-LM2MJY VA 5 92THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvntLp, oNTApo AENN ORRIS cG. 4 Ail Special Low Prices Good'Only Until May 23rd Due to Luimited Quantities SA E~ ~We have . .. I7771. ~ï MARSHALL SIMNONS SLEEPNASTER Sfocks .from ail leading Canadian manufaclurers featured in this Sale. See Our Display of Besi - Seller "Mall ress a 0 SPRINGS NATTRESSES BOX SPRINGS FOLDAWAY COTS CONTINENTAL BEDS WOOD & NETAL BEUS i 'f ~' ~ 9 PULL - UP HOSTESS CHAIRS Smart, modern occasional chairs, decorator fabrics-- $13,.95 Reg. $29.75 TRU-ITE NOW $21.95 A thrilling Sale Value at this low, low price. Handsome bronze floor lamps with choice of lovely silk shades! $2lm95 At this price you can afford a COMFORTABLE MATTRESS on e'very bed in your home! Quantity reserved for cottages, motels and tourist cabins! Ail Standard Sizes in Stock Floor Sample only - 127.50 Spring-filled STUDIO LOUNGES Others at $66.50 to $49.501 $84.50 BED DAVENPORTS as low as - $89.50 BED CHESTERFIELDS Reg. $195.00. SAVE UP TO $10000 on Chesterfield Suites SNYDER CUSTON BUILT SUITE Regular $38500. SAMPLE ONLY $285.00 NEW MODERN VELOUR SUITE Regular $325.00. Choice of colors, 3-piece. ON SALE ----------------------- __$29.00 Exclusive Design in Nylon Frieze for our... Anniversary Feature Sec this suite at --------------- FLOOR SAMPLE SUITE in Grey Velour, Regular $195.00. CLEARING AT 2-]Pce. SAMPLE SUIT£ in rich Turquoise rubber-backed Velour. Regular $285.00. NOW -- -- ---- - $259.00 $145.00 $195.00 Anniversary clearance of 3-Pce. SUITE in Toasted Mahogany, double dresser, chest and bed 3-Pce. FLOOR SAMPLE in rich walnut finish, double dresser, chest and bed----- 3-Pce. 2-Toned BLONDE SUITE Plate mnirrors, dresser, chest and bed. VERY SPECIAL ___ FITTON - PARKER SUITE IN CHOICE WALNUT Vanity dresser, bench, chest and bed. Regular $295.00. ANNIVERSARY SALE- fine bedroom suites-SAVE UP TO $130-00 $179.00 $ 149.00 $159.00 An Unusual Value in Rich Mahogany . . This lovely Period Design by Pepesat a saving of $130.00. 415.00 As shown, 4 pieces. Anniversarv Sale S265.OO b aby furniture CRIBS ... PRAMS .. . STR0LLERS PUSH CARTS ... HIGH CHAIRS O IS T N ~ I I 0 CHAIRS Stools UNFINISHED CHEST 0F DRAWERS MAPLE BUNK BEDS KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS INGLIS AUTOMATIC SIMPLICITY LOCOMOTIVE MAYTAG ELECTRIC WASHERS EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS BISSELL CARPET SWEEPERS SUNSHINE RANGES AND RANGETTES v FLOOR COVERING Wilfons Axminster Broadloom Congoleum Inlaid Linoleum Rexoleum Deluxe LOWEST PRICES ON ALL RUGS AND YARD GOODS Nany Short Lengths Clearing ai 50% Off. Looking for something ? You'II be sure to find it on either of our three floors of bargains ! Core ne for VACUUM an--77 i o Prices from $84.50 Io $264.50 a 0 0 0 DENONSTRATION a 0 0 Easy Terrns EASY 1ATI~P E. PHONE 480 DO WMAN VILLE 1881 Io 1952 st See Canada's Dest Electrical Appliances at Anniversaiy Sale Priées! [ý 1 0 '127.50 $265.00