PAGE TWO TH1~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMANVILLE. ONTARIO iriuixo~rn I * 2~rI~IL. ~tfl, Jl~3l gat Lnabi taiteqmat Eatabliah.d 1854 with whicrh fin acrparated The RoWManill. News, The Newcastle lndpendesf end The Orono News 87,Years' Continuous Service Io the Town ci Bowmanville and Durham County ANV INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER s UDIT MEMOI 09UREAU IRCULATI SUBSCRIPTION RATES $3.00 a Year, atrictly in advance $4.00 a Year In the United States Pubishod by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY Authoriz.d un $@tond Close Mail Post Office Department. Ottawa. Bowmanville, Ontario GEO. W. JAMES, ElDTOI CITIZENS' DUTY TO COOPERATE Bowmanville firemen were last week called upon te check six grass fires in a two-day period. One was accidently started by a skyrocket set off by a young- ster behind the Arena; the balance, how- ever, were purposely started by home- owners as part of their spring dlean-up. Grass fires are usualHy easily brought under control by our fine local Fire Bri- gade, and while littie danger is encoun- tered at the scene of a grass f ire, consid- erable danger is faced by firemen in their rernarkable efforts to get to the flire hall and have a f ire truck underway in some- thing less than three minutes. Insurance underwriters recently cern- plimented Chief Lucius Hooper and his volunteer crew for their alacrity in an- swering alarms. Citizens of Bowmanville should be proud of these volunteer fire- men who are on eall 24 hours a day and should seek te provide maximum co-epera- tien at ail times. Many grass flires would neyer get out of hand and riecessitate calling the Fire Brigade if horneowners wouid exercise a little precautien in burning grass. Such fires can easily be kept under control if only a small patch cf grass is burned at one time. And a pail or two cf water together with a couple cf old grain sacks can be kept handy in case the l ire does start te spread and get eut cf hand. Youngsters cannot be denied the plea- sure cf setting off 'l ire crackers on the 24th ef May, but parents can co-operate with the Brigade by supervising their children and ensure that ne darnage is accidently çaused through negligence. As the Bowmanville Fire Brigade is duty-bound to protect the homes and lives of residents, so parents sheuld consider themselves ciuty-bourid te provide max- imum ce-operation. Your life may depend upon such ce-eperation. THE TEN PILLARS 0F ECONOMIC WISDOM Here is an interesting bit cf philosophy we came acress this week in our reading which is equally applicable te employer and employee, man or woman. 1. Nething in our material world can corne from nowhere or go nowhere: every- thirg in our economic*. lite has a source and a destination. 2. Government is neyer a source of geeds. Everything produced is produced by the people, and everything that gev- ernrnent gives the people it must first take fromn the people. 3. In aur modern exchange economy, ail payroll and crnployrnent cornes from customers, and the only worthwhile job security is customer security: if there are ne customers, there can be ne payroll and ne jobs. 4. Customer security can be achieved by the worker enly when the "boss" is allowed by the worker to do the things that win and hold customers. Job secur- ity, therefere, is a partncrship problem. 5. Money, when administered without the spendîng restrictions placed on gev- ernment by the gold standard, is ne measure cf the worker's true wclfare. 6. Because wages are the principal cost cf evcrything, Nvage increases (with- eut corresponding increases in production) simply increase the cost cf goods and do net irnpreoTe the welf are of the worker. 7. The greatest good for the greatest number means, in ils material sense, lhe greatest goods for the greatest number, which in tumn, means the greatest produc- tivity per worker. 8. Ail productivity is based on three factors: (1) natura] resources, whose form, place, and condition are changed by the expenditure cf (2) liuman energy (both iniuscular and mental), with the aid- of (3) teols. 