PACM TEN1 TH CNDIN-T-EMAEO -AVLL - NAil T lAVWua4UARV7 Durhami Couaty Teachers and Pupils Invited Io Take Part in Peterborough Nusic CompetitionFestival Bowmanville and ail of Central these communities asking for Ontario is being included in a mare than their aid in encourag- greatly expanded Peterborough ing entries in the festival. Music Competition Festival this They are asking for suggestions year. Sponsored by the Liftlock that will make the Liftlock city Kiwanis Club, May 14-21, the fes- festival important and successful tival is grawing ta be anc of the for ail of the Central Ontario top five festivals ini Canada. area. Mr. Gemmeli expects ta It will now take in ail com- visit Bowmanville in the next mnunities cast ta Kingston and few days ta talk ta intcrested West ta Toronto. esnadgru. In announcing these new plan3, Persians and rops. lan Wilson Gemmel,' a Peterborough T bank manager and chairman of Te biggest drawing card for the festival committec, said thata festival is its adjudicatars and the club believed that in this ex- in t bis respect the festival com- pansion, the festival would fui- mittee believes that At offers the fi a definite need in the musical best available. As has been the life of the greater area. customn in the past few years, music adjudicators fromn England Local Musicians Won Honors who came ta Canada for ail the The Peterborough festival is major festivals across the country well known ta Bowmanville will be at the Peterborough festi- music teachers and students. In val. its f ive years of existence. en- This year the English adjudi- tries from this town have gone cators who wiil be in Peterbor- ta Peterborough and won more ough are Alex Rcdshaw and Ron- than a few top honors in the-Ir aid Biggs, whose photos appeared classes. in last week's issue of The States- But in this and followîng years, man. the festival committee have de- Mr. Redshaw has been adjudi- cidcd that outside communities cating in music festivals in Eng- should play even a mare import- land, Scotland and Ircland for ant noIe than participation in the many ycars. He is conductor of festival. Already speakers frorn the Redshaw Singers. a group1 Peterborough are visiting groups of professional and semi-profes- of music teachers, home and sional vocalists who broadcastj s c h o o i organizations, service frequently in the programns of clubs and other groups in ail the BBC. He also conduets the1 MONTREAL-5,000.00 PRIZE MONEYI Herc's your Big Chance ta win the $1,000.00 First Pnize or any other of the 143 Cash Awands ta a total of $5,000.00. Second prize is $200.00. third prize us $100.00 and there are 140 prizes of $5.00 eacb. Ail of these prizes wiil be DOUBLED if the Prize Winning Contestant bas attacbed only anc box-top, label or - facsimile from any anc of the foiiowing products: Veiveeta box-top; Crown Brand Corn Syrup label or top fnom cane topped tin, any "Junket" box-top; Tintex Dye or Color $1,000.00 BON US * Remaver box-top; Tender Leaf Tea box- At the -m ireo the ludging, top front a container of tea or tea bags: a Special $1,000.00 Bonus Bovril box-top or label; ReaLemon lemon will b. aworded ta the first juice label; Vi-Tone can top; Miracle contestant, with correct solu- Whip Saiad Dressin label; Brama tion, who has *nclosed one Setz oxtp r a i;n ivr ls box-top, label or facslirnif Selter ox-op o lael;Silvr Goss front any six of the products Starch box-top; Robin Hood Cake Mix mentioned obove. The judg- box-top-White, Chocolate or Ginger- Ing will continue, if necessary, bread; Johnson's Pride Furniture 'Wax beyond the awarding of the other 143 prizes until a cor- label; Davis Gelatine box-top; Lavoris rect solution is found whlch box-top or label; Zubes Cough Lozenges qualifies for this Special paper dise; Mil-Ko box-top; Chase & $1,000.00 Bonusl Sanborn Coffee front panel from bag or metal strip from tin, Kraft De Luxe Slicej label. You need just