PAGE ZIGHT T! AA~A TTSAEWA'7LOTROTUSA.TE Ah 92 Cobourg Cornets Win Play-OHf Series Winning Three in Four From Barons Local Homebrews Due Great Praise ,d âis ier ,lt he is- 'c ce. r- he id n- Luck, Lingard and a hcpped-up penalty ta goalie Lingard (serve Cobourg hockey club beat Bow- by Jerry Lawless) for lcaving i manville in the County Town net, and bath Cowlc and Fisbe Monday nigbt. were handcd five minute figi The Cornets turned in a stellar sentences.%' 5-2 victory performance before Doug Fisbcr's nase was bîe more than 1,800 fans ia Cobourg ing profuscly when he entered th arena ta earn the right ta meet box. He was forccd ta the dress Lindsay Muskies ln the Lake- ing room for repairs whîle Do shore Intermediate A League Tripp servcd bis time. finals. Bowmanville Barons daminat Cabourg taok three of four ed the play throughout the gamn games in a best-of-five semi-fin- The local club used only two far ai series from Bowmanvihhe. ward lines Manday aight and fo Consideriag shots-on-goal. the twa periods it laoked like i Barons shouhd have piled up an strategy wouhd pay off. Legs an( impressive goal total, but Stu». lungs let down a little in the fin Lingard in the Comets' net was ah frame, however. either Great or Lucky. On count- Taking a 2-1 lead into the thir( lcss occasions Bowmanvihhe pay- period, Cobourg's big defence diri drives caught the corner o! man, Bob Cooper, took a pasý a pad, were dcflected by a skate, !rom Wilcox in front of the ne or lacked the power ta penetrate and rough-boused bis way !nt the net. scoring position for the Cornets On tbrce occasions local puck- third tahhy. He duplicated thi chasers misscd a wide open net. feat and added the clincher on Gilhooly, Yourth and West play- two man rush at 11:08. cd the last 10 minutes of the game George Heath played a stand. in an effort ta even a 4-1 count. out game in Bowmanville nets Playîng coach Gilbooly found the Bilh Gearing started the game but net at 15:27-bis onhy unmolested was forced ta retire at the en. shot-on-goal o! the evening- o! the frarne because of an ag. while bath tearns were playing gravated heg injury. Youni with only thrcc men. Hcath came into the game "cold' Stop Near Rhubarb facing a onc-goal deficit and pro. Buck Cowle and Doug Fisher ceeded ta pull of! miraculou tanglcd by the boards at the bal!- saves. way mark in the third pcriod but Cornets Get Breaks a ncar rbubarb was laid low by Tbere's naoanc ta blame for thE the quick action o! Referces Pete Monday aight defeat. Bowman- Nye of Peterborough aad Toots ville outskated Cobourg most ci Holhoway of Belleville. Game of- the cvening; tbey bad more op- ficials handed out a two-minute portunities ta score but the pucl, Proud of Barons et While most avid fans are aware ta of the uphili fight forced on local ýS hockey players this seaÉon, ail ie Bowmanville is proud of the won- a derful showing the Barons made 1in winning the Lakeshore League Sschedule. Homebrew talent pai d ~off. They weren't expected ta at perform wonders the first year id out, but next year, or maybe the 9-year after that. Bowmanville will 19 boast one of the best teams ever produced locally. Cornets Open Scoring is Cliff Maundrel opened the scor- ing Monday night at the 3:51 mark. Bowmanville was press- le ing: Maundrel waited alone at 1the red line, took a pass from :) Jack Buchanan, and scooted in 3solo to beat Bill Gearing. Maun- ýk drel has one of the hardest shots in the league and over 20 years of hockey experience operates the stick. The shot beat Bill Gearing. But Bobby Bird came back at 7:22 on a pass from Don Gilhooly ta even the count. Before the nine minute mark the Barons were autlucked on what looked like three sure scores. Cobourg's John Fisher took a pass fromn Jack Buchanan and drove an ankle-high shot past Gearing from just inside the blue line. The period ended 2-1 in favor of the Cornets. There was no scoring ini the second frame. However, at one point Don Gil- hooly fell ta the ice injured