'ZK~R8DA'Y', APRIL l7th. 1~52 'I'I~W rAVA1ITAM ~'1~A 1'~RA7'.T 'Rr~WIRA'M¶mY~P ~Y'flA eP~ - -- k.> >**' Y .AaJ.afl3 '.> ~ FAC~E FIFVEEP~ CARDS 0FTHApaSreLnNs, Mr. and Mrs.Whitby President Manythans toeverbadyforMr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson ~0wrs cadsandkidnesr Deepest sympatby is extended and Elaine, Mrs. Nei Werry and 5 ndurngniy~îess t Mrs. Wes Yellawlees and fam- Carol Anne spent Good Friday ily an the death of her mother, in Beaverton with Mr. and Mrs. Merin ounjay 161*Mrs. S. Chas. Allun, Bowmanville. James Thompson. I wish to express my sncere Women's Institute meeting was Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow , thanks to relatives, friends and held Thursday atternoon with Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- neighbors for flowers and carda president Mrs. Isaac Hardy in the lace Marlaw and Mr. and Mrs. « sent me during my tay in Osh- chair. Officers for the coming Grant Thompson. awa Hospital. year are. President-Mrs. Isaac Mr. Herbert Hooey, Mr. and Jean Vice. 16-1 Hardy; Ist Vce-Mrs. Tom Bak- Mrs. George Wolfe and Bryan ______er; 2nd Vice-Mrs. Wes Yellow- were Sunday guests of Mr. 'and The family of the late Mary j ees; Se'y-Trets.-Mrs. B. Hooey; Mrs. Harry McLaughlin and Law- Sanders wish ta express their District Director-Mrs. Gordon rence.LweneWst, thanks for the kindness offied Leask, W. I. Djrectors--Mrs. C. Mr. FrankLarne st, and neighbors and for floral tri- D. Pascoe, -Mrs. Bruce Montgom- with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Law- butes sent at the passing af a ery. Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mrs. A. rence. Dyertundhm dersse.J. Balson; Press Reporter-Mrs. Mrs. Fred Daesreune hm dea sîte. 1-1Wes Yellowlees; Pianist-Mrs. E. after visiting hier sister, Mrs. Reg1 Mrs. George Wiseman would Cryderman; Assistant-Mrs. J~. Sutton, Orono. Her many friends £e to thank Drs. Sturgis, Birks Baker; Auditors-Mrs. H. Yel- wish ber a speedy return ta gaad and Austin and ail the nurses of lowlees, Mrs. Stan Milîson; Flow- health. the Bowmanville Haptaso er-bed Com.-Mrs. W. Parrinder, Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. ail the riice people thtsetm Mrs. E. Spires; Delegates ta Dist- Roy -Cilbank, nee Dorothy Rey- carda, flowers, fruit and candy. rict Convention - Mrs. Ralph noids, Ballyduff, on the arrivai It was greatly appreciated. 16-1* Davis, Mrs. E. Cryderman; Alter- af a baby daughter. _____nates-Mrs. H. Tink, Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Jas McMullen,, I wish ta thank all my relatives Knox. Ballyduff, and Mr. and Mrs. Maur and friends for their cards, fruit Group Three was in charge af ice Samnelis and Sharon, Peter-1 andflwes en duin M saythe program with leader Mrs. j. borough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibsan in the hospital; special thanks Knox presiding. Mrs. E. Cryder- Larmen Hyland. ta Dr. Birks, Dr. Gill and the man accompanied at the piano for A congregational meeting was aWe nshp n snaieD.fJ.lGib- nurses who were sa kind ta me. the cammunity singing. The Life held in the Presbyterian Church sonshiasdbe nelectD.presien Margaret Stacey. 