PAO FOURTUEif THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMAIfV!LLE. ONTARTO ~lAV 4~ lAme Gromo Horsemen Steal the Thunder 0f Hoofs Fromi Duflerin Park Estahlishing Their Own Saratoga In an effort to ensure that bit to say 8n the racehorse ownen- Orono-sometimes refcnred to as ship disease, as foliows: the Hiib of Intelligence of Dur- What is Orono coming to? Last ham County-can neyer truth- week, Lawrence Hooey, Bill and fully be called a ane-hanse town, Jack Reid, Archie Glenney and a group o! avid horsemen have Bill Armstrong took a trip ta embarked upon publicizing the Saratoga, N.Y., and bought four Township Town as a prominent purebred trotting horses that have centre for standard bred borses. pedigrees that would reacb fnom Wthin recent weeks four more "Dan to Bcthsheba". Ail of them ttandard bred horses have been promised their wives before they imported from the United States, left borne that they would flot swelling the. total number of buy a hanse and nobody can find thoroughbred animais in the dist- out what they paid for these ex- rict to 19. ceptionaliy good looking, high The standard bned hanse, it is piced horses. for, it seems that understood, was originated for truth and veracity are unknown road wonk some 150 years ago in ta a race horse owner-even a Europe. On this continent, the beginner. breed is known only as a trotter. . Starts Disease However, an intraducing the an- This trotting hanse discase imai ta America a pacing. stride senms ta have started with Bud was devcloped because it was Rolpb, Bert Reid and Biily discovered that the pacer was a Rutherford, yau can't tell wheth- speedier horse, and the pace was er Bud is in the hardware bus- developed for this particular iness or the race horse business. reasan. Whcn he beard thcy were bringing Out anound Orono intcrest bas home four race hanses from Sara- been mounting amang honsemen toga, N.Y., in a truck, be sat out and a number are naw spending an the coid cernent sidewalk un- many hours at the Exhibition tii two o'clock in the marning ta Grounds in this particular hobby. receive them. Before Brother In fact, Orono is fast devclaping Reid moved ta Orono and bought into a Little Saratoga. Fred Or- a racebarse -be was anc o! aur pen had also better watch bis mast highly respected citizens launcis at Dufferin Park, Toron- and was at anc tirne Wanden of ta, or these Oronoites wiil be these United Counties. Billy stealing bis glary by establisbing Rutherford was anc of the Most a tnack thene. successful farmers in Clarke Horsemen who own standard Township but, as soon as he got bred borses and thc number tbey a racehonse he sold bis farm s0 own are as follaws: O. W. Rolph, that be could spcnd mare time 2; 'r. A. Reid, 1; Wm. Reid, 1; with bis hanses. Jack Reid, 4; Harold Hoaey, 4; A number a! yeans ago the late Paul Rutherford, 1; S. B. Ruth- Ab Bowen baught a white trot- enfard, 2; Wm. Rutherford, 1; tmng îose witb a mark and enter- Stan Chaprnan, 1, and Wm. Arm- cd it in the Farmers' Trotting strong, Lawrence Haoey and Ar- race at Oshawa Fair. In ander chie Glenney. Newcastle, 3. The ta get it entered lie dyed it a last mcntioned men are usuîally beautîful dark brown. Unfotun- refened ta as the "hanse syndi- ately for Ab there xvas a bcavy cate." . ain dunring the race and the cal- And Jack Armstrong, in bis in- or ran s0 that it looked like a imitable mannen, bas something zebra he was driving. The judgc ta say about standard bned hors- gave bim a terrible bawlîng out es in the Orono Times. Son of and disqualified hlm. the late C. G. Armstrong whoNoK wnCr was well known around OronoNoK wnCr and father afield as a bumanist Sa this race hanse awnership as weih as a packet edition of is a disease. If a persan drinks Timotby Eaton, Jack bas quite al ta cxccss be can jain the "Alco-, IPLUMBING & ROT WATER HEATING OIL BURNERS INSTALLED in any type of furnace ALSO STOKERS A. J. IHecari & Nf. Bothwell PHONE: Noon and 5 p.m. - 3473 I Day or Night - 2085 HEATE *iOmANVLL FRIDAY - SATURDAY - MAY 9 - 10 NONDAY - TUESDAY - MAY 12 - 13 You saw "Lavender 11i11 Mob," "Kind Hcarts and Coronets." Well folks you are in for even a greater treat when you sce "Ivory Hunter." THE ROYAL COMMAND PERFORMANCE PICTURE 0F THE YEARI - Mo'vietone News WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - MAY 14 - 15 Academy Award Winner '~ JQSEjFERRER In Stanley Kramor's Production of de Bergerac Conipanion Featture ~w, &ch~ &'.¶lo#6-i#nt /pe, Runners.