after the whistle had blown to end play. Apparently in crashing into the boards with Cooper, the agile centreman's stick lodged in a crack in the boards. It bent like a wilaw and cracked Gilhooiy across the stomach. It also ripped his pants. When he went to the dressing room At was ta change bis hockey pants. Cooper claimed two and Wil- cox earned a third goal in the fin- ai frame for Cobourg. Don Gil- hooly collected the Barons' sec- ond marker. In the last frame the boys were sa tired they had to exert themselves ta move the puck in the direction of the Co- bourg goal. It was a fast game; a dlean game, and Bowmanville hockey fans saw the best game ai the season Monday night. Barons Played WelI Picking stars is impossible. Bob Bird, Don Gilhoaly and Maxie Yourth turned in their usual ag- gressive performance. The sec- ond line-Dean West. Don Mer- cer and Don Master-were as hot as any uine could be. The will was there but the goals just wouldn't roll off their sticks. On defence, of course, old Buck-. wheat Cowle and George Piper stood out. But Lloyd Hamilton, who was made a defenceman for the gamne, handled more than his share o! bodies and pucks. Lloyd Hamilton is the fastest skater onl the Barons club. Carl Flintoff, too, performed like the veteran he is. Bath goalies were stand- ou ts. Bowmanville can be extremely proud of the Barons. They are a team that doesn't subscribe to the word 'quit" and ail season- agaînst great odds an some oc- casions-they have turned out an enviable brand o! hockey. With more experience and with the ad- dition of new blood coming up through other Bawmanville hoc- key. leagues. Bowmanville Barons wiIl be a great club in the verv near future. KEN HERON ROUGH and TRIN ai HOUSES Ail Kinds of Woodwork Done Floors Laid and Sanded *KITCHEN CUPBOARDS A SPECIALTY ... No Job Too SmalI Phono - Orono 35r1 SHEET MIETAL WORK AND ROT AIR HEATING *HOT AIR FURNACES *AIR CONDITIONING *OIL BURNERS *ALL TYPES 0F ROOFING Work estimated without obligation wiIl conforni to low everhead at nxy new location. SELDBY GRANT 6 MILL LANE (Off Scugog St.) BOWVMANV1ILLE PHONE 2674 Every diamond yov buy here is' f irst-quality - the x'ery best! They are hand-picked by experts from the world's finest collections: 6 Ciraé ta give or to wear with onide! 1%. Cart i Carat Y, Carat '% Carat HO OPERI'S JEWILLERY AND GJFT SHOP 28 ICING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 747 just wouldn't go in the net. Even Cobourg rooters wcre beard re- mark on the lucky breaks the Cornets wcre getting. Win, hase or draw-thc Manday night Cobourg-Bowmanville serni- final tilt was by far the best hockey game o! the season. More than 200 Barons' supporters made the trip. - Thursday - 2:00-Affernoon Leather Class Lions Centre 7:30-Ladies' Dressmaking class Lions Centre 7:00-Adult Swim-ming Class B.T.S. Pool Registrations closed. 7:30-Young Men's training club in judo, muscle building. etc. - Friday- 7;30-Aduit Art Class Central Public School - Saturday - 7 :0-Recreation Broadcast Station CKLB. - Sunday - 3:00-Famnily Skating. Mcmn- bers aahy. Arena. - Tuesday - 7:3-Smnock;ng Class Lions Centre 7:30)-Young Mcn's Train ing Club. Judo. muscle build- ing, dynamic tension. - Wednesday- 3:O-Dancing Class. Lions Centre 8:00-Woodworking Class Central PublIc SchooL. In Ontario a paper companN started ln 1947 a forest nursery to aid reforestation, now bas six million seedlings in it. plans for the annual TIV League banquet. How timaje Tearn Oke -- ----- Elliott ---- --- Bagnel --- Little -- A. Piper- Moses ------ Osborne-- Westlake-- Taylor ------- G. Piper.----- Hoar --------- McKnigver-ge! vrG A. sbo ne ----- - -- A. Osbre.......------ G. ele t- ------- G. Eihitt------- B. Bates-t E. Pefec R. Shmnh --.---- R. Mcnl g----t.