16_1* and Reign of Queen Elizabeth I Wednesday evening. Mr. McCombso.h beelcdprien ______and Victoria were presented in was vated a car allowance. A af Whitby Rotary Club effective intresingpaprs y Ms. ornsubtanialamont as entto hefrom July 1, 1952. Don moved ta Mrs. Rab Roy and family wishiteetn paesb Ms.Tmsbanala utwssntoth Whitby several years ago whiere ta express their appreciatian oa' Baker and Mrs. John Knox. A Outreach Campaign Secretary. he carnies on a lucrative real the kindnesses and care af the contest conducted by Mrs. Knox Mr. Ted Lennard was appointed etat n nuac uies h nurses af Memonial Hospital,I concluded the program, and re- the ncw caretaker and trustees estatesanoinsrwit huiss. The Bowmanville; also Dr. Starey and ý freshments wene senved by group ai Nestleton Church iesmn offiesniedsin Drhm outyi n of- Dr. Stungis; also for the many in charge. until January, 1953 are: Messrs fing hin conratuin n ti f kindly expressions from iriends b Missionany pragram arranged Herbent Hoocy, William Hooey necent honon. bytefmiy 61 Mrs. Tom Baker and present- and Ceciu Wilson.__________ ai te fmil. i-1~ed an Easter Sunday included a Ladies' Aid met at the home off We wish ta express aur tbanks lovely piano solo by Ileen Bal- Mrs. Thompson with a good at- !Pink Envelope Fund and appreciatian ta everyone who son and a story by Peanl Leach. tendance. An additional $31.00 R a~ '~~IM r h r naywyb hi r- Mr. and Mns. Stan Millson en- was handed aven ta the mansecAe sence, services or donations, ta tertained friends et an enjoyable secnetary. Procecds îrom the pot Drive Stili Underwal' mnake the Hospital Birthday Party crokinole party Saturday evening. luck suppen and the bootb at Sim an March 27 the success it was. Due ta inclement weather on, Sandenson's sale brought the The Rotary Club's Pink En- Women's Hospital Auxiliany. Easten Sunday attendance xvas funds ta $87.00. Several ne m- velope Campaign for Crippled 16smaller than usual. The choir nants were distributed ta make ______sang twa selections "In Joseph's up for the summer bazaar and Cbildren has reached the $2,600 1 wish ta express my sincene Lovely Garden" by Dickinson and lake sales. A crokinole party la ar, according ta campaign thanka toalal my friends for their G.e Did Nat Die In Vain." Rev. ta be held. Readings were given treasuren Gea. Moody, Manager of cards, flowers and fruit sent G Empey's remarks were in and a dainty lunch served byteBn f otel during my stay iii the Memnonial keeping with the Easter seasan. Mrs. Harris and Mns. Gist. industries ille mecnttdanrd Hospital, Bowmanville, and a Beautiful Easter lhues gnaced the nausbtr otarwians n teper special thanks ta Dr. Gui. ,Dr. altan, lending thein beauty ad* uandnd lybyRtianvss instexpiear Starey and Dr. Rundle and th fragrance ta the service ai war- Trinit'7 Minister ftr n hsenasi xet nussad staff f the hoptl ship. e d ta swell the fund considerably. Reg. G. Harding. 16-1* Miss Marilyn Marks, Toronto,Ifyuhvntdae or at Mn. Wes Yellowlees'. (Continued frorn page one) dollars yct, wby nat do it today? Mn. and Mrs. Ian Smith, Toron- ai Stewards, and Percy Carbett, inotregcnoerosity will reapes I N MEMORIAM ta. et Mr. Stan Millson's. in the knowlodetteatSyouihav ___________________ Miss Velma Gilbert, B.A., Ta- SceayahteSsin elped a little crippled chiid get ronto, with bier parents. Extend Good Wishies on the right noad ta hcalth and BULLIED-In even loving memi- Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and "We ail deeply regret the cir- bappincss. ary aifrny dear parents, Richard Carol, at Mr. H. Farrow's, Stark- cumstances whîch make neces- E. and Frances Ann Builied, who ville. sary this occasion," Mr. Strike passed away: father, April l9th, Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr - ad said, "but we are prcpared ta bow StL.. Paul's V.