PAGE SMX Darlinglon Council Signs Agreement Wilh Hampton Park Commiltee Darlington Council met May lut with Reeve Roy Nichais pre- uiding. A&rrangement between Town- ship af Darlingtan and Park Cam- mittee was read and agreement signed by Mns. Mildred Kersey, Women's Institute; G. W. Chant, Athietic Club; Mrs. Gladys West- lake, Ladies' Service Club; Brian Damant, Boy Scouts; J. Macnab, Business Men. Agreement was adopted. Letter irom Dept. af Agricul- ture requesting Council ta appoint a Weed Inspector ta assist the Caunty Weed Inspector. W. R. IColorful, endurin g finish for interiors! IB-H Eggshell provides 1 alustrous, washable1 Ifinish - wonderful for 1 walls, furniture and i iwoodwork. Econonmi., Ical, too -B-H Paints spread farther-lastI tlonger! On Scde at Mlason & Dale RARDIWAREc m6 Rng St. IE. ]Phone 408 Bowmanville Plckeli was appointed. Motion was passed requesting Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission ta instali two street lights ln Hamnpton. By-Law was passed ta establlsh a Community Centre at Sauina. Reeve Nichais and Counilor Vice are representatives irom Tawnship Council on this Board. Alfred Ayre complilned ot con- dition ai road allowance between Lots 4 and 5, Con. 1. Councillor Rickard and Road Supt. wene ap- painted ta investigate and re- port ta Cauncil. Cierk was authorized ta order 25 tons af calcium chiaride. These bills were paid: Thos. Whllier & Son, sup- plies -------------- $ 110.05 Treas.. Bowrnanvillie, Fine Brigade ---------- - 410.00 H.E.P.C., Hampton street llghtng ----_--------- _ 110.00 Caunties' Treas., Hospital. 304.50 J. D. Hogarth, April ual. 208.25 J. D. Hogarth, postage, etc. 4.00 Geo. Knox, S. S. 14, ad- vance ------- ------- 500.00 Bell Telephone, charges 6.80 Wm. Lycett, Assesson, sal. 284.56 Unemploy. Insur. stamps 3.24 Receiver-General, incarne tax----------------------- 1.05 Relief------------------- ---112.20 Roads and Bridges, maint. and repairs -- ----------- 4326.11 Dalington Council held a spe- cial meeting on the evening ai May 8th with Reeve Nichais pro- siding. One tender ion gravel crushlng was neceived from R. A. Blyth Ca., wbich was laid an table un- til negular meeting. Reeve and Clenk were authan- i.zed ta sign choque for $1500 ta Kainice Construction Ca. provid- lng the job is satisfactony ta E. F. Marston, Municipal Engineer. Road Supt. was authorlzcd ta sec about an overbead loader mounted on International tracton. Coundil have asked the 0. P. Police ta investigate the dumping ai garbage on roads. Cierk's saiary was brought up and on motion, salary was raised $500,00. Council agreed ta leave account with the Bank ai Montreal if they will change the taxpayen 7c ior under $15.00, and 10e for aven $15.00 as collection changes on taxes, and if they wil accept pay- ment ai taxes in thein bank in Oshawa under the same conditions as in Bowmanviile and transfen money froe ai change. Borrow- ings ta bean intereat ut the cur- rent rate. Meeting adjaurned to June sth. The heavenly intent af eart shadows is to chasten the aff tions, ta rebuke human consciai ness and turn it gladiy froir materlal, false sense afi lue a happirjess, ta spiritual joy a true estimate ai being.-Ma ENNISKIL LEN SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SERVICES wIll be held on SUNDAY, MAY l8th ai 2 and 7:30 p.m. (D.S.T.) Services will be conducted by :- REV. F. J. WHITELEY, Centre Street Church,' Oshawa Singing by the Sunday School under the leadership of Mrs. R. M. Seymour MUSIC BY THE ORONO BRASS QUARTETTE Collection in Aid of Sunday Schaol Funds SATURDAY, MIAY 241h 1 SPORTS PROGRAMME starting ai 3 p.m. Races for Children, under 12 years Junior Football Game at 4 p.m. LEAGUE FOOTBALL GAME AT 6:30 P.M. TYRONE vs. ENNISKILLEN Supper Starting at 4:30 p.m. until ail