BRING YOUR t4; TRADE PYCS N~ MESSAGE BEFORE SV-IIU 12,000 READERSCOT5cPRA IN MEMORIAM 9 U R R A Y - Katherine Joan, 5 DNOGHU-In loving memory aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet lof a dear sister and daughter, ffurray, Sunderland, (nee Kath- Beveriy Donoghue, who passed een Taylor) wishes to announce away Feb. ]2th, 1941: he arrivai of her baby sister, Treasured thoughts of one so arolyn Aima, at the Western dear, lospital, Toronto, on Thursday, Often bring a sulent tear, fanuary 3lst, 1952. 6-1 Thoughts return to scenes long past, eARKER-To Mr. and Mrs. Don- Tears roll on but memories last. dd Parker, at the Memoriai -Ever remembered by Dad, Bro- lospital, Bowmanville, Monday, thers and Sisters. 6-1* ranuary 28th, 1952, a daughter, 9:aren Lee. 6-1* DONOGHUE-In loving memory ______ -of a dear wife and mother, Eliza- PATFIELD--Mr. and Mrs. R. D. beth Donoghue, who passed away Patfield wish to announce the Feb. àth, 1942: ýirth of a daughter at the Mem- Ten Years have passed since that erial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, Feb.j sad day [th, 1952, Jacqueline Doreen. A When one we loved was called cister for Gwen and Shirley. away, 6-i God took her home, it was His f wili, ENGAGEMENT Within our hearts she liveth stili. Mr. and Mrs. Bacher, of Tor-1-Ever remembered by husband Dnto, announce the engagementanfai. Df their caugfter, 1-hoda, to Pithur. (Bucky) son of Mr. and Mfrs. David Buckspan, of Bow-1 rnanvillc. 6-i1 Dr. and Mrs. Elmo Wesley Sisson announce the engagement: if their daughter, Kathleen Mary. Lo Harry William, Green, son of Mrs. Green and the late Mr. Harry C. Green, Toronto. The marriage will take place on March 8th at 8:30 o'ciock, in Trinity United Church, Bowmanvilie. 6-P* DEATH WOODS, Mary E. Dean-At Dun- das, Ont., on Jan. 3th, 1952, Mary E. Dean, wîfe of the late George Woods, formeriy of Owen Sound, in her 88th year, mother of Mrs. Geo. W. James, Bowmanviile; Wilbur H., Weston; Robert D. London, Ont. Funeral from the Cattel Funeral Home, Dundas, Saturday. Interment Grove Cem- etery, Dundas. 6-1 CARDS 0F THANKS Mrs. Charlotte Stephens and family wish 10 thank ail friends and relatives for kindness and messages of sympathy during their recent bereavement of a loving son and brother; with cpeciaI tbanks 10 "Hampton neigbbors."1 6-1 Before retumning to ber homel in Scotland, Mrs. Elizabeth Wat- son wisbes to thank the staff of R. M. Hollingshead Co., Bowman- ville Baptist Church members and many friends for their kindness during ber stay in Bowmanville; il was greatly appreciated and will ho always remembered. 6-1 * WC xislh to express oui' thanks and appreciation 10 aur relatives, friends and neighbors for the rnany acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes during o bereax-ement in the loss of a loving mother and grandmotber; also t1ianks to Dr. J. A. Patterson for his kind- ness. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Stainton and family. 6-1* 1, litIle Linda Broomne, wisli 10 thank ail my Mommny's and Daddy's relatives and friends for- thein kindniess cluring mx' yrecentý i]lness at Toronto Sick Children's .Hospital. I1\xant 10 gixe special bhanks to Dr'. MeNaucithon, Dr. tchard, Dr. Dellhax- and Dr.ý i 4,and to the wonderful nurses at Toronto. Spocial thanks te Memorial H-ospital, Boxvmanville. and staff for thecir kindness: also Dr. Birks, Dr. Austin an Dr Ferguson. I would also 1_k1___ bbank ailthie wonderful friends who offem'ed to donate blond in nmy tirne of neced, and special tbanks ho Rex'. G. D. Empey ofj bhc United Chuirch. Hampton, for bis consoling words and pravers for my recover.v 6-1 NOTICE Dr. C. W. Slenionfs office,! Church Street, m-ill be closcd from Friday, Fcbrutary 151h to the latter part of March (Winter holidavs). 