THE CANAD!Mi STATESMAN. EOWMANV1LL~ ONTAMÔ __________________________________________________________ ~x1unaLrnx, IU~I 1U, 1105 '~ g&#Yf A N A j Iiillwl PHOqrE .. e BIRTHS KNtGHT - Mr. and Mrm. Harold Knight are happy to announce the blrth of their daughter, Jaquetyne LouIse,, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sunday, April 2Oth, 1952. 18-1. McFEETERS-Mr. and Mns. Geo, McFeeters (nee Barbara For- rester) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Marcia Louise, 7 lbs., 13 oz., on Tuesday, April 29th, 1952, in Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. 18-1* WHITE-Mr. anid Mms. George White are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Marilyn Elizabeth, on April l4th, 1952, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 18-1* ENGAGEMENT .Articles For Sale BARN for sale, 16 x 35. Apply Mrs. J. Greer, Burketon. 18.1* TWO-wheeled trailer, new tires. Appty 49 Churcb St. 18-1 ELECTRIC table saw, in good condition. Phone 2173. 18-1 JOHNSON outboard motor, 2 1ý h.p., good condition. Phone 990. 18-1* MAPLE wood - one ftL and four ft. lengtbs, $22.00 cord. Phone 2472. 18-t CAR radio, in good condition. Geo. Ske]ding, Phone 1930 Clarke. 18-1 PARIS ice box, good condition, reasonable price. Phone 3597. 18-1 * GREY Sunsbine carrnage, good Mrs. Hazel Card, of Brethour, Ont., wishes to announce the en- gagement of hem daughter, EtIa May, to William Bud, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nichols, of Bow- manvilte, Ont. The marriage will take place quietly in Bowman- ville on May 24th. 18-1* 1MARRIAGES COLMER - ROBERTS-On Tues- day, April 29th, 1952, at 3 p.m. in Trinity United Church Parlour, .Bowmanville, by the Rev. R. R. Nicholson, Agnès (Nance) Roberts to Herbert T. Colmer. 18-1* IN MEMORIAM EiARRELL-In loving memory of a dear father, William Barrell, who passed away April 28th, 1951: God knew that he was suffering That the hitîs were bard to ctimb, So he closed bis weary eyeiids And wbispered "Peace be thine." Away in the beautiful butls of God By the valley of rest so fair Sometime, someday we know flot wben - We will meet our loved ane there. -rEver remembered by daughter Mildred, George and famlly. 18-1. MeFARLANE-In lovlng memory of Mary Ireland, who passed away May 7tb, 1951: The depth cf sorrow we canriot tel Of the loss et one we loved so well; And while she sleeps a peaceful Bleep Hem memory we shail always keep. -Evor reniombered by Father, Mother, brother and sisters. 18-1* THOMPSON - In memony et a dearly loved mother, Mns. Annie May Tbompson, who passed ta ber etemnal home, May lst, 1948. '-Evenromembered by Merle and Agnes. 18-1* Reception Mn. and Mrs. G. F. Pumdy will1 be at home ta their friends on Say 7th fram 3:30 to 5 and 7 ta 9. is their faty-fifth wedding an- &Lversary. 18-1* C-ARDS 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paterson (ne e Edith Woodley) wish ta express their sincere appreciation to the people of Haydon, Long Sault, Bethesda and Tyrone com- munities for their lovely gift and good wisbes on theinrocent mar- niage. 18-1 COMING EVENTS Dance at Tynone Community Hall, Old Time and Modemn danc- ing, Saturday, May lOth, auspices L.O.L. and L .O.B.A. 18-2 Companions of the Forest W'ill hold a ouchre and quilt* draw Thursday, May lIst, in the Union Hall at 8 p.m. Evemyone welcome. 18-i Articles For Sale McCORMICK - Deering birider, 6 ft. cut, nearly new; Cockshutt mctwer. nvarly new, oit bath, 5 ft. cut, htor.-e rake, good condition. Phone 2904. £8- 1 CONGOLMUM Gold Seai Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleurn Dehixe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods nt budget prices. Phone 451. Waiker Stores. 23-tf WE niea.sutrt' nd install finest qualit> ' Vnetiùn Btinds, also regulzir cloth and plastic window shades. Morris Co., Phone 480. 