ane * box-top, label or facsimile ta DOUBLE your prize money. And you can win a SPECIAL $1,000.00 BONUS, taa. Read about it under heading "$1,000.00 BONUS". CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS, the popular new week-end ncwspapcr colusun, presents this Great and Easy Contest. This is ail you have ta do: Find and circle 19 letters ot the alphabet in this column, which if placed in order, would apell CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS. Here 's a winning tip, just read back a few lines and you will find the word "Contest". Circie each of the first thrce letters and you are on your way to the Big Prixé Moncyl You wiil find tbe remnainder of the letters iscattered throughout the columnJ:the order in whicha they are circled docs not, inatter. You may circle the'letters in thîs column or on a separate olip of paper write the complete words from which yau took the key letters which speli out your solution. These key letters must then be circlcd. ln this way yau can send in as many entries as you wish I Contest closes March 3sut, 1952. Be sure ta include your naine and address. Only first ciass mail with sufficient postage accepted. Remember $2,000.00 is the First Prize if correct solution cantains a box-top, label or facsimile from any of the above products. THERE ARE 143 OTHER PRIZES FOR A GRAND TOTAL 0F $5,000.001 .Major prize winners' naines will appear in this columa witbin a few wecks. A complete list of winners will be furnislied on request. Mail your entries and enclosures to CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS, P.O. Box 350, Station H, Montreal. Increase your chances of winning by rushing as many entries as passible. A Roaring Blizzard aiways makes me think longingly of warm summer eands and ieunshine. And that brings -on enticing thought.s about rny hoiidays next Gummen.I I laven't decided yet where l'Il head ta for -fun 'n' fraiec but I've donc anc very.important thing as part of my jt1 1952 Personal Planning programn . . . I've opened &' " Sunshiae .Account at tbe BANK 0F MON'IREAL. Thats the ane way ta be sure that, you'll have the necessary cash when winter's snaws are gone and the' beach is beckoning. Resoive now that lack of holiday funds won't force you ta make do with a "second-best" vaca- tion. Open a Sunshine Account at the B of M tomnorrow. Then, save a definite aniaunt cach pey-day, and youi'll be ail set ta enjoy every sinshine-filicd moment wben your holi days camne 'round. Hang Soine Gay Decoraion-put an a pnetty dress-and bave Ionnat ~ your youngsters' parties. It's easy ta do whien yau're not ail worn out from fussing over "fussy" food. ~ Simplyý make something easy-yet oh-so-deliious / with wondcrful JELL-O PUDDINGS. Here'a a recipe that's always a party-siiccess-yet economi- cal and simple ta prepare . . . iMrbie Pie. 1. package each Jell-O Chocolate Pudding and JeUl-O Vanilla Pudding, 'uslng V% dupa mlk for each. Cool mixtures. Put, a tablespoon at a lime, into baked 9-inch pie sheli, aiternating flavours. Cut through i lfling wit.h knlfe in zigzag course ta "marbe', i-epeat in opposite direction. l've Never Seen A Husband as I Never Did Beliere that aid say. proud as Manys inz about being tas tie other able to do saine- n i g li t! Il e 2 ilîing ' h r lî~:iiîr' w t lands ticdb hnd deiîzlît w' hten -vour back".Just i we alil aked for .