PAGE VOURTEEN T~ f!YTAflA!'7 'rA.1 3 vvme m1 "*ýVI A . JUN TUSDYMA 9I1.5 'I ufargaret Ash Mrs. Fred Wight bas lef t ber new home on North St. to live at present with her daughter, Mrs. D. Alîman, of Oshawa. We are sorry to lose Mrs. Wight from the community but trust she will find salace with the Allman's. Miss Annie Wragg is now mak- ing ber home with Mrs. Wm. Layton on Mill St. We are glad to welcome home Miss Louise Trenwitb ta "Clover- mnere." Misa Trenwith and Dor- othy worked aIl weekend getting settled again after wintering in Toronto. Also we would like to welcome home Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Godfrey who have returned &rm a winter in Florida with dandy tans. We are glatI that Mrs. Gordon Asb bas been able ta return ta ber teacbing duties at Kirby. The fine weekends have bcougbt Inany cottageca to the lake clean- Ing up and getting ready for the tummer ahead. Time-tested Jacobsen 11/2 hp. Engine Fully Enclosed Chain Drive Duel Clutch - Manuel or Automatic Extr-Heavy Air Cushion Tires Ail-Steel Construction 21-inch Cutting Width PRICE $159.00 Immediale Delivery! Came in and get yours now. On Sale at Mfason & Dale HARDWARE 36 King St. E. Phone 408 Bowmanville Telephone 2511 Newcastle Mca. Tom Brown spent a few days last week with friends andI relatives in Toronto. Mc. and Mca. Rosa Embley and Sandra accompanied Mr. and Mrs. HaroldI Hockin and children on a pleasant motor trip ta Algonquin Park on Sunday. Mr. andI Mrs. Jack Rice and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Law. Mc. Archie Stoccey spent a few days last week with bis sister, Mrs. Alex Adair and Mr. Adair. We are sari-y ta learn that the measles antI mumpa have found their way into the village. Mc. and Mra. Hugh Aiken andI baby of Ottawa, were weekend guests of bis parents, Mr. and Mca. Keith Aiken. Mrs. H. J. Ragen and ber bro- ther, Mr. Walter Douglas, are pre- pacing to re-open their home on King St. after spending the winter montha in Toronto and Florida. Basebali season must soon be approaching - we see Bobby Martin studiously refacing the~ hacdbali diamond at the park and'. any day now the sod will be lift- ed from off the girls' diamond. Mr. antI Mrs. Syd. Woodside antI boys of Toronto, were Sunday guesta of Mr. antI Mrs. Jack Wade antI Douglas. Mca. Fred Bowen returned Friday from wintecing in Tor- onto ta find that ber collie dog, Butch, was missing. Light in color with brown spots and a lame bind leg. Mca. Bowen would appreciate finding her pet. "He's not very pcetty but be's friiindly,"j she says. Anyone findin~ this dog please telephone Clarke 3812. Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxfliary of t Newcastle United Church met the home of Mrs. Jim Brown Wednesday, April 15, with members and eight visitors pi sent. ard presided. Mrs. George Wz ton opened the Easter worsh period with a poem after whii a hymn was aung. Mrs. Walti gave a reading after which Mi Jim Porter led in prayer. The study book was given dialogue form, part one bei taken by Mesdames George Wa ton, R. B. Rickard and Jim Brom and part two by Mesdames Cha les Alldred, Jim Porter and XE Dean. During the two parts three the Dutch members, Mrs. Zwie Mrs. Wagemaar and Mrs. Pluist, favored with a group of soni in their native tongue. Mrs. KE Dean then read the scripture a] Mrs. Charles Alldred a poem. hyrn closed the worship perio The members of the Trinil Evening Auxiliary are to1 guests of the Newcastle group a supper meeting in May. T] Mission Band Tea was diSCUSSE and is expected to be held Ma 3th. The group in charge servE refreshments. St. George's Church News The Women's Auxiliary of S the at on 16 re- ai- uip ich bon cas. ,in, ing al- un Ei-- 351 Liberty St. N. BOWMANVILLE Phone 2318 