-Up Nosed Out In Men's Major Bowling Finals Nosed aut in the finals of the Men's Major Bowling Badminton Hall Friday evening. The runners-up were League but supnemely confident that next season a different relegated ta second place by Bud Moses' champianship team stary will be rolled down the alley is Bud Oke's crew of in the finals. From lef t ta right: Bill Bates, Bob Cale, five-pin followers seen displaying the necktîes they were Gea. Stephens, Jack Lander, Ed. Rundle, Russell (Bud) given at the league's final banquet meeting held in the Oke (captain) and Pat Yeo.1 holics Anonymous" and be cured but, there is no known cure for race borse ownership and chew- îng tobacco. Already horse own- ers from far and near are corning to Orono to look at these beauti- ful horses, and the talk is that they haven't enough horses and are planning another trip to Har- risburg, P.A., to buy some more. Tbey wçint the Agnicultural So- ciety ta build more stables and to cover the race track with a special soul for racing. They ex- pect to bring in an expert tramner who will sleep with the horses and train them. It bas been said that it was good for a dog to bave fleas be- cause it kept him from thinking he was a dog. So pcrhaps horse ownership bas sometbing good about it also. J. E. Armstrong. Nesileton Stafion Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorreil, Nancy and Leanne and Mr. Neil Metcalf visited Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Metcalf. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Lamb and Rodney. Brooklin. visited Mr. and -Mrs. W. G. Bowles. Mr. and Mrs. CecilSiemon, Haydon, with Mr. and Mrs. Lor- enzo Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Devitt, Burketon, visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt and Mr. Elmer Nesbîtt. Mr. Russell Jackman, Toronto, spent the weekend wth Mr. and Mrs. James Harris. Mr. Bruce Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sharpe and Laura of Ida visited Mr. Sharpe and Mrs. Forder. Mrs. Ray Barber and Brian, SCourtice, with her mother, Mrs. Ada McKee. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 1B ruce Heaslip were: Mrs. Wes Campbell. Mrs. Grant Campbell and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Griffiti, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mairs, Mr. and Mrs. Vir- tue and family, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bradburn, Toronto. Miss Rose Mountjoy spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. Louis DeVries, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Vleig- Mrýr. Grenville Garrett, Toronto, engineer, is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris while working on Highways 7 and 12. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trick of Burketon called on Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. Mr. Donald Proutt, Oshawa, I was home for the weekend. Master Bryan Wolfe with his aunt, Mrs. Harry McLaughlin while bis parents attcnded the BY-Line Bail and visited Miss Florence McLaughlin, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son visited his parents in Beav- erton on the occasion of Mr. Jas. Thompson's 8lst birthday. Mr. Clifford Hyland. Toronto, with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyland on bis way home from a business trip to Sudbury. We are pleased to report Miss Gwen Wilson is improving since having virus pneumonia. Mrs. Harold Crawford has been teach- ing at Egypt Scbool. Board of Managers met at the jTnanse Monday evcning. Several from here attended the very fine evening in Foresters' Hall, Nestieton, on Friday night when over $300.00 was raised by the eucbre club for Port Ferry Hospital. The village was a hive of ac- tivity this past week. Mr. George 1 Bowers bad several wood cutting bees at the neighbors'; Mr. Mar- tin cultivated a good many gardens with bis roto-tiller and Mr. Bill Tripp levelled the lawns and gandens at the Manse and Mr. Bruce Heaslip's bouse, also buricd the old foundation and cleaned the shed lot at the Pres- byterian church. A good rnany folk have gardens in and most farmers are finished seeding. A good ramn is needed. Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne White and Joe, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beacock. Mr. Ernest White, Port Ferry, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bea- cock. An interesting event occurred on the farm of Mr. Allen Bea-' cock, R. R. 2, Nestieton, when ai Hereford cow gave birth to trip- let calves. al.healthy and strong. A pictune of the calves and the! two Beacock children, Bruce and Lucille, will appear in a farrn magazine soon. WAi 1De' The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan 1Mrs. A. A. Crawle and Mrs. Mabel Affholder, Oshawa, were Sunday guests a! Mn. and Mrs. Miltan Tamblyn also Mn. and Mns. A. A. Drummand and Mn. Alec Drummand. Mr. and Mrs. Edgertan Han- cock visited their son, Mn. Han- old Hancock and family at Belle- ville. Mn. and Mns. George Arm- strong and farnily, Timmins, spent the weckend with bis par- ents. Mn. and Mrs. John Arm- strong. Mr. and Mrs. Allisan Cowan and family, Toronto, spent Sunday in Onono. Mns, M. R. Bryson, Hamilton, visited Mn. and Mrs. Chanhie Cooper. Congratulations tco Helen Han- cock, daughter o! Mn. and Mrs. R. Hancock, an winning a prize in an essay cantest for Sunday Schaal pupils in this caunty. Helen was presented with a book by Mrs. Howard Walsh on Sunday marn- ing at the United Cburch Sunday Schoal service here. Mn. and Mrs. Wes Wood at- tended the funeral o! their ne- pbew, Mn. Neil Yellowlees an Sunday at Bowmanville. We arc sarry ta repart tbat Mn. Jas. Stark bas been i11 for the past two wceks at the home o! bis daughter, Mrs. Charles Tyrchi. We hope he will soan be wel again. Visitons with Mr. and Mrs. A. Keane on Sunday were Mn. Sam Keane, Brighton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Keane and farnily, Scarbono. W.C.T.U. hcld their silver mcd- al contest in the Sunday Schooh raom on Fniday evening with a good attendance. Rev. J. Kitcb- en acted as chairman. Fnogram apened with a vocal solo, "In the Garden" by Miss Joan Black, with Miss Joyce Sutton at the piano. Following this the finst tbree girl contestants were heard, Doreen Alldread, Ann Best and Joyce Joncs. Miss Mary Ann Arm- strong played a piano sala, "In A Monastery Garden"' and this was followed by two girl contestants, Gloria Figgat and June Wood. Rev. L. Turner, Newcastle, sang a sala in fine voice. followed by tbe boy contestants, Scottie Richie, Gary Cooper, Ronnie Conier, Aluin Dayes and Eric Carleton. Miss June Ward, Bow- manville, favoned with a piano sala, "The Glow Worm," bring- ing ta a close a very fine enter- tainment. The judges were Mrs. Percy Hare, Miss T. Ferguson, and Rev. L. Turner, Newcastle, the latter annauncing their de- cisions. Winner of the giri's mcd- ai was Miss June Wood and the boy's. Scottie Richie. The con- testants were ahl exceptionally gaod and ahi received a book pre- sented by Mrs. Howard Walsh, president o! the W.C.T.U. Additional donations from Ken- dal have bnought the Red Cross carnpaign total ta $907.40. Ken- dal W. I. danated $5.00 and Ken- dal community $5.25. On Sunday morning at Orono Church a special Woman's As- The Super-Efficient OILO - MAGIC Dii Heating MAKES TOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOD Saves You Money on Tour Fuel Costs Phone or Consuit JACK BROUGH PLUMBING - HEATING New Phone - Office 615 House Phone 23841 sociation service was conducted by Rev. J. Kitchen. Bouquets of snapdragons ,and ferns adorned 1the altar, lending beauty to the service. Guest speaker was Mrs. A. Crowle, Oshawa. who gave a most inspirational message, tak- ing as ber text "Wbat is That in Thy Hand?" The ladies' quar- tette from Bowmanville added greatly to the service of song with their two numbers, "The Prodigal and tbe Song" and "Tbe Valley of Frayer". The choir sang the antbem, "Send Out Thy Light."' President of the Woman's Asso- ciation. Mns. Ervan Raincy, assist- cd the minister by rcading the Scripture lesson. A memorial chapel is bcing built in Orono Cemetery by Dr. Ross Lang of Chicago, and wil be called the Lang Memorial Chapel. Sce more details in an- iother column. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Keane were 5in Toronto visiting Mr. andi Mrs. John Keane. Wbile there tbey attended a recital in tbe Toronto Conservatory of Music and heard their granddaugbter, Joanne, play the piano. Joanne is five years old and this was ber first stage appearance. Mrs. J. J. Mellor spent Tues- day in Toronto. Betty Ann Watson, Toronto, who spent last week with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson, returned home on Tues- day accornpanied by Mrs. Wat- son. 1The many friends here of Mr. Richard Allun wene sorry to bean of bis de atb at the home of bis daughter. Mrs. Irwin Bragg at Providence. Mn. Allun was a resident of Orono for many years and was very bighly respected by ail who knew him. To bis daugb- ter and son and their familles we cxtend sincere syrnpatby in thein bereavernent. VOUR DEBT TO MOTHER She'll neyer forsake you, wbat- ever you do, Wcre you down in the gutter, sbe'd kncel beside you. Wcre you covcred witb sharne, she'd