'1'fMRDAY, MAY 15, 1952 Youngman 's C olumn I biked that picture of the writ- cm of this column which appear- cd in this paper two weeks ago s0 mnuch, thought I would show if to the planfing gang and neceive some compliments. Some liked if. Some didn't. Some just star- 4 at. it speechlessly. When I daoud the Editor's eulogy, VU Should have heard that gang, PArticularly when I came to the part where "Ed. Youngman was shy and disliked publicify." The raucous epithets wene self ex- planstory. We don't suppose there is a comparable district in On- tario wheme a fellow can get bis horoscope read for free, without the stars being consulted, SO cor- recfly and emphatically. We have had good planting gangs beforc, but the 1952 group wins the soggxr biscuit, for ef- ficiéenf work and pleasant pers- onalities. bWhen they are ahl on the truck, going f0 and from womk, if looks and sounds like the United Nation's Express. Besides the Boys, McGills and Harnilfons, our wvork records IWAR SURP INDUS, Whipcords blue shadý IDEAL F( Suit, Col PANTS: S JACKETS: Gov't. Fatigue Air Force Size 5 to 13. SA Fine Suede Leather JA<'KETS - Silk lined, w'ool trim. Reg. $24.95 . SALE ---------7- $ 6 4 SPECIAL P AIN T AIl Colons - Guaranteed $3.25 per gal. GABARDINE PANTS Grey. Tan, Blue, Zipper. pleats. Sizes 30 - 40 ---$49 DUTY OVERALLS 4% .~' *Bib Front Ruler Pocket Reg. $4.93 f Sîzes 36 to 46 SA LE DENIM SMOCK to Match Ret. $4.95 SALE boast such naines as Urbankie-! day. but another youth of the U.N. Agency Plans Aid.to wicz, Hajnal, Rokoz, Wzsedybyt,! saine faith gobbled themn up and Couroux and Zralks. when told he would surely land One D.P. who served with the in. perdition, the cheeky rascal Polish-German Army said he said "If I do. I won't go there didn't like the Canadian Army. hurigry, anyway." We propmtly. told him that his After severai years of hand- attitude was understandable, asi ling tree planting gangs, compris- - the Canucks had kicked the stuf-!'ed of people who had different fing out of the best German racial origins, different religious troops in two World Wars. When faiths, different political view- a D.P. praised Europe. an Irish- points, different degrees of edu- Canadian asked hlmn bluntly, cation frorn illiteracy to college "Why in heil didn't he go back?" degrees; somne single, some mar- Free expression of opinion was' ried, some parents; city as weli allowed at ail times. Some of; as country boyn; jacks of al the repartee %vas so rapid fire and trades, as weIl as specialists in a apt it would have done credit to IVariety of professions; with some the best comedians in show bus- of thein being pi debt, while otbl- iness today. ers were fairly well off, I arn con- Although quite a few picked vnced that, if the United Nations' up poison ivy rash, 95 per cent representatives now gathered at of such cases came to work every the New York headquarters could day. Every year I look forward be handed pails and shovels, en- with pleasure to organizing a suc- abling them to plant trees for a cessful tree planting team out three-week period on the Gan- of raw, casual strangers. Every araska Watershed Project, wear- year I hate to say goodbye to ing overails and smocks. having them. It's really surprising how complete freedoin of expression, attached to a group of strangers work at muscle-tiring labour ln a fel]ow can become in two or God's fresh air and beautiful three weeks. In our gang this sunshine. while enjoying the en-- vear we heard Polish. German I trancing view froin the hilltops F-ench and English spoken.' of the rolling countryside of Dur- Noon hour is alwvays the besthanCntfo PrHpe0 Bowmanville; if thev could sit part off