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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1952, p. 17

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¶'~U~ R8DA , M AT 22, 1952IPA GE ON TA RIO~ CLASSIFIED ADS Notices WATKINS Quaiity Products, Diai 3481 Bowmanviiie. 21-1* Dr. V. H. Storey's office wil be closed May 2ist ta May 28th Inclusive. 20-2-1 Ennlskiilen Barber Shop wiii be open Friday, May 23rd, until 10 p.m. and ciosed May 24th 21-1 Legian members and wives in- ...ýrtot enjoy television Sunday jjhsfrom 7 ta 10 p.m. at Legion ~usQueen St. Veterans and wives aisa weicome. 19-4 WARNING - Toalal dog owners. Ail dogs caught or seen by aur- selves or other people nioiesting Ilvestock or poultry, or eating freshiy killed animais wiil bc sho. Douglas J. Courtice. 21-1* IN MEMORIAM ALLDREAD-In proud and loy. ing memory of C-65180 Private Donald Alfred Aldread, who was kilied in Italy on May 25th, 1944, buried in Casino Cemeter-v: -Aiways remembcred by mother, sisters and brothers. 21-1 CONNORS-In loving meniory of Hattie Connors who passed away May 25th, 1950: -.Sadiy missed by husband and POUCH-In loving rnemory cf a clear mother, Winona Couch, who 1passed away, May 24th, 1939: ,Take her in Thine arms, dear Lord, And ever let her be /messenger of Love Between aur hearts and Thee ,.--Ever remembered by Denelda lnd Sid. 21-1* ecDONALD-In Ioving memary ac ur dean fathen, Mai-shall 'McDonald, wbo passcd away :August 2ftb, 1923; aiso a loy. ing mother, Mary McDonald, May 25th, 1949, and aur dear sisIers, Luchla, Novemben 2nd, 1921, and Pearl, June 29th, 1924: One by ane theit go before us, But we know théy're watching o'er us, They are waiting for us only Where no pain can ever mai-, Dean anes who le! t us loncuy Watch us through lb. gales ajar; There a father, mother, sisters Gone wllbin lbe gales afar. -Lovlngly rernembcred by Harry, Irene and grandebildi-en, Evelyn, Claude and Marilyn. 21-1* POOLTON-In loving and even- l1aËng memory o! a dean son and Mther, Pte. Jack Poolton, o! the I ~h Regirnent o! Canada, wbo dled o! wounds at Lini Valley, Italy, Mayt 26tb, 1944: Yau left us beautiful memnonies, A sorrôw loo greal ta b. tld; But ta us Who have loved and last you, That m.emory will never grow aid. -Lovingly rernembered bit Momn, Da1d and family. 21-1* r;~EVENS-In lovlng memory o! oûr dean parents, Enoch Stevens, Who passed away January 111h, 1929, and his wife, Estber Stevens, Who passed away May 251h, 1945, anxd two brathers, Sherwood, wba passed away August 29th, 1941, and Herbert A., Who passed away Febi-uary 201h, 1952: Their smiie bas gone forever And their hand we cannaI loucb, Stili we bave so many mnemonies O! lb. anes we loved so mueh. Treasured thoughts a! thern 80 dean Often bring a sulent tear, Thougbts relunn ta scenes long past, Teai-s rail on but memonies last. --Sadiy nîissed bi thlb famili-. 21-1, COMING EVENTS CARDS OF THANKS Plav "The Inner Wily" pre-1 The Hampton Ladies' Service scnlcd bit Tinitit Y.P.U. atyTyrone 'Club wishes ta lbank Ted Wood- on Fnidait, May 23nd, at 8 p.m. yard, Mason & Dale, Marris Ca., Admission 50c and 25c. 21-1 Graham's Florist and tbe business- jmen o! Hampton; also everitone Bowmanviile Legion, Branch who helped ta makc th. Monarch 178, Carnivai and Dnaw, 20 grand. Cooking Sehool such a succcss. pnizes, carnival Friday, June 27, 21-1* 1952. Tickets available from Jack Rie, or Don Marris. 