* tryit srnmem sýcond lî.ellpings\1v./ Y o u r hands r of Maîr v s -on- /!just a bou h du ilfu cake. Shie mo--t p eco u tolîl is bier cake success "secret" possession yau have . . . so wby . WANS D0 W, N CAKE not give tiîem the good cane tlîey FLOUR. Surpnised? No, l'Il bet deserve? Af te n a particuiarly youre fnot if you utse Swans Down. "gniibby" job- treat therntoaa For you kziaw that it makes cakes thoroîigh cicansing witli wonden- as lighit a.q a dneam . .. beaut fiîi, working SNAII HAND C L -A'N- tender cakes iiat malt in voiîn 1-R. Sniap r(nioces- grcase ç!.iins niul.Bull <la\-ou know îihy andail l ln-'to-get-off dint ina :Sîans Dolý-itn akes SUch wonder lý . . -ver it s kiîLd la vour ful Fi-sty-its mae by h.indýý. It*. knd thnce ways. l'or fui akçs Iisllyiî ni~~ . Snap Hand leaner contains three cake-floiir experts. And-it's sifted ai nrdets-fn tla andresfte 'tl i«s 7 tmesas pumîce and pure soapfo cleans.. fine as ordinary flour. Dont take ing -plus kind-to-bandi glycernn chances wben yaure cake-baking for conditioning. Thats why I ..ta ail 'cour precious ingncd- urge v'oita take good care of icis- add the 'wizaridr-y" of '-aur li-rd-wrkinz hands - with S%ýaîns Down Cake Flour. Snip Ifand Clecaner. l'es, It's True, as Fve proved ta mvyscif again and again. For fit-e u;îî"thar. can miake you fcec slilgîsl and i bu- there's oucie emed.v ta set 3-ou ighit. .sprccd, , SAL Hl-PATICA. AnvLbile yout1erc ~l-~. frontirgurt r-cdibsivnlpe-os p- . tion or over-induilgenue.. take gentle Sal Herpiica . for fast relief. Ir. usually lestes you icfelinz lîke a - mnill;ion in no tinie at ail! Ys SlHevaiica bas sa%-ed the day-and the evening-manY a rime for me. That's xwhy IflhiiOys like ta bave Ibis -one-far.. fiva' laxative handy in my medîcine-cabinet! OnIy The Very Rieh eould afford to drink lea in the days of Queen Flizabeth. Tea tax\es in England wene Co high that tes smugghng was a common occurrence. o The King's men whipped and banged the darîng smuggers, but the ' wmere ncgarded more as heroes than as cimînals by the peaple. l'or tea, even i then, was a much-sought-after Lennrge. la those davtQ . want blende'l aîldW',uIild Le ainiost unreoognizable au tea ta us îuda%. 'o 1 .iî ul' týJ hliking 11.1 l",i ý tva are la have. wilhîn .Iot-ket-book reacli' af ail ai 11-a tes bleuId wý sriperb as RED ROSE TE.A. Even tasted if? Weil,. ýo! Anif, by the wa3, you'il 11k. Red Rom CoffeO &as much Us Red Rose Tea.l Philharmonic Society which has a chorus of 250 voices and is con- ductor of the newly-farmed Lind- say Opera Company in England. The second English adjudicat- or, Mr. Biggs la well-known ln the United Kingdom as a cam- poser-canductor. Until recently he was arganizer of music pro- grams for the BBC. He stili does considerable work with the camp- any. He has been director of music in several schools and in 1937 was director of the Rural Music Schools Council. In Oct.4 1951, he conducted some per- armances of Benjamin Britten.'S work. Let's Make Opera. Well Known Dramatist The drama and verse speaking section of the festival also will have a weli-known adjudicator. Miss Irene Fairelough, LRCT, cf the Hamilton Conservatory will be adjudicating these classes. Miss Fairclough has had a great deal of experience in thîs workj and also in the field of drama. She has been associated with the Tampa, Florida, Little Theatre and the Little Theatre at Las Gat- os, Long Beach and was assistant director of the pageant there. She is a member of the Hamil- tan Playens Guild and bas ap- peared with them ln many pro- ductions. The actual activities for the 1952 festival got undenway in De- cember 1951, when Mrs. A. D. Vaisey, festival secretary sent out more than 700 copies of the syl- labus with mare than haif going ta points outside Peterborough. Aiready entry forms are cam- ing ln and the number already rcceived from other communi- ties has convinced the festival cammittee that the idea of expan- sion was a long needed one now that smaller festivals in the area have been forced ta close down because of financial difficulties. Syllabuses and entry forms may be obtained by writing ta Mrs. Vaiscy. 