_ieImSD4y. MAT 22, 1952 luiital Afidrëst où Prohlems +la iat Àsia and lie Coliombo Plan ThIWbd Ctaianti CubLadies' Nlight Tremendous shartages o!f oci '.ter with the sfarfling under @t npost-war gouth anc at Asia prompted Corn ,a rigmiate the Colomb( Pla- lan fa ease famine anc i thi politicai uni-est by 1rovid. econamic aid and technica' -Sb stated George J. McIlraith >aliamentai-y Assistant fa the Mon. C. D. Hawe, Minister ol T7ade and Commerce, in an en- UIhenig address deiivered ai the annual Ladies' Night o! the ln's Canadian Club held Wed- ;ý*d y evening May 7th in St. ftl#United Church Sunday âchool. p I>,5l. Canadians, tbrough the S'cerâeôvernment, cohfribufed I25,,000 000 in econornic aid and f40O,0ld ln fechnical assistance, bccotdlng ta the speaker. In ac- SoundlhÈ for the distribution of bhis maney he concerned hlmself fIhainly w*Itb India, Pakistan anc Ceylan. The speaker said the p ian under which thisaid Is pro- lerred to individual states takès iis n nme rôm the capital city a: téylon. ObJeet of Plani Principle of the Colombo Plan, iccordtng to Mr. McIlraith, is impiy fa raise the sténdard ai living in South and South-East Asia ànd ta attempt ta develop lddltionàl food production. TIhe Plan bas advânced from ifs Colombo beginning of Com- mnonwealth members until foday, tnembhrshlp includes Canada, Ceylon, India, New Zealand, Pak- istan, the United Kingdorn, Bur- fna, Cambodia, Laos, United Étates o! America and let-Nam. ~he work done by member na- ions supplements the wdrk being fane in the same direction by tenited Nations. Libéral Member of Pérlianient f or Ottawa West since 1940, M.r. leraith. as infroducéd by John M.James, M.P. for Durham, is "a very able member,. a lawyer lby profession, ànd a Parllimen- tary Assistant since 1945." The peaker was born In Lahark, On- taria, and graduafed frorn Os- r ode Hall in 1931. Mr. Mcllraith as represented Canada aft a num- ber of Crnimônwealth and inter- fiational, conférences. Recenfly returned fi-r a meet- Ing of thé Consulfative Commit- tee on th~e Econoxwie Deveiop- Mnent o! South éand South East Aia held in Pakistan, the speàk- êr broke dawn the millions con- trbtdby Canada urider the ,Pan ini 1951 for the benefit o! janadian Club listeners and their estas. Dd Plan Benefits India r- Last year, $10,000,000 aifthe d arnount Set aside by the fedéral d r.. pafliament sent wheat ta India y, where they had a crap failure due X) ta a dry periad. Mr. Mclraith id said the lr¶dian gavernrnent dis- Jtributes the wheat and receives al Indian money in refui-n. This maney is set- aside in a caunter- h, part fund for the development ai ýe irrigation projects and the build- Sing of dams for flood cantral. The Mayuraskshi Dam Praject at e on the Bihar River in West Ben- -_ gal will provide irrigation for t. sorne 800,000 acres o! land whîch is expecfed ta increase production yby 300 tons ai rice and 50,000 ýtans aifaCher crops per year. 1 ýd Faur-and-a-half million dollars was last year allocated ta the Bombay stafe transportation sys- fern. Four hundred and fifty bus ,fchassis and 1,050 truck chassis Ifwere ghipped ta the area ta in- dcrebse transportation facilities. eHeré again, money fi-rn the salef -wîli be turned inta the caunter-c spart fund and will eventuallys be applied ta further internai developnient.r One-haîf million dollars, thec balance ai the $15,000,000 allocat- ed ta In dia last year, was used ta s upply materials and equiprnent9 f t frter some hydro electnict b developments.c Buid Cernent Plant In Pakistan, $5,000,000 ai thef funds provided last year haveC been set aside and will be used i incannection with the pro- n vision af a cernent plant for the Thal development authority. t The Thal authority provides fora the irrigation ai 1,500,000 acres oi land; if also provides a very larged re-sefflement scheme far theA ëstablishmfent ai refugees on the