PAGE six THE CA1fADIA1~ STATESMAK. EOWMANV!LLE. ONTAMO 9'flTTNMflAY WU ~ IONS The Orono News Miss Isobel Moulds, Toronto, Goad, Toronto, spent the week- Visited Miss Joan Black et the end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert home of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mc- Hancock. Gee. Miss Edna Best and friend, Tor- - 'Visitors with MVrs. Robt. Allun onto, spent the weekend with Mr. Were her daughters, Mrs. Gamsby and Mrs. Horace Best. and daughter, Kingston, and Mrs. Mrs. Cliff Bruton, who has McGowan and two sons, Scar- ben ill at ber home here for bomo. many months, was taken to Mem- Mr. and Mrs. Orme Gerry orlal Hospital, Bowmanville, on formerly of Hamilton, have corne Friday. We YXope ber condition to Orono to make their home. will show improvement. They are no strangers here as Mrs. Mary Phasey and Diane, they have been spendlng their Oshawa, spent the weekend with siummers bere for some time but Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood. Other we now welcome Mr. and Mrs. visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gemry as permanent citizens. Barraball, Neil and Willis, Whit- Mm. and Mrs. G. Dunlop and by. children who have made their on Friday evening at a most home w ith Mrs. W. Stutt moved impressive service Rev. Fisher, of last week to their new home on Brooklin, Chairman of Oshawa Station St. Presbytemy, inducted Rev. John Mr. and Mrs. Carman White Kitchen to the Orono pastoral and baby, Bowmanvjlle, visited charge in the United Church. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephrian Rev. R. R. Nicholson, Bowman- WJhite. ville, gave the scripture reading Mr. and Mrs. Milton Elliot, and Rev. Gea. McQuade, Whitby, Bowmanvile, called on relatives gave a very inspiring message to here on Sunday. the minister. Rev. M. Somer- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gilbert and ville, Courtice, spoke to the con- daughters, Guelph, spent the gregation from the text: "We are weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Char- workers together with God." His lie Miller at Mrs. Fred Tamblyn's. forceful message gave much food Other guests weme Mr. and Mns. for thought. Mrs. A. A. Drum- Itussel VanHomne, Whitby. mond sang a vemy appropriate Misses Margaret and Alice 'solo and the choir were heard in New FLURADENE TOOTH FASTE Combats decay - whitens teeth Lge. tube 69c DULMESS 0 SPCK REp r.II UL NIESTION C NSTATION INDGETO OSTPTO Toni HOME PERMANENT Complete Kit ______- $3.00 Refi -- $1.50 Pnxfor Coughs Pmnx Prepared Syrup ---- ---- 50c-85c Pinex Concentrate - .75c Dodd's Kidney PuIs ----- 50e lan Pis ------------- 50c-79e Nyai Kidney Pills --- 35e Vlck's Cough Syrup- 59e EN951 ick's Rub - ------- - 53c FRUiTsAL"j Vick's Nose Drops -- 53c Ipana Tooth Faste _--- 33c-80c-95c 69c - 1.O9cCoigate's Faste 33c-60c-95c ]Pepsodent Faste 33c-60c-95c Mason's 49 Air Wiek Zambuk Sedecin for Coughs for fresh air Olntment Sedative 45c - 75e 89e - $1.39 50e $1.00 -$4.95 Syringe FittUngs -___89c Hot Water Botties A I A Thermos Botl: $195-2.0 1M ERO ID S Lunch Kits TOTI1PAST Frosst'u Ne. Chemical Food O T P S E Liquid - FI5-$HT-$5 0OOS SCA Capsules -$.5$.5$A Ayerst 10-D CHEC S BDBE Cod Liver 011 - $1.00-$2.25 Scott's Emuision - 73e-$1.33 Wampoie's Extraet - $1.25 MKSTEHWIE Feiiow's Syrup - $1.49 Baby Scales for Rent COWLING' S 695 RUG STORE WE FIT TRUSSES an antliem. Theme were - many ministers present, among them Mr. Kitchen's daughter and son- in-law, Rev. and Mrs. Tonge, ol Lakefield. At the close a recep- tion was held in the S.S. room when the congregation had an opportunity to meet Rev. and Mrs. Kitchen. Evening Auxiliary of Oronc United Church met Thursday