PAGE SIXTEI2i r AMAflT &I'3 ~TA '1'~W~ffAM ~~YIX~7~R A M~?TT t ~V V~WT'~ A J.JLJÂYÂCX~~~ ...~...V.A.aÂ4fl* ~ I. ~L1J..J TIII.JRSLIAY, APRIL I 1153 The Orono News Mirs. R. E. Logan Rev. and Mmi. A. E. Eustace. H. Rowland. Pembroke, were in town during Lucille. Kathryn and Bobbie Easter holidays, and were over- jLvînC'h, Woodbridge, spent Easter night guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D.1 holidays with their grandparents, Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mil-. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe. sonI.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson, Mrs. H. Boyd and baby, Kings- Toronto, wero guests of Mr. and ton. spent Easter week w ith her Mrs. Tom Lewis. mother. Mrs. Ken Gamsbv 1AMr. Ross Ta ' ,-or, Coiborne, Mrs. Owen Fagen and child- with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. ren were guests of her parents, Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cooper for East- M,%r, and Mrs. 0. W. Rolpli visit- er week. e red nOtw eety Mrs. Gordon Mann and child- ei riendos in oftawa re entl ren visited her brother, Mr. and LMr, s. Tosn ois Cioaffey' Mrs. W. Carmen.,oki iiîn isVoaGl Miss Jo-Anno Cornish, Ladies'filî College, Whitby, spent the Easter W ith the issue of the 1952 Bell holidays at home. tTelephone directory~ on Monday, Miss E. Holmes, Oshawa, spent April 28_ the telephone number the holidavs with Mr. and Mrs. of The Canadian Statesman will change. The newspaper's new number wvill he 3303. Subscrib- ers who use the Clasýified page should take note of this change. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson on Sunclay were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson, Betty Ann and Larr.v. Toronto, and Mr. and M1Vrs. Ralph Brooks, Rickey and Karen, Niagara Falls. IMrs. Roy Tamblyn, Sunderland, visited ber cousin, Mrs. Fred Tambl'i. Mrs. 1). 1Mvles; has returned from a nionh;s xisit with MVIr. and S Mrs. Henrx' Smîith, llornepayne. Mr~. and Mrs. C. E. Miller, Larry anid Wayne andi Mrs. Frecd Tamb- l\'n spent Sunday at their lodge on Chandos Lake, Apsley. They were surprised to find that the * ice was ail gone from the lake t and the snoxv from the woods. I Miss Laura Begley', Matheson, and Miss Shirley Porter, Oshawa, * visited Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Port- f's a separate Faod Freezer and Refrigerator combined, each with LEVELCOLD temperatures that keep cli foods safe and good-regord- Iess of season or weatherl Take 7 minutes I Find out about the new Cycla-matic Frigidaire and what it wiII mean to you!1 Aiso see the new De Luxe, Master and Standard models, prced from $299.75 On Sale at M9ason & Dale HARDWVARE 36 King st. E. Phone 408 Bowmanville er. Mus. Mary Pbasey and Diane, and Jane Robson. Oshawa, wbth Mr. and Mus. C. Wood. Mr. and Mus. Glen Wiggins, Brantford, w-bli her parents, Mu. anid Mus. M. H. Staples. Congratu lat ions to Mr. anc Mrs. Harold Cobbledîck on the birtb of their son on April 18 bu Mernorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. V/e are sorry to report that Mr. Will Cobbledick is a patient in Oshawa Hospital and hope he will have a speedy recovery. Annual meeting of Women's Institute was held in the Coun- cil Chamber on Friday. A pot- luck dinnci -,vas held at 1 o'clock. 1'eeting folloxved, with President .. . .. . .. . "A FINISH FOR E VER Y SURFACE" THEATRE - OWMANVILLE THURS. - FRI.- SAT. - APRIL 24 25 -26 The star of "King Solomon's Mines" STEWART GRANGER, in a big new M-G-M spectacle that's rough!..riotous!!...romantic!!! Ani Amu'sing Short Techunicolor Cartoon MON. - TUES. - WED.