land. In Pakistan, 10 per cent. ti 0f the population is made up a! rètugëes (Môslems) with no phys- C ital assets of àny kind. 0c The purchase af woaden rail- e( way sîcèpers, cornmonly referred " ta in this counfry as railway fies, i can arnounit fa $2,500,000. This b: is të bring up fransportation fa- M cilities which, in turn, %011 évent- di ually incrt'ase inter-state com- merce. si Some $200,000 bas been set la aside for the provision ai equip- ni ment for a joint scherne between to Canada. Australia and New Zea- ca land fa pi-avide a madel livestock er iar i n conneetion with the Thal th ai-ca deveiopment. Canada's main ce respansibility in this connectian Pl will be tarin equipment and in machinery. Another $2,000,000 bas been set aside for an aerial of photographie and geological sur- fiý Park Lodcae Yeu'U find fun Mmd rIloxatÇ.n emong the dollghtful agvoundhg. et Jasper in the in the. heurt of Alpinle Canlada. Golf, swlmming, mu.lng, ishlnig, hlkinq end Canadian Rg trolw-dinul aocies Zake your choice, pick the vacation that's sure ta please! At cither of these tw great Canadian National summer resarts you're bound to enjoy yourself ... meals ta tempt, deiightfui yaccommortzions, attractive surraundings. Thev're easv ta reach, T&é C"tinental Limited takes yau ta bath of them. Jasper Park Lodgo (6"2 guests>N 2za day andu . Mi naki Lodge (t18 5 ue4tïa -14 a 4ay a d up-bath incldins cou o f rnals.î ici» 500* ".0"' -I MYwtTOCCésON e4c.dh n lii.~allow offef 4tm mdwv M COMC» 0 - uvgngTMRot.TMYOlaeywhee ORY feu detiaton e... fo amy emeumi Yeu wish 'I ol* et agi Canadien National ticket offices. Ssy te sy te usa .. . end surs, te Pieuse. j hon. y Cerwv«m usé. à@Naùeineud khed.amerlsam y MIO wi lmd oor NO l GOpatne CIeuLu.. Iua CANA 'IAN NATIONAL THE ONLY R. ' AY SERVINO ALL TEN PROVINCES )bones broken in is ankie "'er t urdav and wvas rushed ta the r. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspeil at noria]1 Hospital, BoAwranviiie, tended the funeral af her cousin, treatrncnt. Neil X'ellowlees at Bowmanile Mr. and Mrs. Christian Sta, r. Gabriel Kovacs is sporting, Bruce and Jacqueline, Toronto, at ew Chev. car. Hans Geissberger's. r. and Mrs. Percy Byers. Bo- Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry, To- nville, visited Mr. and Mrs.! ranto. %vith Mrs. F. B. Giaspeli d Partner.j for the wcckend. I. and Mis. Par-kinson, To- Mr-. and Mrs. Henry Dart and ao, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Kenneth visited her mother, Mrs. on. I. Spurgeon, Scarboro Jct. r. and Ms Midgley, Port The cornmunity presented Mr.; v. isied r. nd rs.Mc-and Mrs. Billie Kuzenko with an gan. occasional chair at Mr. John Kuz- 1 [an.enkos home in honor af theirl r. and Mrs. Stanley Gohie marriage. boys, Mr-. and Mrs. Sidney Mr-. and Mrs. Perey Davidson tyn, Oshawa; Mr-. and Mrs. and Pege- at Mr-. Howard Ab- vey Partner were dinner. bott's and Ben Hubbard's, Burke- ts af Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'to. aer. Mr-. and Mrs. Elmer Down, Eb- rand «.ris. Sidney atn enczcr: Mr-. and Mrs. L. McKenna,! and Mîrs. Rve Gibson, Mi -ss Oshawýa. at Percy Davi dson'u. 1Gibson and Mr. John________ ht. Yclverton. vh.ited M Mrs. Stanile,\ Gobl-. It is a beautiful compsensation rJohn Wright visîted 'MîSS oi this life that no marn can trxj vGibson and Mr. and Mns. j ta help another without helping 4 ~JWMAN VILLE, ONTAMO PAGE ~t2~E _________________ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, vey If Pakistan. The, survey Simpson Order Office wiU bhe undertaken by a Canadian firm" N Fis Unique Order Teçhnical Aid Scheme For Troubled Edior Considering t h e $400,000.00 ____ amaunt set up for the Technical Ca-operatian Scheme under the For years it bas been com, mgn Plan, Mr. McIlraith said assist- knowledge thit the Rdbt. Sift ance of this nature is helping in son Company tan ibblPy a1n1ôgt dividual