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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1952, p. 14

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PAGE FOTYRTEM! Tfft CANADnANf STATESMANf. EOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIo ____ ÂURSDAY. APRIL 24th. 1952 Nesietn taton Mrs. Jas. Payne, Cadmus, onth Nestefo Staion arrivai o! a baby boy. Mr. Samn Adams, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lansing, with Mr. and Mrs. Allun Beacocl< Marilyn, Shirley and Beverley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bahl and Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rus- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon BaIl, To- sel, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Norman ront, with Mr. and Mrs. Ton Lansing. Langfeld. Misses Gloria and Janice Sad- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Colley anc 1er with their grandparents, Mr. family visited ber parents. and Mrs. Robert Sadler in Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Naylor, Pef- manville. ferlaw, and Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Sunday guests with Mr. and Millard, Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Sadier and Mr. Wil- Mrs. Grant Thompson. frid Williams were: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers W. E. Doddwell, Oshawa; Mr. and took Mrs. Lonnie Chapman anc Mrs. Claude Bottum, Mr. and Paul to Orillia on Saturday or Mrs. Jack Junkin and Mr. and their return trip to Trout Creek. Mrs. D. Junkin, Bobcaygeon. Mr. Oliver Rohrer bad bis ton. Master Jamie and Miss Nola sils removed last week. Hunter, Port Perry, with their Mr. Riddell and Nels Marlovw cousins, Beth and John Proutt. are plastering Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen, Heaslip's new bouse. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sameils and Mr. Richard Bowles, B.A., Dept. Sharon, Peterborough, visited of the Interior, Ottawa, with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Larmen Hyland. and Mrs. W. G. Bowles. Mrs. S. Staples of Ida visited Miss Patricia Bowles xent by her brother, Mr. Sharpe and Mrs. 'plane to New York where she Fonder. spent Easter week witb ber Mr. and Mrs. John Fratalochie,' cousin. Lindsay, called on Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Elmer Nesbitt, Mr. and George Bowers. Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt and Mrs.ý Mr. Donald Proutt, Oshawa, Jas. Harris ;pent Saturday in To-1 with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt. ronto. Mm~ Harris remained Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prentice, with friends. Port Perry, called on ber grand- Mrs. Ceciu Wilson is in Erie, fathen, Mr. Jos. Noon. Penn., while her sister, Mrs. Clif- Mr. K. Burton and Mr. Doug- ford Hetz is in bospital. las Gordon viisted Mr. and Mrs. Miss Joyce Graharn and Jean J. Payne, Cadmus. Bowers are practice-teaching at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Symons Shaw's Sehool this week. Misses and Joan, Bowmanvilhe. visited Etinice Wilson and Elaine Thomp- Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Marlow. son are at Hampton. Mrs. Ralpb Sadler spent Sat- A Ladies' Aid crokinole party urday with ber aunt, Mrs. Fred was well attended, realizing $17. Toms. Mrs. Lee, Brs. Brown and help- With the issue of the 1952 Beller rvdaelcosunh Telepbone directory on M onday,ersrvdadiioslnh April 28, the telephone number o! The Canadian Statesman will Well arranged time is the sur- change. The newspaper's new est mark of a well arranged mind. number will be 3303. Subscrib- -Sir Isaac Pitman. ers who use the Classified page Thou wilt show me the path o! should take note o! this change. life: in thy presence is fullness o! Miss Marilyn Meteaif, Toronto, *oy; at thy right hand there are with her uncle, Mr. K. Burton. pleasures for evermore.