TP!USDAY, MAT 15. 1952 SOLINA ] MM. Malcolm Emerson., Nesle- n. Wuumct President o! W. I., as MIst ai the W. I. meeting on [U O.WY. Hem emarks were ased on Agriculture andi Can- dian Industry. Mrs. I. Hardy, re sident, presideti. Roll caîl ras answered wibh "One Quality ta Gooti Citizen.' Mrs. Ra]ph lavis, etiring secreiary, was resentet with acrag !car- Have Ihat bI GOR GLASS or WINDSHIELD lustalled Now WhiIe You Wait JOE COOPER'S Service Station 218 King St. E. PHONE 3432 GRADUATION DAY Remember the graduates H wihcards or gifts. M M dards to show YOU. rem em ber. C i" Ci Gifts that wilI always M remind THEM of this sa' important occasion in M their-lives. Mi at Se , our variety assort- 1 Nnt of cards and gifts Ri. fo *ailltypes of graduates. Me dei 3. WJEWELL Mr vil 27 King St. W., Bowmnan ville PHONE 556 Fa iM CANAIAN STATESMAN. nOWMANV!L. ONTARMO PLUMBING & HOT WATER HEATING OIL BURNERS INSTALLED in any type of furnace ALSO STOKERS A. J. Heari & N. Bothwell PHONE: Noon and 5 p.m. - 3473 Day or Night - 2085 Classified Advertising Rates The Canadian Statesman Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, IIELP IVANTED, CARS FOR SALE, .LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate- - 3e per word with a minimum of 500 Mlust be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 will be added. A charge of 25e will he made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30 a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse OMMECIALCLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for personls or f irnis sclling services, ideas or goods of any description) 3 per word; minimum charge 75e cash with order. To regular advertisers payable monthly. mâplay Classified nt $1.00 per inch with a minimum glf*'of one inch Additional insertion at the sainie rates Alil Classified Ads. must be in this office flot later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For HandY Reference) ing appreciation of the group for her five years of fui service, wag read by Mrs don Leask. Leader of Grc Mrs. Harold Pascoe, presidt the program which inclus Mother's Day reading by M J. Balson and a piano solo b: Isaac Hardy. Refreshments served by the group in chai "Christian Familles fc Christian Wor]d"l was the1 of the Mother's Day servi Sunday afternoon. The c was well filled for this speci casion. Mr. E. R. Taylor, day School Superintendent, ducted the service, assisting G. Empey in the pulpit. ture passages were reac Larry Spires, Lorne Tinis Murray Flet; recitations given by Carol Stainton and Baker and a vocal solo M-o-t- was sung by Kathleen Gra Selections by the choir nci a vocal duet, "My Moi Bible", by Mrs. Harvey Ye lees and Gladys Yellowlees, an anthem "When Mother1 ed." Stories were well pres by Mrs. E. R. Taylor and John Knox. ýRev. G. Ei christened Carol Elleen, do ter of Mr. and Mrs. George1 and Edward Charles, son of and Mrs. Lloyd Broome, and er the service speaking bit on the theme. Mr. Harold Reynolds, Tor spent the weekend at Mr. E Davis'. Several ladies from here tended the Cooking Schoo Hampton and a few were foi aie in winning prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Wes YeIlow~ Harold and Murray visite( Mr. Jack Marks'. Toronto, Sunday. Sunday School next Sur May 18 wil be at 10 o'clock churchi service at Il o'clock. Miss Mable Harris retu home from Oshawa Hospita, Saturday much improved health. Misses Joyce Cozens and lores Connelly of Toronto] nal School, are with Miss F King at Solina School this w Mr. and Mrs. Bruce 'J Lorne, Dianne and Neil, at Orvab Jackson's. Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yell lees and Mrs. J. Yellowlees% M'r. and Mrs. Harry Westleý Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lunn,.1 rborough, at Mr. Roy LE riaid's. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snow( Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gill and Reva, Enniskillen; nd Mrs. Lloyd Preston, B ianville; Mr. and Mrs. Onv unn, Peterborough, ai Mr. CI ,angmaid's. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wil )f Peterborough; Mrs. Gori lardy, Miss Myrile Hardy. [r. Roy Slack, Maple Grove, [r. Isaac Hardy's. Mrs. Addie Tink, Hampton, Ir. Bruce Tink's. Miss Dorothy Jebson, El roft Farm, Columbus, ait1 ,arence Vice's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowdern r. Foster Sinowden's, Kedrc Mrs. A. Teeple, Mrs. H. Lir ay, Jean-Marie and Betty-Ani iss Jeanie Griffin, Whiteva r. and Mrs. E. Lynn, Toror tMr. George Hamlin's. Mrs. S. Rundie, Miss Je Lndle, Bowmanville; Mr. a rs. Jackson Wray and daug rs, Oshawa, at Mr. Ross Ci Lni an's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe, Mv )rraine Farrow, Bowmanvi. r. and Mrs. H. Farrow, Star le; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kn( ougham at Mr. George Knox Mr. and Mrs. George Harpi ye and Sharon, Utica; Mr. ai rs. George Gibson, Taunton, r.Harry Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HoîtI I dedcateti 1 m aing b oie and Willoughbby 1,frce csot propriate solo, accompanied by 1 Murray Tabb; Alan James, son o! chucklje. Fo sring but itb b i is beari's desire, organist and choir leader, Mns,.Mr. anti Mm,. James êlurtioch. a see-jaedo~sie i a is o Having got up enougbl nerve C. H. Dudley. Mr. anti Mm,. Gordion Brent sang oyster siew to a real wrestiing1 to refuse the coti liver oil and tell a duel. Jimmy Coombe an! 1 bout with the Masked Marvel, bsansia ei ltgig1 uh so sistes ea'd cbubby Lou Cosiello took a' i ut htlei o on oRt aceasse e . trunin. uthecae uionHarvard, t0 Princeton or the Let me not to the marriage o! Lute. topas sua, oly o hve hatConsenvatorv, but to State Tech truc mind, admit impedimens.- Mir. anti Mm,. M. Tabb and pretiy girl in the pictune raîse and having waiked off with the William Sakespeare. Kcnncib visiteti Mr. and Mn,. bisam i vctryovr hegirl he wantcd. Inner Willy dis- Lloyd Skinner. Misarel ni coinghl ronhbbcappears. hi, job donc, leaviuîg be- EAâMm oadPhlRnld and hint hl an manipaeti il-U I Marilyn, Miss Jean Pbilp visitcd jaw. Needless 10 say, Costelo T1 oflting ilp, goe, down for the count andthie . Kcstet 'pictre etis.dcrwýeam wbich lie vore througb- S u TCastcton j pictur endoui the play, whîcb, togetheri Misses D. Summerville anti D.! Rotmin r.Hoar Rntlewith bis long cap, matie him DEAD and CRIPPLE Stapleton, Peterborough NormalU I hakei h ldis ! t Admw'look like a shali ci!.! students, are attending our school Cburcb for preparin'g a very Besities an excellent cast. sUc- Famni anitnais remnoved tbis week. sumptious meal, anîd he furtber ess of ibis spri.ghtlx- play was pronmptlv for sanitary The Davey sisters are tap- ibankcd bonorary Rotarian Don due to the fine direction o! Mm.dipoa dancing ai the Plaza Theatre, Osh- Sbay and ail the faihers in the Don Hazeli, anti assistance on thldsoa awa, Saturday. Roiary Club wbo titi their bit ini production endti fn producer1 Telephone Colleet: An enjoyable evening was j making the evening possible. Each 'Madlyn Wilcox; drama conve'ier: Toronto - EM36:36 spent in the Community Hall on guest receiveti a favor of a bottie 'Jean'Cunningbam: prompter Ai i Cobourg - 1266. Friday' evening when a Dance Re- o! perfume as a souvenir o! ihe Crydermian; business manageri view o! the pupils o! Miss Irenie occasion. Anna Snowden; proDeriies I "'D N VlVI Hamvey's Dancing Academy de- I T fMargaret Purdon anti Helen Ma- ighted the audience. Tyroneý' For quick results - use The1 guire: costunîes--ArXvella Beck LMTDJvnl adsple ui.