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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1952, p. 11

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TRURDAY APRL 2th, 952TE CANZADIAN STATESIVAN, BOWMANVILLZ ONTARIO PAGE R.<EV!N Open House Programn ai Si. John's funday School Proved Inieresiing And Revelation Io Nany Parents Recent progress at St. John's Sunday Sohool was illustrabed on Thursday iast by nîcans of the "Open House" program design- ed bo show wliab was being done in thc sex'eral deparbmenbs of bbc Sunday, School. General arrange- ments were in charge of Mn. W. I. Tait, Supenînteodent. To get an idea o! bbc work jof the Sunday School w-c wenb 3down stairs into bhc Chapel. 4.2Here, whab had at 0ne limie been a general u'iity room lias been ransformed ino an attractive littie Chapel wbere on Sunday the litbiest members o! bbc Sun- day School meet for worship and have their classes. Mrs. Charles Bétties is supernoendent o! bbc Beginners and Pnimarx' Depant- ments and wibh ber fine staff does an excellent pie-ce o! work with thc "Under Nines." In tbe Beginners' Rooro xe found a sand traY'. xsitb seasonal work portrax-ed. a flannelgrapbl illustrating the Cliri înstSor. sampies cf the pieture cards bbe cbi]drcn receix-e illuFtrating bbce 'ý ORIO I N tweeki 'v lesson, and oîany colour- fui samples o! thc expression work bbechciidrcn do. An itemi o! iobenesb 10 manv parents was tbc photograph o!flice chiidren of bbc department whicb Mn.! Hugh McDonald took a few wxeeks ago. The teachers in Ibis De- partment, Mrs. Madelîne Park- er and Mrs. Dorotbv Mason wxere on hand to meet bbce parentLs. Moving itothebbcPnimary De- partmcnb xve discovered man 'v simniiar dîsplays o! a sligbtix>' more advanced type. also sevenai "eut- out models" illustrative o! the lessons which wcre being taught. Our eye was atbraebed by bbc in- beresbmng progrcss chants shown in each ciass indicating b.v bbc use of coioured stars bbe pupils' progress and atendance aI Sun- day Sebool. The tcachers. Mns, Betty Wessclis. Miss Violet Mc- Feeters and Miss SYlvia Btuck- oeIl arc obx'iouslx- doing a splen- did %vork wib hebbchcildnen 6 to 9 x'ears o! age. During bbc evening ftue SundaY Sehool pianisi. IMrs. Eveivýn Mai-- ~re milk always on hand Heathgi'ngmilk in a new forM-powdcred for addcd con- 'Venience. Keep Po%%(Icrccl Milk on Vour sliflf against emnergen. ries. Add it Io your favoterite recipes to pack extra inilk soids into fanily meals at low root. Rercîpe bookets- For Pow.dered Milk reripem write Dair.v Foods Service Bureaui. *'Down Dair'.mu' -T I-nb dust program on Thursdavm 1:45-2:00 p.m. L.S.T. cicr 14n T'rani;-tanada -Network ni C. B. C. O- mos ul -um Soup-So good with re-tk1veflod milk powder. Sprinkle powder on, Iukowarm water, biend wjth a rotary becter. Pprepard pudding mix-slend pow- dered milk with dry ingredients, *,en stir in woter for tasty desserts. chant played appropriabe musi Moving upsbaîrs xve met fi o! ail displays of the work of! Junior Department. The n Junior Activiby Books in use t year, for expression work, ho assignmenbs and hclp Io the1 puls caught bbc attention of 1h4 present. Three beachers in t Depaiment. Mn. Bob Ev'ans, 1Stella Lamb and Mrs. Evel Marchant, quite exidently bu bbe course under control. In bbc Senior Departm( whcre Mrs. Geo. Sparrosv, NI J. Bidgland and Miss Myr Hall arc in charge twvo cotîr arc iin operationi. AMî. Sparr4 and Miss Hall icad the girls a boys, most of whom have flot3 been Confirmcd. Their course an interestiog one based mai on bbc Cburch Cabecbism. For the girls whlo have be Confirmcd