- APRIL 28 - 29 - 30 FIPIST TIME AT REGULAR PRICES OST FORBIDDEN 0F THE LD'S GREAT LOVE SÇTORIES e 2o, Scentury Fox presents First Show at 7 pa.î.- Second Sho,%v at 9:20 MOVIETONE NEWS TECIINICOLOR CARTOON Future Ballet Beauties Pre pare For Pirouette Three dainty littie ballet pupils of Lillian Mae Marsh, from Bowmanville, get ready for their pubic performance as Irish Colleens in a dance recital of MViss Marsh's pupils on Saturday afternodn at the Oshawa Masonic Temple. Above Cheryl Ann Luxton, far right, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Luxton, King St. E., puts the finish-ing touches on little Donna Polley's costume, while Sharon CLulIv smiles ber approx'al. Donna is the daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill PolIey, Jane St., and Sharon is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cully, Wellington St. t Mrs. 0. W. Rolphi in tise chair. A siate of officers was brought iin by Mrs. Ed Dean and the Presi- dent for 1952-53 will be Mrs. Foster Ferguson. Meeting was in charge of convenors for Commun- uvy Activities and Public rela- tions, Mus. W. J. Lycett and Mis Edith Sherwin. A gentleman froin the Nationsal Instittite for the Blbnd w-as tise speaker. His message was interesting and fuLII of insformations of wxhat thîs wor- tby organization îs doing to belp the sigbtless aînd to train them for positions in ail walks of life. Mus. Harold Salter and Mus. L.. TII visited tiseir sister. Mî's. C. Wood on Monday. They were accompanied by Mus. Harland iTruil, aIl of Hanspton. The funeî'al of Mus. Thomas Powers of Milton, a former- resi- dent of this communitv, xvas held from the United Chtircb on Tacs- day afternoon xvth iterment in Orono Cemeteuy. To heu fansilv w'e exteîsd sincere sympathy ini theit' bereax'enit, Dir. A. F. McKeiszie anid Mu. R. E. Logan aiteîsded tbe Ro\ aI Arcb MVasons Grand Chapter at tise King Edwaî-d Hotel, Toronsto, on M'ednesdav, lVI. Howard Liistoiî i,ý confined to bcd fol lowing a lieaut atiack. V/e iope lie will soon be - l aga is. On Sattirdaxv- eceîsig î'elatives aind friends of MrIî. and Mus. Heri- Cornisb gathered in tise town hall to Isonor tbens on thebur 25)tI wedding anniversary. A veux' fin(-ee'ing's enteriain- ment was enjo ' ed by over 80 î people. After placing the bride ansd groomiin seats of lhonni', Mri. Henry' Cantrel read an address and their daughtcu, Mus. D. Siîssp- son), pveseisted lier mnotber and father witb a beaUtifufl cbeSt Of silx'e'. Tliseî' littie grandulaUgh- ter. Shsaron Simpson, presented floxeers. Other honored guesis w eue tbe bi'idesmaid and grooms- main of '25 yeai's ago, Mu. and Mus. Herb Mui'ax-. Their maiss'fî'ieimcs wislh foi' then nsany veau s of con- tined bealth and happiness. Ex'ening Ahixiliaux- was beld in the auditouîimn of tise ebtrcis on April 17. Dorotlsy Baile', and bier guoîîp are Io be congratîilated on1 prepmring surIs-1a lvl'sup- peu. Pues. Eileen Biiilings look charge of ttse buisinîess. Rails Guaciv led is the exotional perioci. Glacîx', Browns fax'o'ed scitis foui' io'elx'1 piano selectioiîs. \'elisa Arnissioi'1sg sbwcd soisse veux' iteî'estiisg pictai es ofliser i riip soutîs, somie pictures at Orono Fair, lrxsdiîsg Chistismas trees, aîsd soie at Reiîa Taibl %is's Sunda.v Scisool piciît. 