=I'USAY APRI!L 7th, 1952 Cartwright Board of Education Iues Auditors'_Report for 1951 B rd af Education, Cartwright Board is ta confer with the i Area, met April 9 with members spector re age at which beginne ail present and 3V. Marlow, chair- are allowed ta start to schoal. Inan, in chair. Board granted permission Resignation ai Mrs. Roy Turn- Canadian National Institute f er, as teacher in Blackstock the Blind ta collect funds tbroug Schooî, Grades 1-2-3. on accaunt the schools, April 28 ta May1 afill1 health was read. Board in Inspectors are invited ta accepting the resignation express- special meeting on Thursday ei ed regret at losing such a valu- ening, April 17. able teacher, and also that ber Trustees W. Marlaw and Jc health made it necessary ta give Bradburn were appainted a con uP her schoal. Secretary is ta mittee ta interview Council at th Write a letter ai appreciation ta next meeting ai Cauncil. lÏM Turner for her splendid ser- Two architects, one from Bo%% ipsfor the past year. manville and one from Oshaw; Mr. Turner was re-engaged as made a friendly visit with th teacher in Grades 7 and 8 school. Board, and explained systemsc Secretary instructed ta see the architect's fees and regulatianst other teachers re next year. Sec- be followed in drawing up bluE retary is ta advertise for a teach- prînts and specifications fc er for Grades 1-2-3, Blackstock sehoal and having same approv Schoal. ed by Dept. ai Educatian. Boari Why Pay Mfore For Less?7 Daily Home Delivery 0f The T EL Y PLUS WEEKEND Piclure Magazine PLUS Sixteen Pages of Colored Comics Only 25e S-Weekly For Home Dclivery of The TeIy, please contact The Tely Carrier-Salesman on your street, write The Telegram, Bay and Melinda Sts., Toronto, 1, or Telephone Bowmanville 663. THE TELEGRAM Daily Plus WEEKEND Your Best Neivspaper Buy THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO appreciated information received.BE H N each Sunday we join in the wor- Financal Staement ETHANYship of song. On behalf o h Fiaca1ttmn ___ late Miss Annie Bray and ber Receipta Holiday visitors in the village ibrother Edward Bray, Mr. T. Bal. on hand, Jan. 1, '51 $ 5357.40 for the weekend included: Miss Stinson and others, I take great Legislative grant ----- 10,594.74 Evelyn MeKinnon, Montreal, with pleasure in presenting this organ Municipal grant----- 4,800.00 Mr. and Mrs. James MeKinnon; to the Bethany United Church, to in- Trustee Levy, 7 mlîs - -7,702.85 Miss Beverly Pomeroy, Bewdley, be used to the furtherance of irs Miscellaneous Receipts 64.19 and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pom- Christ's Kingdom, on this Easter 1. - eroy, Peterborough, with Mr. and Day, April 13th, 1952, when we to Total --- - --- ------ $28,519.18 Mrs. Clarke Pomeroy; Norman rejoice as Christians in a risen for Expenditures Lowes, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Christ." gh Teachers' salaries, in- Donald Lowes; Mrs. Norman D. Rev. James Hampson officially 10. cluding income tax> $10,706.49 Buchanan and son Allan Muir, received the organ on behaîf of a Instruction supplies 1,924.*51 Peterborough, with Mrs. Ernest the congregation, dedicating it: yv- Administration 679.03 Beer; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neals, "To the Glory of God and in Plant Operation 2,290'65 Feversham, with Mr. and Mrs. memory of Francis Annie Bray oe Pantmaitennce -- 50.79Ross Carr; Air Wornan Peggy and Edward Bray, lifelong resid- Joe AuPliarmaenace---(bot 0.7 Reynolds, St. John's, Que., and ents of the village;" also express- he lunch at 3c per pupil Air Woman E4sie Green, Winni- ing the heartfelt thanks of the per day; cod liver oul peg, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles congregation ta Mr. Thomas Stin- i- $102.00; sports equip- Reynolds; Miss Lauretta Rowan, son for bis generous interest in wa, ment, etc.-------------- 603.»26 Iroquois Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. the welfare of Bethany United he Bu.s transportation ------4640.43 Walter Rc5wan; Miss Caroline Car- Church. of Capital expenditure -- 1,107.99 penter, Lindsay, with Mr. and Mr. Norman Lowes, Toronto, ta Bal, on hand, Dec. 31, Mrs. Lloyd Argue; Mrs. Ross Hall presided at the organ for the e- 1951----------------------- 5,982.03 and daughter Lynda, Wbitby, with morning service, with Mrs. Clar- for -____ Mr. ý'ând Mrs. Carl Smith; Mr. and ence Rowan in the evening. The )v- $28,519 18 Mrs. William Dixon, Toronto, with choir sang four anthems, with rd Meeting adjourned ta April 17. Mrs. Isabel Fallis; Mr. and Mrs. solo parts taken by Harry Preston, Howard Morrow wîth Mrs. Hazel Ralph -Preston and Mrs. Harvey