Mrs. Bridgland eaching a speciai course intenc 10 familarize the girls witht nature and history of the Chur Here tbc special work books gai cd considerable favorable coi ment. In fact it appeared Il. some of bbc older folk wcre sorE empbcd 10 î'eturn ta Sund Sebool for Ibis ciass. The teachers and superinter ents dcscrvcd better support fni the parents and friends o! t Sunday School than bbc ater ance on TbursdaY evcning su gcstcd. Hoxve'r, Ihose whbo we present xvere xvell rexvardedf thein effort and those who i cd il losI îîot oniv an opportun to support their Sunday Schc staff, but aiso an informative ai intercsbiog event. The eachers of bbc Senior Su day School wcre hosbs bo t] gucsts at refreshmenbtîme. SILVER WEDDING MR. AND MRS. W. WOOLLEI A vcry pîcasant cvening wz hcld at bbhainoe o! Mn. and Mu Walter Woolle.', 50 Qucen Sirci Boxvýniarix-ilie, on Mondax', Ap: 14, onixtbe occasion of their 25 weddiog snt versar>-. Gift bask ets of roses, tulips. bydî'argea ai Eastcî' huies addcd beautyt Ibeir home. Among the othe loxvely gifts and cards o! congrat ulatiojis, xvas a cabinet of silve given by their bilîdren, beauli fui lamps from the neighbors ari fiends, aiso a gift of salad fonl from Sisters of the Rebekal Ladge. The evening gucsts numberci over 60, this being a special su: prise gatbcring, oubside of man7 gucsts in bhc aftennoon and als the foilowing day. Tlîe evening was spent in sev eral nuînbers from the Boys Quartette: Ken Hockiîî, Bolan( Coomb5cs. Ted Ott, down f rom T& ronta for bbc occasion, and Ivan son o! Mr. and Mrs. Woolley Thce' werc accompanied by Rotý Metealfe ah bbc piano. Twa love. ly solos were sung by Mai'ior Kilpatrick. 'The Lord~S Prayer' and 'Because." Neil D o u g l a s, l-year-oic grandson of Mn, and Mrs. Nei Mutton, sang in a boy's cdean so- prano voice 'The Old Rugged Cross" xvhich wss appreciabe. ver.,, much. Inîpensoîîations fol- lowed by Ross Mebealfe. The balance o! tie evening was speît in communîby singing oi songs and bymîs. A dainty iunchcon xvas served, bath ini bbc aftcrnoon and even- iîîg. by sistens and close friends. The dining room table was pî-ttiiy dccorated witb. roses and bail taper candles and tlhe lovel 'y xeddiîîg cake adorncd thc centre o! thc hable. Man 'y o! those present xvcre on- iginal guests at bbhexeddirîg 25 years ago. Out o! town friends from Toronto aînd Oshaxwa jour- ncyed doxvn for bbc occasion. The venx' best o!fxishes go out to Mr. snd Mns. W'oolicy for bhcir future happincss. The generous xwbo is alxvays jusI, and bbce.îust xxho us alwasx- gencrous, niay. unannounced, ap- proach tbc bbrone o! beaven- John Casper Lav'ater. I lirstWEDDING ew hîs SNOIVDEN - MOORE me- Spring flowers. snapdragons Lose and stocks formed the back- hîs ground for the marniage on Sat- Ir ~urday afternoôn. April 12in Co- aVe Hilda Moore, daughten of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Baltimore, te îent.Harry Thornton Snowden. son of ms ' ~Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sodn rtle Maple Grove. Rev. E. C. Rdl- ^ses l lJ lowayN officiated. Wedding music 'ow ýý1 vas played by William Ramrsev Ethci nd Ross Metcalfe. Maple Grove ~,> s~ang"The Lord's Praver" and .nly Given in marniage bv lier ~\~brother. Bill Moore. the bride een 1S was loveiy in a gown of white is satin. the bodice decorated with tny Sequins and pearls. The long the sleeves came te a point over tbc ch îand, and thc full skirt fonmed lin- a'~<~~. train in the back. Her finger. ' ~ tip veil was, cauglît to a sweet- )ni- . atheart shaped crown wi was ay teo match the bodice of lier dress. oni Sle carricd