THMRSAY, MAT 18, 1952 ?RZ CA1NADIAY STAMEMA1N. EowMAflV!L. ONTAP.!o. PAGE TI~EE~ RONO Louise, a daughter of the Grand Champion bull at the Royal Win- ter Fair in 1951. Edgelea Basil Splendid records have, bepn Butter Bo-,. Louise produced. in , The Newcas Miol~eted in the Jersey herd of 307 davs. 7,920 ]bs. of milk and Mlargaret Aâb Tel DtQilfred W. Sherwjn at Orono 490 lbs>. of fat as a senior three KD ~Y Golden Meadow Basils vear old. 1? &_______________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, La 16field; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wc and Miss Diane Phasey. Oro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G Crowther. SPECIALMr. Harper Kelsey and thi and Lois. No. 9, were Sund PR INT ID ]D ESSESguests of Mr. and Mrs. Her A smart group Of acetate and nylon printed dresses,. Mr. Robert C. Crowther visil some with pleated skirts, they are washable, a Sunday with bis parents, Mr. a smart selection of colours at a popular price. Mrs. Walter Crowther. Sizes 14 to 18 Philip George, infant son Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barchard, m~ baptized in St. Georges Angli< $7.95 eachfor Philip were Mr. and MV $7.95 eachChris.Barchard. o t W. A. met at the home of M~ GABARDINE SUITS Church on Sunday. Godparei Satytailored suits in grey or blue, skirts are Alfred Garrod. There were Smatlymembers present and refrec interlined for extra wear and comrfort. mnents were served. Sizes 14 to 18 Mr. and Mrs. Will Duncan, C $21.95 SUr bourg, were guests of Mr. a. Mrs. George Walton. _____________________Io__________________ Miss Lois Martin spent t weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cutier, 71 ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs.1 Cotton house dresses in check or sti ipe patterns, Mrs. Harold Toms is visiti satytailored with zipper to waist line. her daughter, Mrs. Terry GE srnartlywood at Montreal. We are glad to hear Jack Crm Special - $ 1.95 each is resting comnfortably after 1 Mr. Neil Britton entertaini the eleven boys, mnembers of1 Clearance of ail flannel blazers, double br*asted style Saturday evening. in colours of blue, xine or red. Miss Carolyn Friedlander, TI Reua 1.5to $12.95 ronto, spent the weekend Wi Reguar $O.95her grandmother. Mrs. L. Delir Miss Lida Lake, Toronto, w Clearance - $7.95 each awM ked isto.wthA. a a eekendAiSitrih. M.a M.and Mrs. Howard Nel] and children, Belleville, we WVABASSO SHEETING ussoMranMs.W1 guecssof . a Mr.W Wabasso snow white sheeting, 81 inches xide, no Miss Barbara Bonathan, R.] dressing - ready to use. Toronto, visited her parents, Mv and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan. V were pleased- to hear that Mai $1.3 yde - 5y s.$.75Margaret Bonathan has comple University o! Toronto and hý -- flY IAIEFaccepted a position with Dr. Mo WABASSU FILOW TUBING toofTrn. to n dT rntorg.ulM Wabasso 42-inch circular pillow tubing. Mo ri and Mrs. George Bul, M and Mrs. Willis Chitty, Mrs. Er $10 yadWalton-Ball, al fTrno e kinwote DuncanD. ners. H. 4o advantage of the weekend to ope up their summerz cottages. Gn' A. KENNEDY Brc E.HaJ.Kigstn, eredM rse.alJ.KnRacher and Mi Successor to Couch, Johnston & Cryderman end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 W. Pip ing st. W. BOWMAN VILLE Phone 836 Mr. and Mrs. P. H. William are moving into their nice neý à home on Church St. \\ "kt's the covering Distinctive new colour effects for your home are offered in Brantford Asphait Slates-five, exciting, duo-tone blends- Greenwood, Redwood, Greywood, Brownwood and Bluewood. With this sparkling beauty, Brantford Asphaît Siates provide the all-weather