Â'JSu 1939, and mother, June 6th, 1922: children at Mr. A. Beech's, Maple gracefully ta the inevitable endHodE se M etn They Say time heals aIl sarraws, Grave. extend ta yau every good wish odE se M etn And helps us ta forget, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, for a successful and happy min- ]But time sa fer, bas anly pnoved Jr., Phyilis-Anne and Joan, at istry in Windsor." St. Paul's W.M.S. met in the Haw much we miss them yet. Mns. Edith Marlawe's, Bowman- He toid the departing minister lecture room, Apnil 15 with presi- -Daughter, Gertrude and Lamne, ville. that his stay in Bowmanville had dent Mrs. Harold Fenguson pre- 16.1* Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice and made 'a deep impression that the siding. Mrs. Kenneth Wcrry and children, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. passing years will nat crase," and Mrs. Otto Bragg and thein group ]KING-In fond and loving memn- Tam Westlake, Hampton, et Mn. made special mention ai the large had charge ai the warship service, ory ai Emma S. C. King who Frank Westleke's, Sr. and enthusiastie membership ai the theme being "Eastcn Gave Us passed away April 20th, 1949: Mr. and Mrs. William Knox, chunch organizatians. "It bas the Bible." We cannat forget your smiîing Brougham. at Messrs. Harny and been a heartening experience ta Mns. Kenneth WennY led in thc Ar..face, George Knox's. again sec aur beloved Church devotionýl; portions ai the Scnip- Y9~hapy arere was;Misses Elma and Hazel Cryder- crowded ta the doors," Mr. Strike turcs were read by Mns. Otto 11*, amile that won sa many man, Mr. John Legere, Oshawa, said. Bragg, Mrs. H. Turner, Mrs. E. friends at Mn. Everett Cryderman's. Referning ta Mn. Henderson Dilling and Mrs. Gea. Chase. Mns. In those happy bygone days Mr. and Mrs. Rass Cryderman pensonally, the spokesinan for the R. Whitmnee played soit music, One af the best the world could with Mrs. Sherwaod Rundle, Baw- congregation said, "We have came interspensed with Easter hymns. hold, manville. ta admire and respect you as a Mrs. Lloyd Ayre sang veny cf- Your cherished amile, your heart. Mrs. E. R. Taylor with bier great servant ai the Church." In fectively, two salas "The Old ai gold; sister, Miss Lillian Hoar, Taronto, additian lhe said the congregation Rugged Cross", and the "Strang- Always sa gaod, unseliish and and ather relatives. possessed a great affection for er ai Galilce", Mrs. Otto Bragg, kind, Miss Evelyn Taylor, Reg. N., the minister bath as a persan and accompanist. What a wanderful memory you Peterborough, et ber home, a friend. The president expressed the leit behind; Miss Joyce Abernethy at bier Concluding with the presenta- thanks oi the members ta those I pin aur heants your mrnory home at Oekwood. tion ai the beautiful Dnummond taking part in the very impres- Dï is kept,. Miss Betty King at ber home painting .which xvas bnought into sive Eastcn service. Weloved yu ou I ly o ve t Tharnton's Corners for Easter the chunch and placed on an casel We orget.tO daly t v acation. by Mrs. L. W. Dippeil and Wal- Kinsmen Club -Lovingly nemembened and! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden at ton Pascoe, Mn. Stnîke made the sadly missed by'ber îamiîy. Mn. Jack Lange's, Bowmanvillc. following comment: fo aeOe 110 Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Smales and 'Thnough t4~ Officiai Board, (Continued fo aeOe 61'David, Hampton, at Mn. J. Bak- and on bebaîf ai the congrega- 000,000. -We'ne not running PROUT--In loving memony ai a er's. tion, we ask you ta accept this peanut stand," the speaker said. dear husband andifathen, Thomas Mr. and Mns. Ralph Davis and small parting gift as at least a He added, howeven, that aIl the Evenson Prout, who passsed away Patsy et Mn. J. E. H. Davis', Osh- slight token ai aur appreciation profit earned, togethen with a Apnil l3tb, 1943: awa. fnr distinguished services rend- great deal af donated money, is There is a link death cannot Mn. Charles Shortridge was in ened by you, in the Namne 1ai the essential if blind people in Can- sever, Toronto on Tuesday. Master. to Trinity Chnirch." ada are ta be helped towand in- Love and nemembrance lest Holds Spot in Hearts dependence and health. forever. Subsequent ta the presentation But blind people have not al- -Always nemembered by wife Neie nSaln of the Dnummond painting Mrs. ways been as fotunate as they and family. 