PAGE RIGEITTHCAAIA AESA.OWAVL.ONRO 9'R'TT~TIAV IIAV 15 lame --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , -'a.. a c., *SUa Over $5,700 Raised by Kinsmea' In Canvass for Artificial Ice The Kinsmen Club has com- Pleted its door-to-door canvass of Bowmanviîîe for funds required ta instaîl artificial ice in the Memorial Arena. Some $5,700 was raised through the canvass and a subsequent tag day, and this amount together with the $3,300 îaised by prevîous Kinsmen Club projects boosts the ice fund total ta $9,00o. Calling off the canvass does not nican the drive for funds is over. Kinsmen will still gratefully ac- cept donations from those who have been missed. Drap your dollars off at any one o! the fol- lowing stores: Lander's Hard- ware, Hooper's Jewellery & Gift Shop, Weber's Fabric Centre, and in the South Ward, at How- ard Corden's store. (Continued from last week) Dr. Keith Siemon - --- _ 20.00 C. Cattran ----- - _ 10.00 Violet Cale 3.00 Rev. W. P. Rogers 2.00 Haury Allin ----------- 5.00 M. Puoctor ----- - 2.00 Mr. Needham 2.00 Mrs. N. James 1.00 Wm. Cann ----------- ------ - 1.00 Norman Allin - 10.00 E. E. Jones --- --- 2.00 Stan Dunn --------------- 5.00 Ed Summers -------------- 10.00 Elgin Gray -------- ----- 1.00 E. Greenaway ----- 5.00 Miss Clara Allen 10.00 Mrs. Workman ------ .50 Anonymous------------------ - 10.00 E. Gibson 2.00 R. Oke ---- --- -- -- 1.00 P. Newell ------- 4.00 E. W. Bradley 5.00 J. King --_____ 5.00 0. Richmond ___ 10.00 W. Lunn ------------------- .50 F. Smith -- H. Bennett ______ P. Woolner- M. Prout____ J. Brown______- M. Crook S. Allin ---__ L. Eldridge- Ralph Ormiston Jack Gibbs ---- Clarke Wilson Wm. Polley.. E. Clapp - ---- Mrs. J. Geddes ___ Ralph Cale---- Clarence Oke ____ Mr. Vinisk Miss L. Bates Mrs. Allison ----- __ M. Molloy ------ --- AI Witherspoon----- Arthur Marjerulson Alick Lyle - ---- - J. W. Knight --- Loi-ne Allin -_ _ Mr. McMurter - --- Mrs. Ben Fowler ---- Char-les Vivian .----- - Dan Vivian ------------ - Crystal Dairy --------- - Mr. and Mrs. R. Hooper -- Howard Bickle - - ---- J. Vannest ----- -- --- Miss M. Cale- C. A. Johns ------------- A. M. Thompson ---------- A. H. Clemens ---------- Wally Braden ----- - -- Mr. - Mrs. Dave Alldread Mi-. and Mis. Sam Dumas Lester Highfield -------- Mr-. - Mrs. Ernest Perfect M iss Colwill -- --------- Howard Masters ------ N. Wilkins ----- - H. B. Pollack ___ Anonymous E. Foley -- E. Lunn ----- 2 wu Hu BROWN 91 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE Phone4 Why Pay More For Less? Toronto Star Fer Week 30e Star Weekly Per Week lOc Total Per Week 40e THE TELEGRAM 6 Issues Per Week PLUS Weekend Picture Magazine PLUS 16 . Pages of Colored Comics Stili Only 25C Wilh TeIy Home Delivçry, g5c Every Week You Save.... For Home Delivery of The Tely, please rontact The Tely Carrier-Salesman on your street, write The Telegram, Bay and Melinda S ts., Toronto 1, or Telephone WAVEHLEY 6011 THE TELEGRAM Daily Plus WEEKEND YOUR BEST NEWSPAPER BUY 2 2 20 2 2 LO 2 1 2 2 Io 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 10 2 L 2. 1. Mr-. and Mrs. M. Hawley- Russ Brown- Mus. S. Rundle 3___ Mis. L. Welsh 2____ Mis. M. McPhail1 Leslie Nichols Io- . E. Hansen-1 A. Jones 2___ Joe Cuddahee 5___ M. *Slute3 M. Vetzel ----- Mrs. H. Caverly 3- S. Somerscales1 Gordon Badgers Edgar Bedford -- Harry Hughes ---- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Tamblyn - ------ 10 Dr. A. W. Steele 5 Anonymous -- 25 Mr. - Mis. Howard Jeffery . Mrs. G. L. Wagar1 Mr. and Mrs. Brooks 5 Miss L. E. Ta.vlor ---- _-- Mi"i Ileen Baison 2.0 2.5 2.