32 Brock St., Peterbor- ough, or eaul at The Statesman office wbere there are a limited number. The closing date for entries is March 31, 1952, and again we ne- mind you the dates of the festival are Mv,14 t+,20 n ,,-ive, ar. iv ay ii .zJ fl, infl. i.Ove. OBITUARY, MRS. GEORGE WOODS In failing health for aven a year Mary E. Dean, wife of the late George Woods, Owen Sound, passel peacefully away ta ber eternal rest at the Ellen Oslcr Memonial Home in Dundas aný January 30, 1952, in hei- 88th year. Bora la Cincinnati, Ohio, laugh- ter of the late Henry Dean and Lousanna Pettit of U. E. Loyalist stock, she went tb Duadas with ber parents at an early age where she resiled until her marriage. She then movel ta Owen Soundi where she livel for over 50 Ycars. There .Mrs. Woods was a very devoted and active member of the Baptist Church,wbere she was a memben of the women's or- ganizations of the churcb. sang in the choir and taught la the Sunday School. Sbe xvas neyer happier than working in the ser- vice of her Master. For a num- ber of Years she was a member of the Womca's Institute of Owen Sound. As a hobby she took great delight and pride la ber flawer garden. About ten years-aga she returnel ta Dundas ta live whene she enjayel rcnewing the friend- ships of carlier days as well as making many new fienîs. Preleceased by ber husband on Jaauary 20, 1929, shle is survivel by one daughter. Mrs. Gea. W. James, Boxvmanvilie: two sans, Wiibur H. Woods, Wcston, andi Robt. D. Woods. London, Ont. There arc also seven grandebll- rea and four great grandchild- ren. The funeral service which was langely attended sol beld at the Cattel Funenal Home, Dun- das, on Feb. lst, was conductel by ber pasior, Rev. C. Mc- Laughlin of the Baptist Cburch. Many beautiful floral tnibutes from local and distant places were mute evilence of the esteem in wbich the deceasel xvas bcld bv a widc circle of relatives and fiends. The palibeaners wcre two grandsons, Gardon Woods, Or- angeville; Wm. G. James, Bow- manville. and four nepbews, Robt. Woods, McCail Woods, James Murray, Dualas, and Wm. Woods, Jr., Hamilton, The bunial took place in the famiiy plat in Grave Cemetery, Dundas. Don'i Gamble ! TOO OFTEN after a f ire the nevspaper repart says "There was no însursnce." OnIy the property owner xi-ho tank a chance - and lnst - can appreciate that insufficient Fire Insurance is a real calamity. DON'T stake evenything you own against the chance of being %viped out hy fire! Insure with Stuart R. James [NS[RANCE - REAL ESTATEI Phone: Office 681 Res. 4931 King Street, BommanvilUe Needleeraft News by Paulide ROY 1TS TME RARE bomemaker who doesn't need a sewing basket within easy reach. Whether Yeu sew for the wholc famiiv or mereiy take a stitch in time, you'li find a weli-outfitted sewing box the answer tealal yaur problems. Ixeeping ail your sewing essen- « tials under anecocver wiiscave you trne and searching when yau decide ta stitch that new dress or repair a hem that is coming down. Notions You'li Like ~ If yau do any amount of sew- ~ ing, you'ii need good dressmaker ~. ~ ~ shears with hiades at least four inches long. Make sure the han- rdi1e is comfortable. SmaIl scissors with. sharp points are bandy for Enipping tbreads and ciipping corners. Pinking shears are enor- mus time and eff ort savers, not o nly for finishing scams but aiso for generai cutting. You'Il find tailor's cbaik indispensable in marking dants fins eliniinating tailor's tacks. Thiis rhalk aiso sae. you time wiien fitting a garment. A tape mnsuri i. an- other sewing nerecsily. If vont have no large fable toi) n wlieh ta cut out --our gairrent, voui wiii certainly want a cutting board that unioids ta give you a large flat surface. Sashay Skirt Honor yaur partner in a fuii-swinging skirt of your own miaking. The special leature of this style is the big puif pocket gathered at the top ta keep your compact, handkcrchief, etc. from Ieaping out. Use a gay catton print for the skirt and deep flounce; trim pocket. and ruffle with wide rick-rack. If you would like a direction lenfle,., for naking this SQUARE DANCE SKIRT, juat send a stamped, sclf-addressed envelape ta the Needlework Departsnent of this paper requesting Leaflet No. E-2611. Hello Homemakers! Marmalade ICook