PAGE SIXTEEN THE CAYADIA1~ STATESMAN. EOWMM4YHLE. ONTA~Io LflUlI~JJAX, IVIAX 5W, liii PHGI%.. 3303 BIRTHS JACKSON-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jackson are happy to announce the arrivai of a daughter, Thurs- day, May lst, 1952, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvjlle, a sister :for Brian, Sheila and Arthur. 19-1w JOSE-Donald and Marion Jase, Newcastle, are happy ta announce the birth on Sunday, May 4th, 1952, of their daughter, Elizabeth Eleanor, a sister for John. 19-1* UNDERHILL - George an~d Thelma Underhili announce the birth of a daughter on Monday, April 28th, 1952, at Kingston General Hospital. 19-1* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Knowlton, of Enniskiilen, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Marg- aret Ellen, ta Ronald KeithTay- lor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Taylor, Maple Grave. The mar- niage is ta take place at Simcoe Street United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, June 7, at 3 p.m. 19-1* MARRIAGES BISBEE - VIRTUE - At Collier St. United Church, Barrie, on Tuesday, April 29th, 1952, Rosa- mande V. Virtue was united in niarriage with Clifford A. Bisbee. 19-1 CROMPTON - STOREY - Rev. W. N. Turner an Saturday after- maon, May 3rd, 1952, at 3 o'clack, in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, united in marriage Kathleen Alice Starey, 'daughter of Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey, and Maurice White Crompton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crompton, Agincourt. 19-1* DEATHS ALLEN-At the residence of his daughten, Mrs. Irwin R. Bragg, on Monday, May 5tb, 1952, Robert H. Allen, belaved busband of the late Anna Martha Harper, and dear father of T. J. Harper, of Stouff- ville, and M. Eva T. (Mrs. Irwin R. Bragg), of Providence, in bis 95th year. Rested at Nortbcutt & Smith's Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bawmanviile, until noon Wed- nesday, May 7th, thence ta St. Saviour's Anglican Cburcb, Orono, for service et 2:30 p.m. Inter- ment Orona Cemetery. 19-1 YELLOWLEES - At Toronto Western Hospital on Friday, May 2nd, 1952, W. Neil Yellowlees, in bis 33rd year, beloved busband of Aima Rundie and eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yellow-j lees, Hampton. Service wes heldj et the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Sunday, May 4,j at 2 o'clock. Interment Hampton Cemetery. 19-1 IN MEMORIAM BROWN-In Ioving memory of Mary Elizabeth Brown (Granny) who passed eway May 8th, 1947. Out of this world of sorrow Into a garden of nest. God must have a wonderful garden, He always chooses the best. -Lovingly remembered by bus. band and famniiy. 19-lA MARTIN-In loviiig memory o. aur deer fether, Peter Martin, wbo pessed eway May lth. 1948: He is gone but flot forgatten And as dawns.anotber yeer In aur ionely bours of thinking Thaughts of bim are always neer. Days of sadiness will corne 'er us Friends may think the wound is heaied But they littie know the sarrow Thet lies within the heart concealed. -Sedly mised by Bessie, Doug- las and family. 19-1 McFARLANE-In loving memary of Mary Ireland McFarlane wbo passed away May 7th, 1951: Gad knew that she wes suffering, Thet the bilis were bard ta climb Sa he closed hiem weery eyelids And whispered peace be thine; Awey in the beautiful bihl of Gcd By the valley of rest s0 faim, Same tinie, saine day, we know îîot when We wili meet aur loved one there. -Ever nemembemed by daughtcrs Lorraine, Wanda and brother McKEE-Iii loving rnemrrvo! e dear son and brother, Ornie McKee, who pessed awav a 8th, 1946-. E No anc knows the silent 1 hearteches, Only those who have laved cen tel The grief we bear in silence E Fan the one we loved sa well. 1 -Ever nemembemed and sadlyr missed by mother, brothens andr sisters. 