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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1952, p. 9

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MITRDAY. iMY lut, 1952 TRE CANADIA!q STATESMAN. EWMANVILE. ONTAMlO 1'resbytery W.A. Spring Meeting ai Drooklin United Church Mii Record Affendance of 200 The Oshawa Presbytery spring on by thernselves, in 'their own mreeting was held in Brooklin quiet way, so did flot join the Unitedg Church on Wednesday, Presbytery W.A. April 23, with a record attendance The Women's work is a potent of about 200. force for a Christian World, she President Mrs. H. T. Faliaise, said. Wornen are now niembers Whitby, presided and Mrs. W. H. 0f 19 Boards of the United Heron, President of Brooklin W. Church. People corne to the Do- A., Welcomed the delegates. With minion Council asking for a rep- a special Word to the President resentative to sit on their Boards. dxÉe beckoned her to corne to the Packets of literature are given floor when a corsage was pinned student .,inisters who go out on -11M her suit lapel by Mrs. M. C. surnrer fields. This Jegan with P'lsher. Mrs. Heron spoke of supplying students from Emman- Mrs. Fisher's very busy part in uel College only. but calis carne SUPplyingfor others, 'as welî as from others and now they are sent her Own responsibilities, and ail across Canada. One student -whisked another corsage from rinister carne to the office ask- ZiOwhere, and pinned it on Mrs. ing for anything that would help Fisher's lapel. Mrs. Fisher was on organization and beginners' ferhaps just a little more sur- work. He had flot thought rnuch trised than Mrs. Fallaise, if that about women's work when he Were possible. started. He asked the wornen if Secretary, Mrs. H. A. Werry they would like an organization. presented the minutes of the fal They co-operated and the whole meeting. Treasurer Mrs. Ray community profited. Scott spoke briefly. Mrs. Clif- Personality, s y mpa t hy and tord Naylor and Mrs. H. A. Werry above ail idealism, or vision, are were appointed delegates to Con- needed, and local leadership ference W. A.1 training should be stressed. There .Mrs. W. C. Ives stressed the; are leaders if they can be dis- importance and value of repre- covered and given a littie help. senting Christ and the Church1 There must be a determination to through visiting; Mrý. Clayton' place service before self. More Lee told of the fine essay con- time should be spent on thought test. Mrs. Clifford Naylor, Liter- and prayer. One woman in a ature Secretary, said the book to, small organization said "The larg- read is not the book that does our est body .of water in the, world thinking for us, but the book that cannot water -the plants on rny makee us think; $,10.00 was voted windowsill." There is work in for t he work of the Literature srnall places as weli as the larger Dept. fields. "Undergird with unify- ing Christian love." Mrs. Hal- Conference W. A. President penny certainly has personality Mrs. J. M. Wood, Belleville,' and has given ahl of herself to itonference W. A. presîdent, used enable her to use her experience for her topie "Our Answer to a in the work for others. confused world." "Thou shait Ms odnIakrsn h loethe Lord with ail thy heart beautiful solo "Consider the and thy neighbor as thyself." Lilies", with Mrs. C. Scott as ac- The fulfilment of this would' companist. make the kind of world we want I r.CatnLe rsne h to live in, she said. Evangelistic MorsyrCpaytnLcpesne.h minds are awake to this new cuts eot trend. With some, religion is in Meeting closed with the Thenie herited, some corne to church but Song and Mizpah Benediction. lack vital Christianity; commun- Mrs. Clarence Pengelly, Brook- lots live what they talk about; lin, was organist for the conven- We cannot give to others love to tion music Whîch was much ap- Christ unless we have it. precigted. "Wili law take away desire for Invitations were receivcd, for liquor? No. But God can. Wili the Fail, 1952, meeting to be held law take awhy thought of murd- at Greenwood and the Spring, er? No. But God can. He takes 1953, meeting to be held at Orono. away the hates, which destroy the world. -We should give ahl- time, energy, love-other things Popular Bride would theri fall away. Reading should be spiritual. Ask direc- Guesi of Honor tion iniahl we do and say. Relate everything to God."1 At IVLnfl Dowers Port Perry W. A. led the de- votional service. Mrs. Clifford Miss Jo se ph i ne Aibeatrice 'Love read the l9th Psalm . . . (Joey) Courtice whose marriage conse Thou me from secret to Mr. Ronald Garfield Van De flSs. .. "and took for her Walker was solcmnized in Eben- tflt"House-cleaning." "Many ezer- United Church last Saturday pêople are most particular about afternoon has been honored at the excellency of their house- several bridai parties. keeping. What about the care Misses Phyllis Garrard and of spiritual life? Faîth needs Miss Eleanor Peaker of Oshawa j polishing. Wc are told to wor- were hostesses at a miscelianeous ship the Lord in the beauty of shower at the home of Miss Gar- holiness. By ail means poiish rard, Oshawa. A decorated bask- the windows of faith. Use the et held the gifts. The future