protection you need in your roof. They take nature's roughest, toughest abuse for years-never curi, warp or split. Cati your architect, building contractor or Brantford Roofing * dealer for expert advice on the type and colour best suited to your home. Broniford Rooflng Company Limifed Brantford, Ont. Toronto-Montrel-Winn lpeg-Saint John Shingles; Soied-ln Siding, Roll Roofings, Building Roof Cotings, Built-Up Roafings, Asphaif Mastic FIooring, Waterproofing Materials. The Sheppard & GOI Lumber Cou KING STREET E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 715 ar.!ri llno Mrs. George TPC1rPtk 'T Tf neighbors from Columbi Waltons group. UBLi IUS jJC, L.aJILD district gathered at the f sie Iniep endn t In recognition of the approach- r n r mt Braeside home for a f ing Mother's Day, Mrs. Howard Mr.Hrl rwodtuh r n r.WietSihvisit, before thiS last lin lephone 2511 Newcastle Allun gave a vocal number 'The at Egypt Public School last week~ Shirley and Dorothy, Oshawa, ai highly respected and beloi Gift" acompanied by Mrs. C. to replace Miss Gwen Wilson who A. WV. Prescott's. family moves to anothei - lCowan. was ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. Webster and munity. There wvas a sho President Mrs. C. Cowan con- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey ac- son, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. F. gram followed by the prese Lke- Newcastle Ladies' Softball Club ducted the business period. Secre- companied Mr. and Mrs. Francis Abernethy, Miss Joyce and Mr. o! a mirror and occasional o, Seauy.Tey were knga le odis- 1a reports were given and the Werry. Enniskillen, to Kirkland Alex Abernethy and friend, Man- There were impromptu sl )o, Sapptd n thewpea tae dbut group leaders spoke of their Lake to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bev- iuta: Miss Corsina Samis, Oshawa, and visiting with an ab eo poneinteptoaebtvarlous projects. erley Veale and their little daugh- at M. Samis'. lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Br .really apprecîaied the co-opera- Mrs. Herb Toms reported ha'v- ter who ý%vas baptized on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. E. Ormis- maving ta Aurora this reetin o tosetvo dd omeou. ng a Television Tea at Mrs. Ross Sympathy i etenedtoa*Mrs. ton. Mrs. F. Densem, Bowman '.'there Fora n an.psi th Ms B hoa wohas not Dickenson's when there was a Lorne Thoïmpson and family on ville, with Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. teArr anr ili. been too well le! t last weekend goodly representation o! their the death of her father, Mr. Cob- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith. New- Lry Mr. and Mrs. o mle ,ard ta visit her daughter. Mrs. E. M. members present. She also again bledick o! Orono. castle, with Mr. and Mrs. Don sonyM and melronte day Brown in Toronto. drew the attention of the W. A. Mr- and Mrs. Ray McGill who Prescott. TonandageTaylor on ai-y His former congregation of members to the calendar which have'sold their farm near Lotus There was a large attendance at and Donald, Mr-. and Mn Newcastle United Church mourn- they are compiling for 1953. have bought Mrs. Luther Mount- church on Mother's Day. The Taylor and family, Oshawi ted ed the passing of Rev. Arthur Mrs. H. Allin spoke of.the play jov's house in the village. service 4.vas unusually interesting r.T alr and Manseli Irwin, B.A., B.D., in from Peterborough which her Teewsalreatnac ihteddcto r.T alr Whity lst eek grup as sonsrin onthefol atthe Open Night o! the Cart- United Church Crest and match- Mrs. J. Stark with Mr. an of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tomlin- lowing