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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1952, p. 17

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_________________________________ ?!! CANADIAN STATESMAN, flOWMANVTLLM. ONTARIO UTA Af? ÇJassfie d Advertisung &MEMORIAM COUCH..1n loving memory of a beloved husband and father, John H. Couch, who passed away Apri1 26th, 1951: Those whom we love go out ofl sight, But neyer out of mind; TheY are cherished in the hearts 0f those they Jeave behînd; Loving and kind in ail his ways, UpÉht and just f0 the end of his days; " ke and truce in heart and mind, Beautiful mernories he left behind. -Ever remembered by his wife, daughter Heir'n and famiiy , son Biel and famiiv. 71 LARGE-1n loving memory of Edward S. Large, died April 24th, 1950: -Ever reniembered by his w ie and children. 1-1j LARGE-In loving mnemorv of a dean father, Edward S. Large. Who passed away April 24th, 1950: Miss you Dad, more than words cen say. .-Sadly misýsed by his daughter Ferni, son-in-law Cecil, grand- daughter Suzanne. 17-1* POWELL-In loving rnemary o! aur dear son and brother, Donald, Who was killed in action et Emis River, Gernmanv,, April 27th, 1945, while serving with the Stonmont, Dundas and Glcngarry High- landers: -Ever sadly missed by inother, dad, sistens and brothers. 17-l* CARDS 0F THANKS I wish ta thank aIl my relatives and friends for' their flowers,j cards, fruit and candy sent dur- Ing my stay in the hospita]; spec - lai thenks to Dr. Birjis and the nurses and staff who wene sa kind ta ma. Ruby Lene. 17-1* 1 wish ta thenk aIl those who remnembered me whilo I was in the hospital; special thanks ta Dr. Keith Slemon, Dr. Forguson, Dr. Rundle, nurses and staff o! Memoniel Hospital, Bowmanx'iile. Mrs. R. Gibbs, Tyrone. 17-1 H. E. Hancock and famiiv wish ta convey ta their many friends and neighbors their sincere thanks for flowers, crds o! syni- pathy and many acts o! kindness during their necent sed bei-cave- ment; alsa ta Dr. Store.v, staff o! the Memonial Hospital and ta Rev.'t Turner for bis kindness and w o! consolation. 17-1* Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN the Estate of WILLIAM I ALFRED LUXTON, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Province of Ontario, Retired Mason, deceased, who died at Bowmanville, on or about the 28th day of February, 1952. The Trustee Act, R.S.O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 5 1. Creditors and others hax'ing dlaims against the above* estate are required to send particulars and full proof thereof ta the un- dersigned on or before the llth day o! May, 1952, after which be distributed, according to law, having regard to the dlaims that have then been received. Dated et Bowmanville, Ontario, the 9th day of April, 1952. Lawrence C. Maspn, Barrister, etc., ?,i0 King Street. West, Bowmanville, Ontario. Solicitor for the Heirs-at-law. 15-3 Notice ta Creditors AND OTHERS IN the malter o! WILLIMC EDWARDS, and 'Edwvards' Matai- Sales" formerly carrying on busi- ness aI 181 King Street E., Boxv- manville, Ontario. TAKE notice that the under-1 signed has been appointed Trustee' under the provisions of the Bulk Sales Ad andl in addition therelo for the distribution of other essets o! the above named. Claims with proof thereof Statomenl o! securily held (if any) - and valuiation of such security- should be filed with the undersigncd on or before April 30th, 1952. Lawrence C. Maso n Barrister and Solicitor, 30 King Street West, Boxvmenvilie, Ontanio, 17-_1 SINYPersonal SKNYMEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 ta 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tabiets for double results; ncw healthy flesh; new vigor. New "gel acquainted*" size only 60c. AIl druggists. 17-1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goads) maiied postpaid in plain sealed envelope with prîce list. Six sampies 25c, 24 sampies $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 2-51 Improve your opportunilies.. everv hour lost now is a chance of future misfortune.