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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1952, p. 14

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PAGE YOTJRTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMAKVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARC!! 27, 1952 Ed Youngmnan's Column Each time we have passed Shaw's School, we have thoughl how welI it represented the good, solid type of citizens living in that section. Thus we feit hon- ored when invited to be a guesi at their Home and School Clubs on March 14. The high level of entertainment and the decoruir with which the entire meeting was conducted enhanced our re- gard of those in charge. The soloist rendered numbers witl- which we were familiar and lik- ed. The instrumentalists were thoroughly appreciated. A nice festure was the presentation of a beautiful electnie floor lamp and table to a necently married couple, For those flot dieting, a tasty lunch was available. The last CARTOON IN EONDAY -TUESDAY LONG LIVE - ('~*~**~ ik'~ WFONESDAY - TIHUR! *item on the pnogram was a roi- 300 yards fromn their home, Butch EN TV T~ licking hoedown. was sure she could smell the car E NS IL N]IB According to what we were told brakes burning. When we arriv- during the evening, the H. & S. ed and the host opened the front C.G.I.T. meeting was held at On Thursday evening the W.A. Club filîs a great need, vîz., to doon, we realized what was burn- the home of Eleanon Heard, March held another social evening in hold the folks of Shaw's togethen ing; it was the macaroni and 22, with six members present. the church. Mrs. W. E. Arm- as neighbours. Situated haîf way cheese and the scalloped pota- Meeting was conducted by Ruth strong, Orono, showed saime lovely between Newcastle and Bowman- toes. Both dishes tasted alright Lamb. Devotiônal consisted of pictures of thein trip to Florida. ville, we presume these two plac- in spite of the scorching. Ham hymn. worship by Nanicy Wood The pictunes wene interspersed es could offer plenty of recrea- was served, too, and cut sa thin and prayer. Program was a brief with vocal solos, musical num- tion, club and church activity, to a newspaper could be read talk with pictures by Mrs. R. M. bers, duets and necitations. The 0each individual residing in through it. The tea was sa weak Seymour on her Florida trip. program was followed by a boun- 1Shaw's area, with the result that I huriedly drank mine before the Piano solo by Eleanor Heard; tiful lunch senved by Mrs. Bill t people might tend towards drift- poor stuff collapsed altogether. reading by Lorna Wearn; chapter Wannan and lier group. ing apart, thus losing much of the My wife is on a strict diet, of Mission Study Book by Ruth Onl Friday evening Mr. and 1fun and good fellowship which which prompted our hostess to Lamb. Recreation was directed Mrs. Bill Cochrane entertained 1can be enjoyed by those willing sympathetically enquire if there by Nancy Wood. Mrs. O. C. Ash- Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Lowery, Oro- -to exploit such pivileges. was anything else she could pre- ton had charge of handwork no, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lowery, t O ne thing is sure, judging by pare. So Butch facetiously ask- period when the girls began their Mrs. Bill Reid, Mrs. Annie Pat- ) the large, representative gathen- ed if the hostess had frog legs, work on the guest towels. A de- terson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wan- f ing on hand March 14, Shaw's has to which that lady replied, "No, licious lunch was senved by the nan and Ross. plenty of cornmunity spirit. When I.haven't, it is a touch