'i'Inse w-eue eniox'- ed vervi': iii id A niSositobe cxci îsg .a hriîglit i a cIo se bv ultiat np tc eîedict iîîî. \ ,sisalx\a\ s talks about if YouÇreTIRED ALL THE TIME GTADUS ~ Easter Bonnet Parade Features Maple Grave Women'9s Institute Mrs. W. H. Brown, New President President Mrs. Ivison 1\Iuniday was in the chair for the annual meceting of Maple Grove Wolnel*s Institute on April 14. Reports xveîe reeîvecl fromi standing committees, Good Neigb- bors Commnittee and Librarian. Mrs. J. D. Stevens reported over $26.t00 spent on cards, flowecrs and gift boxes. Mlrs. L. C. Snowden annouuced the purcbase of the book ~John Fisher Reports" and the gift of 35 books fromi another library. It \vas annouineed that Maple, Grove bad been asked 10 belp! provide for the homne cooking booth at the hospitat bazaar bn JMus. Stceplcen Jeffreýy anîd I-S. Chas. Greenham wecre named as a comimittee to see about provid- f ng a bice ,stand for al Grove sch .oni stuvtents.r ae Mis. si hart Morion presided for! election of officers as presented 1w' MVrs. Edwarcl Eole v, convener of nominating committee. Ofi icers foi' 1952 - 53 are: Past1 Presi dent Mis. Ix ison Munclay:i President-Mis. W. H. Brov;n; lst1 Vice-Mrs. Ceci] Jeffrey; 2ndý Vice-Mrs. Chas. Greenham: Sec-( î~etrv issSusan Lairdc: Treas-1 District I)ireetor Mrs. L. C.I ET I NALLY TUuRS atSi MlM l N< ,/BECUSE- '-"Tired-out" feeling and "'.-- h ackache are often due to urin1ury irritation and bladder discomfort - and fur ocer jhfl*a.,enuty DuJd's Kidney thilla hâ~ve htehed Lring relief Ironback. achxeand "tired-out" feeling by stimulating the. kidneys. Cet i)odd's Kidne, PiI5 at any drug counter. Look for the blu, box with Lue ted baad. 'iou cmdependont>udd. 161 Snowden; Director-s Mrlis. L. C. Whbite, Mrs. A. J. Campbell, Mrs. C. H1. Snoxvden: Auditors-Mus. Fred Stevens, Mrs. I. Munday; Pianist- Miss Edna Swallow; C ood Neiglibors Cotirnittee--Mris. I1loward Bradle. ,Mrs. Leslie Col- Iact.Mrs. Chester- McGrath, Mr.Roy VanCampD: Memibership I Cou.-Mus. Tomi McGuirk, Mrs. IRo.v Metealfe, Mus. 'Mark. Mun- Id a,, M us. Keir Lamnb; Standing Com. A-riccîlture and Canaclian Industr'ies - Mi-S. Cecil Milis; H -ome Economies andi Health- MArs. Wallace MVunda 'v: 1Ilistorical Research and CuiTent Everts- t\ls. S. Morion: Conmnnitv Act- ivities andi Publie Relaitionis--Mýrs. Howard Crydernîan; Resotutions and luJ cirte ~. Steplien Do.vle: Citizenship andl Education Ms.Eber Snowden. f T'irtx-five nienbers a nsxvered the roîl cali with their annual fec 5. Mus. L. C. Whbite, prngrani con- venci' loir tIisannual meeting, had arirangcd for an Easter Bon- net Parade-Mis. H. G. Freemri, Mrs. Lillian Allison, Mus. Ross Stevens aind Miss Mbldred Snow- den actinig as judges weîeratber be\wildiered bY a parade featîîring everytiîig fuom the ricliculons to Ihe suIbII me: iiîctuded iin tbis at MARR'S "&Truly no otheu silverpiate can match the rich beauty of 1847 Rogers Brosl" say proud users. The patterns with tne ycarmark "11847"' have higli odamcnt, perfect balance and finish usually found only in Sterling silvc'r. Scecand feel theirrich beauty for yourself, at our store, today? Eterîxally Youus is a beautiful pattern, crowned with a bouquet of flowerets anîd pierced like cxpcnsive sterling jatterns. Service for six, in any 1817 Rogers Bros. pattern, as Iow a& $00.00. £0014 IraN *I~i' LOVI MARR'S Jewellery i f S47 RO&ERS BRDS. Couxda's f ines.Slcrplat.e array of headgear were baby chicks, a contented little whitel bunny and a brcwn banty hen, ail in cages atop heads. The tw-o prizes, of baby chicks, were carried off by Mrs. L. C. White and Mrs. K. Sumersford. Mus. K. Sumersford and Mrs. Ted Hoar sang with fine effeet, "The Easter Parade," with Miss Edna Swallow at the piano. Mrs. Howard Cryderman conducted a Most enjoyable variety of songs concluding with an Easter