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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1952, p. 13

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--1e&.7k£%£-- -TTà.-% y- - . -. d. VIN ÂflUIj&W Nemorial Hospital Building Fund 15~ Needs Io Raise Nearly $40,000 To Wipe Oui Debi of New Hospital Treasurer Ray Dilling submitted the following financial report at the annual Memorial Hospital Board meeting held in the Council Chamnber; Thursday evening. In order to offer a comparison for Iflcreased revenue and costs in 1951, similar figures* for 1950 are shown. 1950o $56,438.53- $ 58,240.23 dl85,681.30 91,453.74 Deficit $ 1,801.70 5,772.44 .ncrease .$29,242.77 $ 33,213.51 $ 3,970.74 Dietary Salaries ____ __ Housing ----- Power Plant Laundry ----- Dispensary ------------ Surgical and Sterile _____ 1950 10,147.10 32,009.72 1,641.28 4,037.05 609.93 3,747.20 2,063.99 1951 1 $12,235.35 52,904.81 1,973.45 4,443.70 9 14.-17 3,255.95 1,532.00 ~~~~1~~ Maintenance Revenue (Room renta) 37,423.20 Special Services (Op. room, etc) 13,269.53 Grants ---------> 5,551.80 Days stay -_____ Indigent days - --- Costs per patient day 7,602 421 $7.45 Building Aceount Bradford-Hoshal ---------- ----- 39,057.31 Universal Plumbing- 3,539.23 Smith, H. J. (Architect) 56,16.25 21,535.41 7,243.521 10,0071 1,013 $9.1-. $42,596.54 1,646.21 X-Ray and Radium -______ 3,529.55 Canada Laundry 4,655.68 Simpson's------- --- 2,242.94 10,428.171 $54,670.92 15,511.64 Amount Available $39,159.28 BURKETON Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm, Blackwatem, with Mrs. H. Rahm. Mrs. Pearl Avery with rela- tives ini Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Bailey with Mrs. T. Bailey. Mrs. T. Bailey with Mm. and Mrs. Orland Bailey viqj*ted frienda and relatives in Bownianvillc and Oshawa. Mrs. T. G. Brcck is spcnding a week in Trenton with Mm. and Mrs. Wmn. Beck. Mrs. E. Caughill has been on th ick liat. We hope she wil ,be well again, also Mms. A. Mhes. Visitera with Mm. and Mrs. Merle Hubbard were Mra. E. Vegar. Norwich; Mm. and Mrs. Burney Reid, Bowmanville; Mm. and Mrs. R. Bothwell, Maple Grove; Mms. B. Hubbamd, Mr. J. Greer, Mms. W. Oke, Mr. W. Bryan with friends in Oshawa. Mm. and Mma. George Tompkins and George, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. .Tompkins on the occasion of their fifth wedding annivemsamy. on Mamch 23. Miss Lois Stevenson spent a week in Toronto with relatives. Orvias Smith, Bowmanville, with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Curran. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott receivcd word from London that their sister. Mrs. Ora Robb, wifc o! Rcv. V. Robb, London, passcd away on March 25. Our deepeat sympathy goca out to the huband and two childrcn. Mrs. Lionel Toutant and child- ren arc visiting relatives ini Mid- land. Mrs. E. Darcy. Blackstock;, Miss Isabel Carter, University cf To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cart- Arý box social and N.F.B. films at Burketon School, April lat. All are welcome. Congratulations to Stanley Taylor on winning a prize cal! ut the Wilmot Croxaîl sale ut Ux- bridge recently. REAL ESTATE W. J. WARREN, BROKER. AGINCOURT List your farms and bouses with us for quick results H. C. PEDWELL, Agent 1 mile North of Newcastlr Phone Clarke 3823 This Week's FOOD VALUES 20-oz. tin . 21c Libby Siiced 20-oz. tina Red Deets - 'ýo,- 17 Stokley's 28-oz. fin Guardiola, Sliced 20-oz. tir Pumnpkin . . . 2ke Pineappie - - 32c Aylmer, Sliced 20-oz. tUn King's Cholce 15-oz. tin Peaches - - - 27c Sirawherries - - 28c White and Chocolate pkg. MONARCH CAKE MIX --37c 7-lb. bag 24-lb. bag MONARCH'FLOUR 56c $1.75 8-oz. Pkg. Domestic - - -32c Short ening pkgs. Blue Bonnet *-2/28c Margarine 15-oz. tUn Club House Minu 0 10Ic Tapioca - WHeTHEY'S CHERRY PIE FILLING lb. -w30C Mb. o-43c te pkgs. . 