9-tf SPECTAL - ne, ,powerful aeluxe vacuimm vIaner. complete with al attachilett. fiilY guaranteed, regulAr $1 19.50. $99 $9.50. while they last. Vie' Radio Shop, Phone 5-3. 18-11 *Classified Advertising R;tles The. Cancxdian Stàtesman Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate -*30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 will be added. A charge of i5o will be made for ail replies dirt-cied to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30 a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion1 IN MEMNORIAMS - - $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 30 per word; minimum charge 750 cash with order. To regular advertisers payable monthly. Display Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum c f one inch Additional insertion at the same rates Al! Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps'or inoney order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) n.~v ,UU. iAfle18t'VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different -colours of tapes, 15 siat colours. BABY carniage, strolter and play Flcxalumi. Aluminun',on Steel, 1pen, aIl in good condition. Phone niensufl2d nd installed free cf .3664. 18-1 ! change. Phone 3121. Weber's j.QUANTITY of multiplier onions. -______Centre._______ .goad quality, 15c a pound. Phoner CHIPPAWA Certified Seed Pota- m2710. 18-1 tocs. toundation A; t grey Per- cheron horse. 12 yrs aId, weighs ALLIS Chalmers W.D. tractor, about 150l bs.: 1934 Dodge Sedan, new condition. Phono Clarke goad tires, miotor and bady in 2811. 18.1* faim condition. Phone 2357 Bow- COMRTNTMM rhnm rah-f - manville.181 chLina& cabLiet ad desk, *bevelled glass door. Phono 579. 18-1 BOAT, 11 ft Outboard Runabout, steering wheel, crash tbrottle. Pbone 711. 18-1* BARTLETT'S wettable sulphur, $7.75 per 100 lbs. W. T. Cox, Phone 2927. 18-1 MAN'S bicycle, in good condition; and badminton racquet, seldom used. Phone 902. 18-if APARTMENT size ice box, in fair condition, 50 lb. capacity, $8.00 Phone Clarke 1132. 18-1* TWO pieces of oilctoth, 9 x 9' and 7' x 7', in good condition. Appty 146 King St. E. 18-1* CHESTERFIELD suite, dinette suite, walnut bookcase and con- tinental bed. Phone 3254. 18-1* STRAWBERRY plants, Premier and Dunlop, $200 per bundred.1 125 Scugog St., Phone 3248. 18-1 CABINET radio; girl's dresses, sizes 7 ta 10; bathing suit, sizo 7,1 very reasanabte. Phone 3083. 18-1 * DEKALB grain and ensilage corn. Seed now in stock. Frank A. Mc- Mullen, Newcastle, Phone 2486. 18-1* OUTBOARD mater, 12 h.p. Elto; 14 foot semi-V bottoin Link boat, good condition. Phone' 3571. - 18-1* LELECTRIC stove; alio annex for coal and wood, and jacket heater, vemy reasonable. Phono 3231. TRACTOR, International Farrn- aIt H, with loader, reconditioned. H. MezClure, R.R. 4, Bowmanvilto. FOUR thousand foot dmessed lum- ber, some 2 x 12 x 14 pine, and a quantity cf cedar pasts. Phono 2977. 18.1* THREE-cylindem Hardie sprayem, on two wheel, rubbor tired trailer, Power take-off. Phone Clarke 2811, 18-1* NEW low price on the famous Easy'Spindmy" washem is $279.00. See it at The Radio Shop, Phone 573. 18-1 USED radios, ftoom models, $1 7.95, $55.00 and $69.00, reconditioned and guaranteed. The Radio Shap, Phono 573.- 18-i BEES - 16 colonies, separately or with complote equipmont, with winter packing. Phono 2773 ev- enings. 18-1* SEE the White Rotary Electnie Sewing Machines at F. F. Morris Co., your local representative. Easy terms. 13-tf STRAWBERRY plants, Premier and mixed, $2.00 per hundred . A. Laird, Maple Grave. R.R. 3, Bnw- manville, Phone -2109. __ 17-2 14anarch Cooking School ta beSILsa,21"culnex beld in Hampton Sunday Sehool KL sa,218cu lnex room Monday and Tuesday, May tension; alsa oil-burning cook 5 an 6.Doos oen t 71i .m.stave. Wili sell cheap, moving. 