforts (o improve (ha wel. fare of tha citizens ansi (ha coun- try. Ha spoke of the neesi fai politicians ta hecome acquainted with as many people as possible ta laarn (bair points of view anc alsa so (bat tbay would knovi thair membar favorably. Thara ara many privileges ane bas in baing a mambar of parlia- ment. continuesi Mr. James, men- tionîng recant opportunities of bearing andsi saking hansi witl: (ha Prime Ministar of Great Bri- tain Winston Churchill, Prime Minister Pandit Nahru of India andiAAi Khan of Pakistan wha was assassinatesi a few months ago. Possibly (ha graatast priv- ilege was ta watch (hae Prime Min- istar of Canada walking ta wark unascortasi by police. It brought a realization (bat wa ara living in (ha finast country in (ha world whare aur daily livas ansi (ha lîvas of our countrymen are not mn immadiate danger. Several of (ha cantraversial problams facing aur gavarnmeat today wera discussasi by the speaker, ansi includesi (ha ap- Paintmant of a Canadian as Gov- ernor-Ganaral, (ha dmopping of (ha word "Dominion" ansi "Roy- al," the legalizing of hospital sweepstakes ansi the buge amount of mionayý ansi manpower wbicn wa bin spant on defenca. O aIl of (base problams, Canadians ara nt in complete agreement, but Mm. James fait (bat (hase i O(tawa would do their utmost ta hring about satisfactory solu- tions. It was at (ha conclusion of (he addmess (bat Mr. Reg. Lovekin, brought (ha information (bat Rt. Hon. Vincent Massay has i tean appointesi as Govamnor-Genamal. Immadia(ely, it was dacidasi ta sansi hlm a talagram af congratu- l 1 e Luncheor à Guests inclusie v Hoiesan of Oslc wi(b bis wifa i c John Kitchen, alsc - tha new pastar c - Churcb. By spaci fHoiesan sang la i way's National - Rotamy guests we ctin of (ha Mimic àclub ansi Bill Kei )Donc Shay of Pot S* Birtbdays were IRotarians lrC jChasa. ClmC I.D.A. Special! ALMOND LOTION 6-oz. ,ýg 60c 49e I.D.A. Special ! BEEF, IMON & WINE 16-oz. Reg. 79e 63e I.D.A. Special! FRIARS BALSAM 1 - 2 oz. - Reg. 25c, 45c 19e -37c I.D.A. Special! IDOL-AGAR I.D.A. Mineral Oul ansi Agar 16 - 40 oz. Reg. 79e - $1 *59 59e - $1.29 I.D.A. Spacial! SEIDLITZ POWDERS Box of 7's Reg. 29c 2 I.D.A. Special! SYRUP WHITE PINE & TAR 4 - 8 oz. - Reg. 35c, 60e .D.A. Special! Reg a2fo TINCTURE Rg o IODINE 1m COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE W6ECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY New! 1. D. A. Remains mosL on the face 42C Jeaneile Talcum Mercolized Wax Cream -89e Stops Bad Breath, Body Odor, Etc. 25c - $1.25 I.DA. TOOTH FASTE A fine cleanser 32e - 57e F "99" Capsules - -- -$3.00 Ointment --$2.00 -$5.50 Starlac Powdercd Skim Milk ----- --- 48c - $1.17 FLURADENE Chiorophyli Tooth Paste ------ ------69e Ladies' Dressing Combs ;h Cloths 25c - 2 for 19e dead's BABY I.DA. Special! SODA BICARBONATE 4, 8 & 16 oz. Reg. 15c, 25c, 35c mâlNi >-e, - -r- 1MAN'SSIZE 12"x12" PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEXMCGREGOR Mixesi, Rice, Barley or Pre-cookeci fortifiesi witb Vit. B Camplex. PACKAGI 0P GIN ULLS D UPR 0 Xma1 ÇàpOlS GIN P~ILLS 490 Box of 12 40Ç KLEENEX Your Local I.D.A. D ruggist Phone 792 DRUGS We Deliver TRINITY UNITED CHURCH INVITES YOU TO 3UNPAY SER VICES - Il MORNJNG WORSHIP - 12:15 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL - 7 p. n. - eONG SERVICE AND EVENING WORSHIP Film - "FOR GOOD OR EVIL" Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D.. Minister Mr. D. C. Peters, Miss Phyllis Challis, L.T.C.M., Director of Music A.T.C.M., Organist complaints. Sa: pores; there is n sive lotions. Tht the face. "But what cai ting soft water? ask. "We live area ansi as far just have ta put Science has p softener which bot water beat( Iment. Hard wat tha top of the t thmough layers o ing substances amerges at (hý cbannelled into t tem. Great Bud, If a home is n! great saving cý Using soft water cost of foodi (for lily of four) bi Saving on she( linen will be 25 ion soaps, clear softanars will b cent. with a 35 pi in (ha fuel bill. per montb is $13 Mr. Clifton. The speaker% an enlightening tarian John M. j In a laugb-a-r tian, Ratarian 1 sentesi Ratarian1 a basket of gifts1 but as yet un-na ident Dave Higgc father a blanket ft water cleans