of rheuma- hostess and hier mother. Next Y o u Returned Your the audience learned that Mrs. tism that makes me walk like meeting at Nancy Woods' on April Pink Envelope? Orville Osborne and I shaned the this." 12, with Shirley Milîs and Carol WeaesrytrpotM.F saine birthday, March 15, they T uc ace ewiigWright in charge. Bnimaome, orr has enrtiMr.F gaeu osn hpy birth- tfh thcace e rtn Service Club met at the home some time, is now in Memonial day to you." We both appreciat- tis. she won't give me fnog legs, of Mns. R. Mitchell with 14 mem-Hoptl owavle ed this kindly. human, thouglit- but nather, bumps on my noggin. bers present. The evening was HsiaBwavle ful act. For us. it wilî alwasb Because, iglit now, she thinks spent in making final arrange- Mns. Perrin is visiting hen something to chenish. wysb I'm painting the south bedroom ments for the dance. Lunch was daughter in Onilhia. Recenty, * *floor. By this time you have sne yMs . ektMs tMn. Angus Watson is painting pnoaby gesed ha M s. Y . ~Gniffin, Mns. W. Gniffin ada his new home at Leskand. of fnendsy we were supper guests wearing hen long-necked spurs, hostess. Next meeting at Mrs. Mrs. Chas. Hanris had a quilt- il f riedsof over 30 years ac- and carrying a riding cnop while L. Weann's, Apnil Ist. ing at her home on Monday b quaintance. When we wene about she is engaged in lien annual Service Club dance was well af tennoon. pastime of putting her poor, hien- ted oMac2.Wnerf pecked husband tlinough the ag- ttended on 2. Win o ony of house cleaning. On sec- teqjtwsM.En nwn ond thought, why should I let lier Watch coming events for the next CAESAREA bully me? By goîîy, l'Il just as- dance. ____ sert my manly self. Ill show hen Have Y o u Returned Your Mn. and Mrs. John Brady, To- wosbs.Pink Envelope? ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed- It will cetainly be laugliable Mn. and Mrs. Milton Samis, Miss ward Sues. to see the look of surprise on hen Elsie Samis, Mr. Donald Samis, Mn. and Mns. Alan Stevens, faewhen I tell ber to go paint Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fer- Jimmie and Bryan, Kendal, at tefloor lierself. Oh, oh, hene guson, Maple Grove; Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. Tom Perigoe's. SO WNMA NVILLE cornes lier ladyship now. Well, Mrs. Ernest Evans, Carol and Mr. and Mrs. E. Skelton have -I was just telling xiiy wife Neil, Mr. and Mns. Donald -Lee, returned to Caesarea after spend- g.the south bedroom floon looks Wayneand Tenny. Oshawa, with ing the winter in Toronto. %YI - MARCH 28- 29 real nice since I painted it; the Mn. and Mrs. Walter Fenguson. Mr. and Mns. Clark Williams othen floors do, too. Mrs. Norman Wright spent a and Phyllis, Cadmus, at Mr. and ~ r--s-~. ~ I ** *day visiting Mrs. IP. A. Tresise, Mns. Tom Perigoe's. UU~ \!J'J4J U.~J!JJ~ Ona ecntvîi t or olsOshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Red Breast On reentvis: t ou foks Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston have returned this week to stay soma at Courtice, we were given a Feb- visited Mr. and Mns. Edwin Or- for the Spring and summer. * OF ruary number of Life magazine. miston, Ebenezer. Have Y ou Retunned Your A *"TuIII. In it we spotted a letter to the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fenguson Pink Envelope? LOAID Editor from a man we met in an and family visited Mn. Harold Mn. and Mrs. Anchie Dysant, Loalwf unusual a t yar ago M Potten. Hampton, and Mr. Ray- Toronto. are visiting their pan- LICI wie ad Ihad uststatedounmond Bottreli, Newcastle. ents. Mn. and Mrs. A. Dysart. lunch in the United Nations' caf- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Millan