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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1952, p. 13

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AY, MARC~ Oth, 1952 T~ CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVTLL~. ONTA~Tn 'P A nu' 'y'uîeq!WU - COURTICE A ti~jtee of ladies repre- Sent nday School, W.A. and Choir were ln Oshawa and Orono 'hida loking through variaus eesendeavouring ta become iliar with the needs of a ehurch to be built in the future Dft our present basement church. -Thursday evening Trus te e Board and Committee of ladies met in Courtice Church with Rev. Somnerville as chairman. It was decided that one ot the genlemen meet -a friend in the die i g business, have a tenta- cWvh drawn of a church, a nit it ta the Board in Oshawa Presbyterial meetingi Was held in St. Andrew's United' Church, Oshawa, was attended by Mrs. Hall, Mrs. E. Warburton, Mrs. Cecil Adams, Mrs. Wilkins, >,rs. C. Penfound. SWomen's World Day of Prayer Wras held Feb. 29 at Courtice ýJnited Church. A very inspir- 9n message was given by Mrs. oev as, of Bowmanville. She based ber remarks on -"Christ, Our Mlope." Mrs. Harold Muir ren- ered a solo '.Teach Me ta Pray." Ladies from Ebenezer, Maple orve and Courtice united in ~king this service a time of, PORK ROASTS »lb.49 PEAMEAL COTTAGE lb 5i Burns' - Rindless - Side BACON½lb M.pkg.~7 JHutton's Imported ÏORIl9E D 12-oz. Tin~ BSEE F L QA F 24Ç< Compass Brand PURE L ARBD blessing and Inspiration. Executive of Courtice Home and School met at Mrs. T. Glad- man's on Thursday evening. Plans were made for sale of work and a tea on March 27 at 8 p.m., at Courtice School. Donations of materials or work will be apprec- iated, also home baking. Saturday afternoon about 30 relatives, friends and neighbors joined Mrs. N. Griffin on her 69th birthday,. also ta celebrate Mr. and Mrs. N. Griffin's anni- versary which took place 46 years ago on Feb. 28. Everyone en- joyed dinner which was served at 5:30 p.m. Gifts of flowers and plants were received. Mr. D. Preston, on behaif of ail present, 1presented Mr. and Mrs. Griffin with a lovely floor lamp after ,wich Mr. Griffin expressed sin- cere thanks. The evening was spent in games, sing-song and television. Mr. and Mrs. H. White, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. Pres- tan, Oshawa, jomned Mr. and Mrs. N. Griffin for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. S. Penfound and Mrs. W. S. Boyce spent the week- end in Hamilton guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Boyce. Mrs. Boyce remained with her son for a short visit. Miss M. Keating, Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnston and son Barry visited Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, Long Branch. IRichmello COFFEE l.96C DOLE - FANCY FRUIT CO0C KTAÀI1L 20 Oz. Tin3c Lynn Valley - Std. GOLDEN CORN 2 1Tins 29c White Facial KLEENEX 2 Pks.43 lb. 13ÇI HORSEY BRAND FLORIDA - 20-oz. tins ORANGE JUICE - 2 for 25Ç BARKER'S CHOCOLATE Mqallow Biscuits 16-oz. Bag 39Ç SU GARIPE LARGE - 16-oz. pkg. LARGE PRUNES 26Ç 1.,.- GREEN Large Size - 48's CELERY m m - - each 1Oç FRM - R IPE - MEXICAN- Cello Pkg. TOMIATOES m-m- 25 SNKIST NAVEL -1 ORANGES California -Size 2U8 - - doz. 331 Mr. A. Fulton and Miss M. Farrow accompanied by Mrs. G. Fulton and son David returned to her home ini Haliburton on Sunday after- visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. Fulton, also her mother, Mrs. A. Manning, Oshawa. Glad ta, hear Mr. W. Gearing is home front Bowmanville Hos- pital and able ta be out again. Mrs. Hall was guest of Mrs. G. Schell. Sr., Ajax, Sunday and attended United Church Anniver- sary services. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown ai-d family visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Osborne, Hamilton. Mrs. A. Penwright and son Bul- lie and Mr. and Mrs. C. Thamp- son visited Miss Betty Penwright at Thistletown Hospital on Sun- day. Betty wishes ta thank all who sent cards or letters as she appreciates thern very much. Young People's Union of Cour- tice Circuit met with Tyrone group on Manday night with Mr. E. White, Supt. of Tyrone Sun- day School, in the chair. Guest speakers were Rev. Mellor, of Northminster United Church, Oshawa, and Rev. J. Kitching, of Orono. Devotional was in charge1 of Courtice Young People. Eben- ezer Harmonizers rendered sev- eral numbers. Rev. Somerville closed with prayer. Deepest sympathy is cxtendedj ta Mr. and Mrs. E. Wadc, brothers, ai-d sisters of the ]lte Mrs. C. 1 Shortt, also Miss DorothyI Shortt, on the passing of her miother. C.G.I.T. meeting Feb. 29 ,vith Mrs. Somerville as gucst speaker. Next meeting at Carol Courtice's with Miss Arnold and Itae John- stan in charge. Eicen and MiJJy Vondracek ,vere i charge of the1 worship and program. Eleven were present. HAMPTON Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. John Wilîs, Toronto, wha celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary, Wednesday. Marchi 5. Mr. and Mrs. Willis reside here during the sommer witli their sister, M\is~s Beatrice Col-' xiii. Mi-. and Mrs. T. Salter visitcd Mr. and Mrs. H. Petcrs, Toronto. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Theron Moontjoy werc Mr, Harry Mihîs ot Ville St. Laurent, Mont- real; MVr. and Mrs. Evcrett Mount- joy, Fraude. Sask.; MViss Annie Mountjoy and Mrs. V. E. Elliott, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Don Camieron, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. 'led Kerscy andi son Jimmie, Toronto;, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler and Larry, Osh- awa, at S. Kerseys. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clem- ens, Honnie and Barry, visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clemens, Toronto. Miss Bertha Armour, Oshawa; Miss Madlyn Wilcox, Bowman- ville. at G. Armour's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo TrulI visited Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young and Mrs. W. McS'Iillan, Peter- borough. Visitors with M.r. and Mrs. M. IBlackburn were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbor Blackburn and famnil, Haydon; Mr. and Mvrs. Gerald Shackleton and famihy, Salem; Mrs. Nettie Cale, Miss Stella Blackburn and Mr. Fred Black- burn, Newcastle. Mrs. Olive Morrish, Bowmnan- ville, visitcd Mrs. Elmer Wihbur. Miss Helenl Baker, Toronto, with ber sister, Mrs. Jim Smales. Mrs: W. J. Leask, Mrs. Seward Dowson. Bowmanville, withi Mrs. Sam Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson and son, George, Zion, at Tomn Westlake's. Misses Lamna Sudds. Bowman- ville, and Jonc Gianville, Orono, at Mr. and Mrs. K. Caverly's. Miss Betty Lau Westlake with wa. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Truli visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Cunning- ham-, Fenelon Falls. Mr. Morris Cochrane, Rag-lan, visited bis sister. Mrs. Tom West- lake. Women's Institute wili meet tis Thursdax- alternoon. Pro- gram oinder direction o! the East Group. Guest speaker, Mrs. R. Sc.yniur. Enniskillen: subject, "Citizenship of EdLication-." Somec- thinîg for teenagers in 1952. Ail ladies welçomne. Home and Sehoal Association this Fridav evcning. Guest speak- er, Mrs. WV. Theishergýer Tyvran"-. A good mttendance is anticipated. A nornber from here attendcd the Soinday Schoal Convention at Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens at- tended the tuneral of his broth- er at Palnmerston on Thorsday. Worici's Dav of PraYer xvas oh- scr\,cd on Friclav afteinoon in the Sunday Schooh room with a fairl' good attendance and was conduct- ed by members of the W.M.S. with Mrs. G. Empey leading. Mrs. C. Daw presented a helpful mes- sage on prayer. its importance and value in aur everyday life. and also commented an the work around the world which our gifts of maney help ta make possible. Mrs. K. Caverly and Mrs. J. Smales contributed a fitting vocal duet, "The Hour of Prayer," which added ta the service. W.M.S. ladies attended the Presbyterial at St. Andrew*s