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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1952, p. 1

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hde~iu~rn lTi "Durham Count'v's Grèat Familv Journal" OLTTIur o*M ..a.,a- A. t, * '-JJ-iVJÂYLL:15 Speaker Voices Views of Teenagers "nu Timely Thought-Provoking Talk *I Regular Meeting of Lions Club "Contrary te popular belief, Most Canadian teenagers have a fairly good opinion of their par- ents," Rev. F. K. Malane, Parish Priest of St. Joseph's Cburcb, Bowmanville, stated in an address delivered Monday evening at the Lions Club dinner meeting held in the Community Centre. Me said most of the friction between parents and chiidren can be attributed to the fact that parents tend to use equipmcnt and manncrisms that are at least two generations nId. "Much lias changed since you %vere young- sters," Father Malane toid Lions. Me mentioned living conditions. enviroriment, opportunities 0o f work and political views in this con nect ion. Modern chiidrcn waîît parents wbo can enjový a good many of tbe things in whicli tbey are in- terested. Tbey want parents wbo can take time out to laugb at small jokes and mishaps even wben tbey are in a burry: tbey want Parents who are able to keep up witb their interests and their way of tbinking. Makes Local Debut. In makiîîg bis local debut as an after dinner speaker, Fatber Malane endeared bimself to many Lions by the forceful arguments he presented wbcn voicing the views of teenagers. He proved himseif a sound champion, and raised a bost of undebatable points aimed at furtbering the under- standing between par~ents and their chidren. The speaker was introduced by Lion Joe Cooper. Commenting on tbe change in child.interest from the time wben Dad was a boy, Father Malane pointed to the present day pop- ularity of comic books. "When you were young, you roamed the woods with Kipling, sailed the higb seas with Joseph Conrad, and explored treasure chests filled with gold in company with Robert Louis Stevenson," he said. Today, the comic book bas sup- planteci the classies of yesterday, in the estimation of the speaker. He pointed out that there are 12' comic books now being published and estimated that 75 per cent of a childs reading time is spent with them. The Chicago News investigated 108 of these comic. books and found that 70 werent0 worthY of publication. In o rder to combat the growing influence of the comic book, the (Continued on Page Seven) Messenger Boy HitbyTruck at Post Office Cre Maurice Stevens. 18. sufiered a severely bruised leg as a resuit of a collision with a slow-nîoving truck at the Post Office Corner early this week. Office boy ai. the Goodyear, pedestrian Stevens was crossing King St. from the Agricultural Office corner when struck by a truck driven by Don Plain. Fortunately, the truck was stili in low gear and travelling slowlY as it made a left turn fromi th e Post Office onto King St. The bpeed Boat Fiends injured youth was struck by theEec Ex utv a d right front bumper and fendcr. 