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 1.2 5.0 1.0 10. 2.0 1O.4 2.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 10 2.5 1.0 10.0 2.D 1.0 2.& 2.01 Z5.0 1.01 3.01 2.01 8.01 5.0( 2.01 5.0( 1.0( 1.01 5.0( 2.0( 1.0 5.0 1 -Gordon Lindisty i1- L. Hayes -__ Albert Besteman___ Jack Besteman-____ W. E. Cunningham- Roy McDonald Wm. Shotter.......... Robt. Thompson .0O Frank Bottreli ___ DO Bruce Milne ____ 50 Roy McDonald.-- Mr. and Mrs. R. Swindells Do K. Rowe ---- Do Len Fowler --- -- 0O John Mutton DO0 C. P. Mutton ý25 Mrs. M. Vesna DO Fred Griffin 00 P. Laprade - --- 0O lMrs. Carl Devitt 00 Geo. W. Graham 00 Keith Porter 00 George Buchan 00 A. Irvine __----- DO Wm. Wallis- 50 Walter Murphy -- 50 Murray McKnight - 00 M. Moore ---- 50 W. Moore-------____ 00 Mrs. Snell--______ 00 Mr. Laurie-______ 00 B. King---- 00 Clif Purdy------ 00 Mr. and Mis. A. Gran 00 Mr. and Mis. I. Crockett 00 Mr. and Mis. J. Poulter - 00 Geo. Osmond ------------- 00 Mr-. and Mrs. F. Bradd -- 00 Mr. - Mis. Wm. Hamilton 00 Mis. Langley 00 Joe Sheehan------- 00 Norman Pingle 00 Thomas Hayes- 00 F. Nelles ------------ 00 Miss Helen Nelles 0 C. Burns ---------- 00 Geo. Burns ----------- D0 Wm. Cornish ------ 0 Edmund Southey D0 Mis. C. White ------------- DO Bob Stocker ---------- D0 Mr. - Mrs. S. W. Humpage DO L. G. Hancock ....... 0 -Roy V. Hooper- 0 Ken Hooper --- D0 C. A. Humpage 0 John A. Caldwell oSid Mitchell ------ H. Goddard ---- Mis. Bounsal ___ Rupert Byers -___ Ray Dilling ------ Avery Johnston Mr. McMahon Anorsymous ---------------- The Canadian Statesman-l Wanda's Beauty Salon- Glen Rae Dai-y -- Hooper's Jewellery L. C. Mason ___ Joe Cooper Mis. Hildersly Surplus Store Bowmanville Auto Parts - Anonymous- -- L. P. Dolan Alex Aziz -______ W. Ross Stuike ___ P. E. Brocklehurst- Lin Mitchell- ----- W. Reynolds- Mrs. Lucy Rowe Ivan Hobbs ------ Norman Irvine - --- Miss Marjory Couch Tom Rehder Ernie Rehder 7 E. J. Rundie Tots Toggery Reg Ellhott _____ Mis. Cairns Elgie's Handy Store Haîry Sutton .J. Ilolgate & Sons C. J. Garton « Higgon Electric_.---- 1 Fairway Food Market- M. Hollenburg W. J. Berry J. M. Wilson-_ ___ D. A. Puice -___ Chas. H. Carter Tom Carter Ralph Kelly------ Joan's Beauty Centre Dr. W. Rudeli ----------- Ted Woodyard ------- -- Roy Lunney .- -- --- Bowmanville Glove & Mitt1 Keith Billett1 Mrs. J. Kennedy S. Johnson E. Fowler R. Davies J. Graham ___ J. Bîough2 Wes Cawker ___ Norman Allin ----- - 2 S. G. Chaitran Estate - 2 Percy Cowling5 Lander Hardware---- 2 Jewell's Big 20 --------- 2 Hooper's Ladies' Wear Bowmanville Flower Shop Mrs. Bagneli --. Mrs. R. Hobbs: 2.00 Clinton Heriring ----- . 4.00 Mrs. Reta 1cKnight __ 2.0 1.00 Mrs. Wm. Potter 10.0 1.00 10.00 Mrs. E. S. Naylor 2.0 2.00 Everett Jones ------------- 2. 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dilling 2.0 2.00 F. Cooey ------------------- . 1.00 Wm. Moore -------2.0 10.00o G. W. Thrasher 5.oi 1.00 Richard Clark 25.0 6.00 W. H. Nichols ---- 2.0i 1.00 Wm. Thickson --------- 2.0 5.00 W. J. Hoare --------- _ 2.» 1.00 Mrs. Charles Betties 1.oi 1.00 Scott Densem ----------- 5.& 2.00 Mrs. L. M. Densem 2.0ý 2.00 M. H. Goslett ----- -3.0i 5.00 Herbert Hunt 10.0 2.00 Herbie Hunt -----2.01 5.00 Mrs. Edith Cole- -- 2.01 4.00 Miss Pat Colè -- - --- 2.01 2.00 Mrs. Thomas Monko . j 1.0 1.00) R. Stutt ---- - ----- 2.01 1.00 H. McCulloch ____ » . 2.00 Mrs. Nicholson .