Church, Oshawa, on Wednesday. Ladies' Adult Bible Class are holding a crokinole party on Tuesday evening. Hampton Ladies' Service Club met at the home of Mrs. Earl Luke with President Mrs. R. Wid- decombe in charge. Thank you cards were read fromn Mrs. Wiîl- son ai-d Mrs. H. Salter. and Mar- ion Macnab thanked the club for card. It was decided ta accept Mrs. Hawes offer ta make a wool rug, club paying for material. Committee for Cooking School are Mrs. Hawes, Mrs. Blanchard, Mrs. T. Chant and Mrs. L. Clem- ens. Mrs. J. Smales Jr. offered ta loah after woollens. saine ta be delivered ta her with neces- sary cash by 8 p.m., March 7. Donation ta club of $5.00 was re- ceived from Mrs. A. Barron. Mrs. H. Patter offered ta serve as Sec- retary for balance of year. Next meeting xiii be at the home of Mrs. A. Blanchard on ïMarch 5. Lake Shore, Clarke Mis. Arthur Gibson and Rose- maryV. No. 9, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner and Dorothy, Tvrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ait ]Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Lake Shore Ladies K. S. & C. Club met at the home of Mrs. W. Holmes, Feb. 20. Meeting on March Sth was at Mrs. George Skelding's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville attecded the Barbcr-shop Qoartet Concert at Massey Hall. Toronto. Mrs. J. Baskervilic. Newcastle. wvith Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur BedwIn and family visited Mr. and Mr.. Neil Rainey, Orano. LONG SAULT., Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Baker and farnhly with Mrs. J. Dickson, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Mar- tin, Newcastle., Mrs. May Johns returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith were Sunday guests of Mr. andi Mrs. F. 0. Smith, Bowm-anville. Several attended the Minstrel Show in Tyrone Friday night, also the Y.P. Fellowship Service Sunday evening. Don't forget H. & S. Club meet- ing March 13. Program cam- mittee: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thies- burger, Miss Ruth Payne and Mr. Stuart Hooey. Please note thc change in date. Miss Grace Smith with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Penwar- den, Bowmanville, witli her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner and Mr. and Mrs. F. Partner at- tended the wedding of the latter's niece in Sutton on Saturday. Mr. Harold DeMille, Burketon, Mr. Tom DeMille, Oshawva, at Mr. Walter Vaneyk's. Mrs. Harold DeMille and WiIlie returned hom-e witli themn after visiting her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Barrens, Bow- manville, Miss Helen Partner and Mr. Ross Bowins, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Partner. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mitchell and family, Bowmanville, with, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner. The Statesman Sold AI Following Stores TruiEs Store, Courtice. Strong's Store, Port Hope. .Reg. Edn-und's Store, Bethany. Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. T. Enwright's, Newcastle. S. Brow. Newtonville. C. Pethick, Enniskzillen. T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barron, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Burketon. H. T. Saywvell, Blackstock. Keith Bradley, Pontypool. C. B. Tyrrel], Orono. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagnell. Jury & Loveil, J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, Elgie Harnden's Handy Store and The Statesman Office. DRINK- fig 12 az.H12tieZ7 ) DOMINION SPORESSLIMITID.. IacJ iioz.GBoulea7 'Jack & I Club Getting Ready For Their Next Show Trinity United Church Jack & Jill Club met March 4th in the Sunday School room, with an overflow crowd in attendance, ta hear Elmer Banting give a very interesting talk, with the help of cohored slides, on the art of beau- tifying the home grounds. With co-president Lynn Banting in the chair, meeting wvas turned over ta AI. and Anna Strike who led in warship. It was noted that extra accom- modation is being procured for the Bayview weekend June 21 and '22, s0 if yau are interested get your name in early. The latter part of the evenlng w-as sPent rehearsing sangs for the farthcoming 1952 revue of Cornz a Poppin', April 3, 4 and 5. The costume committee is meeting next week ta, work on costumes and ahi Jilis intercsted contact Lynn Banting. Programmes were handed out ta each member, these are being sold as admission tickets for the revue, no reserved seats. Somnething different in lunches was pravided by the group headed by Muriel Crago, xvhen thîck appie pie, ice ecam and coffee were served. 