PAGE TEIN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMTLLE, ONTARIO Tht Orono News Uns R. E. Logan Mrs. Fred Duncan is visiting in parents, Mr. and Mrs. McHoInr Mantreali with her daughter, _Mrs, at Roseberrv Hill. Russeil Ransborry and famiiv.1 The Wonld Day of Prayer was Mr, and Mrs. Win. Armnstrong observed Fnîday in the United have returned after spendîng- Churcli. It v:as under direction three weeks in Florida. ot the Afternoon Auxiliarx' witii Miss Lois Dean, Oshawa, wiIi the Evening Auxiliar.v. St. Sa- her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hesper viour*s Chiurch Auxi]îary anc Dean. Kirby- Auxiiiar -v attending. Miss Congratulations (o Mr. and Mrs. Joan Black fax-ored with a love! ' Jerry Du Val! on the birth of thei- solo vý-hich addod greati - vta the daughter on Feb. 20 in Memoriai inspiration of the meeting. Hospital, Bow-manviîie. Mrg. V. Wilson is home afto, Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Peterborough, spending sex-eral weeks in Mem- is visiting lier parents, Mr. and loriai Hospital, Bowmanville. foi- Mrs. W. J, Riddell. Dr. Leslie ieftliowing an operation. She is do- by 'plane on Fiday for Regina ta ing ver v niceix-. nissist in cornbating the epidemir- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie lJarch and of foot and mouth disease in that David, Toronto, with her parents, area. iMr. and Mrs. Carl Tonnant. * Miss Shirley Porter, R.N, Os],- Orono W.M.S. was well rep- awva, wîth lier parents, Mr. and 1 resenited at the Presb * terial held Mrs. N. F. Porter-. in St. Andrew-s United Churci., Congratula~i on,ý b Mr. and Mr Oshax.-a. A Garton bus xvas char- Wm, Horner. nec( Au.Irev Harn- tered and 19 ladies attonded from ess, on the birth of their daugh- here. ter i, Oshawva H-ospital on Feh. Messrs. Charlie Miller-, Ernie a. Dent. Ed. Milison and Joe Walker .Mr. and Mrs. Gien WAiggiîn,, attended the Hydro convention in E. zc, -' iton .and Mi-sse ,arl(-nleToronto. Nunn. Ladies' Coliege. Whitbx, Mr. anîd Mî-s. Gordon Baker wîith Mr. and Mrs, NI. H. Staples. and famil ' % *Txrone, xisited Mrs, Mr, and Mrs. Glen HanIcoç:ý Jas. Dickson. Mrs. Ma.,,Johu s and chîirnaMs ildrc returned homne with themi afte,- Holdawa -v Warkwý,ortlh, v ;s i ted spending thî-ee weeks with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edgenîon Hancock. Dickson. Mr. and M-s. Neil Wood andC Miss Kax Green is. attending tht. Gail, Lakefield. and Mr. and Mrs. Hî-rse- convention in To- Gea. Croxvîher and ChanlOes, ronIo. Newcastle, witlh Mr, and 2vrs. C. Miss Luella Rorke, guest speak- Wood. er at the W. M. S. meeting on :vLss Adele Morton and fricnd, 'ued afteî-noon, was guest of Toronto, wxith bier parents,Mr Mrs. A. A. Drummond. and Mrs. Albert Jvftrton. Mr. and M-s. Kenneth Frac! ick, Rex-. and Mns. John Wilkinson. Manchester, visitod their aunt,0oakvîille, visited Mrs, Fred Miss MVabel Dav-y. Tambiyn. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cobble- dick and daugbter Margaret %vitî h ir i tn it h pn bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. Will Yur ntnewt h Tn n-i To Make Their Home in Oshawa FEB. 29, 1980 February 29 kill on a Friday nthis year. A Bacheior of Commerce friend of ours toid us that the 29*th swouldnt fail on a Friday agaî. *for 35 years. We said we thoughit x 32 years xvas more correct. A woman taking part in the Leap -Year Day program at the Rotary 4 Clu b came up xith 28 years, * As usual, the woman is right. The puzzle was solved by Koîlli Jackson of the Stedman Store,' Ho produced a little chart that nat oniy provod the maie inferior ta the female, but also braugbî 10 light something of a phen- omenon. Februarv 29, 1924, fell on a Friday.. Last Fridax-, or 28 y eais later, turned up anotber Fobruaryv 29. And 28 Years from now. in 1980, February 29 wil.l also fail on a Fridav. BUT, and wo capitalize BUi will be 4(1* years from 1980-or te year 2020 if vou still happen ru be around-before the 291h falls on a Friday again, This phenomnenon hoids truc Lis far back as 1760 (the extent oi the research we have at hand) and it proves that February 29 fails on a Fridav twire in 48 years and then skips 40, years bc- fore it fails on a Fîi-idavý" again. 31R. AND MRS. CARL COOPER FLINTOFF Home are tho years in wb ich February 29 fell on a Frida,. whosc marriage was solemnized receertli- in the reetory of The cycle can easiiy be seon: 1760- St. Joseph's Chureh, Bowmanville. The bride, the former 1780 - (40 Nycars) - 1828--1856--Niss Jacqueline Florence Clarke, N the daughter of Mr. and 1884 - (40 vears) - 1924-1952--Nr William iA, Clar-ke, of Bowmanx-ille, and the bridegroomn and iin the future-1980-(40 yoars )-2020. îs the son of Mrs. Oswald Cowan, of Orono, and the late Mr. Our mother always told us that (1HGen Flintoff, of Oshawa. a loap year could be divided -Courtesy Oshawva Timies-Gazette evenly by four. Apparenlthî ___________________________________ Coabbledcjick. r-M-are ,,-giad tane- wen VOt salve exeryday p'rob- years like 1800 or 1900-. Einsteinj E NIS ILL N a d P'irs.anStRuth aM potM.Cobbledick 15 gaiuîixn i S trouigh Statosmnan Ciassi- cari explaîn thîs phenomenon biHir strengl after - b 1nes Id ficle Ads. For Action and Pro fil relation ta relativity and Iigiý'1 Mr. and Mnrs. S. R. Pethid Mrs. Ceci] Joncs x sited'-c~ritlnoo63 yeaî-s, w',erctld, But iv'e jvst Mrs. Frank* Dorland with Mr. Miss Nancy oo aednN cant gel that inteî-ested, and Airs. Stanley Turner, Oshawa. and Mrs. P. F. Bradiex- and Mn Hawever, if y ou %-ere bortn1lui Sunda\- visitons with Mn. anid IWhittakýc, Pickering Township. 1924, bake a look at the dlay con Mrs. John E. Griffini were Mn, Mnr. and Mis, O. C, Ashton, Loi wbich vour birtbdlay fails th's W. Rahmii, Tyrone: Mrs. A. Pc:-- and Chc,îles xih Air. anîd Mr year, You wvere born on thte ger, WVatcrdown; Mn, L. Grifîn, Stanlex \May.Truo M d r iesame day 28 years ago. Pur-ple Hill: Mr. andi Mrs. W. Mrs. S. R. Petli:e7k xisited Mi Banks, Grace and Boryl, Weston, Wln, Chester, Osh awa, and M . . . . Y O U R L IcoG HrTsI N G e Grove, spent the weekend with vieow Park.meaItehe are becoming very popular in Mrs, James Adams visited hon Lamna Wearn* xith nine mern Canada. We have the Durliani sister, Mrs. Talmadge Henrv, ber-s pi-oseit. Prosident