e ~br "'Durham County's Great Family Journal" VOLUIME T A% G7,or u -vr Zia~ t. bKWiVIANV£LLL A , £T£R" L Ltj'4SDjjMAYrlSth.uvri tate~m~m ~IRL GUIDE COOKIE DAY SATURDAY, MAYlt Maplp Grave United Church Receives Hlonour Graduate Durham Orchardisis Missing the Doat Critically Injured Contractor NSrol sae et Gifîs of Elecîric Organ - Church Crest i By Nol Glamorizing Blossom Week In Impressive Service Mother's Day Wilh a Million People Within Beach spirtionwasheldin aple'-~flSiuCtOn O nerDurham County orchardists r hart1 after. It is flot too late missing out an a barrel of good for orchax dists to make a start Ga re nîed hurc la tun- Critica11v Ill Resuit will and a hamper of publicity by this year and attempt ta attract daymonin wtha lrg .ogr-. neglecting ta capitalîze an "Blos- vîsitors to Durhamn County foi gatian ini attendance, In addition Of Motor Accident som Week" which, in this district, Blossarn Week. ay, t h obs ervan ce of Mothe s__ __ _ly cores taward the last of Folowing the practice of saie Da, îgtchldenrceve te Critically înjured yesterday in May. of the more progressive apple rit a bptsm ad wogîtstaan acideht at Brooks' carner on Thousands af people make an producing districts, campetitîve the church were received and N.2Hgwy bu iews dedîcated by the minister, Rev N îhaabu iews annual pilgrimage ta thc Niagara square dances could bc held in L. M. Somerville. of Bowmanviile, Robert D. Suth- district for the express purpose Newcastle Carmmunity Hall an erland, West Hill, awner of the of seeing peach tree blossoms at Friday and Satuîday nights witli Mr. Sherwood Collac.utt, Osh- Sutherland Construction Camp- the heîght of their beauty. An one evening beîng devoted ta awa, an behaîf of hîmself and hîs any, is gîven a fifty-fifty chance active Chamber of Commerce visitars and the following even- Wife, presented ta the church a of pulling thraugh in Memorial cae hs oeta utmr n odsrc aies h twomaualHamon eecticHositl, Bomanile.ta the Niagara Peninsula. champianship square of both cv- organ, in memary of his parents, Taeln atma15 a Mr.an Mr. illamColactt Trvelin est n 191 ad An appealing 'Blossom Week" enings cauld meet in a final fling This beautiful and useful gift was illac, the injured driver appar is planned this year ini the Geor- for the champîanship an Saturday accepted by the minister and by ently lost contrai af the car wheni gian Bay area. For years Kent- nijght. Mr. owar Foly anbehaf o he hit the south shoulder of the "i the ongegaionanddedcatd hghwy. e servd a anville, Nova Scotia orchardists, ini And whilc ail these visitais highay.He servd onandthe heart af the famed Annapolis are iin the area and visiting New- ta the high purpose for which it of0 h adfr oe30fe Archie Hendry Valley, have carried out "Blas- ateCmnîiyHlatatv was intended, reminding ail thase then the car shot aver ta the soin Week" with colarful cere- displays of apples could be set wh ated ape rae huchnorth shaulder and crashed into Who is a 1952 Hanar Grauaemany of crowning the Quecu up far inspection. Tasty. home- oftw f tswllloe ada tree by the Brooks' chicken- in Engineering Physics at Queen's ý*ich attracts thausands of mot- made apple pie could be sold at o woh f embs wha haovepand- run. The car is a campleteUnvriyisteonetsn orists fraîn as far as Boston. 