19-11 STONE-In ioving nimr-y of a dear husband and dad, James Stone, who passed eway Mey luth. 1950: Yau're not forgotten, Ded, dean, Nor ever shalyou bc: As long as life and memior vlest We shall remember thee. -Lovîngiy remnembered by wife and femily. 19-1 Nursing Service MIddle Green Villa Rest'Home Courtice One or twa vacancies, nien or women, tray service, every kind- ness given. Approvedi by doctors. Phone Oshawa 5-4943 for reser- vations. jo-tf, f g g CARDS 0F THANXS Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Taylor wish ta thank the Superintendent and staff of Memorial Hospital, Dr. C. J. Austin, friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses extended at the time of their daughter Faye's accident. 19-1* 1 We wish ta extend aur sincere thanks and appreciatian for the acts of kindness, beautiful floral tributes, and messages of sym- pathy received from relations, friends and neighbors in the làss of a dear wife and mather. Arthur Dean and children. 19-1* Mrs. Fred J. Wight and Dorothy wish ta express their sincere thanks and appreciation ta Rev. Mr. Turner, relatives, many friends and neighbors for cards of sympathy, beautiful floral tri- butes and ather kindnesses ex- tended ta them during their sad bereavement in the loss of a loy- ing husband and father. 19-1 * I wish ta thank ahl my friends and neighbors for their kindness ta me during my accident and afterwards while in haspitai. Special thanks ta Dr. Harold Fer- guson, St. Paul's Evening Aux- iliary and C.G.I.T., nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital. Mrs. David Armistead. 19-1 COMING EVENTS Dance at Tyrone Comrnunity Hall, Old Time and Modemn danc- ing, Saturday, May luth, auspices L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. 18-2 The lest euchre of Memral Park Association for this season will be held Tuesday, May l3th. Winner for seasan's prize will be annaunced. 19-1 Bowmanville Legion, Brench 178, Carnival and Draw, 20 grand prîzes, carnival Fridey, June 27, 1952. Tickets aveilable from Jack Rice or Don Morris. 12-tf A Silver Medel Elocutionary cantest spansored by the W.C.T.U. will be beld in Newcastle United Church Sunday Scbool Hall, Fri- day, May 16, at 8 p.m. Admission, aduits 25c, non-contestant students and children loc. 19-1 Came ta Tyrone Hall, Friday, May 9th, at 8:00 p.m., wbere Tyrone Juvenile Band is sponsor- ing a Dance Review by pupils of Irenie Harvey's Dancing Academy, including professional talent, mus- ical numbers, ballet and tap. Selections by Juvenile Band. Ad. mission 35c and 20c. 18-2* Help Wanted CAPABLE man for delivering ice. Williams' Ice Ca., Pbone 439. 19-1 TEACHER Wanted for S.S. No. 14, Clarke (Kirby Public School), duties ta commence September lst. Apply Raymnond Chaprnan, Secretary. Phone 51r6 Orono. 19-1 YOUNG girl or women ta womk in Variety Store. Experience de- sireble but not essential. Appiy Mrs. M. Cairris, efter 6 p.m., Thursday or Friday. Cairn's 5c Articles For Sale 32 FEET of new Congowall, gallon of glue. Phone 3681. 1 EXPRESS wagon on rubber2 45' windmill tower. Phone 21 PLAY pen with plastic p Phone 2292.1 GAS stove, with about 25 ft. pipe. Phone 3259. 19 PLASTIC wall tile installed your kitchen and bathroom wa M. Jurko. Phone 2753. 19 BURKETON sand and graveli livered. Phone 2121 or 2171. li ELECTRIC stove and kitcl. cabinet, in gaod condition. Phc 3088. 19 USED floor model radios, conditioned and guaranteed. 1 Radio Shop. li FIVE h.p. Leiand electric mot single phase, 60 cycle, 110-2 Phone Orano 6r17. 1i DINETTE suite, natural finish, i ho]stered chairs, new, $25.00 ca Apt. 7, 63 King St. W. 19- GOING fishing? Buy your b from Carias Smith, centre Newtonville. 