PMU rom R ~'W! E!AWflTT~9'9'Fn~ls uwitAnm-- v .&LdEmN* JTi.zniMTUSAY A X,15 Current and Con fidential . j By Elsie Carruthers Lunney BLOSSOM TIME was foraging for her youngster'si If there is anything that looks breakfast. Hearing bis cheep be- more beautiful or srnells sweeter hind her, she swung around, ran titan an apple orchard in bloom, back and deposited a morsel in we have yet to experience it. his mouth. He swallowed this EZarlY varieties were perfuming like lightning and asked for more. the air last Sunday, and by this He followed her along till he got wnekend, the inter ones will be to the walk, clambered up onl it out. in full bloom. It's a holiday and waited. Twice she came back weekend, and many wil be set- with a juicy worm which he swal- tia out for far places, but tbey lowed and irnmediately opened won't flnd more beauty than in bis littie mouth wide again, which our own rolling farmland and we presume means, "More, Moth- orchards. er. more." * 0 We think Mother Robin was a WHAT GOES ON bit worried about her littie one, IN ~TUE BERD WORLD who, unable to fly, was open to danger. After a tirne, we ob- There's just one disadvantage served the baby around at the to having a window where you back of the house, having follow- cant watch the birds-you, can't ed bis mother we suppose, andq keep an eye on their gymnastica vas she lighting into him! This and get your work done at the we can say from observation: saine timne. But it's the merry there's -none of this letting the flonth of May. and the birds child express himself in the bird won't be with us in such numbers wvorld. Mother Robin was boxing for long, 30 at every possible bis ears soundly with ber wings' moment we look out to see who's No doubt she was talking at the there. same time. 'What's the idea of One day last week we had the following me? I thought I told *ver-present Robins, Goldfinch- you to stay on the walk. Don't es, Chlpping Sparrows. White- you know you can't fly? First Crowned Sparrows. Catbirds, thing you know a great big cat« Warblers (kind not identified for wilI pounce on you out of this1 sure) Phoebes, Wrens, and even grass, and that'll be the end of a Thrush! The Goldfinches, man you!", and wife, sat on the fence, the vain maie preening himself until The next time we looked out, a lone wolf came along and began the baby was gone, but we hope to slng as -if he would burst bis he didn't corne to this terrible throat. Maybe he was trying to end. We could see no évidence of break up that happy home, for it anyway. We just hope thatt hubby sang right back at the top littie Robin learned to fly verv o'! his musical voice while the fe- soon so he would be safe froîv maiecalnily eyed fîrst one and 2ubdnes then the other. The lone wolf L gave Up after a while and flew LONG TO REIGN OVER US off, oc another divore was avert- We have sung "God Save The ed we suppose. Queen" many, times since ovjr latea We observed another littie beloved sovreign, King Georgei draina on Sunday morning when VI. died in February, and thet a baby Robin, not able ta fly, words do flot feel quite so strangec hopped after his mother wbo in our mouth as they did at first.i Special Low Rates on Trips!1 No matter what the occasion if' i very economical to travel by taxi to your destination. Cail us to-day and see how cheap it is to travel by taxi. Phone 561 for a C ab Nighi or Day RING TAXI The Radio Cab Operated by Lathangue Bros. J HelPln LOCAL HEAD Salvation Army Citadel MAYOR SI15NEY LITTLE, Chairman. But, though we have also been at the theatre a number of times since Elizabeth becarne Queen, apparently we have neyer been there until the end of a second or final showing, when thle pic- ture of the Young Queen was flasbed on the screen and the crowd carne to their feet to sing the National Anthem while look- ing at that courageous but yul- ,nerable young face. It was witbi positive sbock that we gazed back at ber the other nigbt, the