~ H U R D A Y F E B R A R Y 7 . 1 5 2 T E C N A D A N S A T E M A N , B O W A N V L L E . O N T R TP A G E F " Ued Counties Roads Io Cosi $353,300 iN B e Covered hy 4 1/2 Mill Rate Council Turned Down Larger Amount Counties road appropriation of $353,300, approximately the same as last year, was approved and ratified by the necessary by- law at the session of Northum- berland and Durham Counties Council held last week. This will be covered by a 41/ miii rate. A * er expenditure, which would il a 51/2 mili rate, was turned wn by the council. The road committee, in recom- mTending the road appropriation suggested that the road super- intendent try, as much as was possible, t0 include more con- struction and paving in his road programs for 1952. Reeve A. Beer, of Manvers Township, declared that it was essential that no in- crease in the road rate be enter- tained as there had been a deficit SJack Jordan point- ed. out that $20.000 had to be switched from bridge expendi- ture, onl which there was a larger government subsidy, to road ex- penditure. The difference be- tween an estimated and actuai expenditure was about 21', he said. a percentage wbich could not be smal]er in view of variation in construction costs. Reeve Elmer Scott of Hope Township, declared that there Would have to be a uine drawn as there would be so many requests for road work that il would take a ten Mill rate to handle it. "Don't ask for more money un- til you can better the value you are getting," suggested Reeve H. McCann of Brighton Township. Fox Abbatoir Warden Harry Campbell woni- idered if they were tryîng to turn the counties clerk's office into a wolf and fox abbatoir. "I don't see why ail these fox pelts can't be turned in to the township clerk of whatever mu- nicipality they were shot in. 0f course, the wolf peits must be brought in to Cobourg but there is no reason why they should. turn the clerk's office into a fox abbatoir. Tbey don't bother skinning thema because the pelts are only worth 35 to 50 cents and they get $3 bounty. They don't smell very pretty by the time they lay around the office. When the wolf peits are brought here they should have been skinned and dried, said the warden. On motion, council decided to send out a circular letter advis- ing the township clerks that they were to pay tbe fox bounties and that they Would be re-imbursed by the counties each montb. Ex-Warden George Walton, wbo is working as a member of the special committee investigat- ing the books of the former treasurer of the counties, was lauded by the present warden for bis good services. A. G. Soper of Hastings, rep- resenting the Rice Lake Tourist Association, asked council to re- quest the Dept. of Lands and Forests to amend the fishing reg- ulations so that it would be per- mitted to drift or cast for pick- erel with artifîcial bait from a boat during the present prohibit- ed period o May 15 to Juiy 1. He declared that tourists were 1 going to places in the province where this restriction was not im- "I as ONE This spaoe is contributed in the service of the Conxmunity - by- JOHN LABATT UNMITED 307 Miles of Road Under Jurisdiction 0f Counties Council County road program for the near future rules out the taking into the Northumberland and Durham counties road system of any more roads. Following the recommendation of, the Depart- ment of Hîghways, an effort will be made ta bard-surface as many miles of road as financially feas- ible. Total county road mileage in 1946 was 229.7 and in 1951, 297.1 miles. 0f the 239.4 miles of gravel road in use in 1951, 24.6 are bituminous treated gravel. In addition the counties are to main- tain ten miles of county road con- necting links and extensions in urban municipalities, making a total of 307 miles. Wasbouts and frost damage was a very large item in the county road costs for 1951, the total being $42,000 last year as compared ta $27,700 the year be- fore. The road appropriation for 1952 totals $353,300, of which the counties share, after government subsidy bas been paid, will be $159,900. Road construction bas been set at $25100 and bridges $46,000. Maintenance of roads totals $220,200 and of bridges, $4,000. New machinery, $5.000; epairs, $5,000; miscellaneous, $20,000; Trenton suburban road commission, $15.000; contribu- tion to urban municipalities, $13,- 000. LOTUS (Intended for last week) Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stinson attended the dance at Devitt's. Friday evening and report a good lime. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Kerr have returned home from a very en- joyable trip b Buffalo. On Sun- day tbey left again for Toronto where Mr. C. Kerr is being em- ployed, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kerr accempanying them. We are pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MeMullen borne again after spending two weeks with Mrs. Richardson, Pontypool. Mr. H. MeMullen was a bus- iness visitor in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gray, Brian and Linda were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. McMahon. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMullen and Beth, accompanied by Mrs. D. Edmunds and Patricia, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mms. Grant Campbell. Miss Ruth MeMahon speot Sat- urday evening with Miss Verna -Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gray and Brian motomed bo Cobourg on Monday. Mr. Wes. McMahon ac- companied them. We are sorry that Brian will be unable ta at- tend school for another week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Jewell were Sunday visitors with the latter's uncle, Mr. H. St. John, Sunder- land. Miss Joyce Sutton, Orono, was guest of Mrs. M. Gray. We are pleased ta sec the snow plow as it helps ta crush the ice, thus making the roads safer for Ira vel. To reach iron deposits in north- western Ontario a lake at Steep Rock had to be drained. FROM FACTORY TO YOU .. . BABY CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $5.25 each Lowest price in Canada. Beauti- fui first qualitv, completelv tufted, no sheeting showing. Ail colors, double or single bed sizes. N.?w centre patterns in flowered or solid designs. Sent C.O.D. plus postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. Order one, you will order more. 'New Address: TOWN & COU NTRY' MFG., Box 1496, Place D'Armes, Montreal, Quebec. workable. No! Because it's the most complicated, silliest damn proposai I've ever heard. 0f course You are saying as you read this: "Weil, Youngman, what do you propose?" Madam, Young- man ain't very smart. So he ain't going to propose nothing. Just laugh at you folks grinding your teeth over paying taxes. posed. Counili decided to make the requiested recommendation. This would start fish and gam2 clubs in these counties, plus Vic- toria and Peterborough counties, protesting against any change in the restrictions which might hamper conservation. Appointments The following appointments were made: Reforestation committee, Gor- don Broomfield and L. Hootan; Children's Aid Society, George Broadworth and Harold Skinner; counties board of health, Dr. J. W. Wright; board of managc- ment, Allen Beer; Bowmanville Hospital board. M. Dale; Port Hope Hospital, G. Phillips; Co- bourg Hospital, Jack Erskine; Campbellford, Oscar Mason; road coxW-mission, Reg. McMann; Col- borne registry office, Fred Harn- den; Cobourg registry officeJck Erskine, Port Hope registyof- fice, W. Roche; Bowmianville registry office, F. M. Vanstone;I commissioner of jail and counties offices, George Galbraith; special county property committee, D. Olan; auditor of criminal justice accounts, Harry Woodley. Solicitor Fee $10 Per Hour Several times during this ses- sion counties council has got into procedure difficulties because the new counties clerk bas not bad time to familiarize himself with council procedure. The question was raised as to where the counties solicitor was and why he was flot present at each session. It was pointed out that he was only paid a retainer nd that the tariff of fees was $1 -an hour for attendance. Members of the council blinked at that fee and promptly dropped the idea of his continuai attendance at the ses- sions. Reeve Roche of Port Hope said that it would be a good idea to afford each councillor the op- portunity of learning the rules of procedure by having them print- ed in the minute books. Council adjourned until the call of the warden. As it has been decided to bold four, instead of three sessions a year, the next one will be April. Ed Youngman's Column Who stated this argument about equalized assessment? If any sub- scriber failed to read Mrs. JohxÎ' Eddyvean's letter about this sub- ject in last week's Statesman, my advice is, read it. It you have destroyed the issue, go and bor- row your neighbour's, or failing that, secure a back copy from the publishers. This lady really lays the whole contentious subject open for discussion, by first airing HER views. Moreover she invites readers' comments. She asks if her proposed scheme would satis- fy the majority, and would it be workable. Now, when ayone goes to such a lot of research and bo ther to enlighten her unenlightened fel- low Canadians, it would be too bad to fail to take advantage of her kindly offer to discuss the situation frankly and fairly. So, here goes, Mrs. E. l'Il corne eariy to avoid the rush witb my two cents worth. Your letter was a masterpiece, and on behaîf of the general pub- lic, "thank you." Before I read your opus, Madam, I know prac- tically nothing about eciualized assessment. After reading it siowly, twice, I amn more confus- ed than ever. You want to knowý if your proposed scheme would satisfy the majority. No, Mrs. E.! Human nature being what it is, no one will ever be satisfied with any sort of taxation. You wonder if your scheme is Charlie Tyrrell is the owner and operator of Orono's only drug store. He is also a vaiued mem- ber of the volunteer fire brigade of that burg. And, in the latter capacity, attended a flash fire in a local garage recently. A lot of the. water used in squelching the flames soon filled the grease pit, and then some. So aur hero constituted him- self a one-man committee ta warn others to stay away from the area of 'the pit in case they feli in. Unfortunately, the good samnaritan, suffering from a men- abberation, put bis foot in the wrong spot, and himself, went into the pit feet first, dlean up t0 his ears. An odd feature about this fire wvas the fact that the garage me- cbanic bad planned to attend a fire prevention school the follow- ing week. Ris wife bad hîs going- away clothes ail nicely wasbed, ironed and ready, but be became s0 beastly wct his sidekick had te nip up to the bouse for a dry change in order tha t the poor mechanie could go home in com- fort. Which ne doubt caused Margaret to grind ber pearly teeth. According to the daily press the milkmen in Toronto are seek- ing a wage boost of $8.00 per week, which, if granted, will boist their weekly earnings bo $55,001 per week, exclusive