19. TWO used tractor tires, 9 x 24, good condition. Phone 2839. S19, WHITE metal ice box, 50 capacity, goad condition. Phc 559,.1 SIX-piece walnut bedroom su! with spring and mattress. Phc 2830. 19. ONE 250-gallon gasoline tank, legs, in good condition. Pho 3230. 19- MAPLE wood, one ft. and fo ft. lengths, $22.00 card. Pho: 2472. 19 10,000 GOOD, used bricks.' Norman Greer, High St. Phoi 3142. l9 GRAIN for sale, 150 bus. of whe and rye mixed. R. J. Hodgsc Tyrone, Phone 2323. 19 REFRIGERATOR - 9.1 cu. f freezer across the top, new, present only $299.00. Terms desired. The Radio Shop. 19. OLIVER 8-disc tiller, on rubbe just like new. Charles Fran* R.R. 5, Bawmanville, Phone 240 19. SEE the White Rotary Electri Sewing Machines at F. F. Marri Ca., your local representativ( Easy terms. 13-1 CRESS CORN SALVE for sur relief. Your Druggist selîs Cres Callous Salve taa, relieves quicl ly. 19- ELECTRIC washing machinE good running condition, $20; 75 1b capacity ice box, $10. Phone 2095 19- RUBEER tired wagon, woul make good dray wagon. Phon Oshawa 5-1224 or 3481 Bow manvilie. 19- SEVERAL ladies' dresses ani suits, sizes 14 ta 18; also tw, evening dresses. Phone 3134. 19- one 9-1 and 754.1 ad. 9-1 of in )-4* de- len one re- The 19-1 tor, 220. up- sh. Dait of in lb. >ne te, me- on ne urone mur deli ne1 trie A. cor( ne 8Ir -iPIC at seec >1, a tE )- hyb - Big ft., spri at Pho if - )- RAM - 3c;1 r, Ha: ik, Don 3. Lin )- Har, -2887 ie - is SIN, e. Mac -tf sec': - ing re Fuil ýs $15. k_ Wal 13060 b. 15. d ie id fo C1 Classilied Advertising Rates The Canadian Staiesman Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOTJND, ETC. Cash Rate --30~ per word with a minimum of 500 Must. be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 wilI be added. A charge of 250 wilI be made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30 a word with a minimumn of $1.00 - for 33 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 100 a hune for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 30 per word; minimum charge 750 cash with order. To regular *advertisers payable monthly. Display Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum o f one inch Additional insertion at the saine rates Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not Inter than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Articles For Sale IXED slabs for sale, re-sawed ta ie foot lengths, $14 per cord fivered. Aiso combination elec- ic range, six manths old, $300. Isa mixed hardwood, $18 per rd. Neil Curtis, Telephone Orono -10.19w )ONEER seed corn is tested for ed strength in cold, wet sal at temperature of 48 degrees. For ,brids with Plenty of Hustle and gYields, plant Pioneer this ring. Douglas -J. Courtice, ione Oshawa 3-9903. 19-1 ,SPBERRY plants, Newburg, Lloyd George 5c; Strawberries, irvest King 4c; Dresden 5c; T5set 2c; Dunlop 2c each plant. mited supplies of Dresden and irvest King. M. Heard, Phone 7. 17-3* NGER electric portable sewing ichine, complete with drap- tion table, tbree drawer sew- j cabinet and matching stool. 1I price $99. Dawn payment 5.Singer Sewing Centre, 47 lton St., Port Hope, Phone 30. 19-1 #For the Latest Papers For the Finest Paints For the Best Workmanship S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912 49-tf TI1L E CERAMIC -PLASTIC to~. i.uwu bule. 1-1 CONGOLEUM Gold Seel Rugs, RRim ARfTVTI LOCAL store nequires cashieryr 1dsadbilrnes;Rx9. G. HReal expenience preferred; and boy oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, with driver's license for after yard gaads at budget pnices. Phone 2902 Bow~manville 4adSaturdeys. Write Box 755, Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf ____________________ c/o Statesman Office, Bowman- 1BUCK rake, equipped for tractor;USED teForntrcutr and plow; ville.19* also flat bey rack and bey loader. sdta oncliao;ue YOU G L DY Apply Earl Bradburn, Buketon. teern ouler; used Case 17-tooth YOUNG LADY19-1* cultivator; fertilizer spreeder; Case tractor spreader; Case tractor of above average ability GOLD SEAL Congoleumn - over 17-tooth cultivator; Case beler; for general office. 