THUR DAY, MAY 22, 952TEECANADIAN STATESM Mi. EO WI &mANVILL! ONTApjO PA GE FIru E FieTeams ini Softbil Group tirsi Gante Wed., May 201h 141Tve teams this year wili consti- whosc name appears ttite the ]Bowmanviile Men's Soft- Teams entered are: bail League, it was dccuded at a liards (Freci Cowle>. league executive meeting held erett King). Kinsmen Mônday evening in the Lions an). Goodycar 0fi Communty Centre. The season Snowden). T7rinity Ui ,ts off ta a bang-up start on Jack and Jill Club ednesday, May 28, whcn the ager Jack Ross). Jack and Jili crew clash with Murray Tighe is ýBil1's Billiards at Memorial Park. treasurer of the leagi League President Jack Hawes Mlen's Leatueç Tuesday released the names of (mon. and Wed.-S teaina accepted for league com- Memorial Pa Petit ion and aloo released the playing sehedule. It is noted (Fri.-Franklin Park. that ail Monday and Wednesday May- ~~gaxnes will be played in Mem- 28J&Jv.Bl' crial Park, starting at 6:45 p.m., 28J&Jv.B' while Friday evening tilts will be 30-Goodyear vs. C piayed at Franklin Park, Scugog June- St. 2-Kinsmen vs. J It is understood alI teams arc 4-Goodyear vs. B StiR open for player possibilîties. 6-C.O.F. vs. Kim Anyone desirous of playing in 9-J & J vs. Good: the league should contact the 1 I--Bili"s vs. C.O.1 manager of the teamn in mind 13-Kinsmen vs. Gc ____16-C.OF. vs. J & ~a18-BillEs vs. Kinsr MEN WANI ED APPLY DROOKUALE, KINGSWAY NURSERIES (Near C.N.R. Station) elKing s -in brac Bill's C.OF. In (Tom C ffice (H- nited Chi (acting n is secret lue. Schedule South Wi lrk) 1Scugog s C.O.F. Bill's ismen .year ;oodyea- Sj 20-Open. 23-Bils vs. J & J 25-C.OF. vs. Goodyear 27-.1 & J vs. Kinsmen 30-Bill*s vs. Goodyear July- 2-Kinsmen vs. COF. 4-Goodyear vs. J & J 7-C.OF. vs. Bilî's 9-Good.vear vs. COF. 1-J & J vs. COF. 14-Kinsmen vs. Bill's 16-Open 18-J & J vs. Bill's 21-Goodyear vs. C.O.F. 23-Kinsmen vs. J & J 25-Goodyear vs. Bill's 28-C.OF. vs. Kinsmen 30-J & J vs Goodyear August- i-BiIl's vs. COF. 6-Kinsmen vs. Goodvar 8-C.OF. vs. J & J I l-Bill's vs. Kinsmen -kets Bil (Ev farr iurci mn. tary. 'ard St.) U ci im 97 wu Ha BROWN t. W. BOWMANVILLE Phone 4! OPENINO GAME Intermediate "A"' BASEBALL SATURDAY, MAY 24 ai 6 p.m. sharp Openling Cerernony nt 5:45 p.nx. LINDSAY MERCHANTS v S. BROOKDALE ROSES 1951 Intermediate "A" -, Champions 1 o B.T.S. BUGLE BAND IN ATTENDANCE Admission 35c Children 25c -NHOTTIRIED ~ FEET? Soothe them quickly and effectively. Get fast-drying linard's Linient-rub it on. Feel the coolness-get relief, quick! 1- t- T- Popular Local Athlete Winton "Bill" Bagnel Instructor at Guelph For the past two weeks Winton "Bill" Bagnell, Physical Director at the Ontario Training School for Boys and popular athiete in local hockey and basehail circIes, has ben instructîng on a Ph ' sical Training and Recreation Instruct- ors' Course No. 5 at the Ontario Reformatory, Guelph. His duties include ail phases of gymnastic, track and field, pom- mcl horse, box horse, rope climb- îng. parallel bars, mats and high bar. He also handies a class tak- ing exercises and class forma- tions. Speaking with the B.T.S. Ath- letic Director when he was home Saturday, The Statesman learn- cd he found rope climbing a littie difficult with his stili-on-the- mend thumb. As stellar defence- man this seasan with Bowman- ville Barons, hockey fans wil remember "Bill" Bagneli broke his thumb in a Lindsay tilt. The Guelph Course is sched- uled ta conclude Friday, May 23, and "Bill" hopes ta be able ta get ta Bowmanville in time ta take his regular place in the Brook- dale Roses' line-up when thcy clash with Lindsay Merchants in the local league opener at 6:00 p.m., Saturday, May 24, at the B.H.S. Bail Park. Barons, Release 1Financial Statement l'or Past Season The executive of the Bowman- ville Barons Hhockcy Club e- cently released the seasan's fin- ancial statement which points ta a good year. The Barons wound up with a credit balance of $535.- 19 in the banlt. Total receipts were $2,623 ac- cumulated through donations, the sale of booster tickets, gate mc- ceipts and bus passengers ta out1 'of town games. 