THE CANfADTA!1 STATESMTAN, Eowfflt!LTr, ONTARYO SThe Newcastle Independend tirgaret Aah Telephone 2511 Newcastle Mr. and Mns. Perey Woadward, Troronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Terwilliger and Lois, Oshawa, Were Sunday visitors with Mr. T. T. Manes. Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Embley and Mrs. J. Embley visited Mr. and Mrs. Parks and family at Belleville an Sunday. 4àmi1ss Joanne Glover, Newton- « e, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gearge Crawther and Charles.' Miss Joan Brown spent the weekend with Miss Carolyn Piediander in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mann, Osh- awa. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade, Newtonville. were guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wiggans, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ruth- erfard, Orano, were Sunday gUesta ai Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney. Cfmn. Raymond Merlin, Hali- fax, R.C.E.M.C., and Cfmnn. John Merlin, Barrieiield, spent the weekend at their home "The Gien" with Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Merlin. Several hockey fans from here have been following the Boxv- manviile-Cobourg playoffs. We are sarry ta report the spoils are~ leit naw ta Lindsay or Cobourg. Aiter making such a staunch effort ta win the second game af the series we feel badiy that aur entry iu the O.R.H.A., Newcastle Seniors, went down ta defeat, losing ta Brooklin in twa straight games. We wlsh a speedy and complete recovery toalal the sick in the village. We are sarry ta hear that Mr. Fred Hancock's condition war- ranted his removal ta Memorial Hospital. Bowmanville. How- ever we hope under this expert care his return ta kealth and home wiil be rapid. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rutland spent Sunday in Oshawa at Mr. and Mrs. Will Waassal's. C.G.I.T. met Feb. 19 and apen- cd with the repetition ai the pur- pose and motta. Aiter a special worsbip period and a short bus- iness period in which the Worrd Day ai Prayer was discussed the meeting closed with "Taps." Lions News Municipal Night. an annual event ai Newcastle Lions Club, featured the meeting Feb. 21 In the Queen's Hotel. This was the most outstanding meeting ai this club ta date and was addressed by Mr. 1{arry Campbell, Warden ai the United Counties, wha presented the prob- ins confronting the council this Land gave. lu bis opinian, what steps are necessary ta, meet these prablerns. The notable guests at this meet- ing included Beeve Morley Van- stane, Deputy Reeve Mel Dale, Councillors Nelson Osborne, Fred Cale and O. F. Robson, represent- ing Bowmanville Council, Dep- uty Reeve Harold Skinner and <ouncllor Garnet Rickard ai Dan- âpngton; Deputy Reeve Art Me- "'I.y ai Clarke Township. Repnesenting Newcastle Coun- cil and Boards, as guests, were: Cauncillor Ross Dickinson. Chair- nman ai Schaol Board; Rev. D. R. Dewdney and Trustee William Luke; Hydro Commissioner Stan- ley Graham and Cecil Carveth, Chairman ai the Library Board. Messrs. Vanstone, Skinner, Me- Kay, Dewdney, Graham and Car- vreth expressed their pleasure at being present and voiced appre- clation af the efforts ai the Ward- en., In a letter to Fresident Keith Aiken, read by the Secretary, Dr. Witzel stated that he would be apen for practice March 20 or 2.5 in the site ai the aid post office wh-ich is being renovated by Mr. J. Anderson Smith, for bis pur-. pose. Living accommodation for Dr. Wltzel is still ta be obtained and the memberg are loaking for even twa or three rooms wlth modern canveniences ta serve as a temparary home, and if any citizen wouid open