-Bonaparte. Chicks For Sale Lions Club Offer to Help You BRAY started puliets, enckereis, als daols; ixd. skagent, fI F. L. Byamn, Tyrone. 14-4 118185Noseleain S. C. WHITE Leghorns, Barred Srn osceun Riocks, N'ew iiamp. X Barned Rocks chicks, Gov't. Inspected and Blood Tested. Now booking chicks for late May and June. Wite or Phane 2636, H. J. Brooks, Bow- manx'iile. 17-tf Repairs SHOES Repaired, prompt service; Skates sharpened; rubbers repair- ed. Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair, King St. W., Bowmanville. 9-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig-, erators, domestic and commercial; milking coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Nursing Service Middle Green Villa Rest Home Courtice One or two vacancies, men or women, tray service, every kind- ness given. Approved by doctors. Phone Oshawa 5-4943 for reser- vations. 50-tf Help Available IT is trne ta think of Fanm Help now. Get experienced and Spring housecleaning time is requests, the sale committee has here and the Lions Club commit- erranged ta make an immediate tee in charge of their annuel auc- pick-up of any do nations. Ail the tion sale are once again request- ing citizens ta pass elong ta theni housewife has ta do is sit downi ail dust collectors for which the and telephone any club member household has no further use. or preferably Lion Jack Hawes,j In previous years the Lions phone 520; Lýion Jack Brough, 615 made one collection only just pre- or Lion Jack Cale, 567. Simpiy ceding the sale which is held in in!ormi themi that you have some the fali beason In order to take articles you wish ta donate ta advantage of farm produce s0 the Lions auction sale and they generously donated by farmers will have the truck pick themn in the surounding district. Up. Many housewives have suggest- Any type of goods will be ac- ed ta club members that a collec- cepted . Furniture, tables, chairs, tion should be made when spning lam'ps. toasters, irons. dishes, housecleaning is in full swing. clothing, etc. Any item which Thus when cellars and attic. are might posibly be sold wili be being given their annuel cdean- gratefully neceived. The money up. articles which are o! a sale- collected by the club for the sale able nature and no further use is of cours e ta be spent on wel- ta the owner couid be donated ta !are work or. some deserving com- the Lions Club ta put in the sale. munity project for the better- In onder ta comply wîth such ment of Bowmanville. - Orono Minister Cives First Band Experience On Communism And The Christian Church In China Appl S.Bum, RR. 1 Netleon, The regular monthiy meeting PhnPpor. BmRR.25r, esîJelono!the West Durham Ministeniai horene PoR.PR.y Norh, ai> o Association was hoid in the Unit- Phortemnk4r8. R.N 2-h2Oo ed Church Parsonege aI Hampton Phon 548. 5-23on Monday, April 7th, with presi- dent, Rex'. C. W. Hutton in the Th Sats an Sod chair. The folawing istr 'TheSialsman Sold were presont: Rovs. J. Kitchon, R. R. Nicholson, C. W. Hutton, J. D. At Following Stores Lute, R, M. Seymour, R. J. Mer- riam, G. D. Empey. Mr. Nichai- Truli's Store, Courtice. son oponod the meeting with Strong's Store, Port Hope. prayor. Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany. Rev. J. Kitchen, a missionary Dyor's Drug Store, Newcastle. ofthie United Church of Canada T. Enwright's, Newcastle. in China until 19)51, and now S. Brown, Newtonvillo. ministor o! the Orono charge, C. Pothick, Enniskillen. spoke most intorostedly and ini- T. M. Siemon, Enniskiilen. formeily on Communism and the F. L. Byem, Tynone. Christian Church in China. G. A. Barron, Hampton. The speaker affirmed that the Newton Taylor's, Bunkelon. wvork o! the church was neyer as H. T. Seywell, Blackstock. promising as befone the Com- Keith Bradley, Pontypool. munists took over the gavern- C. B. Tyrreli, Orono. ment o! China. The Church o! H. K. Reynolds, Kendai. Christ in China expccted t0 be W. J. Bagnell, Jury & LoveIl, self-supporting within four yoars, J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, and duning that lime the grants Elgie Harnden's Handy Store from the Canadien Church would and The Stetesman Office. decrease steadily until all foneign aid beceme unnecessery. Fur- thermore, the intenest in the The Advîsory Committoc for Chinese Chunch xvas such thet il The Canadien National Institute was undenteking on ils awn ec- for the Blind needs $3200 ta carry caunt home mission wonk in oth-1 out ifs wonk in this district for er ai-cas. the coming yeer. Please be gen- Then fthe Communists came erous when the canvasser calîs and. afler a yeer o! comparative et your door. 17-2 non-intenfenence with the church, We always have finie enough, sumnmoned ail Chinese Church if we will but use il aight.