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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1952, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE 'T'T~W. (~AWAflTA!%T rA9~AI.? nfltl7MAM¶m TV 79'A~7P~ HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon at- tended the Junior Farmers' camp reunion at Guelph on Sunday and stayed for the church service in the evening. Bradley Ashton, Toronto, with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family came on Sunday to take himm home. Bonfires and cleaning up in general is the order of the day in our village. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and famnily at Mr. Jim Nokes', Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeLaughlin, Burketon, at Mr. Ross Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Walker, Osh- awa, at Mr. J. H. Walker's. Mrs. R. Olesen, Misses Marion and Katie Olesen at Mr. Alfred Olesen's, Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. A. Read, Ina Beryl and Lynne, Bradley Ashton at Mr. Cyrus Ashton's, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm at Mr. Jack Pott's. With the issue of the 1952 Bell Telephone director v on Monda-y, April 28. the telephone numnber of The Canadian Statesman wilI change. The newspaper's riew number will be 3303. Subscrib- ers who use the Classified page sbould take note of this change. Miss Winnifred Trewin, Mvr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn. Anne and Steven, Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Trew- in and baby Judith, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Shirley Prout, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Fanl Trewin, Doreen and Donald, Mrs. Sidney Trewin, Enniskillen; Mrs. John Anderson, New Toronto; Mr, Fred Castie, Miss Grace Trew- in, Toronto, at Messrs. Wm. and Arthur Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn, 240 LIBERTY ST. N. Cadmus, at Mr. Dan Black's. (Intended for last week) W. A. met at Mrs. A. Read's on Tbursday. Devotional was taken by Mrs. H. Ashton. In the absence of group leader Mrs. Don Cameron. Mrs. R. Tbompson took charge of program. Readings wene given by M rs. W. Black- burn and Mrs. A. Tnewin. Lynda Potts and Ina Benyl Read gave a vocal selection and Margot Rankine played an instrumental. Cburcb service was well at- teonded on Faster Sunday. Rev. Lute delivened an excellent East- er message. The cbildren's choir gave two selections and Mrs. C. Rankine rendered a solo. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. We are pleased to say that Mr. Ira Traveli and men, Oshawa, have our chunch plastered. It is an excellent job. Ray Ashton with Mrs. W. Bnownlee, Leaside. and other rel- ativ'es in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Colbany, and Douglas, Alderwood, at Mr. W. Blackbunn's and Mns. T. Cowl- ings. Mn. and Mrs. M. McAlpine, Mn. and Mns. Elmore Walker and Barbara, Toronto: Mn. and Mrs. Ken Walken, Oshawa, at Mr. J. H. Walker's. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. McNeil*s. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ander- sou, Allan and Barbara, Port Hope. at Mn. A. Trewin's. Mr. Bruce Ganrard, Islington; Miss Shirley Garrard, Toronto, at Mn. Chas. Ganrard's. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Thompson and family, Mrs. Lorna Chaters, Tononto; Mn. and Mrs. Frank os- mond and family, Newcastle, Mrs. W. Thompson, Oshawa, at Mn. R. Thompson's.- 1 Now Is The Time For .. . m EAVESTROUGHING C SHEET METAL WORK ROOFING 0F ALL KENDS FURNACE WGRK - PHONE US FOR ESTIMATES - WALTER DAVIS & Cou 2 MILL LANE Phone 3412 or 691 Established 45 Years Dickell's STAR TAXI DI1A L D ur Office Neyer Closes IBUILDING CONTRACTOR RESIDENTIAL ..LTERATIONS ROOFING AND INDUSTRIAL - RENIODELLING -CARPENTRY PHONE à'637 RELIEF FOR COLDS Check the discomfort of a cold-fast! Inhale Minard's Liniment. You'l breathe easier, - e feel better. Just try it-you'Il see. "KING OF PAIN" LINIMENT Simpson's Opens Order Office In Bowmanville First customner catered to wvhen the new Simpson's Order Office was opened Monday morning at 65 King