12-t! 1 wish ta lhank ny !iends and ________relatives for cards and gifîs r,. Ceive duig y les Te Dance in Tyran. Community kidess o! Dr. S. Hs. WThe Hall, aid-lime and modern danc- ideso r .H izl ing, Salunday, May 3lst. Admis_ nurses and staff o! Bowmanville sion 50c. Auspices L.O.L. andiHospital was sincereiy appreciat- L.O.B.A. 21-2 e d. Jack Crago, Opening game Ladies' Sofîbail, Newcastle, Ont. 21-1* Orono v-s. Newcastle, Newcastu .ws aeledausnee Pai-k, Friday, May 23rd, 7:15 pin. than s and apprecandor te Admission: Adulîs 25e, Childi-entak n preito o h 15c. Publc Sehool free. 21-1* 'many acts o! kindness, beautiful floral tinbutes ai-d messages o! Opening dance at Geneva Park, sym pathy -reeeived frorn relatives, Friday, June 301h, Roundj andi friends and neighbors in lh. loss Squae. ancig eeryFriday o! a dean cousin. night theneafler. Ruth Wilson M.lerne Wrchrd. Variety Band. Admission: couplesM.LvreOcad $1.00; single gents 75e; single 21-1* adies 50e. Everyone weleome._ r.Toa idth o n __21____Len wish ta exlend their sincere Salm Snda Scoolarioticesthanks and appreciation for 1h Salen Snda Seool nnoîncs Iacts o! kindness, beautiful floral its Anniversary Sunday, June 151. Iibutes and messages o! sympalhy Serics a 2and7:0 pn. Rc -received from neighbours and A. E. Cresswell, guest speaker.' friends; also many thanks la lh. Speciai music by the Suinda.y Canadian Legion, lh. Legion Pipe Sehool ait bolh services. Varielv Band, Body Shop o! General concert following on Iond. 1 Molors, Oshawa, on th. loss o! June,2nd, at 8p.m. Admiss-ion:aderusadndatr.2- Iduls 50cu, C-îîllren 25c. 21- Came ta Enniskillen Satui-c May 241h, 10 thein big anniversa supper, eommeneing at 4:30 p- Races will stant aI 3 pin. follow by a Junior football gaine. SeWr league game, Tyrone vs. Ennisk len at 6:30. At 8 pint. Bui-ket talent will present "Aaran SlI fi-rn Punkin Crick." Admissic aduits, supper only on with ce cent, $1.00, concert only, 5( chiudren, supper only or Nvi concert, 50c; concert only, 25c. 21 r Anniversary Services nt Ne tonville United Church Sund May 25th, at 7:30 Rcv. Jo Kitchen, Orono, will be gu preacher. Music will be provid by local choir assisted by Rý Metcalfe, Maple Grave. At Ne tonvilie Community Hall, M 26, 8:15 p.m. "Abigail Goes Hz wire," a hilaniaus 3-act play, pi sented by Canton talent. Adi. 50c, Childi-en 25c. Homema candy on sale during intermissi( 21- Eldad Sunday Sehoal Anniv( sary services Sunday, May 251 at 2 and 7:30 p.m., with guE minister, Rev. R. J. Scott, Whitby. Special music by t choir, assisted by the maie qua tette of Hampton Church.( Wednesday, May 28th, at 7 p.i a league football game, Mai Grave vs. Sauina, will be playE followed by the dramna "A Pair Country Kids" pnesented by Salii Y.P.U. at the church shed 18:30 p.m. Music between acts1 the Enniskillen maie quartette ai the Jurko Bras. 21 Wanted To Buy BEFORE selling your live pouli try us. Our prices are higher.1 Flatt, RIL.1, Bethany, Phoi 7 r13. reverse charges. 51- DEAD FARM STOCM LIVE HORSES Call Coliect BOWMANVILLE 2679 Margwill Fur Farm 12. Educatian can't mnake us a leaders, but it can teachii which leader ta foliow, The Newcasiele Idependent rgaet Ask Telephoas 2511 Newcastl le Mrs. Allan Peterman, Mr. Har- Mrs. Reg Lovekin, Toronto, caU-. old Deline and Mi-. and Mrs. Ed. ed an Mrs. Gordon Ash an Sun- Friedlander, Toronto, and Mi-. day. and Mrs. Dwight Swcrdsfigger, Read the Con-ing Events for Cobourg, were recent visitai-s news reganding apenlng of the' wilh Mns. L. Deline and Mi-. and bail seasan in Newcastle. Mns. Wm. Storks and Candy. - Miss Mary Margaret Banathan, Maple Leaf Class of the Unit- Toronto, spent lb. weekend witb cd Church Sundait Scbool hcld a bei- par~ents, Mr-. and Mrs. H. C. pancake panly at lhe home Of Banathan. Riekit Riekard. Those pi-esent P/O Spence Creamci-, stationed were Douglas Jase, James Rick- at Rockcliffc, bas been spending ard, Donnie Coiwill, Mur-ay a few days with his parents, Mr-. Mai-lin. Bobby Brown, Ricky and Mrs. Fi-ankc Ci-amer. Miss Pearce, Jimmie Scott, Bobby Belty-Ann Whitlaker. Toronto, Hoimes, Bobby Carbney. David setafwdy ihteCem Riekard wvas a guest o! the class. eseta. wdis ihteCem Congratulations ta Mn. and Mi-s. Mi-. and Mrs. George Stnith, Don MeHoin- who were mari-ied Mr. and Mrs. George Stapletan at Massey Memonial parsonage and Drtyatne h ui on Saturday. The bride was the F DotivlhynaPterborouthMusc former Betty Aildread. Wednesday. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mi-s. Ray Mann. Osh- Donoh nbiga ucsflcn awa, werc recent guests a! Mn. tsat. nbigasucs!cn and Mrs. Jack Wade. teat. rr oleMr n Visitons aI Mrs. Frank Brant- Mre ai-eroi-iy a las.r. and on's on Sunday wenc Misses Flor- town. The best a! luck ta thein ence and Mary Tuf!, Miss Salis- in- ernwvnue bury and Mn. Percey Tuf!, ail o!f hi cwvnue Toronto, and Mrs. Tbompson and C. G. 1. T. News son, Oshawa. C.G.I.T. opened their meeting Mn. and Mns. George Smith bit iepealing the Purpose and spent Sunday it hibriends in Port Mollo, foilowed bi thle singing o! Hope. the C.G.I.T. hyrnn which ,in lurn Mns. Ennie Aildrcad and Mns. xvas followed by the Lords Prai'- W. C. Finley.spent the weckend Ci-. Seiplure rcading vas laken wilh relatives o! Mrs. Finleit in by Maureen Mcllnoy and the Buffalo, N.Y, worsbip pexriod by Beryl Reich- Miss Frances Riekard and Mns. rath. Mrs. George Honey gave a Hay attended the birlhday partit taik on th.e :rucifixion o! Jesus o! Master Cuay Bensan aI bis and His Ascension. Canal Gaines home -in-K-- "-, .-a-i -.-lasIâw1ek.-n N-da -d ---s avoed i d- n h èbr hnpce S-- - Mrs. R. G. Wright and a vocal duet. - - - - and sent off an outfit for an In- TTI W 1¶î ____________ dian boy in one of the Mission ary, ii tv ia schoois. aiso a fine baie of quiits -y IT i iet hn f a R nDcisnof a crested waiiet pnesented by and knltted goods, and a splendid is timpno. etathpin o! arnRd ikis President Keith. While Presi- bale of good, used clothing. tred eal nv.Geatsexprienced and W'a5 Essa Prize dent Kay in turn pnesented a The Junior Auxiiiar3r has been lilor rjabple im mgants rom H Nsond.AtlNewcstl crested compact ta Lionette Vern woi-king ail this year on the 'cil- ppoiy S.oBumaRR. 23, ston, A e csl as tokens of the esteem in which "Stripe and Badge System", and tonk Horene PoR.PR.rth Or2o n___ they were held and they leave the mnembens have recently cam- ick: Phaotem5ir8. R .Nr n The Newcastle Public School with the good wishes of ail. pleted examinations in church- Phione54r8.52-23 e ýon-essay wniting contest under the The Bowmanvilie Boys' Quartet mansbip and mission, study. Last 0c'tile "Why I Like Apples" recent- entertained with many fine num- Fail seven members, won thi-e 50r ersonal 13 sgese by The Statesman, bers and the enthusiastic recep- stripes and the W. A. badge and ith xas won by Ronald Dickinson, tian accorded this gnoup was one meniber, two stnipes and the CI HYGIENIC SUPPLIES- (rubber son o! Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dickin- reaily merited as their perforn- tba. th oe thmetingefore 1l-1 goods) mailed postpaid in plain son. ance was outstanding.thBrnhcoeismeigfr 1 sea]ed envelope with pnice list. GrdVIstdnsidin Lo RyFi-eerwhhs the season t*o or perhaps three e-Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1 .00. h rd I tdn ad n Lo o orse ihhsmr agswl ewnb t av, Mail Onder Dept: T-28, Nov-Rub- his essay, that he considered the trumpet, asslsted bit Mr. Bihmragswll be y t hnn ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. appie 'a perfect fruit' and indi- Bunting at the piano with Mrs. mens. lest 2-51. cated a considerabie knowledge of Bunting on the violin