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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1952, p. 8

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PAGE EIGIIT TrHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARC!! tbt 1 Lions Club Ladies' Night Held AI Training School foi Boys Proved a Most Enjoyable Affair The Lions Club Ladies' Nighî Preston and Mrs. Preston were held last Monday evening at the among the guesîs. Special guest Ontario Training School for Boys was District Deputy Gavemnor proved to be one o! the most suc. Charles Knox and his wife from cessful evenings sponsored by the Newcastle. local service club this year. The Feminine Touch Lion Joe Cooper made enter- The Training School staff did a tainment history during the ev- fine job in serving a sumptuous ening when he supplied the body dinner. and wives o! the Lions' for a ventriloquist's voice during Ladies' Night committee werc re- the entertainment. More than sponsible for the feminine touch 140 people attended the gala Lions manifested in the beautifully Club observance of the annuol decorated dinner tables which night devoted ta the ladies. were bright with yellow daffo- Unfortunateîy, the ventrilo- duls and purpie and yellow quist's accompanîst got married candles. between engagement o! the well- Lion Bill Oliver proposed the received floor show. However. toast to the ladies and Mrs. Stuart Recreational Dîrector Don ShaY R. James responded ta the toast in filled in for the missing girl and a* humorous style which was the pragram was carried off greatly appreciated by Lions and smoothly. guests. President Don Williams dis- Lion Wilfrid Carruthers who, as pensed with the business part o! chairman o! the entertainment the evening in order 10 devote committec which included Lions more time 10 entertainment. Lawrence Goddard, Don Allun Rotary President Dave Higgon and Wall 'v Braden, was respon- and his wife. Kinsmen President sible for the program. He minro- Stan Dunn and Mrs. Dunn, and duced entertainers Miss NancY Canadian Legion President Lloydi McCaig and Miss Edith Zaiger, "SALADA' TrEA & COFFEE Emergency or PHONE 561 TAXIl SERVICE Cali us -- any hour, any day of the week. Our driver will cali for you promptly - take you to your des- tination quickly, comfortably, safely. AT NIGHT IN EMERGENCY PHONE 922 or 3418 KING TAXI ? The Radio Cab c*' f * e Operated by Lathangue Bros. accordion stylists, and Ted1 ventriloquist. Sec Local Talent After a route number his dummy* Pat, ventriloq Rust called on Lion Joe Cc to sing a song. Joe Cool voice, however. was provided the ventriloquist who made1 Joe sing and eat an apple at and the same time. Each lady was presented - a beautiful silver teaspoon hanced with a Lions Club crc A beautiful bouquet of r was presented to Mrs. Don1 liams, wife of the LionsC President, by Lion Lawre Goddard. SAn evening of dancing was joyed following the enteri. ment. Music was supplied Lion Lou DewelI and his chestra. Popular Constable Receives Clock On Leaving Town O.P.P. Constable Ray Kov was presented with an elect mantel dlock by 12 district r as "a reminder of friendsli Wednesday morning. Now stationed at Bellevil Constable Kowal moved his fa. ily ta that city lasI veek. Th have soid their place at 5 V el-ans Ave. and have bought new home in Belleville. During his five years stay Bowmanvillc the popular Pi vincial Police officer has ma many friends who will be so0 10 sec the Kowai family Icai Married ta the former Mary Rod o! Toronto, the Kawals have tý children, Janet, 4, and Dav. four months. The Statesman joins with R, Kowal's many friends in this di rict in wishing him the best iuck and success ini his new pc ition.. The people respansible for t] olock gift are: Police Chie! Si ney Venton, Magistrale R. Baxter. Vcrn. Walker, Alan De: sem, Hamry