'r---r* -r--,- THE CANADIAN STATESMA'Nt, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE MXI 'RAM DURBAN fhome beautification. Other clubs eig Po lm Durham Juior rarmes Meeting carried out a maihox paintingSengPoem ..Durham> J nior Farmers Keeling lsheme. Ail thîs benefits a com-Du h m Co n yA tl edB i muni 1Asrouined Byrme turedbhy alkb y President of Eo *o'cnrtltdDurham FAPointFmr nfario Junior Farniérs' Association, Co n iorFanrAoiton.z R M aR 3 iS on t u ran edr 'ivr. Oak]ev CarleY. Cavan, a some of the problems farmers aie (HaelWhteCambelcof) eo n heCoisemToono. great promoter of Folk, Schoolo, BLACKSTOCK FORUM immigrants, and some officiais ini facing these days. altho' most Eleanor Saracuse, a pleasant. The one -week Provincial Lead- first originated in 'Denmark, taîc - Just toukeep the record R ofshaeoue energetic young girl, President af ership Training Camp \Vas heîid ing the place of oui- High Schodls. straighit, the îast regular meeti~ sn furcoabove, isaaeso one the Ontario Junior Farmers' As- as usual at Lake Couchiching, aud The Folk Schools in Denmark are was hcld at the home of Rev. and reonpeole ave-bohe farm oecoeaHrnaeade SOiiation was the guest speaker 12 one-day Leadership Sehool; residential sehools lasting fi,, Mrs. C. W. Hutton. The Priss youn epelvtle far, dtghts tak enom n R.es at the Durham County meeting a( were held across the Province nionths in the winter for the bov's Se'y not being on hand, it waste last 10 years. But manv farmý prominenit Holstein breeder oi O0rono on Feb. 27, with around Aiso the 3-day Conference a*, and Ihree sunrimer mionths for the0 not recorded. .. oung people have ntver i- Eimcroft Farni. Oshawa, delix'ei- 75 juîniors in attendance fron Guelph and the Annual Conven-i girls. Four vears ago the first March 3rd meeting was held tà nddt ar avebecd rcccntlv at a meeting of 1very township in the Countv. tion held everyrJanoarvyatlth. isytshraus oin e the K ing eldwaey urd Hth. permanriit Folk School in Caii- the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. La:,- educated for some other work. Capelrd otrClb MissSarcus ouline th Kig EwardHotl.Betamty organized by John and mer. The subject calleci for th i work the Provincial Associatio.i The Junior Farmer M,\otto i lh et Madlon ai. Unioný,il1e in usual lively discussion. The o epimirn -brb- Mrsca ii ad h an- has been doing. Last vear thev "Self Help, Community Bottcr- York Count.v. This lhas led te) groups generally, deccided whal i<Omen anastda tliving anudwok-er sthe nlmaet an ho bvs nt entertaincd two Junior Farmqï. ment" Eleanor went on to sav mialiv snialler wveekend or longer holds good for our native- bor.ing în Cn te shoud e tertî aktadsîsi h froin Aberta: 4-H'ers froni Ln. the Juniors are reallv fulfilling folk sciîools in Ontario countie.-. people generally holds good in l. e ednho to overcomege the langutage hlse.H <s o iasmn A.: 4Scottish Juniors and 6 fanm- this motto. The boys stuoy pro- J Iir.Carley iad sortie exaOiples <l'thecase of the w-' Caiauîaiîi.-.: anaiaî-va b teae from England. in returui.i jects on souls, grasses, more el --' dav molding donc at a recent Shorter hlours. and more import- hvî olrn dnario was guest at Wý,ashing- ficient farming. while the girls>sehool at Unioniile. ant, more mionev, takes thi n aiec.b orepn ihth esn i ton), D.C.; West Virginia and a learn more about sewing, cookin EauohLGcse o daaway frointhe farin. o u 'vm tdbhmsfrsca ah aiebr amyugpeople legatin of 3 Juniosrattede adGhosnlmanagment. rindsto church affairs. A fleave the farms. In manY cases. delgaton f 3 Juior ateneciandhdte mnagrneÏ7vote of thanks to Eleanor, ýwhiic The