'lc xctv n He was rushed t Dr. Keith Sic- Plan for Regatta mon's office byth truck driver,____ but apparently refused to go into Fifteen members of the Bov the office. According to driver manville Boating Association a Plain, he dropped the Goodyearteddhecbsinurame employee off at -the Post O ffice ed tecu*ingrame ing in the Union Hall, Sunda, again. Me carried on with bis Marcb 23. work. M Bert Young Appointed Manager 0f Walker Store Branch Here ji like small placesrand 1 lîke in the dry goods business. An AýJe lbert "Bert Young, affable gentleman, tlîe new marn- manager cf the Walker ager says lie is a quiet livinîg man. to.res, Bowmanvilie, told The Me was informed cf lus new job Statesman in a receni. interview. at 11:30 a.m. Moîîday morning; "In a smail place you get te know be was in Bowmanviile on Tues- people," he said. day. While in Sarnia, Mr. Young With the Walker Stores in was manager cf the Mouse Fur- Sarnia for nine years, Mr. Young nisbing Dept. will officialiy take over man- Altbougb born in Napanee, Mr. agerial dues here on Monday, Young moved te Port Coîborne Mardi 31. Me succeeds Andrew with bis parents when a youngst- Oýr who bas been manager cf the er. Here be was educated, and lid _Walker Stores for over twc wben lie reacbed Young manhood 37Nfs. went into the dry goods business The effervescent "Andy" Orr in the emplo1' cf the late L. E. J. plans te sever ahl connection wîth Hopkins. Me left this firm te the dry goods field when he leaves join the Walker dStores organiz- Bowmanvilie. After April 1, he ation ie years ago aîd lias since will be the lessec cf an lm- been with the Sarnia store xvhich - perial Oil Service Station at the is six times tbe size cf the local corner cf Dundas and Pinnacle branch. Streets iii Belleville. "I've always House Wanted iiad a mechanical mind,* said the Big problem Iaced by the new m»an who recentîs' won $2.5 in a manager at the presenit time is province-wide individual window accommodation in Bownuanviile display competitioii. for bis wife and bis five-year-old Regrets Leaving daugbter. Patricia Ann. Whiie Mr. Orr joined the Walker living iin Port Coiborne Mr. Younîg Stores over four years ago xvhen was a member cf the 100.OF. he arrived in Canada froni Glas- The Statesmnan jois \itb nîy gow, Scotiand. "*We deeply re- residemîts cf Bowmanx'iile district gret ieaving the Walker Stores iA bidding 'Andy" Orr goodbye and ail ou.r old friends iii Bow- anîd in welcoming bis successor. manville,*" ho said. Mis wife and "Bert" Young, to toxvî. We wish children, Lillian, 8, aîîd Ronnie, the iîew Walker Stores mianager 6, mill romain in Bowmanville un- contînued siecess aîîd sincemely til accommodation is available in hope ho will corne te love Bow- Belleville. manville as ive do. The reiiing stor'e mnager %was In departing, Mr. Orr said of L ~i ,, )- dLAla l h11, i , ' I,, sor, "Bert" Young, who brings to Bowmianville 30 ',ears' experience W. D. Robbins, Ex- Former Durham C A wellknown Durham Coitv Boy ind Mayor of Toronto ini 1936 and 1 937, Williami D. Rohbins died Mardi 25 at bis Toronto home. He had been in 111 health for some time. Mr. Robbins was a controller ini 1936 wben Mayor Samuel Me- Bride died. and he wvas appoint- ed mayor for the balance of the terni. In 193î lie w'as elected inayor. He served in civic poli- tics for 19 years. He %vas first elected an alder- manl for Ward 1 in 1912, a pos- ition Nvhich lic hield for seven years. Mr. Robbins, born in England in185 cam-e 10 Canada with hîs parents in his youth. The fam- ily settlcd at Enniskallen in Dur- hiani County and lie receix ed lus education at Bo-manivillc Hîgh ÇWhool. In 1895 he camne to To- Mis first job was that of a streetcar conductor. He later be- came secretarv of the Street Rail- wav Emplovees' Union. and did rnuch 10 enable the emploY ces tu wvîn sLîcess in their battles ,vith the (foionto Rail\%va\ for improv- eraWorking