provided est Duha - ty ' ppegrowing musie for dancing toround otan ledBAD ENjut hatyo hveindustry. evening of exceilency which pro- ths at D MENC jtusappe gran cmmtte c:lhanveutTYRONE 'w-been waiting for, a hair restoner Ten dollars in prizes was giv. grimcka b. eecorn ranak yan tdChrhSna /a htreally ýgnows baii-, it bas en the Newcastle school by Brook- ikrstob cngaute Tyn UtdChc S dy ay- been proved right in my awn dale-Kingsway Nursery Manager upon.SholAnvraySricswr i-e- ihome. Fan full information write Norman Scott. Ronald Dickin- Tonight may prove ta b. the Scholy atniear3r S fers er -tý o 1,Bokio hn 7W son won $5.00 for finst place; $3.00 last bingo and will be if the jack- geyatndbtafeon ,;e 21-12p1izefor second plaehoneth17con-pot is won. Better corne out- and evening. Rev. Harold Turner ade 1-1prie fo seondplac inthecon-thewiner culdbe . f St. Paul's United Church. Bow- ýon. test went ta Canolyn Edwands. th inrcudb ou' manvilie, wvas guest speaker at .1*, Third pnize ended up in a two- bath services. In the afterncon Mr. & Mrs. G. F. Purdy way tie between Ann Thomas and IDe-v. Ken Cleator Rev. Turner spoke mainiy te the ,ei--Çelebrate 45 YearS Klass Biensteker who bath re- &L children on "Habits." Music wvas ith, ceived cash awards. Guest Precicher pnavided by the Sunday School ýest Of Married Lif e The prize-winning essay is and4I~I Public School wlth Bowman- of ____ printed beiow. SS n iesr il rnt Boys' Quartette ren- he On May 7, 1907, Mn. and Mrs. Why I Like Apples dering sevenal selections at bath ai-- G. F. Purdy wene united in mar- <By Ron Dickinson) Gioniaus weather greeted the services. Rev. Turner spoke ta On niage, at Bobcaygeon, Ont. On Grade 7, Newcastle adv.ent o! the Annivei-sary o! the parents at the evening ser- m. Wdneday Ma 7t, 152,100 To e a apie s aperectNewcastle United Church Sunday vice. Misses Mary Wilkinson and 1e' rea7h,15,10 om a pl s andrfc Schooi ]ast sabbath. The sanc- Maiion Wright sang "Now the pie'oou relai s adfrîends, cailed ta fruit. They not only have. a tuai-y as fiiled, the entire Sun- Day is Over." Miss Grace Smith ed! 4 hoears ago. bride and groom o! wanderful taste but ane tempting day School personnel worshipping ,was organist at bath services. . f4 er g.ta the eye and very good for awihteredrontsmon-Pant nteaeno wsM. ina The guests were received by heaithy body. ihteredr nti oe- ins nteatronwsMs at their daughten, Mns. S. McMunter. The gnowen bas a great deal o! tous occasion. Flowers donated W. C. Pansons and evening .was byBetty Purdy af Part Hope, a worry and expense ta producea bit Miss Ruth Hancock added bath Mrs. Ross Pooley. Don't farget ýnd grnduhewsi hreo o pl on the market. eata the festive spirit and the dig- the thi-ee-act play on Friday ev- 1 r- du1tr asmcageo o 1apeThe nt fw'si.ening "The Inner Willy" put on -the guest book, assisted in the ev- first grade apple must b. fi-ent !wnhp enig b anthe grnddugherof orm an scb. t mstav' Ushens chosen by lot fi-rn Mr-. by Trninty Young Peaple, Bow- eCinolby anotergandugteo! ormand scb. I ns ae Neil Britton's ciass o! boys were: manvilie, sponsored by Tyrone t- Centering the tea table, which There's an appie for evci-y Blle Brunt, Bobby Ponter, Ran- Sunday School. y a adwt aecoh a esno h en ntelt nie Tomlinson and Edward Glen- Congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. M.tewdigcke lne yyl summer the hanvest variety; at ney,. Admirablit coached bit their W. F. Poimeteer, Belleville, (nec lo aes hrsmsteba!iu e e teacher they carried out their Joan Deianey) on a baby girl. - Puigtai h feno nosfsa t et o nalr duties with dignity and despatch. Mn. and Mrs. James Delaney are Pourng ea n te ateroonIntsh i atitsbes. Fr