Golden Ruleoth a , difference in religion mieans that ves; lack of interest through lack 'inthiNaion as al llub mcns* Cbs n'th Bev e rmient Mo, len rn1ted in a sirnilar "'e V0uld hope to be uised if wi manv will not attend localcur. faltvoepein.2.Wa in~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chcg.Ls alamci C b ae ognzd co capaci1% for- Mr. Carle%- founld 0oursclVcs in' a (ifferen t 'ruose vohv eoebs d esosblt hudfr e rv club was successfully coin- dramag groups. dleal-uIp, painit-il) ont- vud îasf giei ustcd to Canadiani life are those lyrtaeto rdim gan pleted. ending w th a tractqr ro- campaignsv which also încluic At attitpoentoiOuthe meeting the countr . would beoaasale guide ni ployers take towards Immigrant _____________________________________________ lIarnioniz:ers fo Etez a oratiuet 0rimgran.'lohv tcdd oa hrh ao1ohepte e dutdt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ju n ior__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r g o E b o uzer. A ll w e w o u ld a sk % wo u ld h o g o o d 1 s an d .o n e d in c or m u n ity a c - liv in g a n d w o rk in g i n C a n a d a " youIWU mon) mncer the leader-! co-operation (mn their part., hhti't~.If the immigrant ils really inter- H E N DE RSO N 'Sf ship of pianîsb Mrs. Glenn Piokiem otceaw re sure bhIor'Ve In order Io prevent war we ested iin farming we think the bageo neesignubr.iuitst absorb a înuch greater per- emplox er should take pains ta Govt. pp.andAccediedOrganized recreation. under ' might ho that the inuit who centage of the wor]d's population. instruct hlm in our methods of would b contenît to remait h gvrmetsoudoennwfrming, our language, etc., aise the leadership of Muriel and Haz- farim laborer mnight not inake thie developments to provide work. provide year-round labor for C H C H T c H E R Y ~ ~ . el hit wasenjyed by al. ncibest. Canadian citizen. atr b, There should be more careful the mi. 3. W hat do you think ~ ~ , 0rce.GenLmr Recreation xvas looked atrb screcning of these would -be imn- should b the main coiisidci'a- 1wo trustios iooked after bbc Bill Ferguison and Stîîart Dor- imiigrants to insure a good tyNpù tionls in Canada's over-al imnil- LINDSAY - ONTARIO j~reli anci was much onîvdaif citizen. gration policy' We agree with PHIONE 4321Ih i T ext uieeting will be lieid was also the lunch sei'vecibY thi, Meetinig on March 10 u'îll be the Government's policy to bring onci March 26 at Orono. Mr. West.- 110 bss. held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. in ouilv as many immigrants cach oin Baîinister, proniiiient Durhamn Grant Bennett. vear as it estimates the countrv The kind of Chicks vou %vant are the kind we have. gond fariner. is gucst speaker. For cin- coasr.Tehs n o profitable Chlcks. Compare our prices with the Better Chick tertaîinnent at buis meieting there HAMPTON FORUM este okoe n eejv Hatchçries. WVe ask :rau Io try Henderson's ('hicks 1 wili ho amiinc-'uîm square cRVDNEFRM d an hour of progressive cuchre t thîsseason dance comtest. Thei w'iîniig Hamptont FariForuiîinet at POIEC OU thillaon akpatin nth B om o Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd r Providence Forum met at the after wvhich lunch was serfed b:" - eSadBhn hm10. -grotip l ar nan I bc ho uic ofMrs E WeSadBhn hm10.Coîînîv Square Dance Contest at.Born ih 15 miembers pres- home of the Wright Familv loi Mr Clark, asseb r.E PLEASE CONTACT:- ~Peterborough on Thursday night. cnt. discuss the lopie, "Do We Need racadMs .MCiogx PLESECOTAC> iMardli 27 which is the coiîcluding "D M'e Necd MoreI'e mi- More Immigrants?" Farînl labo' N ext meeting will be held ai the Jon ie on - nnskllp rograrn o<f tne