PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN'. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO TTR~T'IAV ~AV Rth. 1Om.9 ~o o ainconimittee of the onai Cm Date ~ t uy m e%%s5appoiînted tothe corn- OenEzaehaJue2153mission are: Ed Ruee Eliabet asJun' 2, 953The Archbishop of Canterbury: ___________ ~~~Lord Chancellor Simonds: Prime![.................... On Monday, Queen Elizabeth Il the U.K,: and Frederic Hudd. of- Minsr Winton Curhili;nt of the4.5I )et the date of the most magnifi. ficial secrctary of Canada House, odWotn rsdn !teC l m lent Royal Pageant ln the modern in London w4il1 represent Canada Concl;LrdPrvySal Lr ~orld, her coronation. The Queen on th Coronation Commission uin- S alisbury; the Lord Chamberlain Sto be crowned on Tuesday, June der the chairmanship of the' alo irno;Er oit I1953. in Westminster Abbey. Queen's Husband, the Duke of Defence Miniter Earl Alexander;!i i o' elngnwutl'v -r Cie JccLrdebrad Se- te onter'sngDax Iut is fi me Minister St. Laurent; the Edinburgh Ci!JsieLrd odr;Sc a ~aadanHih omîsioerto CroatonDa wllfal n ,rt-retary of State, Sir i'David Max- tmg tate giethe rea t ft _______________________________Daywil fal Br_ w'ell Fyfe; Foreign Secretary An- tn htw ietegetld ain's greatest social week of 1953 thony Eden; eeyhnrdehr u traî an ttebgnigof h tour- Secretary for oois vr i is nauseating the way some bus- ist season. Lyttieton; Secretary o! State for! imess firms have spoiled the spir- EWTheU ~j Queen lhad previouslY set Scotland, James Stuart; Opposi. dtos e ocomc îasi ysuha hlong N W R T R S tefollowing Friday, June 5th, tion Leader Clement Attlee; Lord doeo imrils.Aln 13,for the officiai celebration Cooper; Chancellor of the Ex- time ago I copied the foilowing 8fi C .otfSie liter 27th birthday. Her real chequer, Richard Butler; Eliza- t iht likanento shaait ne.o 8 llCu Fi.S e itday is April 21, but she ad- beth's private secretary, Sir Alan hEeywrisotrIthought hered to a custom set by lier Lascelles; Liberal Party Leader, Io ih iet hr tto father in putting off the officiai Ciement Davis; Works Minister, "Few o! us appreciate a moth- celeraton nti a ate henDavd Ecle; an th Keperof r'sloving care-tili the bitter warm and sunny weather is more the Privy Purse, Sir Ulick Alex- moment when we find she isn't B IG VALUE! prble.o ni aewe ai ls and te eeero the:e,toi listen to our wo:san Canada will celebrate the warits. ta cheer and to advise. Queen's birthday June 9 under olaew sejut htse a customi whereby the bîrthday BROWN'S * wstolt eraie j~j 0f the sovereiguiis clebratcd on - That's a mother's great voca- a Mondav in June.B Bat h o tion. That's hier destinv-To give ta addition ta he hoehefal that she lias to give, and ser've Qi diin oIl ueen's Mrs. 'George Honey wvith five Iuslisi.Tsak !hm ia ohe eents -cshe c e hat'so meofhi ome bidl fo h atIller c -s tihelleii- ibers Dpresent. and t',o guests. - - Mln ftefiidEnlsiDzlý vrs. H, Jase and Mrs. Clarence' " .. than an address-a centre of af- aig ! h fme Egis DrhAlliji. both of Newcastle. We ail, fectioxi, beauty, peace and hap- *Trooping the Color and th Ill i- -dagieo aat n ns tar% pageant known as the Royal ea.ioye agmeoCnatad pins. Touî'namrent. Il otseadd s'tmcha*elo the hostess. ta that. Although titis I Te oroaton',~1lLam wen Mir. ai-d Mrs. J. Maekiin. Johnt writer hasn't gat a mother, it isn't * London is packed with visitoi's. and Bob of Dawnsview, werc going ta stop him frram sayinig Th e,'n isefissuetapakweekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. "thank you" toalal those wonder- o! byodth sulTruman Clarke. fui mothers who have been so nube smmr ouiss.Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker and ..... kin to hlm thraugh the years. Soute sources lhavesgetdRsel oono ihM.adWt mpai ntebs o thatthe laIe o! he sggesed ussel, Tî'ono, 'vithMm. nd OTNG PLACES- A smîlitig Toan Pennv y tpîfis passenger reaction Wthmpaionhebsmt- -,TroopinthieCsofltheDerby and Ms1A .'w. ri -o(arried u n .ad Mrs. . Sncaron ta the c short fori inter-line ticket bcing introduccd today bý the e- n-law in. Canada, who, at 8-4, tloQensofca itdy Canadian National laiw 'lite nc\w hadklet ticket replaces flicfre tl ean telv n feto lIe Qea fiiibrhaand Larrv. and Mrs. J. Haî'twick, J-iwed stril) of coupons, like the sceca-foct oiis drapedl aroutid lier of lher children and children-iii- becha1ýnged to x'lievc con- Diane and Susan. .and Mrs. U iiiclv is eii ieoe le a, cr o rvlo ýV rmr a."hn o"too. ta the DE 0gestion in the London arca. Wiifred Kelly, Toronto, visited r ,,lih isIeitl ! ai at er o ta i~t'v rn cl ay who bas been my wife far The c'îowning of the Queen wili Mr. and Mrs. J. Cursan and Jini. rail fllies. 'l'ie flW ticket Ns compact : i casi\' read and refuinds on !tirt-w eradtelvný $9,take place on a piatformi, known Mm. and Mrs. R. Laaja, Sylvl'il 11ue otosacsefe eas h iktcnan etnn unselfish mather of aur seveni as the 'thoiatre." which will be and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Archie ifraina aruigadfr ad children. boiiiin front af the high altar Brown, Kiathleen and Roy, visit- '______ -___________________ .or the Abbey. ed Mr. and Mrs. Tomi Wilson. u On all sides the Abbey vi".ll We arc sorî'y ta repaort that ý\Irs. Another Example i-i parents bickered continuaîîy. During the autumn of 1916, ou ci ihscre nfom h rieinEdy- n Mnoiland consunied muni by the case- j battalion took part la the battle1 êrlie robethscafrle frms, àthe FHoepital ndyis nvi e niajiat he f Work Done Bv and Bill. vho ',as nine years uid 1of the Somme. Our horse lieLs ermie rbeso! eer, ad te HspialBowanvile whî'csheat the tirne lie camne inta the1 were iocated in the brick tfieldsj P I II U f goxvns a! peeresses, croivded bc- udretaseju pîai The Children's Aid hands of the Children's Aid Saewn srosoerto. -j near the town of Albert. That was *i~~iwi~iuii~ neath the old gmey walls. Hope it ',voîît be toa long befome ' ____cey a utadeogit hrysxyasao E orma seating in the Abbeyis Miisls anun ga .RN.. and1 A young boy who cornes fi-arn reaiize thatl le %wasnt getting1 A few days ago a uîarried> aster Model or abo tand00pesois Be ut fr MisPegySepanoi broken home and rum-clrink- fany love anîd affection from bhis couple, about 40 years of age, M se o e O aohr4,500 oacmoaeteadM.RsBy.Trnowh Canadas faremost engineers. 'Whein he canme ta us," elatedI the Ganaraska Projeet. Their *uI.dtSpe-Freezer Cet kîngs and queens, the lards, ladies, Mr. adMrs. J. Hlirand yn* !lesovwsrltdb K.M.Jab, hwsbliget unm nice hi Pih "FlwcihSprkîîights, ambassadors and other Miss Betty Stephenson, R.N., Tha sos"wa rlatd hKaM. a chobs, h as beliereand unmeidcte 0i Pis " Adjustable sheif dsiiuse epewowî Ottawa, is home on liîlidays and Jacobs of Toronîto who -,vas t a hpo bssole n rigin. Heaming tbern converse ini " Ai-Porcelain Hydrators have pmi',ileged places at the cere- for a much needed rest. tending the anual conference o!f',as mad at the world in genieral.Fec rnpe et nur * Eclsie uicub Tay Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Avery andj the Association of Childreli's Aid And 1 cant bame hini for hav- "how core?" The husband ex- Outsideuthere will be dancng family visited Mr. anîd Mrs. Clar'- Societies. Bill, as lie called the iag teit that ',ay. We worked pîained tat hee bad spent 16 * Suer-owerd Mter-ise ther e cmivais sprsancgi ence Aver'y at Bumketon. boy, came fî'om a broken home. with him, tried ta find out what years iii France prior ta emigrat- M uer-hanis dM etrMi mheremy-makin Thssenetsiianb Mr. Marshall Pickering bas e--- made him tick, and explained that ing. to Canada. The wife merely Mocanim err-mkin. Tisscee illbeturned fmom bis trip ta the Coast. Business Direclory althougî ie helad a right ta be said she was Frenchi. Furthem Core i ad s@ te ew ycli.repeated in cvery town and vil- Mvr. and Mrs. Bob Stephenîson ______th_____ _________a_______roghtou th sartin lagein he Bitih Ises.' wih M. an Mr. J.W. oydresponsibility ta make the best fact that hier home had been in maotlc Frigidaires -and ail the Duing the last 800 years, the Orano. a ielecudfrhmef"Abr.i h om itit fto e e ieaos hamilies have acquiedth ne gt *Mrs. A. Brown and cblidren,- ---Today, now 17 yeams o! age, Bill We enjoyed cbattiîîg about liem familis havvisquted thb iie ei-r mthem, Mrs. Richard W. R. STIKE, K.C. 1 attends higli school where hie i aid home town. And, among ta attend the sovereign at the Langler. 1 arrister, Solicitor, Notary an hanor student in thte matnîcu- .te things, discussed the bean- On al atcoonation.hyBut etion wahacor- Arbor Day at Brown's Sehool Solicitor for Bank of Montî'eaI latiori course. If the Society can ing Virgin and Babe. Perhaps caiiedthe "ourt ! dais" fo saNv the hblidren busily raking up Money ta Loan Phone 791 possibly heip bim ta do soi this sm !yuhvn er h caldte"or fcam"frthe leaves, wbiie the wind was: Bo',nianville, Ontario an a,~h tme iea story. On anc of the tawn"s higb- M ason & Dale pemsint bev hi ihs just as busy undoing ail their , - the wrong foot, will go on ta uni-, est buildings, w as a statue oftItle jObservance o! these rights. gond work. A trip ta the Woodls LMIFI C. MASON, B.A. versitv to train for what the Sa-j Virgini Mary, holding in bei' out HARDWARE which would lapse othemwise, , vt hit ece, îs u iyBarristet', Solicitor,. Notaî'y pulic it el iîb rlin stmetched amnis the Christ Child. 36 King St. E. Phone 408 ae up a large part o! the pa,_1nç soon made tbèm forget' King St. W.. Bowmanviiie crere~ ngiîeer Gra uîestakptsosa Bowmanville coronation tradition, aIl their troubles. Tbey enijoyed ýPhouie, Office 6188 - Residence 553; tutli tre ofl.We ________________________ Th "Cur o!Clams isa sb-a paper cliase witb yaung Michael , MISS APIIA 1.. HODGINS .And altlhough Bili is 17 ;'ears i meaed eier dang erou agk -DePape discovering the long- Ahlied engineers supuli od ody ltspaens av tpom e i hunted-far treasume, hidden in a rriSte.S cir ay ulcadtdy isprnsbv ltwith strang cables. The super- iSuccessor ta M. G. V. Gould once asked ta see hint froin the stitiaus French people predicted aold tree stump. Temperajîce St. - Bowmanville hune he was taken !rom them Mm ndMs.CamneSis______- at the agýe o! nine. that, if evem the statue feli ta thei C A L L ~and family with Mr. and Mrs. i W. F. WARD, B.A. MmgJcosa rauae !thehe war would temmin-j G e. Hae y. f BarristtattheMoe, Soto r, o ta m y University a! Western Ontario!I For the devout Catholics o! A]- - ~artewPr oinwesae hte Moeta oa and o! the Sehool o! Social Stu- i ir the statue became a symbol H A R U D EL~ HMartie Povicesareexpr-9t', King Street E., dies, feels this is onli ane a! the! hope. We Canadiani soldier iaenn atthe simtofM, andt Bwav e Otii a outstanding cases hîandled iscof!ed at sncb foolishness. Now. danpend he piitso! VI. ad Phonos: Office 825 - Hous 49b.y Childie'ns Aid Societies. He tryand iaugh this off' Thte