16.1*o Safo Stuart R. James, fresh fromn h aei Canada today, according part she played in the final ev- ta the speaker. In the pre- REYNOLDS-In loving memnory Mn. and Mns. Ivan Long, Mn. ening service as a memben ai the Christian ena Spartan babies born ai a dean husband and father, and Mns. Marvin Long. Mn. and choir, addressed a few pointed blind wene taken into the woods Wilfrid John (Jack), who passed Mrs. Morley Long, al ai Waking- remanks toward Mrs. Henderson. and left by their parents. In away Apnil 16th, 19ý51: hem, parents and brothers ai Mns. "We can't let youn son go off Athens, afilicted youngsters were I The heavenly gates wene open, Oliver Robrer, with the Robrer wvith ail the bionors," she said ta put in canthen jugs and leit by A gentie voice said came, families. the ministers mother. 'ýYou've1 the side of the road ta die. In And with farewells unspoken Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lansing and heard expressed the high regard 1Rame, blind babies were put in leue-lyene-d- om. ac ;eviitd- r.anKMs.J.-awbch\_eol hm:tht s bsktsan.foaeddo. ivrs d hso otdotttheir i meiCidil saie uf pianos. The Easer Sarlýr.'Siapean Ms.Fo do his on n t dothettO Lindsav" trade mark is famnous .t ~ a st e r n ~ t a r Mn. a r P e tand bMrs u. F r e b l r n " Instead, she said, th w o l a en W b n S , Officers Inspected thet a ay ii Pteronauh. sow hem he Mr.Osmondownigh, Bltce- ight thing ta do. Charles died several years aga he stock, visited Mrs. Jas. Fonder. Rv .R edrodlvn etS,0.0 acaiv Mrs. Agnes B. Young, Toronto, lMn. and Mns. Jas. Hannis visitcd ilngbisParting words ta a congre- Wt h epn ada h District Deputy Grand Matron ai Mn. and Mms. Rupert Morris and tan in Tnistxnifte Cuch Canadian Institute for the Blind, District No. 11, made hem officieli Mns. Cheesman, Lindsay, tendercd bis thanks for the sup-- isi aiinsecton a Drba Mis Sinlv Hcksis oliay-part he has had wîeat Trinitv. l~asrayt taybidCo isi ofinsecionto urhml Mis Sirl 'v Hcksig olda v -Whatevecm'I hav e donc ion tiîw adians and belp tbcm alang the à ten N. 181, Oder ai the jing with M. and Ms. Wm. Am- tbrcl" he said, "the peple road ta successi, any binded Iste rn Star, on Tuesday, Apnil strong.peleaetkn hrngfu Mn.andMn. Walen ai, Tn-have darie more lai' me." He pol r aigtenrgtu Qucn itvChptr, ar Mt . a nwthMad M s.Wltr aiThor- mentioiied the %vondeniul 'spirit place in the world. Mi.'.Beath Quee Civ Capte, Trono_ýntowit Mr andMrs Thq.et Trinitv as an illustration af thme said more than .500 blind people' thet ai the District Deputy Grand 'Langieid. co-operation lie lias receix'ed. are now empto\ cd in industrv Matron, with thein Warthv Mat- Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt is under For upuvards of an lîcun citer %vitb some 400 aperating C.N.I.à. non, Mns. Alberta Ramsa,,end the docton's cane. W'e hope she the îrcseîîtations menibens ai the stands. He said anc blind Can- Wortby Patron, Mn. Claude, %vill soon be weIl.c adian is a research chemist ai Mu we, were guests for the es'- j Mns. NormaLasing bas x'e- congregation filed down the out- okrel Cnexiea- ,;de aisles ta persona1ixv shake Reefle ete hl n enm end travelled bv' bus from turned home aiten isiting ber 'n anom fn aewl ther is professer ai history at Toran owt n.Yung. sisten, Mrs. Sproule. in Toronto. a verv papular minter. Rev. S.teUivriyaiTrne Other -isitors weî'e present Mr. and Mrs. Allen Beacock,1 R. Hendersan. and - hs equatly Concluding his adclress, the fram Sunbeam Chepten, Oshawa:. Bruce and Lorraine with Mn. and popular mother. speaker stnesscd the necd for Stanlight Chapter. Port Hope, and Mrs. Zack Adams. Bawmanvilie.