stand by your side, And the hurt in her heart for your sake,ý she would bide. She wiil stick, lad, tbaugh you lost cvery test, So the least you can do, is to give ber your best, Ail othens may quit you an-d rnock at your faîl, But your Mother, undauntcd, wil corne at your call. She will follow you down to the deep depths of sin, And love you and nurse you through tbick and through thin, And though she rnay suffer from what you have donc, She wilI neyer forget or desert you, my son. So long as she lives you are sure of a friend, On whorn at ah times ),ou may safely dcpend. You rnay wound ber with sin- ning, and hurt ber with shame, Sbould you fail to be truc, but she'll love you the sarne. So remember, rny lad, as you stand in life's test, That you owe to your mnother your finest and best. J. B. Ahernethy PaiR! & Wallpaper Store 85 King St. W. PHONE 431 MAPLE GROVE Motber's Day programme next Sunday. baptismal and dedicatian o! the electric ongan. Sunday Scbooi at 1:30 p.rn.; Chunch serv- ice at 2:40 p.m. D.S.T. Maple Grave anniversary ser- vices will be beld on Sunday, June 15, whcn Miss Olive Span- ling, Childnens Wark Secretary af the Board of Christian Educa- tian of the Unted Chunch, Toron- ta. will be the speaker in the a!- tennoon and Rev. E. C. Kellaway, Cobourg, in the cvening. Supper an Wedncsday, June 18. More particulans later. Mn. and Mrs. Ron McDonald and Paul, tawn, with ber sister, NEW 10OW PRICES A &/PCole e MINCED BEEF Boneless STEW BEEF Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday. Misses Gloria and Donna Moon, Salem, spent, the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Stevens.' Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden spent the weekend in Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown. The many friends of Mr. Ar- thur Burgess are pleased to know that he is sufficiently recovered from the operation on his right eye, for a dctached retina, in the Fnivate Patients Pavillon, Gen- eral Hospital. Toronto, to return home after five weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Castie, son Paul and Roger, Peterborough, visited Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Miss Mildred Snowden on Sun- day. Womcn's Institute meeting on Monday evening. May 12 at 8 p.m. in the basement of the churcb. Mr. Charles Carter Sr., will be the guest speaker. C.G.I.T. meeting on May 6 opened with a bail game as rec- reation. Meeting opened In usual way. After reading of minutes, roll cali and business, theri 13 girls attending did crafts. ENFIELD Mn. and Mrs. Anthur Hopkins, Taronto, at F. Lycett's. Mn. and Mrs. Will White, Whit- by, at E. Lee's. Misses Mabel and Bert Vintue, Mrs. Dowei, Mn. and Mns. L. B. Chute, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. James Panr. Mrs. W. Bawman and Laura spent a few days with Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, Toronto. Mr. Jack Hoaper, Oshawa, at G. Bowrnan's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephenson and Rannie witb Mn. Hanry and Mrs. J. Stephenson and Mn. and Mns. H. Cowling, Whitby. Mn. and Mrs. F. Kiley and Aileen, Merriton, at J. Stark's. Miss Inez Gordon, Kendal, at W. Bowman's. Thene was a langer than usual Drange and Grapefruit MARMALADE BIKA . 74 3c ASPBERRY JAM RED CIRCLE lb 91C ln STRAWBERRY JAN 8 O'CLOCK lb 88c ,Il.ea 0 LARD---- SUPER SUDS IrAB VEL large pkg 38c large pkg 38c large pkg 37c SOAP PALMOLIVE Z reg cakes 17c CELEIRY H9EARTS ODMEX SOAP a cakes 17c AJJAX CLEANSER tnl4e rPf RV 9TI lZg fn naq -ý Vrlff& -Y'-Inported very choice MULK BREAD SPANISH ONIONS %OaIIKJU IiAS&M Eàlml Cuban - 24's PINEAPPLES White or Brown SLICED 24-oz loaf 1 S SPINACH Mb. - -45c BOILING FOWL lb. Fresh - -- -49c COD FILLETS congregation on Sunday. Next Sunday wil be a Mother's Day service, with a comblned service starting at 2:30 p.m. MOTRER'S DAY SUNDAYI MAY il Honour Mother on ber day... Send a Card Give a Gift Wear a Flower See Our cards, gifts and "Ice-box" flowers J. W. JEWELL 4«BIG "2()F 27 king St W., Bowmanvtlle PHONE 556 48-oz. 20-oz. tins - 25c 2/21c 48-oz, 20-oz. tins [ICE -21c 2/19c 24-oz. - - - 27c1 24-oz. * - - 35c 24-oz. * - -41C Ibs. - - 2/25c bunch19 bunches m 2/25c cach - - - 33c each - * - 19v pkg. * * * * 19C Ibn 89C - - -37c - a -37c IL - ** *33c ,A &P jrujs andi Vegelame3Q PRICES IN EFP!ECT UNTIL SAT., MAY 10th. A&P SUPER RIGHT QUALITY MEATS Porterhouse, Sirloin, Doneless Round STEAKS or ROASTS Rotind Bone Mb. Breakfast Shoulder ROAST BEEF - 45c BACON-- - 1 THE CANADMW STATESMAN. BOWMANVnLE. ONTAnio TMTR.qnAv- VAV *fb- loiqq m PAM TOURTEM