9. Teels are the only one cf these factors that- man can increase, and tools LET THE CUSTOMERS DECIDE Seeing that local merchants apparent- ly cannot agree among themselves as to stere clesing days and heurs te keep-open, wvhv net let the customners decide? Per- haps a properly conducted plebiscite on these questions might serve as a guide on which te base action on this cantankerous question. To bc really representative the nearby rural residents, whe look upon Bewmanville as their market and shop- ping tewn, sheuld bc given an opportun- ity of veting, toc. If ail merchants xvould be demnocratic in their thinkîng by agreeing te abide by any clear-cut majerity decisien, we believe that ail interests woutd be best served, and a contentious issue settled, once and fer ail. DISASTER SERVICES AND RED CROSS Disasters which siiock the nation do net happen every day. But alrnost every day srnall disasters overtake a farnily sornewhere in Canada. In the f irst nine months ef 1951, Canadian Red Cross dis- aster service erganizatien gave assistance to 3.843 individuals, and 814 farnilies, in 465 disasters. This phase cf the Socîety's - work ranges from assistance in single families, and in large scale disasters. In 1950, the Manitoba flood was one cf the three great disasters in m-hich Rcd Cross ministered te the victims. That Nvas the greatest disaster involving a single city e\'er te occur on the Arnerican continent. At one lime Red Cross was spending ý5O.000 a day for food, clothing, medical supplies and transoortation of evacuees. In ail, a million dollars wvas spent by Red Cross and a quarter million dollars werth et denated supplies disl ribu ted. These are just a fcwA thoughts we pass on te our readers te get them in the right mental attitude when the Red Cross carnpaign is launched in Durharn County. No house-to-house canvass will be made se it is up to you te give and give generously te help those who have been less fortunate than yourself. 110W ABOUT IT, LADIES? It is some t hirty-five years since Can- adian women fîrst voted in a federal elec- tien. During the years that the ladies fought for the franchise their leaders premised great things for the nation if the womre received the right te vote. That promise, sornehow, has net been fulfilled. Women have nlot taken the part in local, provincial and federal affairs that they might have. In this country there are several million women . .. few have ever served on municipal counicils, on scheel boards, in the legislature or in parliarnent. Why? We think that wornen should get into publie life fer they have much good cern- mon sense, much organizational ability, much executive ability that the country needs. Why not more women on our school boards and our town and rural councils? There are many ladies in our cornmunity who would be real assets te any board or counicil. We wonder why the ladies of the nation have not been more active in pub- lic lite. In their own organizations such as the Wornen's Institute where they do much public service in a commen sense practical wav, they do a wonderful job; why shouid they net focus their abilities on ]arger spheres ot action? Wornen are ne longer tied te their homes, burdened wîth housekeeping toil - modern science and invention has released thern from that. They have taken their place in business, in industry, in the pro- fessions, but te only a minor degree in public life. The we]fare et Canada demands the interest and active participation of worrnen in local and national affairs. How about it, ladies? FEW FREE RIDES The werst fault cf a welfare age is that it tends te becloud the simple tact that ail wclfarc has te be provided. It is net indigenous te our wcrld. Robert H. Maclachian writing in the New York Times Magazine has a pertinent word for toda -y. He says: "It seems to me mcst urgent that wc ail remember anc thing: Individual freedom combined with social refarm depends as much upan giving as rccciving. A free and pregressive seciety can afford te owe only a very few people a living." FEARFUL MIEN ARE WRONG These are the davs when individual- isrn is under fine and "security" seems te have becorne the watchword et our days. No one has challenged this attitude more ferthrightly than the man wha may be- corne president ef the U.S.A., General Dwight D. Eisenhower. He bas said: "Millions secm te fear that individual fmeedom is lcading us toward social chaos; that individual oppoîtunity has forever disappeared: that ne persen can have righttul title Ie propertv; thât we have reached a point whcre the individual is far tee small te cope wý,ith his circum- stances; that his lifelong physical security against every rîsk is ail that matters. More than this, we hear that security must be attained by' surrendering tb ccntmalized control the management et our society. In short, Ia these fearful men, the fre human indiv'idual is a sacial anachronism. On every count the feartul men are wrong." . ... 1. , 1. J.,.Iî . t-L ' l Li TO HELP THE ?