Mai, Farmers' Ca-Operative. bore, but Linds\-hwo is canx'alescin4 ,,Gniffin was lu charge. Dex-otia,* out west ex-en the dead ai-e wel- fromn an operation at bier son's, al was road by Rex-a MeGill an( Beautify your home** comed by a ca-opei-ative. Mn, and Mrs. Charles Henry af prayer by Mary- Griffin, Pro and enoy hecomors n Saskatoon, Sask., thcy'vo Columbus. gram consisted of readings b, and ejoy te comorts started a ca-aperati'e but-'it e - Mm. and Mrs, Wallace Griffiu Lorna Wearni and Eleanor Hearà and eon\-enienccs of better vice that bias as ts slogan: Ji and Heathen, Mi-. and Mms. Rus- and a storv b;- Ruth Lamnb. Stud, iloCoO andi bunyyau-el tseIl Griffin, Reg. and Mary ,vere Bcok \ read by Mi-s, O. C. As!' lghbing xvibh modern dec- half price."' Sunnlav visitai-s at Mn. and Mrs. ton Rec.-caîjun period xxasdl trical fixtut-es. Se aur ** Wallac-e Abernethy's. Tottenbam, rectec! bv Loi-na Wearnî. Mný comlee ew ne Cli MILK THIEF Mnr. and Mrs. Leonard Staintoii Ô. C. Ashion uonducteni the w'or comPepletelivingion Soutiwav and family visitedi Mr. and Mis. peî-iod,. A delicious luncb wia on us, any time, for the Drive hlave beeîî sligiTtîy peex.-1~ C. Mills and Mr. and Mrs. R. serx-ed b- the boStess and lie bet u lebrca sl-ic! those past fow morniiîgs, WVhejl Hope, Port Penny. mo' 'ei-. Nextii-meeting at Elean bestin eecticalservce! they w-ont ta brni n the milk' Mrs. E. Benn-tt returned ta or Heard's on Marcb 22 aI 2:3( they'd tind the cap off tlle bottl- Ferteloiî Falls after a fexv weeký, p.m.* and (ho top part of the milk gente. witîblber daugliter, Mn. and Mms. World Da ' vcf Pra '-er sor'ic A sbrewd househoider decideci J, Griffin. xvas beld at the home ai Mrs. I. FR E ES I AT S - ta gel 10 ho mccl f the mystery Dr. and Mrs. Clark Dorland J. Hobbs oni Feb. '19, tnder tlh by getting up oariy and \vatcbîng and iarnil.-, Lapeon, Micli., visiter! direction cf Mi,§. T. ienoa. Ho sled hemytrAanliun: M. and Mrs. Vernion Fawcett fened b%-Airs. H. Stcevens, Nîrs. H. "'e-SIDrive mylsbtierv a-e ull u cîire t -Ctines; Mn. McGili., Mrs, L. Ashton, Mrs. R. H i g o E e tr c in and Mr B s. D ai-w~sucetna, riiinaic e.R The Serloc Holes ofSout - va. x-sited Mr. and Mns. Floyd main, Mn. Se 'vmor gav-e a finr Your Generai Electrie Appliance Dealer bt. pull off tbe cap -with lis Mission Band Aim. Watchword Pray,,er,' Phone 438 Bowmanvjlle 42 King St. E teeth and drink mîlk as fan a.; alid Pîiîpose. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton î Mn. anîd Mrs. Bob Peader, Mrs. bis tangue xvoîid reach in theîi read a stonv- yirom the study bac!:, Wilson Gei-rnwM-s Kenneti ___________rneck of the bottle. Reva McGill took up the coloc- Bolto, Port Penny« : Mr. andMr The retriever*s owner l ie.s tion cf -43c. World Frîend papers Norman Holmes, Oshawva, \'isitec his dog until long afteî- the milk- were given cut by Lamna Weamn, Nîr, and Mirs. Norman Wright. 