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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1952, p. 8

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IMACGE EIGHT Statistics Show Only One Bowler In 26 Years Wilh a Perfect Score This Honor Goes Io Laie Ernie Roach Ernie Perfect came through in Detroit, was the first bowler again with another high score. to join the club. This one was 341 and was good Alan Knight 441 enough to win the Royal Theatre Bill Hearle -------- --401 tickets. Ernie has a 249 average Buck Large, Oshawa --------- 400 for 6 games and until he bas roll- AI Osborne----------------- - 415 ed 50 per cent of the total games AI Dobson, Oshawa ..---- 411 his name will flot appear in the Frank "Toady" Williams- 402 list of averages. The only other Horace Hobbs -------------- 411 score recorded over 300 was Matt Jack Martyn ---- --------- - 410 Harrison with 322. W. J. "Casey" Martyn __ 401 AI Osborne - won high triple Bill Poiley ------------------ -405 honors with 783 made up of 288- Jack Gay. Courtice -__411, 272-283. Ross McKnight had 772 Ken "Lucky" Luxton .- 413 and Jack Cole turned in bis best Jack Large --- ----- - - 408 performance of the season with Clarence Oke ______401 722. Jack Knight--------403 Osborne's team bad bigh triple AI Osborne ----- - - ------ 401 with 3505 and high single game H. B.Runc mde hi 411 h -of 1275 wbich is bigh for the sec- EriRocmaeisrywn ond scbeduie. he bowled 450 in the league and the same season came back with The low bowlers had a good 428. night -with Biain Elliott winning This year two new members out with 102, Bob Cale 104, Billaeaondu, aey Dates 109 and Fred Cole 110. haejid pnmly Bob Watt was in a class by bim- Reg. Hearle -- ----------- - 400 self as he bowled a total of 392 Bill Dates ------ - ----------- 405 for three games. George Stephens Over a period of 26 years only bad 438, Dick Patfield 443 and 21 bowlers have been Iuck-y Blain Eliiott 449. enough to reach the 400 total and AlIey Chatter only one bowier has had a perfect Bill Bates had a 405 bowling in game. This is why bowling is the Legion League on Tuesdavy such a great game because the and a 3-game total of 915. Tough possible seems almost impossible. luck, Bill. that you didn't have Each year the Brading Brew- tbis score in the Men's Major. ing Co. presents a prize to the *Select 400 Club man and lady bowling the high- est single game in league of tour- Martyn's Bowling Allcy was nament competition. The names opened in the year 1926 and since arc also put on a plaque which that time a record bas been kept is always on display at the alleys. of ail bowlers joining the select Ernie Roach and Ai Osborne 400, Club. We will list the names are the only bowlerg who bave and the scores in the order they had more than one 400 score. wcre bowled. Taîking about good bowling- Alan "Si" Knight, now living Bob Watt, Manager of the Bow- 'I NOW 1 see what MILK DOES FOR ME1 I'm Gaining Weight .. Growing . . WiII Have Strong Teeth and Bones. ... 1 DRINK MILK! MiIk is truly the wonder food! It starts you on the road to healthy growth, abundant energy and helps inaintain tip-top health throughout your life. It gives you the vitamnins and minerais you need for healthy nerves, zest for living, and a bright-eyed ap- proach to life. Drink your daily quota of our fresh, vitamin-enrjched iniilk - it's health insurance! Cal us today for daily delivery. Gien Rae Dairy PHONE 444 BOWMANVILLE TRUTONE WHITE. The paint that cicans itseIL. White to start wih - and stays white. Ask your C -1-L Paint Dealer for TRUTONE White. CILUX Enamel. "One-Coat Man'ic " fier ftirnitiire and woodwork. LExcellent, too, for automobiles. " 1 ,ay colours that retain their beauty - oztdoors and in. DULUX Super White Enamel. F'or bathrooms, kitcheus, etc. flrilliantlywhite ... wiII flot vcllow or absorb grease. Ccans~, likec a china plate. See your C-I-L Point Dealer There's a C-I-L Finish for every painting need. Whetber you re painting a house, a room or a chair, it pays to sec your C-I.L Paint Dealer 6irat. Hi»ggon Electric vour Generai Electale APPliace Dealer Phone 438 Bowmnanvllle 42 Kinz St .E manvilie Barons, put on a display the other night.1 times Bob threw the bal the gutter with ail pins star on the alleys. Tearn Standing Little - - i 4 Oke 11___il 4 Osborne - -___ 9 6 Elliott - -- - 9 6 Bagnell --- -- 9 6 Westlake - 8 7 Moses----- 8 7 A. Pper 7 8 G. Piper ~ 7 8 Hoar ----- 4 il Taylor ---------- 4 Il McKnight ---------- 3 12 Averages Games R. Hearle --------------- 15 A. Osborne ------------ 15 G. Elliott-------------- -15 T. Bagnell ---- --15 B. Polley - ---------- --- 15 B. Westlake ------ 15 J. Lander -------. 