Central Ontario grants?" Oui- Forum think ,w-oi difficuit to obtain. Immigrants, home of Mr. and Mrs. Wibert Spin Show%. TeHroiesd edmore înnîgi'altsado not as a ndle sbay onth an or Write Direct ivill also represent Durhamn that Iliey slould hoe carefuliy longer than the required yeal'. JOHN SLEMON'S - PHONE NUMBER IS 2573 j Couîitx' at Peterborough Thurs- screened as to suitabulity. Don t Sîorter hours of work and high- day night. This programi is bc- allow more tham the counitry can eOr rates oif pax' attract many to SHAW'S FORUM _____________________________________________ ng staged by the Juniors in <ine absorb im regards te bousiîg aîmd industrial work. Under existîng Saý-sFr ou e ac counties fiom Ontario to Front- availabie jobs. We think the, econOrmic conditions agriculture Sh 'sFrFou meMac enac.immigant ould stav iicii smnable to compete with industry 3rd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. _____ farnis if we could compote w'ibh 1foi' labor. m, Lat"D ewis W d toredImmiuss to" industrv as to xages, sîorteri Aiy fai'mcr hirnîgim grn"D WeNdMoemirat" 1'Grass1and Farming For PrTYitNE hours and social secunities. Tîose, labor' should encourage them to There werc 17 present. Fred TYRON scei tobe the sanie reasons xvlmx learn Canadian ways of lîfe, how Bennett was discussion chairmam. CENTRAL ONTARIO SPRING SHOW Mwonen's iisittite Tourvouanpo ie e faric tarr,ýhm er oi agagi eip aTheForum ldecithaothi. (Succeeding Quinte Seed Fair) ".omc~oei'Intueni capital to start thieir own farimi'î This Forum thinks Ihat th- samne reasouis Iliat nativ'e-bomil ai the noiie f Ms. Loi-ne Anni and tlierefom'e tuimi tn 1indistr5-- Governomemit slîould lie ifl0m',youiîg people leax'e the farm. EXHIBITION GROUNDS aiîîtha ond atteîîdaLone mim0criresponsitîilit.- boxard th(,io i- iLarel 1in the type <if immigrant Trhat is. lIeiger w ag, e, sort- nîhagodatnace ie igranim t bniake surelime that is brouglit to this counmtry.eroir.csr rktobfun P ET R GR OU Hpîcsîclcnt Mis. J. A. Rosexuar pre- have reasonable timne off. sîmorterr Thex' should oct be picked froni in other industries. The farmers P ETERBOROUGIffsided. Secmetary N/Mrs. J, .Co hours \'hen possible; also imik" the *uiîenploved. HCalth stahd- could help the immigrant to like meportcd $42.02 froni sale of it osible foi' timeni bn attend ards and a biiity b toAdjust themn- farmiîîg better by providing good lunc atMr.Bir*s sle.A lt- angutage classes if thc'v se deosire.. selves to oui way off hIe should living quarters and bbe best work- MARCH 26 -27 -28 - 1952. ter was i'ead froin Bowmanville To daw thom wvihn'the famiiik lie good. Ib hoe o odiistry ssibe he Hospial Axilir 'y askig tht ciele.and itrodce tlenitoi Nxt metiingt conditionshoud possible. ta Theeni WE.,2 .M Ofiia peln B:Tyrone appoint a nimemmber. This folks oif their own agi' groumps o 1'Mr. and Mm's. Barnett, Canadian customs and encourage WD,2PM -OfiilOeitB:was left over untit nexi. meeting. bbc commuimity sbocld also lîel'p them te join in community ac- Dr. J. D. MacLachian, President O.A.C. It was decided te donate to the thomten du, honslvs AI, djstthomel,ýes.tivities. Howevcr. the Forum "Wlhy Grassland Farming," A. M. Barr, Principal, Hospital Bazaaî 10 lie held n 1Ne ERT ORt flt te sove ieiganar roli-- KcmptilleAgriulturl SeoolJunei. Secretarv is te ordor threec - tmeeting will ho at ltih( VELVRTONFORUMfelt th e mmirntsar nelik- Kemtvile griultralScholdozemi plates fori'hic cbirch dish- home of Mi. and Mis. J. Craxv- About 12 nieniers of Yelx'ei-le THUS.,2 .M.