TI!!XRSDAY, MAT It1~, 1052 TRI CMfADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMA!~V!LLE. ONTARZO PAGE FTTrEE?< -loy Soprano Delighied Large Longregation ai Trinity Church SWth Ris Deautiful "Bel Canto' Voice It is refreshing, in this day of popular church ballads and sen- tifli.ntal soap opera anthema, to see a young twelve-year-old boy coine lorward and remnind us that the church is a place where we 90 to Wrship. net te Le enter- talned: that Music's place in the church service is te uplitt, rather tthan tltfkle the emations; that 'rGod is pleased by smncerity, o sentiment. Robert DâVid Willis, Toronto, guest soloist at Trinity United Church, Sunday, At thé evening service, brought this sincenity te his songs as he sang to a large congregation warmlng the hearts ef Young and old with bis beau- titul 'bel canto' voice. His two apening numbens. well chosen fram the classics, were well sustained fer the most part, and revealed an amazing clarity of diction. Handel's "Art Thou Troubled" lay well for his range and the singer brought a fine purity Of intonation te this lovely mèélody. Mendelssohn's "Jerus- alemn" shewed the soloist's control of the long sustairied phrases. Why is it we have lost the art ef tnaining boy choirs in the Protestant churches? No other human voice can touch the boy- soprano for brilliance, beauty, col- or and purity. His second group included Liddle's setting ef the 23rd Pqaimi and Brahe'ç ever popular "Bie ssl this House." The seloîst Joined the 40-voice Junior Choir in the Taîhis Hynin, "Glory te Thee, O God This Night" at the con-1 clusion et the service, Iending off with this famous canon in the final verse. It is to be hoped more fine artists like Robert David Willis will be invited te this community. Port Hope Lawy er New- Electoral Of ficer For Durhamn County It bas been learned that Erd- man Friesen, Port Hope Solicitor. bas been advised by the Chief Electoral Officer for Canada, et his appeintment as Returning Of- firer for the Electorai District ef Durham. Mr. Fiesens appoint- RING ST. E. TUDFAST PRINTS 4 YARD LENGTHS OTHER RENNANTS FLANNELETTE - 36" WAFFLE PIGUE DElOADCLOTH Popph (Opposite Garton's Bus Terminal) ment was m ade to tilh t> vac- I.1ltVi L ancy in this office cause« by the J re edlo usAm o oll IO LO rs nesignation et Mn. Lawrence C.' Maman, Solicitor, et Bowmanviile, D the former incumbent oft tiapo ues-oalCndano e Th ofie fth Rtunigof- For the Canailian Red Cross ticer is a celtinuing one and no significance is te be attached ta ______ Mr. Friesun's *nnointmnt ns oner as the same might be construed as suggesting the imminence ef a federal ehection. It is merely de- signed te f111 the vacancy which existed on the resignation et Mn. Màson. The Statesmaa SoId At Followznu Stores Trull's Store, Courtice. Stronjg's Store. Port Hepe. Reg. Edmund's Stere, Bethany. Dyer*s Drug Store, Newcastle. T. Enwrigbt's, Newcastle. S. Bnown, Newtonvihle. C. Pethick, Enniskillen. T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barnon, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Burketon. H. T. Saywelh, Bhackstock. Keith Bradley, Pentypeal. C. B. Tyrrell, Orono. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagnell, Jury & Loveli, J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, Elgie Harnden's Handy Store and The Statesman Office. Toronto, May 6.-Work ac- complished by Canadian womefl in the Red Cross worknooms across the country was substan- tially greater than in 1950, Miss Orian Warwick, chairman, nation- al Wemeri's Work Corîýmittee, ne- ported teday at the annual meet- ing ai the Soclety's Central Coun- cil. *"Jt is enceuraging te note this incréase in output in spite ef the tact that purchosed articles rep- resented a smalier portion of the wbele," Miss Warwick said. Distribution et clothing and material was wldespnead thnough- out the world. Miss Warwick said, noting that supplies were sent te Turkish nationals ex- pelled from Buigania, Greek refu- gees, Czechoslovakian lýefugeeS in Paris, membens of the French Resistance now in a tubencular sanitorium and fleod vietims in Italy. Twenty-two cases ef cloth- ing were also sent te Korea. Women's work groups made a total et 345,000 articles et