their home ta assist the Doctor, please com- municate with any member ai the Club. WEDDING BROCK - RAYMOND Evening Auxia.17 Evening Auxlliary ai United Church met in the board room witii 15 members present, Feb. 20. The president opened the meeting with a poem. Worship periad and program was ix charge ai Mrs. Jean Hoimes' group. The Scripture was led by Mrs. Muriel Allin who conducted the worship perîod. Mrs. Helen Glenney led in prayer. The study boak was taken by Mrs. Muriel Allin, Mrs. Marjorie Dickinson. Mrs. Eva Couch, Mrs. Annabel Rickard, Mrs. Helen Glenney and Mrs. Fern Brunt. Mrs. Muriel Allin conducted the business pcriod. It was de- cided ta accept an invitation to attend the March meeting with Bowmanville Trinity United Church Evening Auxlliary on March 18. Members are asked ta attend the World Day aif ray- er, Feb. 29, at 3 p.m. In the Sun- day School. The meeting cnded with Rec- reation led by Annabelle Rick- ard, after which neireshments were served. List of New Books At Memorial Library The iollawing is a compiete list ai recent new books added to the Newcastle Memorial Library. Non-Fiction As We Came By--- Robinson Closing the Ring _-Churchill Time ta Remember .....ouglas God Sa Loved the World -- - Gaudge The Queen Mother ...Crawford Red River Runs North _Kelsey White Man Returns ---Keith North Foie Boarding ----Gilles The Book ai Table Arrange- ments --------- Roberts Up Mendonte Way ---Wells 1 Married An Artist --Button Merry Hall ---- ------- -Nichais The Sea Around Us -_Carsan Dust an My Shoes _ Penney Fiction Moses - -----sc h Hîgh Bright Wheeis - Creighton The Ivory Dagger .Wentworth Anna Where Art Thou .-.- Wentworth Now or Neyer - -----Cales Renny's Daughter ---de la Roche The Spoils of Tume - Gibbs Wherc Ncsts the Water Hen ~ a Children ai the Archbishop -Collins The Duke's Daughter -Thirkell A Terrace in The Sun -Roberts With Ail My Hcart __ lamncs Lament for The Bride --Reillry Bright Conquest - --Hill Doctors Are Difierent -.Walkcr Woman at The Window White Storm Centre - ------Sta-ndish Neither Five Nom Three -Innes Juvenile The Islanders _ -Fertweec Cub Reporter - ambleton Gertie the Horse who thought and thought ..Gcnning The Sun Horse - _ Clarke Royal Red -_____O'Brien Bears ai Jasper - -Cary Tulip Time ---_Grinheim Mr. T. W. Anthony Woo- Ginger PyeEse Tricks Any Boy Can Do--- Tadd Black Vic - ---- Rorcke Showdown --- -Longstreth Strike-Out Story _-Bob Fellers Historiccd Sketch 0f Newcastle Memorlal Library The following is a bnci hnistar- ical sketch ai the Newcastle Memnorial Library, as prepared by Miss Hattie Mason, Secretary- Treasurer ai the Board. In 1923, the anerous duty ai establisbing the Newcastle Mem. anial Library was piaced in the hands ai a Library Board. Mem- bers werc appoïntcd: three by the village council, three by Board ai Educatian, plus the Reeve by virtue ai bis office. First Board camprlsed Dr. J. A. Butler, Reeve and Chairman; Miss Lockbart, Secretary-Treas- urer, Mrs. Moise, Miss McIntosh, Mrs. J, A. Butler, Mr, Matcbett and Mr. J. W. Bradley. The Library was established as a Gav- ernment Library with funds pro- vided the first year as iollows: A quiet but pnetty wedding Newcastle Memorial Library toolc place at Graiton United was farmally apened on Novcm-ý Cburch parsonage Saturday, Feb. ber 3, 1923, at 4 o'clock by Mr. tb, 1952, whcn Joan Marguerite, D. J. Gibson, the fathen ai anc daughter ai Mn. and Mrs. Roy ai aur fallen. Arrangements for Raymond, ai Coiborne, became the aponing were in the hands thc bride ai Reginald Lyle. only af the Library Aid composed ai son ai Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brock, the %vomen ai the village who oi Bawmanville. Rev. Harold J.!had warked so valiantly as the Rabbins officiated in a double Patriotic League during World ring ceremany. Xar I, with Miss Agnes Drum- The bride loaked loel l amoud as Fresident. Fnom 1923 teal blue gabardine suit with a ta 1941 this arganization contri- corsage ai rod roses a -davyb uted $2,3090 ta hclp establish and accessanies. Mrs. Wi. NMartin, maintain the Library. Peterborougb, sister ai the bride,ý On Sept. 17, 1923, applications was ber only attendant, wearinglIwerc received for the position ai a navy suit and a corsage of white Libranian. It w'as moved by Mr. carnations with red rose buds Macetadscne y M and inte whte aceoian- Moise and camied that Miss But- Mm. Bruce Lonsberry, Bwa-ler's application be accepted at a ville, cousin ai the groom, was salary ai $150 a year. Hem salarv be~st man. ýobgnSp.It 93 During Uic igning af thc ne- tAnbein et. sdteo1923. 3 gister the pianist, Mrs. Bryson, 193 A idantu dat aiNv.he played appropriate wedding music.,19v3.las drniland uphbetwceuth At thc close ai the coreony Rev. vilg oni n i irr H. J.Robbis san "l'I Walk Board leasing the present Librar- H J.Rabins angRoom ta the Board for a peniod Beslde Yau." ffieyerterntt '$0 After the reception at the home ya ilcy arsonthefment ta be $30 ,&Vearlr, paidpanrentfirst aippec PlUc ndespaet h ap ember ta foliow and an Dccem- ue leit amid shaw<ers ai con- brIto ahadee fetti and good wishes on a motarbe taiecadevm'-ar trip ta Hamilton, Niagara andlHeat, ligbt and janitarseic Orillia.1 were included. On their return they wiil resîdei Besides books, magazines and in Bowinanvile. papers purchased by thc Library many books werecocntributcd bv For gracenies Canadians spent citizens ai thc village. One out- thnee times as much in 1951 as in standing gift was made by Mrs. 1941-$1,608 million campared ta Gaoderbam, ai Toronto, in the cx- $567 million; independent merch- 1 ceptionally beautiful set af the &Mta did 62.8 per cent ai the total Enc3-clapedia Brittanica. Yau mav- businesS, Chain openators the r.- iind this book plate -'Given hI' mainder. i s daughe linmemory of' ber father, Hemr Stephen North- occasion of Francis Lufford's rap." Mr. Northrop was an old birthday. citizen of Newcastle. Many val- W. M. S. met Feb. 12 in the uable sets such as Scott and home of the President with fine Dickens bear the same plate, ber ladies present. Arrangements gif t. were made ta invite the Presby- The books In the Library were terian ladies for joint "Day af insured for $2,000 for three years, Prayer" service, Feb. 29. Flans the premium being $25.00,' with were discussed for attending the the Mount Rayai Insurance Com- Presbyterial ùix Oshawa Feb. 27. panythrough the agent, Mr. Brad- Plans were laid for annual Good ley. Friday Thankaffering meeting. The Masseyfml ete Cammittees were appointed for: Lbaris n'sciTione:-"In mem- securîng ai speaker, lunch, flow- barti nscrtable:-"Isk whicher and invitations ta Wesleyville or fCharles Albert Massey." arnd Welcome ladies ta *arship Ao eyfn irry ailewa with us. Mrs. Ross Hallawell had A ver y fine Librart abl wis charge ai a chapter ai study book~. memory ai son and brother, Lieut. Women's Institute Meeting s Eric Lockhart, killed in actionia oe' nttt etn a 1917." To Mrs. Charles Chnl. held Feb. 20 at the home ai Mrq. member oi another old family af i l11 Farrow, with 29 ladies pres- the village w e owe aur present en. President Mrs. Harry Wade; bookplates. She designed the conducted the business. Some ai plates, gave the engraved plate the groups brought in money and 1,000 cpies. a n iNw raised by card parties, and there