conditions and in- cremi, -d wage'-. Active For (ity During lis ears iin public of- fice, Mr. Robbins took an active part in bringing about many pub- lic improvements, inlu ding the civic car lines. Me %vas alwavs an econornist wben civic exPenses x econ- cerned, and attempted tu keep the U.LVJ.DLIX Memorial Hospital, BowmanvillHld istAna Meeting Lt at- et, Thue 1952 menîbership fee was set at $3.00, the same as last year, and altbougb regatta plans were broacbed, it was decided to bold furtber discussion over until tlie next B.B.A. meeting on April 20.1 The club expeets to hol d a Re- gatta toward the end of June or early in July. A committce wili be set up at the nexi. meeting to mastermind the affair. The club is also contemplatiîîç the purchase cf property on thu East Beach te be iised as a club bouse. Two properties are being considered ai. the present time but furilier details will flot bo avail- able until an investigating com- mittee submits a report.. Executive on Hand President Ken Meoper eccupied the chair. Other oxecutive merni- bers in attendance were: vice- prcsideîît, Russell Malîmamu: sec- retary. Bill Kiipatrick, and treas- urer, Jim Thompsoîî. Members of the- club are pîres- cntly sellîing tickets on a bicycle drav xvhich will be macle duî-îng April. Proceods wiIi belp meet clu.b expenses îutil mombership focs star. rolliîîg iii. Should anvone desire te be-ý corne a membor cf the B.B.A.. lie max' contact any one cf theo mcmn- bersluip committce: Clîai-maiî, Lorîîo McQuarrie: RussellI 1lall- manî and John Adair. The club hopes te inecase tlue îuenibesi over tlie record 38 iîenîer i 1951. Easter Seal Fund Reaches Over $ 1,300 Much More Needed Hospital Superintendent's Report Shows 1,256 Patients Admitted 330 Babies Born - 770 Operations ln submitting the Hospital Sup- 'very appreciative of the co-oper- crin tendent's report ai. the annual ation of the Board of Governors, meeting of the Memorial Hobs- Medical and hospital staff. With pital Board hceld in the Couneil the continued co-operation we can Chamber, Thursday, Miss Mae liope for greater progress in the I Hilditch, R.N., submitted the fol- future. he histreory Bwmnil I also wish to extend my ap- n dh istorheye ar 195 baspreciation to Bowmanviile and anddisric th yer 151 iasDistrict Organizations, Service been an important one. Clubs andi private citizens for Alter years of liard labor and their donations of money and rew4rded in the satisfaction cf, You" to the Hospital Auxiliary for having a hospital. ivell equipped,1thi irigefrsi up second to none of its size in al !ing lr un, iriefs in uplyan Ontario. ýdoing sewing, which ik ail an es- After a short terni as Super- i intendent of your- hospital I am' (Continued on Page Seven) History of the Dr* Barnardo Homes Told St. Paul's Club by One of Boys Soiiîe iîîterestiîîg fadas coîîcern- Tiiere ar'e noxv 70 sclîools and in- ing the Dm. Barnardo Homîes in stitutiomis iii tle Barmiardo organ- the British Isies wore gix-en by ization wvhich receive finaîîcial aid Reginald Coombes cf the Ontario froni loyal fricuids. Tlhe Homes Train ing Sciîool for Boys staff, xvere ai. firsi. for boys only, bu.t at a meeting cf St. Paul*s Meii's lator on a girls' inîstitution was Club on Fridav ex'eniig. March aise beguîî. 