realization sweeping over us al over again, that the King was dead, long live the Queen. Once upon a time people fougbt and intrigued to win or maintain the crown of England. Now,ý while .ve are as proud as ever of the Crown and ail it stands for, we imagine there are few, if any, who envy the Young Queen ber position and certainly no one would challenge it. Royalty bas lost rnost of its prerogatives and added instead responsibilities and beavy duties, but for ail that we think it is the rudder which keeps the great sbip of England and the Commonwealth steady on ber course. Love is more to be desired than fear, and surely no monarch was more beloved than the late King and his gracious Queen. Thi§ love, with an added air of proteCtion because of the new Queen's youth, bas carried over to bis daughter. Long rnay she reign over us. TOAST TO THE LADIES '*You can't get along witb 'em, and you can't get along witbout 1em." That's wbat the men say about women, but we think tbey really mean the last part and are only kidding in the first, or so we fondly hope. Anyway, wbere would the business world be to- day witbout women? Still back in the quill-scratcbing era we bet, when young rnen clerks pains- takingly copied letters in beautiful copperplate. Business couldn't bave been so higb-pressured in Dickens' day, wbich was probably a good tbing and caused fewer ulcers than today. But still, there seerns na doubt that the type- writer has been the boon of the ages to business, and along with it, off course, tbe girl who ratties the keys. Incidentally, the history off its invention is quite fascinat- ing, and we will tell it to you anather tirne. But the above pre- amble is leading up to telling you, or reminding you, that this is Business Women's Week in On- taio. There seems littie doubt that women in business and the pro- fessions are here to stay. There is cefýtainly a place for themn there, and they have accomplish- ed much that is worthwbile in this sphere and also in the realm of welfare, municipal and polit- ical work. tbough not as much in the iast two as their emanci- pators had hoped. However, as .ve pointed out a few weeks mgo, more women are entering these fields now and rnuch is to be hoped from tbeir influence. This is flot to minimize the job of the women wbo stays at home, for it is the biggest and rnost important job of ail as any woman wiii admit at the drop of a hat. -Iowever, some are free to fol- 0oW an outside pursuit in business or civic matters, and others have already brought up a farnily and, iow bave time ta devote to com- nunity, national and internation- al affairs. The Federation o! Business and Professional Women's Clubs witb Rmernbership in' Canada off over c I c s r r a r a Needieeraf t News Many New Bocks Now Available At New Knitweer St;les Though Dame Fashion de- viates from style to style, from year ta year, season in and 7 eason out, knitted fashions re- «ý main 'way at the top of the list Knitwear for babies, growing children, teen-agers and adulte are forever populAr. favorites. Sweaters are found en siender and phîmp people alike... worn afternoons and evenings *..for the business world, sprsworld and on the campus. They are poptilar brecause they are good looking. comfortable and practical. Have you seen how fa,«hion-wise the new knit- ted suite and dresses look? They have returned te the fashion limeiight this year in interesting styles. Once uipon a time ail knitted suites had strsight, narrow rk rte. New theY are being shown with full. as well as with straight skirts TI eee knitted garments are so verv romfortable to wear that you*ll just want te li\-e in them ail the timp. They neyer wrinkle or rtimple, and are riglit for al occasions. Most important of &Il in the fact that you can make them yourself. Music Hath Cbarm liere's a fresh, new designi for a littie girl's pinafore drrçq wjth knitted puloer.