slawly until tender (2 ta 2 i,ý COnsists of small pleces of fruit houns). (Use eiectnic element suspendcd in slightly jellicd fruit turned ta simmer). Measure juice. Fotunately, we la Ontario cookcd fruit and add 2/3 as much anc bicssed with a good quality sugar. Cook the mixture rapidly and quantity of citrus fruits, until it jellies from a spoon (from mainly, grapefruit, oranges and 30 ta 60 minutes. Pour into jars, lemons. scal, label and store. The citrus fruits arc the basis Ginger Marmalade of dlean, flavorful marmalades, ai- Add 2 cups chopped ginger ta thtough you can be sure of a good each quart of prepaned fruit. Add p rnduct using such cambinations 2/3 as much sugar as combined as cookel apnicots and canned fruit pulp. pineapple or citron and ginger Carrot and Orange Marmalade with lemon juice. The best mar- malade is made from Seville 6 medium-sized carôts oranges which appear an aur mar- 3 oranges ket about the first part of Feb- Juice and gratcd rind ruary, sa, it's time ta make the of 1 lemon favorite of favorites - Orange Sugar Marmalade. Dice the carrots and bail themn Sevile OangeMarmlade until tender la as little water as Sevile OangeMarmlade possible. Prepare and.eut oranges 12 thin-skinncd oranges and leman as for Marmalade. Mix 3 lemans and mensure the carrots and fruit, V,2' quarts water and 2/3 as much sugar; let stand Sugar four houns. Bail the mixture Wash and suice oranges as thin rapidly until dlean. Cool, filI as possible. To each quart of glasses, scal, label, and store. silced fruit addI i ' quarts of Citrus Marmalade water and let stand avernight. 1 grapefruit Business Directory 3 emn Cut in halves, remave the secîs L E G AL and suice into very small pieces. Measune the fruit and juice and W. R. STRIKE, K.C. add three times the amaunt of Bannister, Solicitor, Notary watcr. Soak the fruit for 12 Solicitor for Bank of Montreal bours. Boul it for 20 minutes. Muney ta Loan Phone 791 Permit it ta stand again for 12j Bowmanville, Ontario houns. For eveny cupful of fruit and juice addI ¾ cup sugar. Cook LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. these ingrelients la small quan- Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Public tities - from 4 ta 6 cupfuls at a King St. W., Bowmanvillc time - until thcy form a jelly Phone, Office 688 - Residence 553 when testel. Pour into sterilized MIS APHA 1. HODGINS glasses. Makes about 20 jars. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Apricot and Pineapzale Marmalade Successor ta M. G. V. Goul Wasb: 1 paund lnied apnicots. Temperance St. - Bowmanville Soak tbem for 12 bouns in water ta caver. Bring them slowly ta the W. F. WARD, B.A. boiling point. Strain them. Re- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary serve the juice. Put tbem tbrough 9'oKng treet E. a ricer. Add the juice and the Bow2mKnviStee tania. contents of: 1 (No. 2) cao crushel Phones:Ofie,25 tarHos49pineapple (212 cups). Phons: ffic 82 - Huse409 Allow for cvery cup of pulp anl CONANT & CONANT juice: ¾j cup sugar. Barristers and Solicitors AdI: 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Gardon D. Conant, K.C. Bail the marmalade for 15 min- Rager G. Canant, B.A. t'tes or until it thickens. Stir it Offices: frequently. Makes il glasses. Oshawa, Ont., 71/2 Simcoe St. S. TK I Phone 3-2227 TK I Ajax, Ontaria - Phone 25 About making marmalales: 1. Select smoath, tbick-skinncd D EN T AL fruit free from blemishes and rust. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 2. Avoil fruit whicb bas "wax- Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. treated" or "color-adlel" stamp- 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville cd on tbe skias. Office Hours: 3. Scrub ail fruit tboroughiy in 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily cicar water and scrape off al 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Saturday traces of scale. Clased Sunday 4. Discard a slice from the stem Office Phone 790 end. House Phone 3609 5. Cut grapefruit, orange and - lemon in quarters; nemove seeds: DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. place eut side lown on a board Office in bis homean lcastiyaspsbe 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanviilead lc astnî aspsie Office Houns: 9 a.m r, t Y6UR EYES and 9 a.m. ta 62 p.m. WdnedilyR EY n Il Phone 604 V so Ey esight H. G. (Hap) GILL Elucation Real Estatean 8 Second Street Efficieacy Properties Sald - Rented by Managel and Appnaiscd C .Tc M\emibers of the Canalian and!Cl.Tc Ontario Real Estate Boards Zsgh H. G. Gili, Realtor Seils Phone Bowmanville 3514 Seils - Disney Bldg. (Opp. P.O.) A U D I T I N G Oshawa - Phone 5-6143 MONTEITH & MONTEITH No. 175 Chartered Accountants Certain types of catannet have 37 King St. E. Oshawa i as their symptoms seeing wonse Mn. Gardon W. Riehi, C.A., in bnigbt light or the opposite - resilent partncr. i seeing worse at nigbt. Thene was a time wben these cases wene O 'T O M E T R Y neglectel but it was founl that a veny lrge majority of these cases KEITH A. DLLLETT are bell at a standstili indefinitely Optometrist if ail the eriars of vision anId ccc' Office Hat-s: 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. muscles are correcýtel snd thwe e! Mo'Inlav ta Saturdav relievel of straîn. Periolîc exam'- except Wedncsday 9 - 12 inations of mv own pensanal ex Ev'enings by Appointment perience bave prox-en Ibis ta be 74 King St. W. - Bawmanvjlie true.1 Phone 3252 j Copyrighted, aneven rectangl. utin1nc squares; place on a lightly greas- cd baking sheet 2 inches apart. Bake in an electric aven 375 de- grecs for 20 minutes. These may be served hot or coid with cock- tails, soup, or salad. Makes 30 small squares. Mrs. C. C. asks: Can we deep- fat fry potatoes and large fish fillets in a portable electnic fryer? What fat should wre use ta pre- vent smoking? Answer: These foods should not be caoked at the same time but may be fried in sepanate quan- tities of fat or salad ail. Peanut ail is excellent for deep-fat frying but salad ail, shortening or pure lard are used successfully. Anne Allan invites yýou ta write ta bier c/o The Canadian States- man. Send in your suggestions' on bomemakirrg problems and watch this columa ifor replies. "Best Wishes" Book Presented to Mothers By Memorial Hospital Through the generous support of local merchants and their do- operation witb the Memonial Hos- pital, Bowmaaville, a beautiful magazine of 102 pages fillel with cvcry kial of information about babies has been publishel by Hunt Publications and wîll be presentel as a gift from McIm- anial Hospital ta every mother upon the birth of ber baby at the hospital. The book is cailed 'Best Wish- es" and is about the size of Goal Housekeeping maogazine, pnintel on the best of paper, with man.y beautiful illustrations of babies and children. tbe first, a full page pbotognaph of Princess Elizabethi the Duke of Edinbuî-gh and their' two loveiy chilînen, perhaps.bc- ing the most appealing of ahl. Eveny type of advice, fnomn the contents of a layette ta tips on safer baby-sitting is given ta mothens, and thene la even a special page for fathers, callel "Fun With Fathens." Thene are pages of chants ta be filledilata keep tnack of baby's progress and free triai offen cards ta be releem- cd by local dealers of Helaz baby ceneals sol baby foals. Altogethen, this is an invaluable book, and much crelit is due cer- tain local alvertisers wha bielpel make this gift ta new mo thers Under the snow drifts the blos- soms are sleeping, Dreaming their clreamis of sun- shine and June.