6-31 MALCOLM - In loving memory of our dear mother, Sarah E. Malcolm, who passed away Feb. lOtb, 1947: A silent thought, a secret tear Keeps ber memory ever dear. Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. -Lovingly remembered by Jessie, Leonard, brothers and - sisters. 6-if PYE-In loving memory of u dear mother, Laura Charlotte Pye, wbo passed away Feb. 8th, 1951; and our dear aunt and sis- ter, Eva Selena Soucb, wbo passed away March 111th, 1949: In life loved and honoured, In death remembered. -Sadly missed by Family; also brother Cephas and nieces and nephews. 6-1* TAYLOR-In loving memory of a dear husband, Joseph Taylor, who passed away Feb. 4th, 1950: Though absent you are always near, 5h11l missed, stili loved, and ever dean. -Lovingly remembered by his wife Louise. 6-J)' TAYLOR - Loving memories of our wonderful Dad, Joseph Taylor, who passed away Feb. 41h, 1950: Two years ago we had to part With the Dad we loved with al our bearts, We loved him in life, we love him yet, He is ours 10 remember, we shahl neyer forget. -Lovingly remembered by his son Arthur, daugbter-in-law Dor- othy, grandcbildren Dottie and Arthur, Jr., Belleville, 6-1 TAYLOR - Wonderful memories: of our dear Dad, Joseph Taylor, who passed away Feb. 41h, 1950: Dearer 10 us than words cao tell, Was the Dad we lost and loved so well, Wo miss that love. and always will, His vacant place no one cao f iii. -Lovingly rememnhered lby bis son Harry, daughter-in-law Kay and grandson Harry Joseph, Tren- TRIMM-In ]noving memnory of my dear mothen and father, Sarah M. Trixnm, who passed 10 rest nine years ago, March 5th, 1943; and Elias Samuel Trimm, wbo passed away four years ago, Feb- ruary 91b, 1948: And wbile they lie in peaceful sleep Their memory I shall always keep. Years go on and days go by But loving memnories nover die. Their memories are as dean today As in the boum they passedi away. -Ever rememhemed by their daughtem Ethel. 6-1 * VIRTUE-In loving nuemory of our father, William J. Virtue, who passedi away Feh. 7tb, 1951: An-d while ho lies io peaceful sleep, His nîemory wxe shahl always keep. -Ever remembered by family. 1 6-1*I Because the orignal date set conflictcd with other local sociali Lost COMING EVENTS No. 9 Anoual Valentine Dance, Newcastle Community Hall with Ruth Wilson Variety Band, Feb- ruary 151h. Admission 50c. 5-3 Dance at Tyrone Community Hall, Saturday, Feb. l6th; old lime and modern dances. Ad- mission 50e. Auspices of L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. 6-2 Reserve Thursday, Marcb 131h, for Kopper Karnival, in Town Hall, sponsored by Bowmanville Women's Institute. Good prizes and door prize. Watch for partie- ulars. 6-1* There will bc a Pot Luck Sup- per in the basement of the New- tonville United Church on Wed., Feb. 131h, foliowed by a White Elephant Sale. Silver collection. 6-1* Reserve Saturday, April 19th, for Easter Tea and Bazaar: also sale of home-baking, in Parish Hall, St. John's Anglican Church, 3 10 5:30. Auspices Evening W.A.' 6'l" Bowmnanville Lions Club pro- sents their 1952 Minstrel Showr, Wed., Thurs., Fni. - Marcb 53 6 and 7. Town Hall, Bowmanville, cur- tain at 8:15 pin. Admission 50c.1 Tickets may be obtained from any member of the Lions Club. 6-4 St. Andrew's Church Ladies' Aid are holding a Valentine Tea and Home Cooking Sale on Thursday, February l4th, from 3 10 6 p.m. aI the home of Mrs. L. T. MeLaughlin, 86 Concession St., 35 cents. 