ev. ening in the S.S. room. It was the occasion of their 5th birthda: and the Aftemnoon Auxiliamy weme their guests when about 70 ladies attended. President Mrs. Car] Billings presided and extendeda gracious welcome to the visitors, After conducting the business she called on Mrs. H. Barlow to take charge of the program. Mrs. Ray Carleton led in the devotional period, assisted by Mms. Harold Allin. Mrs. Barlow had secume< several interesting moving pic- tures which were shown with Paul Rutherford at the projector. These weme thoroughly enjoyec as was a solo hy Rev. Ole Hoiesen. The singing of the national an- themn and the Mizpah benediction brougbt a most intemesting and profitable meeting to a close. Mrs. C. Wood moved a vote of thanks on behaîf of the members of the Afternoon' Auxiliary and Mrs. M. H. Staples seconded he: motion. Refreshments were ser- ved and a social time enjoyed. Record crowds attended the Skating Carnival held in the arena here Friday and Saturday even- ings and once again the Orono Skating Club gave an excellent performance. Each year shows a marked improvement and so the show gets better, but you would have to see it yourself to believe that a village such as ours could produce s0 many wonderful skaters. Great credit is due their teacher, Miss Betty Lee Dent, club professional, and to President Mmx. L. Hooey and many others who worked untiringly to make the Camnival such an outstanding success; also to Mr. Charles Wood who bas kept the ice in such good condition all winter goes the gratitude of the entire Skating Club. Mr. Charles Tyrreli was a very efficient master of cere- mones. WESLEY VILLE Mr. and Mms. Walter Longyear, Campbellcroft, w e re Sunday guests of Mm. and Mrs. A. Thorn- dyke. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne and Mrs. C. Payne attendec Brown's Home and School meet- ing Tbursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Morton, Orono, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Barrowclough Sun- day. ZION (Hope Twp.) Lest week Mm. and Mmx. Harold Ceswell, Mm. and Mmx. Ellsworthi Caswell and Jimi attended the tuneral et their aunt, Mmx. John Caswell, et Bowmanville. Junior Red Cross meeting took the form et a Valentine Party ta which the girls brought home- made candy for sale and the boys provided the retreshments. At the next meeting this will be re- verxed. On Seturdey Jean Black, Rose- berry Bill, visited Iris Caswell, Thursdey thé show spensored by the John Deere Company and held on the premixes of Ken Ashby, Pont Bitain, ettmacted attendence over a widespread erea. Thoxe from this district included Charles Reby, Gereld Bext, Mm. and Mmx. Lesnik and femuly, Stanley Jones and Harold Caswell. Mr. Hubert Foxter, Welcome, bas been compiling information in connection with the equelized assessment question. Mr. Farmer. Get Your FREE Copy 0F TME BOOKLET r. "*'YDUR INVISIBLE FARMHAND"1 cet Your Copy NOW! GET e FREE copy of the 20-page illustrated bookiet, "Your Invisible Fermhand," fmom Jack Brough, youm plumb- ing & heating contracter. This attractive, colored bookiet conteins nieny ideas and -,u',,,estioîs 4for you on increased ferm production and more farm profits. IF YOU WANT ANY 0F THE FOLLOWING :- " Individual drinking cups for cattie 'Wamm water for poultry drinking " Hot water in dalry barn for fountains stcrilizing utensils Autoniatic garden irrigation system *Convenient outiets for cleaning * Hot and cold running water in baen and stable kitchen *Water dispenser for hogs* Hot and cold running water in Sprinter rough for horn Heating system for house 'a Sminler yutm fo ban *Extra downsteirs shower *WelI placed fire hydrants* Water softener *Heating system for barn