21, iin the Suiîday School rooni. Iîudepeîîcec, cleaîîliness aîud Donald Lawson, prosident, xvas in iîîdustry xvcro taUght iin the home the chair. iin xhich Mr. Coonîbes xvas Mr. Cooiiîbes, hiîîîself a Barnar- brouglt tîp. At tlie age cf five do boy who cameo 1 Canada at the the boysxvei-e oxpeci.ed te do age cf 14, aîîd ai. prosent occupyv- sucli choies as rmaking their oxvn ing tlie position cf herdsrnan at beds. etv. At tlhe ageocf îîine thie Traininig School, xxas iutro- oppertuîîtics xverc given 10 the cluccd by felloxv staff mcnîbei-, boys te bearri a trade sucli as Donîald H-. 'Williams. After cern- slîcenakiîug, tailoring, office xverk in, te Canîada, xvheîre bis three aîud so on. A lîiglîlight cf lifo in oldeîr brothers lîad already local- the home xxas the anîmual x isit of cd. Mi-. Coonîbes woîrked on vai--,.Ike Royal Farnil v. nous famnus iii ibis district. During' At 14. Mr. Ceonîbes was en- World War Il lie serx'od slx *ycvars1Icotîraged te take up mîîîing, but iii the R.C.A.F. He rnarried a lhus hrec bretlîers lîad already Boxvrinanx'ille girl, Miss Rachellcorne tc Canîada and Reg. natur- liiin sIuccessUI . 1,Il ev CuUUIIIt I i iJOOr iv. ally \xated -1o0-join- hen i. _Tl'l have sent a nicer, nuo>re capable Pinuk is a rallier attractive MCCoole-wsopiaic i.rfmlvhv Ildn 1l ur iman ilian Mr. Younig." or. It catches the ove. That'5 birth, Ilis,îîotber dying a few i and have îievem regrettod coming -vlythe Easteir Seals Camrpaign o lcrs afteîr lie %vas homo, aîîd lis Ite Canada te make their home. prescntly uiderwvav is sonuctinues father haxing diod the sanlie day Approximali 60,000 boys xvhc M a o0f o o t refcr-cd 1 as -The Pinîk Eîuvel- of a plague xvhiclihi Wales in asdtruhBnroHme -Mayor of Toront ~ope Canupaigîi." 1914an asdagetmr\-hvcoet C aa.Ts bY *The Rotar- Club is ini dire îueed deaths. On the sarne street, 62 arc happy te seîud xhat fiuaîîcîa] ountu K~1fl~fl lof fuiids ho lelp Crippled Chlild-jIout of 85 resideîuts died in the luelp thev can back to tlîe Homes 1ony R sd n ren. If' voci havent senut *\oui- Pinîk elidrnic. in Brihainî b assisi. others iii the Eiuxelopc lu The' Banîk of Mcoit- Dr. Bar'îauîdo w'as a îîîîvsiciaîî sanie situationi as they' once were. butcci as low as possible, with- rc'aI, e I. xlxîo il iuoxv.;un aîîtlioi-aîd a gocd Chirist ian Mm1 . Coîuubes xvas fittiîigly eut aiiyunnîecessary frilîs. You have ' our Pinuk Eux clope miuîî lio believeci the teaclîîngs thlaîked Ily Presideîît Donald liaîdv, se xx ly not get up rîghitcf lis Bible and trieci ho carry Laxvsci. A siîîg-song wvith D.R. Mr. Rcbbius \was a iuieiuiber of nooxv and put «ycur donation ini- thenu ut. Me dcx oted lis life Morrison ai. the pianîo, \vas much Ulster Masoîîic Lodge and St. sîdo aîîd gîx'e it to cce cf tlue te aidiîug ifortuiiatec clildren, and the oveîuiîg closed Patrick Chapter. the Orange Notiliugstelrs te mail. Thee uttle starting bis firsi. homne for Iluese xitlî refreshments aîud a social BoyneLLO.L., the Lions Club and vou gîxo îuighi. be *ust eiicugh te waifs in an nId donkev slied.' iimc. thue Durham Counutyý Club. H-e buv that. braco soîuue veuîug Cao- was also a niember of Withroxv adiaîu neecîs before lue eaîuxva 1k Park Bowlinug Club, aîîd a dirmcct- agaiîu. ~A .I~~ orofth Pblc ibarv oad. So[r. S1,3001lbas tuecîrturncd £AIRIins men ABBica I ce CVUIIIIaig the Childen«k i Sciety ad the iSn\*fagencue~s people i B ow-ats D n ton o D te $ , Board cf Massex' Hall, ho 1949 lue îîîatîîvîîîe aîud district. Bcî ut11 and lis wife celebrated their isîecdecl. A one dollar bil il1R p rsD n to sI ae$ ,2 golden w'edding aîunixersar.v. lue pîcnt.v: twe dollars Mwcul1d ho fie, if yeui caîî spare lxvo