l'J"DTJAY, W"M. 219t, 1952 lire Chief's Report Reveals'That k*Ihird of Fire Alarms i 1951 Were Cals From_ Darlinglon Twp. 'Pire Chief Lucius C. Hooper department equal tai any town of ?endered his annual Pire Report our size in the province." in absentia at the Town Council Benefit To Citizens meeting on Feb. lith. He said this was not only bene- During 1951, the local Fire Bnî- ficial to the citizens of Bowman- lade answered 35 calîs in all, ville, but for the protection of the With 12 of these alarms coming citizens o! Darlington Township from out o! town. "with whom we have a standing Following the reading of the agreement for fire protection." b prt Coun. Nelson Osborne, He also tendered his thanks ta M irman o! the Fîre Committee, the Police Department for the Wdressed Council briefly with re- protection offered firemen whk-n gard ta the exceptional job done answering cails ta any part o! by volunteen 4nremen during the town. past 12 months.__________ "They deserve a vote o! com- Xfendation," Mr. Osborne said. Bethany Ski His aNt nly have they responded C neo Thilg they have constantly kept the in- ha ponhirvet terests of the town at heart." Ca poihpE et The Councillor mentioned the Thiere were huge crowds at the several hundred dollars saving Bethany Ski Hiils on Saturday local firemen made when they and Sunday, Feb. 9 and 10, with decided that a 400-gallon water bus loads from Toronto, Hamilton tank, similar ta the one on the and Peterborough as well as new fire truck, could be made many private carloads from Lon- locally and installed on the sec- don, Oshawa and Montreal. Snow ond fire truck. The cost of the conditions were excellent for tank was $380 as against an ex- skiers participating in the South- penditure o! more than $600. Both ern Ontario championship'events lire trucks are now equipped for juniors. with 400-gallon water tanks. Two brothers from Hamilton, Fire Chiet Reports Michael and Peter Howe, mem- Chie! Hooper came in for par- bers of the Cedar Springs Ski ticulan commendation by Coun. Club, were winners in the Down- Osborne, and the Fire Chief's re-_ hill and Slalom runs. port for 1951 was submitted as Michael Howe, aged 15 years, follows: won three championships. In the Chimney fines 4_______ Cross Country run he finished the Gasoline------------1 three-mile course through field.-, Automobile 3aven fences, some muddy patch- Tar mixer 1-- - es, through bush and up and Roof--------------------------- 1down bills in 23 mins., M0 seconds. Over-heated stoves 3__ He won the Junior Jumping Fish and cbip truck 2 championsbip with a total of 144.2 Garages - ------------__-_- points for iumps of 50 and 52 feet; rubbish-------- - 1 for bis style in advancing ta the Electrc wirng î p, the take-off and landj.ng he Oil bunner3 received 28 and 34.5 points. In the Slalom race he finished the The fire hoss oven the year difficult course in 37 seconds. totalled $7,200, which is an in- Peter Howe, his brother, won crease aver last year whicb was the Downbill championship in explained by a loss of $5,800 -e 36.2 seconds. 01 Memorial Hospital during con- Fu owgas rcKre struction Fu owgas reKre Concluding bis report, Fire Kurt Kessler, Celius Skavass and Chie! Hooper wnote: "I wish ta 0. Michaelson, who are students 4hank the Mayor and Council and at University o! Toronto, gave a the Pire Committee for their good exhibition of the favorite great belp in the past year as 1 sport of their homeland. consider that in 1951 they have Downhill Summary gone a long way in bringing the Peter Howe, Hamilton, 36.2 sec- fire-fighting equipment o! aur onds, Michael Howe, Hamilton, 4 Wed ini Double-Ring Ceremony NOW is the Time to have us do YOUIR INTERIOR DECORATINC! ...Yes, now is the slack time of the year for interior decorating . . . if you are wise you wil have what you plan doing done now instead of wait- ing for the busy season. Give us a cal to-day - we will gladly furnish you with free estimates. IJusi Arrived ! 0.0. Our Full Line of Spring Wallpapers SEE US FOR WALLHIDE SATIN AND OTHER INTERIOR FINISHES. J. H. Albernethy's PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 85 KING ST. W. DO WMAN VILLE PHONE 431 Your good appearance can mean success! Eniployers seek well-groomed men for better jobs. Our dry cleaning service assures you of the finest clothes care that means a smart appearance always. BOWMANVILL1E CLIEANERS & DYERS PHONE 520 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 77 KING ST. W. PHONE 520 or Leave Orders at:- DYER'S DRUG STORE - NEWCASTLE COOPER'S BARBER SHOP- ORONO BARRON'S GENERAL STORE- HAMPTON rhave usuaIly commanded admis- sion prices of 75 cents for adults and 50 cents for childreu ý 'he incneased price was thought [necessarY by former Bowman- ville tearns because the O-.H.A. takes a five per cent cut o! the gate in semi-finai games; twa ret- ences are employed at