St., west, Bowmanville, wvas Mrs. James Newman, Silver St., seen at lef t, being greeted by Mangeress, Mrs. Nora Mitelhell, Silvcr St., (behlind counter) and shakîng hands with C. H. Richer, the company's Order Office Supervisor for Eastern Ontario. The new Order Office was opened in order to give better shoplpinig service to the increasing number of Simpson's custorners in the Bowmanville district. Miss Isobel Davis wilI also be on hand to help customers shop in person or by tele- phone (Dial 3325). Telephone orders from Clarke and Onono exchanges can be made direct to the Bowmanville office free of charge by dialing Zenith 5-4000. -Photo by Tom Rehder CO R IEon n e f ohers ad guets 'NEW TON VILLE * themselves making programmes. Mn. and Mrs. M. D. Wyman Reports were made by Miss M. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Newton and and daughter Marion visited Mn. MacGnegor and Miss M. Taîte son, Hamilton, witb bier parents, *and Mns. R. F. Wyman at the home and some instructions on toasts Mn. and Mns. Norman Scott. of Mn. Wyman's sister, Mns. R. wene given by Mrs. C. Penfound. Mn. and Mns. Herb Alexander McKnight, Windsor, duning East- Taps closed the meeting proper, and daughten, Merle and Donna, or weokend. aften which some girls rebeansed Font Frie, visited Mn. and Mns. Rev. F. Yandley, Embro, visit- the affiliation service for Thurs- CM Jns bnefy t evrl oms n 1h day, also a skit "Norma Nurses."C.M'Jns briely a seeralhoms intheMiss Marlon Osborne, Welcome, community last week.1 Countîce W. A. met Thursday spent Fasten bolidayss wîth honr Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. afternoon witb President Mrs. C. gnandmotben, Mrs. John Pece A. Trevail on the birth of a so efonnreiig h elo- Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Hancock, in Oshawa General Hospital, on ed céG.I.T.. Mission Baud and ail Peterborough, visited Mn. Tuppeni Apnil 20. present. C.G.I.T. and Mission Johuston. Miss Olive Johunston Mns. Cocil Adams speut the Band eacb sang thein theme songs returned home witb them. woekend with ber sister and follo wed by Fxploner's group i Miss Carol Brooks and friend, brother at Detroit. charge of devotional, Miss V. Toronto, spent the weekend at On Tbursday evening a coin- Bro wn, Miss D. Barber and Miss the Robb cottage. nunity showen was beld ait Van- D. Burtch. Offering was received Mn. aud Mns. Jack Glover, .oe 's for Miss J. Countice and by members of Mission Band, Joe Anne and Billy spent Fasten was well attended. Many beau- Billy Wanburton and John De- week witb friends at St. Thomas .iful gifts showed the high es Coe. Minutes were read, roll caîl and St. Marys. Lem in which the bride-to-be is and reports given, followed by a Mn. and Mrs. Wilbent Langstaff held. Fveryone wishes the h appy short business peniod. There will and daughters, Aune and Helen, couple the best in their new ad- be a. quiltiug on Apnil 30 which Toronto, with Mns. Hattie Lang- venture. Godndnquiros more ladies to complete staff.j Mrs. Geo.Godr and Mrs. L. these quilts. Lunch committee Mrs. Maggie Smith and sonI Courtice attended Home and for evening May meeting are: Mns. Roy and Mns. Wilband xisited Mn. School Association convention at G. Johnson, Mrs. R. Barber, Mrs. and Mns. Beggs at Lindsay. the Royal York, Toronto. also Mrs. J McKenzie and Mrs. M. Adams. Mn. and Mns. Gordon HalloxveIl, N. Hinds who gave clection re- Mns. Ternili and Mrs. P. Antil Mount Forest, xitb Mn. and Mrs. turns. were appointed to attend Pros- Wilfred Wood. Mn. and Mrs. George Reynolds byteny at Brooklo. Mn. and Mns. Fanl Walkev, Mn. visited bis brothers, Homer, Jack Tbursday aftennoon at Eben- and Mrs. How.ard Onnîiston and and Mrs. Goyne, Oshawa, on Sun- ezen Chunch Mn. McEacbern, Mn. and Mrs. Melville Sainis at- day. Mrs. Reynolds also visited District Representative, and Miss tended the Masouic social cvoning Mns. William Hobbs (ueeo Ms. D. Powell, Toronto, lu charge of at Port Hopc. James Reid) mwbo is 111 at the recreation and social activities Caroline aud Doris Clysclale homo of hien daugbter, Mrs. J. for the Blind, will speak to the spent Easter