~&~U ~WZLVU THE CAI'TADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLZ. ONTARZO THURSDAY. MARCI! 20. ~o~m Darlinglon Twp. Council Awards ContratcIobKamlee Construction Co.t For Erection of Pickell Bridge Darlington Council met March 6 wIth Reeve Roy Nichais pesid- ing. Tenders for bridge construction were opened: R. A. Blyth Construction Ca. $250 Ontario Bridge - 3623.50 Donald iKirby ----- 5823.00 Kamlee Constructiori 3070.00 Farrell & Scaraw . . 3437.00 Amnott Construction - -3392.00 Engineer E. F. Marstan exam- ined and reported on these tend- ers. On motian Council accepted tender af Kamlee Construction Ca. for the construction of Pickell Bridge. An agreement was ta be prepamed, ta be signed by the Construction Ca., and Township officiaIs. On motion the bill ot Dr. Dym- mand wiIl be investigated. Chas, Osborne and R. C. Pearce. repmesenting Famm For- ums of Damlington, addressed Council egarding instructions ta be given ta Bowmianville Fire Dept. when being called ta at- tend township tires. Reeve was given power ta act in this regard. Fallowing bills weme paid: Pmov. Treas., insulin ____ $ 4.90 Counties Treas., Hospital 111.50 Franklin Press, me debent. 121.00 Treas. South Darlington A. School Bd., advance 7000.00 Treas. S. S. 18, advance 500.00 Treas. S. S. 17, advance.-- 700.00 James Pub. Ca., printing 302.50 Clerk. Bowmanville, tire protection ---------. --- 425.00 Thos. Whillier, supplies __ 361.65 ell Telephone, service- 5.80 J. D. Hogarth, Feb. salary 208.25 J. D. Hogarth, excise and postage 10.00 J. D. Hogarth, registrat'ns 9.00 Wmn. Lycett. Assessor 257.99 Uriemploy. Ins. stamps- 3.24 Can. Oul Companies, stove ail - - -- -- 17.52 Mary Niddery, work for Assessor 11.25 J. D. Hogarth, fox bount. 184.00 W. Ross Strike, me debent. 175.00 Treas. Port Perry, tire protection ~49.00 Relief 142.87 Raads and bridges - 2555-98 LESKARD On Manday evening there was held at Leskard Scbool a very enjoyable Box Sacial and Dance ta add ta the funds for the build- ing campaign of the Leskard W. A. cburch kitchen. Many sup- porters were in attendance from Kimby, Clarke Union, Omano, En- niskillen and ather paints. Special thanks is due ta the many friends tramn surounding districts who valuntarily provided excellent dance music. The men were very generous in their keen bidding for the fancy food boxes ot their favorite lady. The net proceeds will approximate $100.00 and a hearty vote of thanks is extended ta all wha supported the evening. Congratulatians ta Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berry on the arrival of a baby boy in Memorial Haspital, Bawmanville an March 17. Sunday visitors with Mm. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton were Mm. and Mrs. Charles Prust and Lynn of Toronto. Mms. Ernest Green bas been confined ta ber hame with "flu." We wish for her a speedy recav- ery. We are pleased ta welcome back ta their Leskard home Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Coryell wha have been spending the winter at Westan. Supper' guests Sunday with Mr. and Mms. James Cameron were Mm. and Mrs. Raymand Chapman and Donnie. Miss Jean Syer of Toranto vis- ited with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Syem. Next Sunday is aur semi- monthly church service at 2 p.m. We hope that ail who can will attend ta bear the fine message as is always given by Rev. J. Kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen have returned tram a visit ta Indian- apolis. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Tennant is the latters broth- er, Mr. Thomas Tharnton of Bow- manville. We hape for a speedy recovery of Master Allen Martin wbo is under the care of Dm. McKenzie. ENNISKILLEN Mrs. T. M. Slemon, Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon, Kathryn and Robert visited Mr. and M rs. Ted Tyers, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lee, Bannie and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Wayne and Terry. Oshawa; Mrs. Fred Dayes and Jim, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Simpson with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin, Don- na Gail and Rodney vsited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Scatt, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons pnd Jahnny, Hampton, were Sunday visitars at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton's. Mrs. L. Graham and Mrs. R. Crossman. Haydon, visited with Mrs. R. McNeîl. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, Sa- lina, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Werr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill and Donald, Toronta, visited bis moth- er. Mrs. John MeGilI. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Staintan and family were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Jim Staintan's, Salina. Mr. Floyd Pethick, Taranto, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Petbick. Mr. and Mms. J. Walker, Ta- onta, were Sunday visitars with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Laughlin.»1 C.G.I.T. meeting will be held this Saturday at Eleanor Heards. Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Turner and Helen, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. Frank Darland. Mr. and Mms. David Gray and Caral. Newcastle; Miss Rutb Adams. Mm. Steve Shmed. Bow- mianville, were Sunday isitors with Mrs. J. Adamns. Mrs. Lorne Larmb visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stain- ton, Orono. Mrs. Owen FlynIin, Margie and Wanda. North Hollywood, Cali- fornia, are visiting ber mother, Mrs. Roy Dickie and brothers and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robinson, Part Hope, at Mr. and Mrs. Arth- ur Brunts. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lead- beater and Georgie visited Mm. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Bird and Ron Shaw af North Ba.v (1 rf t) and Ron Haddall of H-amilton are shown rei. i. i sracl ion at Variety Village, operated at Toronto for the Vamiety Club by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. Il furnishes vocational train- ing for underprivileged youths. Teacher in the picture is Art Robertson. family, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Ormiston, Ebenezer. with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin and Heather visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Collacutt, Tyrone. Mrs. Harold Milîs and family with Mr. andMrs. C. Milîs, Port Perry. Miss Betty Jane Werrv spent Sunday with Miss Betty Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brown, Newcastle: Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Sandercock and baby, Larry, of Orono. at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fer- gusons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby, Haydan, at Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharps. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Grif fin and Jean, Purpie Hill, were Saturday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Russel Griffins. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and family visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Bowmanville. Mr. Harold Rogerson returned home ta bhis wife on Sunday tram Korea. They are spending a few days in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens in company with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton. Dorothy and Clarence, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton at Orono. Miss Betty Jane Werry visited Miss Betty Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson, Columbus, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. Your nearest dealer seils GENERAL ELECTRIC LAMPS CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY IMITID YOUR EYES and Vision Ex esîght r Education and Efficiency by C. H. Tuck Eyesight1 Specialist' Disney Bldg. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa - Phone 5-6143 1 Na. 180 Other signaIs (symptoms) ta be nated are migraine, neursthania, nervous beadache, etc. One of the most abused 1 believe is Migraine. It is often misunder- stood and Is themefore blamed for many things. In Ibis alone w must stress the value of a corn- plete case history as the foundia- tion of a proper diagnosis anid a means of interpretationi of rfr disorders anid their connectioni and Vo tund, perhaps, a happy relief. (Copyrighted) BETHANY Miss Peggy Reynolds, R.C.A.F. training centre at St. Johns. Que., with hem parents. Mm. and Mms. Charles Reynolds. Miss Doreen Smith, Fenelon Falls, xvas guest xvith Mrs. Earl Smith. The Ladies' Good Luck Orange Lodge held a successful progres- sive euchre pamty in the Orange Hall on Friday night with prizes for high score going ta George Smith and Alrs. Bruce McGill; consolation prizes ta Dr. J. J. Hamilton and Miss Doreen Smith. Mrs. Sarah Jolinston who spent the winter with ber granddaugh- ter, Mrs. Ross Hall in Whitby, me- turned ta Bethany Sunday and is visiting ber daughtem, Mrs. T. J. Jackson. Fricnds are xvishing a speedy recovemy ta Mm. Herb Neals, wbo is a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital. Peterborough. Mrs. Ralph Connor, Kapuskas- ing, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jarvis. Mrs. Roy Bretnell and daugh- ter Judith, who spent the past month with ber mother, Mrs. R. Palmer, hias returned, ta Belle Plains. Sask. Mm. and Mrs. Glen Tennant and Mrs. J. Ginn, Blackstock, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gian. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mermick and son David, Kingston, visited Mm. and Mrs. E. Stacey, Miss Beverly Pomeroy, Bewd- ley, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pomeroy. Peterborough, visited Mm. and Mrs. Clarke Pomeroy. Mr. Hamry Johoston attendedi the Spomîsmen's Show in Toronto on Saturday. Miss Anne Beggs, Vancouver, B.., visittid Mm. and Mms. Charles Reynolds. St. Paul's Ladies' Guild Mrs. Rupcrt Woods entertained members of St. Paul's Ladies' Guild for their March meeting and a ncw member, Mrs. J. Stop- cm wxas Nvelcomed. Mrs. Merv'in Smith, Vice-Pres., Nvas in the chair. Mrs. T. S. Gault led the opening pravcîrs. Letters cf thaniks fromn members who had been sent boxes of candy% during illness xvas read b ' Mrs. Charles Smith. $25 M'as donated ta the choir Ia assist in expense of pur(hasiog newl sumplice gowns and hats. it w~as decided ta provide eut flowers for decoration of the Church East- cm service. Mrs. T. S. Gault, the retor's wife, wvas presented with a shoulder bag and good wishes for safe travelling and a happy holiday in England wbeme she and hem two daughters, Mary Rose and Patricia will spend the next three months. Rex'. T. S. Gault closed the meeting wýith prayer. April DIVE RIGHT #N-- SERVKBUSINESS meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Raysan. United Church W.M.S. W. M. S. of United Church met at the home of Mrs. George Wad- deli an Wednesday. President Mmi. T. J. Jackson conducted the opening exercises assisted by Mms. G. M. Langtield, wha read the scrîpture. Mms. Mervyn Parteous read a letter tram Mm. and Mrs. Howard Veal af Omemee, ecently returned missionaries tram China, who entertain no hope af gaing back ta that troubled country while the Communists rule the people. Mrs. Waddell gave a short talk an Stewardship. Mrs. Walter Rawland taok charge af the study period, telling of the chumch's relatianship and work among the Chinese and Japanese in Canada. saying in part: "Our Canadian people as a whole bave not msen above race prejudice, discrimination and intolerance. We have flot treated these people with neighborly Christian kind- ness and have done little ta make them teel at home in aur midst. Hawever, through the workers in cammunity centres and Churches of Ail Nations a great deal is be- ing done, and as a result some ex- cellent tollowems have been secur- ed and have in turn endered real service in winning and influenc- ing others ta the Christian way of living." A dialogue between two prominent Christian Japan- ese w'as read shawing their in- fluence in their awn cammunities. The hostess served lunch and a social boum followýed. April meet- ing at the home of Mrs. W. Row- land. IVomens Institute District President, Mrs. W. H. Armstrong. Millbmook, visited Bethany Women's Institute and discussed the different phases of- Institute work. She stmessed the value of cammunity activities and announced the district annual meeting at Elizabethville on May 28. Included in hem talk were suggestans fom publicity. ways ta improve interest in meetings, sug- gestians for roll calîs and the proper pracedure for writing up local histamical events ta be in- caprated in "Tweedsmuir His- taries."~ She was introduced and thanked by Mms. H. L. Challice. Mrs. Manseli Finney, convenar for cammunity activities and pub- lic relatians, gave a talk, saying in part: "Publicity means bring- ing befame the public in concise form, information cancerning the womk af the bmanch and this may be done thmaugh the medium af the press, mail or telephane. Ad- vertising sumely pays as is proven by the large amaunt seen in pap- ers and magazines. If advertis- ing is sa beneficial ta the merch- ant. soA i must be with an org- anization. The mottaý of the Women's Institute is *For Home and Country', that means aur Institute stands for two of the geatest arganizatons in the wamld. It was ta carry out this motta that the tirst Women's Institute xvas arganized by the late Adel- aide Hoodliss and for it we carry on taday. In doing this we may help bath aurselves and athers." Mrs. Finney q u a t e d Edgar Guest*s paemi "Advertising" and "The Human Touch" also this amusing simile 'It Pays ta Cackle" ..."The codfish lavs a million eggs and the helpful hen but one; but the codfish doesn't cackle ta tell us what she's done. And s0 we scorn the codfish coy and the helpful hen wve prize. Which in- dicates ta you and me. . it pays ta advertise." Mrs. Ernest Lamb and Mms. R. Rayson sang three Irish mel- odies "Mother Machmee", "They Called It Ireland' and "Galway Bay" accompanied by Miss Gladys Bigelow. Mms. Orlo Wright read an article an '*Leap Vear Superstitions". Mrs. H. Rayson gave a reading "The Legend of St. Patrick." A cantest on tlowers was won by Mrs. Ralpb Preston. Mms. H. L. Challice presided for the apening exemcises. Minutes were read by Mrs. H. Sanderson, also correspondence which in- cluded an invitation to attend the Achievement Day for junior girls at Orono on April 5 and a letter from Miss Anna Lewis regarding the new extension service f:r, homemakers. Mrs. R. W,. ?ri ýL reported attending the town*Aà council with regards ta somne ren. ovations in the town hall base. ment. and reported that the Council are having a new entry door cut. further improvements would be miade wvhen this was complete. Mrs. H. L. Challice was appointed leader of Junior~ Girls' Garden Club wîth Mrs. T.