Brown; Mr. William Lee, Tor- Fallis. onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ha rvey Mrs. Ross Hall, Whitby, was ftA Lif.LIJ5 Fallis; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cap- guest soîoist sinig"Oe h _______ stick and children Sharon and gn Oe h We are pleased to report Mrs. Robert, Uxbridge, with Mr. and Gto h epe n Es Clarence Avery is home and is Mrs. Milton Weatherilt: Miss Jane ter Flowers Are Blooming." proresingfavraby.Gribb]e, London, and Miss «. In the morning Rex'. James proresig fvoaby.Gribble. Toronto, with Mr.an Hampson spoke on "The Empty 1 Mrs. Roy Simpson, Toronto, Mrs. Allan Gribble; Miss Cath-~ Tomb" and at the evening service with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. ýrn avs Toronto, with Mr. cine with "The Dawn by Clark. ardmrs, Jarvis; Mr. and Mrs. Galiled We welcome Mr. and MIS. Leonard Merrick and son David, baskuets f fowg tsewa oe sen Robertson, Toronti3, who have lKingston, with Mr. and Mrs. Ern- baktsromoes a nesn taken lup permanent residence inl est Stacey; Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Poen Mrs. Lyle Dawkins of Caesarea. Neals, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. heix, Arizona, in loving mem- Mlrs. G. Prout is home after 1 Clarence Neals: Mr. and Mrs. G ory a0 her parents, Mr. anci Mrs. spending the winter with her Barr, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Driver. daughters. Carl Porteous; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miss Anne Davidson and Mr Rowland, Ottawa, with Mr. and CRias visited Mrs. E.' Harran Mxrs. Walter Rowland. N IKL E at the Lakeview. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Driver EN IKL N Mrs. A. Paget visited ber par- spent the \veekend in Toronto C.G.I.T. meeting was held ata ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Harran at with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bruce. the homne*of Nancy Wood with tenJ the Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sanderson members present. Pres. Mary United Church Women's Assoc- were in Toronto visiting relatives Griffin was in charge. Devotion-a iation met at the home af Mrs. A. for Easter. al was read by Gloria Wright fol-g Watson with Mrs. E. Sue's pre- Pte. Hilliard Bristow, Montreal, lowed by a prayer. Our new h siding. Twenty-one ladies were was homne with bis wife and fam- sehedule of meetings and graups a present. Mrs. Rose Harran gave ily for several days' leave. were arranged. Plans were made I a Bible reading. Plans were dis- Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Wright1 for aur party. Program consist- ei cussed regarding aur bazaar. Hand motored to Tara on Saturday, re - cd af piano solos by Nancy Wood knitting andl fancy work \vas maining until Monday. and Elea:nor Heard. and a read- is turnied in by the members. Ar- ing by Carol Wright. A chapter v, rangements for holding a dinner. Mrs. Carleton Patton and sonl from the study book was read by in July as a means of raising Bobby visited relatives in Tor- Reva McGill. Recreation w'as ai funds was agreed iipon. A waste onto and St. Thomas. directed by Shirley Milîs. Dur- S paper drive is also underway. Miss Patricia McBean is spend- ing work period, Mrs. 0. C. Ash- Mrs. M. Fisher's group was in ing Easter vacation week with ton instructed the girls with their M charge. Mrs. A. McColl gave a her family in Cornwall. pink and blue guest, towels. A Jý reading "Be the best af whatever Mrs. W. Rowland had the April delicious lunch was served by the ai you are." Mrs. R. Harran also a meeting of the Women's Mission- hostess and ber grandmother. in reading "A Creed." Miss Joy ary Society at ber home with Next meeting will be a social ev- W Perigoe rendered a solo which was Mrs. T. J. Jackson presiding. As- ening joining with the Boys' Club followed with a sing-song. Re- sisting in the program were Mrs. at the home of Mrs. O. C. Ashton MV freshments were served by the E. Stacey, Mrs. Clarence Rowan, on May 3rd. F. group. Mrs. A. Dysart thanked Mrs. A. H. Monk, Mrs. Rowland Many mothers took advantage or the hostess and also the group. and Mrs. Mervyn Porteous. The of the portrait photographyý on Bi Mrs. L. Kersey visiting Mr. and theme was "Easter Gave Us The March 31 at Pethick's store, which Mrs. R. Harran. Bible" and each one told the story seemed ta be very successful. vi Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid and of Easter, the Crucifiction and the Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, St family, Newtonville; Mr. and Mrs. Resurrection. A number of Eas- Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and P. Hamilton and famnily, Mi,,- ter hymns were sung with Mrs. Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Di brook; Mr. and Mrs. O. iWeather- Clarence Rowan at the piano. The Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Austin, Hi iît and Alan visiting Mr. and Mrs. hostess served lunch at the close. Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Weatherilt. At the Durham County Achieve- 0. C. Ashton. M Mrs. A. Watson and Darrvl ment DaY for Junior Homemaking OuIr male quartette, Mvessrs. G. LI visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Green ad Clubs held in Orono, the Bethanv Stevens, O. C. Ashton, E. Wright 1Fr Mr. and Mrs. L. Watson at Port Ga anners" received very Hope. faorble comment for their ex- Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Sues, Mr. hibit "Seven Ways ta Serve Can- and Mrs. J. H. Sues, Wendy, John adian Apples." Miss Janet Big- and Barry, Toronto, vîsited Mr. elow represented the club and and Mrs. E. Sues. gave a brief talk on their work Mrs. T. Stewart is in Toronto of learning ta make nutritional for a few days. supper dishes and explained their Mr. and Mrs. J. Allison, Jean exhibit, which was chasen ta re- and Mrs. Sarah Allison, Willow- presenit the cunty clubs and wllGO4 dale, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. be displaved at the district an-0 Dysart. nual meeting af the WomensG Miss L. Johns is out of bospital Institutes in Elizabethville. and staying with Mrs. W. Fitze at Oshawa. I tltcAsoito W.A. members who sa kindlv tltcAsoito donated the spring flowers for At the annual meeting of the aur Easter service sent them ta Athletic Association these officers Mr. G. Clark, Miss L. Johns ,and were elected: Ross N. Carr, Presi- Mrs. E. Harran. dent; Vincent Jackson, lst Vice; Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson and Reg. Edmunds, 2nd Vice; John twa daughters, Newtonbrook; Mr. Coburn, Treas.; Mrs. Bernard anid Mrs. A. Tomschishn and Neals, Sec'y; George Smith, Care- M children, Mr. and Mrs. W. Payne, aker of Athetie Park; Clarke 'Pomeroy, Roy Jarvis, Robert Sis- Swift. PI ! TIC KETS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consuit JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. - P'hone 778 Just Arrivedl -ANOTHER SHIPNENT COLCLOUGH ENGLISH BONE CHINA cuPs and SAUCERS Reg. $1.95 each Made 8n Lçgn Enga...a ag arey -j ~ pafferns and colours from which Io choose MARR'S Jiewellery Cummiskey, committee in charge of entertaitment; Harry Ryley, Creighton Carn and Bert Ginn, Park Committtee. Plans were made ta bold the annual celebra- tian on May 241h, featuring hall games, concert and dance; also ta punchase some new seats for spectators and ta repair the park fe nce. A delegatian ai scbool trustees attended, announicing their inten- tion of building a new public school in the near future and enquiriiig if a portion ai the ath- letic park could be used for this purpose. There was considerable discussion and those present ex- pressed the opinion that a satisfac- tory arrangement could be agreed upon whenever the school board could give themn a definite idea ,of just how much land they ne- quirÏed.' The trustees will confer furthcî- wuth the Board af Educa- tion. A donation ai $50 was gix'en ta the Women's Institute ta assist in their wonk of adding kitchen equipment ta the Town Hall base- Dedjeate New Organ There were exceptianally large congregatians in attendance ai the Baster services in the United Church. At the morning service the new Minshell Electric organ was officially presented ta the cangregatian by Mr. A. H. Monk xvho read the following address: "Mr. Hampson, fellow members and church adherants - As Mr. I Th amas Stinson, ai Lindsay, is j able ta be with us this morn- honrroa presenting this lovely new electrie organ ta yaou as a congregatian. Il bas been made i possible by the gift ai manies 1 firn the estate ai Miss Annie and Edvvard Brav, thraugli the kind- ness ai Mir. T. H. Stinson, Q.C., ai Linidsayv, their Executor, who converted the Suni af $1,000 from this estate designated ta be used for charitable purpases at bis Is cretion. Our thanks are also duie ta manv athers who have donated funds ta make up the balance. We pray that this in- strum nt ay he used ta the Glory aItGod and for the musical leadership of our variaus church services: that Divine inspiration ma V be feit as the gloriaus notes, pou)r forth and that healingz for wearY âOU15 May be reahized as - - u m W - and J. H. Slemon provided a de- Minervî lightul suppiemient ta a fine Ms. Ea Easter sermon by Rev. R. M. Sey- The 1 mour by their rendition ai twa sion B numbens "Camne Unto Me" and church "Were