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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1952, p. 13

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THTJRSDAY FEBRUARY? 1952 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN'. BOWMANTTTX~ n~'r&~tn C.G.I.T. meeting was opened on Jan. 29 with repetition of C.G. I.T. Purpose and Motto. Secre- tary read the minutes. It was decided to have a skating party next week and the forthcomning rummage sale was discussed and ~4Jite plns made. A discussion al3o held as to whether the I. adopt one family of the Urenfeld Mission. Engine Trou- ble? We're the Ones to See! EV. ALLIN MOTORS USED CARS & TRUCKS WHITE ROSE DEALER H AMPTO N Phone Bowmanville 2885 United Church News Sunday School registration la Sabbath established a record, 1. schalars and teachers being pre cnt. This is due in part to the ii flux of New Canadians wbcý childnen are quite at home: the fellowship of the Churc Sehool. Next Sunday willk "Promotion Day" when the men bers will move up a grade. Th will be directcd by Supenintenc cnt Gordon Gray, together wit William Brunt, secretary, a] David Rickard, treasurer. The awarding of the Robei Raike's Diplomas and Seals wi take place at the il a.m. servic of worship wben parents, spor sors and scholars will worsbi together. Regular Sunday Schc( session will begin at 10 a.m. Propcnty Committee Chairmai Charles Cowan. announces t] engagement of Mr. George Zwpi as caetaker of the ci~~i IXev. L. H-. Tu r' - and Mr. M F. i-.'- :l*end the Os; txiternoon session wilb highlighted by an address "Epiý copacy and Re-Union" by Prc fessor R. F. Hettlingen of Wycliff College, Toronto. Dr. H. A. Keri Principal of Queen's Theologiea College, Kingston, will speaka the evening session whcn an ai peal to the loyalties and service of Young people will be made. P.O. Spence Creamer, Rock cliffe, Ottawa, spent the weel end with bis parents, Mr. ar Mrs. Frank Creamer. We wene sonry ta Iearn tha Rev. D. R. Dewdney bad the mis fortune to faîl and break bi wrs st. Mn. and Mrs. George Zweir an( family bave moved into their ne' home on Church St. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rice an( childmen, Bowmanvihle, sper Sunday with Mr. anid Mrs. Chris Law. Special For Two Weeks MACHINE PERM &NENTS only $4.50 To use up solution on hand and ta make room for new stock coming in . .. we are offering this tremendous saving. Alil Work Done With Satisfaction- SThis includes personaiity hair cut, shampoo, hair style analysis and set. Ail Studenis Price for Shampoo and Fingerwave From now on - Only 85C - CALL TO-DAY FOR. APPflTNTM1E.1' Joan's Beauty Centre PHONES 455 RESDENCE 295~1 JOHN DEERE DAY FRE 0HW FEDIRUARY 18j 1952 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. ON THE PREMISES 0F F. S. ALLEN John Deere Sales and Service Bowmanville - Ontario -REFRESIIMENTS -SERVED Tickets Are Not Necessary NOTICE HOGPRODUCERS Plan to attend the Annual Meeting of Durham Hog Producers' Association ORONO TOWN HALL WEDNESDAY, FEDRUARY 13 at 2 sharp Speaker - W. G. JOHNSON, Sec'y.-Treas. Ontario Hog Producers, Toronto. SUBJECT: "Proposed Central ,Marketing Agcncy"l (controlled bv produccirs) Door Prize - Pair Purebred Weanling Yorkshire Sow Pigs (to qualify, winner muist be present at 2 p.m. when meeting starts). jOHN RICKARD, E. A. SUMIMERS, President. Secretarv. ast 115 es- in ceh bc rn- his th rxd ert ri ice "p in. W. b. is- o0- TYRONE Ii, aIPte. Bill Hall, Petawawa; Miss at Betty Berral, Mr. and Mrs. Sic p- Walker, Douglas and Gardon, es Bowmanvillc; Miss Gladys May- nard, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Fran- cis Hall, Salem, wene guesis of k- Mn. and Mrs. Francis Hall. k- Mr. Herb Cameron attended the id funeral of the late Mrs. James Stainton. at Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and s- John visited Mn. and Mrs. How- is ard Wonnacott, Dixie. Mn. and Mrs. John Oke, Ennis- id killen, visited Mn. and Mrs. Neil 'W IYellowlees. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Bcech and d Genald. Union, with Mn. and Mrs, nt Stanley Hall. i. Mn. and Mrs. Athur Rahîn visited Mn. and Mns. Stanley -Rahm, Blackstock. h. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alldread, Bowmanville, were Saturday tea guests of Mn. andMrs. George Alldread and also visited bis par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. James Ali- dread. Quite a number attended the card party sponsoned by the L. O.L. and L.O.B.A. Saturday ev- ening. First pnize, ladies-Mrs. D. Davcy; dnaw prize-Mrs. W. Miller; lst pnize, gents-George Wright, Hampton; draw pize- Richard Gibbs. Next party Feb. 16, will be a dance and card party. Everybody welcome. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Thomp- son, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. Mr. and Mns. John Beckett, Scugog Island, vsited Mn. and Mrs. 0. Beckett. Mn. and Mrs Henry Stainton and cbildren visited Mn. and Mrs. James Stainton, Solina, and also visited Mn. and Mrs. E. Croxali, Brooklin. Miss Ernestine Gardiner, Mn. Jack Fowler, Toronto, visited bier aunt, Mns. Ann Phillips. Mn. and Mrs. J. Grant, Mn. M. Richardson, Bowmanville, were Sunday tea giLests of Mn. and Mrs. W. Jcwell. Mn. and Mrs. J. Colbary and Arthur, Brooklin, visited Mn. and Mrs. K. Calbary. Mn. and Mrs. D. Fleti, Murray and Marie, Miss Glenna Morgan, Taunton, visitcd Mn. and Mns. A. Yaungman. Mr. and Mrs. Len Stephenson and Ronnie, Enfield; Mn. and Mrs. S. Hockaday, Sauina; Mn. Frank Cowling, Hampton. were tea guests of Mn. and Mrs. S. F. Cowl- ing. Sunday evening, also Mn. and Mrs. Aylmer Wand, Oshawa, were Sunday callers. Mn. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and Michael speni the weekend with Mn. and Mns. J. Kennedy and Mn. and Mrs. W. Rooker, Hamilton. Mrs. M. Bird attcndcd the fun- eral of bier cousin, Mrs. A. Me- Gill, Detroit. Funeral serviec held ai Lindsay.last Saturday. Mr. and Mns. Bill Page and children, Newcastle. visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Stainton. Mn. and Mrs. M. Bird and child- ren visitcd Mn. and Mns. Russel Ommiiston, Enniskillen. Doreen Rahm, Bawmanvillc spent a couple of days at hier home. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- son, Nestieton; Miss Gladys Em- erson, R.N., Oshawa Genenal Hos-E pital, visited Mn. and Mrs. Mer- vyn Bird. Sunday marning service wa well attended. it bcing Youth Sunday. Those taking part in the service were Carole Pbillips president of C.G.I.T.; John Cook, presideni of Tyros, and Tom Pleasance, vice-pres. of YoungÉ People's. Mn. Lute based bis re-= marks on "A Matter of TentM Pa2s." Next Sunday aur min- « ister will begin a senies of serin- ans on the "Boak of the Month- Genesis." Rcv. and Mns. D. Lute and children were dinner guesis af Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, Satur- day evening. Mn. and Mrs. A. Hoar visitedl If You'reTIRED ALL THE TIME GET AND USE iL 1 Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Manes, Leaside, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. T. T. Manes whom we are very glad to say is lmprov- ing consistently. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Embley and Sandra spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. "Han" Hockln at New- tonville. Mr. Frank Clegg spent the weekend with his parents in Kingston. Mrs. R. G. Wright and Roy and Miss Dorotby Devitt. Toronto, called on Mrs. Gordon Asb on Saturday. We are glad to hear that Len Lambert arrived safely out west and bas got adjusted to camp I life at Chillawack, B.C. W.C.T.U. convened at the home of Mrs. W. Beman on Jan. 31 with President Miss Blackburn in the chair. Worship service con- ducted by Miss Warren and Mrs. N. Rickard. The topic was "In- dustry and Liquor" and was led by Mrs. Bemnan. The liquor bus- iness is big business in Canada today. In 1949 Canadians spent $22 per capita for milk and $47 per capita for alcohol. An inter- esting skit by f ive members ne- --ing the folly of the human COIISUIIIPLIU11 of alcoholan a quiz on the beneficial uses of ai- cobol in industry and sciencr cn pide theAfi nroeramr,1 Robert Alexander, Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. B. Alexander. .Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes anc Gloria, Port Hope, with Mrs, Mary Luxon and Marion. Mr. and MVrs. Ted Coatham, Chyrreli and Kathryn, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Mercer, Sunday. f Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Collett and Janey, Port Credit; Miss Ruby aCollett and Raymond Woodward swere with Mr. and Mrs. N. Ken- nedy. 1 Vrs. D. Vannatto and Cecil, -Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burley, Sharon and Barbara, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burle.y. Mr. and Mrs. Vancé Allen a nd family. Orono, visited ber sister, Mrs. Eddie Couroux. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Margaret, Ruth and Ross were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Honey at Milliken. Miss Selina Therteil, who bas been staying with ber brother, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Therteil.. Bowmanville, while ber le, mends. came back to Kendal on Sunday to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson. Some of the farmers interested in hog raising met in the Kendal sehool Thursday evening for a discussion of their problems prior to the meeting of the Canadiart Hog Producers' Association be- ing held in Orono on Feb. 13. Some 13 Kendalites went to Toronto via Burley's bus to enjoy the Ice Follies on Friday evening and report them well worth see- ing. Ned Foster, Bill Mercer and Evan Quantrili attended the to- bacco meeting in Newcastle Fni- day evening. wbich had heen been called by Mr. Kozak, the grower- director representing the Port Hope and Alliston areas on the Marketing Board. Following a discussion of tobacco problems Mr. Kozak endeax'ored to interest those present in joining the "New Organization" which is being formed at Simncoe. W. A. meeting was held in the Sunday School room, Jan. 30, with President Mrs. R. Elliott pre- siding. Officers were all re-elect- ed for the coming year. There was a large attendance at Kendal school Monda y even- ing, Feb. 4, when the Farm For- um and Young People's Union beld a joint meeting. Mr. Lamne Bell very kindly brought bis radio for-the Farm Forum broad- cast. The program was provided by Miss Inch sbowing five very interesting films from the Na- tional Film Board. One film, showing the King's Guard in col- or, xvas especiallv good. The pic- tures were shown in the aftemnoon for the pupils. It is planned to bold the pîctures in the sehool every fourth Monday now that the electrie lights are available. The Canadian Pacifie is the largest privately-owned railroad in the world. The buds of Canadas balsam poplar are sticky and produce a wax used hy wild becs ta scal cracks in their hives. PHONE 3324 'S ARýe m TAXI 24 HOUR SERVICE AI] Passengers Insured Operatcrl by KEITI-lBICKELL BICA USE- 'rired-out'" feeling and backache are offen due to uinary irritation and bladder diacooefort; and for clef half a century Dodja Kidney Pila haie helped bring relief from back- ache and "tire<-out " f eeling by atirnuiating the kidne,.a. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills at any dru£ couniter. Lookc for the blue box with the râdbanid.You can dependon Dodd's. liî FOURTH FORM PROGRAM (G. Snowden) Mr. and Mrs. G. White. Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and Joan, Blackstock, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hoar. Mr. Ralph Glaspeli attended the Sbeep Breeders' meeting inx Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear visited Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rose- vear, Port Hope, and Mr. I. W. Larmar. Mîllbrook. Congratulations to Mrs. G. Phare who celebrated her 84th birthday, Feb. 5th. Mr. and Mrs. A. Huis, Mrs. H. Hills. Mrs. S. Hoar visited Mrs. H. Curtis. Orono. Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver and cbildren, Fenelon Falls; Mr. Percy McCoy, Ajax, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. McCoy. Mrs. R. Hawkey, Bowmanville; Mr. Ed. Hawkey, Edmonton, AI- üerta. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawkey. Mrs. H. Findlay, Unionville, and son, Dean, King, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawkey. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.1 Ceeul Rahm, Union.1 HAMPTON Mn. and Mns. N. C. Yellowlee's, visited thein daughter and son-m- law, Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Elhicoit, Peterbonough. M\iss Dameen Penreti, Pont Hope, spent the weekend ai home. Miss Macklin, Toronto, is with ber nephcw, Alan and Mrs. Mack- lin. Mn. and Mms. Lavenne Clemen, il with Mn. and Mrs. Albin Clemens Bowmanville. s Mms. Mabel Tennan i-id son Ralph, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Ail- dmead, Bawmanville, wiih Miss Wilma Leach. n Miss Bertha Armour, Oshawa, hspent Sunday wih ber parents, Mn. and Mns. Geo. Armoun. Miss N. Hoan visited fricnds in JBawmanville, a Mn. and Mrs. Mcl MeCune and rdaugliten Cheryl, Varcoc's Rd., witb bier parents. Mn. and Mns. S. Kersey. Glad ta know thai Mrs. Harold oSalter is pragressing favarably ïafier bier openation ai Memonial Hospital, Bowmanvihlc, and ne- turned home on Monday. Wamcn's Institute open meet- 1ing is being held ibis Thursday -cvening. Programn will consisi of an evening of films, presented by Mn. C. Carvcth, inierspensed with musical numbers. Eniertainimeni and education happily blended. An invitation is cxtcndcd ta the public. Fricnds bere wene sarny ta learn of the dcaib ai Peterbon- ougli of Miss Ella Westaway, daughter of the laie Mn. and Mns. John Westaway, former residenis of Hampton. Hen death which was very sudden came as a dis- tinct shock ta bier relatives. The funeral service which was beld ai Port Hope xvas simple and dig- nificd and was conducted by Rev. Mn. Crank of the United Cbuncb, Pari Hope. The caskei was placed in a vault until spring wben bunial will be in the family plot in Bnooklin Cemetery. A number of relatives fnom Toronto. Si. Catharines and Hamilton aticnded tbe funemal. The beautiful floral tributes testified ta the higli es- tcem and respect. Miss Wcsta- way bad rcsided in Toronto for a number of years and during the hast two yeans or more, wiih bier sister-in-law, Mrs. John Westa- xva,y, Pari Hope. SOLINA The young people attended the Intendenominational, Fireside ser- vice at King St. Chumch, Oshawa, Sunday nigbt. Sauina chair con- tributed an antbem. The service was conductcd by Harvey Yel- lowlecs, assistcd by young peoie of athen churches. The speaker gave a mosi inspiring and chaI- Icnging addness. His subjeci, "Stand fast in the faith." The Aduhi Bible Class bad charge of the apening of Sunday Sehool on Sunday afiernoon. A vocal duet was usng by Mrs. Ev- ereti Cryderman and Mrs. J. Yclîow le es. Wc welcome Mm. and Mns. Don- Kounte and family of Holland ta our community. They are liv- ing at Mr. S. E. Wcrry's where Mr. Kounte is emplayed. Rev. and Mvrs. G. Empey wcre tea guests on Thursday ai Mn. Wcs Ycllowlccs. During the evening Mn. Empey chrisicncd thein soli, Murray James. Miss Betty King, Faith and Evangelism Convenor liad charge of the young people's progmam an Monday night. Donald Taylor assisted in the worship service. The tapie on prayen was well pre- sented by Mrs. E. R. Taylor wbose rcmarks lefi much food fan thought. The remaining program ,ncludcd rcadings by Pearl Leach and Elaine Spires, mouth organ sclections by Bruce Taylor and a vocal duet bv Mrs. Harvey Ycl- owlccs and Miss Gladys Yellow- lýes Games wcre conducted by Pearl Leach, The members werc reminded of the skating party on February 14 ai Arena. Bowman- v~ille. Bradlcy's Community Club met Friday night. The splendid pro- gram fcatured talented artists fromn the Oshawa Children-s T'heatre. Mn. Ted Brock was M. C. and Miss Joanne Richard- on, the accampanist. The west grouR: W. Ashton, M. Hancock and B. Montgomery's families an- rangcd the cveniig's enteniain- nent which xvas greatly enjoycd by e-e rvone. Lunch was served. Mrs. A, L. Pascoe visited rela- s I r r t by Third and Junior Commercial. tives at Pickering and Dunbarton. The Men's Club will mcci in the bail, Saturday night. Mn. and Mrs. Orval Jackson, Robent and Murray, Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Bnooklin, at Mn. Bruce Tink's. Mn. and Mrs. Grant Gloven, Donna and Anne. North Oshawa, ai Mn. John Knox's. Mn. and Mrs. Victor Wilson, Peterborough, at Mn. Isaac Hardy's. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Pearce, Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Biekie, Eben- ezer, at Mn. Joe Snowden's. Mn. John Legnee, Misses Hazel and Jean Cryderman, Oshawa, at Mr. Everett Cryderman's. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman ai Mrs. S. Rundle's, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. John Knox and family ai Mn, Hanry Knox's. Mn. and Mns. George Knox and Canal ai Mrs. E. Reid's, Crooked Cneek. Mn. and Mns. Wes Ycllowlees, and Murray ai Mr. Clane Allin's, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. Frank Weslake Jr., Phyllis-Anne and Joan, Mn. and Mrs. Percy Westlake and children ai Mn. Nelson Fice's, Taunton. Mn. and Mns. George Irwin and cbildnen ai Mns. Harvey Harris'. Mn. and Mrs. Don Carn and family with Mn. Canr's parents ai Campbellfond. Miss Mary Hamen, Mr. Wilfrid Vick, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. John Hamer and family, Myrtie, ai Mn. Campbell Hamen's. Mn. and Mns. W. Panninden and Helen ai Mrs. Mabel Tindall's, North Oshawa. Dr. S. George Werry, Carolyn and Donald, Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Meicaîfe and Larny, Mrs. Noble Metealfe, Oshawa ai Messrs. S. E. and Wes. Werny's. Mn. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston and Master Brian Ormiston, Eb- enezer, ai Mn. Tom Baken's. Messrs. Jack Baker and Chas. Shantridge witb friends and rel- atives ai Bnooklin. MAPLE GROVE Mrs. Roy Metcaif, Mr. Ross Metcalf spent Sunday in Toronto where Ross was guest soloist at the Don Milîs United Church. Miss Mildred Snowden spent the weekend in Toronto with friends. Mrs. Delbert Flintoff, Kedron, visited Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff and family on Sunday. m ý-i1 FUEL OIL STOVE OIL COAL OIL -We Deliver- 3 Meter Trucks To Serve You BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE PHONE 804 BOWMANVILLE KNOX CREAMED HONEY It's sniooth . . . fine grain . .. spreads like butter. The best buy on the market -ON SALE AT - HONEY HOLLOW RESTAURANT Open Ail Year NEWVCASTLE, ONTARIO . "Screech Owl"l <Catharine Campbcil, Editor) A. J. Heari & N. Bothwell PHONE: Noon and 5 p.m. - 3473 Day or Night - 2085 FEDRUARY FOOD SPECIALS 4%ylmer 20-oz. tin Sweet Treat Yellow Peaches - 28c Crushed 20-oz, tin Wethey's Raisin 20-oz. tin Pineapple - - 29c Pie Fillinu - - 31c York 16-oz. ref. jar Wethey's Grapefruit Peanut ]Butter - - 45c and Orange 24-oz. jar Malkin's Best Choice 20-oz. lin Narmalade - - 32c Green Beans - - 21c Aylmer 20-oz. tin Monarch large pkg. Tomato Soup - 21c Teabisk - - - 51c Minute pkg. Jello Powder and pkgs. lice - - 17c Puddings - 3/29c ECLIPSE FLOUR 7-lb bag 24-lb. bag - - 46c $1.46 FRESH FROZEN FISH i b. lb. Cod Fillets- 41c Salmon Steaks - 59c FREE DELIVERY 55 KIl YEOI'S MEATS AND GROCERIES Formerly Harry Alun 's NJG ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONI rE 3.167 HOCKy INTERMEDIATE"A" COBOURG COMETS vs. DO WMAN VILLE BARONS Memnorial Arena Saturday, Feb. 9 8:30 p.m. A win Salurday will clinch Group Leadership for the Barons. ADULTS - 50c CHILDREN - 25c Mrs. Roy Metcalf is spending a The Welland Canal, short-cut week ini Toronto with relatives around Niagara Falls for Great and friends. Lakes and St. Lawrence River Mru. E. Watson, Scotland, who ships, is 20 miles long. has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur Gibson and other relatives _______________ leit Wednesday to sail by Queen Mary for Mary Port, England, to visit