telephone of prayer." Mrs. Geo. bride also received a corsage of Jackson closed with prayer. pink carnations. The guests were S Extended Greetinga the girls fromn the Tabulating De- '*?Rev. M. C. Fisher extended partment of General Motors Parts greetlngs and as chairman of Osh- and Service Office. Lunch was awa Presbytery, also expressed served by the hostesses. his appreciation of the wonderful Mrs. Harry Gay of Courtice work being accomplished by the and Miss Mary Wilkins arranged a women in this area, in the many miscellaneous ýhower at the home limes of work undertaken. of Mrs. Gay. Pink and white was Mr. Fisher then conducted the the decorative theme in the impressive Communion Service, rooms. Miss Courtice was also assisted by Messrs. Norman presented with a corsage. Games White, Walter Stevenson, Charles were enjoyed with prizes award- Wilson and Alan Jones. members ed to the fortunate contestants. of the session. The hostesses served a buffet Brooklin members served a lunch, much appretiated dinner. Mrs. A commrunity shower was held Fallaîse introduccd the speakers: at Varcoes, Kingston Road, the Mrs. J. H. Haipenny, president of gifts being contained in several the Dominion Council; Mrs. J. M. festive baskets. Wood, president of Conference Fromn the office staff of Parts W. A. and members of the Pres- and Service Generai Motors, the bytery executUve. ln the absence future bride received a yellow of Mrs. T. L. Norton, president of Kenwood blanket and a C.G.E. Oshawa Presbyteriai W.M.S., Mrs. Featherweight iron, also a cor- M. C. Fisher brought greetings sg frdrss fromn the sister organization, first saeo1edrss .n- our wodsgiven-hr by Mrs.The girls on the stanff npesent-. Mps . biles, to their eventual destina- Mrs. . J. Tamblyn, Orono, tions for planting on waste and welcomed the Evening W. A. a woodlot areas throughout the new Group in St. Paul's Church, Trent District. Bowmanville. Miss Florence Gar- County Forest Organizations diner, St. Paîîl's gave the eall for which include the Ganaraska, worship for devotions; mrs. j. Durham, Northumberland and W homnpson read the Scripture and Victoria Forests, are now prepar- ei meditation wvas led by Mrs. cd 10 set the tree planting pro- W. Teeple. Mrs. K, Huli sang "I gram into motion with mechan- ,Would Be Building." Miss Elva ical planting equipment and Orchard accompanicd. crews of men with spade and Mrs. A. A. Crowlc introduced shovel who will plant those areas Mrs. Halpenny. Mrs. Halpenny too rough or, hilly for the mia- was delighted with the growth in chines. scp of work and dedication to The demand for trees has t4kin Oshawa Presbytery W. rcached an ail time high making A. since her visit fâie years ago. it necessary for the Department The four steps in W. A.,organiz- to ration available trees to the ation are: The local W.A., Pres- plicants; this regardless of the bytery W.A., Conference W.A., fact the nursery production has and Dominion Council. The work about doubled over the past few Ithas grown beyond the first am- years. bitlon of Leaders. Six of the __________ twelve Conferences of the Unit- ed Church of Canada have now Invisible Means-A boy is at organized Conference W.A.; Mrs. the in-between-age in lite %hen Halpenny referred to the local he knows why a strapless evening W. A. groups who thought they gown s held up but doesn't know wer. doing very welI carrying hoW.-C algary Aibertan. I A N SHOPPE - lis Your Chance Io SAVE! Clearance of SUITS GROUP No. 1 Two-piece suits in gabardines and wooP flannel.. Beautifully taulored. Sizes from 12 ta 20. GROUP No. 2 Thtis group consists of gabar- dines, plaids and cordurcys with loase or fitted jackets. GROUP No. 3 These are smortly toilored in wool flan- nets and gabardines, end include 2- 3o end 4-piece suits -in ait the newest styles. Sixes from 10 ta 20.0 LADIES' PANTIES Knit rayons in ragular and extra large sizes. Also pretty nylons in white and pastels. 20% OFF I - i-if by 9 -- ALL REDUCED '/3OFF OUT THEY GO! HAIF PRICE SLASHED IN PRICE! 20% oOFF LADIES' WOOL & NYLON SWEATERS Your choice of mony flattering colors. ALL REDUCED 20%M OFF SEE YELLOW SALES TICKETSI Ladi*es' SKIRTS& Toilored or flared. In wools, gabardines and corduroys. Alil sies. 1½3OIFF! I A ea sa in Glory 57 King Si. West Ann Shoppes Bowmanville Phone 3363 Ladies' SLACKS For misses and women. Gabardine and corduroy, wool flannel. Sizes 12 to 44. 20% FF'WATCH FOR' 2 0 eo 0 : 9:YELLOW SALES TICKETS1 COSTUME JEWEILERY For your new spring ensemble. LADIES' CREPE SLIPS These include ai Ladies' Full and Haîf Slips, lace trimmed top and bottom ..................... ENTIRE STOCK 0F PURSES 20%?l OFF LOOKC!,LOOK!1 Theze nylon haie speciats on sale for three days onty THURS., FRI. and SAT.! NYLON HOSE 0 54 and 31 Gauge *Full Foshioned VERY SPECIAL $1.09 PAIR NYLON HOSE 0 45 Gouge' 0 Full Fashioned 0 Get 2 Pairs at This Price EXTRA SPECIAL $1.00 PAIR UMBRE LIAS Our entire stock het been slashed in price ta clear et 20% OFF _______ I mmo GLOY Stage a*** Sensational., 1/OFF OTHER STORES LOCATED AT OSHAWA - TORONTO - KINGSTON - ORILLIA I ý Pon 't mis*s I I. r TOP, SHOP, AND SAVE AT -s PACM 1 1/30FF

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