Î d EIGHTH 0F EIGHT ARTICLES ON The Hisfory of Assessmenl and Municipal Taxation in Ontario Great stnides in proper asscss- ment methods have been made je the last tee te fit cen ycars. Prier te that time most assessment val- uat ions were made on the *guess" method. Oniy a small percentage cf oui- municipalities had proper records ef property and inciuded in the number which did net, were some cf the langer municipalities. Howcver, wilh the advent cf the county assessment system, the formation cf the Association cf Assessing Officers cf Ontario and the assistance given te muni- cipalities by the Assessment Branch cf the Depanîment cf Municipal Affairs since the pres- cnt Ministen inaugurated the Branch in 1947, the situation has materially improved. It is hard te cenceive that some municipalities are stili reluclant te instaîl a modern and scientific systcm cf appraisals in view cf the fact that a proper assessment systemn is the whole keystoneet municipal goverement. The cost is smail and the benefits are great. 'The pncliminany task is te mca- sure the extenior of ail buildings. The squgre foot area or the cubic foot capacitv of the buildings are then calculalcd. It is suggested that the more equitabie and casier method is te value residential, farmn and ordinary height com- mercial buildings on the square foot melhod and over height com- mercial and industnial buildings on the cubic foot system. This area or cubage is then multiplied b y the rate which it wouid cost te reproduce these buildings te arrive at the basic cost. To this is added the value cf the im- provements which were mention- cd in a previeus article such as heating, plumbing, wiring, etc. Farm Land Value Land when sold on a frontage basis is calculate d at se much a running foot and the value is estimated net enly fnom the sale pnice cf othen land in the area but aise trom the factors or the avail- able municipal services which in- fluence the location. Farm land is valucd according te the type and producing value cf the soul and there arc many graduations le these values. The information ceeccrning the buildings and land is then placed on an appraisal card or sheet and any influences which reduce the value are then placed against the replacement cost se that the actuat value ma y be ascertained.i A sketch cf the building is aise drawn and ail data concerning the buildings or land along with a description cf the pnopcrly ande census information becomes a permanent field 'book. The sav- ing by flot having te prepare a1 tield bock annuàily is consider- able when the permanent ap- praisal cards arc prepared in -lieu thercof. Most municipalities aise pre- pare land value maps at a vcry small charge which along with the appraisal cards arc thrown open te inquiring taxpayers, courts cf revision, etc. se that a comparison ef assessments may be scen. It is recyretted that available space prevents a more detailed description ef appraisal cards and land value maps which are a necessary adjunet te the assess- or's work. The average cost of making a 3reassessment runs between $.3.00 and $4.00 a property. The cost will naturally be higher on farm tproperty owing te the work and the distance between farms. The cost on industrial property is aise higher while residential preperty reduces the cost. This estimate covers the whole procedure from the measurements te the final re- vision by the Court cf Revision. It is net a difficuit task and any person with good judgment can undertake il. What is the value when com- pieted? Well, if the task is properly done, you wiil have for the first lime a proper basis et assessmeet and equalization and the opportunity te compare as- sessments from records instead of from "guesses." 1 We ail realize that we must pay taxes te provide the services we expect and demnand in our rnunicipaily. We also realize that owieg te the incrcasing costs and the hatural increase in sal- aries of our municipal empîcyces that our taxes are bound te risc as the cost of living Increases. But we are net or shouid net be willing le pay more than our fair share ef taxes based on our asscss- me nt. But we wiil, unless we as tax- payers sec that our municipality installs a proppr and modern system of assessment, whichi en- sures that we are assessed on an Pciuilable basis ef values with comparable property lecated in our assessing unit. It is hopcd that these rather sketchy articles wiil net only gîve the taxpayers some knowiedge of the present assessment situation in Ontario but xvill aise eniighten lhem as te how they can heip te improve the methods used in their municipalit.y. One sure way to- assist in this endeavour is te en- sure Ihat where we have obtain- cd the services et a goed assessor that he %vill be fairiy recom- pensed, given security ef cm- ployment and allettcd the proper equipment and tools te carry his duties in a proPer manner. WeekIy Rve Gluttonous For Problems According To One Critic ly LEWIS MILLICAN "Questions People Ask" is the titie cf a new bock containing a series cf sermons preached by Rev. Robent .J. McCracken te crowdcd congregations in River- side Chunch je