40 raIls in 2 end 3-yd. widths; bale elevators; two used spmayens; aiso large selectian in rug sizes famm fences. W. H. Brown, Case eosnLele t Morris Ca. 6-tf Dealer, 91 King Street West, Bow- C ompany Limiled ONE hand-quiited dresdien plate avlePhn49. 11 qui]t, new, double bed size, white USED Farm Machinery - ane OSHAWA, ONTARIO with'rase, made by Newtonvulle International Hervester Trector; Must bc efficient typist, have W.A. Phone Clarke 713. 19-1* ane Cockshutt "60" Tractor; ane knowiedge of shorthand. and pre- - McCormick Spreeden; one 8-ft. ferably experienced in office SAFE,. large, 2-door, in Bowman- Fertihizer Distnibutor, on rubber; routine,.ilsz isd 4 2 o 7 2 ne Cockshutt 2-furrow Plow, on This is a permanent position Bargain. Write Box 752, c/o rubber: 3 Seed Dnills; one No. Iwith attractive salary and work- Statesman Office. 19.1* 400 power take-off McCormick ing conditions. FOUR thousend feet dressed Spreader, 100 bus. cepecity, like Please reply in wniting in first lmesm 2x1 ie new. On dispiay et Farm Equip- instance ta Office Manager. lumber, some 2 xo12 x 14 poflC. ment & Automotive, 134 King St. Applications ivill becansidered John E. Griffin, Enniskillen. E., Bowrnenvilie, Phone 689. strictly confidentiel. 1- 911- FAIRWAY Food Marlcet wiîî KITCHEN SINKS - White pan- CANADIAN Company doing busi- niake yotî a nice basket of fruit celein enamel steel 25 x42 right ressuirectrnart actitel *oa'or to salve your Mother's Day gîft, or left hand drainboerd; the ai- rqiesatacieineligent, picdfo 10u.Poeways popular 16 x 20single sink: man saesan srvce 674. 19-i also ledge type double bowi and in this district,. married man pîrC. double drainboard sinks and a ferred,' car nccessai-y, non-di-ink. WE measure and instali finest ane-piece combination laundmy er, this is a permanent business,iqueiity Venetien Blinds, also îray' and sink with sliding drain- eamnings on dealership commission regular cloth and plastic window board; bathroom sets. Catelogue bonus besis, do not apply unless shedes. Marris Ca., Phone 480. witil installation dîegrerns. Re- you seek permanent selling posi- 9-tf cessed bathitubs $60.00. Sece or tion, aur products are not sold- write S. V. Johnson Plurnbing in stores, only thmough aur deal- VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 diffenent Supplics. Mail Order Division, ers, exclusive district, you meke colouns o! tapes, 15 siat colours. Streetsvilie, Ontario. 17-6 profit on ahi service, sales, sup- Flexaium, Aluminum or Steel,. plies and parts, some of aur men meesured and instalied free of make $10000 up ta $200.00 per charge. Phone 3121. Weber's TRAILER AXCLES week, rsew me verage $60.00 Febric Centre. 17-tf ta $ 100.00 for e start. Excellent1 MEDIUM size piano; kitchenAN opportuniîy for elderlv man whoisuite, table, four chairs and bLif WHEELS cen mecl the public. Write Box fet, atural, green trirn, in ex- 753, c/o Statesman Office. 19-2 cellent condition, et reasoneble - ihoWtotTre - p ric e . 3 1 L ib e rty S t. e t i-ca r % i h o r Io u i ' TENDERS WANTED idoor. 