-Psalms Congratulations to Mr. and 16:11. Custom Warkc MANURE LOADJNG at reasonable price - APPLY KEITH DAVEY TYRONE e PHONE 2737 BOWMANVILLE si Make Sure your CAR or TRUCK cornes from 'Mart' Sissonsà' Garage 35- CARS AND TRUCKS - 35 Priced from $100 to $3,000 FIVE'SPECIALS 1951 FORD 1/2 Ton PICKUP 1949 CHEVROLET DELUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN Very Iow niileage, inany extras, five brasîd newv whitewall tires, worth $300 more than the average car of its year -- ----- ------ 1948 CHEVROLET COURH Custoni radio, heater, like new -----_- 1938 OLDSMqOBILE SIX SEDAN Not reconditioned but good value - ----- 1936 CHEVROLET m m $1,295 $1,575 $1,345 -$100 A good serviceable car -- --------- $275 Sisol' Garage PHONE ORONO 1031 Cash - Fair Trades - Liberal Terms Open 9 a.m. Io 9 p.m. Monday Through' Saturday le e, k. id m id f-, .d A d n C. ,e r ci ;e 1 ci a Si s hi C( IN t Hl in BURKETON This cormuýnity was saddlened with the passing of Mrs, Arthur Dean. Apnil 17. Our deepest sympatby ta Mn. Art Deans and three little daughters, and ber father, Mr. Leonard Gatcheil, Howard aînd Harold. The fun- eral xvas langely attended in the United Church witb interment in Hampton Cemetery. Mus. H. Rahm returned fromi Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. S. Pedlar with whom sire spent a çee k. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Mn. and Mrs. Walten Rahrn withi Mns. Rahm. WiVth tire issue o! the 1952 Bell Telepirone directony on Monday, April 28, the telephone number o! Tire Canadian Statesman wilI change. Tire newspaper's newv number wvill be 3303. Subscnib- ers who use the Classified page should take note Of this change. M,,I. aiid Mr.s. R. Gardiner,1 Niagara Fa7ls. N.Y.: Mn. and Mrs. J. Sti ong, Toronto. xvith Mrs. E. CaizhrIl. Mr. aiid MrF. A. E. ]Rib ' were1 n Toronto witir relatives. Mn. an:d Mrs. Fred Sheehan and Shirley witb Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Han throne. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd,1 Doreen and Ilene. with Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins.E Mn. and Mrs. E. Cochrane, Rag-a lan. witi r M. and Mrs. E. Adams.J See Coninng Events for th(- nIý i Bunketun Chiurcil Fridav A *veningz, SOLINA Miss Marilyn McCarrell, Orne 1mee enjoyed bolidays at Mr. We: Hills'. Miss Helen Baker, Toronto spent the weekend at ber home. Mr. and Mns. Bruce Tink and cbildren, at Mrs. W. A. Ormis. ton's, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ashton Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashton, Loi5 and Kenny, Bradley's, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crorne, Oshawa, at Mrs, Rose Blancbard's. Mr. Gordon Crouse, Ottawa: Mrs. Margaret Crouse, Mn. and Mrs. Keitb McGregor. Don and Nancy, Oshawa; Mrs. Ken James and Dianne, Woodbridge; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Spires, Milîbrook, at Mr. E. Spires'. Master Larry Spires witb Ro- bert Armstrong, Oshawa. SMr. and Mrs. E. Spires at Mr. G. L. Crouse's and Mr. Percy Bent's, Oshawa. Mrs. E. McCormack. Pere- rnan's. at Mr. Russell Vice's. Messrs. George and James Ben- nett, Boxgrove, Mr. and Mrs. C. Anthony, Wbitevale, at Mr. Gea. Hamlîn's. Miss Jean Cryderman, Oshawa, at ber home. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wray and daughters. Oshawa; Mrs. S. Rundle, Bowrnanville, at Mr. Ross Cryderrnan's. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gannon and family, Oshiawa, at Mr. John Knox's. Mrs. John Knox at Mr. Tommy Anderson's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox, at Mr. George Harper's, Utica. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hutcheon, Oshawa, at Mr. Chas. Langrnaid's. Miss Ida Stephens. Mr. Law- rence Squair. Salern; Mrs. Emme- uine Gilson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston, Bowman- v'ille, at Mr. Roy Langrnaid's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrinder and E{elen at Mr. J. Large's, Bow- ruanville. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Stanley at Mr. Chas. Knight's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice, Taunton, at Mr. Frank Westlake's, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Davis and Patsy, at Mr. Walter Davis', Ked- ron. With the issue o! the 1952 Bell relephone directory on Monday, April 28, the telephone number of The Canadian Statesman will change. The newspaper's new numben will be 3303. Subscrib- ers wbo use the Classified page hould take note o! this change. Mrs. Wes Werry bas returned home a!ter convalescing at ber Next I Parents' home in Oshawa, follox ing ber operation. Miss Mabel Harris is a patier in Oshawa Hospital. We trù ber condition may soon be ir proved. Misses Shirley Ellis and B3et: Symons. Toronto, are spendir this xveek with Miss Betty Kir at Solina School. A Public meeting will be bel in the hall tonight (Thursday to wbich, the community is invi ed. Miss Kathleen Gnaham enjoý ed holidays at Mr. Bert Mon gomnerys, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Myles, Onon vîsited at Mr. J. R. kivell-s. The Y.P.U, met Mnnday nigi with Joyce Abernetby, Citizer ship and Cornmunity Servi( Commission Convenor in charî o! the prograrn. Donna Vice a& sisted