- Pne Dicusio, "ras Slag"es. A nmoniîatiîîg ccnmmittee of ford. toit Forumi met at the home cf Wînakdwa h ou "rsses2PX.ndPaloerscrPus, "GassanSilage" M1 .Yebwes, Ms .Lloyd Clark con Monciav .Marcii 'inakdwhtteFrn "Gass n loesfo atueHa n Slga r.N.i Mis(l de ad x«-'larS.J.3rd. After tbbc broadcast wc itiouîglît shouid lie bbc main con- Doug. Parks, KemptillIe narnecite brnîg in a siate of offi- SAKIL OU divided loto tw-o groups te discuss ideain aaa nmg "New Grass Seeding Machinery," ceris. Oui' club niet at Mi'and y lm usiu DoW edMr îmmple' ioivthought Prof. (C. G. E. Downing. O.A.C. j Mis. N. Woodlev ,-gav imýPte de- Leri Falls witlm 12 prset Immigrants'" (a) Why do o.101,1there sbouid be fewer immi - voliomal. MVis. G . Aldread tei; Higlîci w'ages and shcrier hoursý, think a large percentage oif n ni gîaîmts hi'ouglit t Canada. The 8P14. - C'oncert: Square Dance Competition, 0111. I b pogai.Oiniithie urbani(*entres, are the min gatlbrliqi ami in co minoigýrans.but voldofîkort, open to 9 Counties Iueios speaker 'a Mrs. Ml Thiess_ reasciis for the imnmigrant',, leax - cent seais? e said arn pie-im grnsbu ollk t FR!., Il .A.M. - New~ Colored Films - 1.30 p.m., Sale )f Seed tberger xx lic ld of lier trip Io iuig the farnîs aîmd also lime ad- do îlot enable bbe farmer Io con-scatices i lcpretg IGemiairv mnovîsit lier lîusband's x'amtacge cf gelfîîg Luno-mplcov-iiier.t pote with Nvages paid biý othr c f Britmsh' immrigrants. They also1 LARGE DISPLAYS !'people, Fier îalk proved x'ery i. insciramce. amîd ihex' aisofind more yiuto aDshs aon toiltthtteohrssol i cf a type bhat ear i e readiivas Latest Machinery tc~~~lrusbing as she told of comnditicons off titor kinri in the i'itI,.miadinoCnin11eA- LaetMcieviniGernoux' silicelime \var. Oui- nat 've-bornivcuiing peopi .late-. cnidertin shian lie te Commercial and Departmental Exhibits An miiîproemptui debate w-as leave the faim foi' the saine i'ea.- selecot those limai will nemian iî staget bi% Mms. J. Cook, Mî's. A on anid bbc higlier xcages the x cani Canada and oct go o fo the Unit- Conîtact 'our County Agricultural Reprcsentatix'e Rosexea Mrs. A. Harte andi gel Iitocbe.aî lo h'ic tts for Further Details of Daily Prograins Mis. R. Giaspeli. Aftenoon mca cost cf starbiîîg te iarnî is voixrY Aftcî' bbc discussion there w'as \vas served bv Mi's. N. Woedley bigli aI ite present ie. ah'ifsclpcod amîd lîci grotie. Fai'i employeîs should netýNebmetn il eattî -have inmmigranit lalici unless tliev ý.- honme cf Mr. and Mis. Garnet -~~ . -~~ , iîtend bo givethniexyi 'assist- - ~~Riekard. Id posblW e-m stc tii Our conditions, and aIso teo pay th cm a gooci living wage. I£ M m Select bbc pî'opeî kiîmd o! pors- YOU CAN D O E ons-health.îinitiatixve and amî- e ' bitioni: race prýeferabixlr\ mmr 4 - t Iormi Europe and somp ie fîmîai li1 ___ - ~- '.-~' Don" t Let ROT WEATHER Cut Down YOUR MILK PROFITS Arrange Now for a WOODS' MILK COOLER The w'orld's fines« fuIiY automatlc Milk Cooler. Secure an Estimale To-day for thai ELECTRICAL WIRING JOB - DEEP FREEZERS WASHING MACHINES We are also equippec Io service MILK COOLERS or REFRIGERATORS I Fa W. Werry& Son, Electrkc 1 Dealer for Woods' EIectric Farm Equipment Enniskillen Phgne: Bowmanville 2539 prices. and iii some cases alsebiie firsb. The middlr'iinai makes h r- profit regardless of rising or flu- îng prudes. The fariner. said the speaker. is ta a great degree lmîînself nespoit- sible for this situation. Ion mak- iîîg a profit there are thîce funcia- mental factors te coîmsî;deî'-- pm'îre. quamtit.v and cost.f The farrner, regai'ciless cf lon.g. run conditionis, as pm'one te jump imite tbe production cf a conil- meditv because of the iluigli pij'icS prex'ailiîîg. If eiiough Ifarîîîer., do tbis. lîigm pîces x'teeaubo- maticalîx' lowered