105h earofPubictio iman has made hils rounds. Mcîiîîg closed xih bbe Mission Mn. aond Mis. Robent Preston, 101Iero ulcto Baud Praver. Maple Girive, xvith Mn. and Mrs MUSIC CRITIC i-. and' Mrs. Fred Wright and Arthur- Briini. Untul Ibis wee.k vo didiî't b- faniilx-, Maple Grave, xisîted M-.Mr. and Mrs. Fi-cd W'nighb and o eet î 15-montb.aild soit nouïd anrd Mis. Edgar- Wright. *jfamblv. Maple Grave: lMii.,and oIt ood îngng fom ad. ov- Mn. and Mrs. J, E. Gniffîn withi Nrs, Herbent Wright and cbild- elgok ignaw tht he a. N ,Mn. and Mrs. John Kirby of ren, Trronîo. with M.anrl Mn:, Mb, day taft enoon ls ohe-Hait, Edgar- Vv'igts and their par-ent, okmb lo* ateo o,-]bir (o bai-- Mis.T. AI. Siemon xvith Mn. . M-and AMrs. Norman Wright. tok b isn She rxxed lu bhaesi) (aI lvrs. Heirb Siemon aund Mr. Miss Betty Jane Werrnx- en c Iate o Si S ln M oh~n Siernn and ami'2 ýeci( da ,ýiti Miss * siof hue ol eie he Aatr Ala e o\ dai-d vs Ni i r n dci uess Will thatbofre se îi r ntod . Wle k.Mrs NTc ýin nrl Mm W ngtr snging(hin o fbs pvlno i M Aatrs .Boer, Le-EaSmiteOshawn * jammv veloe r i ioanhdM- ndMs o ,Gifn A L M N CA N cetanl do'twat lertoc-,l r.and Mrs. Hwaiadne Gn1 . n dMs Robii;sn sbt Coffplthey R visck19 2gEd butSTAT SMAN FANt he dinuci- y Oshawa. 1ovth h nds ink r S ri aY herngeihi, Oron genl- tle a leue efi_1 I and Mrs. WSlow-rt ode. Man pn r-M lav xilh ndMis. Bnnieý! e Te tatsmn"aOb-c, Mrgo.sand M n E . and Mrs. W B alrt ,n ~~ r' ,~~ Edited b~~~' Mond sx-. 'Yrhu knoxv, becsaide; ra nd Prox' T.ence, atDMn. u! - au!S.Jn *Gov. papLoe- eIoL'LÏ vcuatyisexnedt Knst ~~v'cr ~ In~~cxed Listinqs ~so an jas a lvl intr.î*- isMro.end M. Ha.l ee ifnsacne funlnit atrs D I ETR Y jmuh aHead Steve u On Mn au-r! ileSn ths RTAE.Jseph de PeNie nglîingPaime st andk iath. MWi iPr Complorin o er ifed h1952andifdce whifn e-ea yar1 MsRetr Ms eN ain ona m pn.Mshi-n brehv rn l'si'î~ f Dmiionan Pr~ 1 AG grentlemSî .an n licaned crshe, M.ix-rkandurî wib er mthrod, spHn Suda . hAls'sBoni (V1 cul Pst O ticsad Rab w ctaiout ier sin hetaesed 8offile,- - r. aur!d:NMr.s.nLoui. Baan. C oad. Ju ~ sCout fîîîal, Brrstesfnd Mc arrie iiYoturne- lisess- XrJ. Braggoc!Prorecant r.aTdMiCu.r*and !Mrs. Dack GMc- "ol Pic!to -: Ca rtered a ks a hiannches: sciLOGANt ono h, grs - ivb c n( ii. 0 a shtoMr s. S. R. Petii i iea d BIý th ren s t Mil tan, Banni-it xx ere dbnLY Srpriith wieeken i!MsRymd Tî-u. a-d Lan o upniýrfes;Nesppcstnd . . Thman \-vasncîane ta nk' I r-eanWduersd.evleSni Per~"r ica1s: .Xsso iaoisephîde acietcs* Ed catioj M k R bas a 1 dinn ,- at ther ir . H .AgStev enMs te v i -i d h Mf ns . al o nheI-. Ttrn- Vvr ff % h ls n n e e fP ern so. h r g et ee tn -sîd M . a-d M s . E oftituinMniciadPin in ach ovne, * ot o n sAngia .netvo M.san Mrs odR.pntck a-id n Satlrii. PostOfics Satnnsinhe LT S. Gaîl, BaId Curh ee-nr:wle r n. ai-id M rs lod MrndCciiBle-, MoisJa. G.MW.- Exclsiv Caadia Dibniuba-s* Los1Tgmeiwei fFrak PrhbckWoodl.aiidors Eo. P TJoeMs Siny anatrETgeofB mnvio -bh:ik.oono ibbgter4hMni.Curnar aMsu nc-an M ' C :een i îtb the Unîter CBell b Li:ixl-ocirlingtanixoraady, Th eayrE. VastAlleneaitnders thb iM.S amuIetos: reacipesBnksanathMîkeancRs.sp bter wee aend akn Tarn toantedC. -ocm p( tedt -eaort T 0. ak.*sinMal*Las oke a u meraI of bir.