On the death ofoeofNw is now a balance on hand ai $26.78.1 castle's oldest citizens, Mr. Wel- Tickets are being sald on a pair, lington Poster, the Board received owfad Ormito nkas.has from bis estate the sum ai $700. Hwr ritnwscoe ý Special book slips were printed aur representative on Bowman- and are pasted in the front ai ville Hospital Auxiliary. non-fiction books each year, stat- Mrs. Farrow took charge ai the ingtht thi bokwas purchasd meeting, and called on Mrs. igthaiterts book asm te Haigh for the humorous readinp,, bonsthiterestre ced iromth e The Miracle of Sugar Creek." bh on whic ere prcasd itMrs. Fred Henderson read an in- For some twenty-five years be- teresting paper on current events. for he deth rs.MathewRoll cali "What part ai a mnan 's fBoe be dfeth fMwrs. Mnthe shirt do you iran first," vas re- Library winter and summer. sone to by most of those pres- This information has been ob- et oroving that several metho&dý tainied by searching the account can give good resuits. A 'Mind" and minute books ai the Library contest was conducted by Mrs. fromits ncepion.Clarence Mitchell. Mrs. Farrow iromits ncepion.and her group served a deliciaus lunch. Durham Club Hears Early History of The Recent Bride Village of Newcastlei Guest of Honor ai The Durham Counyalubof Many Showers Toronto bas adopted auiu idea this seasan in that each Thelma Brown, Fat Conneil and! month the annauncement ai the Joyce Foreman wene hostesses ati next meeting is sent out ta the a miscellaneous shower given ini members; it contains a brief bis- honour ai Jacqueline Ciarke,l tory ai anc ai the villages ai Bowmanviiie, in the lounge ai' Durham Caunty. This new fea- the Bell Telephone Ca., Oshawa,l turc is in the capable hands ai by her co-workers. Jacqueline James P. Lovekin wha is doaig. was the recipient ai many beauti- an exceptionally fine job. His f ul ancr useful gits and a corsage histonical sketch for the meeting ai pink carnations. Aiteranen-1 this month (Feb. 28th) is New- joyable get-together and ire castle, bis native hamnlet and here advice counsel on marriage, ai is bis comments: deliciaus lunch wvas served by the The namne was given by pion- hostesses. eers in memony ai their former 1 home at Newcastle-an-Tyne in Mrs. Mabel Moss and Mrs. Mar-1 England. The original Canadian1 ion Foloz, Oshawa, were hostesses1 village ai that name was planncd at the home of Mrs. Rae Burton, for Presque-Isle Paint by an Act Jaris St., Oshawa, Jacqueline's ai Parliament iu 1802. Only a bowling club members in honour gaal and cQurt bouse had been ai her approaching marriage. erected wben the location was They made her a presentation ai found ta be unsuitable. a lovely mantel mirror and cuti Some records ai 1833 refer ta glass bon-bon dish and a corsageý the site ai the present village ai ai sweetpeas. Euchre was playedi Newcastle as Crandell's Corners. aiter which the guests enjoyed a[ In 1838 Charles Clarke erected tasty lunch served by the hast-1 grist and saw milis on the lake esses. iront 11/2 miles ta the south and *. named the lake settiement Bond A miscellaneous shower iný Head in honour ai Sir Francis, honour ai Jacqueline Clarke xvas, thbe Governor. He aiso buiit wharf given by Miss Marlee Gibbs ini and harbour installations wbich her home on Liberty St. N.,! for many years werc the best Bowmanville, at wbich Marleeý between Toronto and Belleville. wvas hostess ta many ai Jacque- Bond Head flourished as a part line's school friends. Seated on ofa shipment for flour, grain andf a chair decorated in pink and lumber. The marshy lake front, white aven which hung a color- bowever, proved very unbealthy fui watering can