are served. CONCERT AT 8:00 Burketon will present their play "Aron Slick From Punkin Crick" - Special Music Between Acts - A DMI1S SI10N Adulis: Supper Only or with Concert - - 10 Concert OnIy 50e Children: Supper Only or with Concçrt -50c: Concert Only _____25c Rev. R. M. Seymiour, Pastor. AUla Werry, Edgar Wright, Secretary. Superintendent. lce- us- and ary 4c c Of Ph Of R ME HE 37 I74 1 MENEZER 1 Business Directary LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K. Bannisten, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank ai Montreal VIoney ta, Loan Phone 791 Bowmanvilio, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W.,. Bowmanviile Plhane, Office 688 - Residence 553 MSS APHA 1. HODGINS 3arrister, Solicitor, Notany Public Successon ta M. G. V. Gould Tempenance St. - Bawmanville W. F. WARD, Nt'. Barnisten, Solicitor, Notary Money ta Loan 9%½ King Street E., Bowmnanvllo, Ontario Phoanes: Office 825 - House 409 CONANT & CONANT Barnisters and Solicitors Gardon D. Canant, K.C. Rager G. Canant, B.A. Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7%! Simcoe St. S. Phono 3-2227 Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25 DENTAL DR. W. M. RUDELLr D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 0 King St. W. - Bowmanviile Office Ilours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 House Phone 3609 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville iifiée Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Ciosed Sunday Phone 604 MEDICAL S. H. WITZEL, M.D. Physician and Surgeon orner af King and Mill Streets Newcastle iffice Hours: 2 -4 and 7 -8:30 p.m. Sundays and Thursday by appaintment only "hones:- )ffice 2621 - Residence 3441 IEAL ESTATE H. G. (Hap) GILL Real Estate 8 Second Stroet Proponties Sold - Rented Managed and Appraised lembens of the Canadian and Ontanio Real Estate Boards H. G. Gui, Realtor Phono Bowmanville 3514 ARCHITECT Before you build, consuit an anchitect IERBERT G. COLE, M.R.A.I.C. Telephone Bowmanviile 3653 AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITH Chartered Accountants 7King St. E. Oshawa Mr. Gardon W. Riehi, C.A., resident partner. OPTOMETRY KEITH A. BILLETT Optometnlst lifice Houri: 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. Monday ta Satunday except Wednesday 9 - 12 Evenings by Appointrnent King St. W. - Bowmanvifle Phonie 3252 THIE CMfADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAN1VELTt 6ONARIO "Faatest service l'y. ever seen!" j HEADQUARTERS for complete GOOD/ftEAR TIRE SALES AND SERVICE c s f f F i ci 12 p t] ai S BURKTON À 'V"'vfin@ congregation et- t*nrl,'tl the Mother's Daiy service in nur church on Sunday. l'he horrendered à splendid anthemn and the miiàter took for bis sub- le't: King Soloman deilà with iwo mothers over a very dlfficult iamiY p roblerm. He saw In Solo- mon': luâgement the fine quai- Itif1g nt a truly modern psychis- triat In the study af the @motions af the buman mind. Two child- non received the rite ai baptism, Edith May mand Robert Edward, IZIUMALJTZ, MAl.TZ15, 1982 whose parents are Mr. and Mnm Frank Hairoyd of Eurketon.' Their grandmother, Mrs. Staples. her daughter and her husband came irom Toronta ta be presept for the occasion. The number af people atteî*i Ing the Sabbath Schoal session and' public wonship is indeed an lnspIration and delight ta us ail. The art its ai the play "Aaron Slick fram Punkin Creek" pre- sented the play maost successiully ut Raglan this week. The eauicat way of dalng noth- Ebenezer C.G.I.T. met at Caral Countice's witb nine present. The next meeting is at Lonaine Knox's an May 24. Jean Osborne had the devotianal service and opened it with a poem "Mother" and sang 'Faith ai aur Mothens" (Fa- thens) with Jean Osborne lcading in prayer. Muriel Tink nead