îîandeM. Rober(d ______ n ietu-n an tis eiînoîî- Tere xx-cro aso en to tai e a n. N bit s ienani g Io 1v vlIntiuios:3tiicpliie n athPrvic, ooge show Mîe o T .mx L r. anr M rs. . . Pe ickTaa ne.Van- x-bhblslen.MssAn etc., etc.Tîgn t a p rphe renSpes O l ,Mn. ai-d eM ans. M. J, Habbs aur! Nsciltt.vM s G X bois telvîbc ho-. SheOfxxbFrdoonk x-bîhicMe.anix-es inELnds. t-JoeMns. iiam Me Lonmastor'ih ben it e usban d F elkl'ie L NUssLu-h Rorp, mssboan-. i , un îh aendwî Airs. ilia C~das!IfhaeMiars a se on n i'- gîclispeanera te . TheynaE. y Anai-i ies nion FaroW- ( he d D B O Ism forof8 II av1e bsloui- te arstaur' -antz-f-irorîgii from Jaa, l10 Ug-bxvreturnai,!Ohoan Tes reetvsn opeo irf venng, i-c h teadh. ndso le sen unax w 1.37 M'elinegto St. Wet Torono 1, OnanoandteMms.-M.s Tabbkeaoc!,hKen-1Mnr.andneMrs.siAhGWahiamtcf favorite T V. cook.not, Tyrnape witshocMm. aMmc 1 fNi- as f is le NI.Rbr Inel beuer.forst try ic-you'îî sce. w-ha ber o'x-ui script. A.ALeadbeator. Mm. HanaldHninisfon thfe -ýeThan k and hapviiT oeVee nd M,,. E.I0.Mabaff speontoiastsbckhisi s serfrMissmoni ýTeta mank'spmo he r ilda oMrekwbM. and Mrs. ..C. aspand sing. Th e. w-hio nlv r Seebee! smo.Th acoal do! b RELIMEF FO(iR cOumo. Load ivesla tvesdintbe slî- mNvr,,.aWillams th n oaris he BIRtTHDat hsTusa Alres ute Curch. Ois!:- ar"mmi'h. eeiwt rs ila Writs h sban , F a'n : "Gie a; a Pureshytiai W. M. .a t Stl e . Lio revctre h t-nte onrTues- Ce kth iNG 0FortfaINr l'l xxhavecin si u aur sar2angj.'. aospeak27xer te M . . Aý. M- ia ~x-~ 1 ~~oe i but ork opa'-ulx li'er buon-':- Trexx-oin. M serviceshi n a r. Hope. adMs. Ca. i, ari codfatIIh l itinrd'ssern.axtc'a e ' 1 -o MHob ixIor' îh eertr Linimnt. Yu1l reath easrr, Iagie oer (han\ Jakerow-n. a Mrs. a.ndtrutî,M. band Kn M rs. e andlftAbrs.dayo Srda c Irs. [rs. i. hi- cn- ai ro- -y id o- LI CI CI Now.. HEAR THIS! ANN PAGE RESH MILK BREAD WHITE OR BROWN SLICED 24-oz ioaf 15 C UNSLICED 24-oz loail 4c Pard DOG IOOD Chicken HADDIE MACARONI Z 16 oz pkgs 9c CARROTS 2 For 19C Light Meat, Solid Fîrm Large 48's, N o* TUNVA lFISH 7oztin 2.5c Heinz Cooked HEAD a.g.&iiCE ead 15C S P A C 13 E T T I 2 1s oz tins 2 9 C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a tins 25C Mrs. Clinton Brow-rfs group Nvas in charge of the prograni. Mrs. Gartshiore prcsentcd a col- orful, detai}ed and inieresting ad- dress in rhyme, about her trip tn F]orida, Hoer souvenirs and wittv notes on xarious fish were very eijo *-Nable. Mrs, Trumnan Hen- dersom gav-e a humorous reading. Roll Call w-as answ-ered by reaa- ing humorous clipping. The host- ess and her group served a tastN, lunch, Thirty-one miembers and This is one lime in the year, with the ppproach of Easter. that there is no slump in the millinery trade, There is only one thing b* in the incarne tax sYsteni in Can- ada than in the United States. Over there. they have ta pay March 15; Canadians by April 30. The Ottawa Journal notes that Nov'a Scotians, "truc ta tr-adition, are drinking more run, but les- w-hah party for severai of her young girl friends. Miss Vera Anderson, Port Bni- tain, with her sister, Mrs. Ceci] Walkey. Mr. and Mrs. James Kendall spent the weekend in Toronto. Orono, looked after the children. Mr. John Elmer. who has been in faiiing