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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1952, p. 6

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'rm~ (q A1~'A?~TAN~ ~TATV~MA?~ ~OWMANVTLTJ~. ONTARTO TTfURSDAY. APRIL 1~th, 1951 Garden Paths No mnatter how smali the gaîden there wiii be the problcm of paths. Instead o! being an eye- core, these can be made into an Rttractive Meature o! the lawn or tlower plots or even the vege- table patch. Wheîe tîaffic is us- ually concentîated such as near the door or a gate, it is advisable to use some solid materiai like tlagstones, concicte slabs, bricks, Cinders or gravel. With any o! these the main thing Is to place firmiy and level with or just slightly above the suriounding grass, so that the lawn moweî will tîlm or even run right over Shadow Wave HOME PERMANENT Complete Kit........... - -$2.85 Refil - ------ --.$1.50 casil '-. Wheie the traific is light- ci. one can sirnply use grass for the strip o! weli grown, weiI !ed and tough grass. It is surprising the amount o! wear this will give. In lots o! public gaîdens grass paths are used to divide tbe flow- ci plots and they are seldom woîn thin. Wheîe cinders o! gravel is uscd in paths or driveways one can tliminate grass and weeds by sprinkling heavily xith rock sait or treating with some o! the weed sprays. Ffrst Vear Gardens When the builder o! the new bous e says he's finished, the gard- ener is just ready to begin. He New TOIHOME PERMANENT Faster than ever process $1.75 Spin Curlers -- ------$1.29 Thermios Lunch Noxzemna Jergen's Bottles Kits Special Special Deal $1.89 - $1.98 $1.29 $1.25 65c Alrwick kilis odors 89C - $1.39 Aika- Seltzer 34ec-68e Brama- Seltzer Z9-55-98 Breck Shamnpoo 3 types 85C Stoppette Spray Deadorant 75e - $1.25 Odorono Spray Deodorant 43e - 75c Etiquet Spray Deodorant 75o Dee-Tee Motb Killer 59, Dichioricide Kilis Moths 75o Larvcx spray 93c-$1.43 Aerosal Bomba $1.49-$1.89 Fresh Deodorant Cream 47e - 69c COWLuING5 s 695N DRUG STORE WE TRUSI ET£ SES $50ssoto $1000. rwmi $1 Cash without endorgers or hankablo scurty. Cash on your aignature only. Caah with up to 24 months to repav, Phone or stop in today! HOUSEHOL-D FINANCE o SImsoe St.South, second floor, phone Oshawa 5-1139 OSKAWA, ONT. PORT NOPE BRANCHt 71 Walton St., 2nd fleor, phone 305C LOA?4tO Mn 7CMSIUUP 0008 iUJStMM TO CORSMII CREDIT ROI4&TIiONS J. H. Abernethy' s PAINT & WALL1PAPER STORE 8s KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 431 shouldn't be ciscouraged at the rough grading, the litter o! piast- er and bricks that the bulldozer lias barely coveîed. One cani hardly believe what can be ac-i complished in the first year. 0f course we can*t grow trees, shrubs and perennial vines overnigbt. But At is amazing what one can [do wvith annuals alone. The best plan is to get in eaîly wbatever [nursery stock and perennial flow- rs are available and financially possible. Then in between these use &Il sorts of annuals which xiii soon look as if they had ai- ways been there. There are big, bushy things like cosmos, dahlias, cannas, castor oil and spider plants, ornamental sunflowers or helianthus, African marigolds and giant larkspur that can be used in the place o!fiowering shrub- bery. Then there are the quick- growing climbing plants, scariet runner beans, moîning glories, climbing nastuîtiums, sweet peas, hops and such for covering tiellis or fence. And as for soiid beds, edging and xhatnot we have at least a hundred annual flowers froin whicb to choose. 