a bouquet of Easteî' nd- M :i liles tied with xide white satin ribbon and w'onc a double strand he neekiace of pearis, the gift of thc id- groom. ug- Miss Ruth Snoiwden, sister of erebbc groom, xvas matron of hionoi. fr wearing a gown of mauve nylonî ss- net over taffeta and carrying a it 'v bouquet of yellow carnations. Shie Ool wore a matcbing cartwbeel hat. tnd. Mabron of hoîîor and bridesmaids,. Misses Greta Sîîowdcn, cousin of' 111- thc groom, Mabel Moore, sister th of bhe bride and Edna Snowden, sister of bbc groom, wore sim- ilarly sbyled floor-lcngth gowns, the nylon net forming a stote! over bbc shoulders. Miss Greta' ~~ Snowden wore yeilow w it h matching cartwhccl hat and car- -~. "* .. ricd mauve carnations. Miss Mabel Moore and Miss Edina ;sIT'S CALLED "SEAL" the sensational new fleecy wool Snowdcn werc gowncd ù-n green ri, n hihthis attractive "circle coat" is designed.Sai net ox-er baffeta %vith mabching et, smnooth is luis different spring coat with the low' roLinded caî'twbeei bats and carryving ýri x'oke '-or-kcd ox'er the siceves. Ai-ior'iginal bv oteSn bouquets of pinl, and red carna- .1,Ion Litt le Saîndra Snioxvdcn, ;-and Pr uzan, the airv f ull-backed coat has twi,1n slt pockets xoungest sister of the groom. xvwas1 id in fi-ont and îîush up slecx'es. flower girl iii floor lenugtli dressi te o!f no y îxlon net ox'er taffeta ter fasbîonedt with sxeetbeart ncck- Plnit AU U lJ b ine and short puiffed slceves. Sbe 'er laningRubb r R sky Jobcarried a bouquet of vellow car- nations tied with vari-coloncd nd ribbons. - Planiers Carry Sien GuRS SAnd Revolvers, ai Their Side bestman aduses ee x- Carl Schwarz, ail of Bowman- y (New Toronto lVingfoot Clan) while travelling along onie of the ville. se Warren S. Lockwood, Director main roads. For the reception hcld at Field- of bhe Natural Rubber Bureau in Mr. Lockwood stated that the ing House. 117 Green St., Co- v-Washington. reeently addressed major conclusion that lie drew bourg, btcebî'ide's inother wrore a " tbc Rubber Manufacturei's Asso. froin bis visit to Malaya ivas tbat1 street iengtli dress of gi'ey nylon d ciation in Canada. In bis balk Mn. cverybhiig humanlv possible was over pink taffeta with nax'y bat 0- Lockwood outlined blîne ici- being done to produce rubber in and accessonies aîîd corsage of 1, dents wliich bad occurred dunîng quantitv. and that if al the tacts pink camellitas. She Nvas assist- Y'. bis recent xisit te Malaya; tbnee wene known, there would be less cd bx' ,tbe groomis motber xvear- is major conclusions that hie drew criticism concerning alleged 1ub- îîg a treet lengti l ress of navy tfromi these incidents. and a brief [ber cartels. bbe high priee of rub- taffeta. rnatchiuug bat trimined Mt outlîneofo!xh-at. in bis opinion, ber, etc. witb pink. niavy accessories and r" should be the policv adopted by "The debt thc United Nations corsage of pink roses. the United States in r'egard to owcs to the rubbet' planter cao Follo\wing the reception, bbc ci natural rubber. Here is his ad- be myeasuned in ternis of tbc stock- bride and groom left oii a wcddiing idress: pile which would net have exist- trip bv motor foir castern points. "Surrounded by chaos. witb cd had lie quit, and an invat-1 the bride wearing foi' travelling !c conîstant attack by Red gangsters uable strategie area, ric Inii es - a poxvder biue gabardine suit witb % vithin its borders. Malava bas . sential raw miaternaIs xhîc navy bat and accessories andt beld and is holding back th e Com- would hiave disappeared buŽind, corsage of white gardienias. Oti înunist pressure front which cx- the