holidays xitb' their Barcla-y. ladies at 2:30 p.m. gnandpanents, Mn. and Mrs. Willis Courtice Sunday Scbool at Il C.G.I.T. presented a skit. '"How Farrow. a.m. had a record attendauce and girls can overcome obstacles in Mn. and Mrs. Donald Stephiens, cbunch service at 7 p.m. was well becoming nurses and mission- Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Jack attended. anies, followed with a reading by Fliiott. Sonny to bear Mr. P. Dalby ne- Miss M. Gatchoîl, "Al 0f My Mn. and Mns. Douglas Lester1 ceived injuries to bis foot on Sun- Heant." Mns. Cecil Adams. mis- and sons. Pont Hope, with ber day which needed hospital cane. sionarv presideut, was in charge parents, Mn. and Mis. Saunders. Courtice Country Couple's Club of affiliation service of C.G.I.T. Mrs. Cecil Walkex xith Mayor beld a bowling party at Mayfair and leader, lighting candies and and Mrs. Sidney Little, at Bow- 1Lanes, Oshawa, with 35 attend- wolcoming the girls into the As- manville. ing. Aften bowling all gathened sociation. Mrs. Penfound out- Mn. C. J. Moase, Lindsav, with at Courtice United Church te join lined work undentaken by girls, bis sisten, Mrs. G. W. Jou'es. in a sing-song and lunch was also projocts. These girls took Mrs. Don Vinkle xit Mir. and served xvhich completed a very part in the affiliation service: Mrs. John Vinkle. Bellevîille. enjoyable evening. Misses J. Kinsman, M. Taite, L. Miss Shirlev Ttifford, Bunker On May lst Countice Country Wehnert, S. Brooks, B. Alexan- Hill, xvth lion sister, Mns. Har'old Couples Club will have a pot dra. Mrs. Adamus pnesented three BuIrlov. luck suppor witb films and girls with their affiliation badges, Mn. Wesleî' Hleard. Bowman-s speaker presont. An aniiounico- Misses S. Brooks, M. C. Warbunt- ville, witb bis sister, M\rs. Clinton muent at Sundav's service will ton and Canot Floody. Miss M. Brolvu. tell wbene it will ho beld. This Brown was absent owing lu sick- Mi'. andi Mrs. Len Banton andf is the final meeting of the' season. ness. Aften the benediction ne- familv attended the Easter parade1 Witb the issue of the 1952 Bell fneshments were served. at Toronto on Sundav. 1 Telephone directorv ou Monday, Mother and Daughter Banquet Mir. and Mî's. Ronald Bunlev Apnil 28, the telephone numbor The annual C.G.I.T. Motben and and two sons. Pont Hope, wvitb of The Canadian Statesman will Daughter banquet was held at ber parents, Mir. and Mrs. Dave change. The newspapon's new Courtice Church on Satunday ev- Denauit. number will ho 3303. Suhscrib- ening. Arouud 60 sait down to a Miss Allie Cooper, Port Hope, ors who use the Clasl ified page dinner prepared by the C.G.I.T. visited Mn. and Mrs. William sbould take note of this change. Tables were decorated witb blue Hallowell. C.G.I.T. and Explorons met on and white caudles, yellow daffo- Mn. and Mrs. Vernon Stacey Wednesday evening at Countice dils. and blue and white place spent Suuday witb -friends lu Church. They completed plans cards made a veny attractive set- Toronto. fon mother and Daughter Ban- ting. C.G.I.T. President, Miss J. The many frieutis of Rev. J. quet. Miss M. MacGregor, lu Kinsnîan acted veny ably as E. Griffith, of Castieton. will bet charge of the kitchen, anranged toastmistress, ail singing The sonny to learu that ho is iin Belle-p the table waiting list and Miss M. Queu. Toasts wene proposed: ville Hospital with a heant attack. 1Taite anranged the list for food.1 to the Cburch, by Miss L. Wehu- Mn. and Mrs. Jack Haskil] aud 0 1Extra dislhes andi tablecioths %ere1 ert. responded to bv Rex'. L. Somu- son, Stephen. Toronto, w itb Mn. l voluuteened bx' the girlsi. *The 1 erville: C.G.1.T., Mrs. C. Peu- and Mns. HarvW'ade.k Suunbeamsq conipieted tlhe place fouudc, nespouse Miss M. Taite: Wîth the issue of the 19ý52 Bell i rardF unden sunervision of Miss Mothers, Miss L. Taito. nesponseý Teleohoue directuiv ou MNonda._, 1). Sonerville and aiso c"kdb'. Mns. R. Brooks: Explorers Mpil2 t he telephotip number t Nlis S. Brooks. respouse bv Miss o h Canadian Statc-uîan wiviii ID. Barber. Miss M. Taîte minro- changc. The' îîex'. spapeir .S n - : duced the guest