cloth- ing, quilts, hospital and sungical supplies, plus nearly twe million surgiraI dressings. Goods for civilian relief in other ceuntnies 1were shipped te the value et $166,756. Dr. J. T. Phair, chairman. Na- tional Junior Red Cross Commit- tee, reported members te be 961,- 540 in 33,167 branches wbich represents a gain et 40,530 mem- bers and 2,431 branches. .Juniors. wbe work for health, good citizenship and internation- al friendship, raised $142,563 for their Handicàpped and Crippled Childnens Funds during the year and a total ef 1,849 cases were treated. Gifts ef chothing, med-i irai supplies and other help te Cartwright Council Passes Motion Regarding Payment of Road Work Cartwright Township Council and Thomas Gettins. Attér con- met May 5th with membens ail siderable discussion tender of present and Reeve in Chair. Thes. Gettins was accepted. T. R. Bentley, County Weed Communication was read tramn Inspecter, discussed the weed Frank Baiiey re.fence alang west regulations and nequested council side et Agicultural Park. As te appoint a local weed inspecter. Parks Board controis park, same Thomas K. Stewart was appoint- was turned over te Sec'y et Panks ed. Board. Mns. G. Marlow. Deputation ot Caesanea rate- A motion was passed, re-af- payers was présent re stneet firming a motion passed In 1948, lights, but te date net much pro- that in future ne wonk on roads gness bas been made. Clenk will would be paid fan unless authon- interview Township Solicitor in ized by Road Supt. near future. Mn. Bawes discussed the new sub-division oh the Bruce estate, especialiy rooads and culvents. Couincil wili take aven road as sean as necessary culvents are in- stalled. In the meantime Road Supt. is authorized te go ahead and grade road. 1Maple Leat Fine Insurance Co. announced new regulations adopt- ed by Company, namely, Comp- any wili pay for fine brigade, $40 for first heur and $20. fan each additional heur, for fine wherel Company cannies the insurance. Ten'ders for garbage collectionl 'aiang lake epened: from John] Anscôtt, A. Elhis, Geo. Bowens, Accounts passed as follows: Social Assistance --------- $ 60.00 Edward Sues, Assessor -- 125.00 Ivan Thompson, Assessor 125.00 iRegist. Office, Bowanville 8.92 Municipal World, supplies 8.82 H. Thompson, Clerk and Treasurer --------.- 100.00 H. Thompson, postage- - 7.00 C. Marlow, repairs, furn- ace ------- --- - 27.41 Crown Assets Disposai Corp., payment on the Armouries ------------- 206.80 Road Voucher ------- 3027.23 $3696.18 Council adjourned to cali of Reeve for road Inspection. A wonderful varietly of pretty patterng Suitable for a Dress - ASSORTED LENGTHS Regular 39c yard Pastel Colons lar Shades - Good Quality 36"' BO WMAN VILLE For thit important occasion we have on display a wonderful solution of merchandise . . . gifîs suilable to please every moiher. . . '1 select now ! MOTHER'S DAY MAY lith OVERSIZE APRON For the Larger Figure Made of practical quality printed cotton in assorted gay patterns and colors 79c sa. PRINT COVERALL Ceverali bib style apron Wonderful patterns Generously long and wide 69C ea. PRINT TEA APRONS Attractive gay border designs Very Special 39C . 3 for $1.00 PRINT DRESSES For Home and Sun Three styles in assortment candy stripes - flox'als and checks assorted sizes A RARE SAVING $1.89 ea. PLASTIC TABLECLOTH 54" x 54" BATH or BEDROOM IR uG " Very serviceable " Wash nicely " Assorted colors You can buy more than one at this low price $2.98 sa. To save you laundry Gay fruit and floral patterns to choose fromn A Terrific Value 69C Sa. EACH 39c yd. $ 1.49 10 yds. for $3.50 79c yd. 3 yds. for $ 1.00 The chiet attraction of the week appears to have been the Cooking School whlch was large- ly attended on both nights. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and daughters, Tyrone, in their ber- eavement. al.so to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yellowlees and family in the death of their son. whose funeral was held trom the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Sunday, and was one of the larg- est processions Io the Hampton Cemetery seen in a long time. Easter meeting of Hampton W.' M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. J. Warrack with President Mrp. L. Trull in charge. Mns. Smales Sr. was appomnted as Christian Stewardship Secretary upon resignation of Mrs. Niddery, owing to illness. An invitation was received from C.G.I.T. te join with them for their affili- ation service on May 14 at 7:30 p.m. Arrangements were made te entertain visiting erganizations an the evening of May 20. East- er program was under direction of Mrs. Smales Jr. and Sr., with fhese two ladies taking part, Mrs.' L. Clemens and Mns. J. R. Rey- nolds reading the Easter Bible passages. A number ef Easter hymns were sung and meeting ciosed with the benedictien. COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. R. Evans and sons Charles and Douglas, Bow- manville, also Lee, Tod and Mark Penfound wene guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Pentound on Sunday. Mrs. W. S. Boyce who is visit- ing ber daughter, Mrs. Rufus Clarke, Brantford, is recovering from ber recent illness. Mr. Ralph Tooley, Harcourt, visited in this cemmunity last week. the value of $62,894 were sent te lesu fortunate children in other lands. Under thé Newfoundland dent- al prognamn, which was begun in June et hast year, 1006 children were examlned, 2080 teeth ex- tracted, 800 iled and 359 chlld- ren restored te complete dental health. Juniors et Newfound- land, Ontario. Quebec and Brit- ish Celumbia supported the pro- ject. Somne 35,000 heurs et volunteer service In their cemmunities were given by women trained in Red Crois home nursing chasses dur- ing 1951, Miss Florence H. M. Emnory. tormenlvetfBowmanville, newly appeinted chairman of the national nursing committee, re- Ported te Council. "There was a notable increase in home nursing activities, 7,778 women having received instruc- tion in the home cane et the pick by 728 vohunteer nurse instruct- ors," she said. A braille edition ot the Red Cross Home Nursing Manual was compheted by the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind and Red Cross. Members fremn these home nursing chasses have given hundneds et heurs et service in assisting in Bloed Transfusion centres. Appreximately 18,000 individu- aIs made use et the Sickroom Supply Lean Service during 1951, which operates in 500 commun- ities in Canada. A selected numben et Red Cross nurses in Canada have been tralned in the nursing aspects et ABC warfare and are pnepared te give other nurses basic inter- mnotion in this civil defence pro- gram. T RO ESaturday evening. as tey o ae nc TYRONEMr. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott and studying on hea Ross, Dixie, visited Mr. and Mrs. program has be( Mrs. Howard Findlay, Union- E. A. Virtue and John. help raise money ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Don't forget the Dance Review group expenses o iHawkey. Concert Friday evening in the a discussion on1 Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo and Lynn Community Hall, sponsored by worked on their visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Eldridge, Tyrone Juvenile Band. See cern- some of Nvhich ti Bowmanville. ing events. made use of. About 30 relatives and friends On Wednesday evening the C. ReX'. T. A.N gathered at the home of Mr. and G.IT. were guests of Trinity C. United Church, Bc Mrs. Horace Hall Saturday even- G.I.T., Bowmanville. be guest speaker« ing and pregented their son Bill Mr. R. Affleck has returned to dav School Anniv with a pen and pencil set and a the home of his daughter, Mrs., Courtice Countr leather kit before leaving for W. Thiesberger alter spending h eld a pot lucks Wainwright, Alta., where he wil two months in Regina with rela- tice United Cht be stationed. tives. with about 30 in ' was decided toh Mrs. W. T. Warden is visitîng Sincere sympathy to Mrs. Neil Orono on July Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Salem. Yellowlees and family in the Adams gave a rE The Affiliation Service of C.G. death of her husband and father, Today WhereJ I.T. and W.M.S. was held in the also te Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yel- Mrs. Eileen Dow S. S. room Friday evening when lowlees, Hampton, on the loss of a on the piano by Mslides on Canadian Home Mis- son. The funeral was largely~ rendered a lovely siens were shown, also