a afe- Mn. Gordon Gi-ait, the Supenin- the proud grandpanents. xvas Mns. Edwin Wood, and in the supper treat in the wintertime a Cevening Mrs. .W imn s good ripe Spy is ard ta beat. in tendent o! the Sunday Schoo, ac- M. and Ms. Ace Abbott, Os- theC. ingToSmn Swet adAB- companied the minister of the awa; Mn. and Mrs. Earl Prescot sisting in the tea room were three Davspabr d tTolan beeat.nudth Ben H unr adwt n.adMs KnHry daughtens, Mns. Orland Plummer, Dvsaehr obat hrThh e.L H unr n ihMr n r.KnHry Mrs. Earl Thompson, Mrs. Hugli1Tere seeins ta be a kind a! the guest preacher, the Rev. Ken- Mn. and Mrs. R. Moase, Oshawa, Mupyad agtr-nlw ppet ui vrhse oe neth I-vine Cleator, B.A., B.D., with Mn. and Mrs. Henry Stlain- Mrs. Ernest Pundit o! Part Hope. times a juicy appie, sometimes a S..., in the puipit, reading the tan. Git n aybatflfo-sweet appie and then again 1 lesson. Miss Jean Flintoff, Bowman- Gfswand many eatful fBoton think an apple with a little moi-e The Junior Choir, under the ville, with Miss Gloria Brent. et Trnstoere recyeivc frighBousto, tant seems ta be venit good. leadership o! Mn. Neil Stewart, 1Mn. and Mns. Elgin Taylor, - Curc St Grupo! i-iiti w Apples ai-e not oniy delicious the chui-ch, oi-ganist, rendered two 1Sauina; Mn. and Mrs. F. H. Wil- A., the family and the 14 grand- ta eat -axv but are just as fiee sacned numbens, entitled, '"There's1 kinson, Port Penny, were guesîsý ail cooked and presenved. Apple pie a Frîend for Little Childi-en" and 'o! Mi-. and Mns. Ru.ssell Wrioght. us hld-n is my favounite dessert. Apple "Bi-aber James Air" wilh ci-edil Mi-. and Mns. Loi-ne McCoy,; juice, baked apples ai- apple pud- and distinction. Mr. Stewart is Bnookiin, visited Mn. and Mns. S.1 ~ 'e catl WC..U. ding make a dessert bath fil!- ta be congratuiated upon resuir-i MeCoit and Ai. and Mi-s. Pci-cy Hold Annual an apple Iflot onlit feel satisfied Choir and thie expectation,, is that 1 Mr. and Mrs. Eari Stephens.1 - but I know that I arn hciping ane thei' will be heard fi-rn again' Misses Joan and Louise, Sultan, Speaking Contest o! Ontario's chic! crops ta flour- in the not too distant future. Rose visited Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Taylor. isîi. Edward Deani sang that immortli Messrs Ailyn Taylor and Bob Avr nyble evening was sacned composition "In The Gar- Burgess, and Mi-s. Robt. Burgess, ery jylae aditrs den." It was an bei-oic effort visited MArs. H. Stevens, Palmer- *audience in the Sunday Sehool N'ewcastle Lions and future service xviilbring out stan.i Hall of the United Chiunch on Ffh K the qualities of a voice which is Mr. and Mrs. Bob Redshaw, 1 Friday, May 16th listening to 3511 Fi th nnversary potentialli- rich in ton., l'ange Mary, Jimmy, Billie, Whitby, ne- contestants in an Elocutionary A Gala Affair and volume. The classes of Mrs. 'cently visiled Mn. and Mns. W. Silver Medai Contest sponsored Dora Hay, Miss Hazel May' Fishei- ' k J and Mrs. George Alun eciMdr.~ and Mns. Arthur Thomp- by he .C..U Celebrating fve yeans of useful scipture with Miss Mildred Alliin'c;sonl, Bowrnanviiie, witi Mn. and 1Rev. L. H. Turner officialed as, and fruitful life, tb. Newcastle class singing "Jesus Loves Me." 