5 ad 6 Dorsopn a 718p.1 Phon 957 after 7 p.m. 18-1* GOLD SEAL Congoleum - over St. Andrew's Annivensary Tea 40 rails in 2 and 3-yd. widths; wilbo held in the Chumch School also largo solection in rug sizes Room on Wednesday., May 7th, at Marris Ca. 6-tf tram 4:30 on. Saladi plate, 50c. 18-i EASY washer, deluxe chrome %vringer, porcelain tub, new, Bawmanville Legion, Branch guaaniteed, new low pnice $139,50. 17 8, Camnival and Draw, 20 grand 1 The adh Shop, Phon 57 3. 18-i prizes, canival Friday, June 27, VAC 1952. Tickets available tramn Jack iVAUUM' Cleaners, lo\v price, Rice or Don Morris. 12-tf icylinder and upight type. New j 152 Hoovors. Free home demon. Bowmanville Home and Sehool stration. Hydro Shop, Dial 471. Association presents "'The Ross172 Caldwell Singers" in their Spring * Symphony at Bawmanville High For the Latest Papers School, Satumdav, May 3md, 8:00 * For the FLnest Paais p.rn. Admission 50c andi 35c. *ForteBs okasi 18-1 orheBtWomahi S. G. PRESTON & SOýN Come ta Tyrone Hall, Friday, PHONE May 9th, at 8:00 p.m., where 2417 - 912 Tyrone Juvenite Band is sponsor- lng a Dance Review by pupils of frenie Harvey's Dancing Academy, KITCHEN SINKS - White pan- including professianal talent, mus. celain enamet steel 25 x 42 right ical numbers, ballet and tap. or left hand drainboard; the al- Selections by Juvenile Band. Ad- ways popular 16 x 20 single sink: ission 35c and 20t. 18.2* also ledge type double bowl and double drainboard sinks and a The Annual Campaign for the ole-piece cambination laundry Canadian National Institute fan« tray and sink with sliding drain- the Blind is trom April 28 to May board: bathroom sets. Catalogue t0. Give generou.sly and enable with installation diagnams. Re- the Committee te reach its ob-j cessed bathtubs $60.00. See or* jective of $3200. Let yaur con-, write S. V. Johunson Plumbing 'ribution be a thank-otering for ! Supplies. Mail Ordor Division,~ rour eyo-sight. 17-2 j Streetsville, Ontario. 17-6 20 HIVES of good working bees; also equiprnent consisting of ex- tractor, 2 storage tanks, 75 supers with drawn combs. Mrs. Lewis Allin, Hampton, Phone Boivrnanville 2017. 18-1*' RASPBERRY plants, Newburg, 3c. Ltoyd George 5c; Strawberries, Harvest King 4c; Dresden 5c; Dorset 2c; Dunlop 2c each plant. Limited supplies of Dresden and Hamvest King. M. Heard, Phone 2887. 17-3* PLUMBING, Heatlihg and 011 Burners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimatos cail S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmidthing, Phone 3348. 29-tf THIRTEEN dise Massey - Harris fertilizer seed. dritl; one brooder bouse, insulatpd, 16' x 12'; also 1938 Maple Leaf Chevrolet stake body, 21/2 tons. Apply J. G. Tre- win & Son, Pbone 191r42 Port Penny. 18-1* USED. Ford tractor and plow; orchard sprayers; 17-tooth tractor: cultivator; rangette; team corn cuttivator with fertitizer attach- mnent; wiro fonce; barbed wiro; water systems. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, King St. W., Bow- manville. 18-1 IN THE Pioneer 4ybrids will make you MORE MONEY than any other corn you can plant. I arn delivering Pioneer seed corn now so call on see me while I stili have corn avaeilable. Douglas J. Courtice, Phono Osh- awa 3-9903. 18-1 USED farm machihory: one Mc- Cormick spreader; one Cockshutt two-furrow plow, on rubhem; three seed dritls, one fortilizer distnibutor; one cultivator; also used ice box, 100 lb. capacity, cheap. Farmn Equipment & Auto- motive, King St. E., Bowmanville. 18-1 T1L E CERAMIC - PLASTIC RUBBER - MARBOLEUM H. G. Heal Phone 2902 Bowimanville 14-tf TRAILER AXES AND WHEELS -With or IVithout Tires - Priced from $5 Io $35 Al Makes- Sissons' Garage ORONO PHONE ORONO 1031 1 ~15-tf1 Implements for Sale M.-H. No. 6 Semi-mounted TRACTOR MOWER M.-H. SIDE RAKE, on rubber I.H.C. 2-furrow TRACTOR PLOW M.