anddmie one but tbc farmiu'is te hlante. Often too anxious te spîcami oct,-thc faî'mer tries te do maux'lthings instcad of doimg a fx things xcell. Mr. cugli said that there xx'ould.lic bettei quality coîmmnodities produced if thc farmer was inteî'esbed iii tak- ing one prodiiet aIl the w'ay frorii the productionî tlrocgm tebbic eenumnptiouî stage. Plamîeci pio- duction, along ceomct lhues au-j co'diîg Iotehbe sîuitabilib 'v of tl", land itseif. andi an înteî'est ini fli distribution anîgle of farnm pro- ducts, wouild improx-c both prico and quality. lie said. He suggestod bimat il bhe farmi- crs of Canada do imet cdomii' than liai! a job, as tliey are doimg new bbhe niasses cf Europe anîd Asia w'ill soonci' or later try toij de it for us. An i titerniational J marketing board would do aay with ail prebbenîs cf srpus l and be a great factol' for peace. said bhe speaker'. It take qualit, produý Swift'i growe Like PM year,1 tobacic this fa Sc tobac< supply find th to bacc plant f swIF *stabilmîx', miiiimg or skilll S. S. 4. DARINGT<)N FORUM 0crr mccing (of î'litw heid at thc ionie of UraidM. Samn V'aniCamp wthail atlend- ance of .35. -'Doe ' c Ned 1MoreImm griants?- xas tii" topic Of tii"' eniiig. A large percentage of mmm- miigrant labour lias quit mriîî lii rticonl"iTte ieasî, fui j)j thims aire: (il> A grfut Perccîîlagi lax % ee r bE Cii onuI ai'n. -heorui ( 2 iThosi' uctie bac-' m a'mi oexperience elet liere linmd ou. * iietîmioris xc ivdiffeî ciii. i3)Maîî'. go te tIli& cdîvtx b lie 'llî p)ocpe, of tilimi Owmm at îcmalitx', (-i Sitorte o iis anîd himglici' uag(,.ý 't uditiv.are'attr'admix r *(i1 \lartv haxe tce muci luaeî 0 rentaîn farîîm labnuircis. Ufu- iaelx' somre cf tlle iitiimîmigraiit, E'fore * 1ev arrive iii Canacli ive u no tmuîîtcIleepjiig iiîîcîr ontrac'ts ne sta, îmîg ou îarumir-, foi, lie xca.Thie vorneite Ili,, rýounmrx' cîder oniv Ibis cime c a; .oiianîd '"e(b1 v rea( ontri aaiost befere it js iiac. his loax es kaoaci mle I( n mIi iouth re inn.îgm atiomi iii u'îmera, PUMiPS & SOFTENERS L 1M TT ED PF F LONDON -CANADAI JACK BROU CH PLIBING AND HEATING BowmiaimiiIc Division St. S PHONE 615 ?n~ t.i', ~ .t e t ,efgel,. *fled i thé AA.t 0.0, '.0 1, nte Ce- ..tif, Ce,,,- le', rdoic f'eged 9- , . I.fî .,#à a NEWITONVELLE FORUM (Iilîticid for lest week't Newtonville Forumt met at Misa Jcnmy Thompson's with 20 memn- bers present. This w'as a social ex'oniuîg. After bbc radio broad- cast c-ards 'voie enjoyed. Win- tier's xvee: ladies' high, Mrs. W.T Wood; mme's high, Mr. Tupper Jolimlston: con-solation prizes went fo I'Is. MN. Samnis and Mr. W. W'ood. Whlîel lunch was bcing prepai- ('d a so"ai cat was enjoyed. '3lst Annual Sale DURHAM COUNTY SHORTHORN CLUB Wed., March 191h at Blackstock Arniottries, Blackstock 10 buils - 22 females Inoculated - T.B. Test or Accmedited and mnan ',,Vaceinated. For Catalogues - Write 48ccretary - Jno. Baker, Pres., Hampton. Jno. Rickard. Sec., Newcastle. S 0F JOBS WITH THIS CASEC Speed your chores with t'ractor powiICase Utilut> Carrier hooks up in a minute, right fr.om tractor seat. Lifts and carrnes ail those awkwar4 loads tee lîca'%y for a Taita. too mrail to need à wagon. Lo4ers for easy lr"dang, raits wirk hydraulic po,,-.er for qîuck nioting. Wiih Case Eaglte Hitch and hydraulic coute, it takes but a jiffy to drop the. field imnpksu.i at chore ti me and hitch ap the Utilhty Cuoe'mo. Comc in and let us shorw 7ou how eay it i. W. H. RROWN btRC @t,1932 0 01'.' WATER SYSTENS DEALER IFOR C.-se Farm Maclifiery- Dela% ai Milliers andi Sel).ratforý Beatîx' Bros. Stable Ltip<ncreit KING STREET W. MEMBER O(>1).R.F.E.I>.,. FlrestouîeiMres PHONE 497 PAGM Inm