speaken, Miss:iîumber w~iii be 3303. suiscnl' Il- iMarion Sibbold. Tornto, xvbom 'ens vxhbu use the Ciassified page slie met at Camp Council in 19501.. bùîild take note of this change. C Mýiss Sibbold used sketches of e Ivarîous'phases or symbols to bring Tr191ulan pems Ia verv instructive and interest- T 91pl nipî iîng addness on Camp Council important section of Canada's for- from lhen own personal exper-î est industries. had greater value îiences. isJn"Cmig than wbeat and all other grain C.G.I.T. leader. Toronto, came crops combineti.a along with Miss Sibbold. The thanks of the gnoup was very enjox'abie eveniug. 1/ fittingly expressed by Miss P. Courtice Circuit Young Peopio's Welsh who told how much tbey Union met Mouday voxeuing lu had enjoyed Miss Sibbold's talk Maple Grove Chuncb with presi- d and invited ber to come again. dent Mn. W. Down lu the chair. il Miss M. MacGregor lu hon usual Devotional w-as unden directionT capable manuen conducted a of Miss S. Antil anti Miss;ý Somen- livelv sing-soug, accompanied by ville. The speaker a,; Mn. D. tf Miss P. Adaums at the' piano. Miss Isman xvbo spoke oun Ciîu. S. Balscîn xith ber dry humnon IHe showed ba iflp:cti1îlesa î'neznîai'ïeîl the gathering with %'hvicb h tlP.-bar i Ikeýiidiirng p *Thf, Cunînus Tra%-ellen ' Games itheirnii.zsienar" x' cnrKîin China, r _________-iducted bv Miss M. Taîte and i M-eeting was attended by 22 mem- Mx.a C. Penfound closed a most bers. bc Now... . _ HEAR THIS! VAPOR TRAILS We were walking dowvn Scugog St. Monday noon when we saw Harry Hughes and his wife to- gether with a neighbor standing on Church St. staring up at the sky over Vanstone's house-on-the- hill. Curiosity caught Up with us and we gawked skyward too. but we couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. -~What yuh lookin' at?" we asked the man in the pic- ture. He pointed to a long white streak in the sky that started somewhere out beyond Hampton and continued out over the Lake. At the lake end of the streak an- other white line crossed it and formed something of an X. Mark Roenigk, of Westmount, saîd he saw it while working in his gard- en. We mention this because just about every other town on the map is baving flying saucer nightmares. We didn't see a sau- cer, but we did see sometbing in the sky wbich when combined with a fertile imagination could suggest a pretty good rumor. OPTIMISTIC GENT Friday we bumped into a gentleman who recently purchas- ed a new home on Division St. We don't know how he is fin- ancing the buy, but shortly after our conversation began this chap says: "Say, do you know where I can buy a sweepstake ticket?" WANT SOME GOSSIP? Bowmanville, like any* other small town. bas rumors floating uip and down the street a mile a minute. Just for- fun one day xve started a new rumor in cornp- nx with Jake Brown. Four days later a friend of Jake's told bim the story we started, but in making the rounds it had grown in bigness and badness. Suppose two people each re- peated some gossip to two friends witbin 15 minutes of the time tbey heard it. That makes four. Now, suppose within. the next 15 minutes each of these four re- peated the same gossip to tw o more persons, and so on down the line. l-ow long do you think it! would be before everybody in the! world beard that choice piece of gossip? If each person who heard the gossip told it to two persons within 15 minutes of hearing the tid bit, it would take only seven hours and 45 minutes for every- body in the world to hear the gos- sip. This is mathematical fact. MY LADY BEAUTIFUL A friend of ours usually takes bis two-year-old son to the barb- er's for a bain cut when he goes to get bis own bain cut. The other day be also took bis three- yean-old daugbter along in order to let bis wife go downtown alone. When Fred Cole was finisbed with the young lad bc turned to tbe girl and said: "It's your turn now. Jump up in the chair." "Oh, no," the three-vear -old replied. "I go to the beauty par-1 ]or." YE OPERA HOUSE Tuesdav morning w,,e had oc- casion Io go up to the Opera House. We were somne\hat startled b ' what %ve found. Usual, when a group puts on a showv the *v take their scenerv clown as soon as the run is fin- isbed. The Coruz A Poppit'. cre\v. however, left, behind signs plastered to the %valls on hoth sides of the stage. They're stili there. LOMBARDO HERE Guy Lombardo and his talented crew of Royal Canadians pulled into Bowmanville and stopped for lunch a week ago last Tuesday. The band travelled lu a bus; Lombardo dro'.e a grev Cadillac. allv, plaý s the samie tYýpe of rnusî;c, sveet aid soft. Hpes the g~ent xhoî composed the song B The Riv- er Ste. Marie. SUPER WEIDING Sunn v Saturda v afiernoo w vere in L. A. Parker's plunîbing! establishment tr.vîng to round, up1 a washer for a dripping tap when1 wve saw the first of two wedding parties roar down Front St. It was a beautiful wedding. rhe girls in new gowns were ra-' liant in the cars (we didn't see the bride) as tbey drove past. The drivers honked their boros. The next vebicle along after i he happyv wedding gioîîp wa, a ht-aî se: and tb s was follov.-ed b'. a truck loaded wi'h a t\ pe cf1 prod ci \t ue don*t usuali-: Iike il, mention in this newgpaPer. WP'd sa': iba' rnu,ýtbave beenl sorne wedding reception. MAPLE GROVE Messrs. Leslie Collacutt, How- ard Foley and Ross Metcalfe. and Misses Greta Snowden, Mildre4j Snowden motored to West Hill United Chunch Sunday to see and hean thein newv two manual elec- tronir Minshall organ. the new type. which they ahl enjoyed very mucb. Mn. and Mlrs. Lawrence Mal- colmu and children. Nestleton; Mn. and Mns. Bob Jobnston and Don- na Manie. C-ourtice; Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Belîman and Mn. and Mrs. Don Hanna and son, town, were Fasten visitons with Mn. and Mrs. L. Collacutt. SALEM Salem W. A. met at Mrs. Wil- bort Craig's. President Mns. W. Wenny conducted the business. Mrs. Ken Shackleton bad charge of the meeting in place of Mns. Les Coombes. Mrs. Mary Cann gave the devotional. Readings wene gîven by' Mrs. F. Cator and Mrs. H. Barrie. Mrs. E. Twist and Mrs. Ken Shackleton favored with a vocal duet accompanied by Mrs. G. Shackleton. Mrs. S. Buttery gave a ebapter ofthte Study Mexican - cello carton TOMATOES Florida - full of juice OIRANGES Size25' Pure - White - Delicious COMB HONEY DARES - Cello Bags YOUR CHOICE 'Ieatirne assonteti lemion sxvirl - cbocolate - lemon coco ntut. Book. Mrs. Twist conducted a contest. The group in charge served lunch. With the issue of the 1952 Bell Telephone directory on Monday, April 28. the telephone numb of The Canadian Statesman we change. The newspaper's neW number will be 3303. Subscnib- ers who use the Classified page should take note of this change. The Sunday School held a so- cial evening in the church last Tuesday evening. Program con- sisted of several choruses by the junior members of the school, recitation by Canolyn Tennant; reading by Don Richards; vocal solo by Margaret Shackleton-, Violin solo by Ken Shackleton, both accompanied by Mrs. Ken Shackleton. Attendance pine, were pnesented to a number où. pupils by Rev. D. Lute. A ref.- ligous film was shown by Mn. Lute. Piano duets were given by Misses Grace Blackburn and Gerda Cnaig. and Miss Marion Buttery and Mns. Sam Buttery. Lunch was served by the men and a social time enjoyed. Mrs. Gilson, Toronto, with Miss Ida Stephens and Mr. Laurence Squair. Happiness may be thought, sought, on caught, but flot bought. ea. 2 doz. 49 Julie Issue Beller Living HI-LO Skim Ml MAGAZINE-- 5c CHEESEZ lb. i.at9c Makes 4 quarts- Powdered Skim MiIk MILKO 16-oz. package 381 J'BISCUIT SPECIAIJ i en. 29Ç Bleached - Cotton Black Knightf S U CARBRed Cohoe ip. u BACS -"each 35c SALMON -3c1 Large Size - 28-oz. botties AMNERICA DRY 2 for 27ç. , Resi denlial Building Lois For Sale R o n aid Hetherington MEATS SKINLESS MAPLE LEAF '7 SAUSAGE 1 M. pkg. 47 BONELESS - Picnlc Style PORK SHOULDER 59. M APLE LIAF - Sliced BOLOGNA -Imm -1391 B RE A KFA ST BURNS- Dominion B A CO0N - - ý% 1ib.. pg. 25 DOMINION STOMS LIMITI 1 PAGE TWE; VE = CANADUN STATEsmAiv- ROWMANVMTP- n"APTe% F"t"me"A" A15101rT d)1416 laIL4 ea. 19Ç 39Ç

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