of their sales commiissions. Guess your scribe1 ad writer. was born 30 years too soon. MY first job in Toronto, in 1912. netted me six bucks per six-day week. Each day began at 8 a.m. and finished at 6:30 p.m. except Saturday, when the day ended at midnight. My board, room. washing and mending cost $4.00 weekly. Starched shirts, collars and cuffs (at. the laundry) spoil- ed another 60 cents, ieaving a whole $1.40 to spent on riotous living. Those were the evenings when the girl friend and ber beau went for a stroli, or at most, a nickle ride on the street cars. One nice thing about an even- ing strol vas, a fellow had no fidgety horse to keep an eye on. for was be cramped behind the steering wheel of a gas buggy. He was entirely free to five ful attention to the job in hand- CASH PRIZES 21 Cames and $75.00 Jackpot - - all for 50c - also - % SPECIAL GAMES & SHARE THE WEALTH THURSDAY, FEB. 141h - 8 p.m. sharp NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Proceeds for Newcastle Lions Club Welfare Work BUILI TO HANDIE EVERY LORD AT A LOWER COST Y UW N O PY truck f. .. thon youi say GMC is un- II DOWMAANVILLE MOTOR SALES Pontiac - Buick Cars 166 RING ST. E. PROIE 585 CANADA'S EIGHTH ANNUAL NATIONAL HEALTH1 Um WEEK February 3rd to 9th Sponsored by the HEALTH LEAGUE 0F CANADA in co-operation with your National, Provincial and Municipal Health Departments. Here are some important health hints in the health interest of all Canadians. Check these in ynur own interest and in the interests of ail menîbers of your family. -Eat right for health - follow a balanced diet! Proper food is more important than any other single influence ia preserving health. Get Canadas Food Rules from your health department, free on request. -Be sure the milk you use is pasteurized! Two provinces, Ontario and Saskatchewan, have compulsory pasteurization of milk, which assures safety to users from bovine tuber- culosis and other milk borne diseases. For SURE protec- tion ALL mnilk should be pasteurized. -Avoid dirt - practice cleanliness in al ways! -Avoid contact mith persans known to bc suffering from communicable diseases - including colds! -Relax before and after eating! -Avoid constipation - if it is necessary to use laxatives, consuit your physician! -Avoid obesity - the state of being overweight! -If dieting îs neccssary, diet only under the instruction of your physician! -Avoid undue fatigue. -Get enough rest! -Be sure you and your children have been immunized against such communicable - but preventable diseases as diphtheria, *,.hooping cough, lockjaw, and smallpoie. In unprotected areas children are stili dying every year of these diseases. This is unnecessary - insist on available protection - save your children through irumunization and vaccination! -see your physician regularly for complete check-up, and visit your dentist regularly. The two big killers today are heart disease anid cancer. Through periodic health exam- ination and early treatment. your life may be saved. Dont take chances - have a medical examination and live longer! REMEMBER - "THE FIRST WEALTH IS HEALTH"I - GMC Trucks - * * *1 A letter from Mrs. Dudley of Manchester. Engiand, thanks us for our open letter t0 ber some weeks ago. Her mother died three days after Mrs. Dudley wrote our Editor the first time. So now ber grandfatber, 83. automatically becomes ber me- sponsibility, wbicb, in turn means .no Canada" for the Dudleys for a while. But their intentions are, to come and see our fair land some day. She says she bas had other nice letters from Canadians since hem letter appearcd in this paper. Hemlock is one of Canada's slower growing trees. Il may take 100 or 200 years bo reach maturity. The Want Ads help you dis- ,Pose of un-needed belongings, and round up for you profitable workers. Telephone 663 for an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The CAPACITY YOU WANT Umm UIIUMDAY, FMRTJARY 7,195'.) Counties Change couit of $50, and ail cheques ex« AccountingSetup ed by boththe wadn an th New bookkeeping set-up for will be numbered and the stubs must be accounted for. Receiptu the financial operation of North- will be numbered and in dupli. umberland and Durham counties, cate. as explained at last week's ses- As it is not always convenient sion of counties council, is based to have the warden in Cobourg on payment by cheque, with the in order to sign cheques or pay- exception of a special bank ac- ment of Crown witnesses, there count for the purpose of paying wîîî be a special account for this court witnesses. The newly-ap- purpose against which the clerk pointed firm of auditors, called may issue cheques bearing his in to investigate the books of the sig«atureony former clerk and treasurer, is ofsin ly the opinion that the old book- keeping system left much to be Flin Flon, third largest centre desired. in Manitoba, was named after Tbe new books will include a Flintabatty Flonatin. a character special set for the counties home, in the story, "Sunless City." to be kept by the superintendent, in order 10 record proceeds, etc., from the counties home farm. TI CK ET S These books will bave a link with TO EVERYWHERE the regular counties books in the Air, Rail or SteamshiP clerk's office in order to provide Consuit convenient checking for audit JU~RY & L0V EL L purposes. Bowmanville AIl payments are ta be by 15 King St. W. - Phono 778 cheque except a petty cash ac -_______________ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVMANvMir, ONTARIO lb à elle imqcm PHONE 585