night and asked for sup- wright High School on Friday. ing draperies presented by the. Fred Taylor, Toronto. xas son and children, Toronto, were port in the venture. Congratulations to Mr-. Nel- W. A. Rev. R. M. Seymour also Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Sm:l ans Sudv ust ! r adMs. Mucatcthhrgre o thAW son H. Marlow who celebrated explained the, meaning o! the Grant and Patsy with Mv I-s Cri. arhad.AMemnbers the Recording Sec- his Sth birthday on May 6 and Crest and what it stands for. This Mrs. A. Smith. Columbus. Mi-. and Mrs. Art Toms and retary, Mrs. F. Wight, is flot go- to Mrs. W. A. Van Camp who was followad by a baptismal ser. Mr-. Ralph Found, Oshawa e's Miss Betty Murphy, Toronto' ing ta be able to continue in the celebrated her 82nd birthday on vice when Janice Louise, daugh- Mr-. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. li-s. sPant Sunday with Mi-. and Mrs: office, so Mrs. Wallace Holmes May 7. ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Long, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar P ris eb om.was appointed in hier place. Glad ta see Mr. Sam Ferguson and Stewart Ross, son o! Mr-. and with Mr. and Mrs. J. Harr nt er om.The question o! helping the able to be out again. Mrs. Fred Samis, were baptisad. 21 Mr and Mrs. John Cotter, Col- Memorial Hospital Auxiliary of MrIvn hok !Trnt Serafom eiesetS- Gnlnssbg ic s tebrn;. and Mrs. G O odondCo-Mr. anile with their bazaar brought Mrs. John Marlow home urday avening with Mr. and Mrs. himn who attacks, and sal ter- and VickiOuTalroo and Mi-. was brought before the meeting on Thursday. Frank Bray when friends and him who defends.-Lao-Ts; ~ ad Tylo anfadn~and it was decided to send them Mrs. George Wolfe and Mrs. iit os w ith Mr and rSucea a donation o $10.00 instead. Clarence Marlow attended the Cotter.TePeîetanucdta cooking schoal at Hampton. he tha Durham County Teachers Mi-. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- Weakend visitai-s with Mr. and ware antartaining the members es oia isLn alr ro Mrs. P. E. Merlin at "The Glen" of the School Area Board ata Bowmanville, and Miss Beryl Ed were: Mr. Martin Merlin, Mr. banquet on May 15. Tha W. A. Larmer, Peterborough, with Mi-. Bruce Merlin, Miss Pat Patterson had been askad to cater for it, and Mrs. Ernest Larmer. .ng and !riend, al af Toronto; C!m. sa some time was given over toa issMblHln im ar onMrin-areied n r forming committees and making and Jessie Van Camp with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moore and arrangements for the samie. Wm. Van Camp. go !amily, Port Hope. Mrs. Ross Dickenson reported Misses Pearl and Dorothy ais Congratulations ta Mr. Jack for the committea i-e the new Wright, Toronto, wîth Mr. and ial Heatlie on becoming caretaker windows for the church. Not Mrs. Carl Wright. ay. o! the Hall and Policeman o! the much pragrass bas been macle as Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sturrock, ied village. yat but they are carefully consid- Bowmanville; Mr-. and Mrs. Har- his Mrs. Howard Rowe and child- ering every angle o! the project. old Forder, Gail and Anna, Port ne ren have returned to thair home Aftar the meeting the usual Perry, with Mrs. Joseph Forder. on Mill St. from Toronto, whara social hour was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham, 'o- Mrs. Rowe spent an anxious time Mr. and Mrs. Ross Du!! and Mrs. ith with bier mother, Mrs. J. Gault PARENTS-ATTENTION James Strong ware guests o! Mr. ne. who was very ill. and Mrs. George Wolfe on Satur- as Mi-. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl Parents resident ln the vil- day night. On Sunday, Mr. and ing luncheon, Sunday, Mother's chlldren who wil! have reach- Lawrence, and Mrs. Jos. Forder. O T O IV N O N lesI Day, a!tar the morning service o! ed tlîeir fil th birtbday before Nastiaton, were guasts o! Mr-. and re Newcastle United Church when September 2nd and wishing Mrs. Wolfe and Mr,. H. Hooey. - D. their infant daughter, Helen Joan, them to enter school an Sept. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Malcolm PRO E I Y U S L wvas christened. Nw 2nd, 1952, must themn and Anne, Strat!ord, caîîed.O E i O Y U ~ L 4r. Unte Chrc Nwswlth the Publie School Pria- On Sunday morning Mother's 7e Mothers Day was fittingly rec- ciPal, Mr. F. MeMullen, on Day Service as observed at the C ry ognizad, particularly at the morn- Wdnesday, May Zlst, Thurs- United Church Sunday School. et ing service when the spacious day, May 22nd or Frlday, May Everyone mnissed Dr. R. tP. Bowles Co p r h s P ic ha sanctuary was filled ta capacity. 23rd. who was unabla ta pay bis usuai ____________________________ as Adding ta the dignity of wor- The Newcastle Publie visit on this occasion. Mrs. Mur- r- ship ware memorial bouquets Sehool Board. 20-1 ray Byers told the Mothar's Day GRANULATED 100-lb. bag presented in loving memory o! Stoi-v and Mr. Harold Kyte gave ~ deartd mthes. hey ere NECASLE ADY a splendid address on Mother's rs. epatedmothrs.The wer: NWCATLE ADY DayandFamily Week. There ~Ir. in loving memory o! Mrs. W. H. WRITES ABOUT TRIP wer 140 present. UA$9 8 .s. Cowan by her family; Mrs. Geo. TO THE MARITIMESSuay veigRvC.W _________________________ ~ Rikar byber amiy; rs.Hutton preached on Mothen's Day 1 i-e Robai-t Gray by her famîly, Mrs. Scotia Hotal and Family Week. Ha baptized OUR BEST BRAND Freshly Ground k Clifford Brown by her family; Truro, N. S. the !ollowing childi-en: daughter en Mrs. Marshall E. Williams, late Jms May 7, 1952 o! Mi-. and Mrs. Howard Forder, R c oTrnoand Mrs. G. Ai-r- Dear Mi-.Jms daughtar o! Mi-. and Mrs. Neil .~ strong o! Brighton, mathers ne- Thaught you might ba interest- Wari-y, daughter o! Mi-. and Mrs. k- spectively o! Mi-, and Mns. Percy ed in a few items o! local inter- Ivan Mountjoy, daughter o! Mr. C f b EHare. est fi-rn way down in the Mari- and Mrs. Dalton Don-ahl, daugh- f..c E. The choir rendered superbly times. tai- o!Mi-. and Mrs, Ray Snooks; «f e ns the anthamn "Ave Maria" with As you sea by the heading we son o! Mi-. and Mrs. Howard WMrs. James Brown rendering a ai-e on a trip through the Mari- Trewin, son o! Mi-. and Mrs. Ralph solo. times (George on business and I Lai-mer, son o! Mi-. and Mrs. OUR OWN BRAND - Black lb - The rite o! infant baptism was for pleasura>. While in this city Percy Collins, Toronto. The dispensed ta the !oiiowing: Don- I called on Mi-. and Mrs. Clare chair was composad o! young -aS L E A w) ald James, son o! Frank A. and Bombard. Clara was orginally mothers of the congregation who Juna Virginia McMuiien (nee fi-rn Bowmnanville, and bis wi!e Hanna); Harold Edwai-d, son ofwathfomrWniLke! sang a lovely anthem, "Whisper- Stanley and Kathleen Powell Newcastle, and a sistar o! Mn. n Hoe'MsLi-e osn (ne Tos>;Elzabth ear, m. ~ke wh nw ons ndsang a solo. The churich wasý BRAESIDE BRAND - Creamery lst Grade daughtar o! Albert William and oparates the home !arm. She tells eauiu ydcras.