the dav. It is then w e in a group on the grass and de- A proposai to grant at Ieast 12 weeksi sit in a group, on the grass, to vour a homne packed lunch of good after confinement to women workersi eat our lunch, and discuss every- solid Canadian farm food, with other non-manuai jobs will be conside thini. from Queen Anne to an appetite that was real, not and employer delegates at the general cor Yankee Doodie. One Catholic forced by vitamîn pis; if they Labor Organization (ILO), next June. youth declined f0 eat his meat couid exchange sandwiches and Ing mothers-like the one above-woui sandwiches because it was Fni- cookies with the other feflow, well as pre-natal, confinement and posi offer a tailor-made to the guy who be paid by compulsory social insuran( couldn't afford one; if they had to ride over rough territory in an open truck containing pails, IU~shovels, trees, tubs, gasoline and OINIIIfl YA I US STOR drinking watcr; if they could sit af in a group xvhile someone took a i snapshot; if they could enjoy the ROBERT B. ALLEN iliutt freeforall iscssins a luch Oe o Clrke' olest esi Bo frmefonmany dsubiec t lunth Oen oblert H. le, assed thew hieonsbamreodthe ,we benoevenit, o br t en, as01thbea Tod bareUAL UNIFORNSuety ohi Eena rs they could solve the world's vex- May 5th at the home of bis daugh- atious problems honestly, with- ter, Mrs. Irwin R. Bragg. Provi- sin choice of olive, grey or out the otten intrigue and sub- dence. in bis 95th year. les. terfuge which they now indulge Mr. Allen was born on the 8th in. Concession of Clarke on Septem- O: (Firsi. Qualiiy) We miglit be a nondescript ber 5th, 1857, and was the young- M] Drivers ~looking bunch while wee est son of the late John Allen and .W Diesplanting trees. But by golly we Jane Ann Rickey. On January Hgi Service Station have learned t0 work and talk 24, 1884, lie married Anna Mai'-Hg Tranpor Sericeand laugh together. And, at the tha Harper of Cobourg. They Vafl( Traspot ervcesaine time, kid ourseives that the tarrned on Lot 29, Con. 8, thoug Taxi trzes we are planting will assist Clarke, until 1921, when they folioNA in preventing erosion by watcm etired to Church St., Orono, in, M Movers, Etc. and wind; wilI help in maintaing where they enjoyed life for many passe, a propen water level; besides pro- years. Mns. Allen pre-deceased Vanec viding a valuable asset to future him in 1942 and in 1943 lie mov- Mis Canadians in wood products off ed to Darlington f0 live with his daugh $pe many sorts; provide employment, daughiter and grandsons. Eliza eM9 35 et.Mm. Allen enjoyed good health Linds; Sizes 30 to 44 utlaetc.im eoe i as-eua Can the United Nations' pers'- u nti l ho time bforedbisps-ed was kSizes 36 to 46 onnel show as good resuits in the fng and althoughecoinodto bfed wra samne space off turne? We doubt t He neyer sought public office, She EXTRA-STOP THE PRESS but was a vemy active church Margý Sùrplus Special! Boy Scouts from Peterborough, member. While living on the Man., Coibomne, Port Hope, Wicklow, farm he attended Orono Presby- in Edi Spr Trenton, Belleville and Batawa, terian Chumch and during bis res- ing i Oxfport to the number of 148, made camp idence in Orono he was a devot- Dept. Shirts i at Cold Springs on the property ed member of St. Saviour's Ang- there. belonging to the Fammers' Fed- lican Churchi and Superinten dent couve] &L 199 $.5eation of Durham, duing the of the Sunday School for a nm hr -evening of May 9. During the ber of yas ae forenoon of May 10, these young The remaining members off bis Sue. gentlemen planted several thous- family to mourn bis passing are San and white pine trees on the Gan- T. J. Harper of Stouffviile and of