the study book "Spiendar Dawns" and Miss Annold told the neal meaning ai Mothen'. Day and read a paem. The meeting clos- cd with the C.GI.T, taps and prayen. Oriental mission wonk in Can- ada was the subject ai the study period taken by Mns. R. R. Gay at the W.M.S. meeting ai the Aiternoon Auxiliary ai Ebenezer. The early treatment ai the Chinese in Canada is flot pleasant ncadlng or ilattering ta a so-caîl- cd Christian demacnatic country. The Chunch showed cancern aven the exploiting ai cheap labor. Mn.. Garnett Tubb and Mns. Glenn Piekeil told the stary of two Chinese ladies tramned in China who later were able ta jain thein husbands in Canada. Mn.. Gay aiso spoke ai the Jap- anese in Canada and the evacu- atian during World War IlI rom the West Coast thnougbout othen parts ai the country. Miss Anne Hait took as topic fon the devotional "The Worid i. One." Prejudice keeps us inom truc Christianity-Let us thene- fore caîl al aur kindned and make brothers of aIl people. Mn. John Shontt nead the Scripture lesàon from Ephesians. Mns. Lloyd Down and Mn.. Robt. Muir sang "The Beautiful Garden ai Prayer," by nequest. Mrs. Somrneville opened the meeting with the prayer bymn, "Spirit ai the Living God," and called for sulent prayer ion the iamily ai the late Miss Dorothy Schaufflen, missiona-y In Ainica. Duning business period clotbing for chlldnen and Young people ta 16 yeans af age, was nequested, saxne to be in by May 23. Paper, nags and aid iran sai- vage will bc coiiected at the homes ai Mn.. R. C. Pearce, Mrs. Sidney Worden and Mns. A. J. Gay on May 20. Mrs, Elton Werry, speaking on Christian Stewandship, leit the thaught. "Lufe is a sbip witb a nich cargo but I am the one ne- sponsibie fan deiivering the gaods." ENNISKILLEN M'rs. Adam Sharp vlsited rela- tives in Toronto and attended North Parkdale annlversary ser- vices. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and famlly were Sunday visitors with bis parents, Mr. and Mns. A. M. Wearn, Clarnmont. Mn.. E. Strutt vislted Mn. and Z. Adams, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mru. Albert 0k. vis- ited Mns. James 0ke, Greta and Marianoe at Shaw's. Mr. and Mns. W. J. Bragg and Allen, Providence, at Mr. and Mn.O. C. Ashton's. Mn. and Mru. Walter Rahm, Tynone; Mn. and Mns. Gardon Whlttaker and Eva Ann, Harnil- ton, with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gniffin and othen relatives. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Stainton with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Drono. Misses Louise and Marjonie Mc- Intosh, Whitby; Mn. and Mns. Gea. A. Scott and Sharon. Osh- awa, with Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Ir- wmn. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and Lloyd, Mn. and Mrs'. Albert Wright visited Mns. Minenva Tnewin and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Mn. and Mn.. Leonard Schell and iamily, Mn. Melvin Scheil and friend. South River, at Mn. and Mrs. E. McNair's. Mn. and Mn.. Earl Masters and family with Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Nicholson, Orono. Mn. and Mn.. Roy McGill and Reva wene Saturday nlght visi- tors at Mn, and Mns. Charlie Langmaid's, Sauina. Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catharines, with ber parents, Mn. and Mns. N. Wright. Master Keith Ellis with Mast- er Tommy Wilson, Hampton. Mn.. Harold Milîs and family with ber mothen, Mrs. M. Wells, Port Penny. Mn.' and Mrs. E. Sandencock and baby, Onono, with Mn. and Mrs. C. Ferguson. Mn, and Mns. Howard Oke and Ganny, Oshawa; Mn. and Mns. Bruce Ashton and family, Purpie Hill, with thein parents, Mn. and Mn.. Walter Oke. Mn.. E. Stnutt, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Petbick and Ruth at Mns. Gea. Fenguson's, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Earl Tnewin and childnen with Mn. and Mn.. Fred Toms, Purpie Hill. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and boys with hen parents, Mn. and Mn.. S. Kensey. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. McNair, Mn. and Mn.. Ralph Davis, Stoufiville, were Friday evening visitons at Mn. and Mn.. E. McNair's. Mn. and Mrs. David Gnay and Canal, Newcastle; Mr. and Mn. M. McDonald and Gerald, Miss Ruth Adams, Mn. Steve Shredd, Mn. and Mn.. Lawrence Adams and family, Bowmanvilie; Mn. and and Mns. Henry Adams an~d fam- iiy, -Hampton; Mn. and Mns. Jim Fallis and famlly, Cadmus; Mn. and Mns. Verdon Lathangue and1 family, Ballydufi, visited their rnothen, Mrs. J. Adams an Motb- er's Day. Mns. Mantha Wright Who has been with Mn. and Mns. Norman Wright for the wlnten bas ne- turned ta ber son's home at Tynone with Mr. and Mn.. Russell Wrnight, Mr, and Mn,. L. Stainton and family with Mn. and Mrs. C. [Vills and Mn. R. Hapes, Port Penny. Mn. and Mns. Floyd Pethick, Mrns. Venna Wood, Toronto, with their parents, Mn. and Mn.. S. R. Pethick. Mn. and Mn.. R. McGiI and Reva were Sunday visitons with Mrn. and Mns, Jim Might and Mn. and Mns. Jim Tunnbull, Peter- borough. Mn. and Mns. Mel McCune and Cheryl, Varcoe's Road, with Mn. and Mns. Harold Ashton. Mr. and Mns. S. R. Pethick, iIns. Venna Wood and Nancy with vIns. Wm. Sheppard, Elizabeth- vile. Mn. and Mn.. Gardon McLean, .Txbridge, wene Saturday visitons at Mr. and Mru. Alvin Boyd's. Look for speclal Anniverisary Announcement eiaewhere in The Statesman. Mns. E. C. Athton at her home with Mr..and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Colla- cutt, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin and attended the christning af their granddaugh- ter. Mrs. J. Kennedy, Bowmanviile, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stev- ens. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Balley, Biackstock in company with Mr. and Mns. k. W. Werny spent the weekend wlth Mr. and Mrs. Bey Veale, Klrkland Lake, and at- tended the chrlstening af their granddaughter. Mrs. Veaiè and baby returned home wlth themn ion some holldays. The Unllmited Club The T.U.C. (The Unlimited Club) members beld their last meeting for the winter season in the pansonage at Enniskillen. This club las camposed ai maie membens only and range fnom 12 years up. The club is unllm- ited fromn the standpoint ai age, color, race, or creed. In its meetings a devotional Is held and a toplc given, a social bour, bus- iness section, and is concluded by aà social hour. The parents ai aur boys have been very kind ta us as bostesses in their homes. Plans were made ta invite the C.G.I.T. Group ta a weiner roasti at Stephenson's Paint, Lake Scu- gag, to be the guest ai Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Seymour at their camp In July. The highlight ai Thursday's meeting was a waffle and maple syrup supper served by the min- isten who, it would appear by thej way the waffles disappeaned, is quite praficient In the culinany art. After a delightfui tîme a motion ai appreciation and thanks was tendered Mr. Seymour by Joe McGill and Grant Werry. We ail look forwand ta, the fali when this club will again get into full swing. A club of this kind is very constructive and helpful as these boys take cane of the en- tire meeting. even ta washing the dishes, etc. It is indeed a pleas- ure ta have a group ai this kind came into your home, as they are most cansidenate and gentleman- ly and leave you with the ight kind ai feeling in your heart and a good taste in your mouth. Mothers Dàay Service The Mother's Day Service was1 well attendcd on Sunday evening. A special choir composed ai the C.G.I.T. members under the lead-c ership ai Mrs. O. C. Ashton,5 their leader, assisted