6-11» You are invited 10 a Valentine tea, Wednesday, February 131h, aI the home of Mrs. Clinton Bar- rett, 15 Jane St., fromn 2 p.m. until 5 p.m., under the auspices of Southway Gardens W.A. Group, of the Trinity Cburch. Price 35c. 6-1 Students, graduates and parents are invited to attend the annual "At Home" aI Bowmanvilie High Sehool, Fniday, February 151h, 1952, aI 9 p.m.; music by Jack McClelland's Royal York Hotel orchestra. Students, $2.25 per couple, others $3.50 per couple, inciuding corsage. 6-1 Real Estate For Sale BUILDING lot on Lamb's Lane, 188 x 60. Stuart D. Preston, Phone 7 13.6 12-1 ATTRACTIVE 5-room, storey and baif now brick home, oak floors throughout, large living - roorn with picture window, fireplace, dining-room, modemn kitchen, two bedrooms, 4-piece tiled bath, laundry tubs. Phono 538, 1131 Scugog St., Bowmanville. 6-1* NIXON REAL ESTATE 100 acres good land, creek, soi-e wood, 1l-room solid brick house, hydro, garage, close to highway, north of Port Hope; bouse and small acreage cao be bought separately. Prîced to sei. 30 acres dlay soul, 26 workable, 2 haros, garage, stone 9-roomed bouse, hydro, 3 acres raspberries,1 baif acre strawberries. Sprîng possession. $9,000. 200 acres near village, one hun- dred workable, balance bush and pasture, creck, good water supply, barn, stable, hon bouse, garage, 9-roomed bouse, hydro, furnace. Possession immediately. $12,500. Houses, farins, Christmas tree farmns, ready to be planted this spring. Wanted-houses in Bowmanville, farms-, (medium size harn), and other businesses. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phono 682 GILL PLÉAL ESTATE $6500. Lovelv,', 6 room, fram-e home, 3 Pc. bath, bard and soft lwaher on tap, fulîl cellar, heavyi wiring, good gardon. Immnediate possession. - $6500, Nice, 7 room, frame home, full rnllar. heavv wxirinff Pc.ý The Caadian Statesman Classified Adverlising Rates Effective June 7.1, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate 3e per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250~ wilI be added. A charge of 250 w~ill be miade for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30~ a wvord with a minimum of $1.00O for 33 words or Iess BIRTIIS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS - - $1.00 plus 10e a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 3É per word; minimum charge 750~ cash with order. To regular advcrtisers payable nxonthly. Display Classified at $1.00 per inch witb a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the same rates Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stanips or money order and savemoney- (Cl ip This Out For Handy Reference) Auction Sales 1 Used Farm Machinery Auction Sale 10 be bold Saturday, March 8tb, 1952, at 1:00 p.m.; approx- imately 30 tractors, ail other types of farm machinery includ- ing Ibreshers, binders, plows, seed drills, forage harvesters, com- bines, etc. Draw prize of regis- tered Holstein heifer caif vaiued aI $250.00. (Only purchasers of machinery eligcible for draw.) Ux-Spring Farms Limited, Inter- national Harvester Dealers, cor- ner 12 and 47 Highways, Phone Uxbridge or Port Perry. 6-5 At Enniskillen, Satumday, Feh. 9th, aI 1:30 o'clock. There will be a cornmunity sale of fumniture at Pethick's Auction Shed, list as follows: General Electrie, medium size refrigerator; Hoîpoint electrie stove; electrie washer; electric and battery radio: two extension tables and chairs; 9 x 12 rug; four dressers; washstands; small tables: tbree-piece chesterfîeld; Renfrew cook stove; cook stove with Sulent Gloxv ou borner; ice box; a settee: Singer sewing machine; rocking chairs; dishes. pots, pans and cooking utensils and many other articles toon numerous to mention. The sale will ho held in a heated building. Ail above electrie ap- pliances are in gond order, Those wishing 10 put furniture in this sale please have aI auction shedi by 12 o'cloek day of sale. Terms cash. T. S. Mountjoy, Clerk; Clifford Pethick, Auctioneer. 