statue Plumbing & Heatinq ioi'ing every minute o! their trp. Ba COANT& CONANT alsa feels that in the ,,cars abead fe11 during thec Sping o! 1918. and FOR NEW INSTALLATIONS Mrs. Harmy Jase, Newcastle, in Gordon D. Conait, .C effective job thian tlîey ai'e doing saiinAutuina clîurch on Sunday. portrayed the RoerG.Conant, B.A. !naw. I vemy recent amival o! tlieir fimst Offices:j O11 RENODELLING1 inoSt granddaughter. Congratulations! Oshawa, Ont., 7 Sicoe S.S.W 'L/f 7IV # Mm. and Mrs. H. Dykstra and 1 Phno 3222 SPECIALIZING IN REPAIR JOBS - their family of nine sons, Bow-' Ajax, Ontario - Phono 25 Li k IF., manvilie, have moved into theirSh 'sHm adSholA- Ail work covered by one-year gitarantee new home. recentiy sold by Mm. DENTALsocais on me antbeShool onAs- __ and rs.Gea Glaviie. ________--Friday nigbt with a splendid 351 ibety S. I. Phne 318DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. crnwd ini attendance. Plans were Bein riht ceaionîîvis at, Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. md n'arana inea Beig rgh ocasinaly i; ,t40 King St. . g.-aBeforwui nvihle Inc enough. A stopped clark is mifice ous:Omono Park in June. The new _______________________________________________r______Officee a ay. -9 a..lta epof.doifiscateo! ffices naing Ovill 9 a.n. t 6 pm. dilv Osborne as president for next 9 a .. a 12 naon Saturday terni. was bi'nuglît in by the nom- S~.... ~Closed Sunday iiîating committee. OffiePone790a_ Uflliflg fle HOffie Phone 769 A vote nf thanks was given the e ____j____ ommillce ln ccharýge oflaîîdscap- For furierwit Hose Pono360 H. G Gui Reator sldes 0v INwrs. Brown.Thflse *Phono Bownianvibie 3514 wvere all taken bv the Bron andwee pleutdidly don, mak-fu IEUA RC I E T ina a fie record a! a %vonlerfu ARC_________________ trio). \We mere able ta sec the Before vu baud.consuit good fanai ands o! Ohi, the blocAADM Be or ou bul . on u t ra sState of K entucky w ith ils C D J 'Y Ammn. HERBERT G. COLE, MN.R.A.T.C. musrîîgtalLte ilAA TelpbneBontaîvll 353 fields of Texas. deserts af Ani- 21 jeeI _______ %iiiailie363 zaota, through the Rockies to the A DI ING orange grnves o! Cabifomnia. On $95 A__ U__ D__I_ T__I__N__G__the return trip they visiteti the rnighty Hoover Dami acmoss the MONTEIU & MNTEIT Colorado River. the Painteti Des- 37 Chartered Accountants ' ert anti the GrîUid Can','on, anc o!fr KingSt. . Osawathe aimost unbeiievable wonders GINGER ALES ~Mr. Gardon W. Riehl, C.A., o! nature. LwsJ odtak GOOUINBO T E L SCOOLDErn r P eid n ewsJ.W o t a k 30-OUNCETBOMETER y cd Mr. and Mrs. Brown for their 411<BED. _____________________ intemestiuîg talk and also ahl who KEIT A.BILETT assisted with the prograni. Optometrist Chas. DowneY ant i er cammnittee 18Ç 2 for 35Ç rOfic o: 9$ a BILLT: 6Lii.ndascihw: u:r fove Y the MNonday ta Satumday snigo o aeteQen iCDLGGN TXexcept Wednesdav' 9 - 12 sign !Gt aeteQen E-iCLD~NGGOVT.TAXT57 ivenings by Appointment ___________________________________________________________7-__ 4 Kinlg St. W. - Bawmanvllle For quick results - use The Phonle 32b2 iStatesman Classified Acis. Debt of Progress (By Joseph Lister Rutledge) Every now and thon someonE arises ta hestate that musty oic argument that but for labor unions anti the threat o! the stnika, the condition o! the man- ual worker would be as hopeless andi intaierabie taday as it ap- peareti ta be a century ago. The constant restatement of such arguments bas madie theT appear ta many people as essen- liai trutbs and labar organizers and leaders have recognized this attitude as a bettex' argument than any that babor couiti possibly de- vise for itsel!. It seemed ta