THO R8DAY, APRffL 24th, 19521 TflE CANADIAPf STATESMAN, EOMWMANVMLLF, ONTAI!O PAGE TRTEENI Fort Barley Is A Feed Barley Ottawa.-Fears have been ex- pressed in same quartons that the m~eent licensing by the Dopant- ~ent ai Agriculture ai Font Ban- "4ymay be detrimentai ta the production ai malting banieys. Fart Barley is primarily a ioed bariey and is recommended fan that purpase anly ion Eastern 'Canada. It is fat a suitabie ban- ley far the Prairie Provinces be- cause it yields paaniy unden dryj conditions. Of the 250 million bushels ai banley now- being gnawn in Can- ada, about 53 pen cent is fed ta livestock an fanms, and does fat enter the trade. Oniy about 12 per cent ai praduction iinds its way into the malting market. The dlaim that Fart Barley may get mixed with maiting banlevs is nat negarded as like]y, aificials ai the Depatment in Ottawa, point out. The nature ai the maiting trade itseli is against this happening. Because ai pon yieids unden the diier western conditions, littie Fart Barley wili ho gnown in the Prairie Provinces. Most ai the malting barley in Eastern Can - ada is praduced either under con- tract on is supplied by shippers or agents who arrangefrpo duction, or abtaining supply, in Automnotive TOM COWAN, Proprietor 134 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE the differont malt-banley local- ities. As a ieed barley, Fort is likoly ta fi an important place on the average Eastonn farm as it wil givo a satisiactory yioid. Its goad nesistance ta ladging wiil make it easien ta barvest and make it a safe nurse crop for seeding dawn ta grasses and clavons. It will be a distinct advantage ta bag and livestock producers, but it shouid not be gnawn for malting pur- poses. BROWN'S Visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Curson and Jim, Mn. and Mrs. H. Sinclair and boys, Mr. and Mns. J. Hartwick, Diane and Susan, Mn. Bort Hartwick, Mn. and Mrs. W. Kell *y, Toronto. With the issue ai the 1952 Bell Telephone dinectory on Monday, Apnil 28. the telephone numben ni The Canadian Statesman wili changpe. The newspapor's new number xiii be 3303. Subscrib- ers who use the Ciassified page shouid take note ai this change. Visitons at the Avenys: Mn . and Mrs. Elmen Herring and Miss Blanche Wotten, Osbawa. Mn. and Mns. B. Stephenson, Miss Peggy Stephenson, Mn. Ross Boyd, wîth Mn. and Mrs. Whitney Boyd. Kirby. LU The New i IKEGUSON TRACTORil end Fetguson sysa.m impiomenut i -'ones apinmntol Office 2621 - Rosidence 3441 ;REAL STA TE H. G. (Hap) GILL Real Estate 8 Second Street Propenties Sold - Rented Managed and Appraised Memnbers ai the Canadian and Ontanio Real Estate Boards H. G. Gi, Itealtor Phono Bownianville 3.514 ARCHITECT Before \ ou build. consuit an architoct HERBERT G. COLE, M.R.A.I.C. Telephoie Bownianx'ille 3653 AU DI T IN G MONTEITH & MONTEITHI Chartered Accountants 37 King St. E. Oshawa Mr. Gardon W. Riehi, C.A... I- resident pantner. OPTQMETRY KEITH A. BILLETT Ofie Optometrist OfieHours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Mondas' ta Saturday except Wednesdav .9 -12 Evenîngs by Appointmcnt 44 lLing St. W. - BowmarivWs Phont 3252 The Ferguson Tiller For Fast Economnical Soul Tillage Th'is ex.clusive Fer-tison invention sj>ceds uip seedbed preparation, checks soil rosion, renovates pastures, contrais noxiotns iveeds, reduces surface 1watWr run-off. I The Ferguson Tiller attaches or detaches in la minute or less. The adaptability of this tiller is un imited as it wil w'ork large fields or small plots. You cari also equip the tiller with sweeps and shovels o~r every possible need. SEE THIS FAMOUS TILLER ON DISPLAY NOW AT Sid Lancaster's Garage RB. 2, Newcastle PHONE 689 Sid. Lancaster's Ferguson Jubilee Night Big Success Sid Lancaster's Garage, t miles east ai Newcastle, wae contre ai attraction on Wedn day ovening, Apnil 16. It was1 fist jubilee occasion in the lo district for the Ferguson Systi ai Fanming, and also celebrai Mn. Lancasten's iirst yean af is cessful dealership fan Fergu: Tractons and Implements. The intenion ai the garage h' been tnansiarmed into an au, tanium with chairs, platiorm