Iron Cuntain bad thie planter their retunn the 'young coupie il tends from Indo-China acrossý lost bis nerx'e.' xiii reside at 72 Duke Street, SoteftAsa f ht1ove'â Mr. Lockwood statedi that lie . Bowmanx\-ille. strength in 1%alax'a should fail, feitthie Uniîted States mnust biiildj edn gus foiutf; ai1ocs sa vi al n and continue to lîold a strategie cdnggeisfoi n u ail outeastAsi wil fal. ad .tow'n xere present from Wing-1 as1-eeie9 e cn !or eserve of rubbcr. Ho\wýev.en, once lîam. Kitceci'.r Toronto. Oshawa,, naturai rubbcr from thiq area, I this stockpile had beco accomp- Bowmnanville, Port Hope and dist- 'sbelieve bbc Mala, an front is sîira- Iishcd. thbc onbrolled buxing of! t begically more important to this rubber should bc neliiiquishedt, PirbbrmnigI rd continent than Kurea. Ib sbould ai-d a price d etcnmined on the Pretelr aigtebid be a key point in our poîicy te free market. He paid gi-eat tîib- coucntoerain t aMiscGea -keep Malaya strong,' sajd Nli' utc to the Canadian PolYmner Cou-cossocgin yMsGrt Lokxo.poration at Sarnia ai-ci said thati Snowden. Maple Gr1ovc. xvben 5 Locký,,oo(l.this si-nthetie ri.îbbçer plant lhad' about 25 fricnds and relatives [S The rubber planter is playing eontributed iminmeasurahlv teto bbc wre present. -a miagnificent role in bbc figbb defence of the free wonld. aganstComunim. anyof Looking te bbc future. MNr. I The nuinbei' o! express shîp- it the plaiîters wcne prisoners of bbc Lockwood stated that, bc believed mt1ents of bbe Canadian National rJapanese. xwho returncd tb their it t0 e b igblx- probable that thc Raîlwa -s ruring 1951, amiounted Jobs aftcr the war. Since.then, price o! n-ubber woulcl he stabil- tri 231.75rpentgani- dunng bc ear o 'pace' îeyized at a ioxven figure than ait messe o!fnmore than fixe per cent have livedi with revolver~s and -lti h ae ,oe h rvoi er Stn un a teu sde min ao-piesentisbn as. is opinionovrbcpeiîsra a Sen 4-bou hr viil antsud- lhe said: -I feel there xiii be-_______________ -ing a2-orvglaantsd enoiigh natural rubber produe- den deatb from bbe Jungle. tn omc i esnbecn 4x~ '~33~3O Nearlv evcr-y week one o!thbemn surner demsnds hy 19.53 orn94. *is atbacked fî-om ainbush. One out of cvery thinty has been mur- dercd since 1948. If the planter Allison Says Union should give up the struggie G igIt against Communism, tbc United Gon noHihG a more speed- as %e p-as,scd'-jun-gle F. ...... 'I'eniv.xc left theaî'moîured D car Io ta1Xe Pe unWx erp constant lx'iovercd 'hv -fine aind mioxeenil fromn Gunikha guard.c arai xtiî Sien guns and ne- Mrn. Lockxxoiod then told of txso Planter-,,xvho sbared the same An aitemipt %vas made on their lives ai bbe bcginining o! Novem- ber. Three weeks later onue o!f > thc planters xwas murdercd in the afternoon, sbot througlî bbc back of the bead bv a gucrilla xvhile lie read a newspapcn. Exact]-,- YU US one mnintbafler that, bbe other YUMs pian*er receivr-d a letier ano him that becwxvould bekildTxn xx cek-s arter tis snothbýr ateropt PH-ONE 7108 l~as made on the p'anier's life in J J Y- bli, hungaloxv 1omp 'a'ýid imonibJ UY later ho was kiied in an ambush' Freight Rate Expert mission in the Unitedtates. He Now Traffic Adviser hearings before the Canaclian Se,,,, he ous ofCon-mons To Transport Board and the Tariff Board of Canada. - -- A native of Nottigham, Eng. Leutiard J. Knowles. Moîitreal. land. lie was educated at Univer- noted authority on freight rates. sit and Merchaîît Venturers col- lias retied from the Canadian leges before coming to Canada in National Railv.ays under. the 1904. Folloming a course at the pension rules of thie coinpany. He