2/25c 20-oz. tin m m a 36c1 ICHOICE YOUNG BROILERS - ILb 55c These tasty 14oilers are ail cleaned and you PaY onlY for the cleaned chicken FREE DELIVERY YEO'S MEATS AND GROCERtIES S$ KING ST. L BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 h I OBITUARY I Ii WILLIAM STREET West Beach summer resident for over 35 years and long time employee of the Toronto Board of Education, William Street, suf- fereçi a heart attack and passed away at his newly built home at 102 Scugog St., Bowmanvile. on March 16. He was in his 7th year. Duc to retire this coming June aftcr 37 years' service with the Toronto Board of Education, Mr. Street built a home in Bowman- iville last summer in order to be near several of his daughters when he retired. He was gctting rcady for Church when he was strieken. Mr. Street has been a valued and regular member of the choir at Trinity United Church since he moved to Bowmanville - and be- gan eommuting to his work in Toronto. Born in London, England, Nov. 11, 1882, the late Mr. Street was extremely interested in choir work. He was a member of Kim- boumne Park United Church choir for many years before coming to Bowmanville.' Life member of the Beaches Chapter, R.A.M., Cyrene Precept- ory Lodge, and the Rameses Shrine, Toronto, Mr. Street is sur- vived by his wife, the former Robrna Gardner, and one broth- er, Thomas Street, Wimbledon, England. He is also survived by his daughters. Jean, Winnifrcd (Mrs. J. Cully), Madeleine, (Mrs. J. G. Parker), and Peggy (Mrs. R. Wright) ahl of Bowmanville, and one son, William G. Street, Toronto. The funeral was held March 19, from the Truli Funeral Home, To- ronto. Rcv. Pugh-Gilchrist, min- ister of Kimboumne Park United Chumch, officiated. Interment was in Scarbomo Memorial Park Cern- etery. Palîbearers were: T. A. Fowler, ALoeand C. Ellis o! Toronto; W. uy, J. G. Parker and1 Rosa Wright of Bowmanville. Floral tributes were received from: Chairman and members of the Board of Education, Toronto; officers and members cf Cyrene Prcceptory, staff of' Gledhill School and Wlkinson School, Trin ity Choir, Bowmanville; Kim- boumne Park Chumch Choir, To- ronto; Evening Branch cf St. John's Anglican Church W. A. Bowmanvillc, and the Guildettes. Other floral tributes came from: Officers and members of Beaches Lodge, A.F. & A.M.; Beaches Chapter, R.A.M.;, Quarter Century Club of Toronto Board of Education, along with flowers from Chie! Caretakers Associa-à tion; Bowmanville Beach Associ- ation, and Kimboumne Park Unit-« ed Church W. A. COURTICE Explorers and C.G.I.T. Explorers and C.G.I.T. met ut Courtice United Church Wednes- day evening. Gift boxes were dedicated and they sang one verse of "Praise Gcd From Whom. Ail Blessings Flow." Several items of business discussed, after wvhich practising of Irish songs and Irish jokes for C.G.I.T. and Explorers' variety program to be held at St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa, March 26. Proceeds are in aid of Camp Pretoria. Sunbeam Mission Band Sunbeam Mission Band met in Courtice Church on March 18. Games were played while the members gathered. The meeting opened xvith a worship service led by Miss Marie Brown. The theme was "Be Ye Doers of The Word and Not Hearers Only." Miss Ruth Milgate read the Seripture. Paul Gearing and Miss Dorothy Barber also assisted on the pro- gram. Mrs. E. Warburton gave a story which ahl enjoyed. There were 20 present. Courtice W. A. met on March 20 at Courtice United Church with Mrs. C. Penfound in the chair. Mrs. H. McLean read the seripture which led up to our Easter Story, "The Crucifixion of Jesus" and prayer by Mrs. C. Pcnfound. Guest speaker, Mrs. G. Pieol, was introduced by Mrs. C. Pcnfound. Easter draw- ing near, she spoke on hymns, how they came about and their authors, also of the women in Jesus' life, which had a big part in church work of today. Several hymns were used. "The Old Rug- ged Cross" was nicely rendered by Mrs. M. Brown and Mrs. C. Fulton. Mrs. Piekeli gave a pocm which led up to the dif- ferent hymns. "There Is A Green Hill Far Away," was written by an Irish poet at the bedside of a sick ehild. The first verse of the following hymns were sung: 'When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," composed by Isaac Watts; "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" and "Christ The Lord is Risen Today." On behaif af the W. A. Mrs. C. Penfound extended a vote of thanks to Mrs. Pickell. Minutes were read by Mrs. C. Fulton. Roll caîl was responded to by 19 mcm- bers and one guest. Mrs. C. Pen- found gave a story on the work of the campaign to build the United Church Training Sehool. Each church on the cir- cuit asked for a committec to take service last Sunday in March xvhich will be devoted to learning more about the Training School. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Crowle o! Oshawa. Mrs. Barber reported on the quiltings and the need for more ladies to hclp. Presbytcry meeting is at Brooklin, April 23 and hope for a good attendance. ?pring tea date is April 3. Lunch eommittec for April meeting is Mrs. E. MeLean, Mrs. C. Robin- son, Mrs. G. Reynolds and Mrs. L. Fisher Decoratîng o! church and kitch- en was diseussed and will be look- ed after later. Mrs. Ceeul Adams and her group are in charge of next meeting. Mrs. W. R. Strike, Bowman- ville, in charge of the work for the blind has suggested a joint meeting of Ebenezer and Cour- tice to share the message from a speaker from the organization for the blind, Toronto, on April 24. Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Somerville. Committee in charge served lunch. On Friday evening the Sunday Sehool and W. A. held a social evening in Courtice United Church which proved very suc- GENERAL REPAIRS AND WELDING SHOP 63 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLIE Wide Experience in Eleclric Welding, Acetylene Welding and Cuiing WELDING and REPAIRS f o:- FARM MACHINERY - ROAD MACHINERY TRUCKS - TRAILERS - TRACTORS MOTOR BLOCKS AND HEADS, CAR BODYS - FRAMES - FENDERS - ETC. GARDEN TOOLS - LAWN MOWERS - ETC. ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK BLUTE PRINT WELDING - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - Your Patronage Appreciated SOpening April 1sf, 1952 Prop. H. G. McCulloch 0 DY MJRI l GOOYFR DEALERS OFFER BEST TIRE BUY 1H 1OWN!19 cessful. Program operied with a the home of Mr. and Mn. E. Mil.- few words from Supt. .E. War- gate to celebrate Mrs. E. Milgate's burton. singing of a hymn, with birthday. also Mrs. C. Shutron. Miss Phyllis Adams at the piano The evening was pleasantly spent and Rev. L. M. Somerville led in in dancing and cards, violin, prayer. Everyone joined in a guitar and mouth organ music. sing-song conducted by Mr. G. Many niee gift were received by Johnson and accompanied by both ladies. Mrs. C. Fulton at the piano. Sr. Sorry to hear Mrs. G. Wilson Class under direction of Mrs. C. has been ill. Hope she wiil be Penfound put on -a very sulent well soon. Mrs. Wilson, Kirk- play after which Mrs. R. Barber field, has been vlsiting ?&. and and son Gordon rendered violin Mrs. G. Wilson. solos. An Irish recitation by__________________ Michael Tooley followed by an accordion selection by Mrs. 'J. MacKenzie. Mrs. C. Fulton f av- ored with a solo, "Mother Ma- chree" and Clifford Barber gave a piano solo. A skit was pre- sented by the Intermediate Class with their teacher, Mr. E. War- burton taking part. Little Janie DeCoe and Patsy Adams gave a duet "Here Cornes Peter Cotton- tail" which everyone enjoyed. Miss Dorothy Barber gave a piano solo with Mr. G. Johnson again favoring with another solo. After fitting remarks of Mr. E. War- burton's long services as Super--____ intendent all joined in singing for 'He's a Jolly Good Fellow." Reei- The Super-Efficient tation was given by Carl Fowler followed by an accordion solo by GILO - NAEIIC Janet Barber; violin solo by Floyd Fowler; Mrs. R. Barber rendered a solo; guitar music by Keith i Ifetn Westlake and Jim Kinsman. Mrs. Herron's class conducted an Irish MKSYU RSN eontest. W. A. committee served MKSVU RSN lunch. HEATING EQUIPMENT Young People's Union of Cour- TINICE AS GOOD tice Circuit met in Ebenezer Church with President Mr. Wm. Down occupying the chair. Miss Shirley Antil and Mr. R. Brooks Saves Vou Money on Vour were in charge of the devotional Fuel Costs on the subjeet of Missions. Mr. W. Workman, LL.C.M., R.M.T., Phone or Consuit Bowmanville. favored with a JACK couple of musical numbers whieh were greatly appreeiated.B G Mr. and Mrs. G, W. Foley and BROUGH M.