Deyman, Q.C., Jol James, M.P., O.P.P. Constabl Lorne Galbraith and Jack M~ Kendry, Rod Carveth. Roy Nic ols and Clarence Bradley. BROWN'S Don't farget Brown's Home ai School Club cuchre and drawi Friday night. Miss Blanche Wotten, Oshaw aI the Avery's. Mrs. W. Farrow visited wi hem daughtem, Mrs. S. Allin, Or no, for a few days last week. Mrs. Payne entertained tl pupils at a skating party in t) rink aI Newcastle on Friday lai Members of the C.G.I.T. ente tained on Friday evcning. Our Daughters Scwing Circ wili meet aI Miss Ardele Picke: ing's on Saturday due to ing's on Saturday. Due ta il ness the meeting for March L was pastponed. ç THE CHALLENGE This year again the Red Cross Appeal presents us wir.h a challenge ...and an opportunitv. Nev \ictims of war wounds, greater need of lifesaving biood transfusion services, the inevitability of great disasters of ire and flood . .. ail must ind the Red Cross ready. As the need toaialeviate suffering grows, the generasit-y of Canadians groNNs boa. But today the task is almost bevond measure. Thiere is the challengc. The opportunity to help i. before you. ive TO DAY ta carry on tomarraw's work ai mercy $5,222,000 is reuned t KEEP YOUR RED CROSS STRONO Gifla Jo your Red Crois are wisety used. Each year the occounting is approyed by auditor8 of the Dominion Govemnot. LOCAL CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS AT THE BANK 0F MONTREAL, CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE OR AT THE CARTER FAMILy TEA ROOM. owal ,trie nen ille, 'ey Vet- t a in ýade rry ve. Each year a crippled child is designated as "Timmy" ta typify the handicapped youngsters on whose behaif the Ontario Society for Crippled Children makes the Easter Seal campaign for funds. "Timmy" 1952 is Fred Atkinson of Woodstock, shown here with his mother, Mlrs. Edward Atkinson. Rust, with equist Dope r 'per s ,d by Lion. t ne with en- est. Wil- Club ,ence ;en- by or- NEV WESTINGHOUSE RI Self defrosting wi th the i doni't have to even c . . l . t t CV 8 cubic feet $299.OO Speaker Tells W.M.S.1 only in museuns - the farm is Clothng a d Bedinga newv place, modemn machinery Clothng ad Bedingenables one man to do the work Needed by Missions o! many but hired help is harder ta get. The movement from the Since the 00verseas Relief De- farni to the city seems to have Pot of the United Church wa tapered off a bit. The return opened in Toronto in November, movement is flot making great 1950, one hundred and forty-nine progress but there is every reason tons of clothing and bedding have 10 believe that it may take plate. been forwarded to mission posts Countervailing forces are at overseas, said Miss Ann B. Bish- work. The cost of living has op, Dominion Board Supply Sec- increased. Wage rates are high retary of the United Church ini an in the cities but the thoughtful address at the morning session of may wonder if the new rates the Presbyterjal W.M.S. meeting will hold. In the past wars have held Feb. 27 in St. Andrew's Un- led ta depressions and thougii ited Church, Oshawa. some seem 10 think that we cati These figures represent 32 tons now contrai the business cycle to Japan. 93 t0 Korea, 7 10 Greece, and that there will be noa deprc'ss- 9 10 Germanv, 8 10 the Christian ion there are others who liold Church in Jamaica. In urging divergent points of view. When the members of the W.M.S. flot îo wages are raised prices go up. slacken in this particular wori:, Labor receives today approx- Miss Bishop quoted from some1 imatelv the sanie percentage of letters received from the missioti- 1 the produet as il received si.cty aries showing how gratefully y'ears ago. Truc its capacity Io these offerings were received and produce, thanks to improve mach- how desperate was the need espe- inery, gives ta the workcr a cially among the small children highcr earning power. This is, il~ and babies with special reference part at least. offset hy the high la the poverty in Japan where cost of living. The worker ii Ihere were over 200 institutions the cilv, whi]e lhe iay have a ta care for. Miss Bishop remind- so-called higher standard of liv',- ed hier listeners that besides sup- ing soon finds that it adds littlle plying these materiai needs, they ta the joY of life.t had the responsibility of ste\w.