________ service clubs ta get bebind the Aldworth and Zenith C hapters, Mrs. Harold Beecock visited ber C.N.I.B, drive for funds whichi is' Toronto. brother, Mr. Ernest White, Part Friendsbip is the anly cement scbeduied ta stent next week. i Mrs. Viola Cowan, Newcastle, Perry. that xiii even bold the world ta- The speaker wes thanked ion rendered a beautiful sala during, Peterborough Norme] School gethcr.- W'oodroxý- ': WiNn. bhis rnteresting address bv Kini the meeting. A delicînus lunch stîidents are speuding tbe bhl-'T'herc's a dvnilv that shapes Lionel Parker. -You biave t1,roun was served bx' Mns. Emima Ruth- day et their respective homes. auir ends. rough hev theni howle 1eret mgb o Von and her committee. - - 4 " lHelen Bowers, Oshawa, we wl.Wla Shakespeare. M1r. Parker said. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wonn- acutt, Dixie; Mrs. George Shaw and Dianne, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mms. E. A. Virtue. Mr. Neil Yellowlees was rush- ed by ambulance ta Western Hospital, Toronto, on Monday accampanied by bis wife. Mms. Yellowiees will stay a few day. et the home ai Mr. and Mms. H. Wonnacutt. We trust Neil wilI sean be feeling betten. The friends ai Mms. Otto Vin- tue are pieased ta bhear she i in the village. Mrs. Charlotte Stephens is now et the home af bis daughter, Mn. and Mrs. Fred -Ferguson. Mrs. W. T. Worden returned home aiter visiting ber deugh- ter in Hamilton. Wamen's Institute will meet et the home ai Mrs. J. C. Cook, M.and Mns. Lloyd Skinner, Teddy and Anne visited Mm. and Mrs. M. Tabb. Mns. G. VanCamp, Base Line, visited Mr. D, Gibbs and Mn. and Mms. Fred Ferguson. Mn. and Mns. A. Youngman and boys' vislted Mn. and Mns. Ed. Youngman, Pontypool. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. George White (nee Helen Werny)i on the arrivai ai a fine baby girl. Mn. and Mns. Don Mountjoy and girls visited ber parents, Mr.1 and Mrs. A. Jones, Toronto. Mrs.( Mountjoy and girls emained for« a holiday. Mrs. Elva Beckett and Joan, Bowmanville, witb ber brother,1 Mn. M. Vintue. Mn. Honace Hall visited Mn. andj Mrs. A. Thiessen, St. Catharines, witb Mrs. Hall and her daughter retunning home with him. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. ff. Spragg, Hamilton. Biiiie Spragg aise retumned home with them fan holidays. Carole Phillips is visiting Joani Beckett, Bawmanville. Aldin, Douglas and Wayne His,i Hamilton, are boiidaying witb thein grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bills. Launaine Cook is spending Easter week witb Mn. and Mns. Douglas McLeod, Toranto. Mn.ad Mns. Albert His and Miss Bessie His attended the MacMillan -Wilkinson wedding et Oakwood on Saturdey. Mn. and Mrs. W. Rabm visited Mn. and Mrs. George Rehm, Saint- field. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Hardy and Jerry visited Mr. and Mrs. Ace Abbott, Oshawa. ýMn. Tant Janctyn bas bad sev- M i s MrIWLi s n s e d m e b r b p b e t n a d b r - s e1e -a- -ak r .d y -. r SilissonS' c AsHE - FAIR TRADES OPEN 9 a.m. TO 9 p.m. ing Eastem week with hon parents et Utica.1 Mrs. Joe Riddle and baby, Osh- awe, 'isited ber mother, Mrs. J. Young. Douglas and Violet Jones eturned home with hem for enal compliments pald him on bis wanderful round pile ai wood in his yard; also several imprave- menti he bas made cleaning up hia yard.. Doreen Rehm attended the Snowden-Moore wedding at Ca- bourg Saturday. Misses Anvella Beckett, Joyce Woadiey, Mana Brunt and Jayce McGil enjayed a few days in New York aven the holiday week- end. Mn. and Mns. A. Youngman and boys visited Mn. and Mrs. Don Thompson, Courtice, on Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodiey visited their daughten, Mn. and Mns. R. Patenson, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. D. Lute, Sus- zanne and David visited bis aunt, Mrs. R. Frape, in honour of hem bintbday et the home ai bis father, Mr. J. Lute, Taronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. Phillips, Maidstone, Essex County, weme gues9ts ai Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodiey.0 Miss Margaret J. Wood, Ottawa; Mn. John Page, Boston; Miss Betb Milter, Oshawa; Miss Helen Milter, RN., Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Milter. Miss Kathleen Mortiock and boy imiend, Ottawa, visited ber grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gibbs. Gied ta know Mrs. R. Gibbs was able ta retunn home from Memaniai Hospital, Bowmanvitte, on Tuiesday aiten an aperation for appendicitis. Walter Knonqvist, R.C.A.F., Trenton, with bis grndpancnts, Mn. and Mns. O. Beckett. Mn. and Mrs. R. Hanthonne and iamily, Burketon, visited their daughten, Mn. and Mrs. C. Knapp. Canal and Donna Yellowlecs are with Mn. and Mrs. John Oke, Enniskilien, and Manilyn is with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and Michael visîted Mr. and Mns. W. Gibbs, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mns. W. Chapmen, Hampton. Congratulations ta Mns. S. Mc- Cay wbo ceiebnated hem birtbday on Seturday. Mn. and Mns. A. Poulten, Oshawva; Mn. and Mrs. Lamne McCoy, Bnooklin: Mn. and Mrs. G. McCoy and Jack, Bow- manvilie; Mn. and Mns. Pcrcy McCoy spent Sundey with Mn. and Mrs. S. McCoy in boueur ai their matber's binthday. Sorny Mrs. McCay hesn't been sa wcil. Miss Alice Deianey, Mn. L. Marr, Welland, with Mn. and Mrs. James Delaney. Master Tommy Hoar with bis gnandparents, Mr. and Mns. S. Hoan. 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN $1,695 1948 MERCURY SEDAN Very Iow mileage, immaculate condition îTnbelieveq.î, custom radio. 1949 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN *--$ 1,595 Many extras, 5 new white wall tires. fession of faith, Misa Jacqueline Hitis, Messrs Jim Coombes and Tom Pleasance, aiter which com- munion was obsenved. Floweri were piaced in the church in memory ai Mrs. J. Virtue. Mr. and Mns. Gordyn Brent, Gloria and David were tee guests af Mn. and Mrs. John Stemon, Enniskilien. Sorny ta bear Frenkie Coibany b as had double pneumonie. Hurry and get better Frenkie. Mrs. R. Hawkey, Bowmenville, visited Mn. and Mrs. A. Hewkey. Mr. and Mms. Frank Wilson, Hector and Ross, Oshawa; Mrs. Vivian Bertley and Marilyn, ai Montreai, visited Mr. and Mns. J. Wilson. Mns. K. Jacobsen, Bruce and Brian. Part Credît, with Mr. and Mns. K. Cotbary and Frankie, the boys remaining for Easter week. Mn. and Mrs. A. Woods and famiiy witb Mr. and Mns. B. Trivett, Weston. Mn. and Mms. W. Park and children visited Mn. and Mrs. D. Park, Bawmanvilte. Mrs. A. B. Stephens and Mr. B. J. Stephens, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. A. Tennant, Les- kard: Mrs. E. Byam, Oshawa; Mn. L. Hooper accompanied Mr. F. L. Byam Thunsday and attended the funemal ai a cousin, Mrs. Stanley Jardine, Toronto. Joy and Vivian Chamberlain with their gnandmother et Nor- Wood. Mr'. end Mrs. Henry Wood and iamily, Mn. Ken- Chamberlain, Oshawa, visited Mm. and Mms. Roy Maynard. Joe Wood remained fan a holiday and Vivian Cham- benlain returned home with Manie Wood. Mn. and Mns. J. Murdoch and baby, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mn. and Mrs. J. Hilis and Jac- queline, Mns. H. His visited Mms. Harvey Curtis, Onono. Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson and famity, Trenton, with Mr. and Mrz. D. Stainton. .Mn. and Mrs. Ted McBidet, Teddy, Keith and Key, Bramp- ton: Mrs. Geo. Wills and Miss Deanne Wilis, Tononto, wenc gucsts ai Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. On Sunday mamaing thein was quite a number out ta chuncb ta heer the Eastem message "The Truth ai the Resurrection." Mn. Roland Coombes sang "In The Garden" accompanied by Mrs. R. Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yel- lowlees, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harvey and Mms. Gemald Shackle- ton were neceived into chumcb m m $1#300 1941 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE 1941 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN $1, 1395O5E0OC Not e mark inside or out, 5 new tires. 13 OG OC 1948 CHEVROLET COACH - 91-350l Excellent niotor. Outstanding value. 1947 BUICK CONVERTIBLE 1947 PONTIAC DELUXE, SMALL SEllES SEDAN The type of automobile every used should deniand, very low mileage shows excellent care, perfect mnecha &P7 -- - $850 *$895 m $550 $2,250 1937 DODGE SEDAN - - $525 - Original finish and interior, new niotor recently, excellent tires, wilI seli to a é.i diri particular buyer. car buyer , body nically. 1933 PONTIAC SEDAN m $175 -LIBERAL TEENS NONDAY THROUGH SATURDAT 15 Other Cars and Trucks front which to chose -Models front 1928 - 1951 Runs well, neat appearance. Garage PHONE ORONO '1031 SIL VER WEDDING MR. AND MRS. R. B. SCOTT Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott were pleasantty surprised Wednesday eveniag, Apnil 9, an the occasion ai their 25th wedding anniversary xvben about 30 fniends and re- latives calied to offen con ratula- tians.e Mr. Chas. Cannm.thens acted cap- ably as master ai ceremonies for a short pragmam ai sangs, readings, violin and piano music. An address was nead, and a handsome tiight lamp was pre- sented ta Mn. and Mrs. Scott, ta ,which they made suitebie replies. Deliciaus refnesbments were son- ved, the centre being e beautiful three-tier wvedding cake made and decomated by Mrs. Arthur Smith, sîster ai Mr. Scott. Their friends wisb themn many more yeers ai happiness. PONTYPOOL Special Easten senvices wene observed in the United Chumch on Good Friday evening and Sun- day morning. Rev. Mn. Kellogg was in change ai bath services and delivened thought-pmovoking addnesscs an bath occasions. Chair sciections an Friday evening in- ciiided 'God Sa Loved the World" and '-All in the Apnil Ev- ening." On Sunday morning their affcning was "In Joscph's Lavely Garden," xith Mms. L. Bawins taking the solo pontion. At this service Miss Jeanne Coulter also nendered as a sala, "I Waiked To- day Where Jesus Walked." Much credit is due this small chair which nepeatediy presents selec- tiens ai quite intnicate chamacter in a mast pneisewontby manner. It was with pnoiound regret thiat wc learned ai Mn. Kellogg's intention ta icave aur circuit in June. baving accepted a cail ta, the United Cbuncb in Cookstown, nean Barrie. Our earnest pmay- ens ion bis success. bealtb and happiness go with bim ta bis new charge.1 He who Is afmaid ai being ton generous bas lost the Power ai being magnanimaus. The best man or woman is the Most un- ,twmmAT, "RTL 17th, 1932 Tffr CANAT)TAN STATESMAN. inolvmAmmx.r MIN"AIRTM %.jiluuiiuveanie. 1p. iftimm r ÏDU