Cro FINE QUALITY araska Project. M. Eva T. (Mrs. Irwin R. Bragg),1 Crosb: On Saturday affernoon, every- Bowmanville. A son, Normnanlan arc one went for a three hour, 8-mile Herbert. died in 1910. One sist- in the cros-contryhik. Tht een-er, Jennie (Mms. H. M. Harper), the M WIN DR AK RS ros-uty hike. "cmat reven-Toronto, survives. iliarv which the varlous Patrols each *A very impressive funeral ser- Sess i< of ail types had f0 put on a skit of some sort. vice was conducted in St. Churc Sunday morning was Church Saviour*s Anglican Church, Oro- Her parde.The at4:4 p.., ayno, on May 7 by Rev. J. E. Dewd- paidf Sizes 32 to 44 11. camp was struck, and the boys ney, after ,which his remains xvas qualit rurned to their various homes. borne f0 ifs last resting place in The l A4i4o 0te apxa r Orono Cemefery by four grand- tendin A vsitr t th cap ias rtsons: Ewart. Ross and William of the Jackson, Coînmissioner for On- Bragg off Bowmanvilie: Lorne parted L owest rces tario East. The camp xvas under Alun, Toronto, and two nephews, lote the supervision of Marfin McIli- Allen Harper off Toronto and Will Ceme veen of Port Hope. I n Town !i The first Scout Foestry Camp in Ontario East was held at Coldj Springs in May, 1947. Since that 2WW _____________________ time they have returned each jl trees on the Ganaraska Project as a public service acf and to qualify for their foest-y badges. The number off Forestrv Camps held at various places sînce the initiai one in 1947 now numbers 13, which proves the popularify off this formnoff camp. The boys must plant the tmees ight, because there seems to be a very low rnortality rate. KIRBY (Intended for lasf week) The Sunday School bad a fine Sunday service. The eildrexi supplied special music and our 1minister, Rev. John Kitchen , gave a very splendid talk to the child- er but wbich gave us ail much foid for thought. Thursday evcning neighbors of! Mm. and Mrs. George Henderson met at the school f0 bid thcm adieu on the eve off their moving f0 Orono. Affer playing games iand a short program, Mm. Hart- iwell Lowery, chaîrman, asked Mm. and Mmi. Henderson tck take1 chairs af the front, Mrs. Low.%ery read an address and Mms. Bill Cochrane and Mrs. Bihl Wannan presented Mm. and Mrs. Hender- son with a lovcly trilighf and a, Iwalnut magazine stand, on behaif off tlic communit.v. Lunch andý social turne ias enjoved by ail. Mm. Ray Bryson spent the weekend at bis home. We are glad to report Mr. Fred *Briiiacombe home agaîn after several weeks in Memorial Hos- *Mrs. Robt. Ard who bas under- gone an openafion in Oshawa hospîtal, is improving. We wisb hem a speedy ecovemv. Mns. Youmans enjoyed a visit fmom ber son and bis family this 'weekend. *Mrs. Thompson is homîe after visiting hem daughter, Mrs. Walk- er. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mmi. Bill Wannan aîîd Ross and Mrs. Pattei'soiî with Mr. and Mrs. Kexi Bal. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Reid and family visîted Mr. and MmINs. Les Reid. Mns. Anniie Pafferson. Mm. and Mms. Bill Wanîîan and Ross visit- ed Mr. and Mms. Mamwood McKee and Mrs. Thompson, Cadnius. Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery visited at Keene on Supiday~. The choir sponsored pictures ati f.he âchool on Tuesday night. $5.99 Sizes S - NI - L. Reg. $6.95. SALE War Surplus and Factory Clearance Store BOWMANVILLE Phone 3211 A £~~L .8~UJ~ Y ~U~I mAv!P V?