ber daughter who resides in England. S L Mr. and Mrs. "Mick" Brown 3 L and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eilch and family, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. M. Marco and tamily, Georgetown, WNE were Sunday visitors with their WNE parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur HAIR Gibson to big bon voyage to their aunt, Mrs. E. Watson. UCSE îInstitute meeting is MondaySUC SE evening, Feb. llth, in the base- $12.50 CREAM OIL ment of the church. A number of ladies from tîiis COLD WAVE community met in the basement of the church on Friday when SHAMPOO $7 three large quilts, one single, AND SET three crib quiîts, one tie down were quilted. A pot luck dinner was served. Give your It bemng Canadian Youth Week beauty a ncxw the service on Sunday was under lift. Lct oui direction of C.G.I.T., Explorers trained opera- 1and Trail Rangers taking part b.y tors give yo i repeating their pledgcs. These a complete were under the leadership of Mrs. new bcati Lloyd Snowden, Mrs. Wallace fuillv desigi cd Munday. Mrs. H. Bradley, Mrs. C. hair style at Mills, Mr. Don Hcarn. C.G.I.T. one of the < and Trail Rangers assisted in thi<1 lowcst prices opening services. Mr. Stanleyv i ages. Snowden occupied the pulpit veiy acceptably. C.G.I.T. meeting held Tuesdayf evnn pndwt eraiWorship service was conducted HRUYCK 'S . by Mary Kube and Elaine Armn- strong and business period by IIAIR STYLING STUDIO President Elva Snowden. Meet- 65 King St. WV. Plhone 703 ing adjourned when ail did craft1 work. PLUMBING & ROT WATER HEATING QIL BURNERS INSTALLED ii aiy type of furnace 1 ALSO STOKERS The firsi form program for 1952 took place Wednesday p.m. with a large number of outsiders pres- ent. It was put on by the pupils of Fourîh and Senior Commer- cial and was one of the best form programs staged in Bowmanville High Sebool. This is a pretty higb standard and a goal wbicb the othen forms will have to work bard to surpass. The program opened with the singing of "O Canada" followed by the Presi- dent of the Literary Society, Col- leen Clarke, welcoming parents and friends and introducing the Master of Ceremonies . im De- Geer. A girls' sextet from 4th Fonm singing the Kerry Dance started the program rolling. The songsters werc: Myra Cooper, Norma Allin, Lenore Osborne, Margaret Reynolds, BlIan ch e Crowe and Dot Hockin. The second number was a melodrama acted by Doug Heyland and AI Richards entitled "Wild Bill Hic- up." Tbis certainly brought forth peals of Jaughten from tic? audience and put everyone in a gay mood for the rest of the af- ternoon. This was followed by a pantomime by Senior Commer- cial called "The Ligbthouse Keep- KENDAL SDAY. TI-IE CANADTAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLLP. ONTARTM 1 er's Daughter." The narrator was Madge Mutton and the silent performers were as follows: Lighthouse Keeper-Hilda Bruce; his wife-Francis Johnson, the villain-Mavis Reid; the doctor- Phyllis Clarke; t' e lighthouse- Bernice Hansen, and last, but flot Ieast, the Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter-Don Stutt. This was thoroughly enjoyed by ail as was shown by the applause at the end. The girls' sextet returned to sing "April Showers." Fourth Form is not lacking in good singers. that's for sure. The audience was then favored with two selections fromn a jazz band, which must have been prac- tising for some time without our knowledge. The band consisted of Carole Turk, Greta Martin, Col- leen and Joan Hutchinson, Diana Webber, Marilyn Leask and Marie Nickerson. Boy! What a pianist! The last number was by the boys, dressed as negroes, singing "Deep River" and 'Old Man River." Soloists in the numbers were Ted Ott and Ivan Woolley. The pian- ist for the program was Gloria Robson. The program conclud- ed with "The King." The public are invited to the next program which is to be held on Wednes- day, Feb. 13 and will be produced AOJL:Aclljjcàllqqurj 14

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