hymn, in community singing. Miss Edna Swallow spoke on the motto "April Showers Brîng May Flowers," reminding us that as the showers are a neeessity in the world of nature to pro- duce the beauty of springtime, so too. are the shadows as well as the sunshine needed in our lives to strengthen and beautify char- acter. and recited the littie verse of sehool days but well worth remembering: "Kind hearts are the gardens; kind thoughts are the roots; kind words are the blossoms; kind deeds are the fruits." Miss Greta Snowden took sev- eral flash pictures of the bon- nete'd paraders. Mrs. Gordon Beech moved a vote of thanks, seconded by Miss Edna Swallow, to Mrs. White for her efforts in staging the parade. Refreshments were served by Mrs. White and her group. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shuika and famil.,', Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toronto, with Mr. and Mus. Llew Hallo- we il. Mr. and Mi's. L. Todd visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Stapleton, New- tonville. Mr. and Mus. Keith Rowe, Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mus. Howard Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer and family visited Mr. and Mus. Herb Gilmer, Bowmanville. Wiih the issue of tbe 1952 Bell Telephone direciory on Monday, April 28, tbe telephone numbcî' of The Canadian Statesman wvill change. The newspaper's new number witl be 3303. S ubscrib- ers wbho use the Classified page should take note of this change. Mr. and Mus. Gordon Halloweli. Mount Forest, visited Mr. R. Hal- lowell. Shiloh W. A. met in Starkville School with a fine attendance. After the devotional part plans were made for the Sunday School anniversary, June 22 being date selected. Lunch was served and a pleasant time enjoyed by the ladies. Lake Shore, Clarke Mi'. ansd Mus. Fransk Johns and famîly aîsd Mu. aîsd Mus. Fredj Wilson, Oshsawa, speîst Sunday w'itls Mu. aîsd Mrs. W. Basker- ville. Mu. aînd Mi's. Bob Slsupak, To- ronto, and Mu. and Mrs. H. Row- lansd,.Mus. Jim Tambl'n aîsd Marilyn, Orono, weue Sunday visitors wîth Mu. and Mus. W. Hol1mes. Mi's. John Wilson ansd daugh- ter, Miss Ruth Wilson, Cobourg, wvere xisitors xith Mu. and Mus. Jack Holmes. Mu. and Mus. E. Welsh and fansils', Lbîsdsay*v;Mi's. Roy'vMc-; Kav aînd Mus. Gco. Ingleisart, 1 Buuiîtc: Mu. and Mis. Neil Raiisey aind faisilv and Mi'. and Mus. Les Alldred aîsd famil.v, Orono, witb Mu. and iMî's. Robin Alldred. Wiils the issue of the 1952 Bell Telephoîse direetou' on Monsda * Aprîl 28, the telepisone namber of The Canadian Statesîssan will I chaîsge. The nexvspaper's new istmber wili be 3303. Stibscî'ib- eus wbo use the Classified page sisouid take note of tbis change. Misses Blaîsche, Dora and Alice Taylor ,and Mu. Andy Taylor, Cnîîite, visited Mi'. and Mus. I Arthsur Bedviîs. Mi-. and Mus. Al Wilkinss and faisil * , Osbawa, weî'e weckeisd vîsîtors with Mu. and Mus. Chas. Mu. and Mî's. W. Adaisss attend- cd tise fanerai of Mu. W. A. Gib- son. MuIs. Gordon Mar'tin speisi Taesday in Toronto. LOTUS Mi. asd Mis. Peîcy Swain and daugister, Buketon, wîth Mu. and Mus. Robi. Stinson. Miss Maureen Stinsoîs with heu sister, Mî's. P. Swain at Buketoîs. Mi's. SteIla Roalson, Johîs and BetTv, Toronto, witb Mu. and Mus. M. Gi'ray ansdlMr'. and Mî's. Jas. Gr v. Mu. aîsd Mus. Eau] Grax', Wil- loxvdale, with Mu. V/es Gray. Mu. and Muis. C. Kerr with Mu. aisd Mus. Jas. Kerr'. Several attended the dance on Saturdav cx'enîîsg in Pontypool. Ail report an excellent lime. Mu. and Mus. C. Chucileyv, Port Hope, with Mu. aînd Mrs. M. Mu. Kcîî Crav and