19-1* Pme rm 5t 3 RECONDITIONED treadhe sew- Bowmannille High School îng machines. guaranteed, freeý l ae Rle-decoration of Certain Rooms sewing course with purchase of AiMke TENDERS wiil be ncceived for any machine. Pniced fram $19.50. îsn' arg the ne-deconation of certain naoms Singer Sewing Centre, 47 Wal- isn'Grg et Bowmnville High School, work tanSt., Port Hope. Phone 3060. ORONO to, be donc between Julv lst and 19-1 PHONE ORONO 1031 r August iSth. For further partie- PLUMBING, Heating and Oul 15-tf ulans end specifications see L. W%. Burners instahled anywbene in Dippel!. principal. Durhamn Countv. Reasoneble rates Lost Sealed Tenders receivcd until and h)ighest quality. For freer noon. Ma' 1.51h. Lcmwest oi- any estimates caîl S. Blain Elliott, P\IR of glasses, dark plastici tender flot necessarily eccepterl Heating. Plumnbing & Tinsmaithing, 'rinis. in v'rîx of Temperance 1 18-2Phoe 348.29-tf St. Phone Orono 18-r-11. 19-1* Auction Sales Auction Sale of 60 Head of Grade Cattle, praperty of Ray Gimblett, at Lot 17, Con. 8, East Whitby Twp. (Columbus), on May 14 at 6:30 p.m. Herd con- sists of dairy and beef cattie. Terms cash. N.B.-Please note tîme. Harry Howden, auctianeer. 19-1* Auction Sale of Holstein Cattie, Percheron Horses, new traStar, tractor machinery, hay, grain, etc., the property of Mr. Wallace Ail- dred, Lot 31, Con. 10, Hamilton Twp., two miles north and one mile east of Bewdley, ta be held on Wednesday, May 2lst, at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 19-2 Mr. Jonathan Brown, Lot il, Con. 4, Hope Twp., haîf mile east of Canton Store, bas rented bis farmo and wili seIl by public auctian on Tuesdey, May 20, at 1 p.m. sharp, al bis ferm stock, implements, bey, grain, etc. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctianeer. 19-2 The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction for the estate of the lete William Hambly, Tyrone, al bis household effects, gerden tools, small tools, etc., an Saturday, May l7th, at 1:30 p.m. (D.S.T.)., Camplete iist of art- icles in next week's issue. Clifford Pethick, auctianeer. 19-1 For Rent JOHN Deere fertilizer and seed drill. Phone 2981. 19-1 TWO or three heated rooms, with kitchen canveniences. Phone 3586. 19-1 GARAGE for rent; also brick building, suitable for starage or workshap. Apply Apt. 7, 63 King St. W. 19-1* 68 ACRE pasture, Lot 33, Con- cession 5, Township of Hope, north of Newtonviile. Owner, John Kaczorowski. 19-2* SIX-room semi-detached brick bouse, centrally located, bardwood floors, bot air beating. Immediate possession. Aduit family pre- ferred. Write Drawer W, Bow- manville. 19-1* GOOD pasture for 10 head of cattie, running creek; and wanted ta buy couple of yaung geese, and 1 or 2-day-aid Holstein Heif- er Calves. Phone 2524 Clarke. 19-1* Chicks For Sale BRAY pullets, day-old and 3 - 4 weeks. Immediate s h ip me nt. Prices, other information, agent F. L. Byam, Tyrne. 18-5 S. C. WHITE Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hamp. X Barred Rocks chicks, Gov't. Inspected and Blood Tested. Now booking chicks for late May and June. Write or Phone '2636, H. J. Brooks, Bow- manville. 17-tf Help Available IT is time ta think of Farm Help naw. Get experienced and reliable immigrants from Hoiiand. Apply S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestieton, Phone Port Perry 225r24, or J. Hartemink, R. R. North, Orono Phone .54r8. 52-23 SX Pets For Sale SI-week-old pu ppies. St. Ber- nard crossed witb collie. Phone 2776, 19-1* Wanted To Rent SIX or seven room bouse in or riear Bowmanvile, July. Write Box 754, c/o Statesman Office. 19-1 YOUNG couple require .1 or 4 room se] f-contained apartment, unfurnishf-d, ,lune lst or before. Total abstainers. Phone '.101. Real Estate For Sale NEW, fwle-room brick bungalow. Immediate possession. Phone 3062. 19-1, BUILDING lots for sale - 15 lots for sale in Bowmanville; level, ready for immediate use, ideal location. Available individ- ually or in groups of three or six. 66' frontage, depth 140'. Restricted area. Apply John T. Cooper, Phone 2627. 