15 H. C. Osborne 15 F. Williams -----15 Dr. Siemon --------15 B. Bates 15 M. Dale------ - 14 S. Woods -----15 A. Spicer ----- 15 C. Rundle -- - ---- 12 D. McKnight 15 T. Hoar----- 15 M. Vanstone - -.15 J. Brough ---- 15 K. Bickell ------ - - 14 HI. Moses ----------- 15 K. Luxton 15 R. McKnight --15 W. DeGeer 15 A. Piper --15 B. Milne ____15 R. Richards 15 G~. Piper -------- 15 E. Rundle ------------15 E~. Brock --- ------ 15 M. Harrison ---------- - 12 Ai. Bell ---- - ---- -15 T. Miller ---------- 15 P. Yeo ___ 15 R. Oke,15 li El e i tgooc Three down inding Pts. 25 25 22 ',ý 22 21 19 19 16 15 9 9 7 Ave. 253 247 243 2281 228 226 221 220 220 219 219 218 2 17" 216 216 215 212 212 211 210 210 209 209 207 206 206 205 205 205 202 202 201 201 201 200 Out of Town Games Being Arranged The Central Ontario Badmin- ton Tournament is over and the next major event will be the win- fiers and runners-up in this tour- nament playing the winners of the St. Lawrence Valley District in Kingston sometime in February. The date will be announced later. Players from Bowmanville rep- rcsenting Central Ontario will be as follows: Ernie Nicîson in the. singles; Bob Kent and Ernie Niel- lson and Gary Tighe and Bill Bur- gess in the mcn's and in the mix- cd Marg Nichols and Ernie Niel- son. Last year the tournament was held in Bowmanville and the Central Ontario players won the trophy. It will probably be held on a Saturday night or a Sunday afternoon. Chairman Jack Ross of the Tournament Committee wiil be holding club tournaments in the near future. Out of town games arc being arranged se the bird chasers had better start chasing the bird again in earnest. -Kinsmen Challenge Rotary Club To Game Broom Hockey The Kinsmen Club Saturday night challenged the Rotary Club to a broombail game. If the challenge is accepted, the tilt will be played on Memoriai Arena ice, Wednesday, Feb. l3th. Winner will take on the Lions Club for the broombaîl champ. ionship of Lower Siobovia the following week. e Broomball is played with brooms, as might be expected. Brooms and proceeds will direct- cd toward artificial ice for the Memorial Arena. Here's how the game is played: Each service club will 'ice" a team, negative skates, but previd- ed with brooms. A basketbal will substitute for a puck. The idea is te put the basketball in the net with the broom. Goalies on each team as welI as each player will be allowed te don pads . . . anything up te rugby equipmcnt can be used. Suits et armour and lethal weap- ens are net considered in broom- bail vogue. Other than that, the rules cf the game are similar to those adhercd te in hockey. Hockey fans are urgcd te at- tend the broomball massacre whcrc the admission price wiil be 25 cents for aduits and 10 cents for kids. For such a small entry fee thousands of laughs will be provided te say nothing cf crack- cd skulls and broom butt checks. Staffai Nonumer Phone Y 318 Dundas FINE MONUME MAI) Precise worz careful atten are your as you choosef selection of domestic G Marbies rd Bros. niai Works Whitby 552 St. E., Whitby QUALITY ENTS AND RKERS kmanship and 'tion te detail ssurance whcn from the wide imported and Granites and in stock. Stouffville Arena Arlificial Ice Produces Noney and Entertain'ment Bowmanville ToIaIly Unprepared '2 Last week we were taiking te Incidentally the snack bar is Charlie Nolan, editor of the quite a major concerfi in our Stouffville Tribune, and naturaliy money-making system. We did the topic of conversation turned not have the necessary equipment to sport and eventually hockey. (grill, etc.) the first year, and During the discourse ice arenas rented the concession to another came up and we were al cars party for the season. Last year when wc learned that they had under our own operation, the artificial ice and were making it snack bar grossed $12,000, with a a paying cencern. net profit of $3,300. As a resuit we asked Editorl Under present high wage costs, Nolan to drop us a fcw lines tell- we require an average income 7ing us a few of the facts and per day of $50. Our practice time 3figures. Here is the letter which is rented at $15.00 per hour, and 3is self -explanatory. this item showed a total of $7,000 3 It might be as wcîî to note tîhat in 1951. Public skating amounted ithe population of Stouffvilie is to appreximately $3,000, and 1below the 2,000 mark, hockey $5,000. Other items are Dear Bill: revenue from skate grinding, $500 I'm flot just certain of the in - fromn our Fancy Skating Club formation which you would like Carnival, and miscellaneous small concerning our Arena, but have functions: Toronto Hockey League enclosed here a few of the facts $3,000. conccrning cost, maintenance and We employ a manager who is profits. also. a qualified refrigeration The Stouffville Arena \vas engineer at a saiary of $3,500. Two crected three years ago. Through other men, one for daytime and the energies of the local Athietie one for night receive $40 a Week. Club, a -limited company was Two. women in the snack bar each formcd seiling shares at $100.