0f course before any planting or iawn seeding is done, we must dig or cultivate thoîoughly, rake as level and as fine as possible. It is also advisable, where avail- able, to dýg in some good manure or commercial fertilizei. Be Prepared A veîy necessaîy piece of equipment foir most gaîdeners is a smnail spîayer or duster and the materials to load it. Nothing is more discouiaging than to get floweîs, -vegetables or shiubbery flouîishing and then to discover somne fine morning- that bugs or disease bave staîted to attack tbem. If one counter-attacks promptly, however, there is littie1 difficulty about control. For every pest, fortunately, there is some cheinical or other tieatment to keep it in check. Usually a spray or dust is used. Foi in- sects that eat hoies in foliage the usual îemedy is a poison of some kind, sucb as arsenate of lead, DDT. copper suiphate. nicotine, etc. Foi' the pests that suck out the juices a burning spray or dust incorporating suiphur is recom- mended, or sometimes special soap and water or some of the tobacco solutions. Use sprays wben the touiage is dry. With the dust. best resuits are obtained on a day without wind and just after a ramn or before a dew. With al chemicals one is weil advised to study and foilow directions care- fulivy and make suie that the proper material is used for the particular pest concerned. Next Week Wateîing, Planting, Special Lo- cations. e STARK VILLE Mr. and Mis. George Knox and Carol, Solina. and Miss Lorraine Farrow. Bowrnanville, with Mr. and Mis. Howard Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Loweiy and Marilyni. Toronto, spent Good Friday witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Dob- son. Mr. J. Hallowell spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. Hugh Westheuseir and Ted Makei. Toronto, are on a motor trip through Northern Ontario. Miss Mary Hallowefl is spend- ing Easteî holidays with Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toronto. Mi. and Mis. Logan, Bethany, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Stark. Mis. Ross Hallowell spent a fewday wih friends in Toronto. Miss Norma HalioweIl, Toron- to. is spending a few days with Mr. and Mis. Llew Hallowell. Mi. and Mis. Morley Robinson and Elva Ann visited in Peter- borough. Miss Reynolds is spendmng the Easter holiday in Toronto. Mi. A. J. Souch is in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, following a heait attack. Mi. and Mis. Llew Hallowell and Miss Norma Hallowell had dinnor with Mi. and Mis. W. A. HallowelI. Newtonville, Monday evening. Mr. and Mis. Allen Cornish and son, Toronto; Mis. Plitz and fam- iiy, Pickering, with Mi. and Mrs. Victor Farrow. Easteî service at Shiloh was well attended on Sunday atter- noon ,-,ith special music by the Junior Choir which ,vas greatly appîeciated. Rexv. Lancaster gave a fine Easter message. Don'i Be Too Sure! FIRE IS A Most unwelcome guest. one that can ruin your home . . . and rob you of thousands af dollars, uniess you have adequate Fire in- aurance. And who knows whcn Fire will eall . .. today, tomorrow, next month? Play safe. Insure now with Stuart R. James i NSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 King Street, Bowmanville NESTLETON Sympathy is extended to Mrs. George Johns ini the sudden pass- ing of ber brother, Mr. James Nickle. Madoc. Mrs. Johns at- tended the funeral on Thursday. W. A. Ladies bad a successftil quilting on Wednesday, and also cleaned up the church. Mi. and Mis. John Hooyer en- tertained the euchre club on Fil- day night. Mis. Alan Wilson was higb lady and Mis. Lavera Sug- gitt, low lady; Mr. John Grieves bigh gent and Mi. Lavein Sug- gitt, low gent. Mr. and Mis. Malcolm Emer- son attended the Davidson-Un- derhili wedding at Aurora on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mis. Edgar Emerson and famiiy, Stratford, and Mi. and Mis. Frank Emerson, Toron- to, visited Mi. and Mrs. M. Em- erson. Mr-. and Mis. M. Emerson visited Mr. and Mis. C. H. Por- teus at Bowmanvilie Friday ev- ening. Miss Corrne Boom, Toronto, visited Mi. and Mis. Victor Mal- col m. Service in the United Church was quite weli attended. Mrs. H. Vine sang "Open the Gates of the Temple," which was voix' much appreciated. Mr. and Mis. Alan Wilson and Glenda spent Sunday with friends at Bîooklin. Mis. L. Joblin calied on Mis. Wm. Steele. Glad to report Mis. Steele is much improved in healtb. Mr. and Mis. Walter Kent, o! Sundridge; Mi. and Mis. Reid Virtue, Brenda and Barry, Bow- manville. visited Mi. and Mis. Eli Mairs. BLACKSTOCK Mis. -Ceeul Hyde and Linda, To- ronto, with Mi. and Mis. Irat Argue on Good Friday. Mn. and Mis. Lee Butcher and Lois, Tillsonburg, with Mr. and Mis. Harold KXte. Miss Dorothy Wright, Toî'onto, with Mi. and Mis. Carl 'Wright. Mr. Merlin Baley, Brantford, with Mis. H. Bailey. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, with Mis. James Henry. Mis. John McKce was ini Bow- manville with Mi. and Mis. John Argue.î Mr. and Mis. Edward MacNcii and Douglas, Toronto, with Mi. and Mirs. Noriman Mountjoy. Mn. and Mis. Ross Curtis and Heicu, Orillia, wlth Mr. and Mis. Gordon Strong. Mi. Peter Philp, West Hill, is spending Eastcî week with Mi. and Mis. Earl Doîrcli. Mi. and Mis-. Roy Fenguson at- tended the funcial of Mi. Joseph Filce at Beanisvillle, Wednesday. Rev. and Mis. C. W. Hutton and famiiy are visiting Mn. and Mis. Hanold Hutton, Mi. Wm. Carson (Mis. Hutton's father) and otheî' relàtives at Smithis Falls and Kencptvii1e. Miss Mona Ferguson, Brough- amn, is home Ibis week witb the chieken-pox. Mi. Grant Ferguson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Wright.i Mr. and Mis. Hariy Yellowiees, Solina, visitcd on Good Friday with Mi. and Mis. Ernest Larm- ci. Miss Beth Sanderson, Toronto, is visiting Miss Miriain Swain. Mi. and Mis. Bill Cordingly and Marie Jeannette, Toronto, with Mn. and Mis. Lewvis Swain. Mi. and Mis. Leslie Fawcett and chiidren. Mi, Elmen Thomp- son, Meaford, with Mi. and Mis. 0. Wright. Mi. and Mis. Laveine Devitt and Barbara, Oshawa; Mn. and Mis. Alian Booker, Trenton; Miss Leona Devitt and Mi'. Gordon Wilson, Port Peiry, with Mi. and Mis. C. P. Devitt, Mi. and Mis. Jack Mariow, To- ronto, witb Mi. and Mis. Wallace Marlow on Good Friday. Rev. and Mis, M. R. Sander- son, Roy and Haiiy, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. Clarence Maîlow. Mi. and Mis. Stephen Saywell and Margaret, Oshawa, and Mis. W. A. Van Camp with Mr. and Mis. A. L. Bailey. Miss Clara Mariow, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. Wallace Mai- low this week. iMrs.0. Wright visited fricnds Easter services in the village churches wcne well attended on Sunlday in spite o! the very nainv, weathei'. At the United Church on Sunday evening the choir 'ne- scnted the Easteî Cantata. Èolo parts werc taken by Mis. Laui.e Hoskin, Mis. Harold Kyte, Mis. Laine Thompson and Mis. How- aid Saywell. Eastcr Flowers dec- oratcd the church. At St. John's Anglican Chuîch in the moining Rev. George Nicholson gave a bcautifui Eastcr message and con- ductcd Holy Communion. The floweîs on the Holy Table wene in mcniony o! a former Rector, Rev. E. P. Wood, sent by Mis. Wood f nom Toronto. Otlher East- er !lowcrs weîe placed n the cbuich by members. At the ex - ening service slides of the Easten Theme were pnesented by the Rodair. Service at St. John's will be in the morning. now. Pînishing touches are beîng put on the G. A. play "Little Woni- on" and we ane looking foiwand ta a treat. Donald Bail, radio singer, will also be present. The teachers hiave ail gone ta their homes for the Easteî holi- days: Mr. Allin ta Blenheim; Mr. Paisley to Dunnville: Miss Dat-. idson to Oakwood; Mn. and Mis. Roy Turner' ta Coe Hill and Mr. and Mis. Harold Potts ta Simcoe. Misses Mabel Van Camp andi Wiima Van Camp, Toronto- Miss' Jessie Van Camp. Alton, and Miss Helen Van Camp. Oshawa, with Mis. William Van Camp. Mr. and Mis. J. Ewing and daugbter. Tononto: Mis. H. Hunt and son David, Toronto; Miss G. Simone. Toronto. Dinectîcss of Ingles House, with Rev. and Mis. George Nicholson. 