10 cents a piece, (littie early ta ed on. wrckof Mr. and Mrs. John Hendrv, Durham archardists are "miss-tpofwihDvnircea) Another valuable and beauti- Sutherland was thrown tram Galloway House, Orono, formerly ing the boat" in this respect be- and apple juice could bc sold as ful gîft was presented ta the his car when it hit the tree; ho of Newcastle. Mr. Hendry wha cause of inactivity. With the a beverage. Thrown fîrom the wreckç of the caved- m Cadîllac bvaWshllmn oetD church by Mrs. Leslie C. Snow- was rushed ta, hospital by Morris has had a brilliant scholastic exception of Niagara, nowhere in Initiative Needed Sutherland, oxvner of the Sutherland Constriuction Comay reetywkigo th den and her children in memory Ambulance. career, has accepted a position Canada is there an apple district What archardists in this County new four-lane highway south of Bowmanville, narrowlesaddatatBok'crr of the late Mr. Snowden. 'rhis Married, with no children, Suth- with the National Research- Coun- in a better. position ta "cash in" apparentîy need is initiative. TheY< on Na. 2 Highway Wednesday morniing. The critically îjrdmnwsrse aMm was an altar drape on which was erland is believed ta have been cil, Ottawa. on pilgrimage publicity. Mare need sameone ta staft the hal ra optlweedcosgv i it-it centred the impressîve United ili at the wheel when the acci- than amilopeleiv thrlinadgv tasoeeey dent occurred. It is understaod He received his early education i 0millio raue oive with- rligan iei asoe er iatodSitalhern doctofrs ed chcioandfty-fift bhneo ulngtruh' n Chuch res. r. nowen n atLak ShreSchol nd in ina 5-mleaadisSohowrnn- a ate. Paplaardlke heew-estod uthrlnd uffredaeoncssin adrossbleintrni ijures his ifeimewasa hghl repec- h wa onhiswayfro Osawacastle High School where he was ville and Newcastle, and these -give them a leader and they'll Church, activ pe ork vte sut omnvcrw e osnty atork the winner of the Wilmat Gold people are potential apple cust- flock ta the cause. Chuch atie i is or, i te trton . A iwape ty ath of Medal and Montague Schalarship. amers who could be educated,; We would suggest that Durhamin oalSu et Sons of Temperance and -was onN. 2 ihasuho He proceeded ta Bowmanville partly through "Blossom Week" appiegoes atclrytoeýT r eA tC m treasurer of the Sunday School. thelndpssda rckjs High School where he won the and partly through distinctive cnetdwt h odSoaeG a u t rr This gift was also dedicated by beouehelac aea tubend inteLions Club prize in mathematics packaging. ta ask for and even clantNe atleh teCold tr e ro ntu the Snday ornng srvieor. he m t ndi sidhe and also had the distinction of demand Durham County lusciaus Plat atwcdastpeoint apbtogtey rdut rmCleverly Presenedb Trnt Y PIJ TheSudaymonin srvc oudn'htu rierstandhow he rbeing chosen the most popular apples at the markets where theycriht away andeappointha pBliciy ____ (CotiuedonPae Sve) oult ou fcnrtrai.h th a student in Upper School. At B. deal. crmte ada ih'lso Marion Tink, daughter of Mr. (otneonPg ee)H. S. he won the Mowat Schol- Blossorn Week Ila Week." Maybe the Bowman- and Mrs. Clarence Tink, Hamp-1 Two Nighis in 1h a n H l got ut f cntrl. ear ville Chamber of Commerce ton, and Kenneth Crawford, son Jar er i io sClu arship, enabling hîm