a program attended at the Morris Funeral id. Harmer and M' was provided by the C.G.I.T. A Chapel, with interment in Hamp- Oshawa, put ons dainty lunch was served. ton Cemetery. of a pantomime M.and Mrs. Geo. Willis and Rena and Ian Gralham, Hay- to Spike Jones' family, Cannington; Mr, and Mrs. don, with their grandparents, Mr. and was very J. Murdoch and baby. towman- and Mrs. W. Rahmn. Everyone joined ii ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm and charge of Mrs. Eil Byam. Kenneth. Rena and Ian Gràham was the closlng Mrs. W. S. Hughson returned visited Mrs. W. H. Rahm, Burke. season. Al look1 home Thursday aler spending ton. out again in the fi the winter with her daughter, Don't forget Mother's Dyser- Mr, B. Thompso Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arnold at vice and Baptismal sDvie e D Thompson ai sericeonKingston, were Unionville. Sunday.at ehoeoI Mr.andMrs EdDowey nd Tyrone Tyro Boys entertained Thompson. children, Whitb; Mr. and Mrs. their parents in the Sunday Mrs. G. Johnso Chas. Murney and children, Pet- School room Tuesday evening. home alter holida 1 erborough, were Sunday guests ofW MtheL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park. W. ________ Lo Ba eune ot erhaeoHAMPTON There is a vast has etured t thevillge.tween a desire tc Mrs. H. Findlav and Dean Find- i a dogged determi lay, Unionville, visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Next te knowirj Mrs. C. Blgelow. Mary and Barbare, Oshawa, with an opportunity. th Mr. and Mrs. T. Findlay of Mrs. Percy Dewell and Mr@. Tink. ant thing in Ilite is Thornhlll, visited Mrs. Otto Vir- Mr. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox, to forget an advar tue. Cobourg, visited her parents, Mr. Miss Jean Wilson. Orono; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth. Mike Woods, Bowmanvilhe; Mr. Mrs. Sam Dewe il spent the and Mrs. R. Paterson, Oshawa, weekend at Toronto and Hamil- visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. ton. Woodley. Mr. and Mns. Jim 'Hanna and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Congdon, Rosellen, Haydon. with her par- iMr. David Chapel and Donald, To- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fer- . ronto; Mr. Ewart McLaugln guson. Mr. and Mrs. Dick McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Spicer, To-j < and Peter, Oshawa, were guests ronto, were visitors at Mr. Sam of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Dewells. 1Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs andi Mr. and Mrs. Mel McCune and iMichael with Mr. and Mrs. G. daughter, Sheryl. Varcoe's Rd., Perfect. Bownanville. -ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. J. Broome and Kersev.I tamilv attended a family gather- Mrs'. M. Goodman and Miss ing Satu.rdaY evening at «the home Louise Goodman have returned of Mr. and Mrs. W. Munday, to their home here alter upending >, Maple Grove. the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Down, Bill Alan Parker, Toronto. and Carolyn, Lakefield, visited Mrs. T. Wray attended a trous. Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue.. seau tea for Miss Margaret Red- gMrs. Otto Virtue in company path. Oshawa, on Saturday.Dw a %vith Mr. and Mirs. Perey Bvers. Miss Lorna Warrack is recov- Bw a Bowmanville. spent thp weekend ering f orn a tonsil ope ration. Cleanersà \vith Mr. and Mle Ira Erbe. Cars- Mrs. Theron Mountjo.v is spend- onville. Mich.. and attended the ing a tew days with relatives ati 77 King St. W. i weddins reception of her niece, 'Islington.1 MO0THER'S DAY- SPECIALS at CAIRN'IS 5-m1.00 STORE mville & Dyers Phone 520 Watch this space each week for best values in cars and trucks 1951 CHEVO SEDAN - - - $1875 WiIl stand the closest inspection of a critical buyer. Custom radio, air conditioning. 1951 CHEV. COACH - - - $1850 Cannot be told from new. Custom radio, air conditioning. 1948 CHEV. COACH m- a $1295 Very dean. 1947 DUICK SNALL SEllES CONVERTIBLE Like new - that's ail we can say. n n ir e e e k e ri ri ri $2195 $109 1941 CHEV. -COACH - - - $875.0 Original upholstery like new. Mechanically perfect. Undercoated and equlpped with underseat heater and many extras. 