[t ian made from bright green crochet-knitting wool and trimnied with a dainty red crocheted edging. The ribbed waistline is fitted and hcid in place with elastic. Lightweight, comfortable 3 ply- wool is uscd for the Pullov:r. Drections for knitting the dress and pullover are available in sizes 81and 12 vears if you send a stamped, self-addrersed envelope to the I'.eedlework D5epartînent. of this paper requesting LITTLE GIRL'S PINA- FORE DRESS, Leaflet No. CW-35. Hello Homemakers! There's magic witb cream. Don't you feel like a magician when cbilled cremm begins to pufl, billowy- like, around the beaters? Then, too, there is. great delight in everyone's expression wbenever they are served dessert topped with plain whipped cream. Have you ever varicd the taste of wbipped cream? Yoù can flavor it sparingly with a drop of extract or fruit juice, sweeten with white- or brown sugir, or sprinkle spar- ingly witb nutmeg, slivered candy ginger, or minced maraschino cherries, TAKE A TIF 1. Whipping creamn is often used without whipping in ways similar ta those for ligbt creani. 2. Among the favorite desserts topped with whipped cream. are fruit shorteake, warm. ginger- bread, sweet gelatines, custard and creamn-type pies, plain cakes, and chilled. cookcd fruit. 3. The family wîll alwmys en- joy wbipped cream rnixed witb salad dressing (1 c. cream to 1 c. dressing) on fruit salais. 4. Saur crcam can also be beat- en and used for vegetable salads. Beat 2 sieved cooked egg yolks with i cup saur cream, i tsp. lemnon juice and 1/2 tsp. sait for vegetable or fisb salads. 5. Variations of fimvorings for sour cream are cardamon seed, borseradisb or cbopped chives. 6. To whip crean: (a) The colder the cream, the faster it wbips. (b) A deep. narrow-sided bowl will wbîp a small quantity. (c) Cream that is 24 to 72 bours oid is whipped easily. (d) Add ý'2 tsp. o! gelatin before cream is beaten if it bas ta stand for more than an hour be- fore serving. (e) Fold in sugar alter beat- ing, else the volume wil beà smaller than usual. 7. Kecp whipped cream cold alter beating. 8. Leftover whipped cream my be frozen in a cup and kept in the freezing unit for a week if necessary. as r nt Date. Parfait ,2 cup cbopped pitted dates 1 2 cups water 1/ý cup sugar U teaspoon sait 4 egg yolks, well beaten ý2 cup orange juice cup heavy crearn, wbipped Cook dates in water 20 minutes, add sugar and saIt and cook 10 minutes longer. Pour slowly over egg yolks. Cook over boiling water until tbickened, stirning canstantly. ChilI mnd add orange juice and wbipped cremm. Freeze in electric refrigerator until firm. Heart Cake 2U~ cups sifted cake flaur 3 teaspoons baking powder U/ teaspoon sait là cup sbortening 1!2' cuPs sugar 2 eggs, separated 1 cup milk % teaspoon lemon extract 1iU' cups tart red jelly 1 cup heavy cream, whipped Sif t flour, baking Powder and sait together. Cremn isbortening with 11/&. cups of the sugar until fiuf!y. Add egg yolks and beat vigorously. Add sifted dry in- gredients and milk alternateiy in srnall amounts, beating weli after eacb addition. Beat egg wbites until nearly stiff, add rernaining sugar and beat until stif!; then fold inta cake witb flavoring. Turn inta 2 gremsed (8-inch) pans and bake in eiectric oven 350 degrees, 30 minutes. Wben cooied, meit jeily over warm water and spread between layers and over top and sides of cake. ChilI until set. Just before serv- ing, pipe wbipped cream in beart shape on top and serve witb are whipped crearn. Serves 10. Apricot Creamn 1 cup cooked sieved dried apricots 2/3 cup sugar Grated rind of iz len ) 1 teaspoon unfîavoured gel- atmn U,. cup water 1 cup heavy cream, whipped, Combine apricots, sugar and' lernon rind. Soften gelatin in, water and disolve over bot water. Add to apricot mixture and blend. Pour into refrigerator tray and chili until siigbtiy thickened. Re- move. beat until iight and foîd in whipped cream. Continue' freezing in electnic refrigerator unti finm. Serves six. Butter Pecan Ice (,ream ~cup sugar 22 teaspoon sait 11,3cubs milk 1 cup broken pecan mieats 2 tablespoons butter 2 eggs, separated 1 cup heavy cream 1 teaspoon vanilia issolve sugar ana sait ii n iii. 6,00 m ixteratinaly o ~ Brawn pecans in butter, coo. 000, believes that since women Ba g btsutlsi!b handie 85 % of the money that is ntdy etegylsu spent, and by their numbers wieldtic an leo cord.Wi a tremendous influence in thecra utiticenuhobo casting of votes, tbey sbould beasotpa;ddvnlandfc alive to those responsibiiities. It i g okegwieml feel tht, ome shuldusetheand pecans. Pour into freezing franchise intelligently and have ta of electnic refrigerator and informed opinions on issues of the fez trigeev3 iue day. Business Womnen's Week, celeratd i Ontriofortheuntil the mixture will boid its ceibrte i Onaro orth shape. then freeze until firmn first time this week, is to rernindSees6 women tbemselves, and the gen-Sevs6 erai public, o! these tbings. The Fig 'Nut Whip slogan adopted is -Keeping Pace 1 cup dried f igs With Canada." You have prob- 1 % cups bot water abl ' vnotfced the posters arouind 1 package lemon gelatin tawn and alremdy enjoyed the 12 cup beavy creami, wbxppec open meeting o! the Bowmanvile 12 cup chopped nut meats Club last night wben the lighter Rinse figs; houl in water ta cov- side af wommn's respansibility, er for 30 minutes. Drain, cl'p beautifying hersel!, was demon- stems and cut into small pieces. sstrated. Paur bot water over gelatin and :i ýn A rThe Bowmanviile Club has 35 stir until dissoived; cool. When members and bas been arganized gelatin begins ta tbicken, add tyvo years, as you wiil rend else- whipped cream-, figs and nuts and IïLD PPEALwhere ini this issue. Violet Me- mix thoroughly. Pour into scrv- Feeters, a highly efficient presi- ing dishes, chilI until firm ad dent, is entering bier second termi, garnisb witb whipped cream and and now that the club lias found pecans or fruit. Serves 6. Q UA RT E RS it:s feet, it hopes to branch mLit S* - ..inta some o! those influence-I Anne Allan invites yau to 35 Dvision Street.ý wieîding spheres. We're flot sy rt ole / h tts i ing this wiUl happen, but--it would Wrt obrcoTeS atem GEORGE HACKING, be nice to see a couple of femn- j Send in' vour suggestions on Treasurer.i mine representative.ç an the Town 'bomemaking problems and watch Council, dori't you thinir? lthis coiumn for replies.. k. ut1 ip Id Id There is a fine selection o! new fiction and non-fiction in the Public Library now. Members and prospective memnbers are in- vited ta corne and look over the books available. A number of new juvenile titles have also been added and these wilI be listed later this montb. F NfALL SIDES women are told about the latest fashion trends frorn Prsand from Fifth Avenue. We are told how low the hernlines should b., howr square or nlatural the shoulders, as well as which colora are being worn this @eason. There in no douht that fashion with ber whimsm d fancies adds a noté> of ex<itement to aur liven. But for most af us who lead busy live.q attending to familv, homes or jobs, fashion is @omething that inatahieved a lhttle At a time. For us, being well-drereed means heing suitahly, bbcom- inglv and very important, in. expensively dremsed. Kate Fuller M.D. ----Walker The Roving 1.~ io Non-Fiction Peking Diary------ _Bodde Up Mendonte Way .- -Wells The Red Masquerade --Calomiris The Road to Oxiana ----Byron Poor Man's Prayer .---Boyle Hudsons Bay Trader Tweedsrnuir (Lord) Credit for the Millions ---Giles The Sea Around Us -- Carson People of the Deer ---- -Mowat Adventure in Two Worlds, Cronin North Pole Boarding House Venture to the Interior - ye -Van der Post Closing the Ring -----Churchill Operation Cicero ....Moyzisch1 Forrestal Diaries A Gentlewoman of ~Te Upper Canada-Langton 1 TeFuel of the Fire -.