~~w~ iWomen JVorkers BROWN'S Mr. and Mrs. Stan Aillan, Gail and Neil, Miss Jean Perrin, Miss x. J. Bell, Mr. Bill Morley and Mrs. Milton Harman of Ajax weme guests of Mr. and Mrs. Welling- ton Farrow for tea on Sunday fol- lowlag the chrisfenmng of Mm. and Mns. Ailin's infant daugliter, Wil- mna Arlene. which took place at Y'. the United Churcli, Newcastle, Miss Betty Stephenson, R.N., bas refurned to hem duties at 0f- *~ . ~ tawa affer a week's vacation at .Miss Peggy Stephenson and Mm. Ross Allin were home for the weekend. Miss Joyce Eddy with hem fafh- en and Norman for the weekend. Miss Wylene Wilson and Miss Doris Martin, young daughters of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson and Mr. and Mms. G. Martin, will be con- testants in the pianoforte ciass a t the Peterborough Musical Fes- tival on May 16. They are pupils of Miss P. Challis, Bowmanvilie. $ "~.We wish fhem the very best of luck. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cunson and Jim were guests of Mr. and Mms. Clint Brown, Newtonville. imatemnity leave before and Mm. and Mns. Pitt and famiiy, la industry, commerce and Tomonto, with Mr. and Mms. Mc- leed by goverinent, worker Ilmoy. onference of the International Mms. Stan Couch and Linda .Under the proposai, work- spent two days in Toronto with îld receive cash benefits as hem sister, Mms. H. Sinclair. st*natal cane. Benefits would zMms. G. Honey and Mms. J. Hil- nce or ont of public funds. lier visited Mns. Freeman Eddy at Memomial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Friday, wherç she is in off Kirby. convaiescing slowly but satisfac- large number off relatives torily fromn hem operation. friends paid their respects f0 Mr. M. Wright, Nigeria. visited deceased by calling at North- Brown's School on Tuesday at & Si-ith Funeral Home, which time the children enjoyed ;manvilie, and bv attending film sides he sbowed thein, tak- church service and sending en whiie doing missionany womk tiful floral tributes. theme. Mr. and Mms. Wright ex- pect to retumn to Africa next yean to resume their veny important OBJTUARY Miss~ Blanche Wotfen and Mr. and Mrs. Herring, Oshawa, wene [SS SARAII L. MeLEAN guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cynil Av- ery foiiowing the cbnistening of eare indebted to Mrs. T. E. their infant daugbfer. Helen Eliz- inbotham, 1640 Larch St- abeth, at United Church, New- couver, 9, B.C., for hem castle, on May 1 1_ ihtfulneïs in sending us the Maureen MIlroy, Bemyl Reich- )wing particuiars off ber cous- rafh, Kathleen Brown, Edith Cox Mliss Sarah L. McLeaîi, who anîd Ardele Pickering joumneyed ed away at 4599 W. 15th Ave., with their C.G.I.T. Group and ouver, on May 1sf. Leader, Mrs. Pauline Sfomks, to is Sarah L. McLean was Bomanville, Wednesday, where liter off ftle late Thomas and Liey were the guests off the Bow- iMeLean and was born in lsav and meceived ber early ______________ ition in Hanmptoni wherc she a pupil off the lafe Mr. F. J. Safr ie went wesf with hem sister Safr rs grtwho was in C arberry, Monumental Work11 .and the fwo of themn weme V *£1 dinionton for rnany yeams, be- Phone Whltby 552 i charge off the Dmessmaking 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby t off the Hudson's Bay store e.Later f bey wenf to Van- FINE QUALITY er and have. Wade their honie MONUMENTS AND ex cm rsince. being joined by their sisters, Mary and MARKERS Precise workmansliip and tal was a charter nienber careful attention to detail rosby Mvethodist Church. later are your assurance when by Unifed Church. She was you choose from the wide ýdent womker over the years selection of imported and ,e choir. the Alcrt Circle off domestic Granites and W.A.. Dorcas Evening Aux- Mambles in stock. %off flc W.M.S. and also the_______________ mn and Officiai Board off the _________________ ceh. ýr pastor. Rev. S. H. Irvinîg, high tribute to hem sterling ties at the funeral service. large numbcî off friends at- îîg the