New York. The book is reviewed je The British Weekly of Mareh 13 by Rev. Mur- do Ewan MacDonald (ebviously a Scot) and he offers some rather sharp criticism cof that type et preaching, which he thinks is be- ing overemphasized especially je Amenica. -God keows," he says, -we have encugh problemns with- eut looking for cne eveny weck in place et a text. This problemn preaching may have its place %vithin strict limits, but toc much ofe it in the presence of what Keats calis the giant ageey of the w orld becomes sickening and triv- ial." He quetes Prof. Lucceck of Yale as saying: "There are preachers who are se mesmer- ized by aIl things modern that they would change seripture te read, 'Come unto me'"ali ye that labex- and are heavy laden and 1 wvill reduce youn blood pressure," *and cclv stîcceed in comforting the sentimental and neurotie." *Mr. MacDonald thinks that this kind of preaching is *fraught wvith ail sorts of dangers. and congregations expesed te it de- velop a gluttonous appetite tor problenis." That is a , timely preachment te the preachers whe, as Mr. MacDonald says, ne longer deal with "the question of all questions, 'What think ve cf Christ'.- lie roight have. added that other question, -What shall 1 do Io be qa%-edl" te which the Chnistian churches have o îe to have an explicit and pstv answer. But that question has become se invclved with political, economie and psychoiegical prob- lems that the real answer is for- gotten and the poor sinnen is con- fused. He can't make up bis mind whet hem the way te salvation is le joie the C.C.F., become a Com- munist. cor te consult a psychi- atrist. But the preachers are net alto- gether te be blamed for this con- fusion. Most et themn are faithful te titein confusion, and Dr, Me- Cracken was doubtlcss doing bis bcst te unravel ail the questions people were asking bim. Most of the questions, however, arc foolish o'r are such as could be and must be answered by the people themnscives with a little cemmen sense and personal re- sponsibility. But that kind ef in- dividuaiismn is eut of date, and ambitieus politicians and quack economists dlaimn te bave all the answers. The radio indeed has develop- ed inte a regular problemn factor. The C.B.C. bas a special depart- ment that is devotcd te thinking- up some new probilem for disc-' ý . sion on its ueek]y 'PeOPlc*s Fr icm," with the requit that people are hecomine more and more pneblemn-conscious. They rîiŽerý realized betore that lhey bad se many problemns, or that those they were aware ef couid be solved se easiiy by the geverrnment. This idea natunaiiy appeals te, many people because it elevates Gev- erniment te the position of a sort of divine Providence and offers themn relief from ans' pensonal r(e5pon3ili lityv for their preqent shortcomningr and future needz If that were ail man required for his happiness or contentment in this lite, then Communism, theor- etically at icast, offers the perfect solution te ail problems. But it sidesteps the fundamnentai prob- lem ef the compiex nature cf mankind. One oniy needs te glance around the world today te realize the magnitude et that probiemn, and we need te look ne further than our own socicty or even inte our own hearts and minds te be confronted withi the profound mystery et human na- ture. Man is undoubtedly relat- cd te the bcast physicaliy, and the lower animai tee oflen gets the better cf him, but there can be ne civilized human seciely on that level. ]{istory is strewn with the debris of nations and empires whose rulers and people perished for the iack cf spiritual vision. The supreme mission ot Christi- anity is te deepen and heighten that vision, without whiclî there can be ne salvation for the people under democracy any more than under a Godless Communism. Real Incomnes Only Rise With Production (By R. J. Deachman, I have before me a pamphlet from the Commitcee cf Economic Development cf New York. Fun- damentally it is a study in produc- tien. The increase cf production is the key to progress, the basis of a higher standard ef living. It means higher earnings for the workers but the workers pro- duce more. Let us stroîl back lhrough the ycars. In 1900 we had in Canada 339,173 factory workers. A factory then was much inferior te the modemn fac- tory. The buildings were peer, the machinery insignificant. Cap- ital per worker employed was low even for those days. Produc- tion was restricted, mainly from lack cf capital. In 1900 earnings per worker averaged enly $334 as against an average cf $2,084 for 1950. The name cf the pamphlet from which I quote is: 'How To Raise Real Wages". "In the iast 50 years reai wages per heur in the United States have increased more than thrce fold. Today the average em- pîcyee reccives about $1.34 an heur in terms cf 1949 prices. This represents an increase cf nearly 2.5 per cent per manhour per year. Ailowing for changes in prîces, an hour's werk cf an av- erage empîcyce today can buy more Ihan three times as much in goods and services as an hour's work 50 years ago." Then follows this statement: "It ought te be possible te raise real wages in the future as rap- idly as in the past. This would mean that in siighlly iess than 30 years from new real wagcs per heur ef the average worker wouid have doubied." 