ý Statsma ClssiiedAds. 1 et ad lillan ,Col; pbliitv JiMuch credit is due to their train- 1 PA U' OVENTW'VW ers, L. Barr and E. A. Virtue. Mr. and Mm,. E. A. Virtue and John attended a birthday party at the home of hemr sister, Mms. C.Shaw, Oshawa, ini bonor of IMrs. Virtue', birihday on Sun- lay when hem sisters, Miss Vera Carr. Toronto, and Mm. and Mm,. H. Wonnacott and Ross, Dixie, alSo Mm. anti Mm,. G. Shaw anti Dianne. Oshawa, were guesis. Mr. anti Mms. J. Park and chilti- ren, Peterborougb, visiieti Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Jr. andi enjoy- ed a trip to Niagara on Saturdav. When an enthusiastic cook puts ail she has into her cooking the resuit is usually hash. The plum ripens and falis from the political tree. but only after careful grafting. W. 1. and daughters, Whitby, at Mr. Along the Skyline Trail T R N f alth- John Knoxs. T R N 3.Go)r- Miss Helen Baker, Toronto; Mr. J ,ou 4, and Mrs. J. Smales and David, 7 W.M.S. met ai the home of ,ed for Hampton, ai Mr. J. Baker's. Mrs. S. T. Hoar May 8th with a a ded a Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and good attendance. President Mrs.C rsA.chiidren at Mr. Edwin Ormiston'., A. Hilîs presided. Mrs. F. Werry, yMrs. Ebeezer. ~ ~group leader, took charge.M, Keem . 11. CCaygv vr neei irge. Mr. and 14Vs. Raymond Anthes K obr aeavr neet aand children of Winnipeg arrived B .~ igdvtoa.Ms er n or by motor at Mr. Ed. Millson's on Mrs. His gave readîngs. Mrs. a] theme Friday. Raymond left on Mon- * W. Rahm presented chapters o! hc o at..udy book. A social hal! hour nrnposition with the Dept. o! Nation-wa speni atheco. u r aic-ai Defen ce. Mrs. Anthes and '*'metnaiM.A.Hs.a Su-children wîll remain with ber Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman ec con- Rev. parents.vsieMm.MSierBo an crip- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- villte. r.M ivr omn d by lees at Mr. Ernest Larm er's,, luvi eea.he h me o and iacstok<4 Mrs. Earl Prescoit wiih eleven were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zilver- preseni on Tuesday evening. 1 Gail smii, Mapie Grove, ai Mrs. Haz- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett -h-e-r el Harris'. and famiiy, Enniskiiien; Mr. and aham. Miss Velma Gilbert, Toronto, at -Mrs. Dawson Beckett, baby Tom- luded, hem home. my, Oshawa; Mm. and Mrs. John )ther's Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milison and Beckett, Scugog Island; Mr. and 211ow- Glenn at Mr. Dudley Wilson's, Mrs. Donald Lamb, Salem; Miss and Whitby. Arvilla Beckett, Bowmanville; Pray- Mr. George Milison land DoM Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Aildread ;ented las, Toronto, at Mr. Ed. Milso s and baby with Mr. and Mrs. O. Mrs. Mr. and Mm,. C. Hamer and Beckett. mnpey chiidren ai Mr. D. E. Hamer's,,M.adMs odnBet augh-Broolin.Gloria and David, visited Mr. and Knox Master Robbie Large, Bowman- Ms .D yeHmtn f Mr. ville with bis grandparents, Mr. Sryt er r.H ili clos- and, Mrs. W. Parrinder. qiel ai e agte',M. ýrîefly Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrinder and and Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Helen attended a presentation ai Mm. and Mrs. A. Sytnyk and rnte, Enfieid Satumday night for Mr. Along the skyline trails and through the fabled chiidren, Whitby; Mr. and