in presenting the worshi service. The Interesting top! dealing witb pnoblems in th home was in the !orm of a pan( discussion with questions submil 'Led by the members being ar .wered by Don Taylor, Donn V-ice and Mn. and Mrs. Harve * ellowlees. As a fitting cor lIusion Pearl Leach sang "Bles îhis House. Recreation, includ -l'l games xvas led by Olive Cry ,i2rman, Don Taylor and Re% i. Empey. The members wer e(minded hy the president, Bruc YTa 'lon, o! the Spring Conventioi at Blackstock on' Apnil 26 and 21 Sunday School will be held a 1:30 p.m. (D.S.T.) and Churci service at 3 p.m. (D.S.T.) nex Sunday. Note change o! time ti Daylight Saving Time. Solina Home and School Clul wvilI meet Friday night, Apnil 25 Mr. L. W. Dippehl, principal o Bowmanville Higb School will b( thie speaker, When a grass fine got out o: control at Mr. Henry Gonr's las, veek the barn was destroyed. It required several men ta ex. tinguish another grass fire at Mr HI. G. Heal's after it bad caughl in and damaged a length o! fence Mrs. Minaker o! Port Hope hs visiting at Mn. Lonne Kellett's., Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey and Barbara; Mr. Roy Hooey and Mr. R. C. Scott spent Sunday xvith Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott and son Norman at Guelph. Gardon has purchased a practice in Brantford. We wish hirn every 3uccess in bis new venture. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe and Lyn, Mn. and Mns. A. L. Pas- 'e visited at Mn. Bryce Brown's, Dshawa. The many !riends of Neil Yel- owlees, Tynone, wiIl be pleased ,learn hie is improving in the I7estenn Hospital, Toronto, whene ie is receiving treatrnent. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sobil anÈ family at Cecil Lloyd's, Toronto Mr. and MrS. Stanley Coverlý and sons, Ebenezer, at Wes Cam. eron S. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron and Johnny have moved to an apari- ment in Dick Nemis' bouse. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton at Ted Stepben's, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Balsas Solina, at Russell Stainton's. Mr. Bob Haines, Miss Inez Cam- eron, Oshawa. at Ray Cameron's. Miss Ruth Shaw, Oshawa, at Russell Stainton's. Mr. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, gave a very interesting talk on "Temp- erance" at Sunday Scbool. Mr. Ted Yeo sang two solos "The Lord's Prayer" and "Bless This House," accompanied on the piano by bis mother. Too bad there wasn't a larger attendance. Mr. A. Lynch, Jean, Glen, Ger- aId and Shirley, Mr. Alan Dilling, Whitby; Mrs. Don Gustole, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mill- son and'Peggy, Solina, at Ray Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. George Sonley, Toronto, at Fred Cameron's. Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Mrs. Alex McMaster attended the Regi- mental Band concert at O.C.V.I. Miss Jean Pengelly was soloist. With the issue o! the 1952 Bell Telephone directory on Monday, April 28, the telephone number of The Canadian Statesman will change. The newspaper's new number will be 3303. Subscrib- ers who use the Classified page should take note of this change. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dart and Judy, Malvern; Miss Norma Claude, Scarboro; Mr. James May- bury, Scarboro Jct., at Henry Dart's. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissberger Hans and Bertha, at Edwin eiss- berger's. Victoria Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron at Arcbie Keith's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bird and sons, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mof- fatt, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abbott and sons, Oshawa, at Percy Da- vidson's. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Davidson, George and Peggy, at Elmer Down's. Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dart, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart and sons attended the 46th wedding anni- versai-y of Mr. and Mrs. William Dart, Sr., at Scarboro Jct. on Friday night. Grant and Gwen Glaspel, Ty- rone. with their grandmother, Mrs. F. B. Glaspel. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspel, Tyrone, at Mrs. F. B. Glaspel's on Sunday and the cbildren returned home with. thern.i lin. Mr. and Mrs.' Herb 'Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Miss Lorna Sudds*, Bowrnanville. 