- T. Biaa --------- F. William B. Poslle- B. Dale------ M. D.aOsborne--- H. MC snet--- D. MpcKnig---ht- A. Pipier------- A. Pipe------ C. Brudh- J. Brseugh- H. Maoe -- . Vanste J. Lner B. M iln-c ------ -- T.HLo K. Luxtonl K. Bicllm B. Tailoam D. Taylr D. Rundle E. Rundhc-------,- P. Rieard R. Richard--- E. Brocy- ard R. Maynds -- S. Wollds T. Mihler - ------- W. Delel------------ Standing 18 6 15 9 15 15 9 14 10 13 il 12 12 1l 13 8 16 9 15 7 17 7 17 Lack of Ice Here Forced Came es Games 24 24 24 24 15 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 21 24 24 24 21 24 24 21 24 24 21 24 19 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 21 24 21 24 To De Played at Cobourg Saturday With Cornets Winning by 9 - 5 Bowmanville Barons Saturday ed two assists and wound up with night took a 9-5 drubbing fromn a a six-point performance. superior Cobourg club in the third Frorn the opening whistle Co- and ail-important game in Lake- bourg out-checked and aut-bodied shor Leguesemifinl pay. Bowmanville. Playing coach Don shor Leguesemifinl pay. Gîlhooly, and usually patent wiag- The Cornets domiaated the play mate Maxie Yourth, wcre blank- through threc periods la the eted through three pcriods. Bob Couaty Town coatest ia which Bird managed ta bank anc for the an apparenthy disarganized Bow- Barons, however, with Dean West manvihle hockey team failed ta claiming three goals and Lloyd bit its stride. Hamilton scoriag anc marker in Veteran puck-chaser C 1l1f f the first stanza. Maundrel brought bis sure-fire- From the outset it was a twine- shot ta the Cobourg arena Satur- minder's battle. Stu. Lingard day cvening ta cleanly beat Bilh turned la a starry performance Gearing in the Barons' net on four in the Cobourg net, but the shots occasions. Maundrel also dlaim- he handled were usually taken Gigautic February Clearance Sale! Ail of the Following Have Been Reduced To Clear . . . Corne in Now and Take Advantage of Therie Huge Savings on. . . USED) RANGETTES - USED WASHERS USED ELECTRIC RANCES USED REFRIGERATORS USED SPACE HEATERS (SmaIl and Medium Sizes) Used Nantel Radios - Used Console Radios 1 Only Used Table Nodel RADIO AND RECORD PLAYER NEW NORGE 1952 NODEL 9CUBIC FEET REFRIGERATOIRS Freezer Across the Top leuar $399.00 each SPECIAL $299.00 each M URaP]Hy'S Furniture & Appliance Store - Ini Bowmanville - PHONE 811 -~ Ohw PHONE 3-8634 52 KING ST. W. 117 SIMCOE ST. S. Bill Dates Wielded the Hickory To Win High Triple and High Single tg ti st a c The Atternoon Auxiliary of! W.M.S. miet at the home o! Mrs. Joseph Farder with Mrs. Rôy Ferguson presiding. Mrs. Ernest Larmer took the worship period. Rall cali was answered by an interesting item fromn the Miss- ionary Monthhy. Mrs. Earl Dor- rell, group leader, gave a tahk on a few articles from the boak "The Spiendour Dawns." Mrs. Roy Tayloi gave a reading on the life of aur Late King George VI. Mrs. James Henry gave a read- ing on the Twentv-Third Psalm. Meeting closed with prayer. Mr. Arnold Taylor attended the George White & Son dealers' convention in London. Miss Mildred Archer, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer for the weekend. Several members of the Bad- minton Club strengthened by f ive members o! the Port Perry Club went ta Lindsay last Wednesday for a tournament. Neil Malcolm and Sam Cawker placed first for the men and Noreen Malcolm and Mabel Cawker phaced second for the ladies. Everyone had a fine evening. Young People's Union enjoyed a skating party at the arena on Wednesdav night. The Unions fromn Solina, Zion and Tyrone were also present. Mr. James William Brookes, a former resident o! Cartwright (farmed where the Vine familv live now) was buried at St. John's Cemetery on Thursday. Sarry that Miss May King i very sick. She became ill lasti Thursday a!ternoon. Sincere sympathy of this com- munity is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner (Shirley Gunter) and ta Mr. Blake Gunter. who works in General Motors and visits here an weekends. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard iP. Gunter, of Coe Hill, were kilt- cd along with a couple from Belle- ville in Pennsylvania on their way to Florida hast week. Mrs. Harold Crawford taught Grades 7 and 8 for Mr. Turner and Mrs. Lloyd Wright taugbt Grades 1, 2 and 3 for Mrs. Turner. Rcv. and Mrs. C. W. Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Sbortridge and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze attended the funeral at Coe Hill on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dorrell are ln Bowrnanville looking after the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Colhacutt wba are taking a vacation in Florida.1 On Friday niglit the O.N.O. Valentine Dance was a fine suc- cess with the Recreational Hall niccly dccorated in the Valentine therne. Tommy Langley and bis band provided livehy music and Ed Harris did a splendid job of "calling off" for the squares. The prizes were awarded as follows: lucky spot, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Callns; lucky chair, Miss Lama j Harris, elimination dance, Miss' Ruth Hamilton and Doug Hayes. Mr. Henry Thompson, as usual,l prcsided at the door. 1 Bill Bates who bas been an in and outer ahl season, as far as bowling goes. was certainiy right in the groove on Wednesday aight when he took top honors in high triple and high single. Bill had a total a! 883, 348-303-232, ta wn. the Rayai Theatre tickets in bath events. Bill also jumpcd bis av- erage from 220 ta 229. Other good scores were Ross McKnight 798, Dr. Shemon 722, Russ Halîman 712, George Elliott 705 aad Ron Maynard 702. Three hundred scores recordeci other than Bill Bates' 348-303 were Russ Hahîman 324, Ted Hoar 314, AI Osbarne 311 and Jirn Cal- han 305. 1Dick Pat!ield was ail ahane for low honors, having a single game o! 111 and also low triple with 444 or an average a! 148. Ab. Piper's team had high triple team score with 3392 and broke the second schedule siagle game total with 1314. Talking- about team scores, Bill Westlakc's teamn set a new how o! 794. This is tops for this season. AlIey Chatter Our idea o! the perfect bowling tcam would be Sam Woods, Capt.;- Dr. Slemon, Doug Taïlor, Frank Samis and Bob Cale. This ag- gregation would kick anybody to death that got in their way. It cost AI Osborne a lot o! rnoney, bowling in sweeps on Saturday afternooa. Osborae didn't win anc sweep and on top of that, aftcr speading bis money in town, found a parking ticket on bis car. I guess the boys will have ta start bowling in Oshawa instead of in towa. The town of- ficials certainly don't want them ta stay here. Ab Piper bad a nice 375 in swceps on Saturday. Whea Ab's bot be's bat, no necd ta, say hei won the pot. President Russ Oke is calling a meeting o! the executive ta make mond Wright celebratd their 36th wedding annivcrsary. WiaÇ' them were Mrs. George Fre and Mr. Walter Sharpe, Neste- tn, Mr. and Mrs. Gohdwyn Fain~ Valerie, Vickic and Jane, Mr. n Mrs. David Fairthorne, Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Frank WrlghÇ Grant and Beverley, Bowrman ville. Congratulations! Need a Paperanger, painter moUr any other type o! service firr'g Sec the Statesman Classîfied sece tion. Jajar f lies. 42 36 35 34 33 32 291/j 25 19 19 16½ 15 wer. 244 233 231 229 227 224 222 219 219 218 218 217 215 213 213 211 21, 210 21o 210 209 207 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 205 205 204 204 204 201 200 200 ACIAIR CILUX Enumel cames in 2,1 rich cabanr. Ideal for furniture - outdoors and in. Yes, and automobiles, too. Goes on smootbly, dries quickly - and lasta and lasta See your Ci Point Dealer lv You can depend upon C-I.L PAINTS for the enduring colour, -the rugged resistance ta wear and weather which mean truc paint cconamy. Wbenever you paint ...whatever you pain L... it pays to see your C-I-L Paint Dealcr. Hl'ggon Electric Vour General ElectrIe Appiance Dealer Phnne 438 Bowmanville 42 ing St. TUE CANADIAN STATEsmAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, rEB. 28th, 1932:' Ji from a considerable distance. The Carnets' defence was just that good. Gearlng Is Crowded On the other hand, Bill Gearing appeared ta be the centre of a wheel