health for some timt-, passed away at the home of his nic.MissMinnie Randail on Tuesdav. The funeral will be Ifrom the United Church on Thurs- day at 2:30 P.m. The Orangemej are arrangjng to attend in a body-. Jws hld Dyonf ray fernervnc Wor hld Dyonfray fer servic tho 29th,. in the Un-ited Church basement Miss Jennie Thomp- son, President of the Presbyterian W.M.S. and Mrs. Cecil burlev, President of the United Churcli Group were in charge. Twent- five took part in this beautifuil service. Miss Melville Jones fav - ored with a fine solo accompanied by Mrs. Ross Hallowell. Mr. Fred Rowe is nowv driving for Burley Bus Lines. Womnan's Association Woman's Association met at the home of Mrs. Clinton Brown, February 27. Rev. Mr. Lancast- er spoke about the institution for the training of women as mis- sionaries. deaconesses. church workers, etc.. to ho erected short- iy in Toronto. It was decided Io a ccpt the plea for funds for thi'c building, and to donate $7'00 monthl- for a year. Mrs. Wiliis Jonos reported that a minstrel show had been ordered for our play this year. It was decided to have another pot luck, supPer on March 12,. proceeds to the Boar-d. It was agreed to give $200-00 to the Church Board. AIl members were in favo,- of cateî - ing for 200 people at Lancaster-s Garage, for the Ferguson tractor prograni on Api-il 16. Mrs. Clini- ton Farrow. Mrs. Meiville Samiîz, Mî-s. Jack Ellilott Mrs. Frank Gil- mer, Mrs. Bill Reid were chosen for the committeo in charge of catering. Fresh Curly Lesf, Washed, Ready ta Cook, No. 1 USPI1VIACJ Z efrna ael F bagy 285'C ORANGES GREEN CABBAGE lb61 c Stokoly's Stokely's Spaniali ]RICE DINNVER Zî5ozîtns3lc Stokely's Spaniali MACARONI DINNER 21i5-oz tins 31C Stokely's C ORNI FANCY CREAM 2 10-oz ins 23< Stokely's TOMATO JUICE 2 20-oz tins 29< Canadian MWILD CH3EESE lb 49c A Meal for Four KMRAFT DINIVER ZPkg 29c Oceani Spray CRANDERRY SAUCE 16 oz tin 20C eb Prices in Eff.ct Until Saturday, March Sth CUSTOM GROIJND lb 9.6 Ogilvie Ogilvie Wite CAKE MIx Dole Fruit COCKTAIL SUItana Peanut BUTTER Cloverleaf 8ockey. SALMRON Fancy Grapefruit JUICE Ogilvie BOKAR COFFEE 5-l bg 33c 20loztin3< 16-oz tan2Z9< 16-oz fin 45C 204z in's nIL 482-oz tins Zc CLOSE A & P SUPER RIGNI TRIM ME AIS BUY A&P HG QUALITY MEATS WITH CONFIDENCE. EVERY VARIETY IS GOVERNMENT INSPECTEO FOR VOUR PROTECTION. AND REMEMBER TOO, THAT THE BEEF IS CANADA'S FINSTR AN OIBU RNDS.A PORK LOIN ROAS POIRK BHuLDER PORK BUAT BSAHROASTBA SHORT IB ROAS VEAROASTBAO CORAKFAS O CMOD ILETS fresh SMOKED FILLETS either end fresh fresh b one!ess choice, sliced l41C 1 37c lb45c lb6 5 %-» Ib65c lb 59C ib39c ib 39c *> i45c ýDRY CLEANINC<. FOR DRAPERIES ... SLIP COVERS Have your draperies and slip -covers expertly dry.- cleaned to look fresh-as-new again! Our modern methods are saf e for ail types of BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS PHONE 520 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 77 KING ST. W. PHONE 520 or Leave Orders at:- DYER'S DRUG STORE - NEWCASTLE COOPER'S BARBER S-HOP- ORONO BARRON'S GENERAL STORE- HAMPTON THMISDAV. MARen mfhý IDM2 doz 29 15-oz tins3Sc 5-fb bag 35C