Kingston Business College, he be- was assistant Io the president. gan his railway career in that He lias since joined the Board c'ý' of Transport Commnissioniers' as Mr. Kiiowles is a brother of traffic adviser for its job of work- i the late Vernon Knowles, public ing out a general rate equauiz- relations adviscr Io the Canadian ation plan. Bankers' Association for mnany Mr. Know les, who served as xyears, wh'o "'as often a v.isitor traffic advisor to the recent Roy- wijîb Bowmianvillc friends until ai Commission on Transportation, bis untimely death in Montreal bas been associated wvith Can- last December. adian railroading for 45 years, and ___________ because of bis Nvide experience in traffic matters, was called fre-, The prices of ai! railway nia- quently to testifv in rate cases' teiais,' as nieasured by a com- before the Board of Transport posite index based in 1936-38-100, Conissioners in Canadad rose by 9.7 per cent during 1951, the Tinterstate 'Commerce Com- ýbringing tbe index up to 220.5. Piceture News from C-I-L EXPLOSION IN MINIATURE I It happens frequently chese days in the Mý'ontreal plant where Sabre jets are mnade.\Vorker is using explosive rivets on a wing section, Developed by the chemnical industry to speed up riveting operations, especially in hard-to-get-at places, rhey contain a tiny explosive charge which fastens the rivet when fired. SUPER-SOFTNESS is a 'must*' in SWEETENING UP the air under eve rvlth ing that touches baby's sinks Is done differenti, roday. tender skin. For hath-time, 'The modern homemaker'5 helper mothers hind thar C-i-1. Cellu- is the aerosol - a new type cf los Spnge ar jut te ting package tbat dispenses deodor. bac pones ae jsr te ting ants, fly-spravs, paints, shave. w oderull sot ad asor>.cream just by pressing a button. cor. Available Ini srmart colours - "Freon" is the chemical propel. -bitie, green, ioraI, yellow and lent that makes this handy natural, method possible. *>0? C-I-t' products are making migbty contributions ta Canada's air defence. In addition ta explosive rivets for the F-86E Sabre, chemicals, nylon, 'Cellophane"f, play a vital raie. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES -LIMITED - MONTREM )NCEALED.. "CLIFTON COLOUR' COMB" rew! Exciting! Not a Hair Dye! COVER GREY HAIR SAFELY WITH JUST A FEW STROKES 0F <"CLIFTON COLOUR COMB"y <liflsm r.loitr Cnmb i %Xtn ireai1,,I~ lionu Ca e Il- <of <'n Ilh î Nt"î 1 teusr rsa rpra% i ng about the . a% eti cm, al tl i eslu of. ry lair i.hicli No oienmar a bc"aU- M*ith thr first frw btrnkeà of Clifion Cnlrnur Conib ..Y \ yoîr liair jA rrtored le) its natural lîîýtrou'i lî<'auty. '11li-n hrîîsh igornti-ly and in im there lu 'ta ' %iiil %ou vhampoo yvour haja. A 1 ,0,50 harInIlebý coIo(ur-wion'î ru!>off! Ec VtPree çlîadieaf-diiimBrown, 1)ark IIrotcrt, IJIa k. Y E COMPLETELY SATISFIED OR YOUR MONEY WILL E REFUNDED .OVELL Town of Dowman'Ille PROCLAMATION DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME s'arts SUNDAY, APRIL 27th, 1952 ai 12:01 a.m. Whereas. the couincil of the Tow~n of Bovinanv'ille ha-, passed si resolution setting the date for Da -ivight Saving Tinie, 1 therefore request ail citizens to observe the sanie. To carry out the request of the To%%n Comncil il ill he nec- essar ' to advance al docks and "'atches onîe hour at 12:01 a.nî. on Sunday. April 27th, 1952. The date of return to Standard Time wili he annotinccd at a later date. Signed Sidney Little, May or. The Town of Bowmanville GOD SAVE THE QUEEN BOWMA N VILLE TMMDAY, APRIL 24th, 1932 PAGE ILEVEN

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