governments feel they ever3'thing from Pl., ta xlanoôs are achieving something. from their large stock of nietch- The pragram under, this scheme anis, but ordrOie a atleltid includes, sending experts to IndiaSmsns rdrOfc dé Paksta an Celo, eteý&inn7some preciotis merchià*idlee tb PakitanandCeyon;entrtanln their stock. missions in Canada, and bringing students here f0 study. In 1951 Dauighterless when thée Rbt4y there were 46 trainees here, 24 Club Father and. flsughtèr NiXIMt from India, 15 from Paktistan and camne araund Fridây evenit, eght from Ceyloh. They devot- Ed~itor Geo. W. Jameg wâg-tiriintý ed their efforts Along the Unes of with a bright idea arici výted agriculture, forestry, medicine SiMpson's new Order offic, and railway methods among oth- acro8s fram The StatèsmnO ô- er things. fice, with the Intention pcf order- "We now have 12 junior admin- tgheeady-madeAnd h uhteedéd istrators hitre frorn Pakistan on a eeig n escedd four-month course," the speaker Stranger tihii have h e- said. He said they will sludy no dotjbt, but It.worked lor th both féderal and municipal gov- editor twofoid. , He rot only toi ernment. and it is èxpected they a daughter. but prèvàiled, upori will be spread throughout' their lier sister ta cqmealong fao., It's horneland when they return ýs probably the first tinie ln histbry assistant district administrators. that Simpson's carried Auchi ât- Canada bas sent twa experts to tractive mierchandise. Ms Ceylon. One is a fishing expert Local office manager, Ms frorn the west coast who is ex- Bernard Mitchell, quickiy realiz- pected to help modernize the off- ing the dilemma the editor was shore fishing industry. At the in, very graciously ldâned Mr. présent trne, Ceyioni fishermen James ber cômely ând clever fish fram archaic canoes which daughters, Nancy and Mary, Ibt can only go a short distance from the evening. and everything went shore during daylight haurs. The off weil. with bath younig ladies catch is small, subsequentiy the wmnning prizes in the. quit con- normal diet ini Ceylon is short test and enjoying themseives to of fish. the full. Sees Increaàed Production Rotarian Walter Reynolds wàs fishng ~the only other Iroud father with The speaker said the bihngi is own two charrning daughters, good off the coast and intirnated Mri n ull h an that increased production would anywhere near matching the corne with better organization. hpyeio ihbstoaot There is no refrigeratian for hedy daugter.t i toaoi fish at the present time, but a odduhes Canadian refrigeration expert is h, yes, we shouid aiso include venerable and happy Grandpa [n the country f0 advise on such Fred Vanstone with bis daughter rnatters. and granddaughter As bis guests. In conclusion, Mr. McIlraith ___________ tld bis audience that the chie! airn of the Colombo Plan was to MONl~ heip foster better living con- JL.1 ditions in South and South-East Asia. "Better living aperis up (Intended for last Week) wider horizons af oppartunity for Zion W. A. met at Mrs. J. these people," bie said. Cruickshank's with 20 4nmbers, In thanking the speaker, Chas. five visitors and fîve chillrên Carruthers said hie feit the abject present. Président Mrs. lice of the Canadian Club should be opened the meeting with the educational in its purpose, and poem "Aprôn StrIngs" ±iollàiwe 'That's the kind ai a talk we've by prayer by Mrs. ice. Mrs. been listening ta tonight." On Pingie bad charge of the dévo- behalf of the Club lie thanked tional period. Scripture was reaâd Mr-. McIlraith for bis "fine ad- by Mrs. Cruickshank, devotion- dress." ai reading by Mrs. Pingie, follow- President Chas. Carter Sr. pre- ed with prayer by Mrs. Perkins. ided at the meeting where each RqIl cali was answered by M'a lady was presented with a car- verse af yaur favorite bymn." nation by the Club. Gea. F. Annis Cards ai welcome were read and toasted the ladies in