--Harriett Prescott Spafford. wiha sharp knife, taking care l * C u s n a ed eel arfuilys. ,ALoP. W6cupslubsOffe 6. Weigh or measure the sliver- P se of cold water for each pound orValuahie rrize in ose Contesi pint of peel._______ 7. Always cover tightly to stand overnight. There should be one An opportunity is being offered 5. Entries must be po& quart of juice ta each pint of ail amateur artists to sharpen up ed nat later than Feb. 1 fruit, next day, if not, add re- their pencils and their ingenuity, and mailed to: quired water.dithipanbrseadshv Miss Barbara McDona what they can do. The Business Il Durhamn Street N., 8. Bring sugar, fruit and juices and Professional Women's Clubs Sudbury, Ontario. quîckly ta a bail using electrie of Ontario are sponsoring Bus- 6. Name of campetitoi element on high, stirring fre- mness Women's Week, the first perorvrssi f quently. (Be sure ta use a deep such ta be heid in Ontario. Mayaperorvrssief kettie). 19 ta 24. 7. The judges wvi1l be THE QUESTION BOX Ta publicize this new venture, guished, experienced con Mrs. G. T. asks: Recipe for a a prize of $25 is being offered foi. advertising persans. shortbread mixture with cheese in the best poster which should illu- 8. The decisions of the it. strate the slogan, -Keeping Pace will be final. Answer: With Canada." This slogan should 9. The winner will rei appear on the poster. Deadline cash award of $25.00. Cheese Shortbread for this campetition is Feb. 15, SO At a business meeting 'cup processed sharp cheese get busy, ail you ambitiaus ama- BwavleCu.hl ¼cup butter or margarine . teur Van Gogh's, and bring that howm f identlu Vl 1 cup flour $25 ta Bowmanville. Ruies of the hoe ers a. 2 iss Vl ¾ taspon aitcontest are given belaw: Purdon was appainted seý Few grains cayenne pepper 1. Entry is ta be 12" x 18". replacing Miss Elien Wai Cut the cheese inta shreds and 2. Entrv should be illustrative resigned in t'he Fali. Mi creamn with the butter. Sift the and should tie in with aur slogan, janie Couch was appoint flour, sait, and pepper; work this 'Keeping Pace with Canada"- Club's representative ta tl mixture into the cheese and but- this slogan ta appear on the post- reation Commission. ter. The mixture will be crumbiy: er._______ press it together in a piece of 3. More than one entry may waxed paper and chili several be submitted bx' a competitor. The second largest prod hours. Rail ta '2_-inch thickness, 4. No entries wiil be returned. silver and Icad in the w~ folding the crumbs over and over except at the expense of the a mine near Maya in C Lntil the dough holds~ together inientrant. Yukon. saf ety f irst .f or your f inest party dresses! Yau'll dcmand the finest there is when it's time ta dlean that dress you cherisb. Turn, as have thousands, to the dry cleaning that's different, better, every way. Ahl dint out. Spots gone. Careful re-shaping .. . every buttan and arnament bac) s in place. Insist on nationallv advertised Sanitone Dry Cleaning and be sure. Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR 1 PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 U4W -tô puflwkedh "It's Simp And by a c the Coma the whys banking. t of The Co Whnvnuk-il"w a net ilvrmtnu n',, ,- --Io bank efficiently, then the thaught of Savings becomes second nature to vou. You can put wheels on vour wish, whether it's a vacation trip next year, or a bicvcle, or e, en a car . . . if von get into the important habit of sa%,ing. X'ou'll discover that just a littie each week builds up surprisingly. 1le When You Know How" coincidence, that's the titie of nerce booklet tellîng womers and haws of day ta day Get your copy at your branch >mmerce taday. f - <Z~ ~>~< ~/ k'~/61& AWOMAN AND MER SANICING ~1 Ask for your copy at your local branch, or write to Fronces Terry, Head Off ice, The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto. The Canadian ank of Commerce "The Commercev st-mark- 15, 1952, aid, r mnust fentry. cdistin- nmercial Zof the 1at the det Me- [argaret creta, ird wba iss Mar- Led tha the Rec- lucer of .or1d is anada's THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAMrILLE, ONTAIRIO THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7. is3z