Jacqueline open- so the new village ai Newcastle ed mnaniy mystenious looking ak grew as a business and residential ages wbich contained bea-utifull area and was incorporated in and useful gits. A deliciaus 185 while Bond Head declined. lunch was served by Mrs. Gibbs, The aipltono the Grand Miss Eileen Gibbs and Miss Mar- Trunk Railway.iii 1856 hastened lee Gibbs during which many: the decline s0 today nathing but iunny school episodes and storiesý ruins romain. were cxchanged and discussed. In 1847 Daniel Massey ouened 1 a small shop at Bond HeM for Mm. and Mrs. A. LaPrairie, 17! mnaking iran castings and srnail Montclair Ave., Toronto, on Sat-' farmn implements. The foliowing urday night, Feb. 2, gave a party' year be bought a factory in New- in honour af Jacqueline Clarke castle and sa, wbat was ta grow and Carl Flintafi. Carl and the inta the great Massey-Harnis CO. bridai party were an this occas- was iounded. Newcastle is proud ion introduced ta miany of Jac-~ ta dlaim the new Govemnor Gen- queiine's relatives and friends. eral oi Canada as a descendant ai The party was a Gadget Show-1 a native son. or and many laughs were heardý rhen theorniial nno- wnre. NE WTON VILLE Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, was home for the weekend. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Carl Paeden on the birth ai a son at Memorial Hospital Bow- mianville, on Feb. 19. Mvr. and Mrs. Howvard Ormiston entertained several couples at the dinner hour an Thursday. Mrs. John Fearce's group ai W. I. held a progressive cuchre party, 12 tables, lu the Orange Hall, Tuesday evening. Miss Iuez Gardon spent the weekond with friends at Peter- borough. Clarke Township teachers met at New.tonvilie schoal on Mon- day. Mr. Lawrence Savery, Osli- awa, a former Newtonville teach- cm, addressed the meeting. In his usual capable manner he spoke on the proparation ai pup- ils for Grade 9. Mr. Webster, the inspectar, also spoke briefly. A dainty lunch was served by Mm. Ashfieid and his graup. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson and daughter Linda nioved backz ta West Hill an Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Wray Saules, Ta- ronto. spent Suuday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. Miss Fac Joncs, nurse-mn-train- ing at Peterborough Civic Hos- pital, spent Sunday at bier home, pnior ta commencing a three months' training period at the Ontario Hospital at Whitbv. Mr. and Mrs. James Nýcsbitt, Virginia, U.S.A., have returned1 saiely from thein extended trip. When in Caiifornia they hunted up and enjoyed a splendid visit with Edgar and Fred Hughes, two Newtanx-ille boys. Mrs. Wilband, Fenticton. B.C., wba bas been visiting Mrs. Mag- gie Smith. has gane down ta visit friends at Belleville. Mr. Robert Nesbitt. wvha bas been living with bis niece, Miss Annie Nesbitt since retiring fromn the farm, passed way on Feb. 25. Mn. Ncsbitt was 84. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and baby Carol, Wbitby. withi Mr. and Mrs. Harald Burlov,. Mr. Clark is a former Ari-ny pal of Harold. Mrs. Harold Burley, Harvcy and Dennis, spent Tueszdav aiter- noon ai Mr. and M'%rs. Fred Lui- ford's, Bunker H"11 being the read and the parcels revealedi some very queer but useful house- hald articles. A white snap- dragon centrepiece graced oni either sides by lighted white candies in silver candlebraes mrade' a beautiful setting for the scrumptuous buffet lunch served by the host and hostess. Carl, on behali of Jacquelineý and himself, thanked the hostý and hostess and guests for thelirý gifts and kindness and by the; iriendliness of each one he knew everyone enjoyed