and H ot and cold running weter Spoultmy house in laundmy -WRITE OR PRONE FOR THIS FREE BOOKLET- WE WILL GLADLY MAIL IT TO YOU JACK Division Si. S. BROUGH'S Heaiing & Plumbing Bownianville Phone 615 YSt. John's Guildettes ]KENDÂL g Hol SccssulMrs. Mary Luxon and Marion s »-Val entine Party spent Saturday in Toronto visit- S8 ýn A delightful Valentine Tea, Mm. and Mrs. Gamnet Collett ti ci home-baking and apron sale was and daughtem Janey, Port Credit, held on Feb. 22nd at the Parish Miss Ruby Collett and Raymond eu Io Hall of St. John's Anglican Woodward weme Sunday guests of - Chumch, spônsoned by the Guild- Mr. and Mrs. N. Kennedy. te is ettes. Miss Katie Stewart and Mr. Fr y Mms. Warren Turner, the ec- John Almey visited Mrs. N. Ken- so 'e tor's wife, and Mrs. Jack Budg- nedy Thumsday evening. t ýs land, president, received the Mr. and Mms. ,Eddie Couroux, Ri 1I guests. Pouring tee were Mrs. E. a n ai pn audyI a C. Southey, president of the RyadMmesetStra nTi SGuild, Mms. Wm. Tait, Sr., pei Toronto when Ray received ,aM] ýe dent of the Afternoon Bmanch of cHeospital. h ic hlde ýe the W.A., Mrs. Chas. Bettles, pre- Hsia.JO Y' sident of the Evening Banch of Billy Jackson bas taken up bis an Il the W.A. and Mms. F. Dilling, duties with the staff of the Bow- d supeintendent of the Junior W.A. mnanville Post Office and all join d The hall was attractively de- in wishing him the best of suc- V.' -corated with red and « white ce ormwsene-a streamers and TheFarmForu wasente-ha centrepiece on te ea tablTe tained Monday night at the home i ci wa of e ad wte eadnatable of Mmx. Charlie Tbompson and l in slvr asketwit carnatonsArthur. in sive baketwih tîl ed Kendal broombaîl teamn joum- fax -and white candles in silver candle- neyed to Orono Tuesday night IFl n sticks on either side. for a game with Orono but came Mmx. W. Goode was in charge out on the small end of a 1-0 a of the bome-baking sale assisted score. One of the players was W Sby Mms. E. G. Wessells, Mrs. J. deconated the rest of the week an cl Bedford and Mrs. Ken Nichoix. with adhesive tape amound bisM ýr Mrs. Jack Parkem was refnesh- eye. -ment convener and assisting were Mrs. J. Living, Jr., Mrs. Reg. El- le liott, Mrs. J. McNulty, Mrs. M. BURKETON M aHannan, Ms Pat Tait, Mrs. -Lionel Parker, Mrs. D. Johnson o and Mrs. 0. Presson. Mmx. A. E. Ribey was hostess PO Lt Mrs. Harold Lake was ticket to the Bumketon W.A. Thursday HE 's convener. evening, Feb. 20. Mns. C. Robert- j ______________ son is having a quilting on Feb. fe u 27 for W.A. $10 was donated 0 Trinity Young Peoplel VFnil oca tm .S ad dantydunch was servedi byV iHear Stirring Talk I the hostess and her group. Mx 'By Rev. T. A. Morgani A. Hughes.lo Th. Mm. Grant Carnochan bas re- col 0 Temeeting opened with, one ltumned home fmom Toronto Hos- mi le verse of our theme hymn 'We pital. M .RlhEcelsoeai( gWould Be Building" followed by Mm. and r.RlhEcletn ti ci the Lord's Prayer. land Miss Jossie Archer, Sudbury, II d A short business meeting was were home and called to see Mrs. Of le conducted by President Mang. J Greer. 5 9 Stacey. Arrangements are under .Mr. and Mms. E. W. Vigar, Mrs. s way for our Club to play a hoc- Betty Vigar, Mm. Pat McCneady, -key game with Northminstem Norwick, with Mm. and Mms. Merle Youn Peole i Oshwa. Hubbard. Youn Peole iOshwa.Mm. and Mms. Les. Argue, Mm. The meeting was then tumned Allen Hubbamd wene guests of over te Bob Leask and Helen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ginn. Maguime, Missions and World Mm. and Mrs. Frank Alliston, Outreach convenens, for a woship Oshawa, with Mrs. Pearl Avery. service, the theme being "The Mmx. Edîth Mullen, Sunderland, Chumch and oum responsibilities