----1.0j 2.00 Ted Bagneli -------- 2.01 1.00 Mrs. W. Harrison and fam- 1.0 ily ----------------_-------10.01 5.00 Mrs. T. Miller--- 2.0ý 2.00 S. McKnight --5.01 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. H. Brooking 5.0( 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Lew DeweIl 5.0( 1.00 Mrs. Harry Foster ------ 5.0( 5.00 Mrs. M. Whitmee 1.01 1.00 Harry Collacutt---- 10.01 10.00 Miss Lois McMullen - 5.o0 1.00 Will Lonsberry 5.C0 1.00 Clarence R. Goodman--. 2.0ý 2.00 Mrs. E. Ott --1---- .0( 1.00 Herbert T. Colmer 2.0( 5.00 Mrs. Fred Colmer 1.0( 5.00 Richard Hawkey ---------- 10.0( 2.00 Morley Oke -------------- ---1.0( 5.00 Elgin Wight ------1.0( 10.00 Miss Francis Heari ---------1l.0 30.00 Miss Lucy Heari ------------- 1.0) 25.00 Mrs. G. Heari ------- _ 1.0( 10.00 D. Hodgson------------------ _ 5.0( 30.00 Rev, and Mrs. J. Turner -- .5( 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. E. Banting- 1.0( 10.00 B. Stapleton ------------ 2.0( 10.00 F. Morrili ------------------- - -5.0( 10.00 R. Stacey ---------------- 2.0( 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. W. Crawford 1.0( 5.00 R. V. Gallagher -------------- 5.() 1.00 Howard Piekard --------- 1.0( 2.00 C. Piper ------- - - 5.0( 2.0A. Bestman ----1.5( 2.00 Art Thompson 2.0( 2.00 Norm Hannan 2.0( 2.00 A. Woodward----------- 2.0( 10.00 F. R. Schon ------------ --- 2.0( 10.00 C. Welsh ------5.0( 10.00 Don Shay ---5.0( 15.00 Neil Mutton 5.0( 100.00 Miss Cane 1.0C .25.00 Ken Lemon ----- Oî 2.00 Lathangue Bros. 50.04 5.00 Anonymous------10.0( 10.00 C. McPherson --- 2.04 25.00 Mrs. R. J. Hayes 1.04 3.00 Mrs. A. E. Burton 1.04-Lo 1.0Aif Samelis --------5.0 10.00 E. Fice ------- 2.04 1.00 S. Smith -1.0-------- O 5.00 W. Davis ------------------ 2.04 5.0 D. S. Grant --------- 10.0C 5.00 Mrs. J. Grant 2.04 10.00 Jack Niddery ----2.0( 10.00 Ernest Wessells -------1--_ .04 2.00 Bowmanville Foundry 50.04 2.00 Art Frank - ----------- 10.04 50.00 Art Stackaruk 1.04-------- o 5.00 M. A. Sleep ------------ 10.04 .50 Mrs. Leander -------------- --1.C 5.00 A. Baker --------- 5.04 1.00 Perey Leach ------------ 3.0< 2 .0 H. M airs ----- ------4.0( 25.00 Jack Coole --- ------ - 5X0 25.00 Doug Carter ---------------5 .4c 25.00 Mrs. Flett --- ------ - 1.00 10.00 W. Teeple-------------.- 10 5.00 D. Armistead - ----- - _ 2.00 2.00 Harvey Hardy- 5.00 20.00 M. Munday ----- 2.00 2.00 Miss V. Bunner------------ 1.00 1.00 Miss K. Ard------ 2.00 2.00 Mrs. Muriel Symons 2.00 2.00 Joe Levett-------- 5.00 2.00 Dan King---- 10.00 5.0Allan Martin 2.00 25.00 J. J. Brown----------- - 5.00 25.00 W. J. Brown ------ 3.00 5.00 Miss E. Roach------ 1.00 10.00 W. Reid, Oshawa------- 1.00 1.0R. J. Brown ---- 10.00 2.00 Louis Dippeli ---- 10.00 1.0 Mrs. B. Annis ------------ 5.00 1.00 Mrs. J. H. Kimble ------- 2.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 25.00 - § 20.00 [0.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 teP m ig 5 .0 INoRDCTO.DR 2 .00 Pms eindfrFr uy 5.00 (in yfrs atrwer 00 00 00 00 0 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 O 00 O 90 O O DO )o O )o )o 50 )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o 50 )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o )o W )o lI lI The Easy Way The young lads of a generation or sa ago who used ta spend most of Saturdays on their knees weed- ing the lawn must be shaking theur heads today. That back- breaking job has well nigh dis- appeared. Ail that is necessai-y now is ta spray with one of the chemical weed