1941 DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN $875.00 Interior shows excellent care. Perfect motor, body and tires. Just refiniuhed. 1941 OLUSMODILE 'V" SEDAN le- m m la$795.00 Reconditloned. 1940 CHEV. COACH - Worth $300.00 more than the average Radio, heater. 1939 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN Chrysler re-manufactured mot Original interior like -new. a $795.00 car of Its year. - m la$695.0 to ust niely run i. Finish immaculate. Custom radio and heater. 1939 CHRYSLER SEDAN - - $595.00 Reconditioned, excellent motor. 1938 OLDSMODILE SEDAN - $ 100.00 Net reconditioned. You can buy a car like this anywhere. No guarantee. 1937 FORD COACH - - - $100.00 Good body. Would niake good "hot rod." 1935 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Good motor and tires. a $195.00, TRUCKS 1951 FORD halflon PANEL Like new. 0m$1395 1951 MERCURY halflon PICKUP - $1295 Air cenditioning, undercoated. 1948 FORD halflon PICKUP - - $995.00 1947 FORD 1-ton PANEL m m m $795.00 iening about 25 ighbons gathered ýews' home for a Lunch was senv- ss and ail report Lng. is te Mn. and Ms ebirth et a daugh- A baby are home ýne. 1Mrs. P. Marcinlu ma General Hos- .e will be home .P. Antil spent :d at Niagara visited at Chip- it Young Peopie's londay'evening at 1Church. Presi- n welcomed the Unions ef Albert ninster Churches, tional under di- 9. Down and Mr. v. L. Somerville îest speaker, Rev. Iort Penny vhose k Are You Gôing .în Lite?" Eben- rs sang a couple followed by sev- numbers on the DSs Metcaife. Rec- was x'ery muchl ncluded severalI -nents were serv- il iAhbcrt St. and! .sidents extended for the very en- 1C.G.I.T. met onj ,ing at Courtice i.The meeting informai discus- Project. It was a "Charm Night"' ow working and îilth. A variety een planned te cy for camp and on May 16. Atten prayer the girls r file et recipes, hey have alneady Morgan, Trinity 3owmanville. vil, at Courtice Sun- iversany, Mva.v 18.1 try Couples' Club supper at Cour- urch, May lst, nattendance. It1 hiave a picnic at 5. Mrs. Jean reading "I Walk Jesus Walked". .'n, accompanied Mrs. Ruth Pearce, ysolo. Mn. Day- M4r. Stan Hoskin, 1 several numbers act in costume,i recorded music, well rendered. in a sing-song in heen Down. ThILS meeting af the1 for a good turn- rail. ;on, Mr. and Mrs. nd son Harry, weekend guests Mdr. and Mis. C. ;n bas neturncd aying withi Mrs. n g Branch. t difference be- l odo a thing and iination te do it. ng when te seizej the most import- s te know when .ntage.--Disraeli. 1938 CHEV. halflton PICKUP Servicable. a $275.00 1936 CHEV. haif-toir PICKUP - $275.00 Excellent tires, good moter. 1935 FORD 1-ton STAKE - - - $125.00 Handy around the farm. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FR01' SEE.m.mU SissoaS! -Garage- for "The greaiest guarantee in the used car business" PHONE - ORONO 1031 - OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL NINE Trades Welcoihed 1946 MAPLE LEAF 3-ton PLATFORM DUNP - $1495 Original owner's name stili on doors, neyer used ini winter. 900 x 2 tires on rear. Would niake a lot of nmoney for someone. 1945 CHEV. two and halflon PLATFORM DUMP - - - $895.00 Exceptionally clean. Motor just reconditioned. INDIAN BLANKETS $4m98 GORGEOUS COLORS VALUES GALORE IN PIECE GOODS AND REMNANTS ICUFF LEC PANTIES Vie %vith Mum's favorite lusti uous satin stri pe.I Assorted sizes and colors. A Very Special Btîy.. 2 prs. for $1.00 Liberal Terms _"lMSDA'f. MAY Rb. 1032 TE£ CANADIAN STATZSMAN, BOWMA"MLE, C"AIUO PAGE FUTICEN 1946 DODGE CLUB COUPE Just overhauled. Thunsday evi friends and nei at Mrs. J. Mattl demonstration. ed by the hestef a pleasant eveni Congratulatior J. Bodnar on the ter. Mother and and both are fii Serry te bear is ilI in Osbaw pital. Hope shi Seanl. Mr. and Mrs. Blossom Weeke Falls and aise tpawa. 9 Courtice Circui Union met on Mç Courtice United dent W. Dawn Young People's1 St. and Northm Oshawa. Devot rection et Mr. W, R. Bickle. Rev intnoduced the gu )Mn. Wiley et P( )topir was "Whal )To Do With Yoi, >ezer Harmonizer et fine numbers eral excellentr piano by Mr. Roi neation period enjeyed and ii games. Refreshr ed atter which Nortbminster Pni à vote of thanks joyable evening. Exploners and Wednesday even 1 United Church. opened with an sien on Health