-H. No. 26 TRACTOR CULTIVATOR- AUI above machines neaniy new Phone 617 VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS 1IN BLK GLADIOLI BULBS Named Varieties'and Special Mixture FERTILIZERS and SOIL CONDITIONERS Cerf. Seed Potloes: COBBLERS -KATAHDIN SEBAGO -CHIPPAIVA STE WART'S SEEDS BOIi'MANI ILLE Real Estate For Sale LOT for sale. Apply W. Barrett, 44 Duke St. 18-1* LOT for sale:« Apply 87 Ontario St. or Phone 433. 18-1 NEW, five-room brick bungalow. Immediate possession. Phone 3062. 18-1 ONE good buil ding lot, corner of Duke and Nelson Sts. Phione 3269. 18-1* $6,500 Cash - 30 acres; 9-roorm, white frame bouse, small bain, trout stream, small bush, eigbt acres of orchard, bydro, good well in bouse, garden plowed. Immed- late possession, 7 miles north of Bowmanvitle. Phone 2095 18-1 GILL REAL ESiATE Farm - near Leskard, 116 acres, level; 10 acres bush; good wett and cisterns; L-shaped, bank barn, steel roof; implement sbed and garage; 7-roorned, brick house, full cettar, heavy wiring, bot air furnace. Price $13,000. Terms. H. G. (Hap) Gilu, Realtor 8 Second St. Phone 3514 18-1 225 acres - 14-room stone bouse, on Lake Ontario, good barns and other buildings; 175 acres culti- vated, running water.- Would con- sider town or city property. $24,000. 12 acres - mai let garden at HarL mony; 6-room bouse, hardwood floors, bot air beating, modemn kitchen, and 4-piece bath; fruit trees and bernies. $12,000. 6 acres - garden land; 6-room bouse, modemn bath and kitchen; drive shed. Adjoining the village of Newcastte. $6,800. Terms. 3 acres - with 5-room bungalow, hot and %:-I]d water, barn and hog pen. $3,5:?~. Winterized cottage at Bowman- ville East Beach. $3,500. Terms. H. C.- Pedwell Phone Clarke 3823 Agent for: W. J. Warren, Broker Notices Parents Attention Catering ta weddings and part- Childmen 'who reach their Sth ies. Phono 919. 18-1 * birthday duing '1952 and who live within the town limits are The public are condially invited eligible for Kindergarten Classes ta Newcastle Memnorial Libramy opening September. "Open Bouse" on Friday, May 2, Ail parents who wîsh ta bave tram 8 ta 9 p.m. Come and see their children attend these class- the new books. 18.1* os are required ta have tbem negistered with the principal on Tbe Annual Meeting of the' Wed., May 7, Thuns., May 8, or Lakeview Cemetemy and Newton- Fmi., May 9. Registration forms ville Community Hall witl be held may bo obtained at eithem cf the in Newtonvilte Community Hall Public Schools. on May l2th at 8 o'clock. (D.S.T.). Parents who wish are invited 18-2 ta bing their child to the kind- orgarten for this registration so The Bowmanville Lions Club that each may see the class at are holding a meeting at the Lions work between 9:30 and 3:30 on Community Centre on Monday, oach of these days. May 5, at 7 p.m., ta arrange for Childnen who reacb their sixth catorers for their dinner meetings bithfday during 1952 wbo have for the caming yeam. AlI ladies' not attended kindergarten or gmoups interested in catering for scbool in Bowmanville and wbo those dinnens are comdiaily invited wishta attend Grade i classes in ta attend this meeting. 17-2'September are also required ta be egistemed as outlined above. DOG OWNERS The Bowmanvilte Dog Owners are warned tha Public School Board. there is a By-law reqhiring them ta keep their dogs tied up during the summer months. During the past few days several comptaints me dogs bave been received. Dog owners are asked ta take warning and govern themselves accordingly. Sidney Venton, Chief of Police. Town of Bowmanvilte. 18-i 1938 CHEV. Sedan Delivemy, faim condition. Phono 2472. 18-1 DODGE haîf-ton Pickup, farmem's low mileage truck, original tires. Phono Clarke 1340. 18-i '35 CHEV. Sedan, in good cà'n- dîtion. Phono Port Perry 124m15. 18-i '51 CHEVROýET Sedan Delivery, best offer. Phone Clarke 2811. 1946 HUDSON Coach, one ownem, in good shape, $750. Phone 3370 aftem 6 p.m. 18-1 1939 CHRYSLER Sedan, built-in radio, heater. five Lifeguard tubes, perfectly etean inside and out. Phone 456. 