to ix visiting Mrs. Avery. the chrch."Mm. and Mmx. R. Dartes wîth Rev. S. R. Henderson led in relatives. ea lively sing-song te the largest attended group of the club this year. Mr. Hendenson then intro- duced Rev. Arthur Morgan, who R W ' is te be our new leader and min-____ ister cf Trinity United Church Misses Ardele Pickering and *as cf June. Mm. Morgan told us Joyce Avery had tea at the Wil- of bis work up te the present son's on Sunday., tirne, which started as leading Our Daughters Semving Club Exploner's group of 16-year-old will meet at thé borne cf Ardele boys. Bis finst charge was in Pickering on Manch lst. Western Canada whene he spent Our teacher, Mrs. Payne, enter- two years. Later he helped or- ed the following pupils in a Col- ganize Y, P. U. Prexbyteries li ouring Contest held across the Southern Alberta. dominion, these pupils each won Mr. Morgan spoke on the im- pnizes: Grade 8-Maureen Me-1 Sportance ef Young People's or- Imcy; Grade 7-Daryl Pickering;; ganizations and what it should Grade 6 - Graham Pickering; j Ç: mean to us. We should live UP Grade 4-Sylvia Ljyan; Grade 3- *te the highest and best we know. Audrey Cox; Grade 2-Donna He illustrated this by "Candie McIlroy; Grade 1-Harold Stapley. Power." It ix the duty cf each Sevemal fmom our section attend-! tmember cf the Club to keep everY ed Lake Shore Home and School candle lighted and not let anY Association as guests on Feb. 18. go eut. Young People haven't Meving pictures by the Film *begun te discover what we bave Board wene shown et the school and what we want for our future, on Thursday. Nine eut et every ten young Mmx. Pankinson, Montreal, visit- people choose one cf a scientific ed ber daughter and son-in-law, field. Why? They feel this par- Mm. and Mmx. Marshall Pickering. ticular field is more exciting and Mmx. MecGnegom, Oshawa, vis- there are elways expeiments be- ited at the Avery's. ing tried and new inventions be- Mn. and Mmx. Thos. Wilson and ing discovered from science. Few family and Miss Bemyl Reichmeth realize "A Human Personelity" visited Mm. and Mmx. W. Brunt, ix the most tbrilling field. Few Lockhent'x. great leaders have gneat mmndx. Mns. Ellsworth Caswell, Jim We must have spiritual as well as and Eleine with the Wiison's. physical training. Mm. Morgan Mr. and Mmx. Tracy Embley, peinted eut that the Young Mm. and Mrx. Bob Stephenson People's Society ix the lemgest joumneyêd to Bnooklin on Fridey youth organizatien in Canada. evening with the Newcastle hoc- Our future is now - the present key team. Sorry te say our locais time. It is up te us Young People took a rather sorry beating, me- te make this genemation the turn game te be in Newcastle getest lever. Mm. Morgan con- Aena on Menday night. cluded by seying he felt he could Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow, Miss count on the Young People's ef Jean Perrin, Mm. Bill Morley, Mm. Trinity Chumch for support when and Mmx. I. Wilson, Miss Benyl commencing bis duties in June. Reichrath, Mm. and Mmx. S. La- Recreetion *was conducted by castem, Donrella, Mm. and Mns. Margaret Purdon which wes en- Gordon Martin, Alec and Joyce, - e1b i.1m. e.Stpeno ndMs with "My FvoriteBilSty" Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. met Several quilt blocks wene handed at the home cf Mmx. George John- in and ladies decîded te quilt in ston's, Feb. l9th. Prexident Mrs. the near future. Plans were miade Memwood McKee presiding. Meet- for the play the folks have been ing epened with a two minutes' pnactising te be presented in the King, George VI, and aIl repeat- "The Diffemence" by Mrs. A. ing the 23md Psalm. Devotional Wilson; "Honouns"» by Mmx. K.' wvas given by Mmx. Hutton. Roll