severals mothers in the music, for the en- tire service. The number, "Tel Mother M'I Be There" was beau- tif ully rendered. The ministeré taok for his subi ect. King Solo-a mon, as a student ai 111e, andD read for the lesson the stony oai twa mothers inom 1 Kings III.i Heather Annette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gniffin; John Frederick, son ai Mr. and Mn.. Fred McLaugblin, and Ralph James, son af Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin, were presented for s baptism. The service was much appreciated by ail.a PONTYPOOL NESTLETON Nestleton W. 1. met at the new manse and were given a warm welcomne by Mn. and Mn. H. Mc- Comb. There were 32 Iadien, Mn. McComb and some children present. Mr. McComb gave a splendid talk on Ireland, reiating some lntenesting atonies. Thert were several neadings and main toplc was bow ta rais. fiands for Part Penny Hospital. We are ta stant nlght away and save aur funds. Mn.. R. Davison handed ln a qult top which lu roady ta be quiltod. Mrs. H. Vine reported the afghan was nearly comjlleted on which tickets will b. sol d. Raoll Caîl was answened with new ways ta help aur W. 1. Mn.. H. Samneils very kindiy Invited us tu ber home for meeting on June 4. A dainty lunch was served by the officers and Mn. and Mrs. McComb wcre given a vote af thanks fan a splendid a Iternoon in thein new home. Mn. and Mn. Eli Mains and Mn. and Mn.. George John. spent Wedncsday evcning with Mr. and Mn.. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Mains are moving ta St. Chris- tophon and wlll be gneatly miss- cd in this neighborhood. Mn. and Mn.. Kenneth Sarnells, Melville and Anna, visited Mn. and Mn.. Wm. Smnith, Lindsay. Mn, and Mns. Alian Wilson and Glenda visited friends at Brook- lin. Miss May Reynolds i. visiting ber aunt, Mns. John William. Miss Helen Bowens was Sun- day suppen guest with Mn. and Mn.. H. Vine. Mn. and Mn.. W. Baternan vis- ited Mn. and Mn,. L. Joblin. Mn.. H. Vine and Ralph visited Mn. and Mn.. Reg Middleton, Malton. Mn. and Mns. Norman Malcolrn, Mn. and Mn.. Lloyd Hunten and Nola, Pont Penny, visited Mn. and Mn.. L. Joblin. Service in the United Cbunch was well attended. Mn. and Mn. Grant Campbell bad Karen Ann baptized. Mn. and Mn.. Allan Suggitt visited Mn. and Mn,. Eli Mains. Sympathy i. extended ta Mn. Lamne Tbompson in the passing of ber fathen, Mr. Cobbiedick, who was buried ln Onono on Sat- unday. Mr. Wm. Thompson is necaven- ing fnom bhis recent openatian. Mn. and Mrs. Menvin Bird and family, Bnookiin, visited Mn. and Mn.. M. Emerson. Mn. and Mn.. Marshall Mai- colm and Ann, Stratiord, wene Saturday dinner guests with bis sisten. Mn.. L. Joblin. Mn. and Mn.. George Windsor and Billy, Baliantnae; Mn. and Mn.. George Sellers and Gail, Mn. and Mn,, Reid Vintue, Brenda and Barry, Bowmanviile; Mn. and Mn.. Norman Mains and family, Mn. and Mn,. Ivan Mains and Jimmy vlsited Mr. and Mn,. Eli Mains. Mn. and Mn.. Rae Malcolm, Yelventon, visited Mn. and Mn. Victor Malcolm. Miss Margaret Steele, R.N., spent the weekend in New York. Dr. and Mn.. J. S. Crawford and three sons, Toronto, vîsited Mn. and Mis. Wm. Steele, aiso Mn. Joshua Evans, Raglan, visit- ed tbem. Mn. Garry Venning, Biackstock, [s painting the inside ai the church and wiil have it donc be- fore anniversary services on May 25. No service in United Chuncb, Sunday. owing ta Blackstock an- nivensany. Mn. and Mn.. Lawnence Mal- colm, Gail and Bannie, visited Mn. and Mn.. Sam Brooks and Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Bow- Shadow Wave HOME PERMANENT Complet. Kit ____ 28 Refilîl - 15 Toni HOME PERMANENT New Refi----- -- $1.75 Spin Curiera ---- $1.29 Thermos Lunch Motor Flaahllghts Botties Kits Jugs Complete $1.89 - $1.98 $1.25 $3.95 - $4.95 $1.79 - $2.50 Dodd'à Aerosol PISaBombs 