Miss Jo)vcî Suiois with Mu. aînd Mus. M. Theicfilins.,t vice iosipoised bc- cause of bad uoads, wcue present- ed oîs Wednesdayv evening. A de- liciotîs lunch ivas seuved and a social hour spent. With the issue of tbe 1952 Bell Telephone dîrectouv on Mondax', Aprîl 28, the telephone numbîýr of The- Canadian Statesman witt cbangeu. Tbe isex;spape!'s tc' number w iiiise 3303. Suhscvib- eu's wtso ise tIse Classified page shmi ld ta ke nolu of ti s dia nge( Mur. ansd Mus. Il. McMallinal t Bcih. Mr. and Mus. D. E(tismunri- andi Patricia weuc garsts of Mr. anîd Mus. L. Kellett, Oshsawa .Ni_ýs Margaret V/inn and friend. Port Hope, with Mu. and Mus. M. Gray'. Ottaxx',a estinsates tisat total fed- i-ua goerîsentspc'nding tb s xen xiii be fine Ilunes tisai <if 19Ili 1939 anci about In lii ENFIELD Mrs. E. Prescott, Mus. Donald Prescott, Mrs. J. Harris, Mus. H. Ormiston, Misses Lois and Merle Ormiston, Mrs. A. Prescott, Miss- es Ruth and Marie Prescott at- tended a trousseau tea Saturday, held by Mrs. Wibert Smith, Osh- awa, for her daughter, Miss Helen Smith. Mrs. J. Pierce, Newv Jersey, at M. Samis'. Sympathy is extended to Mus. M. Samis in -the death of ber sister, Mus. J. C. Webster, Toronto. Several members of the family attended the funeral in Toronto, Mon day. Mu. and Mus. Eric Smith and family, Toronto, at W. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lycett at H. Cowling's. Whitbx-. Mu. and Mrs. Elmer Lee and family at H. McEwan's, Oshawa. Miss Kathleen and Mu. Glein Smith. Hampton: Mu. and Mrs. Ross Smith, Oshawa, at D. and E. Prescott's. With the issue of the 1952 Bell Telephone directory on Monday, Aprit 28, the telephone number of The Canadian Statesman will change. The newspaper's ne\v number will be 3303. Subscrib- ers who use the Classified page %%paves '9 the way to health" PIIONE 811- In shw PIIONE 3-8634 should take note of tis change.' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samnis àt Mr. L. Samis', Toronto.1 Miss Evelyn Cunningham.,<fr Brantford. spent the Easter w< >X. _- end with her sister, Mrs. W. Ws- coe. Mus. Pascoe returned to Brantford with Miss Cunninghami for a short v'isit. Miss Mar'y Helen Bowman witli Mus. L. Pascoe and Miss Bessie Pascoe. Oshawa. W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Rod Simpson with a good at. tendance in spite of bad roads. Miss Elsie Samis gave the devo- tional and seripture. portion and Mrs. A. W. Prescott the mission- ar 'y reading. Mus. R. M. Sey- mour gave a very interesting de- scription of ber recent trip , Florida. This was followe contests and lunch.1 The Iaid-down price in Canada of Scotch wiskv is $11.68 a case, or 97 cents a bottle. 52 KING ST. W. 117 S131COE ST. S. DRINK MILK For Healthy Growth Every child -nceds milk for proper growth and develop- ruecnt. Our pitre, dairy-fresh mnilk adds essential vitamnins and minerais to the daily diet.. . paves the way to future hiealth! Arrange now for daily delivery. Glen Rae Dairy ýe PI-ONE 444 BOWMANVILLE $33 DOWN and your aid ice box N4EW 15 NORGE REFRIGERATOR 1) cubic foot size Full price $299-00 1952 Norge Electric Ranges table top niodels conifflete withi deep vell cooker, lights, and automatic (>vCII ontrol ONLY $299,50 NEW RANGETTES $49,00 TRADE-INS £leciric Ranges Coal Ranges Washing Machines Coal Heaiers Manie! Radios - Rangeties Space Heaiers 1 Only Used Combination Radio and Phonograph, console mode! < -New Fess 011 Floor Furnaces- M UIR P H yS Furnilure & Appliance Store - In Bowmanville - 1 ul = CAMADIAN STATEqMAW- rnwvAwtm.T.r r)iýYTAnre% ý mý à ý Aý-ý -ý .ý w 'l PAGE SIXTEEN