Mms. S. îalPh andi Mrs. Frank Bray who are passes of the Canadian Rockies this Juiy, 130 "1dude riders," Daw, Miss Gwen Hilîs, Toronto, moving to Aurora. straddling their secureiy saddled cayuses, will view some with Mr. and Mms. John Hilis. eai- Mr. and Mrs. John Law, To-ofhe osspcclrseey Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker and I ai ronto, at Mr. E. Spime's.oftems pcaua senr on he otin.Té family, Bowmanviile, visited Mr. ýrtun- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake "dudes" are Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies, an or- and Mrs. H. Hall. and family. Hampton, Mr. and ganization founded by J. Murray Gibbon, well-known Mr. and Mrs. J. Colbary, Brook- vlees. Mms. Nelson Fice and family, author and former general publicity agent for the Canad- lin; Mr. and Mrs. D. Colbary and -d ati Taunton; Mm. and Mrs. Percy ian Pacifie Railway, and during the lasi two weeks in July Mrs. K. Coamy. onWestiake and family ai Mm. Frank -dyrds'nteE y M.n Mrs. M..McCuish an OlWestlake's, Sm, will participate in five-dav and six-dyrdsi h gp r n r.M cus n Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires, Ken Lakes - Marmon Ridge area of the Continental Divide near daughter Frances, Cookstown_; nday, and Sharon ai Mm. Hamry Moxons, Banff, Alla., jumping off point for the expeditions. Ail Mm. and Mms. S. Stevens, Toron- .with Janetville. o r adMs Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westiake riders are eligible for membership in the 29-year-old Trail'10 er usi f m ndMs irned Jr. and daughiter, ai Mr. F. R. Riders organization.Mran s.J Gib ad il on Cook's, flowmanviiie. Michael visited Mm. and Mis. J. 1in Mm. and Mms. Wes Hilîs ai Mm. df j Betty Sisson; make-up - Anna Kýennedy, Hamilton, and enjoy- M. McCamell's, Omemnee. Former LocalLa Snowden and Domothy Hockin. ed a trip 10 Niagara. Nom- Ms. B.urtBrigsDavid and Plaul Visits Relatives Here In a short pre-curtain speech, Several ±mom here attended the Nor-Mrs.B. Bidgs, Dvid nd PulMiss Cunninghiam, who spoke in I.O.O.F. parade and Church ser- Betty Bowmanville, at Mm. Ross Cmy- On Return f rom Korea the absence of the president, vice ai Brooklin Sunday after- eek. demman's. ____ Margaret Stacey, owing to ilînes,, noon and ai Orono Sunday even- rink, Mr. John Legere, Misses Hazel Recently returned fmoirn Ko1rca, and Helen Nelles, vice-president, îng. Mr isidtedai m rt Cryder-aa Robert J.' Finey, son o! th' laie who as taking part in the play, Congratulations to M. and Mrs. viow- e man's.eet C yd r M . and M s. Robert L. Filay, expl 0 tawhe etme po Ronald Rahm on the arrivai o! Jo- Rev. G. Empey and Mm. A. L. formerly of Bowmanville, was ceeds would be contributed 10 aboway irl i emoilHopt with Pascoe attended Presbytemy meèt- 'in town Wednesday 10 visît his Missions. Last year Trinity Y. Mo.manville.C.BglwMr t in ing ai Tyrone.parents grave at Biwmanviiie P. U. were the bigbcst in the M.adMs .Bglw m Mms. Addie Tink and Mr. A. Cemnetery and aiso visit relatives. Oshawa Presbytery, with a con- n r.A ihrsvstdM, tiuion of $428.0 hvhp H.FnlyUioile Pet- L. Pascoe visited their sister, Mrs. The laie Robert Finiey Sm., wiil tribut .00. tr Thi ev hope . indyMUnonvlA. csn o ang- Mabel McKessock, Oshawa, who be remembered locaily by many. TrintyYP-.lyisnw an ronto, ýisited Mr. and Mrs. A. bias been ill. We trust she may He was a one-time piopular em- TiiyYPU lyi densoo enoy ettn hali. poye oftheGooyea, hreannual presentation looked for- Hoar. Mc-n Mon. nd Mms. ruelTin ad npior 10ofthtGwodkeafrhee wamd to with keen anticipation. Mm. and Mrs. Frank Werry vis- Me- r. nd Ms. ruc Tin an andprir t tha, wrkedforthied Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Row- Mm. family, Mr. and Mms. Harmy old Durham Rubber Company. an, Bethany. 