40 Donna and Dennis, Blackstock Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Fennell, Mrs. Harris and son Paul, Ux- Barbara and Donald and Mr. L. Ibridge; Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Osh-S. Caverly, Islington. were Sun- awa; Mr. Wm. Penwarden and rEarl were visitons at the Murphy 1 home. V Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pen- LET US *warden, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Penwarden and . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk. V We welcome Mn. and Mrs. Harold Murphy borne again, bav- ing spent the winter in Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Smith, Gloria and Bob, Bowrnanville £' j with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. l Smith and Grace. E © Glad o se so anyEASYt church Sunday evening Io bear Rev. D. Lute's fine sermon . Don'tD0ES IT forget next Sunday when chu rch hnousltrug will be at the usual bour, 7:30 FOR TIP-TOPte uk-sltVn- p.m. Daylight Saving Tirne. teqikrsl at With the issue o! the 1952 Bell PERFORMANCE Ads! You just pick up Telephone directory on Monday. the 'phone, place rour April 28. the telephone number adEVd.llfr ah o! The Canadian Statesmnan wuill V L I tsteeasiest way 1 change. The newspaper's new know! number will be 3303. Subscrib- ers who use the Classi!ied page OIR should take note o! this change. Wp.i A. met in the shool on USED CARS & TRUCKS STATESMAN Arl15. Vice-Pres. Mrs. . FARM EQUIPMENT Partnen conducted the business. WHITE ROSE DEALEX We enjoyed the following pro- H A MPT ON -W ANT ADS gram: piano solo-Miss Patsy Phone Bowmanville 2885 PHONE 663 Gibson; readings-Mrs. O. Miller,. Mrs. A. Youngran and Miss G race Sm ith . and a very w orthy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ paper by Mrs. N. Woodley on Easter. Lunch was served. lUn yg RO UL If j The men bad a "bee" at the IIiU'ADAA &l B O T ATEVD "ATIN' school Tuesday afternoon putting up the swings. I UNR ISTLÈ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Duval, Les- OL BRESISAL~ kard. were Sunday guests o! Mr. in any type of furnace and Mrs. O. Miller. Mrs. W. Vaneyk, Mrs. R. Sini ALSO STOKERS and Mn. G. Kovacs Sr. arc on the sick list. Hope they xiii soon N be better. A. J. Heari & N.Bothwell Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Darch, PHONE: Noon and 5 p.m. - 3473 Port Hope. aorNgt-28 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Martyn,Da orNgt-28 Oshawa, visited M r. and M rs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ id [y ,e s. e [S ville. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Misses June and Marlene Tay- lor had their tonsils removed in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvjhle, Friday. We wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lamb, Clark- son; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Junkin. Lorraine and Jimmy. Port Cred- it, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Coombes and daughters Gwen and Colleen, Bronte. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Cale. Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Coombes. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam visit- ed Mrs. John Liliicrapp, Canning- ton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griffin and Jean, Purple Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coombes and Rowland attended the 4th wedding celebration o! her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Cale. Bowmanville. Two young men from Normal School are at Tyrone Public School this week. .11 WE WISH TO ANNOUNVCE lhai commencing this week our store WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.N. MAKE TRIS FAMILY SHOPPING NIORT This is a great opportuniîy fo bring the enfire family oui fo help wilh the shopping. You will find il is a lot easier shopping in lhe evening. SEE DUR SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK CAWKER'S SUPER I.G.A. MARKET i PLEATS WITH DASH in wool is this chic stitcbed accondion- pleated full skirt for a yarn-dyed grey worsted suit, fnom Capri Frocks' collection for spring '52. Gleaming rhinestone centened buttons fasten the partially beit- ed jacket . . . the collar, a Buster Brown. A bit o! dash at the neck .. . a ho wo! gney silk shan- tung taffeta. icTYON (l The Easter Thank-offering of t- the W.M.S. was held Sunday n-morning in Tyrone United Church a with a fair attendance. The W. cy M. S. and Mission Band with lead- n-ers sat in groups. Pres. Mrs. Al- ss bert His and Rev. D. Lute con- d- ducted the worship period. The y- choir rendered a suitable num- v. ber. Mrs. M. C. Fisher, Brooklin, re guest speaker, gave a very inspir- eing address on 'Wide Windows." )n Everyone enjoyed bier message. 