ê -- -w PAON 7OT~RTENN TIM CANADIMi STATESMN. BOW;MML. ONqTAIUO Rotary Speaker Warns Canadiani To Fight Communisni Now Lest We Suifer Tortures of the Chinese Communism did flot suddenly ed ta expect tolerance irei spçinig into the saddle in China, new regime. stated Rev. John Kîtchen, Min- "But tolenance and ireedo ister ai Orono United Cburch and words that are not in a Corr former Missionary ta China for ist's vocabularly," the speak 31 years, at the Fiday luncheon serted. Suspicion, hate, fanc oi the Bawmanville Rotary Club domination are words they held in the Balmoral Hatel. Com- fer ta use. Mr. Kitchen sai inunismn worked its way mnto pow- Communist revalution wam er by the graduai buiid-up ai a most complete ai any revcl * pawerful palitical and military in Chinese history. machine. We h esto v In 1945, aiter 30 years ai cane- co n the Redtrsocialv fui preparation, Cbina's Red coutry l theuetre caje hord wagd ful scle ear police state was set up and against the corruption and inef- b force. The ancient teac ficiency af the Ntiai ovr- fConfucius were aboli ýment. Reds soon overran the Marxism, as tempened by1 country. They set up a People's and Stalin, was introduced. C Govemnment at Peking a nd ren rase against parents, br foreign nationals were encourag- against brother, and ins books. "the existence oai C denied," the speaker said. AIIows No Freedom Thepresent ei nC COOD NEW S allws neither freedom o: pression or freedom ai sil according ta Mr. Kitchen.1 is no middle class. The rich become poor and the poor become poarer. Hatred is inant in China. As introduced by Ratariai W. "Bud" Rolpb. Rev. John Kl en was born in Cornwall, land, and came ta Canada Saskatchewan in 1913. IN War I interrupted bis studie Wesley College, Manitoba, bi returned ta University after wan and was ordained in 19d The speaker went ta Chun a Missianary the same year. - became a charter member Rotary Club there and be found a Masanic Temple, H. turned ta Canada ini Septen 1951. and amived in Orono in cember. "He should acomp much good womk in Orona," Rolpb said, "considering the jects he bas ta work witb." A Special Shipment For 31 years Mr. Kitchen l in Szechwan province inN of China an the Tibet border1 miles from Hong Kong. Boasi a population of some 60 millf Nonarch Botany the province was one ai the r est in the country. The Uri Church established missions th B GU LE ARN about 60 years ago ta "Preach BOUCLE YABN Gospel, ha tesuck and educ the people," ta quote the speal Th? perfect yarn for Promote Education summer sweaters and Missionaries opened Chmi dreses.first scbool ai nursing and est dresses.lished a university with faculi An atractve rage oa medicine, agriculture, ph An attactiverange macy and theology. Fram t of shades. institutions graduates weres ail over China ta devote their1 25c kei (1-z.) and service ta the people. 25c S ein (-OZ.) With the coming ai Commi îsmn many Christian leadersn one shipMent only to with indescribable persecuti the speaker declared. The sup, each dealer - so act intendent ai the Church haspi prornptly., and bis wife cammitted suici A calleague ai Mr. Kitcben's1 been in prison since the Ono minister leit China. Many otl friends are in prison, underc J. W J W EL L servation or bouse anrest, he t( "BIG "20" Cammunists insist that evei one study "tbe new way af i i '7 KIng St. W., Bowmanvtlle Mr. Kitchen said. Peoplea PHONE 558 forced ta attend classes and 1 came "a new creatume in a nE _________________________way oa ile." Special meetings are held whe We now have a good supply of BALEIR TWJNE Lel us f111 your requiremenîs. jW. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machlnery Firestone Tires DeLaval Mllkers and Separators KIGBeatty Bras. Stable Equipment KIGST. W. PHONE 497 FREE Demonstration OF THE SPRAMOTOR POWUR MOWER We wiII be glad to give you a free deinonstra. tion of the Sprarnotor Power Mower on lawn. your own Just cail 497 for an appointrnent and we will be glad te, corne over and show you the fine points of this excellent niower. a W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Cas. Faim Pachiaery - Fireston.TIru DeLaval Milkers and Separatora Beatty Brou. Stable Equlpment KING ST. W. PHONE 07 MEMEER 0F O.R.F.E.D.A. people must perjure their very sous n te ain f omu Dainty . Dasés Dance In Va' ---or sufer the consequences. At self-criticjsmn meetings a persan must stand before a group and condemn himself for any action agamnst the Red state. At accus- ation meetings that saine person might accuse a friend of long standing of being a traitor to )in the Communismn. For the intellect- ual; there are brain washing om are meetings where intensive indoct- nmun- rination af Communism is at- ker as- tempted. If no progress is made -ce and by the "student" he i.s liquidated. y' pre- Taxed To Poverty idte When the Communists took as the over the government, western Dlution nationals were besieged with a 'progression of hig'h taxes design- er the ed ta break them physically and ,l and financially. The government takes d. A ail a man's cash through one tax. * ruled If he awns land he pays a further ehings large sum back ta the tenant lished, farmer before the gavernment Lenin takes aver the land in the namne Child- ai the people. If the persan be- ,rother ing taxed stîli bas a few clathes schaol or a littie money kift he becomes ýod is prey ta "the skinning taxes" which, as the titie implies, re- Tedit asl bv ilb altba duces bim ta paverty.Th anydmesaoewlb altbau China Many Chinese students are en- lative efforts at the Junior Variety Minstrel Show heli ,f ex- thusiastic supporters ai Commun- House can be taken as indicative. The comely chorine. lence, ism. They carry littie stoals ta let dance under the titie "Irish Colleen Dance" which t] I'here mass trials by a so-called people's ine h ttsa loarne o itrso ihave court and jeer as the prisoner is ec.TeSaemn lsarngdfrptusofab have tried. The death penalty is in- blackface boys didn't turn up inl printable color. Bal dam- variably demanded. Cheryl Ann Luxton, Sharon Cully, Donna Polley, Elaine Missionaries' in China were James. an o. branded "agents ai foreign gov- itch- ernments" and thereiore spies. Eng- Cammunists appear ta take an S LN O U Land intense deligbt in persecuting S LN O U Vorld church missionaries, the speaker ies at said, The Sunday Scbaol anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Wes Fowler w, ýut he Communlsm Is Marching services will be held on May 25 Sunday visitors with Mr.z ir the "Reientlessly, Cammunism is at 2 and 7:30 p.m. See Coming Mrs. Lamne Strong. 20. now surging tbrough the world," Events for further Particulars. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hender na as Mr. Kitchen cancluded. "It pro- Several from here attended the and daughter, Heather Sue,' He vides a faith for the yaung in amateur progmami at Blackstock ronto. also 'Mr. and Mrs. Jan ai a Communist countries and its anly on Friday night. In the 5-10 yr. Gray, Linda and Brian bad Si elped opposition is Chistianity. They class Patsy Davis won second day dinner with Mr. and Y~ ýe re- won't mix. We in Canada are prize with her vocal solo. "It Is Arthur McMahon.1 aber, not immune ta Communism, one No Secret". One ai aur neighbours, 3 iDe- _ o civilization's most terrible Mrs. Russell Gilbert is making Lamne Strong bas taken overc 'pish scaurges." satisfactory progmess fallowing a nltail route and is doing a VE Mr. The speaker Nvas thanked for tonsilectomy in Memomiai Hos- efficient job. sub- bis enlightening address by Ro- pital, Bowmanville . Miss Ruth McMahion spentt ivdtarian Marty Martin. Rural Life Sunday was observ- weekend wlth Mr. and M lvd Guests at the Friday meeting ed at the church service on Sun- Ritchie McMahon ini Bowma 800 ee oara Dr.Doga Lang- day morning. ville. 