6-1 Help Wanted TWO experienced mnen for prun- ing apple trees. Lewis Clark, Newcastle.6- * YOUNG reliable married woman for evening demonstration of the New Tupper Ware. Car and phone essential. Exceptional good earn- ings. Write Box 706, c/o States- man Office. 6-1 PART time employment for mnan of mature years, good reputation a ry, good judgment who has wîde acquaintanceship to act as cor- respondent for large organiza- tion. Should be able to type. Proceeds from this work have paid off many a mortgage. P.O. Box 132, Weston. 6-1 WANTED-Reliable man as Deal- er in Bowmanville. Experience not necessary. A fine opportun- ity to step into old profitable busi- ness where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Produets furnished on credit. Write Rawleigb's Dep j Mnn/r.T f' * 1 Articles For Sale 1FUR COAT, brown, size 16 - 18. iPhone 3622. 6-11 COOK stove, water front. Phone Mrs. Charie Bagneli. 6-1* GIBBARD walnut dining-room suite, 9-piece. Can be seen at 33 King St. E. 6-1 MAN'S overcoat, good as new, dark grey, size 38, $10.00. Phone Clarke 1302. 6-1 QUANTITY of baled hay, Tim- othy and Clover mixed. Phone 2157, F. L. Smith. 6-1 ONTARIO potatoes, $3.75 per 75 lb. bag, delivered in Bowmanville. Phone 2473. 4-tf BALED hay for sale. Phone 2383. R. Jarvie, Maple Grove, on bîgh- way. 6-1* PURE, sweet, apple eider, biend- ed for flavor; a healthful, invig- orating drink. Phone Clarke 2811. 6-1 HARDWOOD-1 and 4 ft. lengths, mixed slabs, 2 cords for $34.00; cut and delivered. Phone Betb- any 18r33. 54 CRESS CALLOUS SALVE re- lieves quickly. Your Druggist seils Cress Corn Salve - for sure relief too. 6-1 GOLD SEAL Congoleum - over 40 roils in 2 and 3-yd. widths;, also large selection in rug sizes at Morris Co. 6-tfj 1941 MASSÇY-HARRIS' tractor, reasonable; also gas brooder, used two months. R. W. Fowler, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 6-1* ANTIQUE sideboard, walnut; an- tique couch; couch bed; pressure cooker, No. 5, nearly new. Phone 2623. Mrs. Herb Rundle. 6-1 ONTARIO potatoes, $3.75 per 75 lb. bag; $2.75 per 50 IL bag, deiivered in ]Bowmanville. Phone 2473. 6-tf ALFALFA-Canadian Grown No. 1. Special price on this shipment for early buyers, wblle it lasts. Stewart's Seeds. 6-tf GASOLINE driven chain saws, importers' samples, clearing at cost. Ideal for farmers' use, $289. Britman Limited, Phone Oshawa 3-3441. 5-2 SOFTWOOD slabs, $6 cord at the bush' aI Burketon. Inquire aI Burketon Garage or H. M. Kyte, Blackstock, Phone Port Perry 106r4. 49-tf enaeets lb1S btav-adL1 i l Cu'-- i'-'---.n, -etc ~. J.. J21IUd £YUiil~. 6-1 GASOLINE washing machine, Home Bridge xiii 00w bbc ld on SILVER fox muff in Bowman- large lot. Immediate p5osesson. ATD-ae &Sric1a nearly new; battery radio; Colo- March lth. 6-1 xillein vicinity of Ontario Train- man imon. Lewis&FiezeicBlack ing Sehool for Boys. Phono 504. $8500. 7 room, solid brick home, for Ibis district. Car oecessary. stock P ei Ftz, lak Aftr te irs çi o Ferua.y6-1 3 Pc. bath, beavy wining, furnaco. Married preferrod. You are paid btcPone Port Perry 187r15. fter thebcnfi ;o bu ai-" ________________- Possession arranged. commission and bonus on ail 6-4* atthee viiesce fox bounficpaidx- LOST betw-een Oshawa and Bowx-- sales and a profit on supplies and SMALL cook stove, white enamel cept te clerks of niuniéipalities. mn ille, Friday nigbt, walnut $3300. Nearly conxpleted, 4-roomn service orders. This is a perman- front, pactically new, $35,00; Persons wishîng te collect bountv drawer from china cabinet. Finder bungalow, heavy wiring. Immed- ent business xith excellent future boy's tube skates, size 6, good must apply to the clerk of their please beave or cali Mrs. Lorne iate possession. and hugh income. Do ont apply condition, $3.00. Phono 2153. local municipalitv. 