STARTED CHECRS Be prepared for the high prices of eggs this fnl!. Buy Our Earlier Hatched Started Pullets Barred Rocks - Leghorns PHONE 2636 George's Church held a cafeteria tea and sale of homemade cook- ing in the Parish Hall on April 22nd. Tickets were sold on a fruit cake, donated by Mrs. Geo. Gray, lucky winneri being Mrs. Dora Brooks. The Evening Branch of St. George's W.A. met on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Chris. Barchard with 21 members pre- Jsent. Plans were completed and 'garments finished to complete the outfit for an Indian girl attend- ing a school in one of our Mis- sionary Dioceses. Other members sewed on quilt blocks. Refresh- ments were served. On April 24th members of St. George's Church W.A. were in- vited to attend a W.M.S. meeting in the United Church Sunday School and hear their guest speaker, Mrs. Somerville. April 25th the Evening Branch sponsored a variety show by the pupils of the Harvey Dance Academy. Tickets were Sold on a toy bunny donated by Mrs. Fred Thomas. Miss Harvey made the draw and the bunny went to Miss Linda Roberts. Kenneth William, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCracken, was baptized in St. George's Church at 2 p.m., Sunday, Aprilc 27. Godparents for Kenneth were9 Mr. and Mrs. George Crowther,t Newcastle, and Mr. Almonte Mc- Cracken, Coîborne. Mc. andI Mca. Art Thompson, Bowmanvihe, viaited Mc. and Mca. Jack Lyon. Mc. antI Mca, Frank Westlake Sc., visited at Tom Wcatlake's. Mr. antI Mca. Cleve Chemens, Mr. andI Mca. D. Barnes andI fam- ily. Oshawa, wece Stînday gucats of Mca. E. H. Cole. Mc. Howard Westlakc, Enfield, spent the weekend at home. Mc. Joe Reynolds andI son Gordon, Toconto, viaited Mc. and Mca. J. R. Reynolds on Sunday. Mr. antI Mca. Tom Westlake calletI on Mc. antI Mca. Norval Wotton of Solina on the occasion of their Pearl Wedding Anniver- sacy on Sunday. Mc. and Mca. Garnet Johinston, Sandra aod Carol. spent the weckend with relativea at Man- ilia. Mca. Fred Knight andI Mc. Bruce MVorton, Toronto, viaited their f a- thec, Mc. J. Morton andI Mca. Mor- ton on Monday. COURTICE .en W. A. ladies attended the Unit- af ed Cburch Woman'a Association e Confecence at Brooklin on Wed- ter nesday andI includetI Mca. P. An- Ig til, Mca. Terilîl, Mca. C. Pen- en found, Mca. B. Wilkins, Mca. H. nd Scorgie andI Mca. G. Barber. Mca. A J. L. Haipenny, Toronto, andI Mca. d. J. W. Wood, Belleville. president ty of Bay of Quinte Confecence W. be A. gave messages of great inspir- at ation antI hehpfulness andI the rue ladies felt it was a day wondec- ed fuliy well spent. ay Explorera andI C.G.I.T. met at Couctice UnitedI Church on Wed- Bd neaday evening. Miss S. Antil led in a baîf hour of recceation. The Mother andI Daugbter Ban- quet was valuated by the girls andI commenta wece made as to t. bow it might be improved. Each -girl present was interested in "Health Pcoject." Bible story on "Prayer" was commenced by an informai discussion. Each girl cead a verse from a bymn wh ih she conaideced a prayer. Couctice W. A. joined at Eben- ezer with the Ladies' Berean Claas on April 24, meeting in the Sunday School Room. President1 Misa A. Hoit repeated an apprq- priate verse. Mca. C. Penfound introduced the gucat speakers, Miss D. Powell, Recceational Di- rector for the BlindI andI Mr. Mc- Eachccn, District FieldI Secretary, Toronto. Bath spoke in the in-1 teceat of the Institute for the1 BlindI. Miss Powell outlined somej of the wock antI recreation they -take part in. There arc 19,000 blind people in Ontario. Thee blind can do almoat everything2 people with ight can do. Witb *the exception of badminton they3 can play moat games. Thcy have1 the saine intereat at heart as the sighted andI ber advice to us was I "Be Youcaclf" tressed the facth sceing people should not make1 any difference when meeting bind. belp them only when ne-r ccasary. Let thcmn enjoy thieir in-v dependence. Mca. A. Down cx- preased thanka to the apeakersb wbich was heactily applauded.v Mca. C. Penfound had charge ofC the devotional period. Hymna chosen wee wcitten by Fanny ceading was given by Mca. H. i H utton folhowed with prayer by a IMrs. J. McKenzie. Mca. Wilkins tç Igave the atocy of Rcv. GeorgeA rMatheson, uvho was bhind antI c1wote the bynîn "O Love That, r Wilh Not Lot Me Go",. followed a with a solo by Mca. M. Brown, ac- comipanied b.y Mca. C. Fulton andI prayer by Mca. C. Penfound. ci Treasucer reported $611.90 in fe treaaur.y. The clasa decided to I o sponsor the English girl, Eheanor ( . Smith, again, foc 1952. cý Reocganizing a Woman's As- C, sociation waa tabled. also, tbey n are still waiting for a contractors T, estimate cegarding a new kitchen. v' The offccing was ceceived. follow- M cd by a piano solo by Mca. L. bE Down. Attendance: 42 adults ill andI 13 childcon . A ver * lovelv p I1lunch as serve l bY Group Tw.o. C* Courtice Sunday School %vas h, \vl attended on Suniday morning jj wýith 90 in attendance. At the ili Suinclay cvening service an 'erx' educational tempecance film was p shown. unlder supervision Of Miss AI ArnoldI. Ebenezer. i Practice is now undecw,ýav foi ni Courtice SundaY Schooi anniver- MV sacv, May' 18. tl Mc. R. Depew, Toronto, visited juý Mr. andI Mca. Cecil Adamis over pe the weekend. ti% Mc. antI Mca. L. Penfaund, 1 Whitbv, wece Sunday visitors Mi with Mc. andI Mca. C. Penfound; R' also. Master Charles Evans, Bo\y,- Hi nianville. sncout Snttîit-a'.w A] hi-,~ aicnirît c ani Vlr1 C. Penfound. B m)rmittee was named -to ôplaân ch enu for the District Annuai in Su rýone on May 27. $10.00 was wl Jed to the parsonage board. ac, s. Gordyn Brent thanked mem- geî rs for carda sent during her gif ness. Following program xvas Ital esented: Devotional by Mrs. J. 1 Cook: comrnunity singing led we Mrs, Lorne Annis accompanied Mr Mr.Gryn Brent. Two ver.% lresting articles were read thE Vhite Elephant Hits the Jack- Mr tand -Casa Loma" by Mra. Sol clcn Hoar. -Life of Kate Aik- 1 ýas taken from Maclean's thc igazine by Mrs. Gordyn Brent. C. s. Rosevear moved a vote of onks to the hosteas. A delicious ev< ch of gingerbread andI whip- coi d cream was served by execu- Th e. wo )fficers for 1952-53: Pres.- Ele s. A. J. Hoar; lat Vice-Mca. Sn, B. Glaspell: 2nd Vice-Mrs. A. Boi e:Sec'.y,-Treas.-Mrs. Geo. do( dread: Asst. Sec' v-Treas.-- hu5 :J. A. Rosevr~ar: Pr'-r- Corr. ancr NIrs. J. C. Cookî District Di- ail - 1 Rev. and Nrs. Merle Thompson Write Another Interesting Letter Relating Experiences in Saskatoon TYRONE Pte. Wm. Hall, PetawaWa, is visiting hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker and family, Bowmanville. also visited at the Hall home on Sunday. Mirs. F. Shorteri, Mr. W. H-oog, Toronto, visited Mrs. W. T. Word- en. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. R. McDonald and Paul visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Broome. Misses Veronica Friend and, Doris Park, Toronto, Visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Park Sr. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paterson, Oshawa. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Miss Dorothy Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner and family, Mr. and Mra. Norman Woodley, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman at- tended the 4lst wedding anni- versary of Mr.' and Mrs. George Scott, Oshawa, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy, Brooklin, on Sunday. Congratulations to Joan Davey and Audrey Wood who celebrat- ed their birthdays on Tuesday and entertained several of their girl friends to a birthday Party at the home of Audrey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm viaited Mr. and Mrs. G. Trewin and Mr. E. Trewin, Blackstock. Mission Band meets on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones, Mr. Ar- thur Jones. Miss Claire Hall, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Hooper, Mr. W. H. Hooper, Toronto; Mrs. M. Silver. Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cooper, Toronto, were guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brent. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Cecile and Douglas with Mr. and Mrs. J. Park, Peterborough. Mr. S. Du- val returned home wîth them. Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Ronald and Marilyn, Misa Jean Philp visited Hon. and Mrs. W. A. Good- feliow. Codrington. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm attend- ed the 3Oth wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Wotten, Solina, on Sunday. Wednesday the Oshawa Pres- bytery meets in Tyrone United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roberts and Glenn, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alldread, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Vira. J. Aildread. Sorry to hear Mra. W. T. Word- en and Mr. J. Alldread are quite poorly. Mr. Fred Smith and Miss Grace Smith, Long Sault, with Mr. andI vIra. J. C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Les Smith, Toronto, wîth« M'r. and Mrs. Trewin Scott. Lynne Stainton and Michael Gibbs attended littie Wayne Scott's birthday party FridayC vben Wayne was 4 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton, Douglas and Lynne, visited Mr.' nd Mrs. Jim Stainton, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook called n Rev. and Mra. A. E. Cresswell, Lindsay, on Sunday.r Mrs. John Lillicrapp, Canning- tn, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, F. L. 3yam. W.M.S. will meet on May 8 at s tie home of Mrs. Sid Hoar at 2C .m. Mr. and Mrs. James Mackay and boys, Lotus, visited Mr.. and r \Irs. T. Tabb. i Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Mrs. G. .%,ldread, Mrs. J. C. Cook, Mrs. ýHarvey, Mrs. N. Woodley at- 0 .nded the Executive Meeting of West Dtirbam Institute at ivirs. S M. Emerson's, Nestleton, Tues-d ay.d Congratulations to Mr. S. Mc- Si oy who celebrated his birtbday a 3aturday. On Sunday Mr. and ti Irs. Lloyd McCoy, Stouffville; n &r. and Mrs. Jack Oliver and t' ris, Fenelon Falls; Mrs. B. Oi- iN 7r, Rosedale; Mrs. A. Poulter, ci shawa; Mr. and Mrs. G. McCoy id Jack, Bowmanville; Mr. and t rs. Lorne McCoy, Brooklin, o] vere dinner guesta of Mr. and o rs. S. McCoy andI Mr. and Mrs. some do flot stay with the job. If it were not for the faithfui few . . . but that is the atocy everywhere! p Agnes found the goîng too beavy ducing the winter, antI had ta give up one S. S. clasa andI the Junior Choir at Bethel. She stili bas a clasa of Intermediate Girls at Second St. whece she la also pianiat for the Senior Schooi, andI assista at Bethel though nat every Sunday. She bas had a cather busy time of it'lately, as the campaign for the new Unit- ed Chucch Training Scbool la under way. To date, she bas spoken three times, andI is booked for same more in May. Being a graduate, ahe is prepared ta go ail out foc the new achool. In bctween other duties, Ag- nes is bccoming proficient at pour- ing tea! Afternoon teas are very popular here in the city as a means of raising the money which is needed, and wbich peaple will not give out of their own pockets, SO every week there la anc or more teas beltI by some churcb. Many of tbem are heltI in the chuces. but quite aften a larger one ia beltI in the Auditorium of the Hudson's Bay store. Re- centhy North Park United Church W. A. had one there andI Agnes poured, aiong with Alderman Marjorie Walkec. And of course, the pastor tags along. gulpa bis cup of tea, andI gets out as soon Dear Friends: It la about time we were bring- ing you up-to-date on the bistory of the Tbompson's in Saskatoon! We ehave survived another West- ern Winter. and now tbat Spring has really arrived. andI we are J completely thawed out, life takes on a New Deal again. We have been enjaying splendid weather for several weeks, with no fioods, thougb plenty of mud. The rob- ins and the meadow larks are back, andI the crocuses are show- ing through the ground! This ia a GOOD time of the yeac. We had expected ta put a new address at the top of this letter, but aur maving bas been delayed. We were ail set to mave the firat dayý of tbe month, but it waa an April Fool! But we will be mov- ing as soon as the other bouse is vacated. The family there are waiting for their suite in Regina. Suceiy by the end of the month, at leaat we hope, M-Day will be hece. In any case, when we do move aur new address wiil be: 225 - 9tb Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan so -ýust in case you care to write us, take note! Our new home wiil be very nice. we believe. Since the Cbucch here bas flot a manse yet, and no furniture, we bave form- ed a Manse Committee, and they have gone to work to secure the thinga needed for a home. They bave purebased nearly all used furnituce, some of it being what was in this bouse wvhere we are living. From hece they bought the dining room suite, two bed- room suites, and the piano! We are very pleased about the piano. We scarceiy know what we shaîl bave until we move, as it bas not all been coliected yet. We are boping that we shall bc able to stay in our new home for a longer time than we bave been here. Moving ia not fun! Our new church at Second St. is making good progress and wiil be compieted by the end of May, or sooner. We expect to bave the opening and dedication in June, tbough the date bas not been definitely set yet. It lsaa very simple, functional design, witbout any frilîs, as they are too costiy these days. It will seat about 240 people. Ovecali coat will be about $35,000, which in- cludea furniabinga. We are moat grateful for the assistance we bave received from the other United Churches in Saskatoon, under the Chuc Extension Plan, ta the extent of $10,000. Our Cburch wock continues in high gear, though we often wvon-1 der how much la accomplished.( Oui- concern is leadership. XVe1 are aiways short of Sunday Schooli teachers, and neyer too strong( on other leadership. We have twot S. S. sessions, a senior andI Junior,. in eacb Cbuc, with a totàl staffs of 18 at Second St. and 15 at 1: Bethel. Thece have been sever-1c comfortable. fully insulated, and with oil-heating. Our social life here is lixnited mostly ta Church and relatc4-ac. tivities. There seem ta s few free evenings for anythm1g else, but once in a long while wl stay out among the bright lightsJ We enjoyed the Recital by Rev, Dr. Clifford Elliott and Mrs Elliott a few weeks ago. They are at North Battleford, but are moving to St. Giles ini Hamilton, Ontario, July lst. They are both very musical, really accomPlished and talented artists. He is a bass. baritone and she is a splendid pianist. They will be missed- in Saskatchewan. We also attend. ed the annual Ice Carnival_ the local arena in March.Sc, how the winter slipped away d we did not get skating even once, Merle did get in a few games oi curling with the other ministers on Monday mornings. We de have opportunity ta hear somi really good music, for which wi are thankful. Tomnorrow even- ing we plan to attend a vocal re. citai by a young man, member ol the R.C.M.P. in Regina, who is being sponsored by the Young People's Caravan C o m mittee, Then next Monday the combined choira of Third Ave. and Knoit United Church are presenting "Elijah." I see the bottom of the sheet, We will try to edit another Tatt- 1er before too long. And we shal] be happy to hear from anyone who may write to us. ln His feilowship and aervice, Merle and Agnes Thompsoxi Careless Poultry The amount of feed wasted bl Canadian poultrymen probabhy runs into many thousands of dol- lars annually. It arises no doubi from a lack of appreciation ai bow rapidly fecd wastage buildç up until it represents a serioui bass in an otherwise effîciently operated industry. Careleas fecding la possibly thi greateat cause of feed xvastage, antI ane way to avoid it la to use feed hoppers of proper aize and type, says T. M. Macîntyre of the Expecimental Farm, Nappan, N.S, Often feed hoppeca arc used wbich are toa amall-particuhariy for growing stock. ln ocder te avoid frequent feeding there lsa tendency ta ovecfill these hap- pera, with the resuht that the birds often "bill out" as much as a quarter ta a baîf cf the feed. With feed at five cents a pound this represent a ceai bass to the producer andI in the final analysis, ta the poultry industcy as a wbole, If the estimated 70 million do- mestie fowh on Canadian facms each wastes a quacter-of-a-pound of feed in ita lifetime, thie fecd baos would i-un ta 8,750 ton~ AI today'a coat of feed thia iýl Won- sidecable ovecallboss ta t- in- dustry. Much of this ls Can be avoiled by uaing happera of pcop- er aize andI designed so that they need not ho overfilled. They abould be placed s0 that thcy are HAMPTON rector-Mrs. N. Woodley; Branch Directoaîs-Mrs. R. Wrigbt, Mca. G. Brent andI Mrs. E. White; Com- fort Convenocs-Mcs. A. Rich- ards andI Mrs. J. L. Goodman; Pianist - Mca. Russell Virtue; Group Leadecs-Mrs. H. Stain- ton and Mrs. R. Glaspell, Mca. H. Skinner and Mca. N. Woodley, Mca. A. Hamilton and Mca. L. An- nia. Fciday evcning frienda from Haydon, Long Sault andI Tyrone met in the Community Hall to bonor Mr. and Mca. Ray Paterson (nee Edith Woodley), Oshawa, on their reoent macciage. Mca. J. Potta, Haydon, gave a reading antI Mc. Gordyn Brent sang "Be- cause" accompanicd by Mca. R. Pooley. Mc. Everton White, chair- man, calletI on the young couple, giving a few remacha antI Mca. H. Skinnec andi Mca. H. Philp presented them with a daven- port. Each made suitable re- marks. Social evening of carda and crokînole was enjoyed and ccfreabments served. KENDAL Mca. Neya Little retucnetI home Saturday aftec spending the week ,vitb Mc. antI Mca. Aylwacd Little, Mackham. Alec was home for the weekend. Miss Docene Powell, who teach- es at McLean's Scbool, la absent tbrough illneas and Miss Katie Stewart la teaching in hec absence. Mc. antI Mca. Ray Hughes antI Gloria. Poct Hope, visited Mca. Miary Luxon antI Marion on Sun- lay. Mr. andI Mca. Ted Coatham and daughtecs, Ocono, spent Sunday with hec parents, Mc. antI Mca. W. M/ercer. Mca. Burwash of Saskatoon, Sask., is visiting hec siater andI nephew, Mca. C. Tbompson and Arthur. Mc. andI Mca. Garland Cathcact, vIra. Bucwasb, Mca. Chas. Thomp- son antI Arthur wece Sunday ev- ening guesta of Mc. and Mca. Reg Elliott. Mc. andI Mca. Cy Elsey andI Car- ol, Oahawa. visited bis sister, tIcs. George Mercer on Sunday. Congratulations to Mc. and tIrs. Geo. Meccer on the arcival f their son, William John, at the tIemocial Hospital, Bowmanville, Satucday, April 19. A number fcom Kendal andI district are busy planting trees, 3me on the Ganaraska project nd some planting Christmas cees foc private parties. Christ- îas tree planting appears also )o have started in the village. Iiîc~h