ta enter Apple Blossoms are expected should gladly co-aperate in such of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Crawford, IInIA~~~~~ Q~ueen's University. ta be in full glory on May 24 or1 a movement. Bowmanville, are amang over When a docile, obedient sx akeSnelmrWl3i n Junior a rm Guesi fL o s lu Drn his four-year course at 300 students w-ho will graduate teen-year aid boy. coddledad sbetaveonbuWiog- QensMr edywon tefo the Ryerson Iiistitute of smothered by maiden aunts ihb.sm reakbe itton "Rural Night" tao Hear Address foîîowîng scholarships and bur- Home and School Club Enjoys TeFridloy inToerntotcnoca su deinyheta stn ufr himefanst saries: The Robert Bruce Schol- (rdy ntelretcnVc-sdel osadu o i ru.~I.,.e D VLarshîp, the Patton Scholarship; Lti~ a 'll1 n r iss Tin eronw i grdae rm hy thh amar b u in g r apeut nU ni ne i ae Ils Professional Engineers Shla-AnMiss Ttionware hound ta fhappen, and is seriously 111. r arming Customs in uriishIsi ship; in 1950, Dept. of Education n *nn fMu i n r the School of Dress Techniques,' The Inner Willy", a three-c vr Vlogb isn oe r O . lfll ; n 95, usnNea aînd Mr~. Crawford from the comedy wcll presented by Triitlietouh ohacersda Canadian farmers tadlay are oc- Scholarship, and also in 1951, D e- r.B yH ihn o Ne è esScolf eaia Thoog YugPpe'Uin.De cpe iharclua iigLocal Ange Gets partment of Education Bursary. ____ Ryerson Institute is the fastest by Mr. Don HazelI of the Hîh1otne npg eete' gaged in agricultural gardening, He as lsoa Dugls tto New officers of Bowmanil growing education centre ln the played ta fair houses in the Tow whileScatish armes ar en-Rainow Tout wo yars.Home and School Association Girl Guides Become yont ai-d since its inlcePtionl Hall on Thursday and Friday e~Lod Wnct gtated T. R. Hilliard, Assistant In Good'>y-ear Creek weeisaldb î.Vleau, n14 a rw rmamds nnsls ek Dixector of Agricultural Exten- wereinstaled yfMrsVal M iay 220 students ta its preosent enrail- sinfor the Otai Dept. of Agri- Oshawa, at the f inal meeting aofnsfraii198bsgonfo ods nnsîs ek sion n aria O Plenty ofloa fishermen rv Mail Delivery the season held Wednesday night,SelnCoks ment of 2,600. ~ceinc sHera of the play wasDoToScoahi ,<ure, in an address delivered local trav- -e Ever), course i e ge sCraînp as Willoughby Adams,: Wne a yro jWonday evening at the Lions el hundreds of miles ta some se- h tts a May 7 th, in Ontario Street_____coîvapsibetiette\el-aieci aot pilss__ G4ub "Rural Night" held in the cluded retreat where big fîsh O h tts a col lsla osbet elmnee )utsic CmuiyCnr.abound, but not Bill Slaght. Ho Being Speeded Up Officers for 1952-53 are: Past Saturday is Coakie Day iii Bow- needs of the actual inldustrv young mani wha .still takes cd W ogauae aoetm Commuity Cntre.fishes in the Goodyear creek right ____ Pres.-MVrs. R. Richards; Pres.-inanville. which the student hopes ta find a liver ail froni the firîn hand c epoe fTeSaemi n Ten Junior Farmers, two farm- here at home and ho catches big GirGudswl ncatýo h A tHee (len1 e ahradGreB.Rk-Out-of-town subseribers ta The Mrs. Raymond Hutchinson; Vice- r udswl koka arJob. Each schaal lbas an advisaryhiAntHse (Clen u-prstya eoderstet er athrs an Grne B Rik-ones-the kind that dont get aainSaeîa lbnft Presidents-Mrs. B. Mîlne, Mrs. door ai-d greet yau on the street counicil imade up cf business lead- chinsoiu, cats tuiiîip. whicbhoaRysnIstutaieco- arPrsdnteetgrteeo-awy atly froam a rec entîy revis- iseman, Mrs. G. Maffatt "with a doudcous display of Tre- ors andi techoica] and maniage- 1bates, for his Aunt Louise, n gTrno ly iaot manville Rotary Club and one Tedyeennir l ge aling schu edl re ickrdor.Se.