0f course those at the end of the line oniv received a hahf a piece, but it was good. It \vas nice ta sec such a large crowd out on such a nasty night, bot it shows what an interest cveryone is showing in this ever- grawing group. Congratulations, Elmer! MAPLE GROVE Mr. and' Mrs. Earl Osborne, Providence, visited Mr. and Ms. Stuart Morton. Little Miss Carolyn Carr, Mas- ter Leon Carr, Sauina, with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech. Mrs. Fred Stevens with ber daoghter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Top- ping, Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Tlackson, Mr. Bill Stowden, Toronto, visit- ed their grandparents, Mr. W. J. Snawden and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. Don't forget Institute meeting March 10 at 8 p.m. in the base- 1928 FORD COACH ment. Representatives from Jr. Farmers will be guest speakers. Young people welcome. C.G.I.T. meeting on March 4 apened with recreation. Worship period was conducted by Viola Hempill and Lois Armstrong. Business was conducted by Pres. Elva Snowden. Meeting adjourn- ed ta. do craft work. We express sympathy ta the Wade faril, Courtice, in the suddcn passing of Mrs. Carl Short. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. L. Nichoils Saturday, March lst, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Nicholls, 33 Prospect Street, Bowmianville, who were married 50 years ago in Wadsley Parish Church, Yorkshire. Eng- land, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholis who lived many years in Oshawa were at home ta their friends Saturday afternoon and evening and were assisted in receiving by their daughters, Mrs. J. D. Tane, Oshawa, and Mrs. M. McPherson. St. Catharines. A hundred and eight guests called during the afternoon and evening ta offer congratulations. They were wvelcomed at the door by Miss Pat Tane, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nichiolis, and asked ta sign the guest book by Miss Margaret Eder, Oshawa. A beautiful three-tier wedding cake had the place of honor on the dining-room table, flanked by ycllow candies and a bouquet of yellow roses. Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs. C. Barnes. Brantford, an aid friend, and Mrs. M. E. Jenkins, Bow- mnanville. In the evening Mvrs. E. Talie, Oshawa, poured tea. As- sisting were Mrs. Marian McPher- son. St. Catharines, wha had charge of the dining-roomn and those who served were: Diane Tane and Barbara Daynard, Oslh- awa. Mrs. Charles Eder, Oshawa, was of invaluable assistance wherever needed. Many lovely gifts were receiv- cd, inciuding a tri-light lamp from the family; electrie tea kettle and rose howl from Prospect St. neighbors; crystal cake plate and cups and saucers from Conces- sion St. group of Trinity W. A. Among the guests fromn out of town were two old friends with whom Mrs. Nichoîls went ta school in EngIand, çvho are now 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN - . $16951 Finish, chrome and interior caiînot be bold frorn new. Owner's name furnished. 19,000 miles. 1949 DODGE SEDAN - » . $1595 Positively immnaculate. The condition of this car makes it an excellent btiy for someone who appreciates quality. One owner. Five new wvhite-wall tires installed by us. 1949 METEOR CUSTOM SEDAN - $1375 Built-in radia, air conditioning. Beautiful two-tone finish, condition èomnparahle ta mnost 1951 inodels. 