and fam- eteria, at Lake Success, when a Dorothy and Clarence, at Mr. and ily, Toronto, visiting Mn. and 'dank, handsome stranger, about Mrs. Dan Lamb's, Bowmanville. Mrs. G. Blight and Mn. and Mns. forty years of age, asked to share Mr.Fe WnhtadaiyCMia. TECNICLORoun table. We welcomed hm Maple Grove; Master Bnian How- Mn. and Mrs. Charles Tricker TECHNCOLORIn an exchange of information re- ell visited Mn. and Mns. Edgar entertained friends at a card » P I reganding our racial origin, jobs, Wright. panty Tuesday evening. r - MAR. 31-AP ILi1 religion, domicile, etc., we learn- Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. A number of summer nesidents, ed that oun new acquaintance Earl Trewin on the arrivai of a wene here over the weekend. was of Italian ancestry, had once fine baby boy at Memonial Hos- Mn. and Mns. Fred Frayer and T HE QUEEN been a Roman Catholic, was now pital, Bowmanville. fAshton, Lois Showein Toronto. aBaptist ministen in New Jre. M.and Mrs. 0faC. AsattnndLds thowSportsmonto Laten, that samne afternoon lie and Charles with Mn. and Mns. Miss Jean Bowen and Mn. Arn- JS iIintroduced us to a Bulganian who Gordon Beech, Maple Grove. old Williams visited Mr. and Ms also was a converted R. C. and We welcome Mn. and Mns. G. Thomas Prge PI$ 7 ~now a Baptist parson. And, to Swanfelt wlio have moved to Mn. Miss Louise Johins' many 1<B~~f4.. ... ... cap it ail, lie made us acquainted Kenneth's Graliam's, to our com- friends will be pleased to know with a Polish Jew who had ne-mnt.M.Saetlisbn she is pnogressing favourably but NWnounced the faith of lis fathens, with Mn. Grahiam for sevenal is still in hospital. NWand was now a Baptist ministen months. Miss Edith Bain spent a few - ~ you càn , in the U.S.A. Seeing oun lunch .Mn. and Mrs. Howard Masters, days in Toronto. se. Princess , room friend's letter in "Life' Mr. Ernie Horsley, Bowmanville, Mrs. Clarence Avery 15 recup- Eizabeth and brouglit back liappy memonies of with Mn. and Mrs. Earl Masters.' enating very nicely in liospital a veny unusual expenience. But, Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton and expects to be home shontly. the. Duke of if Morris Hart of Oshawa liadn't and family at Mn. and Mrs. Henry. The weekly euchre of the Bus- Edinburgh punchased the magazine and pass- Stainton's. Tyrone. iness Men's Association was held CLOSE UP ed it on to lis employee, who Mns. Verna Wood, Toronto, with at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Leon- >lnteiis adn't neadth letter to the Edi- Ptic.Aima Perigoe and George Crozier. ton. w would not have leanned Mn. Kennetli Ralim, Tynone, story of hi that the cliap we met at Lake witli Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grif- B A K T C four cf - Success was still alive and still fin. B A K T C Canda 4~' pneaching. Congratulations to Mn. and ____ CanadaThis life, as we know it, is a Mrs. W. J. Bragg (nee June Ash- funny old jig-saw puzzle. But as ton), Providence, on the arrivai Mn. and Mns. Ernest Belyea, the small, odd pieces fit into thein of a baby boy.* Bronte, visited on Sunday with 1 ~ ' iproper places, the picture be- Mrs. Owen Flynn, Margie and lien parents, Mn. and Mrs. Nonm- cornes undenstandable. Wanda, North Hollywood, Calif.; an Mountjoy. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Bow- Miss Mildred Archer, Toronto, mmm m.. w ~manville, at Mn. and Mrs. Lonnie with Mn. and Mrs, Wilbert Arch- .m ~ m uA wife usually doesn't object Lanib' to lienliusband singing, so long Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGilî Reva Mn. Merlin Bailey, Bank of FULLLE GTHas it's lien praises lie sings. and Keithi visited Mn. and Mrs. Commerce staff, Brantford, with F ULL-LENGTH ~Charles Langmaid, Solina.Ms.HBaey TIC ETSMn. and Mrs. Herbent Wriglit Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Trewin FEATUR. TOEEYHRE and family, Toronto, with Mrn. and fail, sh wwihMn. and Air, Rail- o EVrYStEamsip Mrs. Norman Wright. Mss Maocodm Toronto î1t,1c iltx tî ýol ArRai orSta--ipMn. and Mns. John E. Gniffin wthMissNraceManaom. Trno ________________________and family with Mn. and Mns. wthMssFrBaieyGretunedhom JURY &LOVELL ~Lonne Griffin, Purple Hill. Ms rdBie eundhm RADIO U'rM Bowmanvllle M n n egWaigadFriday after spending the winten FAVRIT FAILY 15 Ring St. W.- Phone 778 iickyWinodnsor witl irpa-A Dwo. Mn. and Mrs. W. ents, Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. M.Caec ar omn Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Mville. airMie v Parr on Sun- familv spent the weekend w villda. ilMssEaPronS - So ew! Mn. and Mrs. F. Spny, Victor, N.Y. MisCaa aroToto Mis Clra arlw./orSto Mrs. R. M. Seymour lias netunn- witli Mn. and Mns. Wallace Mar- So Exciting! ed home from holidays at Flor-loW. o udyatnsedn ida. Mrs. Osmond Wright returned yon have to S" 4~it the Week in Toronto with Mn. * and Mrs. G. Faint. She is greatly 0 elieve iL Cptureeaprhn it lC p ueS rn Mn. and Mrs. Jack Marlow. To-1 >y 'jIsainple book Also Available... STOVE DIL of tne nfewcesoie oftenwfor imnproved Photo-Work COAL DIL )YAL Flash Guns - Bulbs FULLENGTL unFilms - Sîlde Bindes ULL- LEN 'GW1H Projectors - Etc. - We Deliver - FEATURE Jury & LoTeucks tie ttacio -SEMI-TRIMMEDPon78Bwmvil To Serve You CrS OP[NN oUs& ron WALLPAPERS 1 hnJ7 Bumnil J. H. Abernethy BOB STGCKER'S 1 çT Paint & Wallpaper GRG Storey7~i PHONE 804 85 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 431___________ on Friday nigît and it was great- ly enjoyed. On Satunday evenîng tlie sec- ond annual O.N.O. Chub's "Hus- band Niglit" was a fine success in the Community Hall witli a lange attendance. Donotliy Venning and Noneen Malcolm wene in charge of the recreation. Court Whist was played finst with Gladys Trewin and Harold -Kyte winning the prizes. Consolation prizes went to Eleanon Werry and John Venning. Aften that group relays and a Honeymoon Tnip by two couples provided a lot of lauglis. A bountiful lunch was served, concluding a very enjoy- able evening. A combined quilting and meet- ing of the W. A. of St. John's Churdli was held at the home of Mns. Wm. Van Camp on Mardli 20. Mrs. Nicholson was in change of the devotional and led in the members' prayer. A ven, inter- esting clapten of the Study Book was taken by Mrs. W. Van Camp. The President neported that Mrs. Langfeld lad contacted the truck- en about the paper drive and that lie would lie around soon. It was decided to purchase two dozen more sugar sacks to be made into something saleable for the ba- zaan. As a means towards mak- ing money for the furnishing of the new panish hall it was voted that each memben invest $1.00 in some working plan, the profits to be handed in at the May mneet- ing. Mns. McArthur and Mrs. Harold Crawford offered their homes. the former for the quilt- ing of a quilt donated by Mrs. H. Hall and the latter for the Apnil meeting. Interesting items fnom the monthly bulletin wene nead hy the Sec'y. The quilt required for the Indian Boy Outfit was finished and lunch senved. If this indelible, kiss-proof lip- stick is ail they say it is, it may mean the disappearance of the manked man. S.S. No. 9, Clarke (Intended for hast week) Mn. and Mrs. Art Nicol, Baptiste Lake; Mn. John Fisk. Bannie, with Mn. and Mns. Chas. Fisk. Mn. and Mrs. W. Brunt and Donna, with Mn. and Mns. Bill