500 $1.59 - $1.89 Gin Ds e Pill ForMath Killer 590 50c- 79ô Balanced Cyte TFRUIT SàALT" Larvex Cysblexs I8S - Spray Tablts itnes 093e - $1.43 $1.00 - $2.00E 0$20 PLEASANT __ odbr' HelhSaits ATIG ~Soap 59e0-4 for 26o Firsi Aid Needs pca Bandaids - ---- - 15 - 35e Sun Glasses, Tangel for Burns - 75e . $1.95 Airforce Style -___ 99c Adhesive 25c - 35c Other Sun Glaasea ln Tr. lodine -_____ 25e - 35e assorted styles and shadea Hygeol ____ 35C - 60Oc 25c - 50oe $1.49 - $4.00 - Baby Scales for Reni COWLIING' S PHNEDRU G STORE WEFr TRUSSES More Production at Less Cost With Modern Equipment Neyer before lias a man been able to do so mucli work on a farm so quickly and easily. Ncw methods and modern mechanization have increascd farm efficiency giving more production per worker at less cost. Up-to-date equipment solves the farm labor shortage. Mechanized farming is the modern, low-cost, high output, more profitable way to farm For more than one hundred years Canadian Farmers have found in Massey-Harris machines the kind of equip- ment that saves time, saves labor, and enables ful advantaze to be taken of favorable conditions. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Ma*kers of Higli Quality Farm Implements since 1847 j CASH PRIZES JACKPOT TRIS GUNE - $75.00 - 12 NUMBERS TO BE CALLED - - also - SPECIAL GAMES & SHARE THE WEALTH le" ROBSON MOTORS PHONE- 585 PONTIAC - BUICK SALES & SERVICE 1 AM L.O.L. Hall was filied ta ca- pacity an Fniday night fan a presentation and dance for Mn. and Mn.. Alan Downs. The newly- weds were presented with a chesterfield suite. Bath express- cd their thanks ta the committee and fniends who made the pres- entation passible. Lunch was senved at midnight and the music fan dancing was supplied by the Richandson-McGill Orchestra. Mn. and Mn,. Steve Yacanak, Toronto, wenc weekend visitons bore. We anc always glad ta wel- came former Pontypudians in aur village. Messrs. G. Fiske, A. Cain, W. Miller and J. Payne attonded the Official Board meeting ai Ponty- pool-Janetvilie pastoral charge at Janetvlle, Wodnesday evoning. Members ai Manvers Council spont a couple ai days inspecting roads ai the township. Beaver Construction Ca. bas almost cam- pleted sevenal portions ai road Lmpravement. We regret ta report the passing of anc ai aur oldest citizens and a lufe-long nosident ai Manver, 'ownship, Mn,. Jane Boggs. De- ceased was almost 91 yeans ai age and passed away at Lindsay. She had beon real active until a y'ear ago when she suffered a bnoken bip. Hon husband pro- deceased ber about oight years ago. Funoral was beld Satunday from the residonce ai hon son, ix-Reeve James Boggs, and was langoly attended. Rev. Gault ai Bethany Anglican Church ai fic- iated and interment took place at St. Mary's Cemeteny, Lifford. Pallbearers were Roy Hunter, Nelson Wilder, T. Kellett, H. E'bompsan, E. Cavano and J. Payne. We extend aur sincere ympathy ta the beneaved. We congratulate the Yelventon people for the way they are as- isting Genald McGiil and family vho lost thein fine borne thnough ire.- They bave pnesented the family witb about $850 besides considerable work and other itms. This fine gosture is wonthy of commendation fnom evoyaono. Anothen fine destroyed the Lame ai Mn. and Mn.. Ralph Simpson who resîded nean Pont Hape. Mn.. Simpson was alone with the childnen when it hap- encd and nothing was saved. We understand neighbor. are assist- Ig in securing a new borne for Lhom. Ralph is a brother ai Mn. Harry Carter and resided bore ir sovenal yoars. Ho is a voter- Rn ai Worid Wan Il and mannied xhile ovenseas. We hope the ;impson iamiy will soon be ne- THURSDAY, MAY 22 manville. - *8 p.m. Sharpi 1 NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Proceods for Newcastle Lions Club Welfare Work iý %214P la taim