1Scason expenses tataiied $2,- 087.83 with the following listed as individual items: Equipment- $603.38, Buses-$4 13.00, Lunch- es. gum, oranges, cokcs-$178.98, Injury Expenses-$359.58, Time Off for Players-$186.50; Practice0 timie-$58.20é, OHA. share af playoff games-$75.75, Miscel- lancous-$2 12.44. In the financial statement sign- ed by club president Gea. E. Moody, and secrctary-treasurer Nelson Osborne, it is pointcd out that the money shown under 'misceilaneous 15 flot .all for stamps." Break Down Expenses The cuff links and tic bars presented ta players at the testi- monial banquet held in the Bad- minton Hall came under this hcading as do the foilowing: $20.00 given ta Oshawa Mercantile team wvhich played an exhibition game here during the winter. Tele- phone cails and cri expenses ta a practire in Port Hope. According ta the statement the OHA. item includes entrv fee for 1952-53. Time off for players is the amounit of wages lost by the players when theY had ta take time off ta play week night games. Travelling expenses as indicat- ed above w-ere verx' ight and the club wauid like ta thank the many wonderfui fans who trav-à elled ta out of town games and contributed ta the cost of the buses. Equipment costs nc ude about 115 sticks. TICKETS r TO VRI'IF Air, Rail or Steamnship Consul t JURY &nl.OVELL B aVilE 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 BAHS. "Screech Owl"l (Catharine Camspbell, Editor) Devitt and Fergugon Awards and a Play by the Draina Club. (Isobel Cruickshank) "4's a Crowd", a play written Each year, two students, a boy ad produced by Janet McGregor and a girl, from either Upper wF rsteorm'Sconuto wa Schoo] or Commercial, are chosen anortta escnriuio a by their fellow pupils to be enfretta ntitled "The Teach- awarded the Devitt and Ferguson e' Dilemma." This was their Priz. Tis i on of he ostversion of school life with Marie coveted awards a student can egsnathtacradPt ever hope to win, because of the Leddy as the principal. great honour it gives to the wý,in- Fourth Form presented a melo- ner. On Monday morning in as- drama. 'Wild Bill Hiccup", star- sembly, the students had an op- ring Doug Heyland as "Wild Bill" portunity to vote for the boy and AI Richards as "Poison an d girl who have the following Pete". qualifications, "D il1i ge nce in Third Form featured their sen- Studies and all other sehool ac- sational Musical Quartette, Bob tivities, Cheerful submission to Martyn, Merrili Brown on trump- authority, Readiness to forgive ets. Dan Ross on drums, Fae Rey- offense, Desire ta conciliate the nolds, piano and Barbara God- differences of others, Moral cour- dard, solost. age and unflinching truthfulness. Last but not least, "So Wonder- Jeanette Lobb and Douglas Sleep fui in White", a serious play by were the two deserving winners. the Drama Club, showed their At the next Commencement Ex- ec n okdrn h er ercises they will receive prizes ecletwr drn h er Congratulations, Jeanette and1 Throughout the evening the Bud! orchestra played several selec- * . *tions and two shields were award- Literry Nghtcd. The first ta Myra Cooper, Liteary ightrepresentative of Fourth Form, (Marion Wright) for the best Form Programme of On Tuesday, May 13, the stu- the year. The second, the De- dents presented a programme bating Shield to Diana Webber composed of the best items pick- and Marion Wright, winners of ed from each form programme, the interform debates. The Sports Cli*nic Coadueted by Lloyd Percivai (An Officiai Department of Sports College) How to Judge "'Pace" ln Track If yau run any race longer than the 220. you must lcarn ta judge how fast you arc running. This is what '"pace" means . . . the dcgree of specd with which yau are rtînning. You sec, there is an ideal "pace" for each event Ail need ifl! YOUNG people gaing away on wedding trips ... younger people coming home frorn school ... older people plan- ning v'acations . . . anybody taking their belonglngs any- where away fromn home... ail need Fersonal Effects Ia- aurance. It costs very littie - and rnay mnn n, q lot to you. Stuart R. James INSTJRANCE - REAL ESTATE 'Phone: Office 681 King Street. Bowmanvllle its PuritY and wholesomne Orange content maicke it icleal for Atidetes ORANGOE and yau must learn ta know when you are running at this spced. Then, yau will bc able