18-1* '37 FORD Coach, in good running condition, rebuilt motor, five new tires, radio and heater, body good, good reason for selting. $250 or best offer. Apply * 112 Elgin St. on Phone 512 aftem 5. 18-1 Wanted To Rent HOUSEWORK ftram fine ta four. Contact 143 Duke St. or Phono SMALL, unfurnished apart ment by single woman. Phono 874. 18-1 YOUNG couple nequire 3 or 4 room self contained apatment, runfurnished June tst or before. 'Toal bstines.Phono 2101. - 18-1* AN eldem]y pensioned lady wishies two or three rooms in Bowinan- ville and desines ta contact other lady %vith pension as companion and ta share expenses. Write Box 751, c/o Statesman Office. For Rent FURNISHED apantment to ent. Phono 439. 18-1 Help Wanted ONE pastny cook and one disb- washer. Appty Honey -Hollow. Phone Clarke 3504. 18-1 MIDDLE-aged woman for genemal housework, modemn conveniences. Good wages. Write Box 29, Nest- leton, Ont. 18-1* TEACHER wanted for Clarke Union, S.S. 22, duties ta com- mehce Sept. lst. Apply Herb Scott, Sec'y.-Treas., Bowmanville, WANTED - Lady with late mode] car, ta drive a business lady, good wages, free ta travel. Write Box 750, c/o Statesman Office. 18-1 * POSTAL --Clerks, $1860 - $2560, Bowmanvilte, Ont. Details andi application forms at Post Office. Apply irnmediately, ta the Civil Service Commission, 1200 Bay St.,1 SALESMAN wanted for Bowman- ville and district, good incarne may be earned through generous commission. Must bave good me- putation, and good car. Apply ta Donald Scott Real Estate, 25 Prince St., Oshawva. 18B-1 AGENTS Wanted - Sensational rnoney making possibilities with wonderful bona-fide free replace- ment guamantee, up ta 1 yeam, on complote lino of men's sox and ladies' nylon stockings. No invost- ment requined. Group managers invited. Write for free sales kit. Super-Sox Canada, 18 York St., Hamilton, Ontario. 18-1 Repairs REPAI1RS toalal makes of refrig- eators, domestic and commercial; mnilkcing coolers. Higgon Etec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf ]REPAIES FAST SERVICE. on ALL SHOE REPAIRS Tvo excellent shoe repair mcn at Your service. Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair 39 King St. W. PASTURE-100 acres. K. Fraser, Telephone Orono r4. 18-1 PASTURE wîtb running water for ent. Phono 3623 Clarke. 18-1 CHILD'S FOUR room, modemn apartment. erty St. Apply Mrs. Beatrice Annis, above Lander Hardware. 18-t'- THREE-roomi apantment in ex. SIMALL change for assistance with house- in Ne".' work, middle aged couple pro- Mrs. Fr ferned. Phone 3231. 18-1 Ontario. Bowmanville Found 'tricycle, found on Lib- South. Phono 671.. 18-1 Lost collie vith lame hind leg casttc. Telephone 3812. 'ced Bowcn, Ne.%castie, 18-1 Auction Sales Community Auction Sale will beheld in Enniskillen on Satur- dày, May 3rd, of furniture, farm machinery and blacksmith equip- ment, consisting of: two dressers; two extension tables, two rocking chairs, easy chair, 12 kitchen chairs, glass cupboard, one elec- tric washing machine, one hand washing machine, two wa$h stands, cook stove, beater, smaii tables, two pull-out couches, Ice box, two beds, two settees, coal oiù stove, No. 12 DeLaval creïm separator, single plow, gang plow, farm wagon, new scuffler, spring- tooth scuffler, hay rake, Case binder, 7 ft., whiffletreas and neck yokes. As Mr. S. R. 'Pethick has sold bis blacksmith business everything in the shop wiit the offered for sale. No réserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30 (D.S.T.) T. S. Mountjoy, Clerk; Clifford Pethick, Auctioneer. 18-1 Livestock For Sale 13 YOUNG pigs, seven weeks old. Phone 2215. 18-1 HORSES - Team of mares, 7 and 9 years. Phone 617. 18-1* SIX Yorkshire pigs, nine weeks old. Orville Hinidmand, Phone 2254. 18-1l TEN pigs, ten weeks old. Gea. Skelding, Phone Clarke 1930. 