180maîd. Oshawa, and Leroy Ham- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson, Mr. Mr. and Mms. Gilbemt Fowl ting ilton, Orono. Birthdays were and Mrs. Everett Cryderman, Mr. were Sunday visitors with b ions, celebrated by Rotarians Wesley and Mrs. Ross Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Strong. rih awe adO.W Rlh and Mms. E. R. Taylor and Don Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henders, ýhere attended the golden wedding an- and daughter, Heather Sue, Torc the TrTC niversary celebration for Mr. and ta, spent the weekend with IV. icteCURT C Mrs. Herbert Ogden, Oshawa. and Mrs. Jas. Gray. ker. Mrs. Taylor poured tea in the ai- Mr. and Mms. John Tinney ai May meeting oi the Evening ternoon. daughtem, Peterborough, spe na's Auxiliary was held at the home Mm. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, Friday with Mr. and Mrs. H. lM tab- ai Mrs. John Gay. The meeting Phillip andi Elizabeth, Peterbor- Mullen. ties opened with a bymn and ail re- ough, at Mr. J. Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kelle ,har- peating the 23rd Psalm. The de- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- and daughter, Betty Anne, we: hese votionail was taken by Mrs. Wil- lees at Mr. Ernest Larmer's, Sunday visitors with Mr. ai sent fred Brown and she chose 'Comn- Blackstock. Mrs. H. McMullen. life monplace Things" as her tapic. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Holden, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGi« The hymn, "Take My Life and Mr. F. Dahmer. Oshawa; Mr. and Lindsay, former residents ai th un- Let It Be" closed the devotional. Mrs. Elmer Lee and Judy, Enfeld, community, were Sunday cal met Mrs. Russell Gay gave a very at Mr. Frank Gilbert's. ers with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mi ion, interesting talk on ber trip ta Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Mahon. per- Florida aiter which a musical Patsy at Mr. Lamne Hoskin's, Mr. and Mrs. H. McMullen an ital number was given by Susanne Blackstock. Beth attended an amateur pr( id.and Denny Gay. Mrs. Bill Marsh Mr. and Mms. George MacIn- gramme in Blackstack on Frida ba n Ms . rls aea oa tosh and Carol, Mr. Bill Henry, evening. ana duet, "Bless This Hause," fol- Toronto, at Mm. George Hamlin's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Jewell motoi ther lawed by a readng "Mother", by Miss Jean Cryderman, Oshawa, ta Newcastle Friday where Mn oh- Mrs. Alec Muir; a piano solo by at ber home. D. Jewell attended a meeting fo aild Mrs. Erie Courtice. A bymn was Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and the teachers ai West Durhaî sung aiter which thé meeting Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman held in the Newcastle Commun Dy- closed by aIl repeating the Mizpah enjoyed a motar trip ta Niagara ity Hall. fe,", Benediction. Lunch was served on Sunday, visiting Mr. Percy A crew of men engaged by th~ are and a social time enjoyed. Dewell at Hamilton on the re- Hydra, were busy on Manda be- Friendship Group turn trip. putting in pales as Mr. Robe. Mm. and Mrs. George Knox Stinson is having bis premiSE iew The Courtce Friendsbip Group and Carol at Mm, H. Farrow's, wired for the hydro. He ais is a newly farmed intemfaith Starkville. intends having a summer kitchei ,re group composed ai young married Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome erected, themeby enlamging b: -wamen ai the narth-west Cour- and sons at Mr. John Broome's, home. * tice area. Membership is open ta Tyrone. Sarmy ta report that Mm. Ja: -to anyone in the area regardless Mr. and Mrs. Hammy Knox at Kerr is somewhat indisposed thi ai their chumch affiliatiân. The Mr. Don Goode's, Orono. weekend with a severe cold. warship service ai their meeting Mm. and Mms. Charles Lang- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rowsoi opens with their theme sang: maid and Mr. Roy Langmad at and Barbara, Toronto, wer "You go ta your Church, and M'IlMr. Roy McGill's, Enniskillen. weekend visitors with Mr. an( go ta mine, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm, Mrs. Jas. Kerr. But Jets walk along tagether. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Knox, Mm. and Mr. Clifford Kerm was at hom. Our Father bas built them side Mrs. Ross Knox and Faye, during the weekend with Mr. anc by sicle, Broughami; Mr. and Mms. Arnold Mrs. Jas. Kemr and Mms. Clif: Sa let's walk along together. Hardy and Billie, Toronto, at Mm. Kerr, who is at present at he: The road îs. rough and the way John Knox's. mothem's home. is long, Mm. and Mms. Campbell Hamer, Lotus Hill, east of the cmeek, But we'l1 help each ather aver, Doreen and Donald, at Mr. Chas, bas been surveyed and stakec You go ta yaur Church, and l'il H-amem's. Lindsay. out, as it is intended the course go ta mine, Mr. and Mrs. Wes His at Mm. ai the road be changed, and also But let's walk along together." A Hilîs', Tymone. a new bridge built. This hillisi It bas been found that ail faitbs *Mm. and Mrs. Stan Milîson and pamticulamly dangemous for traf. can pray tagether by repeating Glenn at Mms. E. M. Carm's, To- fic during wintem weather when The Lord's Prayer and the meet- ronto. it is coated with !ce. It is aiso ing closes with the Mizpah Bene- Mr. Normian Rivington, Otta- difficuitfotescolbsc momin a 1:30 M. veettSpre'.Mr. nd -MLilb. ai iiu Some of aur citizens are vic- Mr. and__Mms._ E. R. Taylor at -. and Mmrs. Russell Nesbitt, tinis of mumps. measies and 'flu. Mm. Russell Wight's. Toronto. visited Mm. Elmer Nos- Misses Sylvia Hamstead and Mr. and Mms. Walter Stephen- bitt and Mr. and Mms. Marvin Joan Gibson, Toronto Normal son, Mrs. H. Mowbmay, Boaklin, Nesbitt. School. weme studerit teachers at Mms. Hazel Harris'. Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Philp, Rich- wvith Mrs.* Chas. Warren last week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and ard and Garad,. Detroit, Mich., A number from Hampton at- family at Mr. Stainton's. called an Cartwright fricnds. tended annivemsary services at Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin and Sevemal fmom the community Enniskillen, Tymone and Black- children at Mr. R. Gilbert's. attended the Clarke - Bradley stock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nomman Leach, wedding in Bawmanville on Sat- Congratulations ta Mn. and Taunton. and Miss Pearl Leach, urday. Mrs. Tom Rogers on the giit ai a visited at Mr. Arthur Youngman's, Miss Marilyn Metcali, Toranto, daughtem, Ty rane. spent the weekend wîth hem Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Mn. and Mms. Frank Westlake, uncle, Mr. Kitchener Burton. tamil 'y, Sauina, visited Mrs. Perey Phyllis-Anne and Joan at Mm. F. Mms. George Jones, Mr. Eaml Dewell and Mr§. Tink. Moore's, Malvern and Mm. Nelson Cascadden, Gail and Roy, called Mm. and Mrs. J. H. Hunter, Miss Fice's. Taunton. on Miss Gladys McKee on their Jean Hunter, Miss Eileen Wray, Mms. A. MacMaster and Joan way home ta Toronto. Mr. and Mms. Jackson Wray and and Mms. J. W. MacMaster, Zion, Mm. and Mms. Donald Thomp- girls, Oshawa; Mrs. S. Rundie, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. son visited Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bowmanville, at T. Wray's. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe and Montgomery, Cross Creeks. Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter visited Mms. Ross Cry demman attended Mr. Teddy Lark, Toronto, visit- jMr. and Mrs. H. Peters, Toronto, the funemal ai Mms. Walter Jenk- ed Miss Coma Crozier. fom a few davs. ins in Bawmanville. Mm. and Mms. Howard Lee took Mmr. and Mms. Bruce Ferguson- Cliffomd ta the spastiecîmlnie in visited Mr. and Mms. Jim Hianna. The oracular skies. the vemdant Port Hope on Wednesda\' when Havdon. on Monday. ' eath-bird. brook. hiossom. breeze some vemv ernminent doctors weme Mms. TI. W. Revnolds. Bowman- and bairn are richlv faught imh n attendance. %-le. wilh Mr. and Mms. J. R. Rey- divin e rcflection.-Mary Baker Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMulien nolds during the weekend. Eddy. and Mr. and Mrn. Maurice Sam- I I I riety Show Ballet I MAPLE GROVE Ice Photo by John Stutt Ities of the future if their super- Id Friday evening in the Opera ýs presented a colorful, lively bal- fforoughly pleased the large aud- lackface act but unfortunately the let dancers from left to right are: Biggs, Ann Hacking and Heather SELL rr T