-------Grant 1 The Canoe and You-----Perry 1 Our New Brunswick Story -Lawson and Swcet c Eisenhower - -------.Gunther i Lufes Picture History af World 3 War Il-Editors o! Lue Magazine ~ause. Mrs. H. Cowan Tck.o Top Honours At Weekly Park Euchre Bowmanville Memorial Park Association held its eucbr draw on May 13 at, Ontaria IrSttt School. Procceds o! the eve»ýng were $16.65 to be added ta the building fund. Tweive tables were filled and first prize was wo by Mrs. H. Cowan with a score of 109, followed b-y Mrs. F. Oke with 99, Mrs. R. Westlake 98, Mrs. E. Passant 93, Miss Rose Bite 92. A lovely servlng tray was donated by Mrs. L. Souch and the lucky ticket holder was N4rs. R. Candler. Prizes were c!onated by Mrs. A. Dadson, Mrs. C. Mutton, Miss R. Bate and Mr. R~. Bate. The season's prize wlU be gîven for the high score at tho, V last eucbre on May 27 when the. draw will be made for the prizes"--' on display in Mr. Blain El1iott'a window. Don't forget folks-get tour tickets and help this warthy Title Author Books for the Baron _~.Morton The Green Madonna - --- L'ami The Pennmngtons -----Partridge The Gallows in the Garden -Donning Journey with Strangers -Hutchinson Ruler of the Range----Dawson And Give Me Yesterday _Howard Proud New Flags -Van Wyck-Mason Secret o! the Buried Tomb -Knigbt Nine Days of Father Serra -Ziegler The Traitor--- _ __Shîrer The Wanderer - Waltari Far Lands -- -Hall- Lt. Hornblower ----------Forester Hell Gate Canyon ----------Delano The Swirnring Pool -- Rinebartl Danger fromn Deer -------- Baurn Siant o! the Wild Wind -- Roark Hirnalayan Assignment -Van Wyck-Mason The Duke's Daugbter _Thirkell As We Came By - ---- Robinson Children o! the Archbishop -Collins The Gown o! Glory -,Turnbull Trail o! Deceit --. -.---Tuttle Deadly Beloved ----- -Strange Invincible Surmise - --- Smitb Unconquered -------- --Swanson Vein o! Iron , - ---- Glasgow My Cousin Rachel --du Maurier Spirit Lake - ---- Heming Beckoning Trails ---- Loring The Country Wife . Van Doren High Bright Buggy Wheels -Creighton We Always to Strangers, Rondolph Now That Summers Come Kemberton Mr. Smnith ------------- Bromfield The Devil in Velvet --------Carr The Houses in Between --- Spring Lady of the Mohawks, Widdernire The Blessing .- ---- - ----- Mittord Time Was Tomorrow ----Thane Rainbow in the Royals ---Roark Spoils o! Time ------------ Gibbs With Ail My Heart - ---- Barnes The Trampling Herd -- Wellman Fold Home --------------Williams M oses - - ------ ------ -- --- Ausch Officer and Gentleman, Braughton Iris in the Winter . Cadwell King St. W. BOWMANVILLE Phono 471 Oniy Elizabeth Arden SPUN-CREAM PERMANENT WAVI gives you New Paieinted Test Papers to take the guesswork out of timing! -s OnIy Elizabeth Ardent Cives You New Patented Test Papers. W9ýith Miss Arden's wonderful new addition ta home waving - hafr is neutralized perfectly. A beautiful wave is guaranteed in record time, For, exclusive Palented Test Papers show 'ou exactiv the moment hiair is completely neutralized. No other permanent wave for home ubej gives you lis fast, fool.proof method. OnIy Elizaletli Arden (ives'You lTe Finest (il-flirli Waviing Lotion. Spun.Cream Oiii, homogrnized hv a secret, conditions hair as it waves it. And leaves it sofier, more lustrous than ever . . . in silken curis. M SdunCream Permanent ffave Reil...Once yau'te had an Elizabeth Arden tuave,., oul tuant il alw a 80 n Sa v'e a refit!. $2.00 Spiln-(.re<îim 'Rsd Curi Permanent Wave colt.s P 'aving Lotion, ,Neitralizer, Te.çt Papers, thr'e sizes Rod (.rrlers, lBlue G<;xi Shampon, Cotton pads and Curicap. Complete $4.25, Sp iin -Cren m Pin Cu r! Pérm anontf Wa v.- . . idma 1 for thme muomon tuho mak-es pin cris a.i/Y. [Wth thme n-ew reoq nutiona',. spcln-j! i/'ý- T. inç. Snsimpb., 3n Zixurious i'îvihthe icfammni ¶nii-rich Pating Lotioin. Kis atao ncludu L'urltick, Lurlcap, and AeuiralizPr. Compleie $2.50. JURY & LOVELL ione 778 Dowmalviile The Hydra Shop THE twANAl)" STATEMAiq- iqnwvAmm.T.v #%vmmAwTà% - MAFAMP Ma 1 The Public Library 1 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE Phone 471