'iVlî-s. George Alldnead. chairmian. Thene were four separ-1 Lions Club in recognizing this Mn iao' ubetws Wo Mr. and Mrs. A. Joncs, Ms ate gnoups consist-ing o! juniorý milestone wei-e hasts ta the ladies 'Is Your Hero?" securing the in-1 Claire Hall, Mr. Arthur Joncs, girls, junior boys, senior girls andI on Thursday iast and were lion- itiative irorn the vert first wordiMn. and Mrs. P. Ryan, Toronto, seniior boy-s. The contestantsloui-ed wilh the presence o! Ex- and holding the interest o! the vistdM.adMs .Mut comiprised studenits frian the fol- ecutive Secnetary Bruce Balco]mi, little folktot the veny end. i. lowing schools: Shaw's, No. 9, hîs charming wife, Mai-; Inter- Financially there was a nlag- 1 Mrs. F. B. Glaspeli, Mi-. and Lake Shore, BrowiV*s, Newtonville niational Counselior, Gardon Bel- nificent response by the congrega- Mrs. Gernit Glaspeli and famihy, and Newcastlc Highi and Public yea, Canadian repi-esentati-ve on ili o t he. aims of Sunday iMn. and Mns. Alex McMaster and Sehools. the Board o! International Reda- Scbool work. famihy, Zion; Mn. and Mrs. Ray The difficult task of judging' lions and bis equallit chari-ml h ls fte evc ct n fmlOhwwr %va pefot-nd b Ms. eCllin wfe ElieofLadesAuxilianies photographs of eveny class, ta- guests o! Mn. and Mi-s. Ralph Mr. MeCaihion and Miss Fostàr, fame, who spoke wonds o! en- gether wihte tahe,1 w Glaspeil. 'ail o! Orono. caunagement ta lb.e Newcastle taken logether with a composite Mn. and Mrs. C. Taylor, Bow- The winnens of the medals Lionettes. picture a! the Sunday School staff manvihie; Mrs. H. Camrneon with wcne: Junior Gil-s-Patnicia Heat- Lo Gadnric dtea-with the guest preacher rsA.Wos ilie.Neasl: uno By- tivities o! the Newcastle Club lbw gou.Mr. and Mrs. T. Leonard, ýOsh- Ronald Tomnlinson. Newvcastle; vnIeps iv -asadcn A signai feature o! the day's'ý awa, 'stdM- n r.E Seniior Girls - Shirley Hardy,, gratulaled the club on ils splendid festivities \vas the staff dinner Doonan. 'Ncwcatle lligh School: Senior pi-res epared by the ladies o! the Mnan Ms.Jh Hisan Boxs-Robert Stacey, Shaws. The LinBuea; a aye-Sna eoladprae !Jacqueline, visited Mn. and Mrs. niedais wene presented by lrs., counaging wonds for th. club and in the Sundait School parlours. Hugh Grant, Oshaw~a. P. HreMedi Cntet Spe ne n of bis dulies o! the evening Theewcvre 24 present, onîv Mn. and Mns. Henb Rundie, Miss tendent. Ahi other ontestarnts' was ta prescrnt 100 per cent at- tetendanceiawards econtestantn ne cbeing unavoidably absent, 1%1r. Allie Wood, Hampton; Mi-. and , tndace wars arnd oer heNeil Bnilton. Those present were- Mrs. Wesley Hihîs, Sauina, were wec highly commendcd and1 past year la 16 o! the members. Mi-. Gardon Gray, Supenintendent tea gucsts of Mn. and Mus. A. showed kcen interest and were ,Lion President, Keith Aiken, n n Ms a-dnMilnt;M ill awarded a book which was pre- 1 Lion Secretai-y, Ken Stephenson,M and Mrs. GoranlesrGine, Mr. ~Mi-. and Mns. N. Leach, Taun- senîed by the W.C.T.U. President,1 and Lion Treasuren, Pcncy Hare, and Mrs. L.h.arsGne, Rev. etn- iMi'. arl MnLachug, n MissE. M Blakbur. 1wene necipients o! five-î'ean chev- anet I.LeH.TrMnser, a HaKti itÜ r n Ms-.Yonmn Muh reitisdu Ms.Ha n ons for perfect attendance avernet .C ' ', r.DoaHy Mrs. E. Doonan isspnin and the vanlous teachens for the Ibis period. Miss Estelle Blackburn, Miss few days with Mrs. Russel il- pi-epanation o! 1he contestants. Lion Presiden-.îect Geargg. ileen Ailin, Miss Mildred Alin, bert, Sauina. Variety wsas given to0 the pro- Wallon pnaposcd th. toast ta, the Strs .W lney r.W Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Miss gram by piano duets by Misses ladies and lauded lb. Lionettes Sok, Mrs. Gai-ne t Rlckard, Mrs. Dorolhy Johns, Bowmanvillc; Mr. Eileen and Helen Allun and vocal for their whoie-bearted support Lloyd Stephenson, David Rickard, and Mns. Lloyd Broome and fam solos by Mrs. J. Brow-,n and Rev. and belp given ta the club. Wila rnSio a-eily, Sauina; Mr. and Mrs. W. Mun- L. H. Turner. Lionette President Kay Ste- Francis Jase, Miss Hazel May day and Donald with Mr-. and While the judges wene arriv-' phenson responded ta Lion George Fisher, Mrs. 