dollars, Aiîotluer $6010 cash anud $30 in sage foi' tle'.e people \vho have Even dooatiog 50 cenls iiieaius pledges xvcre i.lis xveek addcd 10 xci 10 be conîactdîoeWo'Illho tine foU r siu ellin oxx ~nwtii, the sxvlling Kinsmen Club Arti- knoeing ai. xour door prettv fin fi-sone elow andin. ficial Ice Ai ii C. About ceie- socen. Ploase help us help eith- A lot cf lîlîle bricks are used in quarter of the residents of toxx'iî foýrs." buicilding~ a heuse. and bx the saîielhave vet te be ccîtacted. token. a lot cf lI 11e penfft seîid- T-efiauilpc ieledt iug iin Iluir ltle doiîatio nis c-ari rnsng irtKis.nT g a -- uîhd a slrong lioiise cf dollars S3.3-15: seond 'Cali \a-S$63t'; tag R ai~ o for Crîoplcd Chuldren. day $150; iuox' pieviousIv R aie $150Fo raised-S3,300. Total-$7d25. Just riiilIeF n i Maternity Ward 3,573. to go. A iiumber of citîzeî.s xvere oct Satumrdav Tag Day sponsored At New Hospital home ox'oings xvherl canvassers bv Bo\%mnan%-llîoKinsmeo Club Registers 16 Babies hae areadx' brought their dona- artifiil 'ic f'î tîîîîs t0thue' thrce uphuwiî receiv- Unfor-tutiatelv%, the avscl F',)i lue thîrsi.tiuuo ie ccj iluliiî- iiug cenutres. aîid rnxpeuple wlo xxould or- tila l oors were officialIlv opeîed Foi' the ifoiiiual un cf or lîî'ierdiiuarilx' have becu pleascid 1<o buv iin Augusi, 1951, i lue îuatern ty r penNPe wishiiug le doîuate ti cîr a I ag w\ere kept indouî's. Mou-- W xard ai. Meicrial Hospital. Boxx':- rnoiiev iii this cuoveîîîcît druop- exor. thue Kinsoien Club iîîieîîds i îîaîîxille, was full. off wVay, the following stores w-ili offeriiig these people anotber op- Sixteeîî beaming niothers xvîthî xillingly take your donationi and pcrtunîtx' next faîl. their 16 bundles of jo.v oceupied give *you roceipts for income tax The $150 added te the $3.325 the east wing of tie îie-, build- purposes. Laiuder's Hardware collected by door-to-dor canx-ass ing earlior Iluis w'eok. The 16 Store. WKeber Fabrie Cenître. and on Moiudav' and Tuesdaxv cf lasi iclal divides rn'.o ninuî box s ai-icliHoopors .Je- eîm & Gîft Shop. w oek. s\vells the week's cullec- WM. D. ROBBLNS àcven girls. The Kiismen Club lias a mes- lion tu $3.475. Scout Paper Drive Held Saturday Realized $93.15 Low Raie Charged Indigent Patients Causes Deficit ai Memorial Hospital Tbanks to Mrs. Mousewife, the i WU flew A'emiie[ Boy Scout paper drive was agaîn a success. The drive was held Memorial Hospital, Bow,%man- Saturday afternoon. ville, operated at a deficit of $5,- According to Scout Treasurer 772.44 in 1951, according to the Sidney Venton. 31,0)50 ibs. Of financiai report submitted by paper were collected realizing a Treasurer Ray Dilling ai. the an- total of $93.15. He said the price nual Hospital Board meeting beid brouglît by scrap paper lias in tbe Council Chamber Tbursday dropped considerably since the eveîîing. last drive two montbs ago. "If the provincial governinient Maîîy merchants generously do- liad 'raised tbe paymeîît for idi- nated their trucks to help Scouts gent patients we would îîot have and Cubs iii the paper pick-up, bad a deficit," Mr. Dilliîîg told and to tliese people the Scout As- the Board. so'ciation says, 'Tbaîîk You." Inidigent patients spent a total of 1,013 days in liospital ai. a cosi. of 39.17 per day. The govern- Presden Elct nent pays $3 per indigenît patient Gane B Rckrd day. If actual cost had been Garn t B Ricard paid. the $6 per day differeîîce Holds Many Offices would easii.v have cleared tbe. $5,- 772.44 deficit. Gai-et