killers. A couple o! applications about a month apaît. (ta catch any weeds that may have sprouted after the first does) will keep a lawn practiç- ally weed free. For driveways and paths these sprays can alsa be used and if we wish ta stop ail growth, grass as well as weeds, we can use other materials like special chem- ical sprays, rock sait or used en- gine oil. Some of these things will also keep down the dust, and protect fîom frost. Quality If there is any secret about getting the finest quality in vege- tables it is soon shared. The main thing is ta graw these things quickly, especially the sorts o! which the leaves or roots are eaten. If for some reason growth is checked, especially in the later stages, then more fibre develops and the vegetables become woody. To avoid checks, the experienced gardener pushes his vegetables with lots of cultivation, watering when necessary and feasible, and using fertilizer either natural or chemical, or bath. He will also thin properly so that the plants When Aircraft Technicians have completed their service check on an R.C.A.F. jet, it's had a thorough overhaul. Their "1O.K." means she's set to go - with 5,000 horse power in top con- dition -ready to roar! There's a need in Canada's expanding Air Force for stili more men who like to work with engines and machinery. The Air Force will give you a thorough aviation trades training-at good rates of pay, 30 days annual leave with psy, a pension to be earned-and with oppor- tunities for advancement. w, Yf »%wf s>se w&/*s have uoom and will be protected from insects or diseases. Beating Prout In certain parts of the country there may be stili danger of late frost. For a few extra early and tender thix>gs like melons, cucum- bers and tomatoes one doesn't need to worry if some extra pro- tection in the form of special paper caps or miniature glass or plastic greenhouses are used. These will fuunish ample puote. tion against quite a severe froat for several weeks. By using tkeýn one can plant any of tbjese te4'4r things outside from two ta t%,ee weeks eaulier than usual. Next Week Spread them out-Still tinie fer a show. If you brood over yaur troubleg, Be Fim In gardening it will pay ta be firm. If one lets every seed or plant grow the garden would soon become sort of a jungle and not a very healthy or attractive jungle at that. Nature is much too generous about germination. She is so afraid some species may die out that she starts a hundred seed- lings sometirnes where there is place for only one. If aUl these things grew they would crowd each other unmercifully and the net result would be poor spindly flowers and warped and twisted vegetables. In almost every case where plants are started from seed and especially tiny seed, like lettuce or alyssum or poppies, they must be thinned later. In doing this naturally we pull out the poorer Special Low Rates on Trips 1 No matter what the occasion it lu very economical ta travel by taxi to your destination. Cail us to-day and see how cheap it is ta travel by taxi. Phone 561 for a Cab Nighi or Day RING TAXI The Radio Cab Operated by Lathangue Bros. // AIREAME TECHNICIANS Io nmintain flylng end contrai sutfaces in perfect erder AERO-ENGINE TECHNICIANS fo imspect end repair modem aviation engines - ~ ARMAMENT TECKICIANS ta plant thé flrepower and service <emploi siihtmj aend flriag equip. mert RADIO-RADAR TECHNICIANS ta mnintain vital radio and radar equipment at pak off icienry tuf THE ICAF CARtER COUNCÊLLOR AT THE AbblSfI THE COUPON-OR MAIL THE COUPON ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE R.C.A.F. RECRUITING UNIT, 1207 BAY ST., j TORONTO, ONTARIO PHONE. RA.