of hockey players revolv- ing around his net. Cobourg played a fast, hard brand o!f hockey that knocked the Barons off their feet in the early min- utes of the game and kept them teetering ta the final whistle. Pete Ferguson rapped home the rubber at 4:45 in the first stanza for Cobourg, but Bob Bird evened the count at 11:24 on a cross-ice pass from Maxie Yourth. Co- bourg's Rolly Campbell came back at 15:56 ta shove the Comets one goal ahead, and the marker looked good until the speed line Hamiltan-Masters-Dustan racket- ed around the net with Hamilton pockcting the rubber at 16:12. Bob Cooper from Johnny Fisher at 18:59 put the Comets out in front 3-2 at the end a! the stanza. Somfe 1,600 hockey fans-a goa percentage fromn Bowmianville- were on hand ta witness the aIl- important third game that make.c the winners odds-on-favorites ta cap the semi-final series. The second period belonged ta Cobourg. Cliff Maunrel scored two in the frame and Jahnny Fisher collected one for the win- ners. Dean west scored Bowman- villc's only caunter in the stanzai on a solo rush that endcd in a chip shot past Stu. Lingard. The goal came -et 8:05. Big Cobourg Lead End of the second period show- ed the local club on the wrong side of a 6-3 score but Barons fans feit dismay with the tcam that usually finishes strong. On Saturday night, however, the Barons wcre unable ta pull up and forge ahead. Clif! Maundrel collected bis third goal of the game at 31 sec- onds in the third frame. He took the puck in alone, outskated BuckL Cowle, and fired anc past Gear- ing. He collccted bis fourth goal at the 8:56 mark on a pass frorn Doug Fisher. Dean West pocketed the Bar- ons' fourth tally from a faccof f in the Cobourg end while Ken Wilcox was in the sinbin sittîngI out a tripping penalty. West scared again at the 15:49 mark from Bob Bird ta end the scaring for Bowmanville. Bus Cane, hard-working Co- bourg forward, added Cobourgýs ninth goal ta the record sheet with 13 seconds ta play. Maundrel and Doug Fisher gat the assists. Stage Scoring Drive During the last five minutes the Barons iced five forwards in their determined drive ta close the scoring gap and while thcy popped in two goals, the effort wasn't sufficient ta put them back in the running. Up ta the 13 minute mark in the third period the score was 8-3 in favor of Ca- bourg. Some fans who stayed home Saturday night harbor the opinion ;hat the game should have been played an Memorial Arena ice. If ice had been available it most certainly would have been play- ed here. Howevcr, at 5 p.m. and eyen later at 8 p'm. there was a good half-inch o! water on the ice and certainlv the referees would not have allowed the con- est ta be staged localhy. As it was, the Saturday night tit at Cobourg was Bowman- ille's home game. The Monday tit. the fourth in the semi-final eries, wvas Cobaurg«s home gamc and therefore played in the County Town. BLACKSTOCK RECREATION CALENDAR Bowmanvllle Recreation Commission Telephone 982 1 7Wlo t POT OP P;on à3*6 Whether yo fr Pinting C-1-L PAINTS cani take ii! They have the lasting beauty the ruggcd resistance to w car and weathcr, which meari 'truc paint economv. It pays ta use C-I-L PAI:NTS. Amok Smarten up drab walis and ceilings... fluors and stairways. Use C-I-L Interior Glass, Sermi-Gloss or Fiat Wall Paint for walls and woodwork.. C-I-L Varnishes ta enrich the beauty of natural wood. DINGO. CASH PRIZES 21 Games and $75.00 Jackpot - - ail for 50c - also - SPECIAL GAMES & SHARE THE WEALTH THURSDAY, FEB. 281h - 8 p.m. sharp NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Proceeds for Newcastle Lions Club Welfare Work Our Port Hope Representative for.. SINGER SEWING MACHINE cou wilI be in Bowmanville Tues. and Wed. each week It is our desire to give otir customers even better service than ever before, for service, repairs or en- quiries about new machines, eall our Port Hope store and reverse the charges. SINGER SEWING CENTRE 47 Walton St. PORT HOPE Phone 3060 A