- leaders fa appear before the Goethe. Foreign Affairs Bureau o! the ..I'm one of the Aircraft Tcchnicians thatgive it a 'DI' (daily inspection) and kecp it in top flying shape. Wc take personal pride in the work that we have been trained to do. Our aircraft arc ready to fly i defence of freedom." MORE MEN -<ARE' NEEDED NOW WN THE R.C.A.F. TO TRAIN AS AIRCRAFT TECHNICIANS AERO-ENGINE o#INSTRUMENT*o RADIO-RADAR o ARMAMENT@*AIRFRAME Trhese nen lave an important job ini the operation of Canada's cx. panding Air Force. As a skillcd R.C.A.F. Aircraft Technkïian, >'ou will gain v'a1uable tcchnicel and training cxpcrince-rcccive, good pay-30 days annual bcave w-ith pay-and a pcnsion to be carnced. You wiIl play' vour part in dcfcnce against aggrcssion. You m-ill scrve Canada-and )yoursclf! IF YOU ARE SETWEEN 17 AND 40 AND HAVE GRADE 8 EDUCATION OR SETTER ...s SEE THE RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR AT THE ADDRESS IN COUPON - OR MAIL THE COUPON Pl- mailmeil'-l)-Ii- )-y-gatopl-ful pat - -rs-eg-di- I nomn reurmnsadoeig Iuaalbei leRCAF I AM IlacPit STEE IDRS .......... I~~~~~~~~~~~Cf7 WTETDRS................ ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE Gavennment with which thcy were obliged ta negister. Hence- forth env meeting of presbytery or svynod could be heid only by permission of the bureau. Eventu- ally assembiies o! Christiens were confined ta negular church ser- vices. The next stop was ta gel nid o! foreign personel, who had be- came a source o! embarrassmenî ta their Chinese colleagues, since the Communists cleimed ail mis- sionaries wene agents o! forcigri imporialism. To effect this, as weul as the purge o! Chinese ne- sisters of Red doctrine and ne- gime, solf-criticism and accusa- tion meetings wene ordered. Here coilegues and supposed friends oflen turncd ouItat be the mast vehement accusons of missionary and native Chnistiens. 0f many of these accusers, Mn. Kitchen spoke most charitably, indicating that some had been so effectiveiy indoctrineted by Red propagande that they wene sin- cere in thoir accusations; and oth- ors nesonted ta accusations only ta save bcbng accused and iiquideted themselves. These meetings, whethen in- doors or in the open air, were et- tendcd by hundreds of Chinese among whomn were intenspersed stretegically eccusers whose duty was ta incite the crowd ta mob hystenia. The charges, usually unfounded and false, were teken up and neitoratcd in frenzied cries. demenaing '*arrest"; and the accused wore hurried eway ta tho public park for execution, without being given an oppor- tunity o! self defence. "I neyer understood Goad Fnriday," said the speaker. 'until I witnessed anc o! these 'courts'." We woro told that chiidren ýp.y upon, and report egainst. their parents; thet those who hold propert 'v are so taxed and re- texed as ta be foi-ced ta sdi i every-thing they possess and fhcn borow, if they cen, ta mccl Coni- munist oxtortion. The "taxation' j is wholly arbitra-y and inhumane; the Communisîs sa ' vthet the land- lord, as a capitalist, has charged his tenants exhorbitant nents.i There!ore he must refund ail the rent he has oven received. But tho tenaent does not receive this 2 moaney; the Communisîs collect i If the landlord declares, how- ever truthfully. thal he cannat possibly i-aise the sumn demnandied of bum, the assessmont against bun is gnoatly incneascd. Non is that ail. A litIle later enother phoney tex is levied ageinst the landlord. Such is Commiunism! Mr. Kitchen relatcd rmany in- cidents