a movie seneen. Mr. Lancaster, master ai cenemanios, welcorr the averfiowing attendance almost 300, including people irE a radius ai sevenal miles. Ho troduced Mn. Bethel, nepresei ing Hanny Fengusan, Incarponat( who showed two movies ihIustn, ing the many desinable ieatur oi the Fenguson System, andz terwards explained vaniaus nr chanical dotails. Much interest was evident the Fenguson methods ai actic particulanly in the ease ai oper tion ai the Fingen-Tip Hydnaul Contrai which was invented ai perfected by Hanny Fengusc The effeet ai this mechanis unites the tracton and implemeý into one machine and is an e: clusive feature ai the Fergus( System. Befone the meeting opened, r corded music was played, and a prognam numben twa accondjc solections by Miss Wyleen Wilsc deligbted the listeners. Anath( film, "Vacationing in Canada pnovided additianal entertaii ment. The occasion was fitting] conciuded by an abundance reiresbments, served a la buif by the Waman's Association Newtanville United Church. Mn. Lancaster is gneatiy plea. ed with the success ai bis f ir occasion ai this kind and ho dE sires ta thank ail thase who, i any way, asssted in making it s( ]Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Bannister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank af Montreal Ioney ta Loan Phane 79 Bowmanville, Ontaria LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. annister, Solicitor, Notany Publii King St. W., Bawmanville "hone, Office 688 - Rsidence 551 MSS APH[A 1. HODGINS ýanister, Solicitorn, Notary Publi Successan ta M. G. V. Gould emperance St. - BowmanvillE W. F. WARD, B.A. Bannisten, Solicitor, Natany Money ta Loan 91/2 King Street E., Bowmanville, Ontania 'hones: Office 825 - Hause 409 cO)NANT & CONANT Bannistens and Solicitors Gardon D. Canant, K.C. Rager G. Canant, B.A. fîices: shawa, Ont., 71/2 Simcae St. S. Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ontaio - Phon 25 DENTAL DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. IKing St. W. . Bawmanville [ice Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 faon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phono 790 House Phone 3609 EE. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 9Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville fice Hauns: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily arn. ta 12 faon Wednesday Ciosod Sunday Phono 604 MEDICAL S. H. WITZEL, M.D. Physician and Surgeon non ai King and Mili Streets Newcastle ce Hours: B TH NY~i called "TheCoombo Plan",Farmer's Advocate spending 04 more than $5,000,000,- Editor Favors The definition of a small vil- 000 during the next six years. lage as found in a recent issue This year Canada is giving $25,-. Hornless Shorthorris af a bank magazine: *'A small 000,000 ta help bring pi7osperity tw0 village is a place where everyone ta an area in southeast Asia, that Farmer's Advocate ,s a knows whose cheque is good and contains neariy a qiuarter of ail and ies- whose husband isn't." the people ai the world." Con- Canadian Countryma the tinuing, Mrs. Challice gave com- Lodn aaa Cal ad Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDon- Parisons af the diferent methods Aprdon,4Ca1952 tem ad Taronto. with Mrs. Richard and autlined brieiiy three types Arl1,11 ted Fallis. aio projects the Colomboaplan wiîî Dear Mr. James: ;c- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gillespie, undertake; that ai technical ca- Needless ta sayý, I enjoyed that son Hastings, visited Mr. and Mrs. aperatian. capital assistance and story about the hornless Short- William Cavana. supplying aifaaodstuffs. Canada horns that appeared in your -issue is warking with Australia and af April 10. àad Mrs. Ronald Pameray. Peter- New Zeaiand to pravide an ex- In the "Advacate Cauntryman" di- borough, with her parents, Mr. penirnentai ianm in India aiang we have been drawing attention nd and Mns. Ernest Cavanô. the lines ai the ane in Ottawa. ta the uselessness ai horns an asd Ms. Henry Jakernan was a bus- Ail in ahl this is a big praject and catte and there are sorne breed- ofins visitar ta Toronta