Gordon, Newtonville, on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Dooley and family, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. Austin Turner. About 20 ladies gatherr'tl at thc home of Mrs. Bill Allin on Satur- day evening to showen a bride-to- be, Miss Reta Gibson. Reta was escorted to an arm cliair with deconations ovenhead including a confetti-filled balloon w h i c h sliowened lien during the evening. Misses Betty Brandi and Rose- mary Gibson carried in a decor- ated basket of gifts and placed it before the bride. After opening the many useful things Reta thank egI everyone and invited ahl to visit them in thein home at Osh- awa. Included in the gifts wvcre I. RIB ROAST lb 59)Ç MINCED DEEF Extra Lean lb -4qç SPARE RIRS Choice mealy lb 29) Puritan BAKED BEANS Purity Chocolate or White CAKE MIXES S i rriff's LUSHUS Heinz KETCHUP Fancy Sockeye SALMON Ready Cut Macaroni CREAMETTES Catelli Cooked SPAGHETTI Zif Sultana Peanut BUTTER Dole Fruit COCKTAIL 2 Quick or Regular OATS QUAKER 48 A Meal for Four KRAFT DINNER Del Maz Cream Style CORni iar a5c pkg 27c 3 pkgs 29c 13-or btl 28c 1/2,s fin 43c B-oz pkg 10c 15-oz tins 25SC 9-or jar 19C 20-oz fin 29C 8.oz plcg 33C 2 pkgs 29c 15-or lins 29C REAL LOW PRICE - BUY AND SAVE Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 4 for 4j5Ç 47 Walton St. a pair of Ibex shoots from theï Ladies' Club and a satin cushion from No. 9 Home and Scliool. Two contests wene conducted and a lovely lunch senved. Miss Betty Allin, Peterboro4i with lier parents, Mn. a.n4~~ Erwin Allin. Mrs. Bill Barcliard and Loisi spent Thunsday with Mns. Donald Budd at Dale. Mn. and Mns. Austin Turner and Helen visited Mrs. Cowan,. Orono. Home and School Club met at the sdliooh Tuesday evening. Aft- en a short business period pictures were shown. and lunch served. Next meeting of No. 9 Home and School will be held Apnil 10. Commnittee in change lias been veny fortunate in securing j Margaret Goad to show let~ and speak. Miss Goad is anIN change teacher from England. In, securing this fine speaker it is lioped evenyone, especially the parents, will make a special ef- fort to corne out and show a ittle more interest than lias been shown the past few meeting. PORT HOPE Phone 3060 lb 59C lb 39c 16 0£ý i C KEN 1b 85C lb 25Sc 14-or tin 19c 215-or tins 19C 15-or tin 19c pkg 19C 20-or in 19c 3 5-or tins 19c 6'/s-oz fin 19C CHRISTIES RITZ 8-o pkg l9c Monarch PIE CRUST MIX pkg 34c Jell o Lemon PIE FILLER 3 pkgs 29C McCormick's Cream-Fited Attorted ]BISCUITS 1-lb colla bag 29C Velveeta ]KRA"T CHEEISE '/a-lb pkg 31c Cowvan's Fresh Candy MAPLE DUDS 4-oagl9c A'nn 1Paye -21paJà MILK BREAD WHITE or BROWN SLICED 24-or bloef15c 2 foj~ LNSLICED 24-or of 4 No ~ GJJSTOM GRÔUND 0pkgs29 O A 2çorl19C *a 39C CO0VVrEt~ Cp - CALI tIîNNERS " b6 I 4,.. I Our Port Hope Representative for. SINGER SEWING MACHINE cou wil1 be in Bowmanville Tues. and Wed. each week It is our desire to give our custoniers even better service than ever before, for service, repairs or en- quiries about new machines, cali our Port Hope store and reverse the charges. SINGER SEWING CENTRE Bonetest VEAL ROAST Chaice Sliced BREAKFAST BACON Silve rbrighlt SALMON STEAKS MJLK FED GRADE "A" CUT-UP OP~ LEGCS & DBREASTS WINGS lb 59c BACKS Populau Brande Habitant KfUI PEF SOUP A&P Cliaice ','itted RED CHERRIES Aunt Jemima PANlrCAKE FLOUE Aylmer TOMATO, SOUP Ann Page, Boston Style ]BARE=DEANS Southern Cross Flaked TUIVA FISH Trasty Fresh1 * ?,ARD~U, ~'~~* -Prices In Effect Until V Saturday, March 29th THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOTMANVMLE, ONTARIO_ PAGE TOURTEM THURSDAY, MARCK 27, 1952

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