Lon Cu f the officers of Court Nestie. i0 need for expen- LionsClu ton, No. 1031, and Court Manvers, iesae plis o (Continued from Page One)> o 53 fJnetville. The cere- in 1 do about get- meeting for the third time. Lion rnony took the forrn of an open ?a person rnight Barney Vanstone-who held the installation, with wives and lady in a hard water plaque for but one meeting-pre- friends of the members present as I can see well sented the badge of honor to new fromn Oshawa, Nestieton and up wjth it." Daddy, Lion Ralph McIntyre. Janetviîîe. produced a water Lion Barney Vanstone also pro- The installation was conducted is built like the duced a littie doli and a diaper. bv Bo M.Mnyr Ho, erinyor as- He proceeded to demonstrate the 1DHCR, of Oshawa, assisted by er is inducted at art of diaper changing to the new Bro. F. Blackburn, PCR, of Bow- tank; flows down father, but fumbled half-way manville, and Bros. John Shaw, )f mineral-remov- through and had to be relieved PCR, Bro. Ed. Henderscin, POR, until soft water of the chore by daughter, Mar- and Bro. Cal Braun, of Oshawa; ie bottom to be garet, xvho finished the job. Bro. C. A. Ferguson, PDDHCR, of the plumbing sys- "See how it's don?" Lion Bar- Oshawa, acted as High Marshall ney asked when the job was com- for the ceremony. Iget Savings plete. The officers installed were as sing soft water, a "Yes," answered Lion Ralph. follows: -an be expected. "You want to try it?" For Court Nestieton: Junior r will reduce the 'Not right now," the new fa- Past Chief Ranger-Bro. Wilfred -an average fam- ther declined. Jackson; Chief Ranger-Bro. Mer- ytwo per cent. ets, nylons and Caps For Engineeru lin Suggitt; Vice Chief Raiger- per cent. Saving Yýoung Gary Cole got an electric Bro. Ken Minshall: Chaplain- ners and water train from Santa Claus for Christ- Bro. Ivan Mairs; Financial Sec- 'e up to 80 per mas. Father Lion Fred Cole retary-Bro. Henry Thompson; )er cent reduction made the mistake of inviting Recording Secretary-Victor Mal- . Avrag saingLion Deac (Herb> Goddard over colm; Senior Woodward -Bro. Averagecsving opa t h ri.Resuit: Tva n Roher; Junior Woodward- 1.8, acoringtoLion Deac presented the engineer- Bro. Oliver Roer; Senior Beade was thanked for ing Coles with striped engne -Bro. Ken Pew; Junior Beadie address by Ro- caps, the ones with the big, -Br.Muie Nesbitt. fames. tuare peaks. For Court Manvers, Janetville: minute presenta- Lion Joe Cooper led the sing- Junior Past Chief Ranger-Bro. Bill Rudeli pre- song at the meeting presided Harvey Malcolm; Chief Ranger- Don Morris with over by Lions President Don Wil- Bro. Ralph Malcolm; Vice Chief for his new-born liams. A dog made of cake, pre- Ranger-Bro. Wes. Jordan; Chap- amed son. Presi- sented to a lucky ticket-holding lain-Bro. Norman Wilson; Finan- on gave the new child by ladies of St. John's cial Secretary-Bro. John Burn; for the new ar- Churcb, was won by Jimmy Cole, Recording Secretary-Bro. How- of the Rotary son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cole. ard Malcolm; Senior Woodward- Birthdays were celebrated by Bro. Laverne Wright; Junior n Guests Lions Lorne Allun, Jack Brough Woodward-Bro. James Gray; 'd:Rev o.B.and Lorne Van Driel. Senior Beadie-Bro. A. Robert- cd: ev. . B.son; Junior Beadle-Bro. Murray ),Norway, wbo Malcolm. .s v is t in g R e v . A h l s f t e c r m n ýa Rotary guest, Forester Officers At th escsesof e ceremony f Orono Unitedbref essageswaer deliveed b Jal request, Mr. Installed at Nestieton tenwCrfRneso h w fine voice N or- t' courts and by the installing of.- Anthem. Other By McIntyre Hrood ficer, wbo wished the courts and re: Marty Mar- ____ their members a successful year co-New Toronto A party of officers and brethren in 1952, and asked for their nt, Oshawa and of Court Oshawa and Court Bow- steadfast devotion to the prin- rt Hope. manville, Canadian Order of ciples of the arder. ecelebrated by Foresters, travelled by bus to Refreshments were served, and baorton and Geo. Nestletan on Tuesday evening to a pleasant social hour of square take part in a joint installation and round dancing was enjoyed. 1 r DURHAM CLUB DRUGS Phone 792 We Deliver

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