- The Newv World ardship tow'vards the church. WVhat of the future.' The popu- Stewardship of limre, money andlainoou ctessgrin talent, and urged thiem ta- hav e a i__ our____ s r ý;in a broader vision of the work oi ' ' the W.M.S. and a broader vision of the missions in the Churcli The Church in ils endeavour to of M interest mare voung people was looking ta the ailder groups ta leaci the way. Used Rangetten Used Washers Used Refrigeralors 'z 'A Only Used Eleciric Ranges Used Gas Ranges McClary Coal Range compite with burneru $49.50 CHROME KITCHEN SETS Extension Table wîlIh Duncan Phyfe legs, j compicte with Four Matching Chairs m onex', knowledgc, vision, pots-, PON Y on Frida\ vni' M.Kqlt P u~ ~.Mr. eiltI ession and prayer played an im- v. .OTY OL has purchased a home in Miii- pratprtisi hae ! 2 brook and wiiI be moving thereC huota t rc t i a n verh ass thf Ray LO.L. 82 were visilcd at theiî: in a few weeks. The CX'ning \vas challenge greater, she conlinued.1 ist- last regular meeting by Bro. Gea. spent in cards and dancing. Bc- -__________ o! Brown o! Bowmanville and also fore lunch chairman Jack Payneý ýos- the Deputy Master of the same called the meeting ta order and The Fariner L.O.L. Bro. Brown is Couniy asked Miss Velma Thexton, a foir- he Master o! West Durham Ihis yei mer teacher, ta read the adriresz And The City id- and is weli known here. George A presenitalion of a fioni lamp- B. attended schooi here whilc his took place. After Mr. K,'elct hïd B .J eri L.1 father. the late Chas. Brown, con- exprcssed the appreciation or î 1 ~ . .Dacîa 'hn ducted a tinsmith business. We recîpienîs, short, speeches wer-c,, .Frem imne ta limie there crops 1 les wish George a successful year ,,s made by W.-J. Boggs, Keni Moses, up ini our papers and magazines' 4,: County Master. The Brown fam 1- Delbert Bowins, J. Payne, Miss expressions of regret that boys 1 eh- ily were always active in fratern- Thexton. Merton Thexton and 1 born on the farm move mbt the - ai circles. Fred Youngman. Everyone cx- cities and the place which once We were very sorry ta learn o! pressed the loss 10 the neighbor- knew thern now knows them fia the sudden death o! the sixhood o! real good neighbors and more. Many o! the chaps who months' old son o! Mr. and Mrz. citizens for over 25 years. This write these stories wcre born on Frank Simpson o! West Hill community wishes them the verv the farm. Some o! them, as they -best for many years ta came. Mr. 'write their prophecies o!fh Frank is well known here and is athe Lnd a brothér of Mrs. Harry Mrs. St. Clair Darroch, To- îîation's downfall, shed a tear for on e eten au sicer sypatîyronto, who bought the Kellet the old farni but wouldn't go' to te paent andfried. property will be taking posses- back ta it - flot for anything in a, th ret and fri Jaens.Hya sion iin the near future. the world. and baby son, Bowmanville, and Ed s. Bruce Sr., Mr. and Mrs. The Pioneers th Mm. and Mrs. Roy Kelîcît were E. Bruce and famîly, Bowman- Throw sentiment 10 the winds. Sunay istor wih r. ndville, were Sunday visitors with Let us examine the facts. This o- s Mr..n Mr. erad lac. hecountry was popuîated first by Mrs.T. elltI.Bruce family resided ini Ponty- the early French settlers. Then ýhe Mr. Ernest Warr bas sold his pool until December when the.,... came the Anglo-Saxon group, lie property ta Mr. Fred YoUrngman moved ta Bowmanville. Sîlad -pt.that fr n 1he st. who will take possession about ____________ctan pu ter ame rsote r-April Ist. Mr. Warr has purch. i ,m ohr aefo hr ased a farmn from Elmer Arm- fTm~17- then the English and Irish.1 strong on 141h Concession of flLALJSTJ.ULi They had been brought up where k Mavers ner Jaetvile.w ~ _______land xvas scarce and dear, where r- wîsh bath purchasers thebeîo M ,,th landiord, rather Ihan the man luck. uuchsesth es o rs eorge £uxwIcr was a. of millions, was the man of.power [1- k fcesw4ter altendîng the funcral and destiny. Il was only natural Ist About 40 o! the immediate o! lier cousin, Mr. W. J. Camp- that they should 'turn 10o farming neighbors gathered at the home bell. in the new world. They are the - o! Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Kellett Mr. Albert Wright is in Toronto ra ines-telnlrsi whee le as ad wooperations. Canada were relatively lînim- BuinssDiecor We hope hie wili soon be in good portant. The life o! the pioneer BuiesDietr health. ta M. n -as liard and stecm. He lacked L E GAL Mrs. Neil Werry on the birth cf nm oesequ ietfth knde l - ~their daughter at Oshawa Hos- hie cleared the ]and. It was a W. R. STRIKE, K.C. pital last Tuesday. Mrs. Werrydifcttak Ifouobttt Barrister, Solicitor, Notary andi the baby came home on Sun- stalernent find a big grecn stump, Solicitor for Bank of Montreal day and Mrs. Jack Marlow, To- freolî.cut, then try digging il out Money 10 Loan Phone 791 ronta, is with thoîn for a fcw *b; 1h r1ts Bowmaîîville, Ontario days. Thc World Day of Prayer was Huge stones were removed byI LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. at St. John's Anglican Church on piling on top o! thcmn a load of Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Friday with Mrs. George Nichai- aId knots and limbs from the - King St. W., Bowmanville son, Mrs. C. W. Hutton and Mrs. bush. They split the stones with Phone, Office 688 - Residence 553 McComb conducting the service. fire. then carted lhem away. The MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Mr. and Mrs. Stephien Saywell work wvas arduous. They had Baristr, oliito, Ntar Pulicand Margaret and Miss i-ele'j littIe lime for leisure. Il took the BaristrSolciorNotryPubicVan Camp left Thursday ta holi- youth and spirit out o! the pion- Successor ta M. G. V. Gouid day for a few weeks in Florida. eers. They were aid at fifty and Temperance St. - Bowmanville iss Max' King passcd away on the next generation - the youth WV. F. WARD, B.A. Sunday afiernoon afler a xveek's o! those days - made up their Barrister, Solicitor, Notary illness. Sympathy is extendeci minds ta leave the farm, get mbt Money ta Loan la Mrs. Robert Bruce, Mrs. Ross the cily. It meant ]ighter work 9½King Street E., Curtis, Mrs. Gordon Slrong andi and it xvas dloser ta educational Bowmanville, Ontario [amies. facilities foi' the coming genera-, Phoes:Offce 25 Hose 09 United Church W. A. mjet nt lion. They would find or make Phoes:Offce 25 -ouse-491ithe home of Mrs. Leith Byers \vitii a Job for themnselves. Thex' grewv CONANT & CONANT Presideni Mrs. Russell Mountjoy older but their sons and' daugh-; Barristers and Solicitors prcsiding. There w,,as a good at- ters1 did not go back 10 the farm r PH( Gardon D. Conant, K.C. tendance of members and visi- the,\ knew their history, they Roger G. Conant, B.A. tors. Mrs. Percy Van Camp gave built the cilies. Offices: the Scripture. Plans were made The Farm RevolutionPH Oshawa, Ont., 7ýý Sinicoe St. S. for the annual Amateur Show anid Came the change! The grain jP Phone 3-2227 a committee put in charge. Otti- cradle is no more. '"t appearsl Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25 er items of business concerning the parsonage and the church D E NT A L ere disussed. Mrs. L. BYcrý,' DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. gram. Mrs. HarolId Kyte sang a! Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. lovely solo, 'Il Is No Secret Whatl 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville God Can Do." accomparîied bv Office Hours:l Mrs. Neil Malcolm. Mrs. G 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dail.v Marlow read "The Sailor King.- 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday We were pieased ta have Mrs. Closed Sunday George Wolfe give a splendid Office Phone 790 talk on Church Camp Life. Slie House Phone 3609 has been a leader aI summer - - ~camps for several years. She aiso m DR. E. WV. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. displayed crafts., Refreshmients Office in bis home wvere served by the group and 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvilic a social lime enJoy'ed. Office Hours: Mr. Lamne Bradburn and ,lim Me r 9 a.m. fa 6 p.m. daily mie. Toronto, wilh Mr. and Mrs. 9 a.m. ta 12 faon Wednesdayi J. W. Bradburn. Closed Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Henry and Phone 604 familv, Bowmanville, with Mr. ______ - ,a d IVrs. Lewis Henrv. ES ATEr*W. A. o!f St. J ohi,'S Church c4-6a2 _____ _ i____ eid aI the home !Crs H. 6. (Hap) GILL Smith, Feb. 21, with the new' Real Estate Presidenit. Mrs. J1. A. MvcArthuiî 8 Second Street presiding and 18 memberpr- Properties Soid - 1ened nt. Mrs. Nicholson eportLe u h( Managed and Appraîsed plaY ~Little Women" will be Members of the Canadian and readv for presentation with the Ontario Real Estate Boards choir providing music belweeni H. G. Gui, Realtor acîs. Mrs. H. McLauglîlin, Dor-- Phone Bowmanvilie 3514 cas Sec'.N, reported the Indian bo,' ________oulfît rnarîx' completed. severcl .A. DIT I a. o! the required articles being do- A U D IT I N G naied b ' vIhe members, It wasi decided to hold the next paper; MONTEITH & MONTEITII drive on March 10, the paper ta, 37 Kig St.E. Osawa rBock chapteî' "An Outllne o! the Mr. Cordon W. Riehl, C.A., 'fWork o! the Protestant Church: resident parînier. in South America" was ;'erY cap- abiy laken by Mrs. Nicholson. O PT OM ET R Y iThc president thanked the hast- es ifr her hospýitaiity nund ii- IONE 811 - In Oshawa ONE 3-8634 117 SIMCOE ST. S. 52 KING ST. W. lien1 'e PRA~I~[MODERAJIIJN JO JAY rapidly. Congestion tend* te. crease the cost of living. lessen@ the comforts of normal existence. The man on the farru noioal owns his own home, gro"ji own food, his cost of! ligis lower. The costs af the producta he consumes reflects a wholepale flot a retail price. The automobile has removed the feeling of farrni isolation. There is still the old fear of a drop in the price of farmn products but the danger is flot so pressing as it has been. If the world can maintain peace there will be a period of expand. ing business. Consîder for ýââ. stance the different continents-«5 the world. Europe at presen e votes her main effort 10' tenance of a high level oit m1~ expansion. It is a tough ideal. No single European nation clan escape that burden. Asia is in a turmoil of revolu. tion or revoIt at conditions which exist. Africa lacks capital, the great bulk o! the people are un- educated. The picture is one of uncertainty. Ini these cQuntries here and there. is the tbreat of war. The result is that, sa far as we are concerned, the bound- aries of the world are restricted. This too will pass. War and. the threat of mwar may arrest for a tinie the rnarch of human progress but there cornes a day when our sense of direction alters. Humian- ity once more is on the marîui 'PLIANCES I JEFRIGERATORS new method. . . you cmpty the watcr aporates. USED SPACE HEATERS Ail Sizes - $35.00 MURPHY'S Furniture & Appliance Store Only 117 SIMCOE ST. S. a - $79.50 -ý $79.50 - In Bowmanville [ONE 3-8634

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