service ,was evidence ir deep respect for the de- 2d friend. trient xas in Forest Lawn manville C.G.I.T. Gmoup at Trin- ify Chunch. Mm. and Mrs. Robent Hicks and family, Mr. and Mms. Stan Couch and Linda. wifh Mm. and Mns. J. Curson on Sunday. Grahamn and Ardele Pickering, Lynn Stephenson. Lawrence Av- ery, Wyliene Wilson and Audrey Cox attended the showing of "Wild Ginger" in Newcastle Un- ited Churcb on Friday. The boys and girls fmom New- fonvilie School with their teach- ers, enjoyed shall we say. a 'pmac- tice game" off bail, on Friday with Brown's School children and their teacher, Mms. M. Payne. Mms. A. Brown, Kathleen and Roy. with Mm. and Mns. Lou than thev?-Chmist Jesus. Brown on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Stephenson with Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyd. Orono on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and fam. ily, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. Truman Clarke. Don'f forget the W.C.T.U. Elo. cufion Contest f0 be held la New- castde, May 16 af 8 p.m. in fthc United Church. Lef's ail turn ouf to support the contestant fnomn oun own school. Behold the fdwls of the air: for fhey sow nof, neither do they eap. nom gathen lafo barns, yct vour heavenly Father feedcth them. Are ye flot much better 4DRY IN AN HOUR for rehonging plctures and drapes. À SCRUBS CLEAN AGAIN AND AGAIN... withiout harming ifs lov.!y satin finish. À NO MES5Y CLEtANUP-your t'ands, brusN or roller-coater ait corne dean with water. iEASY "GLIDI ON" APPLICATION-go. on aos easily at strolcinq a waII with o dry 6rushl J. RL Abernmethy' s PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 85 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 431 bas/b aswr o prblms j '/ J vourpa/intie JINs 111E iIOV4- JRIIIJ FIELD e4 SU PE R SA ND C OM PLE TE LY NEW MET1EOR CUSTOMiLINE Take an admring look at the new Meteor Customnline. Thrill tw thie beautifut, flow. ing s,ý,eep of alI-new body [mecs, new sheer dlegan(e where newv fahrics, new appolormemits, new triins ciilance the l~' uxury feeling. Whcre the brillimant new instrument panel and ncw unoh.rtructed visibiliy ads to Meteor's youthful, dramatîc interior. Look arouiîd you . .- > ou'li know tlien why the '52 Meteors are the most beautiful cars in the lou-prici fuldI 120 HP. 'FURY' V-8 ENGINE. Breeze along to the lerest, sweetest, quierest drive you vc ever kîîow mi Feel thc extra pow%%er of ~ *,.,,... his superb new Meteor Tury' VS-h product of the organization which, in> the paît .-'0 years, '. 's huilt more V.ii cetg ncs tiian ail other manufacturcrs combindi SPIRITED AND ALL-NEW 1': aïl ibje i/ou-.Prne field ihe >22 'teieor Uae15 aoc.. if hi p, eonrmy ,apui t alie! Meteor Mairilmnes new lio lHp. V-8 emîgîie is a posi.tive revîelaîuoil in low. ot orimmg, resporîsive powser, amîd am azing penlormi. arice! Brilliatit new body hufes-a iîcw extenio)r colour ranec-new, solcer riding comfort-new incermors and appoititments! Drarnatic in uine, powerful in performance; the new Meteor Mainline i5 priced witb '52 fme ou-m i ijD u tai WL CUSTOMLINE -" MAINLINE 3-WAY CHOIÇE i raninmisions: V~erc -O). I1aincDritv, M/e greuteaE ai ail aitomatir driies, or thrifty I«olch.O-..latic Ot'erdrzv. (b o ptionai at extra coir), or the SilenEase Synchronized àtandard Tranmission. COM . . .S EE,.D..0R 1V EV T H EM A T YOU R M ET EO0R D EA LE R'Si THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Work Shirts S$1.95 ARMY GAITERS WITH BOOTS SIZES 7 to i1 Sturdy Work Boots Heavy Duty Soles Black OnIy SALE $6.95 SHARKSKIN WINDBEEAKERS Knitted Collar and Cuffs 24 Division St. MILES AJIEAD LOW-PRJCE FIELD.# M(R-CURY L 1 N C 0 1 N Ne à p - 1