'George Ailin, Mrs, Mrs. John Broame. ing~~~~~ -Àthi dcsi+1aIjond-ndep4scdl.--asr l.Wm. Beman, Mri-.PalBenet M.and Mrs 1 . LloydMc- o -ýi 1 Watch This Space Each Week; for DEST. VALUESi CARS and TRUCIKS 1951 FORD haif-lon PANEL - -. $1,395 Like new, spare tire neyer been used iL"4 1947 BUICK CONVERTIBLE, Small Series ---$2,005 New top and tires recently, showroomi condition. 1946 DODGE CLUB COUPE --$1.,195' FuIIy equipped with radio, heater, wilitewall 1947 FORD 1-on PANEL - 4-speed transmission, 1941 NERCURY CLUB Cutmrdo uONERtiB oLwpesr Custom ro to tioed to resur m $795 - - $950 1940 DODGE SEDAN « Mo 85 Outstanding condition, not ene car in 10() as %vel kept as tbis, Chrysier facai-y niotor. 1939 CHRYSLER SEDAN, Small Six - * - - $595 Reconditioned motor, genenal good condition. 1939 OLDSMOBILE Six SEDAN - $595 1950 motor. body, tires and inechanicully in good condition. 1937 FORD COACH - - - $100 Takie it as is. 1937 CHEVROLET - - . - $195 Ilougli but readi-. 1930 FORD COACH . - . a $150 4Very clean, good niotor. SEE@uq Binons -Garage- f or ""The Greatest Guarante - Used Car Business" - OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL NINE Trades Welcomed Liberal Terms HoidaySpecials Supreme ifi-oz. jar Allen's 48-07. tin Sweet Pickles - . 29c Apple Juice --24c Sweet Treat Crushed 20.oz. tin ('lark's 5-oz. ind. tin Pineapple . . . 29c Pork & Beans - 2/23c, Interlake rails Burn's Bakeasy lb. Toilet Tissue - 2/29c Shortening --23c 15-oz. tin 20-oz. tin HEINZ SPAGHETTI 16c 19C giant pkg. Butterut38c-z.75a SUttRF - -1-6-o38 j75 PURE PEANUT BUTTER - - 34c pkgs. Powder or Puddings pkgs. Kraft Dinner - 2/29c Jello--- 3/29c; SSPECIAL THIS WEEK i Fresh KiIledj BROILERS . . .- -lb. 55C FIEE DELIVERY YEO'rS MEATS AND GROCERIES 55 KING ST. 9. BOW31ANVILLE PHONE 3367 R--%MCM=M= 1 bc" m THr CAlvAnTAM l.qTATrqvAm- Awmàicprp% r Superintendent, Mr. Gray, ln the name of the staff and Sunday School presented each one with a copy of the Church Hymnnary. Sultable replies, couched in terms of appreciation and thanks were voiced by Mr. Martin and Mr. Glenney. Chaperoned by Mr. Francis Jase, Mr. Cleator feasted upon the beauty of the reforestation project at Orona and was matar- ed ta other points' of interest. For the evening nieal the vuest preacher sh;red the haspitality of the Massey Memarial Parsanage. Mr. Cleatar's subject et the evening Diet of Worship was: "What Can We Believe?" Its pre- sentation was forthright, direct and compelling. Next Sunday the dlaims of "Rural Lufe" will be met when it is the expectation that Mr. ILeroy George Brown, Agricuitural Re- presentative for Victoria County, will accompany the minister of the church in the pulit minis. trations. St. George's Church Af ternoon W.A. On Tuesday the regular de- votional and business meeting of the Afternoon Branch of the W. A. was heid. Reports of the varjous branches were received, also very interesting reports of the annual meeting held in To- ronto were gîven by Miss Mcmn- tosh and Mrs. P. F. LeGresiey. The Branch was very pieasedi ta weicome a new member, Mrs. R. Saxon Graham. Tea was serv- 1 ( -1 --- tires, ýAT, MAT 22, 1952 eed Mr-. and Mrs. Howard Brent. Mrs. R. Elliott and chlldren, Kendal; Mi-. and Mn. M. Bird, Nancy, Neal and Janice, Brook- lin, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rasevear. Mr'. and Mrs. James Graham, Bawrnanville, wlth Mr-. and Mrs. 9W. Macdonald. 1 Miss Hazel Tbampson, Mrs. Thompson, Belleville; Mr-. and Mrs. Delbert Carman, Madoc, visited Mi-. and Mrs. H. Philp and Miss Jean' Philp. Mr-. and Mrs. Garnet McCoy, Bow-ranville, with Mr. and Mns. A. Hawkey. Congratulations ta littie Sandra Hall who celebrated her third birthday on Tuesday at the horne o! ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall. Others present were grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahin and Mr. and Mrs. L. Beech and Gerald. Miss Allie Wood, Hampton; Mi-. and Mrs. Albert Rundie and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ormiston and girls, Harmony; Mr. and Mrs. Don- aid Yellowles and baby, Toronto, visited Mrs. Aima Yeliowees and girls. Mrs. E. Hendricks, Mrs. D. Lindsay, Selkirk, Miss Florence Gardiner, Bowmanville. vilh Mns. Ann Pbiliips and famlly. Mr. and Mrs. F. Snowden, Ked- i-on; Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Bowmanville, werc tea guests o!l Mr. and Mrs. W. Jewell. Mns. R. Hawkey, Bowmanvilie, visited ber sister, M.'Is. G. Phare. Mrs. V. Milison, Bowrnanville: Mrs. Alva Bu-ch, Carievale, Sask.: Mr. and Mrs. Evan Quanîrili and Allan, Kirby, visited Mi-. and Mrs. Leon Moor. Mrs. A. Shonit and Norman, Toronto; Miss Grace Smith, Long Sault, wilh Mrs. Otto Vu-tue. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hall and chiid- ren, Miss Bernîce Hall visiled Mrs. W. T. Worden. Mn. and Mrs. A. Rahm visiledi their son, Mn. and Mrs. Stanly Rabmn, Blackstock. The sale o! the late William Elambly was hld an Salurday wvith a good crourd. Mr. and Mrs. M. Tabb and 'Kenneth visitd Mn. and Mrs. P. M4urdoch, Base Line. ýSympalhy is extended to lbe 'ricnds a! the late Mrs. A. Jen- kins. Several fi-rn ber. attend- ed the funeral last Thursday, Mr-. and Mrs. V. W. Miller, Cobourg; Misses Lillian and Helen Coleand Master Alin Cole, of Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miler. 1,Mr. and Mrs. A. Coverly and girl.% Bowmanvilie, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner. Mr. anid Mrs. John Lilicrapp, iPeterborough, Mr-. and Mrs. Jamies Murdoch and baby, Bowmanvil. e, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. Miss Leta Jackson and Mr. Fred Moore, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner. Hcartfeit sympathy goes out ta Mrs. Richard Marchant and fam- ily on their very sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. John Logan, Osh- awa, visited Mr-. and Mrs. James tDelaney. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Goodman and boys, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman. Congratulations ta Mr, A. Èaw- >key who wili celebrate his 81gt jbirthday on Thursday. Mrs. G. Arnold and Tommy, Unionville; Mrs. E. B. Hughson, Toronto, visited Mrs. W. S. Hugh- son. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson enjoy- ed a mator trip ta Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park and Douglas. accampanied Mr-. and Mrs. Ed. Downey and famiiy of Whitby ta Chemong Lake. Quartette-Ted Ott, Ken Hock- in. Ivan Woalley and Rowland Coombes, Bowmanviile, Miss Wil. ma Richards, nu rse- in- training, Oshawa General Hospital, were guests af Mr-. and Mrs. Leslie Coomnbes. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Hall, of Salm, visited Mrs. W. T. Worden. The Sialesman Sold AI Following Stores Truil's Store, Courtice. Strong's Store, Port Hope. Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany. Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. T. Enwright's, Newcastle. S. Brown, Newtonville. C. Pethick, Enniskillen. T. M. Siemon, Enriiskiller, P. L. Byan-, Tyrone, G. A. Barron, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Burketori. Ji. T. Saywell, Blackstock.ý Keith Bradley, Pontypool. C. B. Tyrreil, Onono. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagneil, Jury & LoveU, J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, Elgie Harnden's Handy Store PHONE ý OBONO 1031 Liberal Terms

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