an increas- ed fee plus ail expenses, and an extra policeman is usually hined. Funther, the 0. H. A. takes a 15 per cent cut o! the gate in the finals. But because Bowmanville fans have been so loyal in supporting the Barons-good ice or not-this season, a ichange is being made. Admission toalal future playaf! games played on Memonial Arena ice will be the usual 50 cents -for adults-and 25 cents for children. If the local hockey club is forced ta play on Port Hope ice because of poor ice here, how- ever. the admission price will be increased ta coincîde with admis- sions usually charged at the Peter Campbell 'Memôrial Arena. HOCKEY-EFFECT On Saturday' evening Norman Rundle, courier o! His Majesty's mail on R. R. 6 for many years, sat in 1Aemorial Arena for the first time and watchcd Bowman- ville trim Cobourg 9-2. Mr. Rundle is over 80 years aId. Apparently the excitement was too much for the octo-genanian hockey fan. He did not sleep Sat- unday night nor could he sleep Sunday nigbt. With three games (two bene and one in Cobourg) ta be played this weck, quite a few Bowrnanville hockey fans will probably develop insomnia, too. NEW T. V. SET And whilc on the subject o! Bowmanville patriarchs.. The Wood Senate is considering a television tet-wbo would like ta have the bonor o! donating MR. AND MRS. WILL GEORGE H. SLAGHT pictured following their marriage recently in Trinity United Churcèh, Bowmanville. Formerly Miss Marion Georgina Gladys Morris, the bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Morris and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Slaght, ail of Bowmanville. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette 38; Bob Crossan, Hamilton, 38.2; Arnold Cobee, Toronto, 39.8; Paul Baker, Toronto, 43; Andy Beer, Toronto, 44.2; Dave Paimateer, Toronto, 46; John Todd, Hamil- ton, 46.5; Ronald Richards, Os h- awa, 48.2; George Wilson, Osha- wa. 49; Robent Lamant, Toronto, 58.19; John Peaker, Toronto, 62.8. Slalom Summary Michael Howe, Hamilton, 37 seconds; Peter Howe, Hamilton, 38.1; Arnold Coheen, Toronto, 40.2; Tim Todd, Hamilton, 41.2; John Todd, Hamilton, 42.3; Ron- ald Richards, Oshawa, 43.2; John Peaker, Toronto, 47.4; Paul Bak- er, Toronto, 48; Dave Palmateer, Toronto, 50; Robent Crossman, Hamilton, 51.6; Andy Been, Toron- ta, 52; George Wilson, Oshawa, 61.2; Ross Dobbin, Peterborough, 61.7; Robent Lamant, Toronto, 68.19; Peter Ashby, Peterborough, 125e, NEW ROTARY GOVERNOR The anly nomince for tbe of- fice of District Govennor for the 247tb District o! Rotary Interna- tional, Stanley F. Everson, Osh- awa, will officially take office on July 1, 1952. Mn. Everson wbo is a native of Oshawa is a son o! T. H. Everson, Who, with Mrs. Evenson, recentiy celebrated bis 63rd wedding an- niversary. He bas hehd ail the offices in the Oshawa Rotary Club since he first became a member in 1924. 11e was presi- dent fram July, 1950, until July o! last yean. Active in the life o! the Moton City. the governon-elect is Imme- diate Past Wonshipfuh Master of Lebanon Ladge, A.F. & A.M. H1e is a Trustee o! Simcoe Street Un- ited Churcb. Mr. Eversan is a graduate o! the University of Toronto (1924) and during the Finst Worid War serv- éd in the Royal Naval Air Ser- vice and the Royal Air Farce. Before eniistîng Stan was cm- phoyed at the Goodyear plant here and is thus no strangen in Bawmanvilie. We can also claim bim as a Durham County Boy, one generation removed, as bis non- agenanial father, T. H. Everson was born in Soutb Dariington. overlooking Lake Ontario. The Statesman joins with bis rnany friends here in congratuhating him on this latest honor. Siafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Wýhitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. one? Can't Imagine thase hoary old debators sitting silent watch- ing a TV! ON GOVERNMENT Sevenal membens o! the Ca!- fee Club set were discussing the store closing mix-up that occurr- ed on the day of the King's fun- eral. One held Town Council responsible. "The federal govennment de- clared it a public holiday so all stores should have closed," he said. "They (the government) can't tell you ta close your store," an authority interrupted. "Then what can they tell you ta do?" "*Pay your income tax," an ob- server answened. BLACKSTOCK L.O.B.A. hbld their card panty in their rooms at the Recreation- ai Centre on Saturday night. There wene nine tables and the prizes wcre won by Mrs. Gardon Stnong and Mr. Henry Thompson. Mr. Harry Van Camp got bis ankie hurt at the Curling Club bonspiel hast Tuesday and is con- fined ta the house. We hope he will soon be better. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Percy Swain (Doris Stinson) on the birth of a baby daughter at Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Feb. 11. Con.'