ta work out a rcally effective racing stra- tegy, something that you must have in any event over the .220. Aftcr you have dcveloped "con- dition" by the praper prelimin- ary training, spcnd lots of time testing your "pace" aver a 220 yard limit. Whcn testing, start the .pace" you are going ta use right at the start, don't sprint at first. Once you have run four or five 220*s in a row at the "parc" yo'u want, start practising over the 440 distance. Run at a stcady, even 'pace" ail the way through and have your coach or pal call out the time cvery 110 yards. If you are trying for a 60 sec- ond "~pace" you should hit the f irst 110 yard mark at 15 seconds, the second at 30, the third at 45 and the finish at' 60. If your coach rails out "16 or 17 seconds" at the first mark you shauid specd up a littie by 'shoving" harder off the tocs and by lengthcning your stride, with mare "body lean". If he calîs out a figure bclow 15, slow down a littie by climinating some of the "shove" off your tacs. If you run enough af these 'pace tests" you will soon devclop a "sense" that will let you know instantiy when you are nat running at the "pace" at which you want ta mun. If you prefer you can do yaur awn tim- ing. holding a watch in your hand and checking at each 110 yard mark. Remember, you must learn at; what "pace" you are running if you are ta become a good runner. Sa, wark extra hard on this phase of your running. How to Catch Fly Balla When catching a high fly ai- ways take it above your hcad or at Your head level. Then, if you fumble il, yau stiil have a chance ta make another grab for it. If the fly is very high, go back a few steps, judgc it and then move forward and take il. Neyer stand stili when in doubt. Finally, remember ta bring yaur hands back a little with the baIl as it reaches yau. Don't grab at the hall or hold yaur hands stiff. Let it came, kcep cool and don't tightcn up-keep your muscles rclaxcd! The Rag Doil Dance Here is an ideal drill which wil teach You ta loosen up and help yau get rid of that pre-game teni- sion and anxiety. Jig in a stationary position, keeping your 'whole body as re- laxed as possible. Let your head, shouiders, arms and hands dangle as loosely as you can-let your mauth hang open too. Then hounre an anc foot and trY ta lct the other leg dangle looscly-aI- ternate %vith each leg. Do this for aI least 2-3 minutes. This drill will teach you the difference in feeling bet,.ween relaxation, and tension. Alwa «vs finish your work-outs wiîh it. iFor the iatest information on how ta get inta hetter shape for thal roming sports season, how ta improve your general health, increase yaur skill in sports, and many ather itemns of interest ta Yau. make sure you listen ta the Sports College radia broadcast evcry Saturday. To get the time and station consuit your daily nevvspaper. Iprone rail stagedh Alexande'r past year, E jGrahamn Bell, was betwecn Brant- *e* 16jIford, Ontario, and the village of Bowmnnille Art Group W Paris. Ontario. 1 Yi.iten members of the Art Girls' Bail League Issues Schedule First gaine in the Clarke-Dar- lington Girls' Softbaii League as scheduled for Friday, May 23, when Orono clash with their keen rivais of long-standing, Newcastle. The League scheduie is as fol- lows. May- 23-Orona vs. Newcastle 26-Courtice vs. Newtonvîle Newcastle vs. Orono 30-Newtonville vs. Courtice June- 2-Newcastle vs. Newtonville 4-Courtice vs. Orono 6-Newtonville vs. Newcastle 6-Orono vs. Courtice 9-Orono vs. Newtonviile I 1-Newtonville vs. Orono 13-Newcastle vs. Courtice 16-Courtice vs. Newcastle 20-Newtonville vs. Courtice 23-Courtice vs. Newtonville 25-Newcastle vs. Orono 27-Newtonville vs. Orono Newcastle vs. Courtice 30-Orono vs. Newtonviile .Taly- 2-Courtice vs. Newcastle 4-Newtonvilie vs. Newcastle Orono vs. Courtice 7-Newcastle vs. Newtonviile 9-Courtice vs. Orono RECREATIONi R EVUES I Town Softbali League The Town Softball League is due for a 'dlean up"' this year with Jack Hawes eiected ta the chair and aisa in charge af pub- licity. Murray Tighe was elect- cd Secretary-Treasurer and the rest af the executive wiil be comprised of the manager from each of the teams in the league. The meeting was hcld in the Lions Centre, May 