18-1 ONE general purpose team and one heavy horse, four-year-old. Phone 2008. 18-1* PUREBRED Red Shorthorn bull, nine months old. Ernest Hocka- day, Phone 2985. 18-1 Work Wanted DIGGING cellars or trenches by. the bour. Phone 3168 Bowman- ville. 18-1* FOR butldozing, grading, excavat- ing, etc., cati Taylor Bros., Osh- awa 3-3831 or Whitby 2687. 18-tf DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf GARDENS ]ROTGTILLED by Barry Saunders 146 Liberty St. N. NIXON REAL ESTATE 5-room, new, frame bùngalow; bath, hydro, modemn kitchen witb built-in cupboands, beavy wiring, well, hardwood floors, and f&or covering; approximately one acre land. Between Bowmanville and Oshawa, flot far from church and scbool. $7,600. Terms. 7-room, frame bouse, full base- ment, bydro, well, double garage, large lot. $6,000. Terms. Grist Mill and 7-réoom Home Cninder, rotler, ieed mixer, large storage, watçm power, good turn- oven; 7-room, frame boiuse, bydro, 4-car garage. Complote $10,000. Haîf cash. Service Station and Garage, with equipment, stock at invoice, good gallonage and turnover, no op- position, agent for farm mach- inery: 5-room apartment, on %4- acre in village, bot watem heating. $8,500. Terms. Possession 30 Grandview Lodge Situated on Bowmanvîlte Eastý Beach, convenient ta eithem bus or train with taxi service, booth and dancing, electricity, bathnoom, scneened verandahs, quiet private grounds; the raoms are bright and airy with spring-filted mattresses. Choice building lots with sewem andw'ater. 6-room, trame cottage, sunponcb, hydma, winterized. Priced ta sell, Pasture ranch, around 100 acres, creek, bush. Immediate possess- ion. Priced ta setI. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 18-1 For Sale or Exchange FIVE acres, 5th Concession, Dan- lington Twp., trout stneam, for sale or exchange 'for late modet car. Write Box 749, c/o States- man Office. 18-1* TENDERS WANTED BULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING By Hour or Contract -Free Éstimates Given Wm. Tripp PORT PERRY R.R. S PHONE 109-r-42 14-tf ATTENTION! For Prompt Attention BRICK WORK - BLOCK WORK MASON WORK - ETC. Concrete Floors, Foundations, Sidewalks, Etc. - Free Estimates Given - L. Turner Phone 3231 Bowmanville 15-tf Chicks For Sale BRAY pullets, day-old and 3- 4 weeks. Immediaté shbi p m ent. Pnices, other information, agent S. C. WHITE Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hamp. X Bamred Rocks chicks, Gov't. Inspected and BloocJ Tested. Now booking chicks for late May and June. Write or Phono 2636, H. J. Brooks, 'Bow- manville. 17-tf Waler Syslems and Sump Pumps at your Otaco Dealer's Harvey Paniner four miles east of Enniskillen i PHONE 2240 18-i1 Bowmanville High School Wanted To Buy Re-decoration of Certain Raoms ________________ TENDERS will be received for PLAY pon and go-cart. Phone the re-decoration of certain moomns 3291. 18-1 at Bowmianville High School, womk ta ho done between July lst and SIDEWALK bicycle for boy. August l5th. For further partie- Phono 2591. 18-t ulars and specifications see L. W., Dippli, rincpal PIANO - Have you a good piano Sealed Tenders received ýuntil; ta selI? Telephone 492 Bownian- noon, Mav lSth. Lowest or any ville. 18-1 tender not necessarity accepted. BEFORE selling your tive poultmy 18-2 try us. Our pnices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phono I~~~~ T N E SW N E r 13. reverse charges. 51-ti SEALED Tenders wil ho e- ceived by the undersigned until 6 p.m., May Bth, for the combined position of policeman and cane- taker of the Village of Newcastle. Sealed Tenders wltl be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m., May 8th, for the Position of care- taker of Newcastle Community Hall. Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m., May 8th, fan the pasition cf Police-1 man for the Village of Newcastle. Tenders should state age. quai-' ifications and salary expocted. Rl. B. Rickard, Cterk. eewcasUle, Ont, 18-1 DEAD FARM STOCK LIVt HORSES 'Ca1llec BOWMANVILLE 2679 Margwill Fur Farm Personal HYCIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goads) inailed postpaid in plain!1 sea]ed envelope with price list. Six saimples 25c. 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dopt. T-28, Nov-Rub-j ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, nt, WANTED APPLY BROOKDALÏ> KINGSWAY NURSERIES (Near C.N.R. Station) Help Available J1 IT is time ta think of Farm Help now. Cet expeienced and retiable immigrants fnom Holland. Appty S. .Buma, R.R. 1, Nestteton, Phone Port Penny 225r24, or, I Hartemink, R. R. North, &n Phone 54r8.~ ROOM and Board, suitable f'o" two gentlemen. Phono 919. 18-.1' Nursin'g Service _ MideGreen Villa Rest Hm Middle Courtice One or two vacancies, mnor women, tray service, every kind. ness given. Approved by doctors., ý Phono Oshawa 5-4943 for roser- vations. 50-tf C SOLINA We are pleased ta know Missi Mabel Haris is slightly improv- i ed in Oshawa Hospital. Mn. and Mns. Haold Pasco.; and Mm. and Mms. Eveett Cryden- man wene guests at the Smith r Smith wedding, in King Stret Church, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. John Knox at- . tended the funeral of the iattem's grand'mothem, Mns. T. C. Brown,'~ Brougham. Congratulations ta Mn. and,; Mrs. N. C. Wotten who observed i their 3Oth wedding annivemsan.y on Sunday. ITwenty-two young people âi,."' tonded the Sprîng Convention banquet and vaioty concert at Btackstock, Saturday evening, and church services on Sunday. QMX, )UP.U. mombers were praud .;b receive the attendance banntt Rev. M. Bumy, King St. Churi),> Oshawa, was the theme spealsog, bis subi oct, "Finding Cod's W Miss Helen Van Camp cond ed thés candletight service at tii. conclusion of the evening se viftoe and Harvey Yetlowlees, presidt* of the Prosbytemy, assisted Rý. Bury in tbe pulpit at bath ser Mr.andMns. Chas. Langm*4 woro guosts at the Goddard - cm.,.A dinal wedding in Oshawa. " Mother's Day services wil1,1l beld Sunday, May Ilth, at ~pu Solina Hame and School CIebl! mot Friday nigbt for thetl f 11 meeting of the season. Mn. L. ~ Dippell, Principal of ville High Schoot, gave altVé- esting account cf the 0. vention. A reading was gi1j by Mms. Roy Langmaid and 190Ë girls, Cail Baker, Patsy Davis," Sharon Robb and Deanna Vance favoured with vocal numbes Mrs. I. Hardy was in the chai for the program arange4 by thel T. Bakers and I. Hardys. A spot- ling match conducted by Miss King provided much amusement with Mrs. E. Spires bei hoi winnem. The East GroupZ' edi refreshments. Young People's Union met Monday night with Cladys Yel- low1ees. Stewandship and Train* ing Commission Convenor in charge of the pnogmam. The wom-, ship service on "Praye'" was proé- sented by Gladys. The topic "Re- doeming the Time", was givenbyy Pearl Leach who also led in .. bnief discussion following ber ne-e marks. Miss Betty King contrib- uted a welt rendemed piano solo. Sevemal lively gamos wore con- ducted by EMainle Spires, Recre- ation Convenor. The Young People are prepar- ing their play, "A Pair of Coun- try Kids," for presentatian tbA latter part of the month. Mr. and Mrs.'-Don Carrand family and Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech of Maple Grave at Mn. Evenett Beech's, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland, Enniskilton, at Mn. Russell Cit. bert's. Mr. Harold Mowbray and' Grant; Bill Baldwin, Brooklin; ~'Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamris and John and Bill Winters, Oshawa,. at M=z. Harvey Barris' Mrs. Don Carr and Carolyn at tho Smith - Smith wedding in,,. King St. Church, Oshawa. Mmr end nnrymenAv IRA6 1.4 , ^ % . - - 4M, )" , ý ý . , 1 « . . 1 1 - " - ý , TM CANADIM sTATzssffl Bowm&wmý oNTARIO MEN