ýratulations also ta Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farder (Dor-othv' Howsorn) on the birth of thein baby daughter at Oshawa Hos- pital last Friday. Misses Pearl and Dorothy Wright, Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mn. and Mrs. D. J. Kyte and famiiy, Tiiisonburg, with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Kyte. Mrs. Jack Marlow, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werrv. Misses Ruth Manlow and Clara Now.. HEAR THIS THANKS, PAL Tbey say most newspapermen become cynicai befone they're in the game veny long. Maybe thev do. But it must be nemembered that a reporter sees plenty a! rot- ten deals along witb the pleasant, and he meets a fair share of iousy people ahang with the gaod people we aIl like ta ncn'ember. But sometimes, someone does something that makes even ai newspaperman's heant feel good, just like ours feels as we write this piece. Sametbing good hap- pened at the Memonial Anena Friday nigbt. In aur last issue we carried a front page story about a micro- phone that was stalen fnorn Ducky Neads' radio shack at the Arena. In the story we asked the "small-tirne crooks" ta think i t aven and return the mike. The! Statesman came out on Tbursda7 At suppentime Frîday evenin-Ï someone broke into the Anena again. At 7 p.m., when Ducky Nead-' went ta climb the ladder that Ieads ta the music-making gon- dola on tbe soutb wall, bie found the stolen microphone hooked, aven a rung. DEAR TEACHER Mns. Alan Osborne bas bec-i teaching down at the Ontario St. Schol since Christmas. A youngster in ber class came home one day and told bis fo]kF ail about his new teacher. He mentioned ber namne. "Why, I know ber," tbe lad's father said. "I used ta go ta school with ber." "Not witb bier, Dad," the boy came back. "She's a young girl." THE NINTH LIFE A cat was run aven by a truck in front o! Glen Rae Dainy one dav last week. Bob Stevens saw the accident. Ile picked the cat up and took it behind the barn back o! the dairy. He clipped the cat sevenal times witb a shovel in onden ta put the paon creatune out of its miseny. Later in the day Mrs. William Allin telephoned ta tell tbe bu- manitarian that the cat he thought he kiiled was running anound the backyard, QUESTION Our beloved Qucen Elizabeth Il was bonn Apnil 21, 1926. Jake Brown, son o! Mn. and Mns. J. J. Brown, husband o! the former Helen Roach and father o! Sandy, was born on the samc ýday. Anyane else around these part" born Apnil 21, 1926, please ad- vise this column and bave your naine rccorded among the ra and near great, ret SPEED DEMONt A fniend of ours lives on the Base Line west o! tawn. As bie drove into Bowman ville anc evening. recently, the tail light feil of! bis car. He picked it up and put it in tbe back seat. A provincial police officer trait- cd aur fnicrid al aven town fan quite some time. Finally, aur friend just had ta go home and he headed west out o! Bowman- ville. He had just crossed the aven- head railwa.v bridge when he heard a horn honk and saw the provincial prowler edze un) alon- side. Our friend abedienthy pull- cd aven ta the cunb. Stepping from his '51 Meteor the cap said: "Wbat are you tny- ing ta do, hase me?" Our friend was driving *a '32 Chevie! NO PRICE INCREASE In the past, Playof! hockey games at the Memonial Arena1 Marlow, Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. Miss Beryl Larmer, nurse-hi- training, Petêrborough, spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer. Flying Off icer Ernest McLean is home for a few days after op- erations at Goose Bay, Labrador. He is posted to return to Saska- toon. Richard Van Camp. Bill Fergu- son, Keith Van Camp and skipped by Dalton Dorreil, comprised the curling team representing Dur- ham County Junior Farmers at Peterborough recently. They placed fifth and received jaunty plaid tams. Congratulationis. The O.N.O. Club met at the home of Mrs. Ernest Swanf Thursday evening. Gwenyth Thompson, the new President, was in the choir. Roll call was ____________________________________________________________ SrnW £5I5~ answered by paying mnemberShIp fees. The committee to buy. si dozen club chaire reported thxt they had been. bought, 'they am ta be left at the borne of tb. president.* Any o! the club math- bers miay use them at any Urne. Anyone outside a! the club. m4y nent thern for 50c. After the biýS- mness period mnembers jr*sented Gwen Ballingall with a. lovely shower and best wishez. Mm1 hostess and the group mombelm served dainty refreshmenta tô conclude a pleasant eventng. Editor's* Note - Pleasé doéi blame aur loyal and painstalclnig Blackstock correspondent for h« interesting budget of pews beink left out last Week as the fault was in aur of *fice. You will find lat week's newu in another eolumn. 3frBank' An-fle BANK o0F MoNTRLEAL WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK 0F LIFE ZINC! 1811 Z--j THE CANADIAN STATZSLffl. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ip'AIW