-r. . fowillcing ta art wthefor125 cts fents.experts lu their respective paiequahelpanoiuch o i nai tti ti e un ai Fa m e , er g es s took is p l e and patience t a fish M rs D ar k; Rr ec.- Se M rsH' ai co.i sPer-. th fwi i e ldnsa esa a t c p u e at the meeting where the speaker . a___package.____ Aunt Olga. The maiden ladeyarfrtescntmete$0 pointed out that Scotland, ai- ln the creek. He caught a 21,2 A. J. Gertzbain, Mail Transpor- fect; Treas.-Mrs. F. Cale; Ex- a package.ht imup thoughthe porest gricuturalpound rainbow traut about 18 tatian Offîcer for the Post Office ecutive Committee - Mrs. D.- The cookies aie made in theccbdtridtato iiflluEcrnisHoonheco- country in the world, hIsan x- ches long. Wednesday marn- Of Canada, spent considerable Rackham, Mrs. I. Munday, and the 65 lLocal Girl Guides grduatonan - Msrs.e- shgaped 0fthe 6 oa iGuides iina be ocl19lwn i gauto utre rbpfrtefrs iels or cellence of soul second anly ta i1ngho braught the fish down ta tinie and displayed remaricable H. Hughes, Mrs. R. Craînp, Mrs. ilbcm ecat o a Elects fes d-îvs' time, go ta Princetonan Denmark. He said tbis was dueTh tesaofieo prove his ca-operatian lu setting up a A. Coverley.wileoemrcatfradaOfi rsM.iaotwosn bse- TStatesman offrticeopr ouin Mnuesoftta151anlulare boping ta hoîster their camp br e.r oan architect; go ta Harvar n cra h ntttsSho pragram Scottish farmers have Now don't rush dow'n ta the efTehttsmnw ichxxill hoel meeting v -e read by the sec- yer 1udsralzdsie$5 been carrying an for centuries. creek and oxpecîta ocatch a delivered ta aut-af-town subscrib- retary, Mrs. G. Moffatt, and yCookGies Da izs nl eld T S75.ig fic xeeservatai-v and ho a nmusicia.sniiSp.13.H ln w happer right off. Bill says ors as quickly as passible. Treasurers annual repart xvas okeDyi anal ed -c olwn ofc vr Willoughby agrees with cachofcrrluectocsngada Mr. Hilliard, lu campany withthrsawsacopeabi Tenevrungvllft read by Mrs. H. Pickard in th throughout Ontario b 'v Girl Guide elected ta conduct the business tbemi for tbe sake af peace. ta îx er four Junior Farmers, last year ones aad ad fcou'eoufkyifoThlc e ive ry tein crel nta luabSenea r rdCl.Associations with a certain per- Of Local 18~9, United Rnhlber. As lie lies an the cbcstcrfied TeResnsoeti .tc spent four months in the British ,saon n i.o'el goetlcldlvey h nrae n be aiMr.Fe oe mono oe md lvtdCrk ioei ndPateWr-1 u-it ai rn h e do, il's a cinch you wan't have ta miost aut-of-town subscribers in speaker, whase theme was "Mus- wta loc Guide wrkDaturdayOb-trsni 1A52 -15,ca. flic cnsoiug r Wripls bi înl ner~slibeIwradtî sme owle farms and attending many live- lug it a couple of hundred miles Ontario ta read hametown new 10leand Arts." Mrs. Hertzberg, awlaohokiDay iii05b- eri r 2 ce. t a helin te a n ber i.sudd eîl inaiii -vtebsenrisoaastdn (Continued on Page Seven) home ta the frying pan. the day follawing publication. anrartis maoehasnecome xvel awa. e unionsip meet Singbldv iii ibe.stand Lt rhinis oa rlimjoenrli faarDet knon t thirnidnonoftai district, said that four qualities will be dovoted ta tbe Guide President - Ivan M. l-obbs: is n bold, self-confident sieas atn Sain ie AriclesI.Jon ted "o lins Clb .A. tionSal are necessary for a goad picture: camnp at Pigeon lake wberc inany Vice-Pros.