o! Chinese Christians wbamn he knew ta be unquestion- ably loyal ta the Cburch, even thoujeh they bad ta remnain silent during the present negimne. "T believe in missions; missions Is worthw%%hile'", ho declarcd. "We have left a Church in China that iq going to remain. The Church in China will ot die. Mission- ary effort and money have flot been thrown away." "I IVas A Prisoner ol the Chinese Reds"' by Dr. A. Stewart Allen, in Meclean's Magazine, Apnil 15th, the speaker recomn- ..,,,,AVIIULS &2Lfl, 193 mnended highly as accurate and IF. Bamsey (Lottie) predeceased authentic. jher. UA An expression o! sympathy was extended ta Mr. Seymour on the recent passing of his brother, Rev. H. P. L. Seymour. Mr. Mérriasu made and Mr. Sey- mour seconded, a motion where- in Mr. Kitchen xvas thenked for sa enlightening an eddress, and the hostess and host for their hospitality. Mr. Lute closed the meeting wth prayer. May Bride-to-Be Honored at Tea Miss Kathleen Storey, whose marriage ta Mr. Maurice White Crompton wiil take place on May 3rd, was entertained et a tea in her hanor by Mrs. W. Ross Strike end Mrs. L. W. Dippeil at the latter's home on Saturday afternoon. About 60 guests were present ta offer their felicitations ta the bride-to-be, who is the eider daughten of Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey. A gift of twa beautiful silver entnee dishes was present- ed ta Kathleen with the best wishes and congratulations of ail present. Spring flowers and mauve tapers graced the dining-noom table where Mrs. Fred Knox and, Mrs. R. L. Mitchell poured tea. Those who assisted in serving were: Mrs. Morley Vanstone, Mrs. Keith Siemon, Mrs. Howard Rundie, Mrs. Pet Proctor, Mrs. Chas. Austin, Mrs. Bernard Mit- chell and Mrs. Blain Elliott. Mrs. Hertley Lewis opened the door ta the guests. OBITURY IRA J. BURNHAM A native son of Bowm-anvillc and a former city salesman forý the Toronto Hydro-Eiectric Sy - stem, Ire J. Burnhem, 72, die, April 20, et bis home in Coîborne. He had lived thene since ltis ne- tinement seven yeans aga. Mis earlien years wene spent in Bowmanviiie, where he received his educetion. Mr. Bunnham. had been active in the I.O.0.F. and was a memben o! Oid St. Andrew's Pnesbyterian Church, Coîbonne. Me leaves bis wife, Edith Mor- gan Smith Burnham; anc sisten (Mary) Mrs. T. R. Jc!!ery. and anc brother, Arthur W. Burnhani bath of Toronto. Interment was in Fainview Cemetery, Coîborne. OBITUARY MRS. H. E. HANCOCK Following a vcry brie! iilncss, Mary Hattie Wede, wife o! Her- bent E. Hancock, Newcastle, pass- cd awey in Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, on April 151h. Bai-n near Welcome, Hope Township, on August 28, 188 1, Mrs. Hancocki xves the daughten o! the laIe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wade. She was an active churchi worken, bcing e memben of theý Woman's Missionary Society andj the W.C.T.U., end xvas active ta the last in f hese endeavouns, bey- ing attended Good Frida.y service in ber own church et Newcastle, and the W.M.S. Raily at Newton- ville in the efternoon. She was wcll known and beioved by ell in the comnmunity. Funerai service was held in NJewcastle United Church on A.pril 17, Rev. L. H. Turner offic- daing and Mr. Neil Stewart et the angen. Intemment wes in )rono Conietemy. The meny beautiful floral tri- butes were evidence o! the highi esteeni in which Mrs. Hancock vas held. In addition fa those o! friends and ncighibors, woi-e takens from the Library Board, Women's Missionary Society, Woman's As- sociation, Ryci-son Sundey Sohoal nd Ryerson Officiel Board.