Samells; "My Gnanny" by Mmx., caîl was answemed by 7 members L. Joblin; piano solo by Glenda and 4 visiters prexent. Fruit Wilson. Sevemal articles which Committee reported two boxes were hand-made were brought in sent. It wax decided te hold a for the bazaar. Meeting closed crokinele party Mamch 17th, in with prayer by Rev. Hutton. Mms. the church basement. Merch Wilson and group served a dainty! meeting will be held at the home lunch. Mmx. M. Emerson moved et Mmx. Marvin Nesbitt's with the a vote of thanks to Mrs. Wilson! Noth Group in charge. Pnegmam: and aIl In charge et a pleasant! Mmx. Hutton showed two lantern and profitable meeting. Nexti pictumes "People of India" andimeeting in charge cf Mns. M "Children cf China" which was Emersen's gmoup on Manch 2uth very interesting and much en- wben Mmx. J. Hooyem very kindly' joyed. Lunch was served and a invited us te hem home. social half hour spent. Euchme perty sponsored by the W.I. on Wednesdey night was Fer quick nesults - use The o.uite a success. Miss Coma Crozier Statesmarn Classified Ad.s. was high lady, Mrs. Velva Bailey4 got the consolation prize for the idies. Mr. Neil Bailey was bigh gent and Mr. Lavern Suggitt con- ilation prize for men. Mms. K. ainelîs got the lucky ticket. Mrs. Rarry McLaughlin had the lucky icket on the quilt. Around $40 xas realized with the quiît and ýuchre. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler en- ýertained the Euchre Club 'on Priday night. Mrs. Wilfomd Jack- mn and Mr. John Grieves were ;e winners. Rev. and Mrs. Harmy Atkinson, ichard and David, Oshawa, spent rhumsday evening with Mr. and Ers. L. Joblin. Mrs. Ehi Mairs and Mrs. L. rblin called on Mrs. Wm. Steele rid Mrs. Norman Mairs. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns isited friends at Ballyduff. Mr. and Mms. Victor Malcolm td family visited her father, er. George Kerr, at Yelverton, vho bas been quite sick. Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Tripp and Lmy, Shirley, visited Mrs. lorence Tripp and Orville. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm rxd famîly visited Mr. and Mrs. Tillard Cook, Oshawa, and Mm. td Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Bow- nanville. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brooks and Ir. Grant Brooks, Bowmanville, isited Mm. and Mrs. Lawrence valcollm Mm. and Mrs. Gebrge Palmer, 'ot Penny, visited Mr. and Mrs. lerman Wilson. Mns. Florence Tripp spent a ew days with friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, ýelverton, visited Mm. and Mrs. 7ictor Malcolm. Under pressure of imports fnom ow wage and mass producin.- -untries, Canadian cotton textile uills are supplying proportion- :ely less of the fabrics used in his country. Before World War Idtmestic milis bad 70 per cent ithe market, but now hold only I8 per cent. Ana Page Fresh MILK BREAD WHITE or BROWN Sliced 24-oz loaf 1 5C Unsliced l4c Christie's Graliam wAErics Super Creamed CRISCO Robin Hood OATS Fancy Blended JUICE Z Fancy Grapefruit JUICE 22 Bulk WHITE DEANS Aunt Jemmra FLOUR PANCAKE Sun nyfi e d 131CE Fancy Pink SALMONV Grave Brard SY]RUP MAPLE 13-oz pkg 29c1 lb 37c1 5-l6 pkg 44 20-oz tins 2.1c 20-oz tins.2lC plcg zoc l's lin 45c 16-oz bti 47c CUSTOM GROUND BOKAR COFFEE lb 96c 0 PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL SATURDAY, MARCH lst Somethlng New Lest Spring, in three or four experimental grounds acmoss Can- ada and in similar places in the nomthern part et the United States, certain seeds cf vegetables and flowers were planted. Only a test number identified these new introductions ef plant bmeed- ens from ail over the world. Ex- perts wetched the resuits. They noted hardiness. freedom