You There When They abaut Crucified My Lord?" Presider Mr. and Mrs. Cameron' Oke, lowed b Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence nens' CI Avery and iamily, and Miss a Sunibe Knapp. Burketon, with Mr. and gave h Mrs. Albert Oke for Easter Sun- Gill led day. consiste( Miss Betty Knox, Toronto, Stainton with Mr. and Mrs. John Slemn. man. L Sympathy is extended* ta ur ton, EWe pastr, Rev. R. M. Seymur in Vocal s0 the passing ai is brother, Rev. Ashton, H. P. L. Seymour at Kingston. Doris Mr. and Mrs. Melb. Phillips, Maidstone, Essex; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collacott and Jo Anne, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. O. Grills and Lorraine, Courtice: Mn. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lamna, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Preston and Ray, Maple Grave; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Masn, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kirkley, Toronto, with Mrs. John McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Harld Ashton, Clare and Douglas with ber par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Georgie with .tbeir parents in To- ronto. Colds stili seem ta be lurking hiere and there. Everyone will be glad ta see sunny weatber once mare. Misses Arvilla Beckett, Jayce Woodley, Tyrone; Mona Brunt and Joyce McGill spent the u.eek- end in New York. Mi. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith and family. Oshawa, with Mr. and Vrs. Lai-e Lamb.I Mrs. Harold Milîs and family are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed [ennings, Acton. Mr. and Mrs% Herbent Wright and children, Toronto; Miss Mar- guerite Wright, St. Catherines; Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tresise, Osh- awa, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright and broth- r, Mr. EdIgar Wright. Miss Marie Bottreli, Newcastlc, is spending ber Easter* holida.ys with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lais nd Charles with Mr. and Mns. 5Rodman, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Ail Wayne and Terry; Mr-. and Mrs. au, ack Hendershot, Oshawa; Mm.1 sp and Mrs. Keith Fergtison, Boxv- 81> nanville, with Mr. and Mrs.J Ialter Fenguson. Raster visitos with Mr. and Urs. .Jas. A. Werry were Mr. W. ..Carter. Mimico, native ai Dev- )n, England; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. annaowdale and Brian, Oshawa. Miss Laverne Ochard, Bowman ille, with Mr. and Ms. Milton FOR 3tainton. Mr. and Mns. Earl Masters and VISIT ' alene visited Mr. and Mrs. foward Maste-s, Bowmanville. Mr. and Ms, Albert Wright r. and Mrs. Fred Trewin an Ioy-d. Blackstock: Mir. and Mrs. 7 King S 'Trevin and Mr. and ar Trewin. Easter concert ai the Mis- 3and was held in the Thursday evening, with 70 present. Ruth Lamb, nt. opened the meeting fol- by a chorus by the Begin- lass. -Jesus wants me for eam."' Mrs. Lloyd Ashton ie devotional. -Reva Me- in prayer. The pragram Id ai piano salas by David rBert Werry, Bruce Baw- -s Ashtan, Linda Stain- inor Heard, Nancy Wood; )las by Canal Wright, Ray OD> MEAR 1 Nancy Wood and Lois Ashton, ac. cordion sala by Gloria Wright; stories by Garth McGill, Mrs. Wil- fred Bowman, Enfield, "~The Battle We Lost," Mrs. R. Sey- mour "~A Package af Seeds." Easter Thankofiering was taken up by Chester Milîs and Jimmie Rawan. Mrs. O. C. Ashton mav- ed a vote ai tbanks toall those wha participated in the pragram and ta everyone Who helped make the party sa enjayable. Mr. Hobbs showed a film an "Animais in the Rockies". Refreshments were served. Fred Yeo: recitation b~' Try praisîng yaur wiie even if Wnight: piano duet by it does frighten ber at first. ~' ~ RUBBERIZED PETAL TONE SATIN, a scrubbable, durable, fast-cirving wall finish . . . velvet-l ike in1 smoothness, rubber- - like in tougliness. anyid thhou~... NARVO . .. For furnitrîre id l400dlork, bathrooms and kitchens, easy- reading, long-wearing NAIRVO - Casîada's iartest enamel, available in 25 delightful slades RFURTHER INFORMATION, PHONE OR YOUR NEAREST MURPHY PAINT DEALER LANDE BAR-WAI LANDER HARDWARE ANNOUNCES REDUCTIONS NOW ONLY 19( SIZE 6.0() -16) THE FAMOUS MARATHON Marathon Super - Cushion $24.95 ( Size 6.70 - 15) See Your Goodyear Dealer For A Liberal Trade -in Allowance On Your Preseni Tires See your Goodyear dealer anid find out about the substantial prite reductions on ail other Goodyear automobile, truck and farm tires and tubes. Whcn' vois tan buy' top-quality Good- years at such Iovv prices - wyseulie for Iess? ON ALL AUTOMOBILE, TRUCK AND FARM TIRES AND TUBES LOOK AT THESE NEW LOW PRICES PAGE -THR m 1 BOWMANVILLE Phone 774 ý 1 9