ît lw Myrtie Eva Pearce (nea Pattai-- me she recaived han aducation in 4ai-s.B UT E son); Dalmar Alber-t, son o! Nor- Newcastle, but being away for a t hemengo! r.N.O. Club man Edgar and Margaret Helana 25 yaars has more On îess last was r at ha h o rs.D orothyin Rudman (nea Joli); Helen Joan, contact.wt ag ttnac.Pai dauhte o!GergeMilon nd Whiie in Halifax wa callad on dent Gwenyth Thompson con- Helen Ilathleen Kimbail (nae Mc- Mn. and Mrs. Noble Carlton. Ha ducted the business. After this R Ic m l oB r a Kay); Janica Elaine, daughtar o! is son o! Mr-. and Mrs. W. H. Cari- was fin ished the hostass passed Brenton and Jean Arabel Rick- ton, Toronto, but with their bingo cards around and wa an- Always Fresh - 24-oz. Loaf ard (nea Bonathan); Kenneth !amily have for years spant t heir joyed several games. Then avery- _ Ernast, son o! Ernest Lea and Ina sommai-s at The Cave, Bowman- one went outsida whare a bon-!I Susanna Russell (nea Day); Wyi- villa Beach. fiahdba rprd h PLAIN IL's4C SLICED L5 ma Ailana, daughter o! Stanley Whila in Halifax wa stayed at fihesad be r rou edbT-he î and Wyima Allun (nea Farrow>; the Nova Scotian Hotel and !rom dos. ishos and corffop er ea.:- William Scott, son o! I-vin Joh n aur window on Tuesday mnorning Wa had a lot of fun, singing and and Dorothy Jean McCullough wa spotted the two United States aating, and e'ex-yone en.ioyed the ,, (nea Nugent); Lois Elaine, daugh- Navy blimps which had arrivad meigvr uh tai- of William George and Gwan- eaaly in the morning at H.M.C.S. Mn. and Mrs. Loi-ne, Biadburn, dolyn Lois Barchard (nea Hoop- Sbearwatar, navy basa. Thasa Jimmie and Judy, Toronto, with er>; Helen Elizabeth, daughtar biimps ai-e remaining at the basa Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bradburan o! Cyril John and Glactys Char- until May 3. In Halifax thasa Mi-. and Mrs. Wesley Bradburn. Arniving Daily lotte Sarah Avery (nea Wotten>;, huge ships were i-e!errad ta as Mr-. and Mrs. Fi-anklin Lamb NEW CROP VALENCIA Bsrant Allan, son o! Robai-t Cecil "flying sausagas." I aiso had the adbbLnsy n i oniei saau an Mi-are en (eaHada-thrill o! saeing the aircra!t car- ooy nd Mi-. Jack Smith, Cam- CALIFORNIA JUICY son);Roba-tCai-ls, son o! Dr-. rien Magnificent, and passanger- on ihM-.adMs.TmIGioyb Samuel Wîtzei and Mrs.* Witzel 1i-rGripshoim. I have yet eta C. SwalMo.wanMapte Grove (neClis;LnnRsel o aSmith.C.__________ SUNKISTv ofRertCôllin Lyndusselsnsea soma D.P.'s arrive but may Wo men's Institute met at thel U N S oRoa-RaiadadHzlsea tham on oui- return.hoeo r.EnsLam wt1 Elizabeth McEwen (nea Bahl). On Tuesday 'a!tetaioon we took home of Ms. Ernest ai-mer it Owng tailnss liabt afe-ous.n wntt te oo atndnc.Roiala Caioi -fehris wilt have dinner togethai- next We can do nothing well ,vith- swift's Sunday with Mn. Cleator as the 1111@18111 P mm iremlum I-lb. pkg. otjoy, and a good conscience honored guest. This will a!!oid...which 'Is the ground o! joy.-Rich- f:u the teachers an oppatunity ta tap ard Sibbs. FR N FRT j9 preachar relative ta Sunday ae dy Schooi work. A group photo- graph will be taken at the con-] ow Is The Time For . . . Vle fetv hr. r. clusion o the morning service. The Eiecutianary Silvar Madat TG1 Sat, May 15th, l6th & 7th. Contast sponsored by W.C.T.U - AS GW wilt ba held in the Sunday Schoot E VESTROu H IN P arlons Friday evening at 8 o ctock. SHEET METAL WORK Members o! Newcasttle.GI1 group wvere guests o! Bowman EOIG 0 L JD ville C.G.î.T. They saw twa in- B OIC O %L ]ID taresting films o! the MunceN Indian Resarx'ation. near Lon-F NA E W K dion. Lunch of chocotata milk and - POEU O SIAE cookies was served. W. A. of U'nited Church rW L E Hol Mnthy eetngWALERDAVIS &Co W. A. o! the United Chunch 2 MILL LANE Stevîes <%AA.IANswtoce'gg*, mat Max, 8. A fine devotional Phn342o69Etblse 45 easDUNCMSOSLWT period was in charge of '.irs. Chas Phn342o69 salse45Y r DWCwSOEL#» Glanney, Mi-.. Roy Branch and"