-s. R. Worden, Bowmanville, PLUMBING - HEATINO vîsited Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkins. Division St. S., Bowmanviile Mr. and Mrs. P. Antil were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. New Phone - Office $15 Carl Bridges, Halloway, Ont. Bouse Phone 2384 On Saturday evening about 25 relatives and friends gathered at Mac's HIAMPTON Mm. and Mrs. Fareweil Black- burn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton and fumily, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn and famîly and Mrs. T. Cowling, Haydon, Mm. Fred Blackburn, Mrs. Nettie Cale, Miss Stella Blackburn, Newcastle, weme guestsa t the home of Mm. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn on Mon- day, the occasion o! Mm. Black- burn's bithday who received many expressions o! good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Foley and Mm. and Mrs. Howard Folcy wemc also visitars at their home on Fiday. Miss Lulu Reynolds with hem brother, Dm. E. Reynolds. Toron- ta, who is ill, he having suffercd a heurt attack. Have Y o u Rcturned Your Pink Envelope? Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morton and Mr. W. E. Morton, New- market, were gucats o! his broth- er. Mm. J. Morton on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gamnet Johnston and daughters have moved into the Wilcox home which they have purchased. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and Willie, Burketon, were Sunday gucats o! Mr. and Mrs. Bert John- son. tMr. and Mrs. McLaggan, Toron. . with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mc- Laggan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk and John were Saturduy evening guesta o! Mm. and Mrs. Fred Part- ner. Mr. Earl Penwarden;' Haydon, with his parents, Mr. and Mra. Wm. Penwurden and vlsited Mr. and Mrs. R. Sim on Sunday. Have Y a u Retumned Your Pink Envelope? Don't forget the social even- ing in the sehool, Friday, March 28. Lunch will be servcd, Sorry ta report the large gas lump and pump was removed fromn the church at week. Any- anc knawing its whereubouts, kindly get7in touch with the trus- tees. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynurd, Tyrone. with Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Gruce. Sorry ta report Mr. Wm. Mus- sellman lisi. The St aiesman Sold Af Following Stores Trull's Store, Courtice. Strong's Store. Port Hope. Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany. Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. T. Enwright's, Newcastle. S. Brown, Newtonville. C. Pethick, Enniskillen. T. M. Slemon, Enniakillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barman, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Bumketon. H. T. Saywell, Blackstock. Keîth Bradley, Pontypool. C. B. Tyrrell, omono. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Lovell, J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, Elgie Hamnden's Handy Store and The Statesmau COffice, Miss Margaret McQueen, one of the Ontario Society for Crippled Childreni's occupational therapists is shown with ýa patient. It is for such work that the Ontario Society for Crippled Children Easter SeaT appeal for funds is being made. "Our Lady of the Snows"' (Ruth K. Daw, Hampton) It was Kipling I believe who wrote that inspiring and beauti- fui poem on Canada, whîch I quote in my title-it goca, in part, like this: "Daughter arn 1, in my mothcr's ho use But mistress in my own. The gates arc mine ta open And the gates arc mine to close But I will abide by my mother's aide Said our Lady of the Snows." Quite recently the Leader o! Hem Majcsty's Loyal Opposition, Mr. George Drcw, raised in the House the question as ta the le- guhity of deleting