bis usual bills presented. W. A. accepted apable manner and Mrs. Laur- an invitation ta visit Hampton nce Goddard, new president ai Wamnen's Institute, May 20 af 8 the Women's Canadian Club suc- p.rn. Mrs. J. W. McMasfer gave eeding Miss Apha Hadgins, re- a brief repart of thé Pièsbytérial lied ta the toast in a rnost pleas- meeting, Ig and effective manner, This pragram was givén: read- A prtiulaly eliiou dinering by Mrs. J. W. Balson. Guest )f raast leg ai park, mashed po- gpaerMs aHmtn h îtoes, green beans and peas with gaà very inspiring and Inter- ;asy pe fr dssrt as repr-esting talk on "Home, Mother and ?d and served by the three aiter- Cide"wihwséjydb mon branches af St. Paul's W. A. ail. Piano sala and encore by inder President Miss Florence Mrs. Charles Naylar. It was de, ardner. The tables were beau- cided ta hold a bazaar on Juné fully decarated and the food il at 2:30 p.m. in the Sunday vas plentiful ta the delîght aofSchaol rooms. Aiternon tea wiil ýverone.be served. A deliclous lunch wag terYOne.served by the graup, MrÉ. Cruick- shank, Mrs. Pingle and Mrs. Perk- ns. Mrs. Ray Cameron on be- 'urham County Get ali af the ladies, extended thanks ulk of 27,000 ta the group for a nice afternaoo's entertainment end lovely lunch. rearling Trout Group for June wull bé Mrs. Leonard Bail, Mrs. Alan Thomp- By the way the Ontario Gov- son, Mrs. Nelson ice. rnment is pouring speckled Mrs. T. Harshaw and Nancy, -out into the streams ai Durham Lansing, at Alex McMasfer's. )ufty local fishermen wiîî no Mr. Leslie Warren, Tharntan's )nger have need ta travel ta Corners; Mr. and Mrs. Percy istant creeks miles away in Bryce, Toronto, At Fred Cam- ýarch ai the "speckled beauties.", eron's. The distribution ai some 27,000 Joan and RsMrs. F. B. Gas-r arling speckled trout from Deer pelat Jd onsGerrsTarontGas- ake Hatchery was cornpleted PMr a ond M rSay' orto ring the past week. The distri- M.ad rsStne orl tion ai Counties was as fol- and sons, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. ýws: Claude Storm-, and Betty, Osh- vs: awa; Mrs. Delbert Flintofi and terborough County__ 9,000 Brian~ Kedron; M'r. and Mrs. Jack ctoria County -------_ 6,500 Carneron and Jahnny at Wes urham County ----------- 11,500 Carneron 's. E-atchery speckled trout year- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Killen at gs for waters in Haliburton Joe McCarnmond's, Oshawa. :unty wvill be distributed from Mr. and Mrs R . tanPna XI s i MEMORIAL TWO1 (BD WNAN VILLE) fIG EN AL ARE A NIGHTS FR1. & UT., MAY 23 & 24 FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 23 BANDS Soe FPLOATS FRON MNORIAL PARK and Hear the .. CLOWNS - AT 7 P.M. SHARP THE CLOWN BAND CANADIAN LEGION PIPE BAND BOYS TRAINING SCHOOL BAND ROUTE 0F PARADE1 The parade will foi-m up af the Memorial Park at 7 p.m. and then miove nonfli along Liberty Street, ucross King Street to Church Street, wvest on Church Street to Trinity Church, whêire girls with doil carrnages wiIl fali in, and thence ta Teniperance Street, south on Temp. erance Street to the Moniorial Arena and in for the gigantic carnival. Boys- and Girls Decorate Your Bicycle. or Doîl Carrnage Decorated Bicycles This contest is open to Boys and Girls between the ages of 8 fa 14 years. There will be a first and second prize for both the best boys' and the best girls' bicycles in the parade. Get busy now and decorate your bicycle. CAMES m And Win a Prize Decoraled DfluCarniages This contest is open fa girls be- tween the ages of 5 and 10 years. There will be a first and a second prize. This portion offthe parade will faîl in at Trinity United Churcli and thence down ta the Memorial Ai-ena. m ENTERTAINMENT mDRAWS FISH POND FOR CHILDREN SATURDAY NIORT £igantic Draw ]FOR 1952 CHEVROLET SPECIAL BLANKET DRAW - Proceeds for Ihe Kinsmen - Arlificial Ice Fund - E 41.-. * TIC SECOND ANNUAL DO WMAN VILLE 9 .ii1w e***-