14, wth Harvey Rowe, Fred Cale, Murray Tighe, Jack Ross, Ev King, Jack Hawes, and Don Shay being present. -Mr. Shay chaired the meeting for the election of officers, aftcr which Mr. Hawes took over. The meeting discussed variaus rules and regulations ta be recc#nmend- cd at the next meeting for yeni- fication by ail teain managers present. Mr. Shay chaired the meeting for the election of officers, after which Mr-. Hawes took over. The meeting discussed variaus ruies and regulations ta be recommend- cd at the next meeting for yeni- fication by aIl teamn managers present. Five teanis are cxpcctcd ta make up the league, consisting of Goodyecar Office, Trinity Jack and Jill Club, Kinsmen, Bill's Billiards, and a team hcaded by Everett King, The games will be piaycd at Memorial Park and Franklin' Park, North Ward. Juvenile League Set At a meeting held in Oshawa at the Legion Hall, Thursday, May 15, it was, decidcd ta re-eicct last years Executive for this year. Oshawa (2 teams),' Port Hope, Cobourg and Bowmanviile wili make up the League and Baw- manvillc's squad wiii be managed by Bill Mutton and coached by Dutch Osborne. Their home diamond will be Memorial Park and they are practicing Tuesdays and Thursdays. This te'am is slatcd ta take the League this year so f yu wat t Seeso I Junior Variety Show The column affers sincere ap- preciation ta Mrs. Fred Cale, Mrs. Russell Haliman and Miss Lillian Mae Marsh for their efforts in pmoducing a It was an amazing thing ta Watch. Mrs. Cale being bombard- cd with whys, how's, where's, who's and forgots in the dressing raom before the show and listen ta ezch question wiîh a high de- grec af patience, and give an answer whirh solved the prob- 1cm. Dianne Haîlman gat caught on the wmong side of the stage at one point and it was then a wee bit of consternation set in. Mrs. Vi. Martin dashcd across the front of the thrcatre ducking below the faotlights. Then Mrs. Martn, followcd by Dianne, dashed back again, prartically crawling on ail fours. They flew down the back stairs, made a change af costume, bark up the stairs two aI a time, and just hefore Dianne went on, Mrs. Haîlman said, ýSm ilc, Dianne. Don't forget ta smnile." I (H1ave vou ever tried ta smile' with your longue hanging out') Teen-Town Dance The last teen-town dance of the season wvas held in the B.H.S. on Saturday. May 17, wiîh 200 Young people joining in the fun. The executive tabbed the dance a "Hardi Times Party" and cailed it the 'Habo Hop". Plaid shirts, jeans and slippers were in style for the night and the dance was considered one of the best hcld by the club. Crests were presented ta the reen-Town executive by the Rec- creation Commission as a smaii, token of appreciation for the work 1 1 Roses Meet Lindsay In League Opener at B.H.S. Park Saturday Don Gilhooly, popyular second baseman with the Ontario Inter- mediate "A" Brookdale Roses, has announced he will hang up his spikes and will not be in uni- form when the local bail club swings into action at the B.H.S. park on Saturdav, May 24. The opening hall game on the local scene wiil see a switch in the lineup. Manager Maxie Yourth will fili the second sacker position while hi.s old stand at third will be handled by Roy Falls. Frank Hooper will be the man behind the plate and Bob Gallagher will roost on first. Other than the Gilhooly drap- out, the team is back at full strength again with old-timers filling the siots they filled in the successful 1951 race. It's possible that either Cec Hall or Bun Le- gree will take the mound in the local opener. Game time is 6:00 p.m. with opening ceremony ta get under- way about 5:45. Mayor Sidney Little is expected ta be on hand and possibly John M. James, M.P., and Hon, John W. Foote V.C., Minister of Reform Institu- I tions. Baîl fans are reminded that the local club attributes much of their success last season ta the solid support they got from local spectators. SATURDAY, JUNE'7tIi FJNEST SPRING SHOW 0F HEAVY AU» LIGHT HORSES, BEEF AND DAJRY CATTLE Ont ario - Durham Co. Jersey Caille Club Parish Show HORSE RACJNG SPORTS CALITHUMPIAN PARADE - SOFTBALL - iAIL DRIVING - HORSESHOE PITCHING LACROSSE IN THE EVENING S EE THE WOMEN'S AND) CHILDREN'S Admission Io Grounds LESLIE HALL, President. WM. G. MANNING, Sec.