*00. recelve $30 per week. Incidentai 0f the total cost of $80,000 which labor s uch as ticket-takers, cash- inciuded approximately $29,000 îers, etc., amount to a few hun- for the ice plant, some $63,000 wasdrdoias disposed of in stock. To dlean Up The Arena is operated for seven the ebt wetoo eu a ortagemonths of the year, seven days a of $20,000. With the payment of week. Private practice time uses a further $3,000 off this debt in up some eight to ten hours each December, 1951, the mortgage has Sunday, public flot admitted. now been reduced to $7,500 which, While we do operate as a pri- we consider quite an achieve- vate company and hope to pay a ment. In our first two seasons of dividend once our mortgage 15 operation, our next profit was ap- cleared, we do give considerableV proximately $22,000. With this free time te the public, particular- profit we reduced our debt, paid ly the children. Public school municipal taxes of $500 a year, children have free skating both equipped the snack bar ($1900), Wednesday and Thursday after- installed oil-heating systems in noons after scbool, and minor both ends of arena, and other hockey teams get free practice c minor improvements. time. Only other free hockey The mos? IMPORTANT MAN Banking Hours Remain Unchanged In Bowmcrnville Bow.,manville banks will not be affected by the Saturday morn- ing ciosing announced by the Canadian Bankers' Association ]ast week. Although fhe new banking pol- icy extends from coast to coast, oniy those cities-thirteen in al -with a population of more than 50.000 will adopt the new bours. The five-day week is feit neces- sary due to the present compe- tition for labor offered by other Our Port Hope Represeflfative for.. SINGER SEWING MACHINE cou wilI be in Bowmanville Tues. and Wed. each week It is our desire to give our customers even better service than ever before, for service, repairs or en- quiries about new machines, cali our Port Hope store and reverse the charges.. SINGER SEWING CENTRE bank managers, female employees in metropolitan cities just Wen't corne to work on Saturday ing. Because friends, reves and husbands work a five-day week, they feel they should re. ceive similar consideration. Toronto will experiment with longer banking hours on~ Fridayg -banks wili be open until 6 p.rn. for the information of Bowman- ville residents doing business in the city-but if sufficient bus- iness is flot transacted during the 90-minute extended period, banks are privileged to revert to the old 4:30 p.m. closing hour. The Dominion's largest1 Tiiere have been many startling developments in modern weapons ev en talk of puish-button warfare - but despite ail of this - the INFANTRYMIAN continues te be the most important man in our defence forces. More young men are needed right away to swell the ranks of the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps. The job is net an easy one. You lhavd T I I - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN~VILLE, ONTARIO rHURSDAY, FEBRU-ARY 7. 1951 time is for Our own Senior OHA Club. Whether or flot artificial ice would be a paying proposition mn your Arena, I wouid flot be pre- pared to say. 1 do say, and you can sec for yourself that in our case it is quite a profitable busi- ness, and it would be safe to as- sume that even without our Toronto customers upon whom we ceunt on quite heavily, it could stili get by so far as meeting ex- penses. We have three other arenas around us within a radius of 20 miles, but our revenue showed no appreciable change when they opened. They are Unionville, Aurora and New- 1market. One of the keys to the success- fui operation of an arena is cf fie- lent management. Our man is a go-getter, and is continually checking up on any possible slack nights to work up a hockey game, carnival or other attraction in order to keep the steady flow of revenue. Another function 1 failed to mention is hockey for smal lads, some sixty of them. This ice time, $30 each Saturday morning is provided by the Lions Club. The Arena as seen to provision of uniforms, and four coaches to take care of the four teams operated. I don't know whether I have provided information which will be useful to you or flot - how- ever should you wish to know anything further l'Il be glad to Isend along another note. I might mention that two x- penses which you would escape as a community project, would be taxes and possibiy water rates. An extremely large amount of water is used, running into several million gallons a year (for cool- ing purposes in the plant con- densers). We pay a fat rate which we wanged from the town of $375 a year. Chuck Nolan. Southern Indian, a litte heard of lake, is the fourth largest in -d 1 a Emergency OAY& or Party PHONE 561 TAXI SERVICE Cali us -- any hour, any day of the week. Our driver will call for you prornptly - take you to your des- tination quickly, comfortably, safely. AT NIGHT IN EMERGENCY PHONE 922 or 3418 -~*aKING TAXI The Radio Cab "Oe Operated by Lathangue Bros. 47 Walton St. PORT HOPE Phone 3060

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