any single word from an Act which ha become law and maintained thut the re- moving of the word "Dominion" from the British North Americu Act was a case in point. The point wus well taken for us a chain is only as strong as its weakcst link, s0 the power ta alter any word might remove !rom a phrase some key word in its structure aând it would be without meaning. In the quaint aid Loyaliat city by the sca which was my native hcath. there stands in the King's Square a monument, a Statue o! Sir Leanard Tilly, anc a! the Fathers o! Confederation who sut around the Council table in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, on July lat, 1867, and de- liberated upon a name for this Canada o! aura. The sehool children o! my day were early taught a strong love for and loyalty ta the Mother Land. E4ch marning we saluted the flug and declared allegiance ta Kifng and Empire.. Along with the two verses o! the National Anthem we sang thut other verse, written by one Robert Murray in the l9th century: "Our loved Dominion bles With peace and huppinesa From shore to shore And let our Empire be United. loyal, free, Truc to hersel! and Thee For evermore." Includcd in the sehool curric- ulum was the story o! how Sir Leonurd Tilly rcached acrosa the table for the Book of Books and as he turned the pages ut ran- dom had these words catch his eye: "And He shaîl have Dominion from sea to sea and from the waters to the ends o! the earth." What a picture o! Canada it seemcd to deseribe! But as he read the words aloud ta the oth- crs around that table he did fat mean any Sovereign o! any earth- ly empire-a Qucen stili sat upon England's Throne. No, he had in mind a truc Oedication to the King of Kinga and sought for Canada the blessing of the Cre- ator of all. What power have we given to the rnen whom wc have elected to ait in the high places o! Gov- ernment that thcy can swecp away with careleas hand and hearts full o! fear, this mcaning- ful wori" "Dominion?" Realm is a high saunding name. I think anew eaeh timc I recal the words o! William Shakes- peare "This spot of earth. this realm of England," and sa ta Canada the tcrmn is suituble and might well stand, but let us flot remove the word which means sa much in the history of our land but rather, let us rededicate aur- selves and aur country with anc accord, "Lord o! the lands make Canada Thine Own." The C.B.C. deficit for 1950-51 xvas $1,271,874; for 1949-50 h deficit was $243,746.1 Best selection of sizes and prices u~t pur Goodyear dealer's I GOODYEAR MARATHON SUPER-CUSHION- Leading seller in the low-price field. You save from the start! GOODYEAR DELUXE SUPER-CUSHION-Mcdiurn- priced. The famlous tire that has set the standard for ail-round service. Car-makers use more Goodyear Super-Cushions than any other kind. GOODYEAR DOUBLE EAGLE SUPER-CUSHION-The oniv all-nylon cord auto tire-the finest made, bar none. A premniurn tire that gives you the utmost in mileage, safety, comfort and appearance. ALSO: Wide range of sizes and prices of Goodyear tires for older model cars and for imported cars. MORE PEOPLE You pay no more for ail the extras Goodyear builds into tires! Compare and see for yourself. It's a fact-you Pay no more for ail the extra value delivered by Goodyear tires: bigger mileage, greater safety, more comfort. When youü think of it, why should you settle for less? Big trade-in allowadce on new Goodyears! See your Goodyear dealer first-he'll buy the unused rubber in your present tires (and the sooner you see him, the more they're worthî. You'll be pleased at how much you can save on new Goodyears. Find out today, what your Goodyear dealer has to off er. GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY FROM THE DEALER WHO SELLS RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND ! Aylmer Dew Drop Peas - - - Velveeta Sugar Tops Dog Food à 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMffl. BOWMANVMr. ewTAien IWMMAT, MAPMR 27, 1052 qa à nim qq1rm 1

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