sug- gest that there 'vas a sharp dif- ference in marais and ethics and sheer humanity between the worker wvbo worked with his hands andi the one who worked ',ith his head. In these tiays no anc wants ta discount unianism. It has be- came ait accepted part of aur lives. It bas playeti an important part. It gave a îiew sense o! individuality ta .the liumblest worker. It provided a ',oice tiiat spoke. soîîîeti-ues wisely andt often uitwiselv, but did tîtake labor vocal, in :o atuli hit lbad a part iin labor's pmagress. It w'as like te suffragettes whlo. a generatioui ugo. mtade vocal the deniaîids of equal i nits for wat-ni eni, an uîdpeiaus hastenethe day of acroîîtplisbmient. But if Mrs. Pankburst anîd ber ardent foliom- ers iîad tiever becut barri the wnmen a! tnday would bave the vote. It tank a greaf. waî' and ItUndretis o! thousauîds o! hivesi ta kill slavemv ait this continent. But does anyoîte beliex-e that ifý TINTEX DYE New' large size 25e Baby Needs Mead's Pabiurn 25c-48c Ileiiîz Baby Food 3 for 29e Nutrini Jr.. 25c-49c Dextri-M.ýaltose 80(»-$3.45 -Twin Tips 29c-55c Baby Pants 39c-59c Baby's Own Tablets- 30e- Steedman's Powders 29e Castoria 40c-70e Baby Bottie IVarnier $2.95 BROMO - SELTZER 29c - 55e - 98c 100 lO-oz. A.S.A. Tabs. Noxzema 19C S1.25 FOR MOTHER'S DAY i Yardley, Lavender Sl.75-$2.50 NylIon Hair Brushes $1.04 Lotus Cologne S1.75-S3.00 Bail Point Pen $1.50-$3.50 Yardley Soap box S1.50 Flashlights ---- S1.79*$2.50 Shandra Cologne SI.-$5. Bath Saîts IS1.00-$l.75 Yardley Gift Sets $3.00-$4.00 Manicure Sets -----S1.00-$6.00O Stick Cologne - ------- $1.35 Waterman Sets - $5.00-$16.75.1 Fresh Chocolates in Molher's Day Wrap, " $1.00 - $1.25 - $1.75 - $2.00 COWLING'S PHNEDRUG STORE MSE Bw DULUVA fr...t to select at MARR'S that war had not been fought slavery 'would still exist hez;e? Does anyone believe that, if there had been no AFL or CIOonÇ te and children would stili be vZV*i Idai slaves mn the factories and U.. )rworking there too for seventy eor more hours a week and for a 1- pittance that would hardly sup. ;sport life? 3- Ail that was chaRged long ago. )fand the worker is steadily gain- i ng. and perhaps organization _had some small part in hasten- 1- ing the day. But the day would Shave corne anyway out of -an ýawakened social consciousnees nand a growing humanity. But let **u-; fot believe that these, of th eT- *selves, would have achieved dprogress we have seen in our d e The supposed inhumanity t&hàV Sretarded the workers' progres darose flot from a desire to w1tý- hold but from the inability to sehool human hands alone to the 0greater production that c6uid make better conditiôns possible. rIt was the machine that pyramid- Sed the productiveness of harifis fthat gave those hands their hig?î- Ser wage andi greater safety. And t Men clid a union ever provide a machine? To be sure you are riglit you niust go ahead-and see if 3YQU are. T'I C K E T S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consuit JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. - Phone 778. WOODBURY'S Soap Special 4 cakes - 26a GET AHEAD ........... BRYLCREEM Conada's forges-selllng hair dressing gives hair a smort weIl- groomed look, a natural gleamlng Iusir. No OhM NO SOAP* NO ALCOHOI. 0 NO STARCH M; A 114 RIALM-,4I IM WriingT.R.C. Writlng Capsules Pads 65c - S1.35 1Oc-15c-20e 50 2 diamonds i7 jewei $4500 21 jewels te oow d.fad . Easy to manage Prices and Credit Termns tailored ta >'our conveniencel Marr'1s Jewellery, 4KING ST. W. BO WMAN VILLE PHONE 463 LýH:, ---------- PAGZ six THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO 'rHTJRSDAY. MAY Bth. 1952