'Most people have some sort of religion; at least tbey know wbhat chuîch they are st a',.ng away from. Newtonville Teacher And Pupils Receive Letter from Royalty At the time of the Kings death, Mis. Gartshore, teacher of the Junior Room at Newtonviie School, in an endeavour to create in ber pupils a feeling of respect, loyalty, interest and sympathy for British Royalty, suggested to ber pupils that a card of sym- pathy be sent to the Queen. The pupils heartily approved of the idea, so Mis. Gartshore sent the card. On Monday, April 7, 1952, the foliowing reply was receiv- ed, a letter edged in black: Buckingham Palace, l7th Maîch, 1952 Dear Mrs. Gartshore and Pupils: 1 arn commanded by the Queen to thank you for your kind mes- sage of sympathy, which bas brought great comfort to Her Ma- jesty in this time of sorrow. Yours sincerely, SM. Chartans. Mrs. Gartshore. InteEdit or's Mail Burtch Industrial Faim Box 369 Brantford, Ontario Dear George: The Marcb 20 issue o! The Statesman arrived in the Maîch 26 mail, seîving as a very subtle reminder that my 1951 subscîip- tion had expired. Tbe necessary renewal fee is enciosed s0 I shahl expectt o ieceive my copy promptiy eachi week. It stili pro- vides me with interesting week- end reading. I hope you have not foîgotten the invitation extended some time ago and that you will look us up should you corne to the Brantford aiea in the future. I arn now back at work and feling quite fit, though I niust exeicise some îrestnaint in lifting and nîoving about. 1 have, in fact, made a mnost satisfactory ne- coveiy and need oniy guard against overexention. Swirnming is a great help in regaining rny strcngth and fîcedom o! move- ment and regular exerciso lias rninimized a tcndency to accum- ulate exccss poundage about the midriff. Kindcst pensonal regards, As ever, Herb Hooper. PONTYPOOL The Officiai Board of the Unit- ed Church met Wednesday everi- ing with the pastor, Rev. Kol- logg, prosiding. Treasuren Goe'- aid Fiske gave a report on the financial situation. It was decid- cd to malçe a canvass in the near future to raise funds. Mi. Kel- logg announced that be had ac- cepted a eau fiom Cookstown United Churcb. A Pastoral Re- lations Committee was appointed ta attend Conference in Lindsay and thîce trustees wcr6? appoint- cd ta look after the inteîests o! the parsonage. Date for the an-1 niversary was leftimn the hands of the W. A.1 We are pleased ta weicoîne Mr. L. A. Wiliiam'son hack to oui village aften spending the winter with fiiends in Toronto. He re- ponts baving enjoyed bis stay there and enjoyed visits with many former' Pontypudians resid- ing in the city. What migbt have been a more seriaus accident occurîed at a wood sawing at Aubrey Cain's faim. While making sorne alter- ation Aubîcy had the misfoîtune ta have his arm contact the saw, necessitating s e v eral stitches. Foitunately the eut xvas not deep and it is hoped and cxpccted he will make a speedy îecovery. We were pheased ta sec Mn. and Mis. Norton Chambers and Mr. and Mis. Don Chambers, Tononto, in oui village for the weekend. Norton made a great change in the appearance o! bis suiround- ings by burning the old grass and conducting a general dlean-up campaign. L.OL. No. 82 exeniplifiod. the second degîce al thein last meet- ing and are conferring the third at their next meetinîg.______ MG s~ix at the I On the average Canadians went oCan- to the movies 18 times during ago as 1949 and paid about 40 cents per time. 1 B OW 'SAnthropologists believe i ada from' Asia as long af We welcome ail newcomeis ta 4,000 y cars. oui neighborhood. Congratulations to Mi. and Mis.j Stan Aluin, on the arrivai of an- other girl. Mis. W. Farrow with Mi. and Mis. Stan Allun, Orono. I Mis. Parkinson, Montreal. vis- Y U 10 M ited xith Mr. and Mis. Marshal Pickeriîng. LESKARD 'Gabardine Vsitoîs on Good Friday with T OPi Mi. Loîne Robbins and Mis. P. Bradshaw weîe Mi. and Mis. Vin-j cent Wright, Highland Creek. Mis. M. Chandler, Toronto. wasi Smart gabardine suits a Sunday guest ç! Mr. and Mis. logctdue Ernest Green. og oadul Mi. Roy Cameron spent the Easter weekend with bis grand- stl1ttevr parents and !riends in 'Èoronto. 1al rc Mr'. and Mis. james Cameron also I1be rc spent Easter Monday with ber parents in Toronto, biinging Roy1 o)ack home with themn. Sunday visitors with Mr. Lorne Robbins and Mis. P. Bradsbaw were Mi. and Mis. Whitney Boyd, Mr. and Mis. Wm. Boyd and childien Larîy and Debbie, the latter* having been baptized at the Leskard church in the afteî- noe weîe ail sonry to leain that BA D Mis. W. J. Martin, Ciaie's mother, The popular sl is confined to Memorial Hospital, blue, Bowmanville, foliowing an op- eration. Wo understand ber pro- gress is favorable and we wish OI toi ber a speedy îecovery.