-Treas. ONCE IN A LIFETIME! Most folks invest in a home JUST ONCE DURTNG THEIR LIVES. That's why it's so important to be sure that they invest in the BEST! And %v'hen --ouj want the hest in electrical wiring and installations give us a eall. Our technicians have been trained and have had years of experience so that you can be certain of bav'ing only the best. In addition we use only the hest oai materials tbroughout. For a Free Estimale Phone 438 Hi ggn Electric Your Generai Electrie Appliance Deaier Phone 438 Bowmanvl. 42 King st. E YOUR FOR ' WILSON'S ODANGE B IG 12 OUNCE BOTTLE THLTRSDAT, MAY 22, 1951 Group meet each Friday evening in Central Publie School and are very pleased with their new in- structor, Mr. Axnold Hodgkins, frorn Toronto, who started his classes here about a month aga. Sa enthusiastic is the class, that they have decided ta contindte meeting until the end of June. Mrs. Ross Strike's easel has finally settled down ta fot fal- ing down and bearing up quite weli under the strain. Bowmanvlle Tennis Club According ta Jack Dunn and Cliff Trewin, the Tennis Club wili have their opening night on May 2st at 7:00 p.m. sharp at the Lions Club tennis courts. A social meeting is pianned after- wards and the only guy yet ta hear from as ye aid weatherman. Skating Club on Dlsplay Wrong season you say? Not for president of the club, will have a Attendance was down slightly delegation of inembers on a float at Churçh on Sunday. We trust in the corning Kinsmen Parade it won't drop too low during the to help publicize the carnival. summer flmonths. About 20 friends gathered at Prize List Available the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fee on Four copies of the Womens Saturday evening for a social time prize list catalogue for the C.N.E., and dancing. During the even- compiled by Kate Aitken, Direct- ing Mr. and Mrs. Clair Grant or of Women's Activities, have were presented wîth a ioveiy lace been receied at the Recreation cloth for their 13th wedding an- office. Such contests as Midnight niversary this month. A very S n a c k competition, Wedding humorous presentation speech Guest, How do ou spell it, Apron, was read by Betty Ann Spry. What's Your Hobby (for folks Later in the evening Mr. and over 50). five ways to improve Mrs. Roy Spry were showered the C.N.E., sewing events, and wth manv useful "'paper" gifts many, many, more competitions for their irst wedding anrivers- are listed. These copies will be ary. The evening came ta a close mailed out to the frst four ladies with refreshrents and more 'phoning the Recreation Office, dancing. 982, Thursday afternoon after Four of Our Cubs are ta be 1:30 p.m. invested in Orono on Monday ev- ening and we hope the mathers Radio broadcasting as It i il attend. The receipts appear to be ail received naw for the Cub known today did flot come into Tea held some time aga and the being until 1920., total amount is $30.00 which is very gratifying. The W. Ai. are. holding a Variety Concert in the church on Friday. May 30 at 8 p.m. and a gnod pragram of local and special LUEE*1f~iu1Je@ talent lias been pianned. Re. freshments wiii be served an.d aIl for the sum of 50e for adulti w 5UUUIU~Wand 25C for school childi-en. W. hope everyone wili plan ta attend. DROOKLJN SPRING FAIR I Ruy estont L TRle !R U C K 7:1 R:Et IS] - i ff - iNýL'UDING m LESKÀRD Mrs. K. Whyte, Heather andi Jane. are staying with Mr. and Ernie Green :for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gien Tennant, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Tennant and Valerie, Mr. and Mr&. Roy Tennant and family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tennant and Caroline spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Art Tennant. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Duvail, Herb and Gerry, attended the funeral of Mr. Duvall's brother-in-law, Mr. Giover. at Fruitland, on Sat- urday. We extend our sympathyv to them and to Mrs. Giover who returned with them for a short Irisit. Our SYmpathy is also extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Berry Who 1 - 1 Res. 493 ý The fil-st long distance tele- c f Adulfs 50c Children 15e