6-1 Kerr, Phone 3508. 6-1 unless you can start work in 5 61 _________________________ __________________________$3000. 6 roomi, partly finished days. Write Sales & Service 61 home, heavy wiring, 1 acre land. Manager, 466 Bolivar St., Peter- CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugs, Register Livestock For Sale Possession arranged. borough. 5-2 yard goods and bail runners; Rex- Fmi.. 4 - 6 p.fl.i MAN wanted for this district to yard goods aI budget pricos. Sfor Ballet. Tap, QEESE- for breeding. Phono $500 large lot with cellan excav- complote our 1952 Sales & Scm- Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf Scotch -t'lion Hli, Clarke 2430. 6-i atecvcltaf.u Cmay i 19KngS. vceSaf._urCmpny_ IREIE ARVY IEN igs ilwees od. ikeForI-lnt-ffie wth tor frntDominion-widc. Got into bus- VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different A.C&.M.. ARM.T. NPanas, ilR. 3, Bomanx'ie Fr , mfiewihsor rot ess for yourself. Become ex- colours of tapes, 15 slat colours, __________________________6-l* Ion Kig t,,80sssifoospc. clusix'e authorized dealer for tbe Flexalum, Aîuminum or Steel, ImmdaePOssin Famous Fltr Queen Bagless measured and installed frec of 2-tf HOLSTEIN beifer, due 7o freshen IVacuum Cleaner. Not sold in charge. Phone 3121. Weber's Nusig eric arox,0thh Nick 61 H.G.(Hed-a) ili. eto reas tomes, This is a permanent busi- Fabric Centre. 17-tf ________________________ ______8__Second_____St. nesPhiongod ftu51ad IgbA COMPLETE vacuum cleaner GOOD Toulouse gander, S.',.00 5_1 income on deales' profit com-1se vc o n al al m k s.A o MdiGrcoricl estHoe Write Box -707, c, n StatesmanOf01-1.Imission bonus basis. Must have soeie od ney ilmes. Asione Coriegood car. A-i character refer-smego ued rcodiod Onie or two, vacancies, nmen orificee, 6- atd oR nt e s Marnied prefermed. Here cleaners, famous makes in cylind- women, tray service. ever.v kind- 20 OUN srckanndigs,6 t 7 ____type_________________ "0__YOUNG__________________6____7is ne example of a former bread- gcm anted.upighate e aneas- nes gien Aproecib, dotos. %eeks old, extra qualiîy. Phone 1RqOOM and board on oom i route man who joioed our staff gursateed Leve nme ad a- Phone Oshawa 5-4943 for, reser lanBwmoile pi-te thmee years ago:- bbc first year %_ain._____ýnt 6-11 c,'o Statesman Office. 6 î* he earrîed $3657.00, second year PLUMBING. Heating and Oul 1- -i 39300 tir va $48.i. eBumners însîailed anywhere in F or Rent 1 i LlEBRI-) Shurtîomîî bull, 10,GOODYiEAR uman requi;res thiree'lhave dozens like hin aIl across Durham County. Reasonable rates1 _______________ - -- I b dof mixed grain: n r fotir xnfuxnished rooms, 'Wouid 'Canadia, For' personal inter-viewx and bighest qualitv. For freec COMFORTABLE furxu-,sled rooni, bale hav.; Sp'. apples. Earl, cou;>îder buvîu;g a ýinall homne. Wvrite Sales M.\anager. Filtei Qocen etmtscî .BanElot aIl nvnneS Phone 3622. jTrcw;n nsîln, Phono 23-51. Goo ci csh dox n ment. 'oe Sales & Service. 386 Wator St.,. Heatxng, Plumabing & Tinsmiîthing. 6_-1 6-1« 'phone B834. 6-1I Petezboroughi Ont. ô-2 Phone 33t& . 29-IL BIRTHS S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912 49-tf SINUS - ASTHMA DRONCHRITIS INHAL - IT has given permanent relief to thousands who have pursued Ibis trealment. Ask your druggist today for INHAL - IT 4-31 TI1L E PLASTIC GLAZED CLAYI WALL TILE WALL TILE WALLS Articles For Sale SEE THE NEW FairbanksIorse Hammermili, designed and built to fit your tractor; swinging ham- mer.s, less horse power required. Free demonstration at your con- venience.. J. W. Ogden, Newton- ville, Phone Clarke 22r22. 