19-tf $6,500 - 30 acres, nine-roomed, white frame house, small barn, trout stream, small bush, 8 acres of orchard, hydro, good well in house, garden pldughed. Immed- iate possession, seven miles north of Bowmanville. Phone 2095. 19-1 $8,500 - 9-roomed .bungalow, Concession St., Bowmanville, new hot water heating, garage, large lot. $3,900 down, a nice home. Jones Real Estate Phone Oshawa 5-6412 Evenings Bowmanville 3230 DIVISION St., 8-room brick home, in excellent condition, ideal for family, or could be easily con- verted ta duplex, 2 bath raoms, ail heat, aak floors. Immediate possession. See this and make offer. For appointment ta inspect contact Donald Scott Real Estate, 25 Prince St., Oshawa, Dial 3-2612. 19-1 HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE $3,000 - Summer home between Kirby and Kendal, 4-roomed, new log cabin, full width enclosed verandah, cernent foundation, as- phaît shingle roof, 12 acres land pianted ta Christmas trees, wide trout stream across praperty. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Phone lrl6 19-1j GILL REA L ESTATE Farm - near Leskard, 116 acres, level: 10 acres bush; gaad well and cisterns; L-sbeped, benk barn, steel roof; -impiement shed and garage;, 7-roomed, brick bouse, full celler, beavy wiring, bot air furnace. Pnice $13,000. Terms. H. G. (Hap) Gili, Realtor 8 Sécond St. Phone 3514 19-1 EVANS REAL ESTATE New 5-room bungalow, 4-piece bath, built-in cupboards, bard and sof t waten on tep, furnace. Price $8,000. Cernent block garage, 40' x 60', 280' frontage, on highwey. $12,000. Cernent block garage, 28' x30' on highway. $6,300. New frerne Service Station with apartrnent. $5,700. Number of choice 100 and 200 acre farms priced ta seli. WV. C. Evans, Broker Phone 84-8 Orono ýouse, iand culti- con- )erty. Han- ivood )demn fruit oamn ýhen; 225 acres - 14-room stone ho on Lake Ontario, good barns other buildings; 175 acres c veted, running water. Waui sider town or aity propf $24,000. 12 acres - market garden et1 many; 6-rom b ouse, bard',% floors, bot air beating, moc kitchen, and 4-piece bath;1 trees and bennies. $12,000. 6 acres - garden land; 6-r( bouse, modern bath and kitcl drive shed. Adjoining the vil of Newcastle. $6,800. Term 3 acres- with 5-room bungal bot and cold water, barn and pen. $3,500. Winterized cottage ait Bowrr ville East Beach. $3,500. Ter H. C. Pedwell Phone Clarke 38-SSL Agent for: W. J. Warren, Broker Agincount NIXON REAL ESTATE 6-roomn frame cottage, sun pci bydro, safe beach, winteni $2,750. Tenms $1,000. 5-moorn, new brick bungal modemn kitchen, furnace with water heeting, hendwaod floi fireplace, insuleted, tiled bî full basement, 4 raams. Passess 30 days. $11,500. Tenms. 65 acres in village, ll-naoi solid brick dweiling, centreh plan, fumnace, hydroaet dc garage, convenient ta stai church, schooi and bus transi, talion. $5,500. Temms. 6-room. brick home, l1ý stor, fireplece, 3 'bedraoms. livir room, dining-roonm. modemn chen, built-in cuphoards, hai wood floors, 4-piece bath, sulatcd, furnace, full baseme garage. $12,000. Possessione ranged. Jamles Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bawmanvi Phone 682 Cars For Sale 1 19-18 CIIEV. Sedan Delivery, fair, condition. Phone 2472. 19 -i 1928 CHEV. Coupe, good running, condition, cheap. Phone Clarke 1904. 