from disease, trueness of coloring in flowems, quelity in the vegetebles, eamlinesx and other points wbich make a plant suitable and valu- able for our hardy climate. On the besis et their observa- tiens these new introductions were approved or disquelified. The bext cf these, along with those of previeus yeams will be listed in the Canadian seed cata- logues this spring. This ix the way new develop- ments in the garden world are intmoduced to the home gerden- er. In few other lines are the me- sults cf research, experiment and field trials made available so quickly for amateur om commer- cial use. They'me Better Now As we get oldem we like te pre-i tend that things weme better xvhen we wene young, the children more obedient, the food tastier, the life pleasanter. That may have been true et some ef these, but it ix flot true cf flewers and vegetables and other things in the garden world. Fifty yearx ago one could.not1 grow cern, squash, roses, fruit: and dozens cf ether plants ex-1 cept in the warmest parts ef Can-1 POR IDNEYS, POR13OCKS YOUR CHOICE POR LVER or SMOKED BACONV SQUARES lb ada. These things were net hardy enough, or they took too long to mature in our relatively short season. Now over the greater part. oe the country the gardener hAj hundreds cf flowers and ve tables fmom which te choose. And not only have we been given ear- lier meturing and hardier var- ieties, but aise better quality, or more vivid on striking colons. It ix now possible, thanks te the plant breeders te have a gerden et Fort Churchill or Aklavik, though of course the choice ix not quite se wide ini these nenthema spots as it ix a tew hundred miles south. In the old days the garden wau sort cf a feast or famine propos. ition, e few days when the peas, cern or beans were ready, a fewv days of vivid bloom, then ncthing else. Todey with impreved venieties and by using several sorts with ditterent. maturing periodx cm flowering dates one cen have a wonderful and pro- ducing garden from a tew days atter frost in the spring until fer inte the feul. In ordering seeds and plants for the comîng. seeson one should emember these changes and im- provements and by selecting came- fuliy insune more satisfaction and a tuiler return, The Englishman with bis flewer gerden and the Frenchman with bis plot of vege- tables expects resuits almest 365 deys in the yeem. Our climate is a bit too severe in the winter for that sort et production, but even in the cooder parts et the coun- try there should be six meonths use and pleasure et least. Sultana PEANIJT BUTTER Aylmer PEACHES CHOICE 2.Z Aylmer Fancy CORNI CREAM STYLE ai Aylmer 4-5 CHMOICEC PEAIS Zi Aylmer Tomato Canadian MILD CHEESE Howe's Peppermint PATTIES A&P Special Blond BLACK TEA A Meal for Four KRAFT DINNE 'fa-lb 35S 4&PJruil.4ani tU Fresh New Crop, Red Spanish, No. 1 PINEAPPI each 29C California Navel, Fancy-288'à ORANGES Fresh Curly Leaf, Ready to Cook, No. 1 SPINACH Fresh Green Tops, No. 1 CARROTS2 Florida Red, Washed, No. 1 NVEW POTATOES A& P SUPER RIGHT AY EVERY CUT CLOSE TRIMMEO TO ASSURE VOU 0F WITH LESS WASTE. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AND T( IS CANADA'S FINEST RED AND 13LUE BRANDS - NON' W Choice Sliced BIREAKFAST BACON Bon .1058 VEAL IROAST Choie* lb 59c PORK TENDERLO[O 16-oz jar 29c- 1O-oz tins 29C 15-oz tins 29c 15-oz tins 25C li-oz btl 19c lb 49c ýC 1-lb 61c 'k2-lb pkg 39c 2 plcgs 29c MES doz 29C cello pkg 19c a lge bchs 19c S lbs 39c AEATS -MORE MEAT 00, THE BEEF 4E FINER. ma35 XS lb 95c IG 25ec t 'a - 1- 'a g; t a, v n e * e a e e. 't 4' HIGH QUALITY - LOW COST, - GOOD E lTiN 0 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESUM, IBOWMANVffl.ý& ONTARIO THMMAT. rM. 2Mh. 1092' 1 1