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN - - $1350 Custoin radio and heater. Company executive's car. Regularly mashed and serviced. 1948 DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN - - $1350 linmiaculate interior and finish. Perfect mnechanically> 1946 DODGE CLUB COUPE - - $1175 Fully equipped, ctistomn radio, heater and fog lights. 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH - - $725 Excellent inechanical condition, nîany extras. 1939 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN4 - - - $725 This is withont a (<toubt the cleanest car of its miodel we have ever handled. Original interior imnmaculate. Body and finish is new.- Perfect motor. Btîilt-in radio and heater. 1938 DODGE . . . « - . $475 Good motor, tires and body. Aboi'e average. 1935 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1933 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Good mnotor, neat appearance. - - $225 - - $195 1 $125 $95 » $95 Sisson S! in Toronto. Mrs. T. Jack and Mrs. G. Cheeseman. They were ac- campanîed by Mr. Cheeseman. Others came from St. Catharines, Brantford and Oshawa. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Nichoils came to Canada in 1903, settling in Toronto. The next seven years saw theni rnov - ing aroid ta Ottawa and Brant- ford in iennnection with Mr. Nich- oils' busiiiess of insurance, then in Winnipeg for five years. Dur- ing the First World War, Mi. Nîcholls -worked an the Ross Rif le in Quebec City. following his or- iginal trade of a machinist. After the war the family returned ta Toronto, then moi;ed ta Oshawa for a time, and in 1940 came ta Bowmanville where Mr. Nichoils was employed at the Goodyear ICompany until his retirement in September, 1951. The Nichoils are proud of their four grandchildren, Diane, Pat, Bill and Paul Tane, A! Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tane (Eunice), Oshawa. Mr. Nicholîs has been active in the C.C.F. Party in the past few years and enjays his hobby of gardening, while Mrs. Nichiolls finds hier time w'eil taken up xiî hier church work. which she verv muech enjays. For the past teii years Mrs. Nicholîs bas been treasurer of Trinity Church W. M. S., resigning hier post this year. A typhoon in the Philippines iii 1911 deposited a total et 89 incti- es of rainfaîl in four days. JONES DELIVERY NOW DICKELL'S *STAR TAXI ANPiD DELI VERY PHONE 3324 uR 3381 B0 W MNN VILL E SPEEDY DELIVERY and 24 Hour TAXI SERVICE AS 15 SPECIALS These cars have flot bec» reconditioned, but they represent good value for handymen. 1939 PLYMOUTH COUPE - - $350 Motor re-built recently. Custom radio and heater. Needs a paint job and body tighitened Up. 1936 CHEVROLET STANDARD COACH - - - $195 Hydraulic brakes, tires almost new. Needs another mnotor, but has a clean body. 1936 CHEVROLET STANDARD COACH . . . $150 Necds mnotor and body work. TRUCKS 1938 CHEVROLET haif-ton PICKUP 1936 CHEVROLET haif-ton PICKUP * - - $195 - - - $195 New tires recently, hydraulic brakes. 1951 FORD haif-ton PANEL - - $1550 Just nicely broken in, five new tires 1950 FORD 3-ton Combination Dump Truck- $2250 Low miteage, outstanding condition. Ready for work. 1948 FORD half-ton PICKUP - - $995 Locally owned, low mileage, interior, box and Sniechanical condition far above average. 1947 FORD one-ton PANEL - - $850 Used by Snack Service for delivering sandwiches and coffee. Interior, body and mnechanical condition ivili make this truck interest a buycr %viio %vould normally consider only a ilew one. 1935 FORD one and one-half ton STAKCE - $175 Ready for the road. Late type niotor. Garage PHONE OR.ONO 1031 C A SH - FAIR TRADES OPEN 9 a.m. TO 9 p.m. -LIBERAL TERMS MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Serviceable and decent Ioolçiig. Good tires. 1930 FORD COUPE Clean and (idy, good niotor. 1930 CHEVROLET COUPE - Good -niotor and brakes, tires almost new. 1 )AV, 3MM @th, lo52 TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN, nOWMANVMLLF, ONTARIO PACI19 Twmqý ý 1

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