the party. Evening Auxiliary Of Trinity Church Hosts to the C.G.I. Trinity United Church Even- ing Auxiliary met in the Sunday School roomn on Tuesdav evening, Feb. 19 in the form of a supper meeting. Trinity C.G.I.T. groups were guests at the supper and afterwards held an impresi" Affiliation Ceremony wjth Fa Hooper, Bey. Cowling, Betty Mut- ton, Pat Morrili and Hazel Web- ber taking part. Mrs. Reynolds and Miss Purdon conducted the service and six cf the C.G.I.T. members took part in the ceremony. Mrs. M. Sey- well, Presbyterial Secretary of the Affiliated C.G.I.T. groups, was present to accept a money gift on behalf of the W.M.S. Rev. S. R. Henderson led the meeting in prayer. Mrs. Daisy Bell took charge of the Study Book pro- gram and was assisted by Missý Vivian Bunner. Mrs. Ethel Hen- dry, Mrs. Lorna Edwards and Mirs. Marion James. Literature Secretary, Miss Ethel McKaguel gave anr outline of the bookI "Christianity and Communism.' Reports were presented bv the Friendship Secretary, Treàsurer, Corresponding Secretary a n ri Supply Secretary. Miss Helen Cryderman, on the Finance Com-! mittee, gave a report on the plans ta raise furids for the building of a United Church Training School for womnen. In the ten year period fron- 1941 to 1951 five persans emigrat- ed fram Canada for every six persons who immigrated ta Can- ada. r, ED 1951 Ford haif-lon Panel - $1550 Cannot be told from new. 1950 Chevrolet Sedan - $1675 One owner, low mileage, reflects excellent care. 1949 Dodge Deluxe Sedan - $1495 Interior, chrome finish immaculate. Original owner's name on request. 1949 Meteor Sedan . . . $1395 New tires, beautiful 2-tone finish, chrome and interlor like new. 1948 Ford haif-lon Pickup - $995 Very low mileage, iiever used for heavy loads, finish, interior, mechanical condition beyorid criticism. 1948 Dodge Special Deluxe Sedan . . . $1395 Locally owned. Thxis is one of those used cars which would probably give as good service as a new one. Worth $200 more than the average car of its y-ear. 1947 Pontiac American ""6" Sedan --$1195 Buit-in radio, air conditioning. 1947 Ford 1-ton Panel - - $795 Just refinished, used for light work only. 1946 Dodge Club Coupe - $1150 Custoni radio, xcellent niotor, tires. 1941 Plymouth Deluxe Coach . . . . $850 Immnnaculate inside and out, mechanical condition as good as most '47 models. Saona À sHB - FAIR TRADES OPEN 9 a.m. TO 9 p.m CARS 11940 Chevrolet Coach a m $725 Body, interior immaculate, mechanical condition far above average. 1940 Plymouth Coach . . . This is the famous Road King model that is hard to wear ont. Equipped wvith deluxe heater, custom radio. 1939 Chevrolel Special i Deluxe Sedan - - m m- Original intenior immnaculate, custom radio, heater, tires like new. This car is being refinished in aur paint shop and should be ready Saturday. It'will scîl on sight. 1939 Dodge Coach --- $595 Radio and heater, excellent mechanical condition. 1938 Dodge Sedan -*- $495 Good transportation, tidy appearance. 19-17 Plymouth Sedan - - $495 Motor just replaced, finish and interior show excellent care. This is oie o the cleanest cars of this year we have ever seen. 1937 Chevrolet Coach - - - $495 Excellent motor and body. Hurry for this one. 1936 Chev. haif-ton Pickup - $250 As is, not reconditioned, but good value, 1935 Plymouth Sedan - - - $195 Many miles left in this one, tidy appearance. 1933 Plymouth Sedan . . . $165 Good motor, body and tires. 1Model ""A" Fords 0 m $95 each TWO TO CHOOSE FROM Garage -LIDERAL TERMS NONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY .. I - t when you see our better $725 $695 PHONE ORONO 1031 1 TRUPMk'T, M. 28t'h, 1052