an Fni- thase wha have respansibilities ens, ai course, wha do nat like it. rnday. in thi: wark can see rnany difi- However. here and there a iew in- Mns. Leonard Merrick and son ch are wth a igt of aeyta play ýnt- David, Kingston, with her par-. Mrs. H. Sanderson gave a nead- oith arey tyillt te th hornsr .ed, ents, Mr. and >Irs. Ernest Stacey. ing "The Camman Coid." Mrs. of hytl eta on r ,at-Waler owlnd ws wnne ofrecessive geneticaily and it wouid 'es MisMarie Cann was weekend an "Object Cantest." Lunch was nîh e a offc l rnaz- ai- guest ai Mr. and Mrs. G. Tennant served by Mns. Clara Armstrong, hmofcmltl.1a mz n-at Biackstack. Mrs. R. W. Price, Mrs. H. L. Chai! ed that the scientists and agricul- Miss June Wright spent the past lice and Mrs. H. Sandenson. tural experts have not been wonk- inweek with relatives in Toronta. ing an it long before this. They on M. ndMr. er Feean"Sunbonnet Sue" have been making new breeds - and daughteI5 Kerry, Toronto, On Fnday evening the Town and making ad breeds ver, but lir iiear ndMs atrRw Hall was fiiled ta capacity and a apparently they have neyer [li viite Mr ad Ms, altr Rw-very appreciative audience heard thought of nemaving the horns. nd land. "Sunbonnet Sue", an aperetta in Perhaps they sensed a bit ai op- on. Mrs. Hannah Cairns, Toronto, twa acts. presented by the chair position ta scientifie tampering sin spent the past week with ber sist- irom St. Andrew's Church, Mill- with breed characteristîcs. nt er, Mns. I. Penny, brook, under direction of their However, Ben Franklin is night. ýX With the issue ai the 1952 Bell leader, Mns. G. A. Spicer. The The catie feeder and the ultimate ýon Telephone directony on Monday, setting ai the play was the gard- consumer are the determining April 28. the telephone number en home ai Mr. and Mns. H iram' factars. e- ai The Canadian Statesman wiil Meadows (Donald Spicer and Loose hausing or the so-called as change. The newspaper's new Anne Dawson). The titie raie ai open door method af stabling on number will be 3303. Subscrib- Sunbonnet Sue was sung by cattie is coming. That requires on ens wha use the Classiied page Yvonne Richards, who took the Iulorsso I think the lhorns are ter should take note ai this change, part ai the arphaned daughiter an0he ar atevnwîhdar ae ofsttteAnul a a famous singer. When ber cattle. in- ioe' nttueAna ather also was accdentaily kiiled dy Wamen's Institute met in tesei etwt aiyb the I am told that ai ail pune-bred ai Orange Hall, with Mrs. H. L. namne ai Scnoggs, wha make her rgsce nteU Cet Challice presiding. It being the wark very hard and ailow her S. herd book last year 25 per- cent ai annual meeting, reports were na advantages. As the scene were harnless. heard. Secretany Mrs. Harold opened, Mrs. Coleman (Mrs. G. One cauld say that four or five ts Sanderson related ten interest- Spicer> as president ai the State generatians ai cattie breeders and st ing meetings; fruit, flowers and Federation ai Music Clubs had f millions ai cattie raisers can't be e-cards sent ta iii or bereaved mem- arrived ta conduet a sînging con- wrong. Hawever, I tbink they bers; a donation ta a patient in test for the yaung people ai the1 are. and 1 arn ail for a honns-ofi « the Hospital for Sick Children, district, accompanied by bier son, oiy 1.Toronto, ten members attending Bob Coleman (Fraser Carr), ber Thanks for the marked caipi Toronto Anea Convention; spon- daughter, Barbara (Betty North) and with kind regards, I arn, soring ai Junior Hamemakers' and Barbara's finance, Jerry Yours truly, - Club. "The Glad 1 Canners", Jackson (Gardon Might). Aiter The William Weld Company whose wonk had been outstand- beaning Sue sing hec lament Limited -ing; a fire-fighting committee "Washing Dishes" the three younig aeoPrt, formed, alsa a cammittee ta un- peapie are determined that she WaEon ortii-er, dertake the remodelling ai the shahl enter the singing cantest Eio-nCif Stown hall basement. Funds had that evening even though hcr )j been raised by presentation oi a guardians have fonbidden ber ta A LEUoV play, a eucbre party, basket so- do so. With a wandrabe suppiicd A L GR V -cial, and catening for a banquet. by Barbara, Sue wins the cantest Bank balance was $116,50 and incidentaliy turns out ta be Mr. Roy VanCamp, Mn. Gardon, ic These aificens were elected: an heiress. She becornes engaged VanCamp and Mr. Samn Van- President-Mrs. Ross Cann; Vice ta Bob Coleman. Comedy parts Camp received word early Thuns- ý3 -Mrs. Thomas Jennings; Sec'y- are played by Minerva Scorggs day marninig that the forrner'sI -Mns. Harold Sanderson; Treas.