5-5* VALENTINE SPECIAL - Give her a Whjte electrie sewing mach- ine, which carnies Good House- keeping seai of approval. FREE: $20 sewing cabinet chair with every machne. Easy Terms. Morris Co. 6-2 ORCHARD Sprayer, 166 imp. gai. tank, on rubber, power-takeoff driven, with a 3-cylinder Myers Pump, used only 21,12 seasons, capacity 16 gais. per minute, at 550 lbs. pressure, only $425.00. E. George Martyn, Port Hope, Ont., R.R. I., on No. 2 Highway, ~ mile south of Welcorne. 6-1 USED Ford tractor; used Forti tractor, with piow and cultivator; 2 used Case VA tractors; used Case VAC tractor; limited supply of new Case tractors, cultivators, Forage Harvesters, combines, etc. Swift Canadian Fertilizer. A suppiy of wire fence and barbed wire. Quaker Oil Heaters: Elec- trie Refrigerators and Deep Freez- ers. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 6-1 RECESSED bathtubs $60; smart Martha Washington and Rich- iedge stainless three piece bath- room sets white $160.0() to $189.00. Coioured $274.00 complete with beautiful chromed fittings. Air conditioning furnaces $295.00. Speciai offers to plumbers and builders too. Save mnany valuable dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue prices if we suppiy everything you need for complete plumbing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtures, prices and instal- lation diagrams. Select style of sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, showers, stoves, refrigerators. Pressure water systems, oul burn- ers, septie and oil tanks etc. Visit or write Johnson Mail Order Di- vision, Streetsviiie Hardware, Streetsvilie, Ontario. Phone 261. Evenings 51r15. 31-tf FARMERS:- As is usual these [past few years, farm implements take a price rîse every spring. This year was no exception. Al the major impiement manufac- turers increased the prîce of those machines that are necessary to you, for your work, including John Deere. But, due to the greatly ]owered exehange rate on American dollars, our impiements are priced on a par with iast year, (and on somne machines 51" iower), with the exception of machines manufactured in Can- ada. Quaiity is now available to you at a lower price, with service on every machine soid. We have a used 1951 Ferguson tractor for sale that is stili under warranty, g lso a 1936 C Case, on nexv rub- er that is quite cheap. Phone 2833 or drop in and sec us any- time until Il p.m., open seven days a week. We will talk, but won't seli a machine on Sunday. F. S. Allen & Seyns, John Deere Dealers. Note: Remember our show on Feb. 18th. 6-1 * For the Latest Papers * For the Finest Paints * For the Best Workmanship i Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25e, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 2-51 Custom Work FARMERS wanting to hire a mianure loader; also orders tàken for plowing and discing for spring. Contact Keith Davey, Phono 2737 or 2882, Tyrone, Ont. 5 -3 Nesileton Sialion *Rubber - Mastic - Marboleum M.Ade oms saa Quarrie - ('eramic Clay M.Ade oms saa Floor iles.visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nes- FLOORS Mrs. T. G. Langfeld spent Mon- Materials Only.. day in Toronto. or Mr. Ted Colley, Saintfield, vis- ...Installeci Compicte ited Mr. and Mrs. T. G. La[ng- REPAIES jfeld. IVr. Herbert Hooey, Blackstock; - Go Ail-Nyývere - Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sonley, Port H. G. HEAL - Bowmanville 2902 Pcrry, spent Sunday with Mr. 2-tf and Mrs. Jas. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Marlow, - Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Gil- _________________________bert MarIow. Blackstock, visited Mvr. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow. IT is time to think of Farm Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison spent Help now. Get e'xpericnccd andI a day in Port Hope. reliabie immigrants from Hollarid. M\r. and Mrs. Maurice Samell-- Apply S. Bumia, R.R. 1, Nestleton, and Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. Phone Port Perry 22,5124, or J. 1 Loward Sutton, Peterborough. Hartemink, R. R. North, Orono =oe weekcnd. guests of Mr. and Phono 54r8. 52-23 Mrs. L. Hyland. Mrs. J. Sprou]e, Toronto, is vis-i \Vok Vaned iting her sister, Mrs. Norman1 HOUSWORK from 9 ~ Miss Olive Beacock, Mr'. and HOUSWORK from 9 to4,1Mi-S.'p. Cole. Oshawa; Mr. and! Piione 2932 after 5 _________________________Mix. Grant Thompson were re- DARLINGTON Abattoir, uîamp-1 cent, guests of Mrs. W. E. Boa- ton, for custoni kîlling. Phonol cock and family. 3243. 2f Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt1 __________________________visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nes-1 bitt, Bowmanville. Repairs Messrs. Bruce Heaslip, Don 'Ihloiipsûni, Chas. Gist and Dickf REPAIRS 10 ail rnakes of rofri- Davison attended a bonspiol inv erators, domestie and commercial; Lindsa *v Iast week.c milking coolers. liggon Elec- Lîttlc- Miss Moira MicCornb ha:7 tric, 42 King St. E., Phione 438. ber-ýn in 1)r-d this pàst week withv ?à Uite fLu. We trust sihe wiL oon beg For Sale HURRY! HURRY!1 HURRY!1 See the new non-skid, waterproof, FULLUSTRE no-rub, no-polish Liquid Wax Lasts twice as long as other waxes. My allotnxent is only 1,000 gallons. Next shipment March Ist - ORDER YOURS NOW- Phone 683 Ethen Jones Fuller Brush Man SNOW TIRES 670 x 15 Nobby, Snow Treads while they last $35.00 a pair Also extra wheels and tubes for snow tires: CHEVROLET 1949 - 1951 FORD 1949 - 1951 We have hundreds of other wheels in stock. NEW TUTBES ------- - S4.50 each (whlle they last) USED TUBES---------- - $2.50 each Sissons' Garage PHONE ORONO 1031 2-tf Cars For Sale 1936 FORD Coach, will seil cheap. Apply 89 Liberty St. S. 6-1* Chicks For Sale S.C. WHITE Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hamp. X Barred Rocks chicks. Gov't. Inspected and Biood Tested. Write or Phone 2636, H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville. 4-tf Wanted To Buy BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higherf M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-tf ALL kinds of hardwood logs or bush. Would consider buying farm for good hardwood bush. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock. Phone Port Perry 106r4. 52-tf LIVE pouitry, goose feathers, feather ticks,' bags, scrap iron and metal. We also buy raw furs. Dial Oshawa 5-4912 colleet, or write 1. Turner, North Oshawa. 48-tf DEAD FARM STOCK Picked 1,p Promptly IIORSES, COWS, HEIFERS, SHEEP, PIGS and CALVES (We pay for horses and cows) - CALL US COLLECT- LIVE HORSES 2 - 30t for crippled and old horses. Margwill Fur Farm t TYRONE Phone Bowmanville 2679 Mrs. Albert Wright m-as "riup lader- for the meeting. Mrs. John MeKcc gave a rcading. Mrs. R. )uff conducted a quiz on the burch. Mrs. C. Marlow handed out apers for those prescrit b write .vhat they would like clone to roii- )vate the church. There were ian,, interc-st;ing replies. unchi -as served hb., the hostess and the roup in charge.- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVMANVMLLP, ONTARIO THLTRSDAY. FMRUART 4,1952 able to return to sehool. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tompkins and Jimmie, Toronto, visited Mrs. Em- er100 and Mr. Noon. Mr. Noon returned 10 Toronto thty 10 visit friends. ý Miss Gladys Emerson w~ having holidays from be r traiJ ing at Oshawa General Hospital visited Misses Helen and Jean Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Joyce and Ken Gray visited Mr. aod Mrs. George Bowers. Weekly parties ini aid of Pres- byterian manse fund bave been beld the past two weeks at the homes of Mrs. J. Forder, Mrs. Gist and Mrs. Davison and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. Games, music and lunch provide a pleas- ant evening for the village folk. Mrs. George Wolfe, Blackstock, also held a successful silver tea for the same fond. ]BLACKSTOCK Mrs. James Harvey andiMrs., Tisdale. Moncton, N.B., vistei with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Craw- ford. On Sunday, they aillniotor- ed to Trenton to sec Flying Offi- cer Lloyd Harvey, Mrs. Harvey and son Glenn. Mrs. J. Harvey and Mrs. Tisdale left by train on- Tuesday to return to Moncton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rabni, Tyrone, witb Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rabm on Sunday. Miss Marilyn Forder, Toronto, with Mrs. Joseph Forder. Miss Gertrude Henry. Toronto, with Mrs. James Henry. Little Miss Katherine Joan Murray, Uxbridge, is visiting lier grandparents, Mr. an-d Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray have another little daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Saywell are in Toronto attending the Hardware Convention at the Roy- al York Hotel. Mrs. Frank Say- well. Oshawa, and Mrs. Gilbert Marlow are visiting at the store. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner spont the weekend with relatives at Coe Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewin were in Toronto last Wednesday attending the annual meeting of the National Hoistein-Friesian Association of Canada at the Roy- al York Hotel. Miss Diane Blair, Oshawa. with Mrs. George Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Wi~ and family visited Mr. and* s Melville Morton, Oshawa, on Sun- Clay. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Booker, Trenton, with Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Devitt, Several members of the Bad- minton Club visited the Port Perry Club last Tuesday evening and bad a good time% Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mal44n, Bowmanville. visited for a fe\v days with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mal- colm. Congratulations to Mr. Sam Ferguson whocelebrates bis 88th birtbday on Friday, Feb. 8. Mr'. and Mrs, Harold Kyte were in Tillsonburg last wcek for twoi days with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Butcher. Mrs. Geo. Fowler stay- ed with the children. Mrs. George Wolfe was hiostess last Tuesday afternoon at a silver tea in aid of the new Presbyteriaxi mianse at Nestleton. Her assist- ants were Mrs. Kenneth Gil- banks and Mrs. Hlarry MeLaugh- lin. Mrs. George Nicholson, in bier delightfii I ranner, talkc'd about bier experionces In the Aretie Missionary Centres and displayed gloves, shoes and mati made by the Eskimos from scal- skins and furs. Mrs. Gilbert Marlow road Joan Copcland's suggestion for growing Africaii violets and told about hier owji experiences with tbis popular window gardening plant. The tea table was centred with tho Iovcly flowers Mr. Hlooey had gotten for his grandson Eryan's baptism on the previous Sundax. and yellow tapers in silver hold- ers. The hostessos servod a very dainty lunch. Last Friday evoning the L.O. B.A. held another card party ini their rooms at the Recreational Centre. Therc wcre 10 tables Kar 1POURTEEN