* Jennings as assistant. Mrs. Fin. ney announced that the Glad 1 Canner Club sponsored by the Women's Institute, would hald a supper in the United Churc' Sunday School March 22 servZ, amenu typical of what they h- learned in this year's course o1 'Nutritional Supper Dishes." President expressed the gaod wishes of the members for a safe and pleasant journey ta Mrs. T. S. Gault. who is visiting ber fam- ily in England. As a friendlv gesture. the branch is sending along a parcel of rationed fo~odî items.1 Rail cail was answered bvr "Bring a guest or pay a penny fine" which brougbt the attend- ance ta 42. Mrs. M. Finney, Mrs. H. Rav- son, Mrs. L. Driver and Mrs. R Palmer served lunch. 7-oz lin 35c a 15-oz tins 25c, î8-oz pkg 1c 9-oz îar 19C 1/2's p kg 3lc ib 49c EîinsZ9C a 15-oz tinS 31C ZpkgsZ29c pg 33ç- CflAC8KAU flhDUIL 14-oz tin £Yc Habitant IPEA SOUP 2 15-oz tins 19C A&P Chaice Pjtted ]RED CHERMRIrS 15-oz lin 19c Aunt Jemima PANVCAKE FLOUR pkg 19C Aylmer EEw6ma n TOMRATO SOUIP 20-oz in 19C M id Canadian Southern Cross Flaked Gua rdsma n TUNA FISH 6,12-oz tin 19C SAl»RN S e"r Stakoly's Spanish Rico Outttanding Low Price-Wby Pay Mare? KraftNE bWAÇuiIIIVELMONARCH lb 2.9C LD N * Quaker- Large J- p-OATS MILK BREAD WHITE OR BROWN SLICED 24-oz lbai 15C CUS TOM 6ROUND BOKAR (OFFEE lb 96C Prices Effective Until I SATURDAY, MARCH llnd AI &/p 7,.; 1.4 ..]j , 9, làt4.4 Froali Texas Curly Leaf, washed, ready ta cook, Ne. 1 SPINACH a cello pkgs 29c Flarida YeIIow Fancy, New Crop SWEET CORN3 Fresh Floridai, bond s.ec«ted quality, No. 1 TOMATOES CeNc Fresi, Cubon Jumbo Siz. 9's, No. 1 PMNAPPLES 3 for 25c oplcg 23c ea 39C 'r E91A&MMP SUPER RIGHT MEATS Govemment lnspe<ted For Your Protection QUALITY PROTECTION AT A&P THE BEEF IS THE BEST. IT'S GOVERNMENT GRAOED WEIGHIAND STAMPED RED AND BLUE BRANDS - CANADA'S FINEST. LOOK FOR THESE STAMPS ON VOUR BEEF PURCHASES AT A&P AND SURE 0F THE HIGHEST QUALITY AND PROTECTION. OUTSTANDING VALUE - WHY PAY MORE DOILING FOWL Grade A r 9 BACK BACONV PEAMEALED By The Piece lb 49Ç Centre Cuts or Slices lb 51 Peamea led COTTAGE RoLLS Smoked Shankloss POR SOULDERS Bleds Bon. Out 16 «9C BLADE ROAqST lb 65c Moaty $b 45c SHORT RIB ROAST fb 65c N 252 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. SERVE YOU WELL 4 GENTLE . . . EFFECTIVE MOUTH WASH 16-az. 39c Mi-31 SOLUTION $1.09 S iork THE ALL - PURPOSE ATSPI Nuses 4, 36 Complete Bandages... Remove Cap Rexali Quick Bands Ready for feedini,. i 4-or. and 8-oz. sires Ini Metal Container 40UC An Ideal Family Simple To Ulse...i Tonic for Spring ... ELKAY'S AERSOL 20-az. Pepiona $1.25 Inseci Killer Qucky eleesHedahe,$1.49 Cold, Discomfart . . . Laxative Go To Work Fast Antacid A - SA - REX 65c'2'%,'s$1.19 Milk of STBONC6ùiGiiW. . . Ease Tt With c agnesiai CHERROSOTE Cough Syrup 4 0oz PLEASANT TO TAKE 4-oz. 60c 8o.$ 1.00 ~60C SAVE YOU MONEY JURY (& LOVELL lVhen We Test Eyes Tt 19 Done Properly TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE -J>,' Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival CIJOSING DATE For Eniries MARCH 31, 1952 BE SURE- Ask for "«COMPREHENSIVE"I - the new Fire and Theft coverage when you buy your auto insurance. "COMPREHENSIVE" includes damage to your car as resuit of vandalism, flying missiles, storm. snow or water, or as a resuit of glass breakage from any accidentai cause. Vour Co-op. agent for Auto and Life is HOWARD R. FOLEY BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PHONE 3277 NURSERYMAN WANTED We require a nurseryman about 25 - 35 years, as an assisant in our expanding business. A know- ledge of bulbs is not essential but experience in com- mercial horticultural practices would be an asset. This is a permanent position. Apply in persan to Foreman Fred Luxton *t/1OW 7c4eÀ Canada's Lecxding Gladiolits Specicdists Clover Leaf Sockeye SAILMON Claver Leaf - Solid Meat TUNVA MRS Catelli, Cooked SPAGHETTI 2 Ready Cut Macaroni CIREAMETTES Sultana Peanut BUTTER Plain Cheese THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THIMDAY, MARCH 20, 1952 5 FAM TWIL