-1315 IPleast mail me, witbout obligation, fuI!, pariculars regarding Senrolment requirements and opcnings ,zow av'aein be /.e R.C.A.I I I NAME (PleascPrint) . . . . .. . . .... .. . . ISTREET.ADDRESS........................ ICITY ................. ...PROVINCE.. EDUJCATION (by grade and province) ..............* r - ----- -CAF-73WI INSTRUMENT TECHNICIANS tefat etnd adjust intrica e avia. dona Instruments specimens first but in any case1 we must leave plenty of roomn for full development. If we are afraid o! later damage from bugs or cutwoîms perhaps we wil leave twice as many plants as at first, then later on we remove every other one. In certain vege- tables like beets and caurots, tao, we leave the plants about an inch or so apart at first then use later thinnings for aur fi-st meals. When thinned properly the plants. left will grow more quickly,I more sturdily and should be healthieu. Thinning is not always con- fined ta seedlings. The extra big and fine blooms you usually see in the flower shows are often the result of thinning. Only in this case it will be the flower buds. Instead of letting every single rose, peony. or dahlia develop, the professionals nip off about f ifty per cent or mare of the buds Sa that those that are left will be finer and bigger. The same thing is done with fruit like apples, plums and peaches for big prime Chas. Haddy, Toronto- D. Kemp Glen Virtue M. Breslin H. Rogers H. Cryderman A. Brown------- Tom Philips, Tyrone H. B. Gilmer ----------- Jim Woodward ---------- Miss Ethyle Seymour G. Sellers -------- Mrs. H. Henning Lance Plain ---------------- Jack Burgess -------- Miss Dorothy Clarke D. Furey ----------- Edward Richards G. Carter --------- Miss M. Nichols H. Cowle- J. H eard ---------------- A . D unn ------ -------- Charles Bradley, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. F. Oke ----- Mrs. Ross Wright W. Morris Geo. Petty B. Holmes ____ Fred Luxton _____ Raymond Gibbs - H. Joint- F. R. Kerslake Mrs. Stanley Corden- C. Bell -------- Don Williams G. Bebee - ____ W. Brooks Robt. Morris Stuart James A &P Tea Co. _ Don Hanna -- J. Stout ----- K. E. Maguire ~ E. Laird -------------------- P. Williams ------------ . Wilfrid Carruthers - ----- Alex Crombie - -------- (To be continued) 2.00 5.00 0.00 50.00 2.00 I_ 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 10.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 5.00n 3.00 00 PUMPS &SOFTENERS 5.0LIMITE» Ppaj 2-001LON D 0N - CANADA I .00 500) JACKu BROUGE 5.00 PLUMBING AND HEATING 5.00 Bowmanville Division St. S. 5.001PHONE 615 - -------------- 5.00 10.00 2.00 25.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 .50 5.00 2.00 5i00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 10.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 2.00 10.00 10.00 1.80 10.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 10.00 45.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 25.00 5.00 50.00 3.00 ILMU U,,'m i -1 ALON Pittsburgh% New 1Pume.-Re. oem i __ sistant, Sun-Proof HNose Paint Keeps Homes Looking Whitg Longer! - DEALERS - NARTYN'S CORNER STORE and GARRY VENNINGI PAINTER BLACKSTOCK PHONE PORT FERRY 172r24 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAN=tt. ONTAMO Make yomsrs the brightest house o. the bIocbi SUN'MPROOF HOUSE PAINT t f t it TEtTRSDAY. VAY il- int 1