--D. S. Kemp; Secre- wl a solution for ail of Wil- TeSaena on i Sa p eArils o aed T io sC ubA cio l lclgirls enjov campingbaiol- tarv-1-1. Hennin,; Treasurci- E.' îbbsprohh-mis xviicb u u atnc- ocs aIi (Continued on Page Seven) davs each suinmer. J. Gibbs, a1i l ected. Executixe le s Wilo,,* - serigh hilatanni Wtiso Boaîd-I. M. Hobs. DS. Renp, slfa d am sobo-ist c ai ove neis t b ClownsHI-ennîng, E. J. GibbsC.Rail-W was cred t ti eroill Three Bands, Floats and Cgods lieeev e1hvrho h gblyli - ~~~~~~~~~In Big Kinsmen Karnival Parade R!r ahradDuhe ih Held ai MemorialArena May 23 -24 A Gala Aifair foril n on ,~ -1i~Big di aw i g card for the Mon- r and tali lp inako na ster Kînsmen Karni aiwhich ý-asie fm oac oe The Lions Club drive for cast-aside articles for their annual Auction Sale is Yin Art Hurupage, Chairmnan cf Make Your plains noxv ta sec ce- Trustees-W. Thetford. W. baoke"t. Coîisidcî-iiig hat bbec e-jlf i o. i a ildwt begining a pa divdend. Mebersof te com itte pos aboe wih a mallsamp e tb'Carnix-al Commitîe. expoots the par-ade aîîd attend the Kîns- iblv E. A. Joncs. Prop-rt -îînn- Ivaso oc-casionî for Ii ac n rltîtu xi-c ta bave a grand parade featurîngli-on Karnivai. You uniglu. be Coniiîîec-W,ý. ackiîeu, R. Kon- celehi-ation af Mr. Jackson's hirtb-'lcwtî xetal oldaa of the kind of goods Lions would like to have donated ta their drive. Lions Jack Hawes a Clow~n Baud complote xiîh f ife the anc to xvalk off witb the îîctt, Gea. Perfect. District 6' day, Prosident Have said: "Yuanthpt-ashentahr (left), 0. K. Osborne and Bob Kent, committee chairman, are seen with twa buffets. two and drumn, specîally imported for graceries ai- a iovehv stuffed ani- Compensation Comnmitîe D. S. 1 certairily bit the jack-paitanigbt iîn h toewt l-s utility chairs, shoes, clothes horse, rocking horse, inner tubes, scrub board, pictures the eveniîig. The Canadiau Leg- mal prize. Onîe thing certain,; 'Kemp, W. Blakele., E. A. Joues. Keith.' wbhen ho awardeclbma mk hii.cntaedl 9 electric clock, lamps, dishes, toys, two ice boxes, a screen door, mirror. medicine cabinetï ion Pipe Baud xxill skiri theirryou'll ho ii for a granid rcvcniiig Puf)ibcîtx -E. A. Jones: Seutiîi<l birtbrlax- spoon.aprmnao-e and many other iems. If you hav xoavtaloggtx itbtethe paradebsadrdva, ien.phni"d >onllahenlielpingthtaparadKa-niie funGuidevoE.IHui.t:eDang :o s nnettdauidlîters-for- DFireuiciî brokei ma gheerbup a n d a n y th er ite m . il y o u a v e o m et in g a d o ate 0 th clu 's d iv e, tole h o n e t le b u gle b a ud ro ni th e B ai-s p t ari tf cial ice in M c in orial Ciioup lo x min i Insu ra ice R ep ru- *t i.- ':e: ý.n , t n u g th e g a i lî a g i a r a o r u d m Lion Jac.k Hawes at 520- iTraining Schoal will also be aniArena. il entatx---W. Blakeloy. idîniier meetiig raugcd in aeaewsdo, 71- PÈR COPV anabian BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MAY l5th. 1952 MTTM«PP.P 9(b y