- nj Seven ladies of oui comrnunity I including two out-of-town vis:- itoîs, attended the W.M.S. service GABARDINE on Good Friday afternoon at Kirby Cburch and appreciated In sand shadeo Rev. J. Kitcben's fine address on thec work o! missionaries, partie- Only ularly in China. In preparation for the new cburch kitchen foundcation the foilowing men were on the job iast Satuîday afternoon: Messrs. est Green, Earu Duvail, Claie 1 Martin, Hanry Davey, Robert Successor to Cou Chater, Er'nest Nicholson and 49 King St. W. E Ross Tonnant. Another 'bec" xiii be beld this coming Satur- day aitein oon when volu nteer____________ workers wili be veiy welconrie. The cernent bas aiiived and pro- gi'ess will soon be very noticeabie. Tbe Charles Prust family, To- ronto, spent the Easter weekcnd at their summner cottage and made funther arrangements for the building this summer of their langer new home. The attendance o! approxîm- ately 100, including a few Orono ..... ladies. at oui Sunday afternoon cbuîcb service was veîy encour- aging consideiing the inclement xeather. Rov. J. Kitchen gave a beautiful Easteî message stress- ing.tbe îisen Christ as the foun t dation o! worid-wide Christianîty k During the service the childien o! Mr. and Mis. Wm. Boyd, Larîy and Debbic woî'e baptized. lEîght adults o! oui cornmunity were re- ceived into chuich membeiship . The girls o! the Sunday Schooli ciass of Mis. Wmn. Armstrong, Orono, 14 young ladies, compris- ed the choir for this service and favoîed us with a numnber o! beautiful Easter anthems. This xvas very inuch appreciated, as is always the piano leadership o! Mis. O. Sandercock. The Easter lily church decorations wcre the gifts o! cbunch members, one be- ing from Mr. Walter Cornish in mernoiy of bis mother. There xiii ho service ncxt Sunday at the negular houn of two o'clock. A number of families from Les- kard onjovedi the beautiful East- on Festival o! Music at the Orono church last Sunday ex'ening, We' wish t0 add oui' con gratulations ta the splendid inusic rendcred by the combined choirs o! Orono and Kirby and to their leaders, Mr.~ and Mrs. W. E. C. Workmnan. Let Coke join youi Visiting with Mi. and Mis. Colin Br'own for the Easter houi-I circle of friends. S( days wvas the iatter's sister, Miss Emma Morris, Toronto. Coca-Cola serves hos Visiting witb Mn. and Mrs. Harry Berry over the Easten hou- - adds to the occi days was the latter's mother Mis. W. M. Gallirnore. Toronto. We regret to report that Mi. Berry is -8ti Cro confined to the bouse with an at- DoteCtn -1 tack !1t- flu . We îi'ust1hewil lad.dlng Faderai Saies andE ts in the new Sbreasted y reason- Sof 'o INE TOP COATS slp on style in colours of grey and sand. -$22.50 each E SHORTIE COATS only . . . with zipper front -$16.95 each KENNEDY uch, Johnston &- Cryderman BOWMANVILLE Phone 836 SBEVERAGES PHIONE 3-273*. r! aii for touday's 0 À" 1u v irii tkOOLMO;OR 0L ffl Cities Service PREMIUM KMO- MOTOR Oit, mode by th. 41W --HIART- CUl" PROCES5. a unique method OE reRnno t'iot rtobins OnlY th* *Meurt" ut te flnest crudes, i the "'big îoIk" of the oil industryl And now, #1W PSIMIUM KOOL. MOTOR Oit,. s ut your neghbirhood Citles service Deaiert Stop in todoy end reSul the cronkeose wiih the ell lhtso1cknewiedged The lest 011 Known #0 Sdeeos el cdmei b~tm, semIS beer, cool$ ""otr mmd Rohi. sUd, sIudgé, and corrosion for more effectivoly thon uni ether ohl you have ever V" .to erjoy longer ieins 1f. end hsghiy in- precoed engins performonce wiîh osi. standing sonoiy, est 0&W PUEMIUM KOOLMOIOR 011 mode hY the -u "MEAIT-CUT" PROCESS et yeuf itigh- borhoed Cile. Services Delov, tedmyl b's Thele"a Oi1 Knewm ,te SelsW len's 1 1 1 CITIES @SERVICE, TnE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IROWMANMTLP. ONTAIRIO pSuits b a owm mvqm Pgnis

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