19-1 *1 '36 FORD Roadster, in goodl con- dition. Apply Stocker's Garage or Phone 3219 after six p.m. 19-1 I1%. c TiivAUA M o ua E gihFl io Phone 3231 - - 'wmanville P p lrE gihFl 1 log 15-tf ""The Ivory Hunter" man- NAC'S REPAIR Coming May 12 -13 nms. AND Another film in the seî-ies ot WELDING SHOP "Better Pictures" t the Royal Theatre is due next week. In OXY - ACETYLENE WELDING'response ta meny nequests foilow- AND CUTTING ing the lest English film, this 19-1 ARC WELDING picture, -The Ivory Hunter" - Lathe Tumning and Machine filmed in tecbnicolar in the Af- Shop Work nicen jungle, will be et the Royal cnch,' Prompt and Efficient Service for two nights, May 12 and 13, in- ized. 1 Block North of King on stead of anc. Temperance St. The story is besed on the ne- îow. (Next Organ Factory) cent stuggles of Mervyn Cowie ot. 19 to form the Royal National Prk.4 ____hot____19_________ of Kenya, ta provide an animal Dors,R senctuary. Using imaginery char- ath, Repaîrs ecters the story presents many sion thrilling conflicts and outstand- REPAIRS toalal mekes of refrig- ing animal shots. Tbough entire- enetors, damestic and commercial-, ly different from the pictumes iîed miiing coolers. Higgon Elec- which bave been shown ta date hall tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438, in this senies, "The Ivory Hunter" loor, 25-tf is of equelly high calibre and mes, will be enjoyed and long nemnem- po-SH 0 E bered for its supenb phatagre- REPAIRS nas wel.las its intenseiy inter- Notices Legion mnembers and wives In- vited ta enjay television Sunday nights from 7 ta 10 p.m. at Legion House, Queen St. Veterans and wîves also welcome. 19-4 The Annual Meeting of the Lakeview Cemetery and Newton- ville Community Hall will be heid in Newtonvilie Cammunity Hall on May l2th at 8 o'clock. (D.S.T.). 18-2 P arents Attention Children who reach their 5th birthday during 1952 and who live within the town limits are eligible for Kindergarten Classes opening September. Ail parents who wish ta 'have their chiidren attend these class- es are required ta have them registered with the principal on Wed., May 7, Thurs., May 8, or Fni., May 9. Registration forms may be obtained at either of the Public Schoais. Parents who wish are invited ta bring their child ta the kind- ergarten for this registration sa that each may. see the ciass at work between 9:30 and 3:30 on each of these days. Children who reacb their sixtb birthday during 1952 who have not attended kindergarten or school in Bawmanville and who wish ta attend Grade 1 classes in September are aiso required ta be registered as outlined above. The Bawmanvilhe Public School Board. 18-2 BLOCK laying. Normnan Greer, High St., Phone 3142. 19-1 FOR bulldozing, grading,-excavat- ing, etc., cali Taylor Bras., Osh- awa 3-3831 or Whitby 2687. 18-tf DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- tan, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf HOUSEWORK from nine ta four. Contact 143 Duke St. or Phone 3384. 19-if BULLDOZ1NG and excavating by hour or by contract. Gravel and dirt hauled. Apphy Gerald Bal- son, Hampton, Phone 27303. 19-2* CUSTOM sewing and ahi types of dressmaking alterations. Eliz- abeth Spry, Newcastle Beach. Phone Clarke 1123.19* HANK'S Floor Service - Sand- ing floors, finishing. Caîl for free estimates, evenings, Bawman- ville 2372. 19-1* BULLDOZING AND EX.CAVATING By Hour or Contract - Free Estimates Given - Wm. Tripp PORT FERRY R.R. 2 PHONE 109-r-42 14-tf ATTENTION! For Prompt Attention BRICK WORK - BLOCK WORK MASON WORK - ETC. Concrete Floors, Foundations, Sidewalks, Etc. - Free Estimetes Given - Livestock For -Sale SADDLE or driving mare, four. year-old, quiet disposition. Phone 2754. 19-1* WHITE Leghorn pullets, three manths old, $1.00. Phone 2871 100 CHICKENS, three mon-C'1 aid. Apply Charlie Rogerson, Newcastle. 19-1 Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain seaied envelape with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub.ý ber Ca., Box 91, Hamiltan, Ont. 2-51 Retired C.P.R. Agent Takes Up Residence After 45 years service with the jCanadian Pacific Railway, T. George Wilson, ane-time C.P.R. Agent at Pontypool and Nestie- 'tan, recently retired fram a sim- ilar position in Tweed. He and his wife have purchased a home on Scugog St. North, Bowman- ville, and will take up residence here in the very near future. Mr. Wilson bas been a popular Agent in Tweed since gaing there from Pontypool in 1941. "He bas given caurteaus, efficient service and during bis residence in Tweed, bas made many friends, ahi of wbomn wish bath hie and Mrs. Wilson continued enjoym-ent in their new home in Bowman- ville," accarding ta the Editor of The Tweed News. Mr. Wilson'has taken an active interest in the Railway Brother- bood, and was Local Divisional Chairman of the Order of Rail- way Telegraphers, a post hie had held since 1936. ln this capacity, hie and Mrs. Wilson have attend- ed conventions in Milwaukee, Wis.; Kansas City, Kan.; Colum- bus. -Ohio; Tampa. Florida, and a number of Canadian cities. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have been active members of St. James' Anglican Church. They have twa cbiidren: Mrs. Isobel Henderson, Port Credit, and Mrs. Douglas Kenyon (Doris), Montreal. Mrs. Wilson, priar ta bier marriage, was Laura Madigan of Grand Valley. Mr. Wilson was born Chatham. He started bis rai2y career in North Toronto, a clerk. at $1.00 a day. He was then transferred ta Nestletan, nine miles from. Part Perry, where bis salary was increased ta $45 a montb. He remained at Nestle- ton for 23 years, following whichi the station was closed. M. Wil- son was then posted ta Dranol whene lhe remained for a short time and that depot was then closed as a telegreph station. w year at MacTier in Nortbern ~- tania foilowed, and lie then WCnt ta Linwood. He was in charge et Pontypool for six years, then went ta Tweed. Mr. Wilson bas not been in the best of health recently and he was pensioned a few months earlier than he expected. Wben a successar bas been named for Tweed, hie will immediately leave for Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Wilson will be missed in Tweed where they have been popular citizens. ing- kit- ard- ar- ýille 1939 CHRYSLER Sedan, bult-in media, heeter, five Lifeguard tubes, perfecly dean inside and out. Phone 456. 19-1 1949 DODGE haîf-ton Pîckup, farmer*s lo %iv mileage triick. $1095. Wes. Gilbank. Newton- ville, Phone Clarke 13r40. 19-1* FAST SERVICE on ALL SHOE REPAIRS Two excellent shoe repaîr men Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair g S t. W. Bowmanvllle Wanted To Buy PIANO - Have you a good pianoj ta seli? Telephone 492 Boxvman-, ville. 19.1* BEFORE selling your live poultry trv us. Our prices are higher. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Betliany. Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-tf DEAD FARMq STOCK LIVE HORSES CaRi ('ollect BOWIMANVILLE 2679 Margwill Fur Farm 39 King Week men wait for opportuni- tics; strong men meke thern. Rembember that whal you passess in the womld will be tound et the day of yaur deeth ta belong ta another, but wbet you are will be yours farever. The Sialesman Sali! Ai Followiug Stores Ti'ull's Store, Countîce. Strong's Store. Part Hope. Reg. Edrnund's Stare, Bethany. Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. T. Enwright's, Newcastle. S. Brown, Newtonvi]le.!-ý T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byem, Tyrane. G. A. Barnon, Hampton. Newton Teylor's, Bumketoui. H. T. Sayweil, Bleckstocic. Keith Bradley, PontypoaL. C. B. Tyrneil, Orono. H1. K. Re'ynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagnell, Jury & Lovell, JT. W. .lewell, W. J. Berry, Elgie Harnden's Ha.ndy Store and The Statesman OMfce. k ---------------- 1 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVffýLE. ONTARIO PAGE SM M ILÉAIF BWL la.&