B Rieard as nmed Only one private cjtizen. Rev. Garet . Rckad ws nmedWarren N. Tur-ner, St. John'îs Aîg- presideîît-eiect of the Bowman- licaîî Circl, attended tbe annual ville Rotai-y Club at the Club's meig hscnb oeia Fridy lucheo hel in he al-a increase of une over attend- moral Motel. He 'will succeedi ance at last yeai-s meetinîg, president Dave Higgon. July Iý . Directors for 1952-53 will be Increased Revenue Walter Reynolds, Keith Jackson, Hospital revenue was up $29,- Forbes Heyland, Morie'y Van- 242.77 over 19.50, but expeiîdi- stone. O. F. Robson and Wm. G. tures increased S33,213.51. as mdi- Jamcs. lmmediate pasi. presi-, cated by the financial stateîiîent dent Dave Higgon will also be a appearing elsewbei-e in hiîs nowvs- member of this panel. paper. Total expeîîditure in 1951 The popular pîesideîît-eleet lias was $91,453.75 with revenue list- been a meinber of Rotary foi. cd at $8à,681.30. more than fixe years, anîd lias had Some S42,596.54 is Ftill owed contracting conipanies for woî'k in connectioni xith tlie construc- tien of the hospital. aîîd the suni of $1.646.21 is owed H. J1. Smiîth, the architeet. Up to Mari-e 20, 19.51, thie outstaiîdiîîg debtis $39.1539.28. It is expected iliat Ibis debt) xill lie liqu idaied bY Ille sale u)f rs Liecien i0 DGdflI »ianîd, thie old bospital building, and private donations. When tbe Planning Board approves the new housiuig sub-division around the oid hospital, the Board will be in 1a position to gi\'e the M. Powell Chemical Company a deed for the old building and collec. the $12,- 500 stili owed on the purchase. Fu.rtber revenue cf $10.000 is expected from tlîe sale cf 20 lots 50'x]00' wlîei Planning Board ap- proval is received. Another $5,- 0)00 wiil be given the bospital by Dariîgtoîî Township as the third pavnient cf a $15,000i pledge made when the hospital xvas canvassing for fuîîds. Total expected revenue is esti- mated at $27,500, soîne $11,659.28 short cf tbe amount requirod to liquidate the $39,1.59.28 dehi. How-ever, xvhen the truc amounit is knowvn. b. is expectcd Iliat priv- aie donat'ons xviii write off the balance. Constitutional Change Anl important constitutional arnondîiieîitxvas nmade ai. the Tbursda '- meeting, prcsented by oe O'Neill, who bas bceîî a mcmi- ber cf the Board for oxer 20 y-eaî-s. 1-lencef'orîli. the pîesidîîîg officer cf aîîv1 organization fliat lias cloîated over $111 or furnish- cd a roon in Meniorial Ilospital xviii he entitlcd te a vote in eleet- iîîg tie Board cf Directors. Sim- ilarx'. aiiv ratepayer in hIe mu- nîicipalîties cf Bnwmnîville. Dam- lingtoîî Township, Clarke, Town- slhip andc Newvcastle will be en. itled Io a vote. Annual grants bv Ihose niunicipalitics will lie (Continued* on Page Seven) Women's Hospital Auxiliary Report Covers Many Useful Activities Shows Receipts of Over $5,000 Mrs. Morlev.,Vaîusrtoiue. Pî'csi- unr expeucih ires amounted te denît cf the Wniuoi's Acxiliai' cf r8261 xxhich left ris a lualamuce h le lleiioialHosîîîlBox'iua1î of $2027.56 tIcistar. eut the new e ville, preseîuted an iiutooter Iiug n- 1vie port c<î emi iug 1951 opei'at rois oifl -* ____________________________ iecgîrzîurui r aiul Dirriing 1951 xve or chuasoc 610h Thuursda'v in Illo CouricîilChiarn-! into, tppici"< 10 ilûi. patients' Giarnet E. Rickard ber. Theeort foîloxtrugijwc9 Otablc'ilutlis, 3 duz. Opera- We'lhaxe a oeuh'isip<f 15 liif)Ruiiiini ps raind govv'nz 'l doz.. 1lonug aîd x'alcrahhe expericuce ciOn!anudî îeîd 10 riegriîrr