1 l then gees on te list hew past objectives along this line have been achicved: "Improvements in Production Methods: It is significant that a rapid succession cf important in- novations bas been necessary in order te produce an advancc in output per manhour of oely 2.5 per cent per yoar. During the, Iast 100 years there bas been a whole series cf revolulioeary or near-revolutionary changes i n mclhods cf production. Some ef the changes in methods have been general and have been applicable te a great many industries. Olh- ers have been specific and have been expressed in particular kinds of machines, processes and ma- teniais." Then in brief wc have these im- portant changes: 1-More laboratories and in- creased employment of technic- ians. 2-Increased capital per work- e3-Improvements i n health training and skill of the labor force. 4-Improvements in business management. The BasisetfProgress The pamphlet emphasizes fac- tors 2 and 3: "Increase in Capital per Work- er. The developmcnt of nev methods has required a substan- tial ncrease in capital per work- er. Betwcen 1900 and 1949, for example, capital per workcr in the United States (after allowance for the change in the price level) iAcreased by about 37 per cent. The average amount cf capital per worker in America today is about $9,750. This represents the orig- inai cost less depreciation at 1949 prices ef aIl equipmcnt, real es- tale imprevements and inven- tories. "lmprovement ln the Bealth, Training and Sklll of the Labor Force.' This is an important factor in industrial progress. 'Ed- ucation has been broadened since 1890. The number of students ir high schoois has increased 9.5 times as fast as the population of the country and the number ir 'ýollege 3.5 times as fast. Bctweer 1910 and 1940 professional per- sons increascd from 4.4 per cent te 6.5 per cent of the labor forcE and clerical workcrs from 10.2 per cent te 17.2 per cent. On the :r other hand, the number of people engaged in unskilled labor drop- ss ped from 36 per cent of the labor_, force in 1910 to iess than 26 p& cent in 1940.".1 It may be that with improwl. - ments in health and better work- ing conditions there may be less - demand for early retirement. The w business mortality rate is too - high. Under more stable con- - ditions this situation should im- )r prove. The goal of high earnings ie is flot to be attained by pinching ýe more eut of the other factors of 1)production. That is a miserable tconception. Labor 18 flow be- ýr ginnîng to see that its future lies It in increased production which, of ýZ cureisthe true basis of humarý 1- Ail successfui individuals have become such by hard work; by himpreving moments before they er pass into hours. and hours that It other people may occupy in the 1- nursuit of pleasure.-Mary Baker ýeEddY. )f TICKETS n TO EVERYWHERE n Air, Rail or Steamship 7_ Consult it JURY & LOVELL Bowmanvllle .r 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 Cetit'/cates Aprofitable investment for yeur regular savings, Guaranteed Trust Certificaes... - are unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest - pay 3Y31% interest, payable half-yearly - are short term-5 years - are authorized investrnent for trust funds - have no fluctuation in principal In 5 years $420.36 accumulates to $500.00. Invest wisely and well THE STERLIRG TRUSTS !IEAD OFFICE 372 Bey St., Toenfe ATIONHOFFICE 1.3 uil.p S, Be. M ~iav il I1~H ~Ll mfl"r' *" -r Dad's cPaint-mUp" campaign îkos- 'W'atàIithe bou-sc perk up now, as Dad starts up the ladder armed vil, brusiî and paint. F son a 'hrigliteri-uip" bec . . . ari arîntial periormance that plays te an admîrirîg audience cf nee *ghbors and ycungsters . ith coacbîng from '. backsLage' by Friend Wife! Paintin$ the house each Sp ring is a rewarding job that gives you plenry of h al thy exercise and fresh air;. . as weli as welcome relaxation from the v.orid's worries. New interesta ;.* différent recruations and iobi te dIo . .. keep mind and bcd>' active and Ilealih>' BRADINOS BRADING BREWERIES LIMITED OTTAWA AND WINDSOR PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN SÈATESMAN. 1BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IrulmIzrtAv At)l*TT. quilk letc-b .iii: