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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1952, p. 16

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P5I!t'A ~ZA blA 'A ?E~SDA i P?7D- ~£.~J~ÂLiN,*D. OW ÂV..i VLLL ONT.AIO à-- The Orono Mm & R.E. Lon Mrs. Jas. Richards bas return- Brantford to the Toronto branci- ed from a week's visit in Buffalo on the corner of Queen and Spa- and Hamilton. They also assisted dina. at a reception for Mr. and Mrs . Miss Jo. Armstrong, Hartford, E. S. Hicks, St. Catharines, who Conn., visited with Mr. and Mrs. celebrated their 45th wedding an- Wm. Armstrong. fliversary and were at home ta r n r.E rdHm 150 guests. ilton, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Percy Irwin, Toronto, is Thornton Wilson. visiting with ber son, Mr. W. P. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crease, Irwin and Mrs. Irwin. Barrie, spent the xeekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings are lier mother. Mrs. Fred Cowan. spending this week with bis Miss Wanda Hobbs, Toronto, brother, Prof. Harley Billings and was a guest of Miss Alice Bas- family in Pbiladelphja. They nett. were accompanied by' Mr. and Ms a ooTrn.i Mrs. W. J. Inch, Weston. r.MvJhsTroi s Mr. and Mrs. Milton Elliott, visiting with Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Bowmanville, visited relatives Miss Marjorie McLaren, Lea- here on Sunday. side, spent the weekend with lier Mrs. Milton Dunbar and Elliott parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mc- Port Hope, visited with ber par_ Laren. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Elliott. Miss Shirley Porter and Miss Mr. Murray Paterson spent the Audrey Bilings, Oshawa, with weekend with bis parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Porter over and Mrs. J. A. Paterson. Murray the weekend. bas been transferred from the Mrs. John Kitchen and Olaf Bank of Commerce brandi in, are spending this week witli rela- WITII THESE H1OUSECLEANINO Iand DECORATING SUPPLIES We have a complete stock of housecleaning and decorating supplies to help you with your spring cleaning. Check these items: Window Blinds - Wallpaper Cleaner Floor Waxes - Hippo 011 - Vaispar Varnish Johnson's Glo-coat - Gyptex - Tim-her-lox White and Orange Shellac - Pittsburgh Paints Aulcraft Paints - Dunkit Brush Cleaner Sunworthy and Suntested Wallpapers Ail Kinds of Paint Brushes and Rollers Dri-Seal for Wet Basements and Wet Walls J. M. Abernethy's PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 85 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 431 *-ËEAT X B NOWXA?îVILILE ITHURS. -FRI. -SAT.- MAY 12.,3 Added Entertainninent- MONDAY -T&JESDAY- MAY 5 -6 THEY WALK WITH DANGER! RACE WITHI DEA FN! STALK M M l tEM ENEMY IN Nlh itN RICHARDcBASEHART GARY MEIRRILL OSKAR WERNER Dieeted by ANATOLE LITVAK MOVIETONE NEWS TECHNICOLOR CARTOÇIN WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - MAY 7 - 8 FGRINEFIRSTTIMEINITÇ miINIEIRE IWALLS 0F pngrsgtgo m v WARNM aO ST OCFIRHPAN 7DAVID BRIAN En utimn ii SHORT . . ..-j .&31 TOIVN" Techn icolor Carton and Aiiisiiig Short a HAYDON Tic W. A.' sponsoued an exceI lent pragrami on Wednesday cx. ening at Enniskillen Hall. Diann( Haliman and Beverly McRobbie ~Bowmanville, favored with tw( Sselections af tap dancing. Reac. ings were giveni by Mu. Howard Foley and Gary Cale, Bowman- ville. Salas were rendercd by Mr. Gardon Brent, Tyrone, and Mrs. Smales, Hampton, and thE Hampton MaIe Quartette enter- tained. Mr. Ed Youngman de- ligited bath young and aider ones with is talk which lie titled "Prejudices." Our special thanks go toalal wio took part, ta make suci a splendid evening. The cake xvas won by Mu. J. H. Walk- or, the floral stationery by Aileci McAlpine. and the door prizes by Mrs. Wilkins, Hampton and Mr. Fred Toms, Puirple Hill. Net proceeds $25. Seveual from here attended the presentation for Mu. and Mrs. Pattouson ai Tyrone Hall on Fni day evening. Some attendcd the play at Burketon, put on by their awr talcnt. It was a delightful com- cdy and well given. Mu. and Mus. Heri Scott anc grandidaughter, Anna Marie of Orono; Mi-. and Mrs. Elmer Hawes and farnily, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Whitby; Mu. Frank Smith, Ennisklllen: Mu. and Mrs. Clifford Trexvin, Boxvmanville, at Mu. Wm. Trcew- in'.- We werc pleased ta sec Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Siemon, wio are home foi- awhile, oui on Sunlday. Mr-. and Mus. Harold Gay, Osh- awva, at Mr. Chas. Garrard's. Du. Wn-i. Corrigan, Miss Olive Rankine, Mir. and Mrs. John Gould and faiiy Mu. and Mrs. David Lojwe and fanmily, Toronto, at Mr. IChas. Rankin*s. Mu. arid Mus. Fred Ashton and fammilv, Toronto, at MVr. H. Ash- totis and Mu. A. Read's. Dr. anîd Mrs. M. Touzel, To- Mir. James Hanna's.' M.and Mus. Buack Perry. C uowe Lako: Miss Helen Bertrim, Ohwat Mr. Melville Bert- Mr. aind Mus. Ross Ashton and Sticui .,lat Mr. Wm. McLaughlin's. Bu ukoton. Mir. and Mus. Jack Rice, April and Kenny, Bowmnanville; Mr. and Mus. Robt. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. E. Turner, Oshawva, at Mr. Don Canieron's. Mir. ai-d Mrs. Lloyd Slemon at Mu. Wilbur Toms, Purple Hill. Mi-. and Mus. Ro y MeGili and familv. Beut Weruv, Enniskillen; lr. and Mis. Ross Ashton and Sheuvi>' weue dinner guests at Mir. and Nîrs. Llowd AsitonIs. MVi-. anid Mus. Llo ' d Siemion, Miss Marie Ashton attended tie Y.P.U. (_ onvonition at Blackstock on Su oda v* Conguatulat ions to Mu. and .Mus. E. cNeii wdio celobrat- cd their .3urd vwedding annivers- aux- a couple of weeks ago, alsa to Mi-. and Mus. Leslie Graham w.,ho celebrated their 32nd wed- dingc anniversaryv on Monday. 4nt(4e4$~ mllTmTmlIIflu.. WANT ADS ý1- v- e .d 'y d ie 's :e e yi tives in Niagara Fails. We extend sincere sympathy to the wife and family af Mr. Bray- ton Stinson who passed away on Thursday, April 24 at Sunny- brook Hospital, Toronto. The funeral was held from the Bar- low Funeral Home on Sunday af- ternoon with interment in Orono Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cobble- dick, Leamington, are with bis mother, Mrs. Will Cobbledick, owing to the serious illness of his father ini Oshawa Hospital. Miss Betty Ann Watson, To- ronto, is visiting this week with lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson. * On Friday evening, a play from Lakefield United Churcli, "Here *Cornes The Prince" was present- ed in the tawn hall, sponsored by the W. A. or Orono United Church. It was well attended and thoroughlY enjoyed, as was shown by the applause given the players. Proceeds were over $80. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lantz spent the weeliend in Orono. Mrs. Geargina Cobbledick was unable to accompany tiemn as she is con- fineci to bed at their home in Toronto. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry over the weckcnd we_ their son, Mr. Arche Hen- dry and Miss Barbara McConncl, both of Kingston. Red Cross Report Orono Red Cross Branch, which includes all of Clarke Township, is very proud ta re- port that a total of $897.15 lias been donated for the National Campaign. Tie objective set was $750 but because of the untiring efforts of dozens of canvassers and tic liberality of individuals, a number of lodges, church or- ganizations, etc., the total is most gratifying. The followîng are the totals, according ta school sec- tions: No. 1 Port Granby $16.85; No. 2 Lakeshore, $14,00; No. 4 New- tcnville-United Cliurch W. A. $5.00, Women's Institute $5,00, General canvass $90.00; No. 5 Brown's-Home and School Club $10.00, Busy Bees $10.00, general canvass $16.00; No. 7, Crooked Creek Sehool, $5.85; No. 8, Anti- och, $15,50; No. 9, Lockliart's, $25.50; No. 10, Starkville-Scliool $3.00, general eanvass $43.05; No. 14, Kirby-Broomball tcamn $22.- 50, general canvass $12.00; No. 15 Leskard-United Churchi W. A. $5.00, general canvass $34.50; No. 16. Cowanville $12,80; No. 17, Me- Lean's $27,50; No. 21, Sixti Line $17,00, No. 22, Clarke Union Home and School Club $15,00. Orono-Women's Institute $10.; Orono I.O.O.F. Lodge $25,00; Hea- ther Rebekah Lodge $25,00; Orono United Churcli W. A. $25,00; Oro- no Lodgc A.F. & A.M. $10.00; general canvass $396.10. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC 14B- HORBS, wh1o is repairing sewîng machines.. in this locality, is in no way connected with the Singer Sewing Machine Company. New and Guaranteed Reconditioned Sewing Machinies, Parts and Expert Repairs can be obtained only from your Singer Sewing Centre or from an authorized representative who wiII in every case be driving a Singer Service Car bearing the Red S. Pee Wee Puckateers Champs 0f Eight Team League Youngest of the teams honored at the Hockey Night sponsored by the Recrea- tion Commission and held at the Ontario St. School Friday evening is Don McGregor's championship Pee Wee club. Although young in years, they are keen hockey players. Their combined efforts throughout the season earned their club victory in the total point race between the eight Pee Wee teams in the league. Hugh Bolton of the Leafs, and N.H.L. referee Bill Morrîson made the crest presentation. Front row: Terry Black, Brian Hughes, Doug. James, Keith Welsh, Lloyd Stainton. Standing are: Gary Conway, Bob Osborne, John Osborne, Don McGregor (captain), and Dan Cattran. NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. David Joins visited Mr. and Mrs. Ehi Mairs. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. Miss Gladys Emerson, nurse-in- training, Oshawa, visited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Emer- son. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns visited Mr. and Mý's. L. Joblin. Mrs. H. McComb very kindly in- vited W. I. ladies ta meet at lier home May 7 when officers pro- vide the lunch. Mr. Norman Mairs is getting their new home in Port Pcrry near completion and they wil son be moving in. We will miss them. in aur community. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton, Port Perry, were Sunday supper guests withi Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine. Glad ta bear Miss Louisa Joins is impraving and will soan be borne again. Mr. and Mrs. Melburne Middle- tn, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer, Port Perry, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson. Dr. and Mus. Plewis, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McCausland, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Lind- say, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells on Sunday.* A number af young people at- tended the Young People's Con- ference at Blackstock. Mrs. Robt. Bannie and son Ste- pion, Richard Wilson, Mu. and VIrs. E. Stewart and Miss Mary Stewart, Toronto, visited Mrs. Wesley Campbell and Mu. and Mr. Grant Campbcll. LONG SAULT BROWN'S 3 Mu. and Mrs. T. Wilson and family visited Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLeod and Audrey in To- ronto on Sunday. Miss Beryl Reichuath travelled with Mr. and Mus. Wilson ta To- ronto on Sunday ta visit lier aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Adams. Mus. Adams lias just re- turned from tic hospital where she underwent a serious eye op- eration. Mr. Marshall Pickering is on a 'plane trip ta tic Coast, stapping off at Regina, Calgary, and Win- nipeg on his retuun. Mr. and Mus. J, Curson have 1rcturned from Toronto, wheue Mu. Curson was having a series af X-rays taken ta determine tic cause of his recent illness. Happy ta report nathing marc serious tian a fcw nasty molars ta be extracted and a possible tonsil- ectomy in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Watson and fam- ily, Toronto, with MuI. and Mrs. H. Mcllroy. Miss Margaret Morley. Toronto, and friend, Mu. Russell Adams, spent Sunday \vith her prns Mr. and Mrs. L. Morley. Mus. Marsliall Pickeny and Audele are enteutaining tfie C.G. I.T. members and their leader, Mrs. Pauline Storks, Tuesday ev- ing, at their home. Mr. and Mus. Duby, Rockwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Synott and Phyllis, Acton, were recent vis- itors witli Miss Jean Perrin. Mrs. W. Farrow with lier daugiter, Mrs. Stan Allun, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Honey at Fenelon Falls for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hiller, iaving spent the winteu manths in Don- das and Toronto, have returned ta stay with Mr. and Mus. Gea. M s. May Jo hons xiiifiends ýý ë hom e. 1' uim r v i in ûrono. Miss Joy ce Eddy, Toronto, xith Soury ta report Mis. R. Sim lier par-ents, Mr. "ai-d Mus. Fue has been in Memorial Hospital, man Edd ' , foi- the weekend. Bowvmanville since last Wednes- Mu, Fred Cox is very busy da.y. Hope she wihh soon be home building a hause for Mr. Len Gib- rand feeling much botter, baud, w'ho uecently purchased Several atttinded lie Y. P. "The Diner". We welcome Mr. ciurch services in Blackstock ai-d Mrs. Len Gibbard taoOui IUnited Churci Sunday evening. community and wish themn every f Mus. Walter- Vaneyk ai-d John success in their new ventur-e. rwitihoue daughiter, Mus. Harohd Mr. ai-d Mus. Geo. Stephenson -Do Mille, Buketon. left on Sunday for a two-weeks Mus. F. G. Smith is bolidaying trip ta tie Maritimes. -wi relatives in Brampton and Mu. and Mm's. Cyrîl Avery and Inglewood. family visited Mu. and Mus. Nor- Mu. Fred G. Smith and Miss man Avery on Sunday. Soruy ta Guaco Smith wem'e Sunday dinn er hear tiat Mm-s. C. Avery lias *guests of Mu. and Mus. J. C.. Cook since been confined ta heu bcd and enjoy'ed a matou trip ta with a severe cold. Hope she'1l Lindsay and calhed on Rev. and be up and about scion. »Mrs. Cuesswell. Mr'. and Mus. S. Pritchard, Buown's Home and School Club Millbuook; Mu. ai-d Mus. Mansel me hudyeeiga i Wright, Betiany; Mu, and Mus. school ta view edîicationah pic- Gemalid Duvaîl and children, Mu. turcs, Our regular meeting was and Mus. Eaml Duvaîl, Leskard, held and we wehcomed a new and Mu'. and Mms. Herbert Du- member and heu family ta oui- vaîl, Orono. wei-e Scnday guests district, Mu. and Mus. McReelis. af Mu. ai-iciMus. Oum Milleru. Refresiments weue seuved. Let Mr. and Mus. Wilfued Wîight, each and eveuy anc of us make Bcmketon, with Mu. and Mus.' Wm. a very special effort ta attend aur Milleu and Mu. and Mus. Evans. May meeting, which xvilh pm'ob- Tiche ait Concert" w-as ably ho tic last of tic season. well1 attended ]ast Wednesdla- nîgit mn the sciool. Tic Young People, Linder lie capable lead- BLACKSTOCK ership of Mus. N. Woadley, pe -____ scnted tho Mock Wedding. Those iMu 'tjo taking part in tic cast were' M. and Mrs. Mervi om-to John Peabady-Gordon Baker; Hampton, with Mus. George Foxv- Sara Peabody -Gracie Smitîh; eu on Sunday'. Timotiy Peabody, their son- We w'eue very soruy ta beau oi Paul Vaneyk: Ruhy Ketchum, the deati of Mus. Lucihie Switzer, Timothy's girl friend-Mrs. Doris a farmer Cartwright Schools Baker, Wealthy Mu. and Mus. Music Teacher. Sic was buried Ketchum-Mu. and Mus. Walter at Gueenbank on Monday. Vaneyk; Bridesmaid-Mus. Jean Mu. and Mus. Stan Hall and Yaunginan: Floweu Giul -Jean familv Tyrone, xiti Mu. and Baker-; Best Man and Usiciý- Mui. Mm-s. Stan Rahm, Stuart Hooeyv; Minister - Mu. Congratulations ta Mu. and Clarenîce W'oodlev. Muiis. John Mus. Char-lie Lubsen ai-itleimti Broome gave thue uccitations: aofIl-ii son aItih Oshawa Has- dancing bv tic Davev sisteus, and pita1 on Fuidav, music xvas suppliod by Mus. Don ___________ Davex aumd Mmr. Frank Dcnby. Lumnch xas seuvcd toaail and at tie close ai tic program lieue' B R E O xvas tic sale ai baskets. signs, etc., made by tie schoah chulduen. Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, Proceeds $28. with Mus. T. Bailey. Mu, Gabriel Kayacs bas pur- Mus. A. Aldrcd, Norwaod, caîl- chased a new Oliv-er tractor. cd an friends. Mm-, and Mus. Wm. Johinson an d Willie. Buuketon, with Mu. an d Mr. an d Mus. George Tompkins Mus. Bert Johnson. and Georgie, Toronto; Mu. and Mr. and Mus. Sidinex Mautvn. Mus. Fi-eddie Holroyd, Susan and Stn Bilîx- Hampton, wth Mu. and Oshawxa,. with Mu. and Mus . MutA.J. omp ns 1ev Goile. Ms .J opis 'Mr. ai-d Mus Hfaui-v Shcîlon. Murs. Rîlda Stevenson wit1j Mus. T'ountita withiIu. and IrMs, Fred1 A. Hueheý. Partnnu aand Mu. and Mus. Stan- Mur. and M.A. Bu' an, Oz;lia- . C, 4*'4. i *lu 1%A. bJUlAwei. 1 i. HAMBURG SPARE RIBS Short Cut PRIME RIB ROAST TIflRSDAT, MAT lst, 1952'- Trick, Merrili VanCamp, Ike Gray and David Wilson. gavIv their reports on the confere0t The theme of the conference > Land is Ours, We Treasure Xt, a Heritage have we", was impress.. ed upon ail the delegates and~ made them realize the culturel beauty and tremendous wealth and natural resources of Canada, and her importance in world ai. fairs. At a separate meeting the girls discussed party refreshments from the dainty sandwiches and cakt>s of an afternoon tea to the more substantial corn roast. The girls brought samples on their t -L% of sandwiches, cookies and ca which, needless to say, did go to waste and everyone wIas S* prised to find the boys stîili ab¶I Your Singer Sewing Centre, 47 Walton Street, PORT HOPE Phone 3060 - Reverse Charges Maple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hubbard. The 3-act drama "Aaron Slick frorn Punkin Crick" was well giv- en before a large audience who thnrnughly enjoyed thc perform- ance. Proceeds S85. Princess-Speciai Offer ]MARES 2 pkgs 63c Cashmere Bouquet SOAP Special Offer 2 cakes 23c Concentrated SUPER SUDS Ige pkg 38c Fabulous Suds FAB Ige pkg 38c Makes Dishes Sparkle VEL Ige pkg 37c Plolive 'PA6EMI LK BREAD WHITE or SLICED UNSLICED BROWN 24-oz loaf'1 C 24-oz loaf -A&P -Jnuiô andi ljeaýfe.4 Flot ida Marsli Seedless, 96's GRAPEFRUIT 10 l/45c New Brunswick POTATOES - Flormda Juinho Valencia, 150's Tender Ycllow, Large Cobs SWEET CORN -- 4/29c Florida Pascal CELERY STALKS- 2/25c 10 lbs. - 75c doz. Shamnrock - 1-lb. pkg. lbs. LARD - - * - 2/25c Christies 8-oz, pkg. ]RITZ ]BISCUITS - - 21c Doles Fancy 20-oz. tins PINEAPPLE JUICE- 2/25c SA VE TiHE SA 6s .,4&pGO//eue SAVE-BUY TODAY 1 BOKAR RED CIRCLE i,94c 8 O'CLOCK 1192c Heinz BABY FOODS fin9C A&P EVAP. MILK Z 16-oz tins 29C le Prices in effect until A & P SUPER RIGNI QUALITY MEATS - - - 49ct i n .2 5 c lb. Fresh Caught Georgian Bay - 2-41lb. A --69c LAKE TROUT - - - 39c lb. Boncless - - 45c STEW BEEF lb. 1-lh. cello package lb. BREAKFAST BACON-- 39c 'Silverbrighi SALMON - 49c -~ ~ - *~ - - PAGE SEXTEEN Il& Prof. f rom O.A.C. Addresses Ir. Fctrmers At April Meeting "'Ail that goes out of the soul must go back in," was the well known fact stated and explained by Prof. J. Bryden, Soils Depart- ment, O.A.C., Guelph, in bis ad- dress ta the Durham Juniors at their April meeting at Orono. Mr. Bryden then referred to the souls project in North Simcoe (tie only anc in Canada) and explained how a similar club could be form- cd in Durham. He stated that the best farmer is the one who manages bis soul so that it wvill produce the best crop possible. The Durbam County delegates to tic Junior Farmer Conference 0 16. 4- 1. 1 9 1 1 1 FN U m 1 8 L. 16 Ji 1 THt CAMAnTAN qT,&mrqig,&Pj 1!1ewuàmnT-Tlr P* 96C fs

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