0w- Knox, Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe The family later moved to Mini-DNGMm. and Mrs. R. Giaspell and' ville attended a !amiiy party ai Mm,. ico wvhere the Korean veteman WEDD Gcbiidren visied Mr. and Mms. W. has. Percy Deweil's, Hampton, hion- was born. ____ E. Lewis, Weicome, also Mms. F. oing Mm,. Addie Tink on hem Bob Finley Jr. was with the UL GREB.lapl Zo [son, 751h birtbday anniversary. 541h Transport Gmoup attached CURL -nGREEN B.AGlaspeli, Zion. .don Twenty young people enjoyed to the 251h Brigade in Komea. He Saturday, April 19, a quiet Lindsay, weme dinner guests of and a bowling paty Monday night in was later tansfered 10 Japan wedding, took place at the home Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook Fiday. ai Bowmanvilie and weme afien- and is now back in Canada on 60 of Mms. Thomas McCommack, Mr. and Mm,. G. White and wamds enietained by Rev. and days' leave. Whiie in Bowman- when Mary Wilhelmina Green, girls, Bowmanvillc; Mm. and Mrs. at Mm,. G. Empey ai the mnanse. ville he visiied his firsi cousins, daughter of Mm. Joei Sedome and A. Hoar and children with Mm. Their kind hospitality was greai- Mms. Arthur Edger and Mrs. Ma- the laie Florence Sedome, was and Mrs. F. Wermy. Uin-~' ly appneciaied by evemyone. bel L. Bagneil. 'Mrs. Rosann united in marriage to Richard Mr. and Mrs, S. F. Cowling, Mr. Rev. R. J. Scott o! Whitby Unit- Kinkendali is bis aunt. Douglas Curi, son of the late Mr. Miss Yvonne Saunders, Mr. and ed Cbumch will be the speaker Asked for his impression of and Mrs. Richard Curl of Zephyn. Mm,. G. Gransden and Mm. Wel- ai ai the Sunday School anniver- Korea, the genial soldier said: "*A Rev. Mr. Carruthers of Trinity lington Smith, Bobcaygeon, with )n.sar sevies n My 5 a 2 ndvery poor and unheaithy coun- United Church and Paul Holli- friends. nd- 7:30 p.m. On Wednesday nighi, îmy." He dcscribed Japan in a day officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Watson and ine; May 28, the young people will itile brightem light, however, The bride wome powdem blue girls, Brampton, with Mm. and ale; present, the play "A Pair of when be. said: "Japan's a pictùr- dmess with iiavy accessomies and Mrs. J. C. Cook. itCountry Kids." esque country with inany inter- a corsage of pink and mcd Mrs. Mamiba Wright, Enniski-i- Mm. and Mns,.Ailan Balson and esting places to sec." roses. Hem attendant was Mm,. len, j, spending the summer with ean famiiy, Kingston; Mr.adms hmsMeomc h oeM. and Mm,.R Wigt and Russell Baison, Camolyn and Attached to the 4th Div. En- Toa comc h oc m n m.R mgt gineers during World Wam II, thea navy dress with grey access- L/Cpi. and Mm,. A. E. Edwards, gh- Barbara, Miss Iene Bookham, Korean vetcran wxas last in BoVw- orles and corsage of pink and Barrie, with bis sister, Mr. andi ry- Bowmanville; Mr. and Mm,. Han- manvilie in March. 1951. He mcd roses. Mm,. T. Scott. is, old Balson, Gene and Virginia, doesn't know xvbat the Ammy lias Mm., Thomas McCommack was Mr. and Mrs. E. Doonan visited Il;Hampton, visited ai Mm. A. J. i oloighsbest man. The wcdding marcb ,her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.î Lie; Balson's. piavîed ol oiwn î was played by Mm,. A. McCom- Nelson, Wooier. 'k. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, lae mack. Mm. and Mrs. L. Bradley, En- 10x Phyllis Ann and Joan, visited The couple left for a trip t niskillen, with Mr. and Mrs. Don x's. Mrs. Norman Mutton, Oshawa, ""heIne ly~'s nomthern parts and wili reside in Stainion. cmr, and found hiem greai]v improv- Bowmanville. Mr. and Mm,. V. Davenport and Ind cd following bier long iilness. -- David, Richmnond Hill; Mm,. H. J at(Continued fmom-i Page Onîe) A* Tuck, Toronto, visited Mm. and! 1y (arjoie Mtto) fo a lng inister .L.epores Mn,. Henry Stainton. Rotary Club MMassoMie Mutton> for a lon lime. He hia, no girl to ask to CommercializationiMs ain dadBw (Continucd from Page One) manoeuvemed by his aunts i oter' asking the plain anîd unexciting C. W. Woodley. screnig o thee oves y grl extdor, aryell ïune. Fur abygirs OddyRobon Th Chldre ofThi unymptheic prt as n aspeialBaptism and Mother', Mrs. G. Brown and Lynda, West Swizerand Hlidy Ilan ad wll-layd y An Cydema. Dy srvce n S. PulinUitetHilPaulsdMr.anniiedT H Oystes an Musces.Vith Inner Willy coaching, Cbumch on Sunday morning, the Tabb. Thefistpicur itroucd hehowever, complications develop minister, Rv H. A. Turner, con- Mr. and Mr,. Roy Maynard, yongtrst asstr n boh i hick and fast andi by the nigbt ducting the service. Mm. John Maynard, Vivian and living in Switzenland on the side o! the dance Willoughby ha, thîx'ce The four infants baptizcd, and '»Joy Chamberlain visited Mr. and of a mountain in the hdwo girls dated ujp, Marybelle, Janet their parents, are: Laurel Anne, Mn,. T. McRoberts. the famed Alps. It shnoed ihe asal(aiypcs)at i agîe !M.adM, a m n m.JmsGaa SEDAN $- - 1275 Finish and interior immaculate. Buili-in radio. Ford factory xe-conditioned motor installed this week. Tires almost new. At leasi 50,000 miles of driving- without 1946 DODGE CLUB COUPE - - S1150 Thoroughly re-conditioned and undercoated. 1941 DODGE SPECIAL DEUX SDA - - $895 aohe oeina go You nxa onerise aothroiia go Watch This Space Each Wee] for lEST VALUES ix CARS and TRUCKS 1949 HUDSON SEDAN - $189,1 Customi radio, air conditiong, royal master white wal tires, life guard tubes, undercoating, etc. Big car conifort with Sinall car economy. 1947 BUICK CONVERTIBLE - $199! Sm ail Series Cuistom radio, air conditioning, aistomnatie windows, etc Interior finish in red plush ani 1eopard skin. White waIl tires, lifeguard tubes. Regular price $2195 - Reduced to $1995 1947 NERCURY DELUXE 1941 NERCURY CONVERTIBLE - $950 Fully equipped, automnatic top, re-conditioned mnotor 1941 OLSMOBILE ""6" SEDAN - - $795 Re-conditioned, beautiful 2-tone finish 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN - - $695 Original interior like new. Chrysier re-manutfactured motor. Custom radio and heater, undercoating 1939 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN - $550 Re-conditioned motor Far above average 1939 OLUSMOBILE 116"1 SEDAN $650 You -niit look a long timie to find a uised car as soumxd. as this, mnechanically perfect, body iiniaculate 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN Not re-conditioned 1936 CHEVROLET SEDAN T RU-CKSiio - - $195 - . $195 Liberal Terms 1951 FORD haif-lon PANEL 1950 FORD hialflon PICKUP - Showroomn condition, spare nover used rade s Welcomed .f 1 $" 149 5 1948 FORD haif-lon PICKUP - 1947 FORD I-Ion PANEL - . $ Rte-finished, body and mnechanical condition .$1275 -$995 newer truîck 938 CHEV. haif-lon PICKUP Not re-conditioned 1938 INTERNATIONAL 895 . m $225 Iwo and a haif-lon STARE - $275 1935 FORBD M-on STAKE - - $125 REa 5i,0ssonSI iv Garage- f or "TheîGreatest Guarantee in the Used Car Business" OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL NINE - THE C 1 k I 5 Il 5 r- m $895 -1 - -- m $495 N 1939 DODGE SEDAN PHONE - OBONO 1031