7. Miss Karen Schade, Hanover, Rt Pa., spent Easter bolidays with ,h Miss Ann White and visited Mr. t and Mrs. Les Coombes. Lo Mr. Reginald Gaskin, Three1 His, Alta., enroute to Moncton, ib N.B., visited bis aunt and uncle, 5.Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. )f Mr. A. Henry, Mrs. C2. Henry,t )eMrs. M. Tuddy, Dorothy and Fred,! Mr. J. Wismer, Toronto; Mrs. K.! Jacobsen, Port Credit; Mr. and )f Mrs. J. Colbary and children, 3tBrooklin. visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Bruce and Brian Ja- cobsen returned home with theirj r. mother. it With the issue of the 1952 Bell Telephone directory on Monday, ýApril 28, the telephone number o! The Canadian Statesman will ychange. The newspaper's new ànumber will be 3303. Subscrib- ers who use the Classified page sbould take note of this change. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McPher- son, Shirley and Keith, Oshawa, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent, Saturday evening' Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McLeod and baby, Craig, Miss Patty Flah-1 erty.' Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook with Lauraine re- turning borne. Mr. and Mrs. T. Findlay, Thorn- bill, visited Mrs. Otto Virtue. Little Bonnie Giles returned home Thursday fromn the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin and baby, Enniskillen, vis ited lier parents Mr. and Mrs. N. Col- lacott. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Park, Tommy, Ken and Glenna, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. J. Park, Jimmy and Scott, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Alldread, Mr. R. Alldread, Mr. and Mrs. J. Welsh and children, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Strong, Salem, called on Mr. and Mrs. James Alldread. Mrs. S. F. Cowling, Miss Yvonne Saunders visited the lat- ter's father, Mr. Wellington Smith who is ili at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. G. Gransden, Bob- caygeon. Sorry to hear Mr. Donald Mountjo ' injured bis band at work at General Motors on Mon- da. and Mrs. L. Cochrane and bovs, Enfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Cowling and Miss, Yvonne Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and Michael accomnpanied M r. and Mrs. G. Perfect, Bowmanv,ýille. and vîsited Mrs. H. Perfect in Cobourg Hospital on Sunda '. Pte. A. E. Edwar 'ds, Camp Borden, called on bis sister, Mrs. T. Scott on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Philps and Mr. Bill Pbilp, Castleton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp and Miss Jean Philp. Ceeule Park with Mr. and Mrs. A. CovrrlxBomavu Mrs. Percy Hayward, Bowman- . Stanley Goble and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brennan and ifamilv, Oshawa, visited Mr..and Mrs. Mclaggan. HAMPTON Mrs. Marjorie McCulloch, Es- sex, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1Robt. McCulloch. Mrs. Arthur Martin, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Loveil, Jack and Alice Loveil, Dexter, Mich., visjted at Mrs. Percy Dew- ell's. Mrs. Jas. Smales spent a fewv days in Toronto. Miss Isobel Smales returned with ber for the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell. Master Ronnie Baker, Solina, visited his cousin. David Smales. Mr. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, xvas a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray and other relatives on Sun- day. Visitors wvith Mr. and Mrs. K. Caverly and Mr. C. W. Souch day visitors with the latter's son,' I Kenneth and Mrs. Caverly. With the issue of the 1952 Bell Telephone directory on Monday, April 28, the telephone numtr of The Canadian Statesman "Il~ change. The newspaper s lVw nuniber will be 3303. Subscrib- ers wvho use the Classified Page, should take note of this change. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Keetch,, Brooklin; Miss Helen Rogers, Osh- awa, were Sunday visitr tR Widdecornbe's. ioratR Miss Muriel Hindrnan, Toronto, spent the 'veekend at ber borne here. Synpathy is extended to Mrs. Lewis Allin in the sudden pass. ing o! Mr. Allin on Monday rnor. ing. Heavy thunder showes eý very prevalent.on Tuesday aftèr. noon and cvening. A nurnber of our citizens have been quite ill with the flu. The barn on the Gorr farm, foi merjy owned by Harland Trull, 'vas destroyed by fire on Thurs- day. ?nt st Lty Id t- Ty- it- ht ls- Jp 1 1 a 1 ý 1 TYRONE for your shopping convenience

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