* Pail- cearens werc: Allen Bamsey, vic- Li- Hencock, Ken Syman, Harvey Bel], Adair Hancock and Jack Wade. LefItat mourn ber boss are ber usband, Herbent E. Hancock,I qnd childmen, Rex'. T. Edwin Han- ,ck, Ancester: Louise, at home, ind Lloyd G. Hancock, Bowmian- uicl. She alsa beaves anc sistor, [ns. N. Cemeron (Edith>, Golden Valley, and two bi-others. John H. ade, Milwaukee, and Prcy H ade, Toronto. Two sisters, MS. E J. Symons (Cerne> end Mrs. S( a] b t< hi ar vi v w w Top illustraI ion shows lwîxv pen-îv Npe stabling per- I mit-- feeding of cows at a common manger and eliminafes I the necessity of removing, manure more than once or tvwice a year. Cows can corne ta the milking parlor and receive feed concentrates wvhile being milkcd. In addition, the milk can be pumped directly from the cow ta the can. Bottom illustration shows campanison with stanchion barn where naanUre miust lie remux'ed and fodder carried to animais dail.v. AXddition of a milking parlor Io a stariciiioni bar-ri, ho-xeve<'. permits couws lo corne tu the rnilking machine ýand eliminates carryîing of mille. li ngltheelfsuneral came f rom Belle- 'Iville, Warkworth, Peterborough, Toronto, Craighurst Golden Val- ley, Tilden Lake, Brantford and London. Boatinq Association Make Plans For Summer Programs Bowmenviiie Boating Associ- ation met in the Union Hall on April 20. A!ten regular business e regatta çommittee wes elected, composed o! Wm. Kilpatrick as chaîrman, Hep Palmer and John Adeir. This cammittee will meet ta decide on the dates and other matters concerning regattas. One will be heid as soon as weathen permits. Port Perry Yacht Club has esk- ed for the loan o! aur timing dlock for their regette on May 24. The building committoe gave ils report on the new club house of w hich the 'v are finding difficulty in finding the proper location. The bicycle draw wiil be held on Apnil 26. Anyone interested in boating should get in touch with Lamne McQuarnie, Russ Helîman or Ken H-oaper, ta join the club. It is now necessar v ta own a boat ta belong ta the club. A special warning toalal pers- ans who plan to go boeting this summer-'Wear a Safoty Jack- et of same kind." You cen buy thMAGCfrta AE IE OK Amazing Liquid Creme Rouge Makes You Look Loy lier! - Younger? kIere s tMe entlrely new cosmetia that* instantly -transforms a pale, tired com- plexion ta one of irreaistible youth, Charm, personality! Unlike "tel-tale" rouges, Hazel Bishop Complexion Glow neyer cakes, streaks, clogs or blotches-never leaves that obvious "painted look." This luxuriousq t. creme blends beautifully with your nat- ural skin tone, makes your glorious new Iv radiance seeni ta corne from within. 0451i. 4Azat. SB .N JUIRY (&LOVELL Wben We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE This Week's GROCERY SPECIALS Stokley's 15-oz. tins Spanish Style Rice Dinner - 2/35c Zert 16-oz. jar Sweet Mixed Pickles - - * - - 30c Treat Brand 20-oz. tin Small Whole Peeled White Potaloes - 17c Siall Giant Size Maple Leaf Soap Flakes . 36c 96C Blue Ribbon - 2 cup size pkg. Lipton's Frosten pkgs. Toi Bags * 40c Dessert Mix - 2/29c pkgs. KelIogg's large Vkg. Kraft Dinner - 2/29c Bran Flakes - - 26c Blue Bonnet Quick lb. Dole (rushrd ZO-oz. tin Maryarine --41c Pineapple -- 33c SPECIAL THIS WEEK Fresh Killedi1lb. BROILERS *----55c FREE DELIVERY YEOJ'S MEATS AND GROCERJES 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 MAR VIN HOLLENDERG Optometrist EYES EXAMINED OFFICE HOURS Monday to Saturday - 10 a.m. to 6 p.rn. Closed Wednesday Ail Day - EVEN[NGS BY APPOINTMENT - 22 [)i'- isioli St. Plione 2024 I. j 1 «-.F He that neyer changes his opinions neyer corrects his muis- takes, and will neyer be wiser on the morrow than he is today. -Tryon Edwerds. If we could know the secret historv of our enemies. we should find in each life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm ail hostility.-Longfellow. Results are what we expect- consequences are what we get. Nobody steps on a live wire- anI' the dead ones are used for door mats. lIt doesn't take much ta satisfy the man who is satisfied with himself. The men who try fa do some. thing and fail are intinitely bet- ter off than those wha try ta do nothing and succced. - Lloyd Jones. The conflicts within a nation are eiwevs between stagnation and imagination. TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consuit JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. Wv. - Phone 778 TIME TABLE CHANGES I SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1952 Fulinformation fromn agents / ' e1w GLASSES FITTED Illione 2024 »496. i : Poe

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