comment can be beard rncecning the advisability of *ianting them. whece they, by îe time they are of any use, will )bstcuct the view on the corners )f aur street andI county roada. Miss Ruby Collett and Mc. Ray- iond Woodward spent Sunday 'ith Mc. and Mca. Norman Ken- idy. MAPLE GROVE Don't forget Sunday Schlool neeting Friday evening in the isement of the chucl at 8 p.m., ).S.T. Mc. andI Mca. Jack IllitIge andI *n Paul. Toronto, wece Sunday sitoca with Mca. L. C. Snowden id Miss.Mildi-et Snowden. The annual W. M. S. Sunday crvice was heltI witb Mca. L. M.' omecville as guest speaker. She ave a vecy inteceating account fhec work in the north as a fisionaryv nurse, which was en- ved by ail. The Organ Committee of Maple -ove Church rcecived word oni aturday from Mc. Sherwood ollacutt, Oshawa, a former ceai- nt of this conimunity, that ho )uld like to donate a two-manual ammond Electric Organ to the iurch. A vote was taken onj nday at the chucch service hich was cacried unanimously,I -cepting Mc. Collacutt's ýmost ýnecous and much appceciae t. The dedicationi service wl ke place nt a later date. Mr. anid Mrs. C. H. Snovden cre Fridav visitors witl Mr% a nd rs. Joe Bollous, Willowdale . Virs. L. C. Sniowdeni attenided e3Oth wcdding celebration of SUPER I.G.A. STORE # i TUA CALL HAROLD WELSH Plumhinq & Heating FOR NEW INSTALLATIONS OR REMODELLING -SPECIALIZING IN REPAIR JOBS - Ail work covered by one-year guarantee New Hampshire X Barred Rocks One to six wceks of age FOR PARTICULARS WRITE OR PHONE Orchland Farm H. J. Brooks THE SQUARE COAT, a brief faghionable confection to top any dress on any occasion. Introduced in Originala's '52 spring collec- tion, this "wardrobe must" coat is of navy Originala fleece. Sleev- es and a single patch pocket are rimmed with white grosgrain, and dotted with more of the but- tons paired down the sides of the coat. ai changes ducing the yeac, as it Second Street will be very level with the birds' backs. A n 1 Remember Ladies: Since hast November, Merle lias been the United Cburch Chaplain at the Provincial San- atorium hece. Thece are always about 50 to 60 United Cburch patients there, some af tbem ini for yeacs. The work requires visita evecy week, and a Churcb service once a montb, on the sec- ond Fciday at 10 a.m. It la vecy interesting work, with many op- portunities to hclp people. Right now he is conducting a chucch membecship clasa foc twa patienta who wish to unite with the chucchi. Verýy wondcrful wock la beîng donc ei-cr in Saskatchewan to help T.B. patients. We also bave a chucch mcm- berabip clasa every Monday ev- cning at Second St. with an at- tendance of 12. They arc all aduits, the youngcst being 20, antI the discussions bave been quite good. Oui- GootI Friday andI Eastet services wecc well attended. It acema to be a customn of long standing in urban cèntres, that one goca to chucch on Eaatcc Sunday, even if it la the only tirnei ducing the yeac! Sevecal of the larger United Churchea here held two identical services in the mocning, as well as their evcning service. Our usual at- tendance at Church bas kept up weil ducing the wintec months, ini pite of the fact that aur cburchi biuildings arc cather coltI andI un- comfortablc. The new Cburcb hring your entire family with you and do your shopping ON FRIDAY NIGHT CAWKER'S I.G.A. STORE open until 9 p.m. for your shopping convenience Shop on FRIDAY NIGHI and have a chance fo wiL A Voucher worth $4.00 in GROCERIES Produce Features Meat Features New otaoes- 3 bs.29c Round Steak or Roast - 87c Florida - 176'slb Oranges-- doz. 35c Wing Steak or Roast '- 87c Florida - 9'sBonelesa lb. Grapefruit - 6 for 29c Prime Rib Roast 89c CAWKER'Sý TffE CANADUN STATmqvAmý inwmAmm.T.r nwmaem allq à aL40,0wenp