- (Jean Winsiow), hon husband bnother-jn-law, Mr. Lodge, Mary-1 Mns. C harles Reynolds; pianist- Abijah Scnoggs (Mac Ingham), land, U.S.A., had passed away7. Q1 Mns. T. J. Jackson; District Di- their daughter Evahina (Edith They leit eanly Friday morning e rectr-Mrs. Thomas Jennings; Elson) wha it quite sure bier trilîs by motor ta attend the funeral. Vîsitîng Com.-Mrs. W. Pbillips and high "C's" wiii win ber the omahyi xtne0t h and Mrs. T. J. Jackson; Gift Com. pnîze; Ezra MeSpavin (Lawrence boreaved relatives. -Mrs. F. W. Reynolds and Mrs. Winslow), the village constable; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, C. Armstrong; Auditors-Mrs. his son Reuben (Rev. A. M. But- Betty Ann, Hamilton; Miss Mar- Preston Neals and Miss L. ler) who fancies himself quite a oan nweTrtosptth Thampson. Progrnm Convenons: lady killer and who with Min- wlSkno wen, Torno pentthe 9Agriculture and Canadian Indus- anda Meadows (Helen Falls) and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Bli -tries-Mrs. T, Jennings; Citizen- make a cbarming pair ai country neturned home with bis parents.ý ship and Education-Mrs. T. J. loyers. Village maidens also tak- Film Board pictures wili be, Jackson; Community Activities ing part in the contest, Luella shown in the basement ai the and Public Reiations-Mns. Mari- Lumpton and Sadie Simpkins church on Thursday, Apnil 24, at seli Finney; Histonîcal Research were played by Enances Elson and Eeyoywloe and Cunnent Events-Mns. H. L. Luella Kellett. "The Calico Ginl" 9.Pm. veybdywcme. ase Challice; Home Economics and who does a sala dance was Fran - une,sspentythe wokend with the Health-Mrs. H. Rayson. ces Dawson. Margaret Guthrie misses Bragg, Shaws, Kingston Mrs. A. H. Monk moved a aiso had a sala dance part. Oth- Raad, E. hearty vote ai thanks ta the retin- ens in the chorusos or square Congratulations ta Mr. and ing president, Mns. H. L. Challice, dances included Leona Bahl, Edith Mrs. Harold Stevens (nee Joan for honr splendid leadenship the Clarke, Leona Failis, Jessie Lunn, Roachi on their necent marniage. past four years. Arlynne MacPhenson, Bevorly apeGo C.ITmtt- It was decided ta apply for one PtoEihSeprEn g gether at 6 a.m. on Thursday, of he xtesio corse avilalenew. As well as those done by Apnil 17, for a sunrise biko. There for Homemakors, first choice be- th wa solo dancers there wene were seven members and leaders ing 'Brighten Your Home With special dance routines by Yvonne ta enjoy bacon and eggs fnied oe Color" and "Make It Right' as Nonchrs Frasen Carr, Betty an open fire. Before breakfast anatentie Ms R . nceNorth Gardon Migbt, Jean Wîns- Mrs. Lloyd Snowe aeawr a lentV.MsR.W rclwEdith Elson, Lawrence Wins odiigaeawr Mns. H. Sanderson and Mns. H.lo an McIgam Hoe ship service. The weather was L.Challice were appointed a com- Oulette played aIl the piano ac-pefcanaihdawnefu L.te tocniu ihter-time. mitee a ontnu wib he e-compantiments, with Reg. Atchison Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden modelling ai the tawn bail base- and his violin assisting with the adM.W .Sodnwr ment, performanc squae dnces Th perormnceMonday dinner guests with their Twenty-six members paid their was reaiiy autstanding and Mrs. brother Sam and wife, Oshawa. fees for the coming year. Spicer is ta be congatulated. The annual W.M.S. Sunday fons. H. L.vetsChaicenven on service will 0e held on Sunday, fotr CentaEven "Tgae aProtApril 27, xith Mrs. L. M. Samen: inteestng alk n 'he ro-ville as guest speaker. gness being made in South-East SudyShoMadNhrhsr Asia." Two yeans ago the Com- und llay Scho n ED churc1:er monwealth countnies sent thei'r -- vce vi santon(ED.S) :3 0p.mi., Sunday School; 2:40pm, foreign ministens ta Colombo in luechunch service. Ceylon ta formulate plans that M.adMs o opn wouid belp the Asian countî-ies MNIU ~ Tr nto Mrs. D Royavies n H.' and from that meeting arase what ..tJmvl. u -" - ài years old, guaranteed, like new. FARMALL "A" - with mnounted plow, excellent running order. COCKSHUTT "60" - good shape. Farm Equipment and Automotive 13 4 King St. E. Bowrnan ville Phone 689 Lynch, Oshawa, were Saturday guests ai Mr. and Mns. F. R. Stevens and attendod the Stevens- Roach wedding. Mns. Joe Jewohl, Mn. Chaud Jowell, Cannington; Mr. and Mrs. Chanlie White. Miss Madaleno White, Mn. EdcLie White, Mn. Bfll Lovelock, Oshawa, were Satun- day guests af Mrs. J. D. Stevens and attended the Stevens - Roacb wodding. Sympathv is extended ta Mn. and Mns. Eber Snàwden in the suddon passing ai their brother- in-law, Mn. Fred Wight, New- castle. Special Temperance pictures wili be sbown at the Sunday Sehool in the basement ai the chunch an Sunday. An invitation is extonded tao veryane. C.G.I.T. met Apnil 22nd. Ex- ploners met the same night and tbey heid their recreation ta- gether. Worship service xvas con- ducted by Betty Carswelh and Marilyn Herne. Chapter ai study book was nead by Nancy Shram. Aften neading minutes, rail cal] and business, 14 girls attending worked on crait. With the issue of the 1952 Bell WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada Telephone dinectory on Mondav, 312 Lihcrtv St. N. BOWMAN VILLE Phone 476 p. April 28, the telephone number of The Canadian. Statesman wiil change. The newspaper's new number wiii be 3303. Subscrib- ers who use the Classified page should take note of this change. Wool Growers', Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Direct Settiernent Shippers may obtain sacks and twvine without charge fromi ROY SMITH, Clark P.O., Newvtonville or by writing direct to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE aet«ee<iAe««c? SEWA'GE DISPOSAI OR DRAINAGE SYSTENSI et L pliut h a itn lk ov r er ar ms '@M SA H, B o man agerm, ast T ,as,... .-.- ro 4B11110C1919 B o ANaerFas OnT as a Lcn oei*44ý 7,uo 2ra"j. Bokn ihCmdANK 0 n TREA w1k^I l;.:-10« woxn iO t2an neeo akoflf ine11 1 11111 e 444'<44Fru~ At Less Cost with e' i Àj7 W AUTOMATJC SPRAYINC Grbw Better Fruit Produce better fruit wlth John Bean Automatic spray- lng. Undersides as iveli as the tops af the leaves are thar- aughly rovered - and covered an ture - with elther Speed Sprayer or Low Boy. Make Spraying Easier The aid drudgery and hard wark af handling a hlgh pres- sure gun is taken out of spraylng by John Beau Auto- mnatic eQuiprnent. This equlp- WHEN YOU BUY .. NIAGARA DRAND ...YOU BUY PROTECTION Dormant Oîl Spray and Elgelol Lead Arsenale and Calcium Arsenale Kolospray - Kolofog - Kolodust Kolofog Wet-lex Phoskil (Paraîhaine) Gamkil Lindane Preparations for Control of Flies ROBERT H. CALE AGENT FOR JOHN BEAN SPRAYERS AND NIAGARA BRAND SPRAY MATERIALS 4 Reduce âpraying Costs John Bean autoniatic spray- lng soon pays for itself through savings in labour, time and spray niaterials. One man operates bath tractar and sprayer. Mare uniforni caverage niakes materials go furtiier. More Profits John Bean autornatic spray- ing equipment is an investrnent that more than Pays for itseli from savings In labour, Urne and spray niaterials . . . and SM«ART FARMERS PLAN AHEADI NOW Is the time to fine up the equipment needed to assure you a bigger and better year in 1952. Our equipment has consistently proven its popularity with farmers everywhere. CONE IN AND SEE ON DSPLAY.. Field Cultivators front7 V/2Io 10 feet 13 and 15 foot Narker Grain Drills 200-T Tractor Nanure Spreader 8 foot Traclor Disc Harrows - Side Rakes Spring and Peg Tooth Harrows 4 orse and Power Driven Nowers 3 furrow and 2 furrow Plows Engine Driven Balers INTERNATIONAL, TRACTORS W4 - Farinail "M" - Super ""C" Super ""A"" and CuLs Ail with hydraulic power take-off, beit pulley, lights, starter and rad shutters. - ORDER NOW - Farm Eqm«pment and AD120 Bownianville 312 Liberty st. N. Phone 689 BOIVMANVILLE Phone 476