neîiusaiuc ' llo 'v slips: 201 pr.shiec's: a 79- the exocutîveocf many other erg- 14 special meetlinigs dclii n îg tIi set of cisst cmfoi- he nîurses' aîuizatioîîs. iyer.esidec; ui-rirtarus J'f-i'the inurses' Mm. Rickard xvii I eho he fiurst 1 Tx'o of o uor, h iers it lire, di ing-roiniii h' hiellis diing- 1-1Ira prsidntto hold the lion - isu pern uî îidentich mont Il tu i roin anid oui auixiîrai-v m oonu in rral fce pr oesîdonut t Ilei iexx Irspitl; huow Is doublhe ocui'd fie sîc o'us ad tchivohlerr inî1945-4a6id11 ' -s imibe lrs: s a um;k îîr ç': salI.s cîccupieel fl e rca i- ii1454. e 1eîî lo*rxx 1ua.'h alt<.aid pî.ppfors .di îo i;41 doz. Mas IVie Expere.cenbFebriuarv ast \cri r xke sîrili ga s ail Itle d ishes aîid a Darlington Townuship Corîncil- sou-ed a ireî.'îahgîveîu 1w )vMm. Ra\-ow xancr i i uI e o i lorlieis lsoWorsiuipful Master 'Dudlei, andclassisled 1w' Miss Ohi' c , hsptl ostrfi h c1 f Dcurham Lodge, A.F. & A.M.,I Rankineo. Becanise of Ilueir mer)- iurus'ciliing-i'ociiu a sew.xiuîg Newc'<ast.le. and a member cf the . erosity in tbc'r si' i îaî'uinie, nid t he i cfigc'rator for adx'isorx' board lu the Ontario Ag- ',ve w'tomeable lu meah 70 $7î[11l0. ithe d<t tkitchen. iC'uutumIal Cellege ut Guelph. Mr. Th(- Rotar.v ('lii) SeIIi oiMr-. O -AxIl "n o1 R Riekard is ou tIre huard of direct- jLeur s .1. Ah hum, amsdea18r oui ors cf 1he Ouîtaruu Federatioroucf triioîl fam.frri idtepil <ix'co'.<rs..Io O'R. sheel1s; 8 Agric'ultic as a represonlatîxeo <f lrrainlafisfo ianthi.Rcve:'0sre oes;3 roccîpîs for Ibis weî'c SI.33... OR 'xes21sîcrcun::4 thue Ci-nti) I prox'erooit Associa- i Ouîr atunua] hirîlidax ar':n ' niaIttmess covers: 1-2 baby,, blankets; tien. anrd lue is pmeseiitlx'ait eider lield iii Mamch at whi exxora îsed ri eit rsfrihele i'mu iii Newvcastle Unitedl Chîurch. 1.$283a505(. - c uidP1 ilo12'chilen 49shpnts- Ceresore Farius on the south A hatudzoie purse ,v'as doîuated i 1 ae. 2ch*"pspnu side of No. 2 Highxxay about two te us bv Mnz. FredBcx.u on uuuoiia laiketz; 14 ice hotîle cov- miles east cf Bowrnanville us oxxn- x'.'ich e soid tickets and raisodeus 6'liudm:80dc tw cd and cperaied bv the presîdent- S 10r)3. ,5. and 62 lea toxcs. elect. Mr. Bic-kârd aIseoxx'uus The Lionrs Chili vcrx' geiio s- TIhank l'ou anc operates a Seed Cleauiug ld%. aîe $120.251.he pit'.h At Iiii s t ire we wxould !ike tn Plant xxhei'elho alto sel laisîci - muui<uic ofgh th eir Mn sti l, , i liank \-ocri ve~, veuyl'y uuh*' ed seed. Show le ri. î o ail tlo.e xxho liiaxe made Ibis Son of Mrç-5. Wi. .1. S. Rickard SurressfuI First Bazaar 1(Io'epî asil(]<lalto luIoluose anud the laie, Mm1. Rickachtht n W e wdorfltbza s1 laeý.(rel[rtehsia Rotarv Presideuît is rnamried te ' ul i îru jzn aIvii i'e"oke ur1whsia the formuem Aîînabelle Hieîidm Juuîe'and -a.edS163t.'6 anrd ~andclx'hose uiarnes are îlot iiiOi- Tic'. haxve three chîhdren: James, utushto ho air auunual affaîr hîcîci tioiuedbec.W uuoital 8, Donald, 6, and Walter. 4. ouithueelai. Tbursdav ii Jouile. Our Ihîcv huax e doune for' us. Tlîank bridge part'. in Noveinhor gave ïou. us anoiber $1443315anc w'ith cdona- Total incornmp$.20l Bus' and tise Easîem Seals te tien5s fmom Mrs. 'J. Mý H. .Jrîrx Expendiumes ~ 3126 h-l p Cmîpplcd Ch ldmen inii West aronoliigIn' ()o42>> uir ttl Durbam. lincomne for the ý car was 32.U Balaiiet -- --$2,027,56 m 71, PRP COPV 9 BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. MARCH 9-7th- 1q52

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